PMP Exam Paper 1
PMP Exam Paper 1
PMP Exam Paper 1
Activity E
Duration - 6 Days
48 50
27 PMP mcq Question Option 1
A few deliverables in your proje Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
28 PMP mcq Question Option 1
The project you are currently m Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
29 PMP mcq Question Option 1
As per the organization policy t Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
30 PMP mcq Question Option 1
You are an experienced project Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
31 PMP mcq Question Option 1
The team is working on a softwar
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
32 PMP mcq Question Option 1
You are attending the project s Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
33 PMP mcq Question Option 1
According to Tuckman Ladder, iOption 2
Option 3
Option 4
34 PMP mcq Question Option 1
The vendor and the project manag
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
35 PMP mcq Question Option 1
Your project sponsor want you toOption 2
Option 3
Option 4
36 PMP mcq Question Option 1
You are in a process of prioritizi Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
37 PMP dnd Question Option 1
you are a new product owner and
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
1 Individuals and In 1 Comprehensive documentation
2 Working software 2 Contract negotiation
3 Customer collabor 3 Processes and tools
4 Responding to ch 4 Following a plan
Organizational Process
Quality Matrix
Team Performance Ass
Enterprise Environmenta
In iterative lifecycle th
In adaptive lifecycle the
In iterative lifecycle the
In adaptive lifecycle th
Conduct retrospective m
Put the customer sugges
Start the next iteration
Consult product owner t
Consult the sponsor as
Review the risk register
Inform the customer abo
Plan a work around
Use Contingency Reser
Use Management Rese
Ask the finance departm
Contact your sponsor
Problem Solving
Refer to the business c
Identify how the project
Go through agreements r
Review business cases o
Project team assignmen
Resource requirements
A team charter with oper
Resource calendars
Purchase Order
Issue logs from previous
Process documentation
Stakeholder registers fr
Procurement documentat
Developing the Schedul
Determining the Budget
Identify Stakeholders
Identify Risk
Bubble chart is used for
Stakeholder cube is used
Both can deal with mor
Both are stakeholder ide
Review your project res
Try to wrap-up the curre
Ask the management how
Look into the skillset d
The project scope stat
The WBS Dictionary
The WBS of the project
The cost of the work req
Cost Plus Fix Fee
Cost Plus Award Fee
Fixed Price Incentive F
Firm Fix Price Contract
Working software comp
Individuals and interact
Customer satisfaction th
Responding to change an
Undetected Defects
Escaped Defects
Primary Defects
Secondary Defects
Common Knowledge
Shared Knowledge
Explicit Knowledge
Tacit Knowledge
Sprint Review
Sprint Planning
Daily Stand-up
Sprint Retrospective
Cycle Time
Throughput Time
Actual Time
Sprint Breakdown Struc
Product Breakdown Stru
Feature Breakdown Stru
Activity Breakdown Stru
Product Vision Stateme
Product Roadmap
Product Theme
Product Backlog
Product Roadmap
Product Development
Product Stream Mappi
Product Breakdown Stru
Quality Assurance
Quality Control
Quality Review
Quality Performance
Identification of the sta
Updating the communic
Spending time on commu
Updating the risk regist
User stories are kept in
User stories should be wr
User stories are the bas
User stories represent th
Keep Informed
Manage Closely
Keep Satisfied
Monitor Closely
Iteration Planning Meet
Iteration Review Meetin
Iteration Retrospective
Iteration Acceptance Me
Determination of whether
Creation of quality matr
Confirmation of the imp
Process Improvement to
Adaptive software deve
Test driven developmen
Feature driven develop
Lean software develop
Put the user story to the
Delete the user story f
Rewrite the user story t
Put the user story to the
Resource Calendar
Resource Breakdown St
Team Charter
Resource Requirement
Iteration Demo
Iteration Retrospective
Release Planning Meeti
Iteration Planning Meet
WBS and WBS approval
Scope statement change
Project scope statemen
Requirement prioritizat
Stakeholder alignment
Iteration review meeting
Iteration retrospective
Daily stand-up meeting
Nominal group techniqu
Facilitation, for exampl
Focus groups
Increase developers to
Cut short the user stori
Meet the product owner t
Discuss new release da
Documented Exclusions
Documented Constraint
Documented Assumptio
Documented Requireme
Engage the team in docu
Engage the team to agre
Engage the team in all p
Encourage the team to ex
Arrow Diagramming Me
Fragment Network
Precedence Diagrammi
Activity On Node
19 Days
18 Days
11 Days
13 Days
Project Spike Data
Team's Velocity Chart
Product Backlog
Cycle Time
Formal Verbal
Formal Written
Informal Verbal
Informal Written
Focus on 'work not done'
Consult with the proje
Adopt the process used
Tailor their own process
Language Training
Social Media Training
Cultural Training
Communication Training
Partially Assigned
Minimally Assigned
Fractionally Assigned
Functionally Assigned
It is reviewed and accep
Allows the customer to v
Provides a common unde
Provides a common unde
Product Roadmap
Product Backlog
Sprint Backlog
Release Backlog
Text oriented format
Functional chart
Organizational chart
Responsibility Assignme
The team should have ad
The team should have wo
The team should have co
The line manager should
The Project Manager
The Scrum Master
The Product Owner
The Development Team
Technical skills
Face to Face time
Time zone difference
Long distance
Agile Modelling
Agile Prototyping
Agile Analysis
Agile Manifesto
Assumptions are not do
Schedule constraints a
Scope not properly defin
Finance planning was n
Team Evaluation
Individual Evaluation
Process Tailoring
The procurement decisi
All the work to be done
The resources needed fo
When each deliverable wi
Controlling changes to t
Validating that the proj
Obtaining stakeholder's
Validating that the proj
Test driven developmen
Lean software develop
Feature driven develop
Adaptive software deve
Should conduct the test
This should be consider
Should continue testing
Should not proceed as th
Fist of five
Roman voting
Mind map
Multicriteria Decision An
Expert Judgment
Matrix Diagram
Logical Data Model
Agile time and material
Agile iteration contract
Agile master service ag
Agile phased developme
Throughout the iteratio
Only at the start of the f
At the start of the iterat
Just before the end of p
What if analysis
Critical path adjustment
Project Crashing
Resource levelling
Incremental Planning
Rolling Wave Planning
Adaptive Planning
Progressive Planning
Competence in relation
Ability to seek feedback
Non verbal ability
Informal verbal commun
Work Performance Infor
Project Performance Re
Change Requests
Project Plan Updates
Virtual Communication
Osmotic Communicatio
Face to Face Communic
Electronic Communicati
The Sponsor
The Product Owner
The Development Team
The Agile Coach
Weak Matrix
Balance Matrix
Strong Matrix
Fine tune approach but
Lock down the budget,
Deliberate extensively t
One team member should
More effective commun
Loyalty of the project t
Team members continue
Efficient Project Organi
Functional Organization
Hybrid Organizations be
Virtual Organizations in
Project oriented Organi
Apply the same practice
Consult with the scrum
Design a new set of best
Select the best practice
Decide what to do about
Label the fish's tail with
Look for items appearin
Brainstorm factors with
The team approach is wr
Nothing is wrong. To ma
Nothing is wrong. Mainta
The team approach is wro
Work Performance Repo
Issue Log
Risk Register
Stakeholder Engagemen
Power Management Skil
Stakeholder Engagement
Political Awareness
Wait and observe the di
Pitch in immediately to
Start a mentoring sess
Call HR department
Cost Reimbursable Cont
Purchase Order
Statement of Work
WBS Dictionary
Cost of work required
Project Scope Statement
Start planning and esti
Start development work
Decompose the features
Set up a customer revie
Lack of leadership
Avoidance of accountabil
Fear of conflict
Absence of job security
Due to change of busines
Due to uncertainty and ri
Due to learning or incr
Due to increase of prod
Crash the project to mee
Ask team members to w
Raise a change request
Inform customer about t
Determining the rate at
Comparing planned and a
Using schedule reserve
Reviewing progress with
Cards were revealed w
Participants re-estimate
Participants used ideal
You did nothing wrong a
Schedule Estimates
Schedule Data
Schedule Compression
Schedule Model
Sprint Backlog
Sprint Plan
Sprint Vision Statement
Sprint Burnup Chart
Estimated velocity
Forecasted velocity
Cycle velocity
Terminal velocity
Conflict Management
Problem Solving
Emotional Intelligence
Providing only the infor
Providing all information
Providing information
Providing information o
Constant Integration
Continuous Integration
Consistent Integration
Code Integration Updat
Project Performance Re
Change Request
Project Documents Upd
Work Performance Infor
Self-Led Project Teams
Democratic Decision Ma
Sharing Risk
Avoiding Risk
Escalating Risk
Mitigating Risk
Customer communication
Working software over
Responding to change ov
Individuals and interact
Accepting Risk
Avoiding Risk
Mitigating Risk
Sharing Risk
Providing information a
Providing information
Ensuring receiver agree
Confirming the message
Inherent risk manageme
Overt risk management
Organic risk manageme
Agile risk management
Theory Y and Maslow's
Herzberg's Hygiene Fac
Theory Y, Expectancy T
Expectancy Theory, The
Sprint Planning
Sprint Review
Sprint Retrospective
Sprint Demo
Product Roadmap
Product Backlog
Sprint Vision Statement
Sprint Backlog
Cross Functional
Balance Matrix
Weak Matrix
Expected Monetary Val
Decision Tree
Influence Diagram
Sensitivity Analysis
Product Review Meetin
Backlog Prioritization M
Daily Stand-up Meeting
Risk Analysis Meeting
Status Information Boar
Black Board
Information Radiator
Project Description
Management Risk
Business Risk
Insurable Risk
Variable Risk
Project A
Project B
Which ever project requi
Which ever project requi
Can't do
Can do
Could have
Project Manager
Product Owner
Project Team
Quality Team
The project is moving at
The project is behind t
The project is moving at
The project is moving a
Consult PMO to check if
Consult project sponsor
Raise a change request
Tell senior member that
Team Charter
Project Management Pl
Project Charter
Risk Register
Bottom Up Analysis
Analogous Estimation
Parametric Estimation
PERT Analysis
Risk Value
Percent Value
Contingency Value
Expected Monetary Val
To get things done thro
Focus on senior manager
Focusing on improving t
To build high levels of r