Our Lady
Our Lady
Our Lady
Since June 1981, the mother of God has been appearing daily in a small village
in Bosnia-Herzegovina (formerly Yugoslavia) with a message of peace for the world.
Produced by the
P.O. Box 6, Canandaigua, N.Y. 14424
On June 24, 1981, a miraculous event heads at the same time and then one will say, physical cures.... documented cures from mul- to hear the immediacy in that call.
occurred in the small town of Medjugorje, in “She’s gone!” They immediately return to tiple sclerosis, drug abuse, chronic pain, etc. For the first time in contemporary society,
former Yugoslavia. their normal state, although they are very, Most importantly, however, are the spiritual there is proof of the existence of God. There
A Lady appeared to two children, Ivanka very happy and in deep thought. miracles. Almost all who have gone to visit is physical evidence; an encounter of the most
and Mirjana. The next day the Lady appeared She is Our Lady - the Queen of Peace. Medjugorje have had a holy kind. This evi-
to six children. She was a stranger, but far After twenty-four years of appearing daily and profound transformation dence, as presented in
in their faith. They arrive
lovelier and wondrous than anyone had ever bringing messages, she continues to appear
with troubles and burdens
“How many times do you the apparitions of the
seen. A woman with an aura of bright light but states that with the conclusion of these hear ‘Of course I would Blessed Mother, has
accompanying Her, and with a crown of apparitions at Medjugorje, she will no longer and questions of doubt, deepened the faith of
twelve stars around Her head. She has blue appear anywhere on earth. and they leave enheart- believe...if only I had proof many millions of believ-
eyes, dark hair, and was dressed in gray with a ened, with purpose and that God exists?’ ers, and has converted as
She continues to bring messages from God, love, a deepening of faith,
white veil. The children reported that She messages of family love, world peace, conver- many non-believers to
has a spirit of love as no one else, more beauti- and a closer relationship the existence of God and
sion, love of our neighbors, and gentleness. with God. Well, in our
ful than any other woman ever, with gentle- She invites us to reconciliation, repentance, the principles of
ness and favor and grace. They could see her Finally, the events of contemporary society Christianity. How many
prayer, sanctity of life, the sacraments, and
very clearly. She was indescribably beautiful, fasting as the means to achieve Heaven. As Medjugorje are best we have proof of the times do you hear, “Of
with a soft and gentle voice like beautiful well, She brings secrets for this world to hear known within the scien- existence of God... course I would believe...
music. She was standing on a cloud. The chil- if we choose to continue tific community. that proof is in if only I had proof that
dren said it was a joy to on a destructive path. Numerous scientists docu- God exists?” Well,
look at Her and their mented results of physical Medjugorje! Medjugorje is that proof,
These messages are
hearts filled with love. “Dear children, Today in repeated during each tests with sophisticated and every day many
She appears as Mother a special way I invite you all apparition. In essence, medical instruments while the children were thousands more find the Spirit of Love, and
and as Friend, sometimes in the state of ecstasy. These tests were of a establish or deepen their relationship with
very sad, sometimes very to prayer and renunciation. they are a call back to sensory nature. Such tests were unavailable for God.
faith, a call for a return to
happy, but always with For now as never before God. past apparitions, such as Fatima or Lourdes, The visionaries (Ivanka Ivankovic, age 15;
the greatest of love for Satan wants to show the She wants everyone in
but have provided indisputable scientific evi- Mirjana Dragicevic, age 16; Vicka Ivankovic,
Her children... all the dence of a phenomenon at Medjugorje defy-
children of Earth.
world his shameful face by the whole world, all Her ing human explanation. They prove well
age 17; Ivan Dragicevic, age 16; Maria
which he wants to seduce as children, to be saved. Pavlovic, age 16; and Jakov Colo, age 10 at
On the following day beyond any doubt, that the children are nei- the time the apparitions first began) suffered
they approached Her and many people as possible onto Peace through conver- ther lying, nor experiencing any pathological political persecution at the hands of the com-
sion, prayer and faith. She or psychotic condition. They are, in fact,
asked who She was, and the way of death and sin. wants families to pray experiencing phenomena that defy scientific
munists, personal humiliation and embarrass-
their incredible story Therefore dear children, together... especially to ment from the unbelievers, and were ostra-
began with this reply, “I explanation... it cannot be explained by medi- cized for their involvement. But they per-
help my Immaculate Heart pray for the success of the cal science.
am the Blessed Virgin plan of Her Son for this sisted, because they knew that the apparitions
Mary... I have come to to triumph in the sinful world. Unfortunately, because of the current were not just for themselves but were for all
convert and reconcile the world. I beseech all of you to political climate in America together with the mankind. The fruits of their faith are only
world. People must recon- She has said that fact that the Church will not pronounce on now becoming obvious. In the United States
cile themselves with God offer prayers and sacrifices prayer can stop wars, can the supernaturality of these apparitions until alone, there are now over 200 Marian Peace
and with each other.” for my intentions so I can alter the course of nature they have ceased, these apparitions and the Centers devoted to our Blessed Mother, in
And from this answer the present them to God for itself. She said that one subsequent miracles are minimized or ignored large part due to the messages at Medjugorje.
children knew that She great world catastrophe by both the media as well There are thousands of
really was Our Blessed
what is most necessary. has already been averted as greater society. The prayer groups for youth
Mother, and that these Forget your desires, dear because of the prayer and thousands of international The central themes in all and adults that have
apparitions were not just children, and pray for what faithfulness of so many. prayer groups that have of our Blessed Mother’s started across the world
for themselves but for all God desires and not for This sounds to be an sprung up, have done so messages are prayer in honor of Our Lady of
mankind. incredible story. After all, from a grass-roots, almost Medjugorje. And literally
what you desire. Thank you why haven’t we heard of underground movement. (especially family prayer and millions of people have
As the children’s fami-
lies were still somewhat for having responded to my this if it was indeed real or But perhaps that is the the Rosary), fasting, Holy experienced physical or
afraid and in doubt, they call.” if it wasn’t a practical way it should be if this Mass, sacrifice, peace and spiritual healings and
had Vicka sprinkle Holy joke? world is to be saved; per- love, leading a holy and good found closer contact
Water on the apparition. — A message of Our The truth is, however,
haps it is destined for the with God as a result.
Blessed Mother from faithful to meet the chal- life, and conversion to God.
As she did this, Vicka that these events are real. Mary comes back
lenge and burden of a
said, “If you really are Our September 25, 1991. These apparitions were
world which is becoming
today in Medjugorje as a
Lady, then stay with us. If written about in “Life kind and loving Mother,
not, leave us!” Our Lady increasingly evil. pleading with Her children... with ALL Her
Magazine”, “Reader’s
smiled sweetly to Vicka. Digest”, “Time”, “Newsweek”, “Wall Street In fact, America is now reported as having children... to simply do what Jesus says. If we
That apparition led to daily apparitions. Journal”, “National Geographic”, and in the greatest incidence of violence of any listen and respond to Her gentle requests,
Today, the Blessed Mother, the Mother of numerous papers throughout the world. A industrialized nation. This is seen as an then the Lord through the Holy Spirit will
Jesus, continues to appear to these visionaries video narrated by Martin Sheen tells the increasing trend, with no end in sight. The bestow grace and mercy and love and works of
bringing messages for all the world to hear. story, and scores of books, video and audio 20th century has seen a level of violence and peace in our individual hearts, in our families,
tapes are available. bloodshed unequaled in all history. Because in our communities, and throughout the
During the apparitions, the visionaries are the world is sinking into a great pool of entire world. Medjugorje has profoundly
in a trance-like state. They can see the At last estimate, over thirty million people
depravity and sin, the Blessed Mother - the affected the hearts and souls of millions. Isn’t
Blessed Mother. They hear Her. They talk have pilgrimaged to Medjugorje to visit with
Queen of Peace has come to guide us home. it time for the rest of us to reflect on these
with Her. They can even touch Her. No one the visionaries, pray, and hear Our Mother’s
The people of America thirst for peace, messages?
else in the room sees anything unusual except messages. Many thousands have seen “signs”
for the behavior of the young people them- such as the dance of the sun as was seen at they yearn for spiritual guidance... but they
selves. The visionaries appear to be talking, Her other apparitions at Fatima and Lourdes; still don’t understand. They don’t know how GENTLE MOTHER,
or have experienced the turning of their rosa- or who to turn to for achieving peace. Our
but their voices cannot be heard. Their
ries to a gold color; or have seen the appear- Lady’s Messages, are simple, they present a PEACEFUL DOVE
mouths and facial expressions change but no
one can hear them. When the apparition is ances of crosses and images at Medjugorje. call to return to God. We all need to hear TEACH US WISDOM...
over, the visionaries all raise their eyes and Many have had healings and miraculous these messages with our hearts... and we need
As with many of the Marian apparitions and asked the Blessed Mother to teach him better soon. deafness;
throughout the world, physical and spiritual how to pray. David made a pact with the It was later that his parents realized that lit- • Marie, who suffered from a compression
healings have often accompanied the appari- Blessed Mother that in gratitude for his great tle Kevin wasn’t experiencing a seizure, but fracture of the seventh vertebra, was cured
tions as a tender blessing of God’s love and blessings, he would record the pro-life song that it was his body quivering as the sickness instantly on August 8, 1983 (the most recent
mercy to a faithful people, and as a sign of “Let Me Live.” If it saved even one unborn left his body that day. The father has recov- X-rays of her vertebral column show no
what devotion to God will naturally yield: child it would be worth everything. In May of ered from his drug dependency and is now a traces of lesions);
good...through faith, prayer and acts of char- 1993, that song was sung at the National Eucharistic Minister and Pastoral Care • Diana was cured of blindness in her right
ity. There have been literally many hundreds Concert Hall in Ireland, with 50,000 people Minister, attending Mass on a daily basis as eye, impairment of motor functioning (which
of physical healings at Medjugorje, and many in attendance, and was carried live over possible. They have started a Cenacle meet- rendered both her upper and lower members
were well documented with medical certifi- national television, at the request of Mother ing, and a prayer group, and most importantly impotent), total urinary incontinence, and
cates. There have been so many, in fact, that Teresa of Calcutta, who had come to Ireland’s now, is their family prayer time. The family is multiple sclerosis;
even the most ardent disbeliever now under- Marian Shrine to speak out for life. She close and intimate once again, the doctors
stands Our Mother’s messages - that with smiled the whole time it was sung. • Matija, who was a paraplegic after a
have remarked on Kevin’s amazing improve-
faith, prayer and fasting, MIRACLES DO stroke, was cured after she felt a strong cur-
There was Kevin’s story, a child from ment, and now with all the anger and hurt
HAPPEN! rent, like electricity, all through her body
upstate New York who was critically ill from gone - they all feel extremely blessed and in
when at St. James Church in Medjugorje;
News of the apparitions had spread rapidly several chronic conditions including seizure God’s great mercy and grace.
since that first day on June 24, 1981, and disorder, chronic lung disease, immune defi- • Antonija, a little girl two years old, was
There is the story of Marie, of Rochester,
within a week there were more people than ciency, and neuromus- badly burned, and the doctor said she would-
who was diagnosed with
ever on Mt. Podbrdo –– the hill of appari- cular disorder. Kevin n’t be able to walk for a month and a half.
Multiple Sclerosis. As her
tions. On the sixth day, one family had heard was not expected to Her parents went to the place of apparitions
disease progressed, she
and come from a town a long way away. Mr. live. The father was and prayed for her, and that evening she
began living an increasingly
and Mrs. Setka had brought their three chil- addicted to alcohol began to walk, two days later the burned
isolated life. She was told
dren to pray for a miracle. Their three year old and drugs. The par- areas were healed over, and she was healed;
that nothing could be done
son Danijel could not talk or walk. They ents’ marriage was fal- medically about the condi- • Cvija had suffered for eleven years with
asked the visionaries if they would ask Our ling apart, and they tion. But while praying the degenerative arthritis, but was cured after
Lady to cure Danijel. might go months rosary one day, she noticed praying the seven Medjugorje prayers and
The light flashed and the children ran to without even speak- that tiny gold hearts had washing in water mixed with earth from the
the Madonna. They were joined by thou- ing. In Medjugorje, appeared on many of the Hill of Apparitions;
sands of people who said the rosary, sang they all embraced dur- beads of the rosary. This • Dubravko went to Medjugorje and was
hymns and said the seven Medjugorje prayers. ing Mass when the and all that she had heard healed of leukemia.
“Dear Madonna,” the children begged, “Will apparition of the about Medjugorje, piqued
Blessed Mother began, Hundreds of other cases have been
this little boy Danijel, ever be able to speak? her curiosity, and she trav- reported such as this, “I was an alcoholic. In
Please make a miracle so that everyone will and only Jesus and eled to Medjugorje with her
Mary knew of the spite of my own efforts and many treatments,
believe us. These people love you very much mother. I couldn’t stop drinking. I stopped the day
Dear Madonna!” intensity of their
She attended mass at St. after going to Medjugorje.” Through
prayers - to be a family
Our Lady looked at tiny Danijel and smiled. James Church. When Fr. Medjugorje, people have been cured of
- whole and in peace
“Let them pray and firmly believe that he will Jozo concluded his talk and chronic pain, of drug addiction and tobacco
once again.
be healed. Go in the peace of God.” called upon the Blessed addiction, of phobias, tumors and diseases.
The three of them, St. James Church
“She has gone,” said the children. Mother to intercede and to Besides all the physical healings, the spiri-
child and mother and heal the sick, something wonderful happeded
Jakov ran to Danijel’s parents. “You must father, had climbed Apparition Hill. When tual healings are even more notable. There
and Marie felt well again. She stepped into was the man who for seventeen years was
pray and firmly believe. If you do, Danijel will the Blessed Mother arrived they could see the the aisle and realized that God had cured her, without any sacraments or faith. He was a
be cured.” cross on top of the Hill glow. It was so bright because she had perfect balance again. She cocaine addict who had planned the follow-
The parents thanked the children and they stated they could feel the warmth flow- felt completely refreshed, and immediately
ing from it. As the glow faded, the rains ing week to kill his brother-in-law. For what-
knelt and prayed with the people. On their told her mother that she had been cured.
stopped and all on the hill realized that all ever reason, a friend had given him a video
way home, the Setka family stopped at a res- Suddenly a tremendous energy began to pour
their ponchos and clothing were completely on Our Blessed Mother and Medjugorje. He
taurant to eat. “Give me a drink,” said out of the left side of her body in waves, the
dry. People began crying and pointing to the watched it one Saturday morning and
Danijel. His parents stared in amazement. He side that had been most affected by the
cross, and they all saw tiny silver stars, like dropped to his knees and wept the entire
had never spoken before. It was truly a mira- Muscular Sclerosis. The jerking movement
sparklers, shooting off all around it. Everyone time. He decided to go to confession and rec-
cle. Gradually Danijel Setka learned how to continued on and off for about 15 to 20 min-
immediately knelt and began to pray. onciled his life with God, and today he is a
walk and talk. The paralysis completely left utes. She has been completely healthy ever saintly man and a daily communicant...after
him. This was the first of many known heal- Before falling asleep, Kevin told his parents, since, and all she can say today is, “Praise the seventeen years away from God’s grace.
ings at Medjugorje. “I was cold and wanted to cry. Then I felt Lord for His great mercy on me.”
warm and good. I felt Our Lady all around It meant the healing of Mike B. and the
There is the story of Ireland’s David Parkes, Perhaps the best known of the physical
me, and I felt very warm.” healing of 20 years of anger, bitterness and
a famous Irish singer, also an atheist, who was miracles is Rita Klaus, and extraordinary testi- rage that he carried around with him. It
suffering immense pain from Chron’s Disease. The next day at Mass Kevin had a seizure mony of God’s unwavering love and mercy. meant the conversion of an inmate, Mike G.,
He had ten surgeries, the last lasting eleven that lasted several minutes. As the family Rita Klaus was confined to a wheelchair, with and the strong faith and love that is winning
hours, and was informed that the doctors began to board the bus to return, a woman Multiple Sclerosis, and due to her deep devo- the hearts and souls of men in prison. And it
could no longer be of help, it would only be a from the pilgrimage came up to see little tion to God and the Blessed Mother, was means, literally, millions more of spiritual
matter of time until he died. He went to Kevin, excited about what happened to him. miraculously healed. But there are so many healings and conversions, and of people find-
Medjugorje “on holiday”, but to placate his The woman stated that she saw Kevin look more. ing joy through finding their way home.
wife he agreed to “a blessing.” He felt an up into the church statue of the Blessed • Susan suffered from Encephalomyelitis The physical healings are a sign of the
incredible heat in his body, and fell uncon- Mother, and speak to her and then fall asleep and was confined to a wheelchair, before her power of faith and prayer, and the spiritual
scious for twenty minutes. He awoke, free of for about three minutes. When asked, Kevin miraculous healing in Medjugorje; healings - the grace and mercy, the relief of so
all physical pain, and experiencing the great- replied to his parents that he had spoken to
est peace he had ever known. Although • An Asian woman was cured of cancer; much pain and burden, are yet, even greater
Our Lady and she had spoken to him, telling
weak, he climbed to the top of Mt. Prodbro, him to be good and promising that he’d feel • Sean, a five year old boy, was cured of signs for all of us of the love of God.