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Astm A312 2014

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ily Designation: ASTIASTON 14 Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes’ {Niner Sp eine: tes dun ce Nee sega EY hn er ot ace eS De 1. Seopet 1.1 This spsifcaton? covers seamless, sigh scam cls and Rely ot worked weed oie nes ‘sat pip ind for hphiempensie sd ener case sig ee oe ‘Tie aly nang he in Far uae Ge Goa Seon sn Iran ty he Chen Pa eae atl ee ree tet iv“ wings tne ete a lea ‘elmo A wg sn ean hes iho oe 12 Grades TPSDI, TRSOOH, TPSOSHIC, TPSION, ‘Thich, TesGH, Teste, TSH7H, and TRMSH ae Podtnn of Grade 104, TPC, TPS, TPSI0CD “TWHGS, TPG TPL, TPS, and TPS, an ae end Torsone at temperatire oe cep thd aes rope ope ae ingore 13 Oplons supplementary requiem are provid for pipe wher a pret gt Of Tsing ese. Thee ‘iplenty egueans el fo aona es be made Sa nen eis prilosec n he re ono ‘toe of the sept equa 14 Table X11 I the sanded dimensions of wee and mun sls tel pipe at shown fn ANSY 3618. agen a tn yee ‘Those dimensions are ao applic o heavily ool worked Pie pe hong oer diets pred be eed a fused povided sock pe tees wih ll er ‘equtemerts of te specication 15 Grades P52 nd P2211 ae lower enh rue set fir pipe manufactured by the seme pos in rominl wall hicks gree fan 94 [93 eh. 1.6 The vl sued neither Sais or nk ound wits ‘20 ote rep sorely nda. Wi te oe the ST uns art thown atcha, Toe ven sued la ach ‘stem may abe ect outa: therfore, ech om ‘habe nepenendy of teeter Combing aes {rom th tw sens may ote sonoma with he ‘nd The tcp unis shal apy ass eM ‘onan fh petenton epee nthe oe 2.1 ASTM Sundads ‘62 Paces fer Dect Sse w Inert ‘Atak in Atstenie Suerte ‘A30'et Mathds and eto foe Mechanic Testng AS Trilogy Reng Ske, Sunes Stl Read ‘Alleys and Feral AspaAGPIM Speciation fr Goal Regents for ‘Alle ad Stes Sel Pp AIDIGIATOIEM Spiess fo Genel Regienens or Te ly Sel As hy Se ae So [11D Tet Nets for Determiring Average Gin Sie EWI Meh af Macrsch Tsing Stet Bar filles, ‘looms an Foner conn Sto Caer Sores ere Re ad Bo of Le nl

pad S085, ‘Shteas, S122 931984, S484 NOHO, NIST, NDE, woz and NODE sal cont of beng eget Ponta ong of 190 (100°C a gunn a ‘a apy soi by eer mes (6 Matera and Manafuctre 1 Maraocre: £11 The pe tal be manuf by oe of eft ing proces “2 Scum (SL) pp sal be mae y a proces that oes ot valve welng a ny Hage of psn "613 Wade WD) pipe shal be made wg sate sedi prose who tie of filer meta ag he ‘in recess 14 Hey conoid (HCW) pn a ae by sgiying coil working of nt les thn 38° reduce Melos bth wal sol ele mld pipe po oe lac No lr sal dn making te weld. to old mov, the weld sal be 100% ragaphicaly Igectd nade withthe eee of ASME Baler inl Penare Ves) Cae Soci Vl, Divisin I, ns ‘vie, Pangrph UWS. "G1 Well pip an HCW ppe of NPS 14 and smaller shal ive 2g ng we Welded ie and HCW oe of sine rg than Nid stl aves snle Team elders pode by org ad well ‘longa ton ft eck when apyove by the che All el ese exam, netns ce Pent sl opto on ea wel seam “Si At the pono anu pe sal be ther ine rc! hs “S12 The pe tal te ee of sale and cootaminatng ropa pil Paling, tng, sare fs ine et manna when pe ir bight sealed. The rchseris permed ort a sing teaea be {opto oe fhe pie 162 Heat Tsnen AI pipe sal be fished in he ‘av sed coon nwo wih ie euler of “Tle 2 Alcove fr seule pip, mec flow ine toring wie the empath ies ot ss than the minoum luo ene tomer speced m {Te pe sal be indy enced wate ‘ly come y ater men (ct gue). 1, Chemist Campion “11 Toe ist sll conform the requemens a 10 nil compostionposeried Te {Prod Aalst {1 Atte gues of te pre a alysis one bile cone eng of fled Sack fo each Re ies ftom each shale me y We muutacte Att pe Shall comit fhe felling tae of ents he se ‘Me and wal hikes fo nyo ao ek 42 The rns ofthese ao ball be epithe archer ote prver epreetive an al covtorm, {Dit rouanest spc Seton 7 3 tans fone of the oe spied 81 oes et conform fe roeneet specie im Sec, a0 ‘Rips ofeach ie opp ome ame eat nay te ‘atk andl bilo pipe omen th elena sal be seeped 9, Permit Variations in Wall Thickness 191 sts to he pie Hatn of wall ike for smi pie ingsed by elon weight Io ‘Speier AOSH/AQON, the val tenes for seams fd welled pipe at any pn sh be within te leans ‘S0y Say min pease fa 9080-15202 40-102 wm PopPONNOD Ko Sk. Yue meARUESE MN) 24 SyHRHS tecuoN| Hage EN ec nn Dn) Serceergeeerat te ty Reman ete (mc Ty omen 2857 2001 Sh by eon ABS ABE z a 2 = S$ 18 ane Sets omientetzm).Ts ry Soren on O17 277-509 mmraes a ABBAS. 14 Qy asransia UP EGGGTESE SSERTES i ied Ay Tam Sr eben. Tay owen 216481 27.7 S00 aus ABSA. 2 = me | oe fm on ore [tat |e cz] ae Qy soransiem -14 "ABLE 2 ea Recents ae Eris : specifi in Tle 3. except that or wel pp te wel ea (re Ouse Dametr ‘al init “Over” were The al ikess d ensie dane fer inset fr compliance wih this ‘eguemen for pipe ore by NPS and eh amber ‘Bown re KEL 10, Teste Regiments 10.1 Thee proper of mat sal enfrm 10 the ogee presen a Tae 1, Mechanical ests, Gran Sle Determinntions, and ‘Meld Decay Test Regul A Mechanica Testing Lo DfT elt Kor smectite sal bs font TL Were the al est teed condo i bined, coment wih the rope of 2, Ina combat armace, ty uncing ser fing on ape ‘ec upped wih wen pytometey id iy ntlied wath 30°F (90°C ese ag, he er lo {er mec es tall ap al pipes of the sae ‘pesado inet ant sia wall hicks Cr ‘Peel hte podassd rom hese tf tl ad ‘hija tote sme nhing toxet iia te sane perng era HL? Where the Sol fet wed conan isc, onsite wih he rumen 02 aye Tre ot ele wit) cord pyrene and arstcly ‘ool win 0 [°C er wer rage, he tr or ‘hal py othe agro) ec 20 0 eran eros) howe pipes het tae ithe ae face beth hrs for pipes of he sane specie oui ameter tnd mete wal crs (or cl) Gat ae rede route sane best ofl sod ne sabe othe ae Tnshing erste win he eer ped 112 Traneere or angina! eon Ts-One sion test sale mode on ping ft of ot mae tan 100 Pipes Ton tts be mo pcos om mobos Few of mw tha 0D pipe. 1.3 PlaeningTeaFo matron ow fms by quent afer at esng or 3p Tune eid wih ering promt ed mtomacly ‘nied within 9 50°F [DC] o ewer age tein {Sus shal oe non uit une pipe coe 5% oti bt ao eve ast 2 ego pe or at eat ne na type amet eulpe wih ‘ordng promos sod oly coal wii 50 [Sp [a0"Ch rome ng tein ets al Dae on 5 TIS. Frwee pipes mv ui sted et of ‘te wold my be soba! find fering Ut Ie ‘Scores hth mato ‘outned tthe ste abl rot plement fT Met aed Deans AS. or ‘eld pipe with spect wall chs over In wo "Se ees ede athe ae bea! st Tae “ney fhe weld shal be coma accep wen tere ‘bm evens of cr th wel beween the wel and ‘hehe mt afer bern. Te cine rm 5 fhe Wr sabe en fo the pp ws ple tte sae ct prance manors ao “sev gay nenseiare aon L101 OE a oan nm Yummies SBS a em Qy vsranaian-14 sessing ta es ‘irae eg aed wa cass ———“S6"* “ss — nr a teppei tached te cod of {Beye and eles progaton oe pp ogi: ‘Salen 4 Grain Sse Grain sie Sermons, scotee th Test Meads 12 sal be nado he grades Tse in “be sms dteretone sll mine each at eaten ys died ne sane amber fies ‘psc for the lati tot i113. The gal Hae ‘ae al confor oe que nem rere Table. 1 HCW pipe tal be ep psig th wed oy tet Ine in Soplomenry 9 wit weld melt bse Pot sao 0.90 PL Tie es egd © Be Peso ln: 9 pied he pcs oe 12, Hydrotte oF Nondestrcte lt Test 12. Fach pipe sal be abjed w the wondeanine et tot ort hystaeet The peo est to wed Sha be tthe option of the mamta, less eerie ‘paid lathe purine or {HOLES Gdn Sues “S97 sav nn pecans anon iit L-eP-iGe We ep ano tueraeanonon) 2 yung Las Say Psa LSS Qh savziaran -14 122 The hywate et shal be inacordnce with Spe Scaon ABITASSAN, nes Specialy xem nde te 123 Fe pipe whose cersons equa or eaced NPS, the purser wi the aaeenent of the manact, Fermitedo nave he hyrose street whe Hf ach st the purchaser performs stn fest ah leat of pi uae without he colt mfr ‘noe sal cade wih many ing he rene SN 124 The aodeutie lait ea acon ith Spetenson ASSSIAON, 13, Leng 11 ig eg sl be in csrdance with he flog rez price ML Uns oerwise ard upn al sis rn NPS Ye ‘oan lang NPS ae lin a eg py 10268 ‘he pei ange of 15 24 Sh lenge se {owl the tuber andi leg sal Be ‘tel upoa heme the manactrr and he phe T2 fda ci lent we dered ap r= ole shal pci into No pg sal boner ‘psd lng opp al more a Ye [Se 5 No oye pri uni herwie pecied 16 The finished pier shall be resombly sight and stares ie Ral a pty 15, epi by Welling 0.200, iti permite to make weld repairs the wel! seam ie cum ene 153 Weld pis shal be made ly wih be as ngs ‘algae othe tnt cumen AWS Speciation ASS abe (pu of airs el pp bing tpi ad swe a Tie Amat, sujet to apoval ye putas, tetra shal be ae nly‘ the as mpi ‘ing procs sig ie tle highly alloyed an ‘he hne met when ned for consi restune or oh 154 Pipes ta have had weld ea ops wh er meta stale gly ms and shal be so st an Ses ‘hadi Teg we. the lr ta sal be ete oo {ABLE GPa ret eet 16, Ceteton 16.1 Inaton os norm ried by Speieaon ABIABIOML the aaton sl te tera ot he ‘teal wa dros ea he mate noe tye he ection alan ie apd sal ae ‘ich soda practice was Tlbwod sed what reference ‘comnts we 17, Marking 17.1 aio © te mag specie in Spsitcton ‘96/4000, theming sala the NPS oni pie se) or oasie dune an he amber o erage ‘al ches hen amr and Nt whe eesti ht Ferored ani ET hor ey-eure teig pried or Uke atone toning pred. making shal Sho ce the manafcres pat ang a he fckingegiemene of 123, apa an. wheter Aamies (ML), weldod (WLD) hey cold-wekad {WEN oe Gree Tron, TPsaae TPs, “TPH and S308, he mang hal ah tae he ea ce oder the arg or ie Inger at NPS 4 shal 1% Government Procurement 181 Sele ie Pipe for Goverment Prciemen: 50” 50 seneenm aIS>-LLLOKELrepnae tm emmce ose {umeenom nen) 2am Se eS SaTe Qh asvanssam — 14 MLL. When pei nthe cont rater, te slowing regen shal be oie nthe ng. conto ‘ede for agemes of he U.S. Goverment wine sae fie pipe ot oe These eens sl he pee (Khost econ ets te urement he Pro pica TW2 The gues of Speccuion ABBWAV29N For rire tod Speieaioe ALOIGAIOIGM for abe sal be [ple wisn pipe or le oder to hi peibeaon, Tia Pp and tab sl bone oh allowing rodeos 18S Ondering Ifomaton-Seders formate ver ‘he psionic efllowing niente ‘geet of Soon TSS Bye or ute, Gj = 18133 Unser pe, retin a = 1813 ister wae et tw be ended fo ae ES Toi imple tnd a ae 18136 Level af ene pcking = EE 18. Keyan 214 a Rime, 121 asin swans pe ike sean RSI RSTUAS Ine 304 Ns 12 Sc 45124 sie a el ak SUPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS ‘Oncor mae oft allowing plementary regener tal ply ely when sid in the pore ore Te pace ty spy eect feuecy eto als hon eve Iie uplemcntry rumen Soest oapement etc the prc at, Iie and seamen ovis ofthese slemenaryreuenens ay alo exit St, Product Ante SL Fal pie NPS San lager in asin sheesh eo od! ayia of preset snp om foe pe foreach fo ego asia theo ue feat te ‘S12 For pp martha NFS 8 ther shal be ne pot lyr mate eg pra of ste! rer 10% ‘tthe nab of ngs pet hea of stl, whichever mer amir 1. Indiv! fiing cof t the cecal require specie Scio 7 sale eect 2, Tranevere Tesi Tess 521 Thre hl eo sven elon te mde fon ‘oven 1% ae ng fama per at of el-This ‘Syurencn spl ofo pipe NPS 8a ae S22 spcen fom ty eh ll ener 0 he tensile proper pecied length hl eae 8 Mattning Test ‘SL The Mating test of Speicton ABPHADOM sll ‘emate na pscinen rm one err bth endef ah ie Capea maybe wed I thr plenty egurene Sie te nunber fe perp sal aio Re pected. ‘Pepsin om ny nh false of ck of ty ror tsa cmpltino he tsp fhe ang {Srinqormat ht pipe shal be rel abject 1 ae ‘eatin acaaee With Specfetne APSVAQM and ‘Sina ees yeimen fon my length fie fal ‘cus of ck of ondnes ht lng sal Bee, thls sce eng cet tn he omaiing gh St, Bring Tests ‘4 The stn sl Be bogesos sown by cing ‘st conde in crordnce sabe appre orton: oF ‘Mat S61 hing ters sal be made os 2 es Sson fom one cl orb ends ech pie and sal show sound ett pew nero se ene cen fa cor :20i Haro nome em roma wan 24 se ET a iy astamorm 14 an eontly vior mnerl e Finous inatos, ‘uk, an sitar objet def hi soppenenar ‘Syne api, he amr of es por pe oad Sata te seta i's peinen om my et Sows ‘yo dts he eng sal be joe tet to ‘ool th dete ead an serge estan ‘ieverainder oft lenghobe ou and ea woe rns 5, Radiographic Hsaminaton ‘5. The oie gh of wed in ach double wel! pg shal be adoaphiclyexamian, ing Xeno ts {sonans wih Farapaph UWS of Secon VI Divi 1 ‘the ASME Bor and Pre Ves! Code fe aon ‘te maring rsuited by Seton 13 each pipe al be kad “er arte spcticao and pds: Regaemens of $5 sha be reued a he ceric S& Sabising Het Tretnent ‘6x Saaqen 1 te solion amen ruined in 62, Cade TIC, TPS, TP, TPB, TRA, TRSKTI, TPA, and TPS sl be ven »abiaon at tet a teense lower hn th ed forthe Slang hen weet Te ep ot 7 Intergranular Creston Test SSL We speci, meri shal pss ner oe as er eon or tae pao he ped ‘Sato oer rads The apical fs esa he Frepaton of the tangle for eing ogra cong (Bose tn 3% olen sll te a apo by the Forte and mute. too tis pa none se il ‘12 A wahiration heat test acon with ‘soppementy Resienent $6 may be near and it permit n oer to meet ths mguement or the rae ‘Minion Wal Pipe SI Wen speed by he pcs pipe sal ie fa ise on ita wl Dest Te wall fsach pp al ‘istng gud by Seton 17, he pipe shal be mak SE 58, Wald Decay Test 9.1 When psd inthe prcase neon ample cochlea pe tal be sujet testing in bling on {30% Yeager grade yao ad ad 3% mae, $92 The sample of proximal 2-50 ah, sha be peared rom s pdt keg of pe epecing orth of the pe prited to edn he maple Tonpsaly to alow tw the Exec Nask A 2 su, th esd sample alin he ene weld ad ‘cet en so he ul gh ue eta 180 eres oe the wet Al bre sod hry aga sab eave y Hit [Pining Dist and rose sal Be emove by cleting ih S83 The tyra ad Solon shall be prope by slowly ang eget grade openly 37 hye ‘se acl wan egal lms of le wae. ‘Warming-Prc! eyes an ws abe poes when ha ng acd, Ming. ao tingle primed fa 8 rote ereloar ‘94 The te connr sal 8 I-L Exeneyer fk cred without se sd Abin confraee ‘The vou ofthe sli shalt appre 700m $95 The thks ofthe woke andthe be mt 180° ‘rom he el sal e mesure nar then oe sale til shape stable for teasing the ike Wah 22 yf east 0.001 I 023. S94 The sleet, th wel ao bse mal al te inant inte Mask conan he stain Bolg chips ‘hal be aed and the tolto ght ool Boling kal be rnd tg the Gaon of the es. Te ine af tog al eat which ru remove 0 te ea th orga ae mal ches (al 2h es) I wore than 6 of he ane tal con ig, porte {orerminte heer 24 581 At the eal of the tet ped te samples sal mood om te slaion, ned wih lod at, and ‘998 The thicknesses a 95 sal Be 1 aio ‘The ai shape of the crane ase sal be ‘blr esi he minim remaining hn with scray Wa et O01 (0025 ea ‘$99 The comin ei, sale eel lows: =U, WB, 8) sehen W" © average wel ec thickness afer the tes, stn lore he et shisha wer ee $991 Te comin ratio fr HCW pipe sll be ss specie ILS $99.2. The enn ra salle 125 ores, os ater rected in he prchane oder wen the we de) ‘pei for wes WD) pine ‘90 Say min prune ka occ: LE-T1EE we EaPeONCR Kd 4 YD eM Hon) 2H ammo BanDN Me SON a Sean PONS (Gp psianstan 14 eno taney mati) XL Tube XI is bast on Tile number 1 of he America Natal Stand or sis eel pipe (ANSI ‘19. ‘AOLE X14 inasin of Weleda eames Stale Stel Phe [SUMMARY OF CHANGES Commitee AO has Weed te acon of slated changes otis speciation shee the hs ss, [ASTDASIONCII ha my pct te we ofl poten, (Approved Mach 1, 2018) (1) Revised CN Cad W conten foe UNS S310 ‘ie Commitee AO has Heid the loon of slated change this speciation sie the I sam, |ASIDASIONCI34 th may inte wf hi speccaton (Approved Otter I, 201) (1) hott Fonte and expres anu iss (3) Rad the nrogen maximum be UNS 831254 fom 022 fang in Table 1 wh CN) - 70 foa2s, {Dino Foot 10 MCHN) nm 0.705 man> (Leen the minimum Nin UNS 83172610 135% fom Commie AOI at ied th ein of sled chages wo this seen se the ast ss -ASIOASIIM(13 ha np th we ts Selo. (Aone May 1,203) Sean, “sev sovnen pena Kos i012 sso PE pee com umrmemnomnn 4 yes le resale Seren ny Teme Sets n(n tt) Th leben 2108172. Pee AS AS Gp rsiznsi¢n 14

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