Consti Finals 1
Consti Finals 1
Consti Finals 1
Petitioners filed the present petition for prohibition and mandamus, with a prayer for Petitioner Frank J. Chavez filed case as a taxpayer praying for mandamus, a
a temporary restraining order alleging that at the time of the filing of the petition, writ of preliminary injunction and a TRO against the sale of reclaimed lands by PEA
100 FTAA applications had already been filed, covering an area of 8.4 million to AMARI and from implementing the JVA. Following these events, under President
hectares, 64 of which applications are by fully foreign-owned corporations covering Estrada’s admin, PEA and AMARI entered into an Amended JVA and Mr. Chaves
a total of 5.8 million hectares, and at least one by a fully foreign-owned mining claim that the contract is null and void.
company over offshore areas. Issue: w/n: the transfer to AMARI lands reclaimed or to be reclaimed as part of the
stipulations in the (Amended) JVA between AMARI and PEA violate Sec. 3 Art. XII
Issue: Are foreign-owned corporations in the large-scale exploration, development, of the 1987 Constitution.
and utilization of petroleum, minerals and mineral oils limited to “technical” or
“financial” assistance only? w/n: the court is the proper forum for raising the issue of whether the amended joint
venture agreement is grossly disadvantageous to the government.
Ruling: Only technical assistance or financial assistance agreements may be entered
into, and only for large-scale activities. These are contract forms which recognize Held:
and assert our sovereignty and ownership over natural resources since the foreign On the issue of Amended JVA as violating the constitution:
entity is just a pure contractor and not a beneficial owner of our economic resources. 1. The 157.84 hectares of reclaimed lands comprising the Freedom Islands, now
The proposal recognizes the need for capital and technology to develop our natural covered by certificates of title in the name of PEA, are alienable lands of the public
resources without sacrificing our sovereignty and control over such resources by the domain. PEA may lease these lands to private corporations but may not sell or
safeguard of a special law which requires two-thirds vote of all the members of the transfer ownership of these lands to private corporations. PEA may only sell these
Legislature. lands to Philippine citizens, subject to the ownership limitations in the 1987
It is true that the word “technical” encompasses a broad number of possible services. Constitution and existing laws.
However, the law follows the maxim “casus omisus pro omisso habendus est” which
means a person, object or thing omitted from an enumeration must be held to have 2. The 592.15 hectares of submerged areas of Manila Bay remain inalienable natural
been omitted intentionally. resources of the public domain until classified as alienable or disposable lands open
to disposition and declared no longer needed for public service. The government can
make such classification and declaration only after PEA has reclaimed these
submerged areas. Only then can these lands qualify as agricultural lands of the public
domain, which are the only natural resources the government can alienate. In their
present state, the 592.15 hectares of submerged areas are inalienable and outside the
commerce of man.