Int. J. Production Economics: Ching-Jung Ting, Chia-Ho Chen
Int. J. Production Economics: Ching-Jung Ting, Chia-Ho Chen
Int. J. Production Economics: Ching-Jung Ting, Chia-Ho Chen
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The success of a logistics system may depend on the decisions of the depot locations and vehicle
Received 8 November 2011 routings. The location routing problem (LRP) simultaneously tackles both location and routing decisions
Accepted 10 June 2012 to minimize the total system cost. In this paper a multiple ant colony optimization algorithm (MACO) is
Available online 17 June 2012
developed to solve the LRP with capacity constraints (CLRP) on depots and routes. We decompose the
Keywords: CLRP into facility location problem (FLP) and multiple depot vehicle routing problem (MDVRP), where
Logistics system the latter one is treated as a sub problem within the first problem. The MACO algorithm applies a
Location routing problem hierarchical ant colony structure that is designed to optimize different subproblems: location selection,
Multiple ant colony optimization customer assignment, and vehicle routing problem, in which the last two are the decisions for the
Nested method
MDVRP. Cooperation between colonies is performed by exchanging information through pheromone
updating between the location selection and customer assignment. The proposed algorithm is
evaluated on four different sets of benchmark instances and compared with other algorithms from
the literature. The computational results indicate that MACO is competitive with other well-known
algorithms, being able to obtain numerous new best solutions.
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction denotes the set of candidate depot locations. Each customer iAI
has a demand di. A capacity Rj and an opening cost fj are
The design of a logistics system is an important issue in today’s associated with each candidate depot site jAJ. Associated to each
competitive environment due to the significant contribution of edge (i, j)AE there is a routing cost cij which denotes the traveling
the distribution cost to the total supply chain cost. This kind of distance or traveling cost between nodes i and j. A set K of
problem is commonly solved in two phases: facility location for a homogeneous vehicles with capacity Q and cost C are available.
long term policy and vehicle routing to satisfying customer Each customer must be served exactly once by only one vehicle.
demands for the operational decisions. These two components Each route must begin and end at the same depot and its total
can be treated separately, but may lead to suboptimal solutions load cannot exceed vehicle capacity. The total load of the vehicles
(Salhi and Rand, 1989). The location routing problem (LRP) assigned to a depot cannot exceed the capacity of that depot. The
integrates facility location problem (FLP), which determines the objective is to find the optimal number and locations of the
depot locations and allocates customers to each selected depot, depots as well as the vehicle routes of each opened depot so as to
and vehicle routing problem (VRP), which constructs the vehicle minimize the sum of the fixed facility costs, transportation costs,
routes of the selected depot. Several real world applications can and vehicle costs.
be found in the literature, for example, bill delivery (Lin et al., The CLRP is very difficult to solve since it encompasses two
2002), parcel delivery (Wasner and Zäpfel, 2004), and mobile NP-hard problems: facility location problem and vehicle routing
network design (Billionnet et al., 2005). The LRP with capacities problem (Garey and Johnson, 1979). In CLRP, the location–
on both depots and routes is called capacitated LRP (CLRP) which allocation decision will influence the total cost of vehicle routes
is the focus of this paper. and the architecture of vehicle routes will affect the location of
The CLRP can be represented by a graph G ¼(V, E), where depots and allocation of customers. Consequently, how to deal
V¼I[J. I¼{1, y, n} is the set of customer nodes and J¼{1, y, m} with the interdependence between these decisions is an impor-
tant issue. In this paper, we solve both location and routing
problems simultaneously rather than independently with nested
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ886 3 4638800 2526; fax: þ 886 3 4638907.
E-mail addresses: (C.-J. Ting),
methods based on the ant colony optimization algorithm. (C.-H. Chen). We apply a hierarchical structure, with facility location as the
Fax: þ886 4 22361120. main problem and vehicle routing as a subordinate one. To wit,
0925-5273/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C.-J. Ting, C.-H. Chen / Int. J. Production Economics 141 (2013) 34–44 35
we decompose the CLRP into facility location and multi-depot LRP into a limited set of MDVRP. The bounds provided by their
vehicle routing problem, while the latter problem is embedded model are very tight, being able to solve instances with up to 199
into the first one. This concept of hierarchy is also emphasized by customers and 14 facilities.
Balakrishnan et al. (1987) and Nagy and Salhi (1996). The As the LRP problem is NP-hard, most of the researches used
proposed multiple ant colony optimization algorithm (MACO) is heuristics to solve the LRP. Nagy and Salhi (2007) classified the
evaluated by four sets of CLRP benchmark instances from the heuristics into four different types as follows: sequential, cluster-
literature and its computational results are compared with state- ing-based, iterative, and hierarchical. Sequential methods solve
of-the-art algorithms. the location problem by minimizing the sum of facility to
The remainders of this paper are organized as follows. Section customer distance and the routing problem based on the selected
2 provides an extensive review of LRP in the literature. The depots sequentially. Clustering-based methods (Srivastava, 1993;
multiple ant colony optimization algorithm to tackle the CLRP is Barreto et al., 2007) partition the customers into clusters and then
described in Section 3. In Section 4, the computational results of find a depot for each cluster. The VRP is then solved for each
four groups of benchmark problems are reported. For each bench- cluster. Iterative methods (Hansen et al., 1994; Wu et al., 2002;
mark set we compare to the best available algorithms. Finally, Prins et al., 2007; Duhamel et al., 2010) decompose the LRP into
conclusions are followed in Section 5. two subproblems. Then, subproblems are solved iteratively by
feeding information from one subproblem to the other. Hierarch-
ical methods (Nagy and Salhi, 1996; Albareda-Sambola et al.,
2. Literature review 2005) consider the location problem as the main problem and the
VRP as a subordinated problem. Nagy and Salhi (2007) believed
The LRP has been studied for decades, there are a few LRP that hierarchical methods may provide better solutions. Based on
surveys in the literature (Laporte, 1988; Min et al., 1998; Nagy their observation, the proposed MACO in this paper is a hier-
and Salhi, 2007). Laporte (1988) reviewed early research on archical method.
location routing problems and summarized different types of Many heuristics that hybrid two different heuristic approaches
formulations, solution algorithms and computational results of are proposed in the literature. Tuzun and Burke (1999) proposed a
research published prior to 1988. Min et al. (1998) synthesized two-phase tabu search (TS) approach for the LRP. One phase seeks
the past evolution of location routing literature and explored a good facility configuration while the other one obtains a good
promising research opportunities in incorporation of more realis- routing for this configuration. Wu et al. (2002) presented a
tic aspects, algorithmic design and model complexity. Recently, combined TS and simulated annealing (SA) decomposition
Nagy and Salhi (2007) surveyed the state of the art in location approach to solve the multi-depot location routing problem with
routing problem. They proposed a classification scheme and multiple fleet types and limited number of vehicles for each
looked at a number of problem variants. They also investigated vehicle type. Lin et al. (2002) developed a meta-heuristic
exact and heuristic algorithms and presented some suggestions approach based on threshold accepting (TA) and SA to assist in
for future research. making decisions of facility location, vehicle routing and loading
Most early work on LRP considers either capacitated routes or decision for bill delivery services in Hong Kong.
capacitated depots, but not both (Laporte et al., 1988; Chien, Albareda-Sambola et al. (2005) proposed another two-phase
1993; Srivastava, 1993; Tuzun and Burke, 1999). Recently, a TS heuristic for the LRP which incurs not capacity constraints on
number of studies have been devoted to the case with capacitated vehicles. Wang et al. (2005) proposed a two-phase hybrid heur-
depots and routes (Wu et al., 2002; Prins et al., 2006a, 2006b; istic which decomposes the LRP into location–allocation problem
Bouhafs et al., 2006; Prins et al., 2007; Barreto et al., 2007; and vehicle routing problem. In the location phase, the TS was
Duhamel et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2010). Our study also considers applied to obtain the configuration of facility locations. For each
both depot and route capacities. selected facility location, a vehicle routing problem was solved by
Several exact methods have been devoted to solve the LRP, but ACO in the routing phase. Bouhafs et al. (2006) proposed a hybrid
optimal solutions are only limited to medium-scale or to basic algorithm which combined the SA and ant colony system (ACS) to
uncapacitated instances. Laporte and Norbert (1981) designed a solve the CLRP. A good configuration of facilities was first found
branch-and-bound algorithm for an LRP with a single open depot, by the SA, and then the ACS was applied to construct the routings
and solved instances with up to 50 customers. In Laporte et al. based on the configuration. These two ACO-related heuristics
(1986), the solution to an LRP with vehicle capacity constraints is construct the routing problem and feed back the information for
obtained by a branch-and-cut method. Subtour elimination con- the facility selection phase.
straints and chain-barring constraints guarantee that each route Prins and his coworkers conducted different heuristic methods
starts and ends at the same facility. Laporte et al. (1988) to the LRP. Prins et al. (2006a) combined greedy randomized
addressed an LRP with asymmetrical costs, in which vehicle adaptive search procedures (GRASP) and path relinking to
capacity is replaced by a maximum route length. They elaborated develop a two phase algorithm for the capacitated location
a branch-and-bound algorithm that is able to solve instances with routing problem. In the first phase, the GRASP and a learning
up to 40 customers, but the number of depots is small (2 or 3) and process were implemented to select depots. The second phase
the number of routes per opened depot is limited to 2. Akca et al. was to generate new solutions using a path relinking. Later, Prins
(2009) presented a set-partitioning based formulation of the LRP et al. (2006b) presented a memetic algorithm with population
and proposed a column generation approach to solve instances management (MA9PM) to solve the same problem. Prins et al.
with up to 40 customers. Belenguer et al. (2011) proposed a (2007) proposed a cooperative approach, which combines the
branch-and-cut algorithm based on a zero-one linear model Lagrangean relaxation and granular tabu search (GTS), to solve
strengthened by new families of valid inequalities for solving the capacitated LRP. The algorithm alternates between a location
the CLRP. They solved instances to optimality with up to 50 subproblem, solved by Lagrangean relaxation, and a multi-depot
customers and five depots. Baldacci et al. (2011) proposed a VRP, solved by the GTS. Duhamel et al. (2010) presented a GRASP
branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm for solving the CLRP based with evolutionary location search (GRASP ELS) approach for
on a set-partitioning-like formulation of the problem. The lower the CLRP.
bounds produced based on dynamic programming and dual Barreto et al. (2007) integrated several hierarchical and non-
ascent methods, are used by an algorithm that decomposes the hierarchical clustering techniques in a sequential heuristic
36 C.-J. Ting, C.-H. Chen / Int. J. Production Economics 141 (2013) 34–44
tsj Zj
J : P hj ¼ P a ð3Þ
t Zj
j A Ohs j
where Ohs is the set of candidate sites which are not selected yet
by ant h at sth iteration, tsj is the pheromone level of location j at
sth iteration, Zj is the ratio of capacity (Rj) to the fixed charge (fj), a
is the parameter that determines the relative influence of tsj
versus Zsj (a 40), and q is uniformly distributed within [0, 1].
With a prespecified frequency q0, the chosen candidate is the
location that gives the largest utility function tsj (Zsj )a among the
set of not yet selected candidate sites, Ohs (qrq0). Otherwise, it
is taken from Ohs using the probability distribution induced in
Eq. (3).
spare capacity. one tour as opposed to serving them on two different tours at
38 C.-J. Ting, C.-H. Chen / Int. J. Production Economics 141 (2013) 34–44
where Th0 denotes the routes constructed by ant h0 , r00 is the tsj þ 1 ¼ ð1rÞtsj þ rt0j if flocation j A T h g ð13Þ
pheromone evaporation parameter in the range of [0, 1] that
regulates the reduction of pheromone on the edges. The z0 is the xsijþ 1 ¼ ð1r0 Þxsij þ r0 x0 if fedge ði, jÞ A T h g ð14Þ
initial value of the pheromone matrix for the route construction
rule, and is set to be 1/njLnn (line 5 in Fig. 2), where nj is the where Th is the solution constructed by ant h, 0r r, r0 r1 are the
number of nodes in the VRP for facility location j and Lnn is the pheromone decay parameters, and t0j ( ¼1/fj) and x0 (a very small
length of routes constructed by the Nearest Neighborhood value) are initial level of pheromone matrices, respectively.
heuristic. Since the location selection and customer assignment is one-
Dorigo et al. (1996) and Bullnheimer et al. (1999) used the to-one mapping, these two ant colonies communicate with each
elitist strategy on the trail updating in ant system. Such a strategy other through the global pheromone updating. Both location and
will direct the search of all the other ants in probability toward a assignment colonies use independent pheromone trails but col-
solution composed by some edges of the best tour itself. In our laborate by sharing the variable global-best solution (Tb) and the
ACO, the best elitist tours, including the global-best tour (T 0b ) and iteration-best solution (Ts) of CLRP. The global pheromone updat-
the iteration-best tour (T 0s0 ) of VRP, are allowed to lay pheromone ing for location selection will take into account the number of
on the edges that belong to them. The idea here is to balance customers assigned to each location. The respective global pher-
between exploitation (through emphasizing the global-best tour) omone updating rules for both selection and assignment pher-
as well as exploration (through the emphasis to the iteration-best omone matrices can be described as follows.
tour). The global updating rule of ACO for VRP is described as
tsj þ 1 ¼ ð1rÞtsj þ rDtsj ð15Þ
zs0ivþ 1 ¼ ð1r00 Þzs0iv þ r00 Dzs0iv ð11Þ xsijþ 1 ¼ ð1r0 Þxsij þ r0 Dxsij ð16Þ
C.-J. Ting, C.-H. Chen / Int. J. Production Economics 141 (2013) 34–44 39
algorithm is implemented for ten runs. The reported result is the best
found solution over the runs with the average CPU time in seconds
over the 10 runs. The best known solution in each instance was
Table 3
obtained based on the best results among comparing algorithms in
Computational results for Barreto’s instances.
their published version or during their parameter analyses.
Instance n m Q BKS C CPU Gap
4.1. Perl’s instances
B1 21 5 6,000 424.90n 424.90a 5.64 0.00
B2 22 5 4,500 585.10n 585.10 4.69 0.00
The first set of instances, which includes nine instances, was B3 29 5 4,500 512.10n 512.10 8.59 0.00
obtained from Perl (1983). The number of candidate sites ranges B4 32 5 8,000 562.22n 562.22 13.05 0.00
B5 32 5 11,000 504.30n 504.30 9.56 0.00
B6 36 5 250 460.40n 460.40 13.14 0.00
Table 1 B7 50 5 160 565.60n 565.60 29.16 0.00
Computational results for Perl’s instances. B8 75 10 140 844.40 844.88 58.72 0.06
B9 100 10 200 833.40n 836.75 83.92 0.40
Instance n M Q BKS C CPU Gap B10 12 2 140 204.00 204.00 2.09 0.00
B11 55 15 120 1,112.10 1,112.58 28.81 0.04
P1 12 2 140 355.58 355.58a 2.171 0.00 B12 85 7 160 1,622.50 1,623.14 77.86 0.04
P2 55 15 120 5,532.28 5,507.25 19.516 0.45 B13 318 4 25,000 557,275.2 560,210.81 831.34 0.53
P3 85 7 160 7,551.61 7,466.17 46.656 1.13 B14 318 4 8,000 673,297.70 670,118.50 1986.33 0.47
P4 85 7 160 8,374.73 8,249.97 52.843 1.49 B15 27 5 2,500 3,062.00n 3,062.00 8.59 0.00
P5 85 7 240 5,775.08 5,648.54 46.344 2.19 B16 134 8 850 5709.00 5709.00 136.63 0.00
P6 85 7 160 8,223.72 8,142.64 64.594 0.99 B17 88 8 9000,000 355.80 355.80 99.53 0.00
P7 85 7 160 7,257.72 7,176.64 64.578 1.12 B18 150 10 8000,000 43,919.90 44,131.02 166.95 0.48
P8 85 7 160 7,781.47 7,466.17 49.438 4.05 B19 117 14 150 12,290.30 12,355.91 77.45 0.53
P9 85 7 160 10,141.60 10,049.56 36.922 0.91 Avg. 68,639.00 68,641.00 191.69 0.08
Avg. 6,777.09 6673.61 42.56 1.37
Proved optimal solution.
a a
The solution is better than or equal to the best known solution is in boldface. The solution is better than or equal to the best known solution is in boldface.
40 C.-J. Ting, C.-H. Chen / Int. J. Production Economics 141 (2013) 34–44
Table 4
Comparison of results for Barreto’s instances.
The best among all compared algorithms is in boldface.
The instance was not tested.
The average CPU time in seconds on the computer used by each algorithm.
Heuristic-H in Hansen et al. (1994), SA in Wu et al. (2002) and TS- MA9PM in Prins et al. (2006b), the LRGTS in Prins et al. (2007),
ACS in Wang et al. (2005). Table 2 presents the comparison of the HybPSO in Marinakis and Marinaki (2008), the SALRP in Yu
results for Perl’s instances obtained by MACO and other methods. et al. (2010), and the GRASP ELS in Duhamel et al. (2010).
All the percentage deviation values are computed from the Among the existing heuristics the LRGTS of Prins et al. (2007), the
original publications; a dash (‘-’) indicates that the instance is GRASP ELS in Duhamel et al. (2010), and the SALRP of Yu et al.
not tested by the algorithm. The last row provides the average (2010) have obtained the best results in the literature. Note that
computation time in seconds. The best value on each instance is some of the instances are not tested by all these methods, direct
indicated in boldface. The results indicate that our MACO outper- comparisons may be in many cases biased. For those 13 instances
forms all compared methods on average for the gap and number that most algorithms tested, our MACO and GRASP ELS are the
of best solutions found. On the other hand, the larger computa- best two approaches and provide similar solution quality. Four
tional effort of our MACO is due to the multi-start of initial algorithms (CH, HybPSO, SALRP, and MACO) test all 19 instances.
solution of MACO. However, its computational time is reasonable The results show that our MACO approach outperforms the other
for such a problem. three algorithms and provides the lowest largest gap of 0.53%. In
addition, the MACO also yields the best solutions among these
4.2. Barreto’s instances four algorithms in 18 out of 19 problems except instance B12.
The second set of 19 instances was collected from Barreto 4.3. Prins et al.’s instances
(2004) and the complete data sets are available at
pt/ iscf143. Different from the first group of instances, the The third set of 30 instances was generated by Prins et al.
vehicle variable cost is not considered in the second group of (2004) which contains instances with capacitated routes and
instances. These instances are either from the literature or are depots. The complete data sets are available at http://prodhonc.
obtained by adding both capacitated and uncapacitated depots to Different from the first two groups of instances, the
classical VRP instances. The number of candidate sites ranges vehicle fixed cost is considered in this group of instances. The
from 2 to 15 while the numbers of customers range from 12 to number of candidate sites ranges from 5 to 10 whereas the
318. Table 3 presents the basic characteristics of Barreto’s number of customers ranges from 20 to 200. The vehicle capacity
instances and the computational results of MACO. The format of is either 70 or 150. Table 5 presents the information of Prins
the table is the same as that in Table 1. An asterisk on the best et al.’s instances and the computational results of the MACO. The
known solution indicates a proven optimal solution value. As can format of the table is the same as that in Table 1. An asterisk on
be seen from Table 3, the MACO obtains 11 best known solutions the best known solution indicates a proven optimal solution
and updates 1 best solution out of 19 instances. Our solutions are value. From Table 5 we can observe that the MACO reaches all
0.08% above the best known solution on average while the largest 12 best-known solutions for the small size instances. The average
gap is 0.53%. The computational results show that our MACO can gap of all instances is 0.36%, while the largest gap is 1.55%. The
solve the CLRP effectively. This is because the diversely sets of computational results show that our algorithm can effectively
facility locations are adopted in the MACO. It is useful to find a solve the large size LRP instances involving as many as 10
better set of facility locations, when the solutions are very candidate facilities and 200 customers.
sensitive to the choice of the facility locations. Moreover, the comparison of algorithms for Prins et al.’s
The comparison of algorithms for Barreto’s instances is pre- instances is presented in Table 6. The compared algorithms are
sented in Table 4. The compared algorithms are the clustering the MSLS in Prins et al. (2004), the GRASP in Prins et al. (2006a),
based heuristic (CH) in Barreto et al. (2007), the SA-ACS in the MA9PM in Prins et al. (2006b), the LRGTS in Prins et al. (2007),
Bouhafs et al. (2006), the GRASP in Prins et al. (2006a), the the SALRP in Yu et al. (2010), and the GRASP ELS in Duhamel
C.-J. Ting, C.-H. Chen / Int. J. Production Economics 141 (2013) 34–44 41
Table 5 Table 6
Computational results for Prins et al.’s instances. Comparison of results for Prins et al.’s instances.
Pr1 20 5 70 54,793n 54,793a 4.08 0.00 Pr1 1.85 0.42 0.00a 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pr2 20 5 150 39,104n 39,104 4.78 0.00 Pr2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pr3 20 5 70 48,908n 48,908 3.92 0.00 Pr3 1.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pr4 20 5 150 37,542n 37,542 5.45 0.00 Pr4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pr5 50 5 70 90,111n 90,111 24.47 0.00 Pr5 8.84 0.58 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pr6 50 5 150 63,242n 63,242 21.31 0.00 Pr6 14.10 2.40 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pr7 50 5 70 88,298n 88,298 24.19 0.00 Pr7 2.14 0.55 0.00 0.47 0.39 0.00 0.00
Pr8 50 5 150 67,308n 67,308 20.13 0.00 Pr8 2.03 1.09 0.87 0.58 0.00 0.05 0.00
Pr9 50 5 70 84,055n 84,055 24.66 0.00 Pr9 –b 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pr10 50 5 150 51,822n 51,822 16.83 0.00 Pr10 – 0.46 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pr11 50 5 70 86,203n 86,203 32.78 0.00 Pr11 12.24 1.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.00
Pr12 50 5 150 61,830n 61,830 25.70 0.00 Pr12 0.02 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.41 0.00
Pr13 100 5 70 274,814n 276,220 116.59 0.51 Avg. gap 4.28 0.58 0.08 0.19 0.03 0.15 0.00
Pr14 100 5 150 213,615 214,323 134.52 0.33
Pr13 3.57 1.68 2.59 1.14 0.78 0.81 0.51
Pr15 100 5 70 193,671n 194,441 237.28 0.40
Pr14 2.08 1.19 1.42 0.59 1.05 1.12 0.33
Pr16 100 5 150 157,095n 157,222 144.33 0.08
Pr15 2.26 3.02 0.98 1.48 0.31 0.23 0.40
Pr17 100 5 70 200,079n 201,038 178.75 0.48
Pr16 1.73 1.56 0.15 0.44 0.18 0.04 0.08
Pr18 100 5 150 152,441n 152,722 151.58 0.18
Pr17 2.41 1.96 0.83 0.94 0.13 0.08 0.48
Pr19 100 10 70 287,983 291,134 105.28 1.09
Pr18 2.25 1.41 0.58 1.49 0.06 0.02 0.18
Pr20 100 10 150 231,763 235,348 81.81 1.55
Avg. gap 2.38 1.80 1.09 1.01 0.42 0.38 0.33
Pr21 100 10 70 243,590n 245,263 122.47 0.69
Pr22 100 10 150 203,988n 205,524 85.03 0.75 Pr19 12.31 12.22 9.93 1.36 4.67 1.06 1.09
Pr23 100 10 70 250,882 254,302 112.09 1.36 Pr20 19.81 17.14 16.61 1.63 16.32 1.06 1.55
Pr24 100 10 150 204,317 204,786 79.70 0.23 Pr21 19.95 4.31 0.63 1.28 0.08 0.91 0.69
Pr25 200 10 70 477,248 478,843 941.78 0.33 Pr22 20.65 1.26 0.52 0.22 0.00 0.65 0.75
Pr26 200 10 150 378,351 378,865 562.05 0.14 Pr23 2.81 7.95 1.11 3.10 1.05 0.00 1.36
Pr27 200 10 70 449,571 451,457 703.66 0.42 Pr24 2.46 5.80 0.24 0.77 0.38 0.34 0.23
Pr28 200 10 150 374,330 374,972 403.53 0.17 Avg. gap 13.00 8.11 4.84 1.39 3.75 0.67 0.95
Pr29 200 10 70 469,433 475,155 878.83 1.22
Pr25 20.72 2.84 1.31 0.93 1.93 0.79 0.33
Pr30 200 10 150 362,817 365,401 490.92 0.71
Pr26 6.28 10.15 0.45 0.60 1.05 1.38 0.14
Avg. 196,640.13 197,674.40 191.28 0.36
Pr27 22.76 14.04 0.50 0.84 0.45 0.28 0.42
n Pr28 3.91 1.51 0.18 0.81 0.22 0.63 0.17
Proved optimal solution.
a Pr29 18.23 5.81 1.85 1.54 1.91 0.95 1.22
The solution is better than or equal to the best known solution is in boldface.
Pr30 23.83 7.22 0.56 0.67 0.65 0.24 0.71
Avg. gap 15.96 6.93 0.81 0.90 1.10 0.71 0.50
Avg. gap 8.24 3.60 1.38 0.69 1.07 0.41 0.36
et al. (2010). Among those comparing algorithms, SALRP is on (%)
average the most effective on this set of benchmark instances Avg. timec 176.57 96.49 76.69 17.48 258.17 422.36 191.28
from the literature. As shown in Table 6, our MACO obtains (sec)
slightly better results than those by SALRP, and it also needs less a
The best among all compared algorithms is in boldface.
computational time. However, since the algorithms were run on b
The instance was not tested.
different machines and different compliers were used, it is The average CPU time in seconds on the computer used by each algorithm.
difficult to compare the run time directly. For all instances, the
gaps over best known solutions obtained by the MACO range from
0.0% to 1.55%. This indicates that our MACO is robust to find a
good solution. It can be observed that our MACO outperforms all of instances does not have facility capacity limitation, the results
the other algorithms on average in small size (n r50) and the are not as good as the other three sets of instances as we
largest size instances (n ¼200). The MACO takes longer computa- expected.
tional time than the compared algorithms but the running time is In Table 8, we present information about the comparison of
quite acceptable for a strategic problem like the CLRP, even on the our MACO with other algorithms. The compared algorithms are
largest instances (less than 16 min). the TS in Tuzun and Burke (1999), the GRASP in Prins et al.
(2006a), the MA9PM in Prins et al. (2006b), and the LRGTS in Prins
4.4. Tuzun and Burke’s instances et al. (2007), the SALRP in Yu et al. (2010), and the GRASP ELS in
Duhamel et al. (2010). GRASP ELS is on average the most
The fourth set of instances was first described in Tuzun and effective on this set of benchmark instances from the literature.
Burke (1999). The instances can also be found at http://prod On average, our MACO obtains very competitive average gap that Different from other three sets of instances, the is slighter better than that of the GRASP ELS. Moreover, it is
Tuzun and Burke’s instances do not possess capacity restrictions noticeable that our MACO provides better results in the medium
for facilities. Therefore, we set the facility capacity as the total and large size instances (n ¼100, 200) than those by GRASP ELS,
customer demand in this set of instances. Table 7 provides and the largest gap in these instances is much smaller than that of
characteristics of Tuzun and Burke’s instances and computa- the comparing algorithms. In addition, our MACO is the only
tional results of the MACO. An asterisk in the best known algorithm that updates best solutions in three instances. With
solution indicates that the solution was proven to be optimal. respect to computational times the MACO takes longer than the
The average gap of all instances obtained by the MACO is 0.90%, comparative algorithms but it finds good solutions within
while the gap ranges between 0.15% and 4.21%. Our MACO reasonable times.
reaches 4 best known solutions and updates 3 best solutions. Overall, we solved four groups of CLRP instances to test the
Note that our MACO was designed to solve CLRP based on the performance of the MACO. The computational time grows reasonably
facility capacity information to select the location. Since this set with the problem size. For all 94 tested instances, our algorithm was
42 C.-J. Ting, C.-H. Chen / Int. J. Production Economics 141 (2013) 34–44
Table 7 Table 8
Computational results for Tuzun and Burke’s instances. Comparison of results for Tuzun and Burke’s instances.
T1 100 10 150 1467.68n 1489.68 71.08 1.50 T1 6.06 3.92 1.79 1.58 0.39a 0.65 1.50
T2 100 20 150 1449.20 1453.89 46.33 0.32 T2 5.71 5.36 1.53 1.56 0.00 1.50 0.32
T3 100 10 150 1394.80n 1407.78 60.98 0.93 T3 3.49 2.06 1.72 1.24 0.13 0.99 0.93
T4 100 20 150 1432.29 1433.42 54.05 0.08 T4 5.52 3.49 4.20 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.08
T5 100 10 150 1167.16n 1208.04 79.64 3.50 T5 5.48 2.83 0.52 1.75 0.00 0.86 3.50
T6 100 20 150 1102.24 1102.24a 64.53 0.00 T6 2.70 1.94 1.19 1.24 0.00 0.74 0.00
T7 100 10 150 791.66n 792.90 95.38 0.16 T7 4.23 2.82 0.29 2.73 0.05 0.00 0.16
T8 100 20 150 728.30 728.30 65.14 0.00 T8 1.68 2.68 0.30 2.01 0.00 0.50 0.00
T9 100 10 150 1238.24 1265.27 77.17 2.18 T9 6.36 2.82 1.94 2.40 0.17 0.02 2.18
T10 100 20 150 1245.31 1256.95 50.03 0.93 T10 2.34 2.22 0.48 0.87 0.06 0.16 0.93
T11 100 10 150 902.26n 902.26 60.56 0.00 T11 2.05 1.10 0.17 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00
T12 100 20 150 1018.29 1018.29 68.56 0.00 T12 2.35 0.41 0.46 0.71 0.00 0.56 0.00
T13 150 10 150 1866.75 1945.43 226.63 4.21 Avg. gap 4.00 2.64 1.22 1.50 0.07 0.50 0.80
T14 150 20 150 1833.95 1853.22 100.88 1.05
T13 7.19 7.50 4.96 4.25 4.17 4.67 4.21
T15 150 10 150 1965.12 1991.44 200.81 1.34
T14 3.21 3.00 2.60 2.28 1.65 3.55 1.05
T16 150 20 150 1801.39 1812.34 140.59 0.61
T15 2.90 3.50 0.97 2.31 1.39 4.70 1.34
T17 150 10 150 1443.33n 1499.05 206.06 3.86
T16 2.97 3.04 2.99 1.03 1.88 0.00 0.61
T18 150 20 150 1441.98 1446.63 162.73 0.32
T17 7.79 4.50 0.34 0.37 0.72 0.69 3.86
T19 150 10 150 1205.09 1204.76 218.19 0.03
T18 2.55 1.03 1.24 3.53 0.15 0.94 0.32
T20 150 20 150 930.99 931.73 149.86 0.08
T19 2.18 2.93 0.19 0.50 1.23 0.10 0.03
T21 150 10 150 1699.92 1724.02 226.11 1.42
T20 1.86 1.05 0.41 0.64 1.59 0.39 0.08
T22 150 20 150 1400.01 1401.05 122.86 0.07
T21 3.68 2.18 1.20 1.73 0.72 1.23 1.42
T23 150 10 150 1199.51 1217.29 240.59 1.48
T22 6.31 1.84 2.09 1.76 0.21 1.13 0.07
T24 150 20 150 1152.18 1158.03 129.94 0.51
T23 5.43 2.02 0.33 1.40 1.28 1.44 1.48
T25 200 10 150 2259.87 2304.67 460.73 1.98
T24 2.61 6.87 0.55 0.87 0.33 0.60 0.51
T26 200 20 150 2185.41 2187.65 230.83 0.10
Avg. gap 4.06 3.29 1.49 1.72 1.28 1.62 1.24
T27 200 10 150 2234.78 2231.46 427.89 0.15
T28 200 20 150 2241.04 2275.70 233.89 1.55 T25 5.29 5.49 1.51 1.62 1.59 2.84 1.98
T29 200 10 150 2089.77 2098.56 569.08 0.42 T26 1.20 4.70 4.21 1.01 0.83 3.33 0.10
T30 200 20 150 1709.56 1711.25 276.17 0.10 T27 2.39 1.72 1.78 1.17 0.52 1.14 0.15
T31 200 10 150 1466.62 1472.93 544.30 0.43 T28 5.12 4.64 6.03 0.82 1.09 3.81 1.55
T32 200 20 150 1084.78 1087.57 316.20 0.26 T29 3.29 2.26 0.79 1.48 0.80 1.09 0.42
T33 200 10 150 1970.44 1978.74 386.44 0.42 T30 4.53 5.72 3.62 1.65 4.06 0.79 0.10
T34 200 20 150 1918.93 1959.71 229.63 2.13 T31 5.67 2.05 0.06 1.50 0.52 0.17 0.43
T35 200 10 150 1771.06 1782.94 405.49 0.67 T32 2.60 1.03 0.30 0.54 0.08 0.36 0.26
T36 200 20 150 1393.16 1392.70 268.45 0.03 T33 4.35 3.77 0.14 0.69 1.72 1.20 0.42
Avg. 1505.64 1520.22 201.88 0.90 T34 4.35 8.96 3.13 3.52 2.37 0.68 2.13
T35 6.00 1.00 0.63 0.89 0.44 0.45 0.67
The solution is better than or equal to the best known solution is in boldface. T36 1.56 1.11 0.22 0.57 4.35 0.23 0.03
Avg. gap 3.86 3.54 1.87 1.29 1.53 1.34 0.66
Avg. gap (%) 3.97 3.15 1.53 1.50 0.96 1.15 0.90
able to reach 28 best known solutions and obtain 12 new best Avg. Timeb 11.50 195.60 203.10 21.20 606.64 826.42 201.88
solutions. The computational results show that our MACO algorithm (sec)
can solve diverse instances effectively. Moreover, the performance of a
The best among all compared algorithms is in boldface.
our algorithm is also compared with other algorithms in the b
The average CPU time in seconds on the computer used by each algorithm.
literature. For those six algorithms that test the last three sets of
benchmark instances in Tables 4, 6, and 8, our MACO is the only one
that is able to update the best known solutions. The best two routing problem (MDVRP), while the first one is the main problem
algorithms that tested these three sets of instances from the literature and the latter problem to be a subordinate one. Thus, the MDVRP
are the GRASP ELS by Duhamel et al. (2010) and SALRP by Yu et al. is solved embedded in the facility location problem. In each
(2010). The results show that our MACO approach is comparable to iteration, two ant colonies (location selection and customer
these two algorithms. It is worth observing that our MACO provides assignment) communicate with each other through the global
the lowest average gap among all algorithms for the last three sets of pheromone updating rule.
85 instances. Furthermore, the average gap by MACO in the largest The computational experiments are carried out on four sets of
size instances with number of customers more than 200 (nZ200) is instances from the literature. Our MACO is able to obtain optimal
much lower than the other algorithms. This indicates that our MACO or near-optimal solutions in a reasonable computation time for
can find good solutions in the problems close to the real and practical most benchmark instances. Our MACO reaches 28 and updates 12
situation. best known solutions, respectively, in 94 instances considered in
this study. The results show that the MACO can obtain good
solutions on various kinds of CLRP instances within reasonable
5. Conclusions computational times. The MACO is especially very effective to
solve the largest size LRP instances (n Z200) and the overall
In this paper we proposed a multiple ant colony optimization performance is competitive with other algorithms in the
(MACO) heuristic, which adopts a nested mechanism with three literature.
hierarchical solution construction rules, to solve the capacitated Our MACO checks the facility capacity constraint after finish-
location routing problem (CLRP). The CLRP is to solve each of the ing the customer assignment, in the future we could check this
three decisions in LRP: location selection, customer assignment during the customer assignment construction to reduce the
and route construction. We decompose the CLRP hierarchically computational time. Currently, each colony has its own control
into facility location problem (FLP) and multiple depot vehicle parameters in the MACO approach. It would be interesting to
C.-J. Ting, C.-H. Chen / Int. J. Production Economics 141 (2013) 34–44 43
study the effect of using the same control parameters in each tsj the pheromone level of location j at sth iteration, t0j is
colony in the future. Another research direction could be the the initial level
study on reliable location routing problem, in which some xsik the pheromone level between customer i and location k
facilities are subject to failure. This could be happened in the at sth iteration, x0 is the initial level
disaster relief network. Other possible perspective could be zs0iv the pheromone of edge (i, v) at iteration s0 , z0 is the
applying the MACO to other combinatorial optimization problems initial level
that contain multiple-level decisions.
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