Week of August 26, 2018
Week of August 26, 2018
Week of August 26, 2018
348 Holy Hours were kept before the Blessed Sacrament this past week. We
would like to correct the first name of a new adorer; Virgil & Louise Daniel.
We apologize for the mistake. There are still a few vacancies: Sunday1-2pm
and midnight to 1:00am on Monday. These hours have been vacant for some
time. You do not need to be a parishioner. You need to believe that you certainly
could use God’s help to make your life or your family’s life….much better. An adorer
expressed recently, the benefit of a night hour. Usually it is just you and our Lord,
exposed in the Monstrance. The first thing he says at the start of his hour….”it’s just
you and me now Lord!” How beautiful! Call 330-690-9661 to commit.
Join us Saturday, September 1 following the 4:00pm Mass for a Holy Hour to Our
Lady of Fatima. There are so many Graces available, among other things from Our
Lady. It’s a beautiful hour.
Items to share with those in need for September are Peanut Butter & Jelly. All donations
can be placed in the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule of the church.
Donations are picked up on Monday mornings. Thank you again for all your support in
helping us serve our brother’s and sister’s in need.
Please pray for our Sick especially: Betty Bartel, Lisa Gnap, Judy Kriston, Anne
Trischan, Shanon Johnson, Stephen Deibel, Joanne Ramsay, William Bedford, Carol
Garman, Chad Trischan, Pat Shemuga, Helene Van Oss, Paula Collins, Alexandra
Kepler, Gary Reed, Camilla Pieffer, Barb Shehan, Joe Patterson III, Lowell Potts, Sandra
Walters, Bruce Hartung, Barb Helms, Nicole Hahn, Tom Abbott, Bob & Patty Moses,
Therese Weigand, Brenda Griffin, Kelly Ann Eby, Kaleigh Shriver, Dick Buehrle,
Pauline Nonno, Allen Weidman, Conner Beish, Charlie Carroll, Katie Marino, Cheryl
Jackson, Roy Smith, Angie Jursik, Vickey Todd, Jean Stemmer, Tara Ferguson, C.J.,
Bob Eckert, Paul Moon, James Chalfant, Lori Meese, Sharon Lohan, Carole Ezell-Bell,
Lisa Von Gunten, Julian Gonzalez, Honey Ann Zagar, Paulette Holland, Carol
Newhouse, Carol Grimes, Judy Soltis, Nick Shirey, Mary Zinkovitch, Ed Brogan &
Angela Rollins
Rest in Peace
Ahoy Matey…… today we celebrate the St. Augustine Parish Picnic “Pirates of
Augustine” beginning with the 10:30am Mass. Afterward enjoy music
by The JGM Band (Just Good Music) featuring 60,70 & 80’s music,
good food, corn hole, children’s games and fellowship. Try your hand at
the raffle to win $3,000, win a prize for having the best “Arrr” or enter
the costume contest…..are you the best pirate?
St. Augustine School is having Open House in conjunction with the Parish Picnic,
Sunday, August 26 beginning at noon until 1:30. This is an opportunity to visit your
classrooms, meet the teachers, bring supplies, complete the breakfast and lunch
orders etc. After the open house, stop over to the picnic and have lunch, enjoy music
and games.
Time, Talent & Treasure
August 12 August 19
Pass the word….Do you know anyone that is interested in answering the call to become a member of
the Roman Catholic Church through RCIA? For those who were not able to attend the first inquiry
night, there will be another opportunity on Monday, August 27 in the rectory meeting room beginning
at 7:00pm. Please extend a warm welcome to anyone you believe would be interested.
A "Caring and Sharing" session for those struggling with divorce, separation or widowhood will be held
on Monday, August 27th from 7:30-9:00 pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary's Convent Building, 1945
Portage Trail in Cuyahoga Falls. Marlene Maruna, a retired Social Worker, will facilitate this session. This
event is open at no charge to people of all faiths. For information call Marlene 330-607-6284.
Please note: due to the Labor Day Holiday, information for the September 9 bulletin
must be received into the rectory by Wednesday, August 29. Thank you in advance.
St. Augustine Choirs will be starting up again soon. Please consider being a part of the music
ministry. The Adult Choir sings at 4:00pm and 10:30am Masses and will begin rehearsing
September 5 at 7:00pm. The Children’s Choir is open to students in the 3rd – 8th grades, will
sing at the 10:30 Mass on the first and third Sunday of each month, rehearsals begin
September 19 at 6:00pm. The School Choir is open to 3rd – 8th graders at St. Augustine School
and will begin rehearsing September 5 during the last period of the school day. The School
Choir leads the music for the weekly school Masses. Lastly, our Funeral Choir is in desperate
need of more members! We are always looking for more cantors as well. Please contact Ivy
Adams, our Director of Music with any questions or if you are interested in any of these
St. Augustine Rectory will be closed Monday, September 3 for Labor Day. Mass will be held at 9:00am
and there will be no confession that evening.
St. Augustine Soup Kitchen Crew ~ The next dinner is on Tuesday, September 4 beginning at 2:00 p.m.
at the First Presbyterian Church across from the Gazebo. We will be saying farewell to summer with a
tasty BBQ Chicken Dinner complete with Heavenly Eggs, Fresh Salad Bar, Creamy Mac and Cheese, and
the Lysiak-Reedy made-from-scratch Fruit Cobbler Bonanza (with biscuits!!!). As always, many hands are
needed to bring this event to fruition. So, if you can donate a dozen boiled and peeled eggs or some
“salad worthy” veggies from your garden please call or text Carolyn King @ 330-234-7302. Want to
help prepare the dinner or serve? Just show up between two and six. Never been to a Soup Kitchen?
What are you waiting for? You are guaranteed not to be able to stop smiling for days!
Join us as we prepare for the Euchre season to begin. Our first round of cards will be Friday,
September 7 beginning at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria. Feel free to bring a snack to share,
drinks will be provided.
Every day, more than 3,000 children are killed in our country through abortion, and most of their bodies
are discarded with medical waste. Please join Right to Life of Northeast Ohio on Saturday, September
8th as we observe the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children at 1:00pm at Holy Cross
Cemetery in Akron. Participants include Father Norm Douglas, St. Vincent’s Akron, Rev. Daren Brake
from The House of the Lord, and Ohio representative Kristina Roegner. Visit our website at
www.rtlofneo.com for more information and a printable map.
For couples preparing for marriage, the last Pre-Cana Day at Loyola Retreat House for
this year is September 9. Session runs from 11:00am to 7:15pm (Mass at 11:45am)
the cost is $75.00 per couple which includes lunch & dinner. To download a
registration form and/or register, visit our website at www.loyolaretreathouse.com or
call the Retreat House at 330-896-2315.
St. Augustine Adult Retreat Save the Date - The annual Adult Evening Retreat will be held on Friday,
October 5, from 5:15-9:30 for all adults. Free babysitting will be offered. This year’s featured speaker
will be Fr. Robert (Bobby) McWilliams, his topic will be Finding Peace. Save the date and invite your
friends! For additional information, contact Jaclyn Snyder at 330-745-1080, dre.staugustine@gmail.com.
"Woe unto them who call evil good and good evil." Isaiah 5:20 Pro-abortion groups including Planned
Parenthood, the proponent "choice" who accepts millions of tax dollars from pro-life citizens are
spending millions of dollars on a highly sophisticated attack against the appointment of Judge
Kavanaugh to the Supreme. Although his credentials are impeccable Judge Kavanaugh has failed the
litmus test of being pro-abortion. PRAY and ACT, this battle is for the heart and soul of our country, so
much is at stake. St. Augustine's Culture of Life will meet Tuesday, September 3, following the 5:15
Mass. Please, get involved. For more information contact Lynn Willig@(330) 472-9452.
Joyful Hearts Ministry is looking for those individuals who love their parish and want to PAY
IT FORWARD in terms of time, talent and prayer. Hmmm…so what does “that” mean? It
means that if you know in your heart that you want to serve God by serving others, then our
ministry is for you! It does not mean endless meetings or to volunteer for every event. You
choose the things that you want to do and how often. Can you give of your time in prayer?
There is a Facebook page, regular bulletin ads and occasional meetings to keep you in the loop. Please
take minute and text or call Carolyn King 330-234-7302 to get on the list. It will just take a minute and
you will be so glad you did! (*Look for us at the Welcome Booth at the Parish Picnic where we will
have the infamous sign-up sheet available )
Food, Fellowship and Faith for Adults – Join us Monday, September 17 at D’Agnese’s
at 556 White Pond Drive, Akron. The speaker will be Fr. John
Valencheck, Pastor of St. Sebastian Parish, Akron. The topic will be
“To Judge a Book by its Cover: How to Read Liturgical Art, Statues
and Heraldry. We will be begin at 7:00 pm with Appetizers, 7:30 pm Speaker.
Admission is $10.00 which includes appetizers – Cash bar. Evening is sponsored by
St. Sebastian Parish, Akron.
For those wishing to following along with the new Gloria, music can be found in the Music Issue