SWOT Analysis: - These Are The Qualities That Enable To Accomplish The Organization's Mission. These
SWOT Analysis: - These Are The Qualities That Enable To Accomplish The Organization's Mission. These
SWOT Analysis: - These Are The Qualities That Enable To Accomplish The Organization's Mission. These
SWOT is the acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It is a strategy analysis
tool. It combines the study of the strengths and weaknesses of an organization, a geographical area,
a sector, an industry, a product or a project with the study of the opportunities and threats to their
SWOT analysis is a useful tool that can help in handling both ordinary and unusual situations by
exploring both internal and external factors that may be influencing. It is a structured planning method
for strategy formulation. It involves specifying the objective and identifying the internal and external
factors that are favourable and unfavourable for achievement of the objectives. SWOT analysis
usually starts with defining of a desired end state or objective. Strengths are the attributes that are
helpful in achievement of the objective. Weaknesses are the attributes that are harmful in achieving
the objective. Opportunities are the external conditions that are helpful in achievement of the
objective. Threats are the external conditions which could do damage to the objective. Thus strengths
and weaknesses are the internal factors over which there are some measures of control while
opportunities and threats are external factors over which there are essentially no controls (Fig 1).