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Scada Based Power Control System Using PLC: Mrs Bhavna Pancholi, Damor Mehul Manubhai

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International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (ISSN : 2277-1581)

Volume No.3 Issue No.9, pp : 1129 -1131 1 Sep 2014

Scada Based Power Control System Using PLC

Mrs Bhavna Pancholi, 2Damor Mehul Manubhai
Department of Electrical,M.S.University,Baroda, India.
Corresponding Email: 1bhavna.pancholi@gmail.com, 2mhldmr@yahoo.com

Abstract— SCADA is the acronym for “Supervisory Control The benefits one can expect from adopting a SCADA
and Data Acquisition.” SCADA systems are widely used in system for the control of experimental physics facilities can be
industry for supervisory control and data acquisition of summarized as follows:
industrial processes. The system is based on PLC and • A rich functionality and extensive development facilities. The
configuration software, and the SCADA power distribution amount of effort invested in SCADA product amounts to 50 to
monitoring system is designed. The system uses PLC to collect 100 p-years!
various intelligent instruments on site and electrical • The amount of specific development that needs to be performed
parameters of devices. They will be uploaded to the monitoring by the end-user is limited, especially with suitable engineering.
system by the switch through the SCADA. • Reliability and robustness. These systems are used for mission
The objective of this project is to make simple and power critical industrial processes where reliability and performance
saving system which will provide all facility needed by user and are paramount. In addition, specific development is performed
they can overcom within a well-established framework that enhances reliability
e some common problem with this system. Now a day only and robustness.
industries are use the PLC and SCADA system so we are trying • Technical support and maintenance by the vendor.
to show here commercial buildings can also use this system For large collaborations, as using a SCADA
and save power and get facilities using this system. system for their controls ensures a common framework not only
In this project we are trying to make one simple model for the development of the specific applications but also for
which helps the user to at a very ease. For all we are operating the detectors. Operators experience the same" look
attempting to make the power management model for the and feel" whatever part of the experiment they control.
almost comfort and maximum facilities to the user. However, this aspect also depends to a significant extent on
proper engineering.
Using powerful technologies, based on experience of Generally, there are no mechanisms in SCADA to
qualified personal, SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data provide confidentiality of communications. If lower level
Acquisition) applications are created as a main tool for protocols do not provide this confidentiality then SCADA
performing management, required by technical reengineering of transactions are communicated “in the clear” meaning that
an industrial company. In modern manufacturing and industrial intercepted communications may be easily read.
processes, mining industries, public and private utilities, leisure 1.5 AUTHENTICATION
and security industries, control systems are often needed to
connect equipment and systems separated by large distances. Many SCADA systems give little regard to security,
These systems are used to send commands, programs and often lacking the memory and bandwidth for sophisticated
receive monitoring information from these remote locations. password or authentication systems. As a result there is no
SCADA refers to the combination of control systems and data mechanism to determine a system user’s identity or what that
acquisition. In the early days of data acquisition, relay logic was user is authorized to access. This allows for the injection of
used to control production and plant systems. With the advent of false requests or replies into the SCADA system.
the CPU (Central Process Unit) and other intelligent electronic 1.6 PLC INTRODUCTION
devices, manufacturers incorporated digital electronics into relay A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a special form of
logic equipment. The PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) is microprocessor-based controller that uses a programmable
still one of the most widely used control systems in industry. memory to store instructions and to implement functions such
1.2 WHY SCADA? as logic, sequencing, timing, counting and arithmetic in order to
SCADA provides several unique features that make it control machines and processes and are designed to be
a particularly good choice for many control problems. The operated by engineers with perhaps a limited knowledge of
features are as follows: computers and computing languages. They are not designed so
 The computer control primary equipment, record an that only computer programmers can set up or change the
store a very large amount of data from process programs. Thus, the designers of the PLC have pre-
 the operator can incorporate real data simulations into programmed it so that the control program can be entered using
the system a simple, rather intuitive, form of language, The term logic is
 the operator is assist by computer that recommend used because programming is primarily concerned with
actions to keep the system safety implementing logic and switching operations.
 Many types of data can be collected from the RTUs 1.6.1 What is PLC?
(Remote Terminal Unit), this creates online the image of the PLC is Programmable Logic Controller.
IJSET@2014 Page 1129
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (ISSN : 2277-1581)
Volume No.3 Issue No.9, pp : 1129 -1131 1 Sep 2014

PLC is Device which control output equipment like motor, Flotty and Motor Contactor are main two Components for Input
cooler, Geyser and lights etc. according to defined condition and for the Water Distribution.
received inputs. 1) Flotty
PLC System is Combination of Various Component. Flotty is a Cold Contact Equipment in which we are giving a
1. PLC Modules 24V contact and When the Flotty is raised through water level it
2. Input Equipment gives a feedback as a 24 V and we are using that for Indicator
3. Output Equipment and Water Level indication to PLC.
4. Communication Equipment 2) Motor Contactor
5. Measuring Equipment We are Using NO Contact of contactor Block When Block Start
6. Feedback Equipment We get NO contact of 24 V Which We are giving from PLC
and in Star Delta Starter We are using Hold block NO Contact
2.2.3 Lighting
2.1 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM For Lighting we are using two components Photo cell and
As shown in figure it’s the working model of the system. timings from PLC.
Different objectives are shown and briefly described below. 1) Photocell
Using plc and scada how we can power control of the entire Photocell is devices which sense the sun light and gives a signal
system that we can see here. of 230 V to PLC when it Get a Proper sunlight, we have
mounted two Photocell over the Yagnapurush Powerhouse and
POWER getting input for PLC and according to that our areas light starts
2) Timings
We have provided timings according to our requirements in the
PLC according to that the lights get on and off.
LIGHTING 2.2.4 Water and Geyser
MEASURING SYSTEM Water and Geyser only based on timings.
SYSTEM We have provided timings according to our requirements in the
PLC according to that the Cooler and Geyser gets on and off.
2.2.5 Measuring System
POWER CONTROL USING All the voltage, power and current can measure using
PLC AND SCADA measuring system. All day record of system we can see using
this system
III. Results and Tables

WATER No. Module Total Spare Damage used

2 Output 16 8 0 8
Figure 2.1: Working model of the system


2.2.1 Power Distribution and DG System

Single Phase Preventer and Proximity Sensor this two are main
input Components.
(1) Single Phase Preventer
Single phase Preventer check either the available power is ok or
not and if it is ok then it gives
Signal to PLC that power is ok.it checks mainly three things
1) The all three phase are available
2) They are not under voltage
3) They are not over voltage
make sure that overvoltage and under voltage setting is
adjustable according to our requirements
1) Proximity Sensor
This Proximity sensor are 24 VDC operated
when we put some metal against it, it will show LED Indication
in behind side and transfer that voltage Back to PLC. We are
using this proxy in Getting the changeover movement is properly
done or not. as described in figure.
2.2.2 Water Distribution

IJSET@2014 Page 1130

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (ISSN : 2277-1581)
Volume No.3 Issue No.9, pp : 1129 -1131 1 Sep 2014

OHT Motor will fill water in the tank till Sump level is 25% and
again start when the Overhead Tank Level is less than 100% and
thro water till sump level is reach to 25%. I am thankful to my external guide Mr kishor Parmar
Active automation system for him guidance and support
throughout the year. His support and encouragements made the
project into a successfully model with an appealing concept of
current system.
I would like to thank Prof.S.K.Joshi, Professor and
HOD, Department of electrical engineering, Faculty of
technology and engineering, The M S University of Baroda for
providing us the necessary facilities. Also I express my
gratitude to all staff members of Department of Electrical
I am thankful to prolific automation system ltd. Staff
they give me good support and give me hardware of PLC kit so
I can easily explain my project.
I am thankful to my classmates, friends and my family
members for supporting the year to complete the project in
time. Mehul Damor
i. W Yunna “Power supply enterprise project management
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IV. Conclusion supervisory control system” shahid abbaspour Univ. of Techno,
iv. Prof. Anubha Panchal, Ketakee Dagade, Shubhangi
This project is really learning experience for us. We learn step Tamhane, Kiran Pawar, Pradnya Ghadge“ Automated Water Supply
by step approach to design SCADA and PLC based system. How System and Water Theft identification Using PLC and SCADA”
to solve every problem by own is great experience. Our guide Ketakee Dagade et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and
introduces us to actual business environment. Applications ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue (Version 6), April
We done some experiments with our project and 2014, pp.67-69
results are quite satisfactory and reliable. Using PLC and SCAD v. Li Guohong ; Wei Xuejie “PLC-based SCADA system for oil
our working model save power and give 24 hour power supply storage and application, Electric Information and Control
facilities and give conveniences to user. We can easily manage Engineering (ICEICE), 2011 International Conference, ISBN:978-1-
4244-8036-4 INSPEC Accession Number:12072086, Conference
large area using this system and fast maintenance provide.
Location: Wuhan DOI: IEEE
Improvement in this project will make it less expensive vi. Archana, Yadav “PLC & SCADA based automation of filter
if cost of plc and scada can maintain. This system will really house, a section of Water Treatment Plant” Emerging Technology
become very good system for commercial building and where Trends in Electronics, Communication and Networking (ET2ECN),
more power is used. This system is not only for industries but 2012 1st International Conference ISBN, Location: Surat, Gujarat,
other users also use and save power using this system. India, IEEE
Acknowledgement vii. Kaukab Naz “GSM based Power management”
First and foremost extremely thankful to GOD Swami Narayan Communication in computer and information science, Volume 168,
and my Guru H.D.H Pramukh Swami Maharaj for giving bless 2011, pp. 449-462
viii. Papaginais G K “A PLC based energy consumption system”
for this project.
Power tech 2005 IEEE Rusia,
This project “SCADA based power control system ix. Chen Y G, Coleman Y D, “ Design and testing of multioutput
using PLC” is a united effort by team comprising of many 300 kv prototype inducation cell pulsed power supply for DARHT “
people. Initially the project looks very large but as we progressed Pulsed Power Conference, 1995. Digest of Technical Papers. Tenth
ahead the expert help I got from various people made it possible IEEE International , Volume: 2
to make it working. x. Qunging Yu,Wenhau liu “PLC-IPC based control system for
I am obliged to Assistant Prof. Mrs Bhavna Pancholi high power cycle pump system in large scale thermal power plant”
for her continuous support and guidance. Her understanding power system technology 2000,poercon 2012 International
towards difficulties I faced and the right approach to come out of Conference volume 3, pp 1522-1524 IEEE

IJSET@2014 Page 1131

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