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Week of August 19, 2018

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Augustine Church, Barberton, OH - August 19, 2018

August 20-26
Monday, August 20 – St. Bernard, Abbot & Doctor of the Church
12:05 William & Bernadette Floreani
6:00 Confessions

Tuesday, August 21 – St. Pius X, Pope

5:15 Andrew Soltis – Anniversary

Wednesday, August 22 – The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

12:05 Dolores Dorsey

Thursday, August 23 – Weekday

12:05 M. Geraldine Witt

Friday, August 24 – St. Bartholomew, Apostle

12:05 Special Intentions of Bill & Pat Shea

Saturday, August 25 – Weekday

8:30 Margaret Vargo
3:00 Confessions
4:00 The People of St. Augustine Church

Sunday, August 26 – Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 Jane (Danko) Brumbach
10:30 Lucille Canfora
5:15 Andrew Somercik

Readings for the Week of August 20

Monday Ez 24:15-24, Dt 32:18-19,20,21, Mt 19:16-22
Tuesday Ez 28:1-10, Dt 32:25-27, 27-28, 30,35-36, Mt 19:23-30
Wednesday Ez 34:1-11, Ps 23:1-3,3-4,5,6, Mt 20:1-16
Thursday Ez 36:23-28, Ps 51:12-13,14-15,18-19, Mt 22:1-14
Friday Rv 21:9b-14, Ps 145:10-11,12-13,17-18, Jn 1:45-51
Saturday Ex 43:1-7ab, Ps 85:9-10,11-12,13-14, Mt 23:1-12
Sunday Jos 24:1-2a,15-17,18b Ps 34:2-3,16-17,18-19,20-21, Eph 5:21-32, or 5:2a,25-32,
Jn 6:60-69

364 Holy Hours were kept before the Blessed Sacrament this past week. We
have three new Adorers: Nick Corrado, Louise Daniel and Birgio Daniel.
Thank you and May God bless you always! We still have one vacancy: Sunday
midnight – 1:00am on Monday. To commit to that hour call 330-690-9661
and change your life! May adoration never cease, here!
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The World Meeting of Families takes place in Dublin, Ireland this week, August 21-26.
Please pray of the success of this event which will promote the theme: “The joy of love
in families is also the joy of the Church.” Also pray for the safety of all pilgrims in
their travels. Consider: who or what brings you joy in your family? Offer God prayers
of thanks for this. Consider sharing that good news of joy with family members and
friends when you gather for a meal.

St. Augustine Men’s Fellowship will meet in the school cafeteria from 7-8:25 am on Saturday, August 25.
We will continue our study of the book “The Marian Option” and we will pray a rosary for Marriage, the
Family and World Peace. All men are invited to join us. For questions –call Gib Adolph at 330-848-1043
or e-mail adolphbiz@email.com.

Please pray for our Sick especially: Betty Bartel, Lisa Gnap, Judy Kriston, Anne
Trischan, Shanon Johnson, Stephen Deibel, Joanne Ramsay, William Bedford, Carol
Garman, Chad Trischan, Pat Shemuga, Helene Van Oss, Paula Collins, Alexandra
Kepler, Gary Reed, Camilla Pieffer, Barb Shehan, Joe Patterson III, Lowell Potts, Sandra
Walters, Bruce Hartung, Barb Helms, Nicole Hahn, Tom Abbott, Bob & Patty Moses,
Therese Weigand, Brenda Griffin, Kelly Ann Eby, Kaleigh Shriver, Dick Buehrle,
Pauline Nonno, Allen Weidman, Conner Beish, Charlie Carroll, Katie Marino, Cheryl
Jackson, Roy Smith, Angie Jursik, Vickey Todd, Jean Stemmer, Tara Ferguson, C.J.,
Bob Eckert, Paul Moon, James Chalfant, Lori Meese, Sharon Lohan, Carole Ezell-Bell,
Lisa Von Gunten, Julian Gonzalez, Honey Ann Zagar, Paulette Holland, Carol
Newhouse, Carol Grimes, Judy Soltis, Nick Shirey, Mary Zinkovitch & Ed Brogan

Rest in Peace
Charles (Jack) Weigand
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord!

Wedding Banns ~ I Christopher Quartuccio & Jessica McGlone


Jakob Roberto Falkenstein

Son of Brigitte Falkenstein

Time, Talent & Treasure

Totals are not available see next week’s bulletin

Ahoy Matie…… Just 7 Days until we will celebrate the St. Augustine
Parish Picnic “Pirates of Augustine” Please mark your calendars for
Sunday, August 26 as we begin with the 10:30am Mass. Afterward
enjoy music by The JGM Band (Just Good Music) featuring 60,70 &
80’s music, good food, corn hole, children’s games and fellowship. Try your hand at
the raffle to win $3,000, win a prize for having the best “Arrr” or enter the costume
contest…..are you the best pirate? Desserts are needed for our famous dessert tent;
please consider baking a dozen or two of your favorites. Baked goods can be dropped
off at the rectory on Friday 9-4 or on Sunday by 9:00am. As always, anyone
interested in volunteering, contact the rectory as soon as possible. We will need help
with setting up, serving, clean up and tear down. The second early bird winner is
Denise Karam. Raffle tickets will be sold throughout the picnic, winners will be drawn
around the conclusion of the picnic Sunday evening. Winners need not be present.

St. Augustine School is having Open House in conjunction with the Parish Picnic,
Sunday, August 26 beginning at noon until 1:30. This is an opportunity to visit your
classrooms, meet the teachers, bring supplies, complete the breakfast and lunch
orders etc. After the open house, stop over to the picnic and have lunch, enjoy music
and games.

Pass the word….Do you know anyone that is interested in answering the call to become a member of
the Roman Catholic Church through RCIA? For those who were not able to attend the first inquiry
night, there will be another opportunity on Monday, August 27 in the rectory meeting room beginning
at 7:00pm. Please extend a warm welcome to anyone you believe would be interested.

Please note: due to the Labor Day Holiday, information for the September 9 bulletin
must be received into the rectory by Wednesday, August 29. Thank you in advance.

"Open Your Hymnal" comes to the Living Bread Radio Network - The Living Bread Radio
Network is excited to add a new program to their lineup. Open Your Hymnal with Zack
Stachowski & Matt Reichert premieres on Saturday, September 1st at 11:00 a.m.. Explore the
most beloved, enduring, and consequential songs that are sung at Mass! Zack & Matt will break
open each song through conversation with composers, text writers, and other artists. They'll
also look into the scriptural sources of the text, the song writing process, and more!

St. Augustine Rectory will be closed Monday, September 3 for Labor Day. Mass will be held at 9:00am
and there will be no confession that evening.

St. Augustine Soup Kitchen Crew ~ The next dinner is on Tuesday, September 4 beginning at 2:00 p.m.
at the First Presbyterian Church across from the Gazebo. We will be saying farewell to summer with a
tasty BBQ Chicken Dinner complete with Heavenly Eggs, Fresh Salad Bar, Creamy Mac and Cheese, and
the Lysiak-Reedy made-from-scratch Fruit Cobbler Bonanza (with biscuits!!!). As always, many hands are
needed to bring this event to fruition. So, if you can donate a dozen boiled and peeled eggs or some
“salad worthy” veggies from your garden please call or text Carolyn King @ 330-234-7302. Want to
help prepare the dinner or serve? Just show up between two and six. Never been to a Soup Kitchen?
What are you waiting for? You are guaranteed not to be able to stop smiling for days!


….We plan everything from weekends and vacations, to our childrens’ education. Attend this
educational event and consider making your burial arrangements. Reservations are appreciated. 216-
539-7943. Seminar will be held in St. Augustine School Cafeteria, Tuesday, September 4 beginning at

Join us as we prepare for the Euchre season to begin. Our first round of cards will be Friday,
September 7 beginning at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria. Feel free to bring a snack to share,
drinks will be provided.

For couples preparing for marriage, the last Pre-Cana Day at Loyola Retreat House for
this year is September 9. Session runs from 11:00am to 7:15pm (Mass at 11:45am)
the cost is $75.00 per couple which includes lunch & dinner. To download a
registration form and/or register, visit our website at www.loyolaretreathouse.com or
call the Retreat House at 330-896-2315.

ON THE ROAD AGAIN! COME WITH US TO COLUMBUS! - Call to reserve your seat now! Saturday,
September 15, 2018 we will be heading to Columbus, Ohio to visit the Jubilee Catholic Museum that is
hosting the LEGO Vatican. In addition, we will visit some of the historical churches of Columbus. Lunch
will be enjoyed in German Village at Schmidt’s Sausage House. We will depart from St. Paul Parish South
Parking Lot at 8:00 a.m. Cost of the trip is $89 and is all inclusive. To reserve a seat on the bus call
Deacon John Amedeo 330-310-1628 or the Rectory Office 330-724-1263.

St. Augustine Adult Retreat Save the Date - The annual Adult Evening Retreat will be held on Friday,
October 5, from 5:15-9:30 for all adults. Free babysitting will be offered. This year’s featured speaker
will be Fr. Robert (Bobby) McWilliams, his topic will be Finding Peace. Save the date and invite your
friends! For additional information, contact Jaclyn Snyder at 330-745-1080, dre.staugustine@gmail.com.

"Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. For our
struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities..." (Ephesians 6:11-12) This truth is clearly
evident in the struggle to defend ALL human life from conception till natural death. In order to build a
"new Culture of Life" as instructed by St. John Paul II, the armor of much prayer is essential. Therefore,
Father Frank Pavone, the National Director of Priests for Life, as well as National Pastoral Director of
Silent No More and of Rachael's Vineyard, has compiled and revised "In the Palm of His Hand" a booklet
of prayers in defense of the sanctity of human life. St. Augustine's Culture of Life has made this booklet
available for FREE at the table of life; please take advantage of this opportunity while supplies last. For
more information contact Lynn Willig @330-472-9452.

Will you have increased income as a result of the new tax changes? Perhaps you can
consider increasing your offertory contribution to our parish. Changes in the tax law
kept in place several popular and attractive charitable gifting options. Gifting
appreciated stock (held more than 1 year) to our parish may allow you to deduct the
stock’s full value and bypass capital gains tax. Also, if you are 70 ½ or older, you may
be able to reduce your taxable income this year with a gift made directly from your IRA
to our parish. Talk to your advisor and IRA administrator for more information and be
sure the gift is made directly from an IRA to a qualified charity such as our parish.
For questions, you are welcome to contact Mary Lou Ozimek of the Catholic
Community foundation at 216-696-6525 x4070 or via email at

Joyful Hearts Ministry is looking for those individuals who love their parish and want to PAY
IT FORWARD in terms of time, talent and prayer. Hmmm…so what does “that” mean? It
means that if you know in your heart that you want to serve God by serving others, then our
ministry is for you! It does not mean endless meetings or to volunteer for every event. You
choose the things that you want to do and how often. Can you give of your time in prayer? There is a
Facebook page, regular bulletin ads and occasional meetings to keep you in the loop. Please take
minute and text or call Carolyn King 330-234-7302 to get on the list. It will just take a minute and you
will be so glad you did! (*Look for us at the Welcome Booth at the Parish Picnic where we will have
the infamous sign-up sheet available )

Barberton Area Community Ministries items for the Month of August are Potato Products,
rice, noodles or box dinners. All donations can be placed in the bench in front of the
giving tree in the vestibule of the church. Donations are picked up on Monday mornings.
Thank you again for all your support in helping us serve our brother’s and sister’s in

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