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Reactphp For Beginners Sample

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ReactPHP for Beginners

Sergey Zhuk
This book is for sale at http://leanpub.com/reactphp-for-beginners

This version was published on 2018-06-20

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© 2018 Sergey Zhuk


Handle POST requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Uploading files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Storing uploads on disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Issue with hanging process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Handle POST requests
Our main web page has a pretty simple form: a textarea that can be filled and then
submitted to the server via a POST request. This is HTML code of the form:

<form action="/upload"
<div class="form-group">
<label for="text">Text</label>
<textarea name="text"
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">

When a request arrives at our request handler it already has been processed by the
server. The server has parsed its body, so we can consume individual fields of the
POST data, in our case it is the text field.
Open routes.php file and modify the handler for /upload route:
Handle POST requests 2

// routes.php

'/upload' => function (ServerRequestInterface $request) {

$text = $request->getParsedBody()['text'];

return new Response(

['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'],
"You have entered: $text"

Parsed POST data fields can be accessed via getParsedBody() method. It returns an
associative array, where keys are names of fields from the submitted form. We get the
value for field text and then return a response which prints what we have submitted.
As always restart the server and try to submit something. Banally simple, isn’t it?

Uploading files
Now, let’s code something really interesting. The main use case of our application
is to upload files on a server and not the text. Let’s modify our form and replace
textarea with a file field. Only images are allowed to being uploaded. Also, update a
label’s text. And don’t forget to add enctype="multipart/form-data" to a form tag
or no files will be submitted:
<form action="/upload"
<div class="form-group">
<label for="file">Submit a file:</label>
<input name="file"
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
Handle POST requests 3

The form is ready for uploads, let’s move to the request handler. Open routes.php
and remove everything from a handler from /upload route. We are going to write it
from scratch:

// routes.php

return [
// ...
'/upload' => function (ServerRequestInterface $request) {


Remember that I’ve told you that our server does some request processing for
us? Not only it parses the request body it also detects any uploads. Call method
getUploadedFiles() to get all files that have been sent within the request. This
method returns an associative array, where keys are names of fields from the
submitted form. We are interested in a field with name file. To understand what
to do next, let’s output this variable $file on the server terminal. Oh, and don’t
forget to return a response from the handler. Just any 200 response, even an empty
string will be OK:

'/upload' => function (

ServerRequestInterface $request, LoopInterface $loop
) {
$files = $request->getUploadedFiles();
$file = $files['file'];

return new Response(

200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], ''

Restart the server, open in your browser. Select any image
and click “submit”, then you will be redirected to a blank page. Nothing interesting
here. We need server logs. Move back to your terminal and examine what has been
printed. In my case I have such output:
Handle POST requests 4

There will be a lot of strange text, but the main thing is at the top. Look, we have
printed React\Http\Io\UploadedFile object. That means that our $file variable is
an instance of React\Http\Io\UploadedFile. Nice, and what shall we do with this
object? How can we store it on disk?

Method getUploadedFiles() returns a list of uploaded files in

a normalized structure, where each element is an instance of
Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface. This behavior is described1
in PSR-7 which is a standard that describes common interfaces for
representing HTTP messages. Class React\Http\Io\UploadedFile is
an internal ReactPHP implementation of this interface. Your own code
shouldn’t depend on this class, instead, when working with uploads use

1 https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#16-uploaded-files
Handle POST requests 5

Storing uploads on disk

As you have already guessed we can’t use file_put_contents() and other similar
blocking stuff. In cases where we have to deal with a filesystem, we will definitely
need child processes. Therefore, let’s create one. But what shell command should be
specified for it?
We have already worked with cat command. It turns out that, and this time we can
also use it. How? Remember that cat stands for concatenate:

Concatenate FILE(s), or standard input, to standard output.

That means that it allows to grab data from one stream and write it to another. In
your terminal try this command:

cat > test.txt

Then type anything, even several lines and then press Ctrl + C to exit the command.
Now, look through your current directory and you will find a file named test.txt
with the contents that you have just typed in the terminal. Command cat has read
data from its standard input and then this data was written to file test.txt. Now
remove this file, we don’t need it anymore.
This will be the command for our child process. The only difference is that we
need to provide a real name for a file. Create folder uploads in the root directory
of your project. All our uploads will go there. To get a name of the uploaded file call
getClientFilename() on the Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface object.
Handle POST requests 6

'/upload' => function (

ServerRequestInterface $request, LoopInterface $loop
) {
/** @var \Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $file */
$file = $request->getUploadedFiles()['file'];
$process = new Process(
"cat > uploads/{$file->getClientFilename()}"

return new Response(

200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], ''

The next step is to start() the process. But method start() requires an instance
of the running event loop. How can we get this instance here? Just like we did in /
route handler, via dependency injection. Update our callback signature and add the
second parameter LoopInterface $loop to it. Having access to loop we can start
the process:

'/upload' => function (

ServerRequestInterface $request, LoopInterface $loop
) {
/** @var \Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $file */
$file = $request->getUploadedFiles()['file'];
$process = new Process(
"cat > uploads/{$file->getClientFilename()}"

return new Response(

200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], ''

Notice, that Router already provides a loop to all route handlers:

Handle POST requests 7

// src/Router.php

class Router
// ...

public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request)

$path = $request->getUri()->getPath();
echo "Request for: $path\n";

$handler = $this->routes[$path] ?? $this->notFound($path);

return $handler($request, $this->loop);

The last step is to get the contents of the uploaded file and put these contents into
the standard input of our child process. Previously for communication with a child
process, we have used streams. Remember, when we wanted to read the file from
disk and put its contents into the response we have used STDOUT stream. And on
the opposite this time we want to write something into a child process. That means
that now we need its STDIN stream and stdin property.
stdin stream has method write(). Everything we put into this method will be
written right into a child process standard input. How can we get the contents of the
uploaded file? It couldn’t be easier, call this chain of methods: $file->getStream()-
>getContents(). The first method returns a stream that represents the data of the
uploaded file. Then to retrieve the actual contents call method getContents() on
this stream:

// routes.php

'/upload' => function (

ServerRequestInterface $request, LoopInterface $loop
) {
/** @var \Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $file */
$file = $request->getUploadedFiles()['file'];

$process = new Process(

"cat > uploads/{$file->getClientFilename()}"
Handle POST requests 8


return new Response(

200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], 'Uploaded'

Done. The “upload” handler is ready. Notice, that I’ve added 'Uploaded' string as a
response, as an indicator that an upload was successful.
And that’s it. Restart the server and the use case “uploading” is available. Try to
upload a local image to our application and it will be available in uploads folder in
the root directory of the project.

Issue with hanging process

Now take a look at the handler for /upload route:

// routes.php
'/upload' => function (
ServerRequestInterface $request, LoopInterface $loop
) {
/** @var \Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $file */
$file = $request->getUploadedFiles()['file'];
$process = new Process(
"cat > uploads/{$file->getClientFilename()}"

return new Response(

200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], "Uploaded"

There is a hidden issue here. We create and start a child process with the following
Handle POST requests 9

"cat > uploads/{$file->getClientFilename()}"

Then we write the contents of the uploaded file to this process. And right after that,
we return a response. Now, let’s see what happens inside out child process. Try to
launch the following command in terminal:

cat > test.txt

Then continue typing anything. You even may press “Enter” but cat command is still
listening for incoming input to store it inside the test.txt file. And only when we
interrupt the process by Ctrl+C the command stops.
Now, take a closer look at our child process. There is no termination here. We create
a process, start it and then return a response. You might think that when we return
from the callback the process terminates by itself. Well, it’s not true. And I can prove
it too you.

Event loop has an interesting feature called timers which allows you to periodically
execute some code with a specified interval. Let’s say that we want to execute some
code every second. No problem, add a timer:

$loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function () {
// code to be executed every second

Method addPeriodicTimer() accepts an interval in seconds and a callback to execute.

Let’s add a timer and see what is happening with our child process after we receive a
response from the server. Update /upload route handler and add the following code:
Handle POST requests 10

// routes.php
'/upload' => function (
ServerRequestInterface $request, LoopInterface $loop
) {
// ...

$loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function () use ($process) {

echo 'Child process ';
echo $process->isRunning()
? ' is running'
: 'has stopped';
echo PHP_EOL;

return new Response(

200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], 'Uploaded'

Before returning a response we add a periodic timer to the loop. Now, every second it
will log on the server’s console the status of our child process, whether it is running
or not. Notice that although the response is sent, the timer continues running.
Restart the server and try to upload something. You will see that the process is still
alive, even if the response has been sent to the browser. That’s not good. Let’s fix it.

Listening on
Child process is running
Child process is running
Child process is running
Child process is running
Child process is running
Child process is running
Child process is running

Back to streams
We already know that property stdin of a child process is a stream. Or, to be more
specific it is a writable stream. And we can end() this stream. When the stream ends
it will be closed once all data has been written. And once stdin is closed the cat
command will be done and the whole process will be finished.
Handle POST requests 11

So, to fix the issue with a hanging process we need to add just one line of code
$process->stdin->end() right after calling write():

// routes.php
'/upload' => function (
ServerRequestInterface $request, LoopInterface $loop
) {
// ...

$loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function () use ($process) {

echo 'Child process ';
echo $process->isRunning()
? ' is running'
: 'has stopped';
echo PHP_EOL;

return new Response(

200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], "Uploaded"

We write the contents of the uploaded file to the stream and then end this stream.
Once data is written the stream will be closed. Restart the server and try to upload
something. At this time the process will be stopped. No more hanging child processes.
The issue has been fixed.

Listening on
Child process has stopped
Child process has stopped
Child process has stopped

But the code still can be a bit improved. Method end(mixed $data = null) of the
writable stream optionally accepts data, which can be written before the stream will
be closed. And that is exactly what we need: write the contents of the upload and
then close the stream. So, we can safely replace these two lines:
Handle POST requests 12


with this one:


and noting changes. And don’t forget to remove the timer. This is the final version
of the /upload handler:

// routes.php
'/upload' => function (
ServerRequestInterface $request, LoopInterface $loop
) {
/** @var \Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface $file */
$file = $request->getUploadedFiles()['file'];
$process = new Process(
"cat > uploads/{$file->getClientFilename()}"


return new Response(

200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], `Uploaded`

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