This is an attempt to familiarize young engineers with elements
of subsoil exploration so that they will not feel the site work
as of new kind of work or disappointed to correspond to the
contractor, client, and senior professional engineers. Each site
is different from others with topology, stratigraphy, cost, and
scope of work. So the investigation work may considerably vary
due to these factors. However, a reference is made to each topic
in the appended sheet. These references may work as guides for
fulfilment and widening of necessary skill required to work at
the site for beginners. It is believed that this small element
of presentation/“guide” when consulted with the references cited
in the front page of the text would be enough, if correctly
followed, to face challenges of detailed investigation works at
difficult site conditions with confidence.
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iii) Determine the location of bedrock. The quality of bedrock
may also be determined, but this is done only when
necessary due to the excessive cost of rock, compared
with soil, drilling.
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adequately designed for stability and settlement. Borings in
river channels for bridge piers should attempt to ascertain both
scour and competent soil depth.
The number of borings is highly project—and site—dependent as
well as on the professional judgement of the geotechnical
engineer. The number must be sufficient to give geotechnical
engineer reasonable confidence that the underground conditions
have been identified well enough to make recommendation at a
reasonable risk level. Since any recommendation carries some
risk, the lower the confidence level the more conservative will
be the recommendation. If these are overly conservative, the
owner client often incurs additional design costs which can
exceed the cost of making several additional borings.
The following are not very ethical practices:
i) Making large number of unnecessary borings to obtain a
good fee where the client has essentially said “do what
is necessary.” Also, making large numbers of borings to
delineate “poor” soils when the initial borings have
established that the entire site is underlain by erratic
soil deposits.
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• The boring should penetrate a minimum of 3 m into rock when
During the initial stage of boring practice, the termination
depth should be flexible to accommodate unanticipated ground
conditions that might be encountered.
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1.7 Duties of a Supervising Engineer in the field
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A schematic diagram of a wash boring set-up is shown in the
diagram below. Sump may be a portable container (not often used)
or a pit dug on site.
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simultaneously with the circulation of bentonite mud and the
drilling work is in progress.
In rotary drilling, a twisting motion is applied at top of the
drill rod by the drilling machine through a rotating gear
arrangement. The twisting motion along with static vertical
pressure of the drill rods transmitted to the drill bit at the
bottom of the hole cuts the soil with a minimum disturbance
underneath as opposed to wash boring where the underneath soil
is disturbed by repeated drops of the drill rods(chopping). The
cuttings come out with the mud water at top due to circulation
of the mud. A reverse circulation of drill mud can also be
applied in which case the cuttings are flowing through the hole
of the drill rod.
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d) Provision of more field tests such as vane shear,
seismicity, electrical resistivity, pressuremeter tests,
e) Ground condition (strata)
f) Field condition, accessibility etc.
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Terzaghi and Peck suggested that the relative density for very
fine or silty submerged sand with a standard penetration value
N' greater than 15 would be nearly equal to that of a dry sand
with a standard penetration value, N, where:
N = 15 + 0.5(N'-15)
If this correction was not made, Terzaghi and Peck suggested
that the relative density of even moderately dense very fine or
silty submerged sand might be overestimated by the results of
standard penetration tests.
In gravel deposits, care must be taken to determine whether a
large gravel size may have influenced the results. Usually, in
the case of gravel, only the lowest values of N are taken into
The standard penetration test also can be employed in stiff
clays, weak rocks and in the weathered zones of harder rocks.
The SPT N-values are corrected for:
a) Energy delivered to the drive rods
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b) Energy losses due to length of rods
c) Effect of overburden pressure in sands
to obtain corrected N values. Normalised N values are used for
correlation purpose by research workers and designers.
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Table-6 (13.4) (BH Diameter, Sampler, and Rod Length Correction
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B) Observe the structure of the soil; it can be mottled or
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1.24 Some aspects of laboratory work
A laboratory should be clean and tidy. It should contain
sufficient storage for accommodating field samples. The storage
should not be hot and maintained proper ventilation.
Sufficient facilities for testing should be available. Working
desks should be available to accommodate testing instruments.
For chemical testing, a small room with extracting fan or fume
cupboard and adequate numbers of working desks and cupboard are
required for testing. Only trained workers should be allowed to
All measuring devices should regularly checked for their
A display board showing samples and testing be maintained at
correct location and should always be updated. No sample should
lie with unaccompanied Sample Card/Sub-sample No.
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With exception of organic soil and peat.
From this, the values of F200, R200, F4, and R4 are obtained as
F200: % finer than No. 200 sieve (0.075 mm) = percentage of fine
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R200: percentage retained on No. 200 sieve (0.075 mm) = percentage
of sand and gravel content
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Next, the coefficient of uniformity Cu (= D60/D10) and the
coefficient of gradation Cg (= (D30)2/(D60 × D10)) are
1. If F200 < 50% (or R200 ≥ 50%, i.e., gravel and sand content
is more than 50%), then soil is G or S.
4. In the final step for gravel and sand, Cu and Cg values are
evaluated for modifiers W or P. For gravel, Cu ≥ 4 and 1 ≤ Cg ≤
3 are conditions for W and the other values of those are for P.
For sand, the condition for W is Cu ≥ 6 and 1 ≤ C g ≤ 3 and the
other values are for P.
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5. For GW and GP soils, if percentage of sand content is at or
more than 15%, it is named as GW (or GP) with sand.
1. Going back to the F200 value in Figure 4.2, if F200 ≥ 50%
(i.e., fine contents are at or more than 50%), then soil is
either M or C (or possibly O or Pt).
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5. Pt (peat) should be identified by its color, odour, spongy
feeling, and, frequently, by its fibrous texture by testing
engineers. O (organic soil) can be identified by observing the
change in LL values from natural soil to oven-dried (burns some
organic) soil. If LL (oven dried)/LL (natural) is <0.75, it is
classified as O. If the ratio is ≥0.75, it is non-organic.
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Since more than 12 percent passes the No.200 sieve, we can immediately
eliminate GW, GP, SW, and SP as possible classification for all three soils.
72 – 38 = 34 percent sand
100 – 72 = 28 percent gravel
(3) More than 12 percent passes the No. 200 sieve, and from the
Atterberg Limits, the soil plots below A line (wL = 39 and Ip =
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10); thus the (-) No.40 fraction is an ML. Noting that the
percentage of sand and gravel are nearly equal, Soil B is
greyish-brown, very gravelly, silty sand with trace of organic
material, SM.
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4) It allows a number of correlations between cone resistance
and the desired engineering property.
7) Engineers can gather data much faster and can take spot
decision for testing intermediate locations.
Some of the major disadvantages are that:
1) This method is applicable only in fine—grained deposits
(clay, silt, fine sands) where the material does not have
massive resistance to cone resistance. Pushing can be of
limited use in gravels and cemented soils.
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7) No soil samples are taken, and
3) Atterberg Limits
It is reliable irrespective of the sample disturbance. Its
value is slightly changed when tested on an air dried
4) Unconfined Compression
It is reliable when the sample is fine and saturated
undisturbed soil. Because of its simplicity, it is
preferred by many organisations.
5) Triaxial Compression
The test is performed on undisturbed fine soils and at
different loading and drainage conditions. It is costlier
than unconfined compression test. It is a preferred test by
geotechnical engineers.
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known as UU(unconsolidated undrained), CU(consolidated
undrained, and CD(consolidated drained).
7) Consolidation
The test is performed on soft fine soil to determine
consolidation parameters. It is a lengthy test to perform
but valuable parameters are obtained. The test is time
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A geotechnical engineer may find necessity of using void ratio
in compacted fill with cohesionless soil. This is because he has
to correlate these values with other geotechnical parameters
used to estimate the ground improvement to cope with potential
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