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Assignment 2

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Programming Exercise 2:

Quadrotor Control in the Plane

1 Introduction
In this exercise, you will be implementing the PD controller discussed in lecture to control
the motion of the quadrotor in the Y-Z plane. Before starting on this programming exercise,
we strongly recommend watching the video lectures, completing the review questions for the
associated topics, and reading through this handout.
Just as you’ve done in the previous programming exercise, you will need to download
the starter code and unzip its contents into the directory in which you wish to complete the

2 System Model
2.1 Coordinate Systems
The coordinate systems and free body diagram for the planar model of a quadrotor are
shown in Fig. 1. The inertial frame, A, is defined by the axes a2 , and a3 . The body frame,
B, is attached to the center of mass of the quadrotor with b2 coinciding with the preferred
forward direction and b3 perpendicular to the rotors pointing vertically up (see Fig. 1).

2.2 Dynamics
For a quadrotor modeled in the Y − Z plane, its orientation is defined by a roll angle, φ.
It is assumed that its pitch and yaw angles are 0. You will need the rotation matrix for
transforming components of vectors in B to components of vectors in A:
A cos(φ) − sin(φ)
[R]B = . (1)
sin(φ) cos(φ)

We will denote the components of angular velocity of the robot in the body frame by φ̇:
ωB = φ̇.

u1 = thrust force

u2 = moment

Figure 1: Planar quadrotor model and the coordinate systems.

In the planer model of the quadrotor, we only consider the thrust force on two of the rotors.
The quadrotor has two inputs: the thrust force (u1 ) and the moment (u2 ). u1 is the sum of
the thrusts at each rotor
u1 = Σ2i=1 Fi ,
while u2 is proportional to the difference between the thrusts of two rotors

u2 = L(F1 − F2 ) .

Here, L is the arm length of the quadrotor.

Let r = [y, z]T denote the position vector of planar quadrotor in A. The forces on the system
are gravity, in the −a3 direction, and the thrust force, in b3 direction. Hence, by Newton’s
Equations of Motion,
ÿ 0 A 0 0 −u1 sin(φ)
mr̈ = m = + [R]B = + . (2)
z̈ −mg u1 −mg u1 cos(φ)

The angular acceleration is determined by Euler’s equation of motion

Ixx φ̈ = L(F1 − F2 ) = u2

As a result, the system model can be written as,

     1 
ÿ 0 − m sin(φ) 0  
 z̈  = −g  +  1 cos(φ)
0 1 (3)
1 u2
φ̈ 0 0 Ixx

3 Controller
3.1 Linearization
The dynamic model of the quadrotor (Eq. 3) is nonlinear. However, a PD controller is
designed for a linear system. To use a linear controller for this nonlinear system, we first
linearize the equation of motions about an equilibrium configuration.
In the case of the quadrotor, the equilibrium configuration is the hover configuration at any
arbitrary position y0 , z0 , with zero roll angle. The corresponding thrust force needed to hover
at this configuration is exactly mg, while the moment must be zero. Explicitly, the values of
the related variables at the hover configuration are

y0 , z0 , φ0 = 0, u1,0 = mg, u2,0 = 0

To linearize the dynamics, we replace all non-linear function of the state and control variables
with their first order Taylor approximations at the equilibrium location. In this case, the
non-linear functions are sin(φ) and cos(φ). Near φ = 0, sin(φ) ≈ φ and cos(φ) ≈ 1

ÿ = − gφ
z̈ = − g +
φ̈ =
Let r denote a state variable, either y, z or φ. We can find the commanded acceleration of
that state, r̈c , corresponding to a (PD) controller as follows. Define the position and velocity
errors as

ep =rT (t) − r
ev =ṙT (t) − ṙ

We want error to satisfy the following differential equation, which will result in convergence
of the error for some value of kp and kd .

(r̈T (t) − r̈c ) + kp ep + kv ev = 0 (4)

From this, we can see that

r̈c = r̈T (t) + kp ep + kv ev , (5)

where kp and kv are proportional and derivative gains respectively.

As a result, the inputs u1 , u2 , can be derived as:

u1 =mg + mz̈c = m{g + z̈T (t) + kv,z (żT (t) − ż) + kp,z (zT (t) − z)} (6)
u2 =Ixx φ̈T (t) = Ixx (φ̈c + kv,φ (φ̇c − φ̇) + kp,φ (φc − φ)) (7)
ÿc 1
φc = − = − (ÿT (t) + kv,y (ẏT (t) − ẏ) + kp,y (yT (t) − y)) (8)
g g

3.2 Hover Controller
Hovering is the special case of which the desired position is constant and the desired roll is
zero. From rT (t) = r0 = [y0 , z0 ]T , φT (t) = φ0 , ṙT (t) = r̈T (t) = 0 we get:

u1 =m[g − kv,z ż + kp,z (z0 − z)]

u2 =Ixx (φ̈c + kv,φ (φ̇c − φ̇) + kp,φ (φc − φ))
φc = − (kv,y (−ẏ) + kp,y (y0 − y)

3.3 Trajectory Controller

For trajectory following, given the desired trajectories for each state and their derivatives,
˙ (t), (r)
rT (t), (r) ¨ (t), the inputs u1 , u2 can be calculated using Equations 6-8.

4 Assignment
4.1 Files included in this exercise
[?] controller.m - Controller for planar quadrotor.

evaluate.p - Code that evaluates your controller.

runsim.m - Test script to be called for testing.

simulation_2d.m - Simulation code that will be called by runsim.

submit.m - Script which calls the evaluate function for getting submission results.

trajecories/ - Folder includes example trajectories for testing your controller.

utils/ - Folder containing helper functions which you can use.

? indicates files you will need to implement

4.2 Tasks
You will need to complete the implementation of a PD controller in the file controller.m
so that the simulated quadrotor can follow a desired trajectory. Before implementing your
own functions, you should first try to run runsim.m in your MATLAB environment. If you
see a quadrotor falling from position (0, 0), then the simulator works on your computer and
you may continue with other tasks. Again, the quadrotor falls because the default outputs
of the controller.m function are all zeros, and no thrust is applied.
To test different trajectories, you will need to modify the variable trajhandle inside the
runsim.m to point to the appropriate function. Examples are provided inside the runsim.m

4.3 Submission and Grading
To submit your results to our server, you need to run the command submit in your MAT-
LAB command window. A script will then evaluate your controller on two trajectories and
generate output files (files with the type .mat) to be uploaded to the web UI. There will be
one output file for each test case. The evaluation is based on how well your controller can
follow the desired trajectories. For each trajectory, we have upper and lower thresholds for
the cumulative position error while following the trajectory. If your error is below the lower
threshold, you get full points while if the error is larger than the upper threshold you get
zero. If the error is in between the two, we just do a linear interpolation for the score. The
thresholds for the two trajectories are shown in the following table:

Part Submitted File Error thresholds Points

Line trajectory line.mat 0.08, 0.15 20
Sine wave trajectory sine.mat 0.10, 0.20 30
Total Points 50

You may submit your results multiple times, and we will count only the highest score towards
your grade.

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