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A Design Guide for Footfall Induced Vibration of Structures

A Design Guide for Footfall
Induced Vibration of Structures
A Design Guide for Footfall Induced Vibration of Structures A tool for designers to engineer the footfall vibration
characteristics of buildings or bridges

M R Willford CEng MIMechE

Whilst footfall induced vibrations on buildings or bridges Michael Willford and Peter Young have over 30 years combined
P Young CEng MIMechE
is not normally significant in terms of structural integrity, experience in the area of structural dynamics. The methods
footfall vibration can be a critical serviceability condition. presented in this guide have been developed by them over the last
This publication presents a new method for evaluating 10 years and have been used extensively within Arup for the past 5
the vibration due to a single pedestrian walking on a flat years.
surface, such as a floor slab or bridge deck. The method was

M R Willford CEng MIMechE and P Young CEng MIMechE

developed by Arup, and has been calibrated and refined with
verification measurements taken on completed structures
over a period of ten years.

This publication provides an informative description of the factors

effecting footfall induced vibration and guides the engineer through
the process of designing for vibration. It includes flowcharts for
calculation procedures and a useful glossary. It also includes worked
examples on a concrete footbridge, a low frequency multispan post
tensioned concrete floor and a high frequency ribbed slab.

Published December 2006
ISBN 1-904482-29-5
Price Group Q
© The Concrete Centre

Riverside House, 4 Meadows Business Park,

Station Approach, Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey, GU17 9AB
Tel: +44 (0)700 4 500 500

Footfall Induced Vibration cover1 1 08/12/2006 15:42:26

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A cement and concrete industry publication

The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of their colleagues at Arup to the validation
of the methods described in this guide, in particular Caroline Field, Kathy Gubbins, Kubilay Hicyilmaz
and Mark Arkinstall. Professor Aleksander Pavic of Sheffield University also provided additional
validation data from his own independent research projects. The authors would like to thank Dr
Stuart Kerr for providing the data which is the basis of the footfall forces used here.

Finally, special thanks are due to Professor Tom Wyatt of Imperial College London, who was the
independent peer reviewer for this document.

Published for The Concrete Centre by The Concrete Society

Published November 2006
ISBN 1-904482-29-5
Price Group Q
© The Concrete Centre

The Concrete Centre

Riverside House, 4 Meadows Business Park, Station Approach, Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey GU17 9AB
Tel: +44 (0)1276 606800 Fax: +44 (0)1276 606801 www.concretecentre.com

CCIP publications are produced by The Concrete Society (www.concrete.org.uk) on behalf of

the Cement and Concrete Industry Publications Forum – an industry initiative to publish technical
guidance in support of concrete design and construction.

CCIP publications are available from the Concrete Bookshop at www.concretebookshop.com

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All advice or information from The Concrete Centre is intended for those who will evaluate the significance and limitations of its
contents and take responsibility for its use and application. No liability (including that for negligence) for any loss resulting from
such advice or information is accepted by The Concrete Centre or its subcontractors, suppliers or advisors. Readers should note
that publications are subject to revision from time to time and should therefore ensure that they are in possession of the latest

Printed by Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, UK.

Footfall Induced Vibration cover2 2 08/12/2006 15:43:14

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A Design Guide for Footfall Induced
Vibration of Structures
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Nomenclature 2

1. Introduction 5

2. Understanding footfall induced vibration 6

3. Quantifying vibration 13

4. Predicting footfall induced vibration of structures 22

5. Worked examples 41

References 61

Glossary 62

Appendix A. Evaluating modal properties of a structure 66

Appendix B. Procedures for measuring floor response 75

Appendix C. Validation 79

Footfall Induced Vibration of St1 1 06/12/2006 16:29:48

a momentary acceleration
at total acceleration response in all modes
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ah acceleration due to hth harmonic

areal,h aimag,h real and imaginary parts of the acceleration due to the hth harmonic
ah,m acceleration due to hth harmonic in mth mode
areal,h,m aimag,h,m real and imaginary parts of the acceleration in the mth mode due to
the hth harmonic
b shorter dimension of rib
C, Cx , Cy torsional rigidity of ribs, torsional rigidity of ribs in shorter spanning
direction, torsional rigidity of ribs in longer transverse direction
d longer dimension of rib
Dx flexural rigidity in the shorter spanning direction
Dy flexural rigidity in the longer transverse direction
Dxy slab torsional rigidity
DLF dynamic load factor
E Young’s modulus
Fh harmonic force
f, fm frequency, frequency of mode m (Hz)
fn natural frequency (Hz)
fw walking frequency (paces per second) (Hz)
f0 natural frequency of bay assumed to be one-way spanning only
h harmonic number
G shear modulus
H torsional stiffness parameter
Ieff effective impulse
j number of half sines in the longer, transverse direction
k number of half sines in the shorter spanning direction
Kf first mode frequency correction factor for a two-way spanning slab
Kfm frequency correction factor for slab with back span
Kim multiplier on first mode impulsive response to account for other
Kmm modal mass correction factor for a slab with back span
Krm multiplier on first mode resonant response to account for other modes
l stride length
L span
m mass per unit length or mass per unit area
ˆ m ˆ m modal mass, modal mass of the mth mode
N number of footsteps
P static weight of walker
r ratio of the natural frequency of a structure, fn, to walking speed, fw
R, Rh response factor, response factor due to hth harmonic
RMS root mean square
s beam spacing
t time

Footfall Induced Vibration of St2 2 06/12/2006 16:29:48


t slab thickness
T period of vibration
Ta RMS averaging period
ˆv momentary velocity
v peak velocity
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vˆ m velocity response in the mth mode

vm peak velocity in the mth mode
VDV vibration dose value
W width
x momentary position or displacement
x when referring to a direction or property of a floor plate, the suffix x
denotes the transverse (or wider) direction of the floor (see Figures
4.8 and A2)
xRMS, vRMS, aRMS RMS displacement, velocity or acceleration
xR = 1 vR = 1 aR = 1 displacement, velocity or accelerations corresponding to R = 1
X displacement amplitude
y when referring to a direction or property of a floor plate, the suffix y
denotes the spanning (or shorter) direction of the floor (see Figures
4.8 and A2)
ζ , ζm modal damping, modal damping of mode m (fraction of critical
damping or percentage of critical damping)
μ mode shape value
μe , μr mode shape value at excitation point, mode shape value at response
μe,m μr,m mode shape values at excitation and response points in mth mode
v Poisson’s ratio
ρ , ρh,m resonant correction factor, resonant correction factor for the hth
harmonic and the mth mode
ω angular frequency, radians per second

Footfall Induced Vibration of St3 3 06/12/2006 16:29:48

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Footfall Induced Vibration of St4 4

06/12/2006 16:29:48

1. Introduction
This guide describes a reliable methodology for predicting the vertical vibration induced
by pedestrians crossing structures such as floors and bridges.
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Many methods already exist1, 2, 3,4, 5 but each of these is significantly limited in some respect.
A full discussion of these limitations can be found elsewhere6, 7.

The method presented here addresses all of the issues described below in a consistent
n It is applicable to any type of structure on which people walk, including floors and bridges.
n It is applicable to structures of any form or construction material, e.g. steel, composite,
reinforced or pre-stressed concrete or timber structures, and enables reliable
comparisons to be made between designs of different forms and materials.
n Complex irregular structures can be assessed as reliably as simple regular ones.
n The footfall forcing functions recommended are based on a very extensive set of
measured data, and these loads and the likelihood of their occurrence have been
statistically quantified.
n The methodology has been extensively validated and independently peer reviewed.
n The method has been used routinely and regularly on design projects around the world
for the past five years, and its accuracy is validated by many measurements of
completed structures.
n It interfaces well with modern engineering design methods and software packages.

The method described in this guide is based on the well-established principles of modal
analysis. This enables first principles calculations to be made, and unlike most other methods,
it does not require the introduction of arbitrary or empirical factors. This makes it a robust
approach for the assessment of any type of structure of any construction material.

The method is appropriate for calculating the vibration caused by a single pedestrian
walking on a flat surface on any structure which is significantly heavier (by at least a factor
of 10) than the individual. Whilst very simple regular structures can be assessed entirely by
hand or spreadsheet calculation, it is envisaged that the method will be used principally
in conjunction with finite element analysis as a means of estimating the modal properties
of floor and bridge structures. Whilst this might be seen as an added complexity, in practice
the additional accuracy that finite element analysis of less regular structures brings to the
assessment more than outweighs the modest additional effort associated with building
and analysing a model.

The method was developed within Arup and refined by reference to the measured per-
formance of completed structures over a period of ten years. It has been independently
reviewed by Professor T A Wyatt of Imperial College London. It is published here as a
Cement and Concrete Industry publication but it is applicable to structures of any con-
struction material.

Footfall Induced Vibration of St5 5 06/12/2006 16:29:48

2. Understanding footfall induced vibration
When people walk on floors, staircases, bridges or other structures they apply dynamic
forces that cause the structures to vibrate. The vibration displacement amplitude is
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normally very small (micrometres rather than millimetres) and is not perceptible visually
or significant in terms of structural integrity. However it can often be felt by other people
and, if excessive, can be distracting and detrimental to the perceived quality of the structure.
Vibration can also impair the function of sensitive equipment in buildings such as
laboratories and precision manufacturing facilities.

In order to assess how a structure responds to forces induced by walking persons it is

necessary to understand:
n The forces applied to the structure.
n The dynamic properties of the structure (mode shapes, natural frequencies, damping etc.).
n The way in which the structure responds to the applied forces.

Each of these is discussed in the following sections.

2.1 Footfall forces The dynamic forces applied to the ground by a walking person can be measured directly
by walking experiments using instrumented force plates or platforms. Four example
measured footfall time histories11 are shown in Figure 2.1. These show the total dynamic

Figure 2.1
Force time history Force time history
Examples of measured footfall 800 800

force time histories. 600 600

400 400
Dynamic force (N)
Dynamic force (N)

200 200

0 0

-200 -200

-400 -400

-600 -600

-800 -800
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Time (secs) Time (secs)
b10105 (757 N) a50503 (1023 N)

Force time history Force time history

800 800

600 600

400 400
Dynamic force (N)

Dynamic force (N)

200 200

0 0

-200 -200

-400 -400

-600 -600

-800 -800
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Time (secs) Time (secs)
820n05 (701 N) 126n15 (925 N)

Footfall Induced Vibration of St6 6 06/12/2006 16:29:49

Understanding footfall induced vibration

component of the force applied to a structure by both feet during the period of several
footfalls. In normal walking there are typically between 1.5 and 2.5 steps per second
(average about 1.8) and so the period of one footfall is typically just over 0.5 seconds. The
static weight of the individual has been subtracted from the measurements as it does not
vary with time and so does not induce any dynamic response.
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The four time histories are very different in both shape and magnitude. Extensive research10
has shown that factors which contribute to this variation include height, gender, footwear,
weight, walking surface and walking speed. Given the extent of this variability, there is no
single ‘correct’ force that can be used to calculate structural response, but it is instead
appropriate to adopt values that are statistically representative and have an arbitrary but
known probability of exceedence.

In this guide, mean dynamic forces and their coefficients of variation are presented which
have been derived from 882 measured footfall time histories10. Design forces are proposed
which have a 25% probability of exceedence.

2.2 Dynamic properties of a All structures have what are known as natural modes of vibration, and each of these modes
structure has a unique spatial distribution of displacement (known as the mode shape), natural
frequency of vibration, modal mass and modal damping associated with it. The natural
modes are a structure’s ‘preferred’ patterns of vibration – the modes in which it will vibrate
if excited by a sudden impact. These concepts are defined formally in the glossary and
illustrated by example below.

Consider the short bridge shown in Figure 2.2a, idealised as a uniform simply supported
beam. Some of its lowest modes of vibration could be excited by someone performing a
single jump at mid-span. This would cause the bridge to vibrate, and the displacement
history at mid-span in the first mode would be as shown in Figures 2.2b and 2.2c. The
vibration displacement, velocity and acceleration all vary sinusoidally with time at the
natural frequency of the mode, which depends on the stiffness, mass and span of the
bridge. The amplitude of vibration decays with time at a rate dependent on the damping,
but during this decay the frequency and spatial distribution of the vibration do not
change. Neither the frequency nor mode shape of the vibration depends on how high the
person jumps (assuming linear elastic response) – but the initial amplitude of vibration is
affected by the jump height.

The motion in one vibration mode following a single impact is known as damped simple
harmonic motion, and a rigorous mathematical description of this can be found in
dynamics textbooks11.

In fact, the bridge has many modes of vertical vibration, the first three of which are shown
in Figure 2.3. A mode can’t be excited by forces applied at a position of zero displacement
in the mode. In this case, therefore, whilst the first and third modes would be excited by a
jump at mid-span, the second would only respond if the person jumped elsewhere on the

Footfall Induced Vibration of St7 7 06/12/2006 16:29:49

bridge. Jumping at the quarter point, for instance, would excite all three modes, but would
excite the first mode (also known as the fundamental mode) less effectively than would a
jump at mid-span.

Figure 2.2
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A simply spanning bridge excited impulsively

at mid-span.
(a) A bridge as a simply supported beam

(b) The first mode of vibration

(c) The displacement of mid-span after

someone jumps once at mid-span

Figure 2.3
The first three bending modes of a simply
supported beam. Mode 1

Mode 2

Mode 3

The methodology described in this guide requires an assessment of the modal properties
(that is, frequency, mode shape, modal mass and damping) of all the relevant modes of
the structure. Details of how this can be done are described in Appendix A. Whilst for some
simple and regular structures (e.g. uniform beams, regular simply supported floor bays)
analytical solutions can be used, the easiest general method is finite element analysis,
which is now widely accessible in design offices.

Footfall Induced Vibration of St8 8 06/12/2006 16:29:50

Understanding footfall induced vibration

2.3 Structural response to Rather than jumping on the bridge, the person described above is more likely to want to
footfall forces walk across it. In so doing, he or she applies a periodically varying dynamic force (such as
shown in Figure 2.1) to the bridge, and the bridge responds dynamically to this force time
history. Initially, let us assume that the bridge is long and that the point of application of
the load can be considered as stationary at mid-span (i.e. the pedestrian is effectively
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walking on the spot at the middle of the bridge).

The response of the bridge to the repeated application of this force depends on several
factors, the most important being:
n the stiffness and mass of the bridge.
n the damping of the bridge.
n the ratio (r) of the bridge’s natural frequency (fn) to the pacing frequency (fw), as given
in Equation 2.1:
= n
r (2.1)

The influence of the frequency ratio r can be illustrated using one of the force time
histories described in section 2.1 above. Consider one in which the person is walking at
2.0 footfalls/second (Hz) and assume that the bridge has a modal mass of 10 tonnes,
damping of 1% of critical and that the natural frequency of the bridge is either 3Hz or
4Hz. As natural frequency is proportional to √(stiffness/mass) and the masses of the two
bridges are identical, the 4Hz bridge must be about 77% stiffer than the 3Hz bridge. The
velocity time histories calculated at the centre of the bridge are as shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4
Velocity time histories calculated at mid-span x 10
−3 Bridge response at midspan, 1% damping
for a person walking at 2.0 steps per second 2.5
on a 3Hz and a 4Hz bridge. fn = 3Hz

2 fn = 4Hz


Velocity [m/s]



−1. 5


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time [secs]

Footfall Induced Vibration of St9 9 06/12/2006 16:29:50

It is seen that the vibration response of the two structures is significantly different. For the
4Hz bridge, the vibration builds up over time such that the response after several footfalls
is significantly greater than after the first. This is a ‘resonance’ phenomenon, in which the
vibrations induced by each footfall reinforce the vibration generated by previous footfalls.
For the 3Hz bridge this is not the case, and the response is similar at each footfall. The
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maximum response of the 4Hz (stiffer) bridge is significantly greater than that of the less
stiff, but otherwise identical, structure.

A natural extension of this analysis is to calculate such velocity time histories for many
more values of r and to graph the variation of maximum response velocity with r. This is
similar to the development of a velocity ‘response spectrum’ under seismic excitation.
Figures 2.5a and 2.5b below show the results of such analysis, averaged across all of the 882
measured force time histories (rather than just the one mentioned above) for a 10 tonne
structure with 3% of critical damping.

Figure 2.5a x 10
−3 Peak velocities, 3% damping
Averaged peak velocity response spectrum for
882 footfall force time histories for r > 0.6.

Peak vel, [m/s]

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
r = fn / f w

Figure 2.5b x 10
−4 Peak velocities, 3% damping
As Figure 2.5a, but showing more detail for 6

r > 1.5.

Peak vel, [m/s]

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
r = fn / f w


Footfall Induced Vibration of St10 10 06/12/2006 16:29:51

Understanding footfall induced vibration

In these graphs it can be seen that, in general, the vibration response reduces as r (the
ratio of a structure’s modal frequency to footfall rate) increases. However, there are ‘peaks’
in the response spectra at particular ‘whole number’ values of r. If r is close to 1.0 then the
footfall rate equals the natural frequency of the mode, and the mode responds strongly
in resonance to the ‘first harmonic’ of the footfall forces. If r is close to 2.0, the mode
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responds resonantly to the ‘second harmonic’ of the footfall forces, and so on. These
resonances lead to significantly greater response when r is close to 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0
than arises for intermediate values of r.

For r > 4 there is much less sensitivity to the exact value of r. Inspection of the time
histories shows that the response does not build up over time, and the response to each
individual footfall is comparable. At high values of r the velocity response is characterised
by an initial peak response (such as that produced by a single impulse) followed by a de-
caying sinusoid similar to that illustrated in Figure 2.2c (and 3.2). The non-resonant response
can therefore be treated as repeating impulsive responses to individual foot impacts.

Figure 2.6 shows the effect of varying the damping of the structure. It can be seen that the
magnitude of resonant response for whole number values of r is strongly dependent on
both the damping of the structure and the harmonic number. Impulsive response (that is,
away from ‘whole number’ values of r and for r > 4) is much less sensitive to damping.

Figure 2.6a
Average peak velocity response spectrum for Peak velocities
different values of damping. 0.014
1% damping
3% damping
5% damping


Peak vel [m/s]




0 2 4 6 8 10 12
r = fn / f w


Footfall Induced Vibration of St11 11 06/12/2006 16:29:51

Figure 2.6b −3 Peak velocities
x 10
Peak velocities. 1.4
1% damping
3% damping
5% damping
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Peak vel [m/s]




0 2 4 6 8 10 12
r = fn / f w

The above generic analyses show that if a person can walk at a footfall rate that is a factor
of 1, 2, 3 or 4 lower than the natural frequency of a mode, then resonance is possible, and
this will lead to vibration levels greater than walking at slightly different footfall rates. For
values of r greater than approximately 4.2, there is a general trend of decreasing response
with higher structural frequency, but there is little evidence of resonant response and far
less sensitivity to the exact value of r.

As footfall rates typically vary between 1.5Hz and 2.5Hz, then any structure with modal
frequencies between 1.5Hz and 10.5Hz (~4.2 × 2.5Hz) is potentially susceptible to the higher
responses due to resonance. For structural modes with natural frequencies sufficiently high
that they cannot be excited by the fourth harmonic (i.e. natural frequencies greater than
approximately 10.5Hz), then vibrations will not significantly exceed the impulsive response
due to a single footfall. If the damping is very low, then in theory resonance to the fifth
and sixth harmonics could produce a higher response, but this is not usually of practical
concern because successive footfalls are not completely identical, and this reduces the
magnitude of the higher harmonics.

Many structures have several modes that may simultaneously experience significant
responses to footfalls, and practical prediction methods must allow for this. Whilst the
determination of modal properties of the structure is the same, it is convenient to have
different approaches for the calculation of resonant and impulsive vibration responses.
Therefore structures with vertical natural frequencies less than 4.2 times the fastest walking
frequency should be designed for resonant response using the methods described in
section 4.2 below, and structures with all vertical natural frequencies higher than 4.2
times the fastest walking frequency should be designed for impulsive response using the
methods described in section 4.3.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St12 12 06/12/2006 16:29:52

Quantifying vibration

3. Quantifying vibration
Before attempting to predict vibration levels, it is necessary to understand how vibration is
described quantitatively. Generic terms, and those that refer specifically to footfall induced
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vibration, are described below. Typical performance targets are also given for structures of
differing usage.

3.1 Generic measures of At least two parameters are required to define vibration quantitatively. Formal definitions
vibration of some of these are included in the Glossary but the metrics generally refer either to the
magnitude of vibration (e.g. the amplitude of motion) or the cyclic rate at which it occurs
(e.g. the frequency).

Consider first a system which vibrates such that its displacement is a sinusoidal function
of time, as shown in Figure 3.1. This is known as simple harmonic motion. The relationship
between displacement (x) and time (t) is given in Equation 3.1:

x = X sin ωt (3.1)

Figure 3.1
Displacement time history for vibration with a
period T and an amplitude X.


This vibration has a period of T and a frequency (f) of 1/T cycles per unit time. If T is mea-
sured in seconds then the unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz) and f is the number of vibration
cycles per second. Frequency is sometimes expressed as angular frequency (ω) which is
the number of radians per second; there are 2π radians in a cycle. Period, frequency and
angular frequency are therefore related by the following equations:

f = ω = 2πf (3.2)


Footfall Induced Vibration of St13 13 06/12/2006 16:29:52

The amplitude of the vibration is the maximum displacement from rest. The time history
shown in Figure 3.1 has an amplitude of X.

It is more common in the context of floor vibration to talk about velocity (v) and accele-
ration (a) than displacement. Velocity is the first derivative of displacement with respect
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to time, and acceleration is the derivative of velocity with respect to time. For simple
harmonic motion, as shown in Figure 3.1, the derivatives of the displacement function are:

v = Xω cos ωt a = –Xω2 sin ωt (3.3)

and so the amplitudes of the velocity and acceleration are Xω and Xω2 respectively. The
frequency of the velocity and the acceleration are the same as those of the displacement.

A single value of amplitude and frequency completely define simple harmonic motion.
However, the measured velocity of a floor excited by walking may be like that shown in
Figure 3.2, and clearly neither the amplitude nor the frequency are constant.

Figure 3.2
A measured velocity time history for a
pedestrian walking at 100 paces per minute.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St14 14 06/12/2006 16:29:53

Quantifying vibration

The peak velocity amplitude (0.12mm/s in this case) can be a useful measure in certain
circumstances, but may not be very representative of the vibration as a whole if, for instance,
one isolated peak is significantly higher than the rest of the signal. A measure of the average
amplitude is the root mean square, or RMS, evaluated over a certain averaging period, Ta.
The RMS response is calculated using Equation 3.4 and involves first squaring the velocity
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at every instant (making all values positive), finding the average of the squared values
over the specified time interval, and taking the square root of this average. For simple
harmonic motion the RMS value is equal to 1/√2, or 70.7% of the peak value. For the
measured trace in Figure 3.2, the RMS averaged over the 4 second period is 0.036mm/s,
which is approximately 30% of the peak value:

xrms = 1

x2 dt


3.2 Human response to Where human perception of vibration is the primary concern (as opposed to the operation
vibration of sensitive equipment) vibration performance is sometimes expressed in terms of peak or
RMS acceleration or velocity. Sometimes a ‘response factor’ is specified, and sometimes
the ‘Vibration Dose Value’, or VDV, is used. The background to these parameters is out-
lined in the following section.

3.2.1 Perception of vibration People are more sensitive to vibration at some frequencies than at others. BS 6472 8
specifies base curves for human perception of continuous vibration which depend on the
frequency and the orientation of the vibration relative to the axes of the human body. For
the head-to-toe axis (z), the RMS acceleration level corresponding to the average
threshold of perception is plotted in Figure 3.3. In the most sensitive frequency range,
between 4Hz and 8Hz, the criterion is one of constant acceleration. Above 8Hz the
criterion is one of constant velocity, which appears on Figure 3.3 as an acceleration
increasing linearly with frequency.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St15 15 06/12/2006 16:29:54

Figure 3.3
Baseline RMS acceleration in the head-to-toe
(z) axis. Building vibration Z-axis Base curve for acceleration (RMS)
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Acceleration (RMS) /m/s2


3.2.2 Response factor The response factor (R) is simply a multiplier on the level of vibration at the average thres-
hold of human perception. Therefore a response factor of 1 represents the magnitude of
vibration that is just perceptible by a typical human, a response factor of 2 is twice that,
and a response factor of 8 is eight times that.

If the vibration is predominantly at one frequency, then the baseline RMS acceleration for
R = 1 can be found from Figure 3.3, and the response factor is calculated simply by dividing
the calculated (or measured) RMS acceleration by the baseline RMS acceleration at that
frequency. If the vibration contains a range of frequencies, then a rigorous calculation of
the response factor involves passing the predicted or measured acceleration time history
through a band pass weighting filter before evaluating the RMS value. This process is
described in Appendix B and is particularly useful for determining the response factor from
measured data.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St16 16 06/12/2006 16:29:55

Quantifying vibration

The response factor corresponding to footfall induced vibration predicted by analysis may
be estimated in the following ways.

Resonant response
Evaluate the acceleration response to each of the first four harmonic forces and calculate
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response factors for each using the base value for R = 1 from Figure 3.3 for each of the
four frequencies. Then calculate the total response factor as the ‘square root sum of the
squares’ of the four (Equation 4.8). This procedure is explained in section 4.2.2.

Impulsive response
Calculate the total RMS velocity over a 1-second averaging period (which will be approxi-
mately equal to that evaluated over the period of one footstep) and convert this to a
response factor using the RMS base value for R = 1 for the frequency of the dominant mode
in the response. This dominant mode will often be the fundamental mode. This procedure
is explained in section 4.3.2. Usually the impulsive response calculation will be performed
for floors having natural frequencies above 8Hz where the constant velocity criterion applies
(vR=1 = 1 x 10–4 m/s RMS).

3.2.3 Duration effects The response factor R is a measure of perceptibility relative to the threshold of perception
of humans to continuous vibration of constant amplitude. However, footfall induced vibration
is never of constant amplitude and seldom continuous and these factors (i.e. distribution
of vibration amplitude and how often it occurs) affect people’s acceptance of vibration.
The ‘Vibration Dose Value’, or VDV, is a measure of vibration over a longer period of time
that endeavours to account for these factors. It is defined in Appendix B of BS 6472 8
(Equation 3.5 below), and can be readily measured using standard equipment and simple
signal processing. The VDV is based on the fourth power of acceleration, which means that
the magnitude of vibration is weighted much more than the duration. For example,
doubling the vibration amplitude will double the VDV, but doubling the duration will
result in an increase of just 19%.

(∫ a (t) dt)
T 0.25
VDV = 4 (3.5)

In order to predict a VDV at the design stage, the engineer needs to assess how often
vibration of particular levels will occur and for how long the ‘recipient’ is likely to be exposed
to it.

3.3 Vibration performance

3.3.1 Background to Human acceptance of vibration is very subjective. A level of vibration that causes one
performance targets for individual to complain might be unnoticed by another. Similarly, vibration that causes
concern or distraction for an individual sitting in a quiet office could be quite acceptable to
human acceptance the same person walking around a shopping centre. Typical current vibration acceptance
criteria attempt to take this subjectivity into account by specifying different targets for
different environments.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St17 17 06/12/2006 16:29:55

When assessing the dynamic performance of a floor or similar structure at the design stage,
it is common practice to calculate the maximum representative vibration level that is
likely to occur and to compare this to acceptance criteria. Measurements on completed
floors are conventionally assessed in a similar manner, e.g. floor response is recorded for a
significant period and the worst 1 second of response is used as a basis for compliance.
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BS 6472 8 sets out criteria in terms of levels of continuous vibration at which the probability
of adverse comment is low. These are summarised in Table 3.1 as multiples (R values) of
the threshold of perception curve:

Table 3.1
Environment Frequency (Hz)
Levels of critical vibration at which probability
of adverse comment is low. Critical working areas 1
Residence - day 2–4
- night 1.4
Office 4
Workshop 8

BS 6472 8 advises that if these levels are doubled, then adverse comment may result, and
this may increase significantly if values are quadrupled. This places into context the
fuzziness of these criteria; achievement of these levels should result in a low probability of
adverse comment (but not zero probability), but at twice these levels adverse comment
may result. Significant changes to a floor design may be required to halve the expected
vibration level, and hence there is a cost associated with achieving a rather vague degree
of improvement in subjective performance. The selection of criteria is therefore a matter of
risk/cost balance, and this cannot be laid down rigidly for every circumstance.

Criteria for non-continuous vibration would be expected to be somewhat less onerous than
those for continuous. The vibration dose value (VDV) method described in Appendix B of
BS 6472 8 (and section 3.2 above) can be used to assess intermittent vibration explicitly,
but conventional criteria for footfall induced vibration implicitly consider the
intermittency of vibration that is normal for particular types of building usage. The
acceptability of a given dynamic performance is based on a limited base of unsolicited
adverse feedback from users.

Finally, it should be emphasised that since these criteria refer to human acceptance, small
variations in performance (10% to 20%) are unlikely to be noticeable; a significant change
in terms of perceptibility would generally require a change in vibration level by a factor of
two. Similarly a response factor of 3.9 is little different from 4.1, both would be perceived
equally by an individual and so binary pass/fail decisions based on the second significant
figure should be avoided.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St18 18 06/12/2006 16:29:55

Quantifying vibration

3.3.2 Performance targets for

floors Commercial buildings
If footfall vibration is intermittent and the worst vibration levels experienced fall below R = 8,
this is almost always satisfactory for commercial buildings such as offices, retail, restaurants,
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airports and the like where some people are seated. This recommendation is consistent with
those of the SCI 076 2, CEB, AISC 1 and Canadian Codes. This is twice the level proposed by
BS 6472 8 for continuous vibration. However, there are instances in which some people
have registered complaints at this vibration level, particularly when it occurs regularly.
Whilst a performance of R < 8 can be achieved with most current forms of floor
construction without special changes, checks should be made on a case-by-case basis.

At the design stage, the vibration prediction methods proposed here (and in other recom-
mendations) are based on a single person walking at the most critical footfall rate. However,
somewhat higher levels of vibration can sometimes be generated by many people walking,
and in busy places the vibration may be close to ‘continuous’ rather than intermittent. In
addition, for special, high-quality spaces, a lower target is advisable to further reduce the
(low) risk of complaint.

The target of R < 8 for single person excitation should therefore be reduced by a factor of
up to 2 in circumstances such as the following:
n Premium quality open-plan offices and when precision tasks are to be undertaken.
n Open-plan offices with busy corridor zones near mid-span.
n Heavily trafficked public areas with seating.

This target might be relaxed by a factor of up to 1.5 for floors with many full height partitions
(when partitions have not been explicitly included in the prediction analysis, as described
in section below). Residential buildings

The BS 6472 8 criteria for residential buildings are largely based on experience with
external sources of vibration such as railways and roads. The criteria are more onerous
than for offices, especially during night-time, and it is not clear that such stringent levels
are really necessary for vibration caused by occupants of the residence themselves walking.
In general it is recommended that values of twice those proposed by BS 6472 for
continuous vibration in residences be adopted for footfall induced vibration. Hospitals
Requirements for NHS hospitals are specified in HTM 2045 9. These take the form of the
BS 6472 8 criteria for continuous vibration and VDV values for intermittent vibration. For
ward areas the criteria are the same as those for residences in BS 6472. If the VDV approach
is to be used then assumptions about how often predicted levels of vibration will occur are
required; at the design stage these assumptions should be agreed with the client and any
other interested parties, based on the volume, continuity and speed of pedestrian move-
ment expected in each part of the building. In the absence of such agreed assumptions, it
is conservative to consider the predicted footfall induced vibration to be continuous.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St19 19 06/12/2006 16:29:55

HTM 2045 9 states that for operating theatres the requirement for R < 1 should be applied
to intermittent as well as continuous vibration, and any relaxation of this should be
agreed with the client. Effect of partitions

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The presence of full height partitions of masonry, studwork or glass significantly alters the
dynamic properties of floors, leading to lower vibration levels. In many cases (particularly
residential and hospital usage) the presence of partitions is integral to the function of the
floor spaces. In these circumstances it is appropriate to include the partitions in their
proposed layout in an analysis model of the floor plate (if this is necessary) to demonstrate
that the required criteria are met.

Part-height and moveable partitions cannot be relied upon to alter the footfall response.

3.3.3 Performance targets for BS 5400 3 provides guidance on the acceptable levels of vertical vibration for footbridges.
bridges, ramps and walkways This is well founded for long span, low frequency (<3Hz) external footbridges. Though all
footbridges should normally comply with these limits, the performance criteria given
below are a refinement of these and are applicable for bridges of all spans and natural
frequencies. They may also be applied to internal ramps and suspended walkways.

These criteria are for single person excitation at the most critical footfall rate.
n For external bridges generally R < 64.
n For indoor bridges generally R < 32.
n For indoor bridges that are not particularly lightweight, or are exposed, high in an
atrium or heavily trafficked R ~< 24.

3.3.4 Performance targets for Criteria for sensitive equipment are often specified by manufacturers in terms of RMS
velocity. In the absence of such data, the table below can be used as a guide. These are
vibration sensitive facilities
generic vibration criteria specified by BBN and ASHRAE4, 14. Note the confusing labelling
system whereby the ASHRAE criteria are labelled from A to J, becoming increasingly less
onerous. BBN criteria are labelled from A to E, becoming more onerous. BBN A is equiva-
lent to ASHRAE E. The equivalent response factors (R) are also included.

The maximum RMS velocity specified is that for a single one-third octave band. It is usual
for this to be in the region of 70% of the total RMS. This can be checked in detail at the
prediction stage by passing the predicted velocity time history through a set of one-third
octave band pass filters. Alternatively, the response in a particular one-third octave can
be calculated using the methods described in sections 4.1 and .4.2, but using only those
modes in that one-third octave.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St20 20 06/12/2006 16:29:55

Quantifying vibration

Table 3.2 Criterion curve Max. velocity Detail size** Description of use
Generic vibration criteria for sensitive level* microns
equipment. µm/sec (RMS)
Workshop 800 N/A Distinctly perciptible vibration. Appropriate
(ISO2631 and BS6472) to workshops and non-sensitive areas.
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Office 400 N/A Perceptible vibration. Appropriate to offices

(ISO2631 and BS6472) and non-sensitive areas.
Residential day 200 75 Barely perceptible vibration. Appropriate to
(ISO2631 and BS6472) sleep areas in most instances. Probably ade-
R = 2, ASHRAE H quate for computer equipment, probe test
equipment and low-power (to 20X) micro-
Operating theatre 100 25 Threshold of perception. Suitable for sensi-
(ISO2631 and BS6472) tive sleep areas. Suitable in most instances
R = 1, ASHRAE F for microscopes to 100X and for other
equipment of low sensitivity.
VC-A 50 8 Adequate in most instances for optical
(BBN-A or ASHRAE E) microscopes to 100X, microbalances,
R = 0.5 optical balances, proximity and projection
aligners, etc.
VC-B 25 3 An appropriate standard for optical micro-
(BBN-B or ASHRAE D) scopes to 1000X, inspection and lithography
R = 0.25 equipment (including steppers) to 3 micron
line widths.
VC-C 12.5 1 A good standard for most lithography and
(BBN-C or ASHRAE C) inspection equipment to 1-micron detail
R = 0.125 size.

VC-D 6 0.3 Suitable in most instances for the most

(BBN-D or ASHRAE B) demanding equipment including electron
R = 0.0625 microscopes (TEMs and SEMs) and E-Beam
systems, operating to the limits of their
VC-E 3 0.1 A difficult criterion to achieve in most
(BBN-E or ASHRAE A) instances. Assumed to be adequate for the
R = 0.03125 most demanding of sensitive systems
including long path, laser-based, small
target systems and other systems requiring
extraordinary dynamic stability.
* As measured in one-third octave bands of frequency over the frequency range 8 to 100 Hz.
** The detail size refers to the line widths for microelectronics fabrication, the particle(cell) size for medical and pharmaceutical research, etc. the
values given take into account the observation that the vibration requirements of many items depend upon the detail size of the process.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St21 21 06/12/2006 16:29:55

4. Predicting footfall induced vibration of
4.1 Overview This chapter presents methods for calculating the footfall induced vibration of structures.
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A detailed and generally applicable method is outlined, utilising the modal properties of
the structure which may be estimated by a number of methods, as described in Appendix
A. In addition, a simplified method is given, suitable for certain simple regular structures
and for checking more detailed assessments.

As discussed in Chapter 2, there are two generic types of response, requiring different cal-
culation types. One (section 4.2) is for resonant response and should be used for structures
with vertical natural frequencies less than approximately 10Hz (‘low-frequency structures’).
The other (section 4.3) is for impulsive response and should be used for structures whose
lowest vertical natural frequency is above 10.5Hz (‘high frequency structures’). If a structure
is potentially susceptible to both resonant and impulsive response, i.e. if the first vertical
natural frequency is close to 4 times the maximum walking frequency, then both calcula-
tions should be used and the results compared, to assess which excitation method is
likely to generate the highest response.

The detailed methods require the calculation of response in several modes of vibration.
As this effectively means repeating the same calculation for all the relevant modes, the
assessment is best done using a spreadsheet. Flowcharts outlining the spreadsheet proce-
dure are included as are all the required equations. The simplified methods described in
section 4.4 comprise an approximate assessment of the response of the first mode, and a
means for accounting for the additional response in other modes.

Worked examples for both low- and high-frequency structures are included in Chapter 5.

All calculation methods require the use of dynamically consistent units. The following
two sets of units are dynamically consistent.

Table 4.1 Set 1 Set 2

Sets of dynamically consistent units.
Mass kg tonnes
Force and weight N kN
Length m m

Footfall induced vibration is sensitive to walking speed. In general, people walking faster
have the potential to induce greater levels of vibration. For design purposes the following
maximum footfall rates are proposed:

Table 4.2 Footbridges 2.5 footfalls/sec

Proposed maximum footfall rates for different
Corridor and circulation zones in any building 2.5 footfalls/sec
Within office bays and residential rooms (i.e. not corridor zones) 2.0 footfalls/sec
Within laboratories, operating theatres, and the like 1.8 footfalls/sec


Footfall Induced Vibration of St22 22 06/12/2006 16:29:56

Predicting footfall induced vibration of structures

Clearly, faster footfall rates are possible, but are associated with a low probability. The
possibility of occasional exceedences of target acceptance criteria is implicit in the levels
at which the criteria are set.

The overall assessment and design procedure is summarised in a flowchart given in Figure 4.1.
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Figure 4.1
Procedure for evaluating the dynamic
performance of a structure under footfall



Find all modes up to Find all modes

2 x f1 up to 15Hz

(Fig. 4.6) (Fig. 4.3)


Footfall Induced Vibration of St23 23 06/12/2006 16:29:57

4.2 Assessment of footfall Structures with natural frequencies less than about 10Hz (depending on maximum expec-
induced vibration for ted footfall rate) are potentially susceptible to resonant response induced by the first four
harmonics of footfall forces as described in chapter 2. These harmonics are sinusoidal forces
structures with natural applied to the structure at frequencies of 1, 2, 3 and 4 times the walking frequency. That is,
frequencies less than 10Hz someone walking at 2 steps per second applies sinusoidal forces that can generate resonant
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response at the harmonic forcing frequencies of 2Hz, 4Hz, 6Hz and 8Hz. To assess the
response of the structure to walking at 2 steps per second, it is necessary to calculate the
response in all modes to each of these harmonics and combine them. Further, as the
response will be very sensitive to the exact walking speed (faster speeds not necessarily
being worse), it is necessary to assess the response for all walking speeds that might induce
significant resonant response.

Harmonic force data and a calculation procedure are presented below for assessing the
resonant response of a structure at a particular walking frequency. Section 5 includes
worked examples which illustrate how the method should be used in practice.

4.2.1 Harmonic footfall force As discussed in chapter 2 there is considerable variation in both the shape and magnitude
loads of footfall forces due to different individuals. Any measured footfall time history can be
broken down into harmonic components and these can be plotted to illustrate the trends
and variability. Kerr11 measured 882 such traces and Figure 4.2 plots the first four harmonics
of each of these against excitation frequency (footfall rate × harmonic number) as dynamic
load factors. (Dynamic load factor, or DLF, is the dynamic force expressed as a fraction of
a person’s static weight. See Glossary for full definitions of DLF and Fourier analysis.)

DLFs calculated by others are also included for comparison. It can be seen that there is a
clear trend of increasing force with faster walking speed in the first harmonic, but that this
is less clear in the higher harmonics. That there is no single ‘correct force’ is also apparent,
but it is possible to calculate a ‘mean’ force, and to propose a ‘design force’ that has a
quantifiable likelihood of exceedence. A simple expression for the mean force associated
with each harmonic is given in Table 4.3 as a function of excitation frequency. Also given
are the coefficients of variation for each harmonic and a ‘design’ force, suitable for
serviceability assessment, calculated to have a 25% chance of exceedence.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St24 24 06/12/2006 16:29:58

Predicting footfall induced vibration of structures

Figure 4.2
The first four harmonics of footfall forces.

1st Harmonic 2nd Harmonic

1.0 0.25
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0.8 0.20


0.6 0.15


0.4 0.10


0.2 0.05


0.0 0.00
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

3rd Harmonic 4th Harmonic

0.18 0.16

0.16 0.14




0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0.00 0.00
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Kerr Galbraith & Barton Wheeler Ohlssen Rainer Ellis ~Mean Value Design Value

Table 4.3 Harmonic Harmonic forcing Mean value Coefficient of Design value
Average and design values and coefficients of number, h frequency (Hz) (DLF) variation (DLF)
variation of the footfall harmonics.
1 1–2.8 0.37(f - 0.95), 0.17 0.41(f - 0.95), >
| 0.56
>| 0.5
2 2–5.6 0.054+0.0044f 0.40 0.069+0.0056f

3 3-8.4 0.026+0.0050f 0.40 0.033+0.0064f

4 4–11.2 0.010+0.0051f 0.40 0.013+0.0065f

h>4 >11.2 0 0


Footfall Induced Vibration of St25 25 06/12/2006 16:29:59

4.2.2 Resonant response This calculation is valid only for structures with vertical natural frequencies less than 4.2
calculation procedure times the maximum footfall rate. All modes with frequencies up to 15Hz can potentially
contribute significant response and should be identified and included in the calculation.
Appendix A describes how to calculate the natural modes of a structure. The frequency,
modal mass and damping in each mode m needs to be known, denoted as fm, mm and ζm
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respectively in the equations below. The mode shape values at the excitation and response
points in each mode, μe,m and μr,m, are also needed.

As the total response is sensitive to footfall rate it is recommended that this calculation be
done for all rates that are likely to occur. The output should therefore be a graph such as
that shown in Figure 4.4, which plots total response factor R as a function of footfall rate.

The calculation procedure is set out below and illustrated in Figure 4.3. The calculation
predicts the extent of resonant build up that is possible under a limited number of cycles
of harmonic loading; full details of how this is done for a structure with many modes can
be found in dynamics textbooks11.

The maximum steady-state acceleration at resonance that could be attained with an

unlimited number of forcing cycles (force amplitude F) at the most critical point on a
structure of modal mass mˆ m is given by:

μ μ F (4.1)
a = e,m r,m h
Particularly for lightly damped structures excited by lower harmonics, many footfalls
(perhaps greater than 30) would be required to generate this full resonant response. In
practice, by the time this many steps have been taken the pedestrian may have moved
off the structure completely, or at least he or she is likely to have moved away from the
maximum point on the mode shape. To account for this, a correction factor ρ, for crossing
a span of typical mode shape with a limited number of footsteps, N, is introduced:

–2πζ m N L
ρh,m = 1 – e where N = 0.55 h (4.2)

Here h is the harmonic number, m is the mode number, L is the span and l is the stride
length. The equation assumes that an individual walks in the spanning direction from one
line of support to the next. This factor effectively reduces the extent of full resonant build-
up by a factor related to the damping and the number of footsteps to cross the span. The
reduction factor is likely to be more significant for bridges than for floors, and can be
(conservatively) omitted by assuming ρ = 1 (or N >> 10).

The full procedure is set out step-by-step below. The concepts of real and imaginary
accelerations are used when combining the responses in different modes. Although this
might appear unnecessarily complex it is merely a mathematically convenient way of
expressing the magnitude and phase relationship between the responses in each mode.
The same calculation could be effected using a number of sine and cosine functions, though
the equations become rather unwieldy.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St26 26 06/12/2006 16:29:59

Predicting footfall induced vibration of structures

Figure 4.3
Procedure for evaluating resonant response of
a structure under footfall loading.
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damping and mode shape


Footfall Induced Vibration of St27 27 06/12/2006 16:30:05

For a particular footfall rate, fw, it is required to calculate the response in each mode to
each of the first four harmonics:

Firstly, for each harmonic h, from h = 1 to h = 4.

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1. Calculate the harmonic forcing frequency, fh:

fh = hfw (4.3)

2. Calculate the harmonic force, Fh, at this harmonic frequency from Table 4.3:

For each mode, m

3. Calculate the real and imaginary acceleration (areal,h,m , aimag, h, m) in each mode:

Fh = DLF.P

where DLF is calculated from Table 4.3 (Design value) and P equals the static
weight of the walker.

( )
Fh µr,m µe,m ρh,m
areal,h,m = fh
fm mm ^
Am + Bm 2 2


( ) Fh µr,m µe,m ρh,m Bm

aimag,h,m = fh
fm mm
Am + Bm 2 2

( )
where Am = 1 – fh fh
fm , Bm = 2ζm fm ,
is from equation 4.2

ζm can be estimated from Table A2 and fm, mm and μ are found using methods

described in Appendix A.

4. Sum the real and imaginary responses in all modes to yield the total real and
imaginary acceleration to this harmonic force, ah:

areal,h = ∑a
real,h,m ; aimag,h = ∑a
imag,h,m (4.5)

5. Find the magnitude of this acceleration |ah| which is the total response in all
modes to this harmonic (at this frequency):

|ah| = areal,h2 + aimag,h2 (4.6)


Footfall Induced Vibration of St28 28 06/12/2006 16:30:05

Predicting footfall induced vibration of structures

6. Convert this acceleration to a response factor, Rh. First calculate the baseline peak
acceleration for a response factor of 1 at this harmonic frequency, aR=1,h. Divide
this into the total acceleration response for this harmonic:

If fh < 4Hz, aR=1,h = 0.0141 m/s2

√ fh
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If 4Hz < fh < 8Hz, aR=1,h = 0.0071 m/s2

If fh > 8Hz, aR=1,h = 2.82πfh x 10–4 m/s2

Rh = (4.7)

7. Find the total response factor, R, which is the ‘square root sum of the squares’
combination of the response factor for each of the four harmonics.

R = √ R12 + R22 + R32 + R42 (4.8)

8. Repeat this calculation for other footfall rates and find the critical rate that
generates the maximum response.

The result of this calculation may be presented on a graph such as Figure 4.4 below. The
response factors due to each harmonic, and the total response factor, are plotted against
footfall rate. The maximum value of the ‘Total Response Factor’ curve (i.e. R = 8.5 for
walking at 2.3Hz) is that which should be compared against the criteria given in section 4.3.

Figure 4.4
Graph of response factors against walking

First harmonic
Response factor

Second harmonic
Third harmonic
Fourth harmonic

Walking frequency (Hz)

4.3 Assessment of the The impulsive response of structures to footfall forces is characterised by an initial peak
impulsive response of velocity followed by a decaying vibration at the natural frequency of the structure before
the next footfall (e.g. Figure 3.2). Subsequent footfalls generate comparable responses
structures to footfall and there is no tendency for the response to build up over time, as is the case for
resonant response.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St29 29 06/12/2006 16:30:06

4.3.1 Impulsive footfall loads The same footfall time histories for which the harmonic loads of Table 4.3 were derived
have been used to calculate effective impulses for footfall on structures. The basis of these
is a number of curves such as those in Figure 2.5. The effective impulse can be thought of
as the equivalent ‘perfect impulse’ of infinitesimally short duration that induces the same
peak structural response as the direct application of that footfall time history. It is found
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that this effective impulse is empirically related to the walking speed and the natural
frequency of the structure. The mean effective impulse is given in Equation 4.9 below; the
coefficient of variation is 0.4, and the serviceability ‘design’ impulse with a 25% chance
of exceedence is given in Equation 4.10.

Mean Ieff = 42 fw1.43 / fn1.30 Ns (4.9)

Design Ieff = 54 fw1.43 / fn1.30 Ns (4.10)

Note that these formulae provide the effective impulse in Ns units and that the walking
frequency, fw, must be in Hz. If tonne/kN units are being used, then they are to be divided
by 1,000.

4.3.2 Impulsive response This calculation is valid for structures with vertical natural frequencies above 4Hz and
calculation procedure should use all modes with frequencies less than twice the fundamental vertical frequency
and with significant vertical participation at the excitation and response locations. For
example, if the first active vertical mode is at 12Hz, then all vertical modes between 12Hz
and 24Hz should be found and used in the response calculation.

This procedure calculates the velocity time history due to a single footfall at a particular
location. Faster walking speeds will induce greater responses, so it is only necessary to
perform this calculation for the fastest anticipated walking speed. The direct output from
the calculation is a velocity time history such as that shown in Figure 4.5a. From this,
either peak or RMS velocities can be calculated. The RMS velocity may then be used to
calculate a response factor and a VDV can be derived from the time history if required.

The simulated time history for a series of footfalls is obtained simply by combining a series
of these time histories, as shown in Figure 4.5c and this can be compared directly against
the measured time history of Figure 3.2, included again here as Figure 4.5b. Although the
two traces appear slightly different visually, the measured and predicted RMS velocities
(by which the dynamic performance of the floor would be judged) correlate very well.

A full calculation is included in example 3 of Chapter 5.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St30 30 06/12/2006 16:30:06

Predicting footfall induced vibration of structures

Figure 4.5a
Simulated velocity time history due to a single
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Figures 4.5b and 4.5c Measured response

Measured and predicted velocities at
walking rate of 100 paces per minute.

Predicted response


Footfall Induced Vibration of St31 31 06/12/2006 16:30:09

Figure 4.6
Procedure for evaluating impulsive dynamic
response to footfall loading.
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shape for each of these modes.

might occur.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St32 32 06/12/2006 16:30:11

Predicting footfall induced vibration of structures

The procedure is set out step-by-step below:

1. All modes with frequencies up to twice the fundamental frequency are calculated
and an effective footfall impulse (Ieff) for each mode is calculated from Equation
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2. The peak velocity in each mode, ˆvm, is given by:

ˆvm = µe,m µr,m
mˆ (4.11)

and from this the velocity response in each mode over the period of one footfall
(vm(t) from t = 0 to t = T) is calculated using Equation 4.12:

vm(t) = ˆvme–2πζf mt sin 2πfmt (4.12)

3. The total response to each footfall is found by summing the velocity responses in
each mode in the time domain using Equation 4.13:

v(t) = ∑v (t)
m (4.13)

where v(t) is the total velocity at time t and N is the number of modes.

From the resulting velocity time history, a RMS response can be evaluated over
the period of one footfall:
vrms = 1

v(t)2 dt (4.14)

4. A response factor can be calculated by dividing this by the baseline RMS velocity
for R = 1 (vR=1) at the fundamental frequency, f1:

vR=1 = 5 x 10 m/s
If f1 < 8Hz

If f1 > 8Hz vR=1 = 1.0 x 10–4 m/s

and R = RMS (4.15)

The variation of response with footfall rate can be determined as shown in Figure 4.7. The
effective impulse, and therefore v(t) is proportional to fw1.43, but for faster footfall rates the
next footfall occurs sooner (i.e. T is smaller), which increases the overall RMS response.
The relationship between vRMS and footfall rate is therefore not quite linear, having an
exponent slightly greater than 1. To calculate the maximum possible response, it is only
necessary to calculate the response at the fastest walking speed.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St33 33 06/12/2006 16:30:12

Figure 4.7
Graph of impulsive response versus footfall
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4.4 Simplified and Whilst the detailed methods of the previous sections enable responses to be predicted for
approximate methods for any structure, simplified methods are included below for certain regular rectangular floor
bays of uniform properties which can be approximated reasonably well as simply supported
floors plates having equal or different stiffnesses in the two orthogonal directions. This might
apply to bays composed of flat slabs, ribbed slabs, coffer slabs and steel beam/composite
slabs. Floor layouts that may be assessed using this method are shown in Figure 4.8.

Figure 4.8
Floor layouts suitable for assessment using
the approximate method.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St34 34 06/12/2006 16:30:14

Predicting footfall induced vibration of structures

In addition to use as quantitative estimators of floor response, the simplified methods also
give some insight into the effects of changing key parameters on the vibration performance,
indicating how a design might be developed to improve its dynamic performance.

The most important limitation to the use of these methods is the degree to which the
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theoretical idealisation is representative of the actual structure.

The methods work well when:

n The edges of the floor bay are supported along their length by walls, a facade or rela-
tively closely spaced columns (cf. Appendix A3, point 8).
n The bay has uniform structural properties (e.g. constant slab thickness, identical ribs or
beams at the same centres).

It is further assumed that the response of the floor is characterised by the vibration at the
middle of the floor due to walking near there.

This method differs from those already presented in that it is based on the modal proper-
ties of a single mode and response multipliers to account for the response of higher modes
and the participation of adjacent bays.

These multipliers are presented in simple design charts as a function of:

n The aspect ratio W/L of the floor plate.
n The flexural stiffnesses of the floor in the two orthogonal directions.
n Relationships related to the properties of adjacent spans.

The methodology is otherwise very similar to that already presented. The first stage is to
find the modal properties of the first mode of the floor bay, and then either a resonant or
an impulsive response is calculated, depending on the frequency of the floor. The effect of
higher modes and adjacent spans is then incorporated. The calculation procedures are
described below.

4.4.1 Calculation of first mode The modal properties of floors such as those shown in Figure 4.8 can be calculated from the
properties flexural rigidities of the slab in the two orthogonal directions (Dx and Dy). The calculation
of these rigidities is described in Appendix A for different floor constructions.

For floors with adjacent parallel bays such as type (ii) of Figure 4.8, the modal properties
of the long bay under consideration is first calculated ignoring the parallel bay, and then
these properties are modified to reflect the presence of the adjacent bay, as described in


Footfall Induced Vibration of St35 35 06/12/2006 16:30:14 Calculation of the first mode properties of single long bay
The natural frequency and modal mass of the first mode of the floor bay is given by:

f0 = π2 DY
; f1 = Kf f0 (4.16)
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mˆ = (4.17)

Kf is a multiplier on the natural frequency of the elements spanning in the ‘primary span’
direction to account for ‘two-way’ spanning, and is given in Figures 4.9a and 4.9b below as
a function of the width/span ratio of the floor and the ratio of stiffnesses of the floor in
the two orthogonal directions, Dx /DY. Figure 4.9a should be used for solid or ribbed
concrete floors which can have significant torsional stiffness. Figure 4.9b should be used
for steel composite floors in which the torsional stiffness of the steel members is likely to
be negligible.

Figure 4.9a
Frequency factors for solid and ribbed

Figure 4.9b
Frequency factors for composite floors.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St36 36 06/12/2006 16:30:16

Predicting footfall induced vibration of structures Incorporating the stiffness and mass contribution of adjacent bays

For floors with an adjacent row of parallel bays, the modal mass and frequency should be
further multiplied by factors Kmm and Kfm respectively from Figures 4.10a and 4.10b.

Here the main bay under consideration has span La and the adjacent bay has span Lb . It is
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assumed that the mass per unit area, m, of the two bays is the same. The degree of inter-
action between the bays is related to the ratio of their natural frequencies, fb/fa, in the span
direction. In general, this may be expressed as:

fb Dy, b La4 (4.18)

fa Dy, a Lb4

where the suffixes a and b refer to the two spans.

And so, for floor arrangements such as type ii) in Figure 4.8:

f1 = K fm Kf f0 (4.19)

ˆ =
and m (4.20)
Figure 4.10a 4.5
Modal mass factors for a bay with an adjacent
parallel bay. 4

3.5 LLbb/L/L
a a =2.0

K mm


2 Lb a/L =1. 5
b =1.5a
L /L

1. 5
=1.0=1. 0
a a
1 LLbb/L/L
=0.5 =0.5

0.5 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2
f b/fa

Figure 4.10b
Natural frequency factors for a bay with an 1. 5 Lb /La =2
adjacent parallel bay. Lb /La =1. 5
1. 4
1.35 L b/La =1
1. 3
K fm

1. 2
1. 1 L b /La =0.5

1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2
fb /fa


Footfall Induced Vibration of St37 37 06/12/2006 16:30:17

4.4.2 Simplified calculation of The resonant response for floors with f1 less than 10Hz is calculated as follows:
resonant response
1. Calculate the peak resonant acceleration in the first mode a1 for the most critical
walking speed using Equation 4.21:

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a1 = (4.21)

where Fh is the harmonic force amplitude appropriate to the floor bay frequency f1
(Table 4.3) and ρ is the resonant correction factor calculated from Equation 4.2.
The critical walking speed is that which gives the highest harmonic force amplitude.

Determine resonant response multiplier Krm from Figure 4.11a or 4.11b. The resonant
response multiplier is the factor by which the resonant response in the first mode must
be increased to account for the contribution of all the other modes. Again this factor
is different for floors with significant torsional stiffness and so two plots are provided,
one for solid and ribbed concrete floors and a second for steel composite floors.

2. Calculate total peak acceleration response:

at = Krm a1 (4.22)

3. Calculate response factor, R

R= (4.23)

Figure 4.11a
Resonant response multipliers for solid and
ribbed concrete floors.
Resonant multiplier, Krm


Footfall Induced Vibration of St38 38 06/12/2006 16:30:18

Predicting footfall induced vibration of structures

Figure 4.11b
Resonant response multipliers for composite

Resonant multiplier, Krm

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4.4.3 Simplified calculation of The impulsive response of floors to footfall can be calculated as follows:
impulsive response
1. Calculate impulsive peak velocity response in the first mode using Equation 4.24

vˆ1 = eff (4.24)

where Ieff is the effective impulse appropriate to the floor bay frequency f1
(Equation 4.10)

2. Determine impulsive response multiplier Kim from Figure 4.12a or 4.12b.

3. Calculate total impulsive peak velocity response as:

ˆv = K imˆvI (4.25)

4. Calculate the RMS velocity from the peak velocity as follows:

vRMS = 0.3v
ˆ for Kim > 2.0
vRMS = 0.3 + 0.12(2 – Kim) for 1.0 < Kim < 2.0

5. Calculate response factor, R:

R = RMS (4.27)


Footfall Induced Vibration of St39 39 06/12/2006 16:30:19

Figure 4.12a
Impulsive response multipliers for solid and
ribbed concrete floors.

Impulsive multiplier, Kim

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Figure 4.12b
Impulsive response multipliers for composite
Impulsive multiplier, Kim


Footfall Induced Vibration of St40 40 06/12/2006 16:30:22

Worked examples

5. Worked examples
This chapter uses three worked examples to show how modal properties may be used to
predict the response of structures to footfall loading. Each example is an existing structure,
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and each has been physically tested to check the modal properties and footfall induced
vibrations. Predictions are compared against measurements in Appendix C.

The three examples are summarised below.

Example 1 is a concrete footbridge over a motorway, having constant cross-section and

two continuous equal spans of 20m. Its modal properties are estimated by hand calculation,
a simple finite element analysis and have been verified by physical testing. The lowest
measured natural frequency is 4.65Hz, and it is assessed as a low-frequency structure
using the methods described in section 4.2.

Example 2 is a multi-span 225mm thick post-tensioned concrete floor slab spanning

between pre-cast concrete beams. The fundamental natural frequency of the longest
span (10m) is 7.0Hz and so it is assessed as a low-frequency floor using the method
described in section 4.2. Its layout is slightly unusual and so its modal properties are best
assessed using an FE model. The simplified method of section 4.4 can also be used, and
gives a reasonable estimate of the likely dynamic performance.

Example 3 is a ribbed concrete laboratory floor comprising a 130mm thick slab supported
on concrete ribs 300mm wide and 350mm deep at 1100mm centres. The span is 8.6m and
the floor is 38m wide. Its fundamental frequency is 12.5Hz and so it is assessed as a high-
frequency floor. Its layout is regular and it may be assessed using either the simplified
method described in section 4.4 or the detailed method described in section 4.3. As this
floor can be well approximated as a simply supported rectangular plate the two methods
give very similar predictions.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St41 41 06/12/2006 16:30:22

5.1 Example 1: Example 1 is a concrete bridge over a motorway shown in Figure 5.1, and its main dimen-
A footbridge over a sions are shown in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.1
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Worked example 1: footbridge over a


Figure 5.2
Approximate dimensions of bridge.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St42 42 06/12/2006 16:30:24

Worked examples

5.1.1 Calculation of modal The cross-sectional area of the beam section is approximately 0.77m2 and the second
properties moment of area 0.056m4. From these the modal properties can be calculated using
either standard equations for the natural frequencies of beams or a simple finite element
model. The shapes of the first three modes obtained from the finite element analysis are
shown in Figure 5.3.
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Figure 5.3
Mode shapes of the first three modes of the
Mode 1

Mode 2

Mode 3

The natural frequencies and modal masses may be calculated by hand. Mode 1 is equiva-
lent to the first simply supported mode of both spans, mode 2 is equivalent to the fixed-
free mode of each span and mode 3 the second simply supported mode of both spans.
Assuming un-cracked reinforced concrete with E = 38GPa, and negligible non-structural
mass, the mass per unit length is 1848kg/m and the natural frequencies obtained from
the FE analysis and Equation A1 are identical. These are compared with measured values
in Table 5.1. The modal mass of each mode is approximately 20 × 2 × 1848/2 = 36,960kg.

Table 5.1 Hand Calculation Finite Element Solution Measured Frequency

Calculated and measured natural
frequencies f1 (Hz) 4.22 4.22 4.65

f2 (Hz) 6.59 6.59 6.56

f3 (Hz) 16.90 16.88 14.66

5.1.2 Footfall induced The bridge has two modes that might be excited to resonance by walking. Based on the
vibration calculation measured natural frequencies, the first mode may be excited in either the second or third
harmonic of walking at 2.32 or 1.55 footfalls per second respectively, and the second mode
by the third or fourth harmonics of walking at 2.18 or 1.64 footfalls per second.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St43 43 06/12/2006 16:30:25

The damping was calculated as 1.5% of critical from measurements. This value is used for
the response calculation, though at the design stage a lower value (say 0.9%, See table
A2) would be more conservative. The detailed calculation of section 4.2 is summarised in
Table 5.2 and Table 5.3 below for walking speeds of 1.55Hz and 2.18Hz. In the calculation,
it is conservatively assumed that ρ =1.0. Figure 5.4 shows the maximum response for all
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footfall rates between 1Hz and 2.8Hz. In practice it is difficult to predict which frequency is
likely to generate the maximum response and the calculation should be performed for
each of those likely to produce resonance, in this case 1.55Hz, 1.64Hz, 2.18Hz and 2.32Hz.

Here it was found that the maximum response will be due to a pedestrian walking at
2.32Hz and will be approximately R = 8.5.

A simple check can be made using Equation 4.21. Assuming conservatively that ρ = 1.0,
the check for walking at 2.32Hz (second harmonic) gives:

Fh = 700 × (0.069 + 0.0056 × 2 × 2.32) = 66.5N (Refer table 4.3)

a = 1.0 × 66.5/(2 × 0.015 × 36960) = 0.06m/s2 at 4.65Hz (see eq. 4.21)

R = 0.06/0.0071 = 8.5 (see eq. 4.23)

Table 5.2
Response factor calculations for walking at

Harmonic number 1 2 3 4
Harmonic frequency (Hz) (Eq.4.3) 1.55 3.10 4.65 6.20
Real and Imag. Responses (m/s2) Real Imaginary Real Imaginary Real Imaginary Real Imaginary
(Eqs. 4.2 & 4.4)
Mode 1 5.79E-04 6.51E-06 1.31E-03 4.70E-05 0.00E+00 3.96E-02 -2.30E-03 1.18E-04
Mode 2 2.52E-04 1.90E-06 4.33E-04 7.91E-06 1.10E-03 4.72E-05 7.27E-03 1.93E-03
Mode 3 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Total (Eq. 4.4) 8.32E-04 8.41E-06 1.74E-03 5.50E-05 1.10E-03 3.97E-02 4.97E-03 2.05E-03
Magnitude of response (m/s ) 2 8.32E-04 1.74E-03 3.97E-02 5.38E-03
(Eq. 4.6)
Base curve acceleration (m/s2) 1.13E-02 8.01E-03 7.10E-03 7.10E-03

Response factor (Eq. 4.7) 0.07 0.22 5.59 0.76

TOTAL RF AT 1.55 Hz (Eq. 4.8) 5.65            



Footfall Induced Vibration of St44 44 06/12/2006 16:30:25

Worked examples

Table 5.3
Response factor calculations for walking at

Harmonic number 1 2 3 4
Harmonic frequency (Hz) (Eq.4.3) 2.18 4.36 6.54 8.52
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Real and Imag. Responses (m/s2) Real Imaginary Real Imaginary Real Imaginary Real Imaginary
(Eqs. 4.2 & 4.4)
Mode 1 2.78E-03 5.09E-05 1.41E-02 3.83E-03 -2.82E-03 1.19E-04 -1.84E-03 4.05E-05
Mode 2 1.13E-03 1.28E-05 1.33E-03 4.88E-05 -1.53E-02 3.78E-02 -2.75E-03 1.38E-04
Mode 3 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Total (Eq. 4.4) 3.91E-03 6.37E-05 1.55E-02 3.88E-03 -1.82E-02 3.79E-02 -4.59E-03 1.79E-04
Magnitude of response (m/s ) 2 3.91E-03 1.59E-02 4.21E-02 4.60E-03
(Eq. 4.6)
Base curve acceleration (m/s2) 9.51E-03 7.10E-03 7.10E-03 7.80E-03

Response factor (Eq. 4.7) 0.41 2.25 5.93 0.59

TOTAL RF AT 2.2 Hz (Eq. 4.8) 6.38              

Figure 5.4
Response at the centre of the span for all
walking frequencies.
Response factor

Walking frequency (Hz)


Footfall Induced Vibration of St45 45 06/12/2006 16:30:26

5.2 Example 2: The floor is a post-tensioned 225mm flat slab spanning between 7.5m and 10m onto pre-
A post-tensioned flat slab cast concrete beams as shown in Figure 5.5. The response of the 10m span section –
marked in Figure 5.5 – will be considered here. It was tested when bare and without fit
assessed as a low- out as shown in Figure 5.6. Modal properties and responses are calculated for both the
frequency floor as-tested condition and the finished state.
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Finite element analysis is used to find the modal properties and the method described in
section 4.2 is used to calculate the response in both cases. The simplified method of
section 4.4 is also used to predict the response of the floor in its finished condition.

Figure 5.5
Structural drawing of the
10.0 m 7.5 m 10.0 m 7.5 m
concrete floor.



Figure 5.6
Figure 5.5
Photo showing the 10m span between the
nearest two columns at the time of testing
(bare condition).

Footfall induced vibration

Figure 5.5
A Minson


Footfall Induced Vibration of St46 46 06/12/2006 16:30:27

Worked examples

5.2.1 Calculation of modal The finite element model shown in Figure 5.7 was used to calculate the modal properties
properties of the floor. For the finished condition, 1kPa non-structural dead load is included and the
edges of the slab are restrained vertically to represent the support that would be provided by
the facade. For the bare (i.e. test) condition, no additional loads or restraints are included.
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Figure 5.7
Finite element model of the floor.

The FE analysis predicts the first mode of the 10m bay for completed floor to have a
natural frequency of 7.0Hz and modal mass of 24,100kg; its shape is shown in Figure 5.8.
There are no other modes with significant participation of the 10m bay below 15Hz.

Figure 5.8
Mode shape of the first mode of the 10m span


Footfall Induced Vibration of St47 47 06/12/2006 16:30:28

For the unfinished state at the time of testing, the absence of the facade leads to there
being three modes below 15Hz with significant participation of the 10m span. These are
shown in Figure 5.9 to Figure 5.11 and their modal properties summarised in Table 5.4. To
facilitate comparison of the measured and predicted data, the measured frequencies will
be used in the prediction calculation for the as-tested case. This will have little effect on
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the magnitudes of the response but will ensure that the peaks of the frequency response
graphs coincide.

Figure 5.9
Mode 1 of the as-tested floor.

Figure 5.10
Mode 2 of the as-tested floor.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St48 48 06/12/2006 16:30:30

Worked examples

Figure 5.11
Mode 3 of the as-tested floor.
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Table 5.4 Mode j Calculated Measured Modal Measured modal

Calculated and measured modal properties of Frequency, Frequency, Mass (kg) damping
floor in bare condition. f, (Hz) f, (Hz) (% crit)
1 6.43 6.55 35300 1.5

2 7.66 7.85 14800 1.5

3 9.64 9.90 15300 1.5

5.2.2 Response calculations – For the floor in its finished condition, only one mode, at 7.0Hz, is potentially susceptible to
finished condition resonant response. It could be excited either by the third harmonic of walking at 2.35Hz
or the fourth harmonic of walking at 1.76Hz. Detailed method

Assuming 3% of damping, the predicted resonant response for walking at 2.35Hz is calcu-
lated in Table 5.5. The response at all walking frequencies between 1Hz and 2.8Hz is plotted
in Figure 5.12.
Table 5.5
Response factor calculation for walking at
2.35Hz (finished floor).

Harmonic number 1 2 3 4
Harmonic frequency (Hz) (Eq.4.3) 2.35 4.70 7.05 9.40
Real and Imag. Responses (m/s2) Real Imaginary Real Imaginary Real Imaginary Real Imaginary
(Eqs. 4.2 & 4.4)
Mode 1 1.56E-03 3.51E-05 2.09E-03 1.50E-04 -3.53E-04 3.73E-02 -4.85E-03 4.98E-04
Mode 2 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Mode 3 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Total (Eq. 4.4) 1.56E-03 3.51E-05 2.09E-03 1.50E-04 -3.53E-04 3.73E-02 -4.85E-03 4.98E-04
Magnitude of response (m/s ) 2 1.56E-03 2.09E-03 3.73E-02 4.88E-03
(Eq. 4.6)
Base curve acceleration (m/s2) 9.20E-03 7.10E-03 7.10E-03 8.33E-03

Response factor (Eq. 4.7) 0.17 0.29 5.26 0.59

TOTAL RF AT 2.35 Hz (Eq. 4.8) 5.30              


Footfall Induced Vibration of St49 49 06/12/2006 16:30:31

Figure 5.12 6
Response of the floor at all walking

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Response factor

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
Walking frequency (Hz) Simplified method

In the final condition with the façade in place, the 10m span could be considered a
rectangular plate with span 10m and width 15m supported on four edges and continuous
with a neighbouring span of 7.5m. The response can then be predicted by the simplified
method of section 4.4 using the following parameters:

La = 10m Lb = 7.5m W = 15m t = 0.225m

E = 38GPa v = 0.2 m = 640kg/m² (including 100kg/m2 imposed load) ζ = 0.03

The slab is solid, so:

38 x 109 x 0.2253
D = Dy = Dxy = = 3.757 × 107Nm (Refer to A8)
x 12(1 – 0.22)

π 3.757 x 107 (see eq. 4.16)

f 0 = = 3.81Hz
2 640 x 104

To use the methods, charts and formulae of section 4.4, the following parameters are

Dx/Dy = 1 W/L = 1.5 Lb/La = 0.75

The flexural stiffness of span a, Dy,a and span b, Dy,b are equal, so:

3.757 x 107 x 104

f /f = = 1.78 (see eq. 4.18)
b a 3.757 x 107 x 7.54


Footfall Induced Vibration of St50 50 06/12/2006 16:30:31

Worked examples

Using Figure 4.9a, Kf = 1.46

Using Figure 4.10b, Kfm = 1.17

f1 = 3.81 x 1.46 x 1.17 = 6.51Hz (see eq. 4.19)

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Using Figure 4.10a, Kmm = 0.9

640 x 10 x 15 x 0.9
ˆ =
m = 21600kg (see eq. 4.20)

Using Figure 4.11a, Krm = 1.0

Assuming third harmonic excitation due to walking at 6.51/3 = 2.17 footfalls/second

Fh = 700 × (0.033 + 0.0064 × 6.51) = 52.3N (see Table 4.3)

ρ ≈ 1.0 (see eq. 4.2)

1.0 x 52.3
a = = 0.040m/s2 (see eq. 4.21 and eq. 4.22)
t 2 x 0.03 x 21600

R = 0.040/0.0071 = 5.6 (see eq. 4.23)

The simplified and detailed methods agree well, the simplified method being slightly

5.2.3 Response calculation – For the bare condition, the approximate method cannot be used with confidence as the
tested condition floor is not supported at two of its four edges. The finite element solution shows that there
are three modes that are potentially susceptible to resonant response. The floor could be
excited either by the third harmonic of walking at 2.2Hz (mode 1) or 2.6Hz (mode 2) or
the fourth harmonic of walking at 1.65Hz (mode 1), 1.95Hz (mode 2) or 2.5Hz (mode 3).

The response using the method of section 4.2 and modal properties from Table 5.4 are used
to calculate the response for walking at 2.2Hz in Table 5.6 for excitation and response at the
points shown in Figure 5.13. The excitation point is the point of maximum displacement
in the modes and the response point is the location of the accelerometer during the walk
past test. Comparisons with measured data are included in Appendix C.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St51 51 06/12/2006 16:30:31

Figure 5.13
Excitation and response points.
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 Excitation point

 Response point

Table 5.6
Response factor calculation for walking at
2.2Hz (bare floor).

Hamonic number 1 2 3 4
Harmonic frequency (Hz) (Eq.4.2) 2.2 4.4 6.6 8.8
Modal displacement of excitation and Excitation Response Excitation Response Excitation Response Excitation Response
response point
Mode 1 1.0 0.902 1.0 0.902 1.0 0.902 1.0 0.902
Mode 2 -0.95 -0.52 -0.95 -0.52 -0.95 -0.52 -0.95 -0.52
Mode 3 -1.0 -0.047 -1.0 -0.047 -1.0 -0.047 -1.0 -0.047
Real and Imaginary responses (m/s2) Real Imaginary Real Imaginary Real Imaginary Real Imaginary
(Eqs. 4.1 & 4.3)
Mode 1 1.16E-03 1.32E-05 1.37E-03 5.05E-05 -1.82E-02 3.59E-02 -2.81E-03 1.40E-04
Mode 2 1.02E-03 9.32E-06 1.01E-03 2.47E-05 4.24E-03 3.64E-04 -7.95E-03 1.04E-03
Mode 3 5.69E-05 3.99E-07 4.95E-05 8.23E-07 1.29E-04 4.65E-06 5.59E-04 7.10E-05
Total (Eq. 4.4) 2.24E-03 2.29E-05 2.43E-03 7.60E-05 -1.38E-02 3.63E-02 -1.02E-02 1.25E-03
Magnitude of response (m/s2) 2.24E-03 2.43E-03 3.88E-02 1.03E-02
(Eq. 4.5)
Base curve acceleration (m/s2) 9.51E-03 7.10E-03 7.10E-03 7.80E-03
Response factor (Eq. 4.6) 0.24 0.34 5.47 1.32
TOTAL RF AT 2.2 Hz (Eq. 4.7) 5.64          


Footfall Induced Vibration of St52 52 06/12/2006 16:30:32

Worked examples

5.3 Example 3: The floor is a ribbed concrete slab 38m wide spanning 8.6m. Ribs are present in the
A high-frequency ribbed spanning direction only and are 350mm deep and 300mm wide at 1100mm centres. The
slab is 130mm thick. The concrete is of normal weight and the floor was fully fitted out at
concrete floor the time of testing. It is estimated that the imposed load due to services, finishes and fit
out is approximately 1kPa. There is a short back-span comprising a 130mm slab only on
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one side of the bay.

Figure 5.14
Ribbed concrete floor.

The bay under consideration is supported at close intervals by columns and facade; in these
circumstances the simplified method should give a prediction which is close to that of the
detailed method. The additional stiffness due to the back span is likely to be small
compared to the bending and torsional stiffness of the ribs and beams.

The modal properties of this floor can be estimated either by the analytical method or by
FE analysis.

5.3.1 Calculation of modal

properties Initial check of natural frequency
An initial estimate of the fundamental mode can be made by calculating the frequency of
one typical beam and slab unit as shown in Figure 5.15.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St53 53 06/12/2006 16:30:34

Figure 5.15
Single beam and slab unit (mm).
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For this section:

I = 0.0048m4 (neutral axis is 167mm below top of slab)
m = 707kg/m (self weight + 1kPa imposed)
E = 40GPa (dynamic modulus of normal weight concrete)
f = 11.07Hz (see Equation A.1)

12 π2 40 x 109 x 0.0048
f= = 11.07Hz (see eq. A.1)
2π 707 x 8.64 Modal properties of bay by analytical method

To use the method of section 4.2, however, it is necessary to calculate all modes of the floor
up to 22Hz. This can be done using the equations of Section A2.2 as shown below.

For the span direction, y:

Iy = 0.0048m4 , Sy = 1.1m, Dy = 40 × 109 x 0.0048/1.1 = 175 × 106Nm (see eq. A.10)

For the transverse direction, x, there are no ribs so the calculation is based on the slab alone:

Dx = 40 x 109 x 0.133 / (12 x (1 – 0.22)) = 7.63 x 106 Nm (see eq. A.8)

For the ribs, d = 0.35m b = 0.3m G = 16.7GPa

Cy = 16.7 x 109 x 0.35 x 0.33
– 0.21 x
( 0.34
0.35 12 x 0.354 )] = 25.5 x 106 Nm2

(see eq. A.12)

40 x 109 x 0.133 25.5 x 106

H= + = 30.8 x 106 Nm (see eq. A.11)
12 x (1 – 0.22) 1.1

The natural frequencies of the first 11 modes of the floor bay calculated by Equation A.5
are presented in Table 5.7. These are calculated without consideration of the back span
(Figures 4.10a and 4.10b can be used to show that the effect of the back span is
negligible). The modal mass of each mode derived by the rectangular plate calculation is
one quarter of the total mass. The number of single beam and slab units in the transverse
direction is W/Sy = 34.55.

ˆ 34.55 x 8.6 x 707

m= = 52,500kg


Footfall Induced Vibration of St54 54 06/12/2006 16:30:34

Worked examples Modal properties of bay by finite element analysis

A finite element model of the floor was constructed including the back span and the
columns. The natural frequencies and modal masses obtained by analysis of this model
Figure 5.16
First four mode shapes of the floor. are included in Table 5.7 and the first four mode-shapes are shown in Figure 5.16.
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It can be seen that the natural frequencies from the FE analysis are slightly higher than from
the rectangular plate calculation. This is due to the influence of the back span and the
inclusion of the columns in the analysis.

The measured frequency of the first mode is slightly higher than that predicted by the FE
analysis. When tested, the structure was fully fitted out with full-height partitions, which are
known to add stiffness to floors. These were not included in the FE analysis and could
account for the measured frequency being slightly higher than that predicted by calculation.

The tests showed the modal damping to be about 4.5% of critical and to facilitate comparison
with measured footfall responses this value is adopted for the footfall response calculations
below. At the design stage, when no test data is available, it might be prudent to use a
more conservative value of damping in the response calculation, such as 3% of critical
(see Table A2).


Footfall Induced Vibration of St55 55 06/12/2006 16:30:35

Table 5.7 j k Calculated frequency FE analysis frequency FE Modal
Modal properties. (by hand calculation) (with columns and backspan) (Hz) Mass (kg)
1 1 11.1 11.9 47,800
2 1 11.4 12.6 50,400
3 1 12.0 13.4 52,200
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4 1 12.7 14.5 44,700

5 1 13.6 16.2 37,500
6 1 14.8 16.7 43,500
7 1 16.2 20.3 33,600
8 1 17.9 22.9 52,000
9 1 19.7 25.8 57,400
10 1 21.9 – –
11 1 24.2 – –

5.3.2 Footfall induced For comparative purposes, the dynamic response under footfall will be assessed in three
vibration calculation ways:
n Using the detailed method described in section 4.3 and modal properties derived by
hand calculation.
n As for the point above, but using the modal properties from the FE analysis.
n Using the simplified method described in section 4.4. Detailed method with modal properties from hand calculation

The method of section 4.3 is used to calculate the response at the mid-bay point due to
walking near mid-bay. Table 5.8 below shows the results for all the modes having natural
frequencies less than twice the first mode frequency.

Table 5.8 Mode Modal Modal Mode Shape at Damping Effective Peak
Modal properties, effective impulses Number Frequency Mass Excitation Point (fraction Impulse Velocity
(equation 4.10) and peak velocities (equation (Hz) (kg) of critical) (Ns) (m/sec)
4.11) for the first 11 modes calculated.
1 11.1 52,369 1.0 0.045 6.34 1.2E-04
2 11.4 52,369 0.0 0.045 6.12 0.0E+00
3 12.0 52,369 1.0 0.045 5.78 1.1E-04
4 12.7 52,369 0.0 0.045 5.36 0.0E+00
5 13.6 52,369 1.0 0.045 4.88 9.3E-05
6 14.8 52,369 0.0 0.045 4.38 0.0E+00
7 16.2 52,369 1.0 0.045 3.89 7.4E-05
8 17.9 52,369 0.0 0.045 3.43 0.0E+00
9 19.7 52,369 1.0 0.045 3.01 5.7E-05
10 21.9 52,369 0.0 0.045 2.64 0.0E+00
11 24.2 52,369 1.0 0.045 2.31 4.4E-05

Decaying sinusoids are calculated for each mode and summed. Those for the first seven
modes and the sum of those for all of the first 11 modes are shown in Figure 5.17. (Note
that as excitation is assumed at the centre of the floor, the even-numbered modes do not


Footfall Induced Vibration of St56 56 06/12/2006 16:30:36

Worked examples

Figure 5.17
Velocity responses in each mode. Response
Response factor in each
in Each modetotoaaSingle
Mode single footfall


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Velocity (mm/s)
Mode 1
Mode 3
Mode 5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Mode 7


Time (secs)

Figure 5.18 Total response to atosingle footfall

Total Response a Single Footfall
Total velocity response.




Velocity (mm/s)


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5


Time (secs)

From the total response (Figure 5.18) the peak response is seen to be 0.40mm/sec and
the RMS response, calculated using Equation 4.14, is 0.10mm/sec.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St57 57 06/12/2006 16:30:36 Detailed method with modal properties from FE analysis
The calculation method is identical to that described in above. Modal properties,
effective impulses and peak velocities for each mode at the centre of the floor bay are given
in Table 5.9 and the decaying transients in each mode plotted in Figure 5.19. The total
velocity response at the centre of the floor plate is shown in Figure 5.20 and the peak and
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RMS responses are 0.27mm/sec and 0.07mm/sec respectively. Note that the decaying
responses shown in Figure 5.19 incorporate the mode shape values at the centre of the
bay given in Table 5.9.

Table 5.9 Mode Modal Modal Damping Effective Peak Mode Shape at
Predicted response at middle of bay using Number Frequency Mass (fraction Impulse Velocity Excitation Point
modal properties derived by FE analysis. (Hz) (kg) of critical) (Ns) (m/sec)
1 11.93 47764 0.045 5.80 1.2E-04 1.00
2 12.6 50353 0.045 5.40 1.1E-04 0.10
3 13.37 52151 0.045 5.00 9.6E-05 0.90
4 14.47 44721 0.045 4.51 1.0E-04 0.20
5 16.2 37544 0.045 3.89 1.0E-04 0.50
6 16.66 43488 0.045 3.76 8.6E-05 0.20
7 20.34 33605 0.045 2.90 8.6E-05 1.00
8 22.9 51961 0.045 2.48 4.8E-05 0.20
9 25.8 57383 0.045 2.13 3.7E-05 0.80

Figure 5.19 Response in each mode to a single footfall

Predicted response in each mode using modal Response in Each Mode to a Single Footfall
properties derived by FE analysis.


Velocity (mm/s)

Mode 1
Mode 2
0 Mode 3
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Mode 4
Mode 5



Time (secs)


Footfall Induced Vibration of St58 58 06/12/2006 16:30:37

Worked examples

Figure 5.20
Predicted total velocity using modal Total response to a single footfall
Total Response to a Single Footfall
properties derived by FE analysis.

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Velocity (mm/s)


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5



Time (secs)

As the FE model contains the full spatial distribution of mode shapes, it is possible to
perform the response calculation for every node on the floor model. A contour plot of
RMS velocity viewed from above is shown in Figure 5.21. This shows that the maximum
response does not occur in the middle of the floor (which is on a grid line) as assumed
above, but rather in the centre of the adjacent bays. Here the peak and RMS velocities are
calculated as 0.28mm/sec and 0.083mm/sec respectively. It can be seen that calculation
based on the rectangular plate modal properties is slightly conservative relative to this
more detailed assessment.

The second contour plot in Figure 5.21 shows areas that meet ASHRAE curve F in red,
curve E in orange, curve D in yellow etc. Such a plot is useful when deciding where to
locate the most sensitive pieces of equipment within the laboratory.

Figure 5.21
Contour plots of RMS
velocity and response


Footfall Induced Vibration of St59 59 06/12/2006 16:30:38 Simplified method (section 4.4) with properties of the first mode
from hand calculation
The floor bay is a regular rectangular plate which could be considered to be simply
supported at its edges and so it can be assessed using the method described in section 4.4.
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The required parameters are (see section and

W/L = 4.41
f0 = 11.07Hz (frequency of main spanning element)

m ˆ = WLm = 52,500kg

Dx /Dy = 7.63 x 106/175 x 106 = 0.044

From Figure 4.9a Kf ~ = 1.0 and the impulsive multiplier Kim from Figure 4.12a is approxi-
mately 3.3.

The effective impulse, from Equation 4.10, is 6.3Ns and the peak velocity, from Equation
4.23 is 6.3 × 3.3/52,500 = 0.40 mm/sec.

Since Kim > 2, the predicted RMS velocity is 0.39 × 0.30 = 0.12mm/sec.

This prediction is a little more conservative than that obtained by the detailed method
using the same modal properties.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St60 60 06/12/2006 16:30:38


1 MURRAY, T. M., ALLEN, D. E. & UNGAR, E. E., Floor Vibration Due to Human Activity, AISC Design
Guide Series No. 11, 1997.
Licensed copy from CIS: leedsm, LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY, 27/10/2015, Uncontrolled Copy.

2 WYATT, T. A., Design Guide on the Vibration of Floors, Steel Construction Institute Publication 076,
London, 1989.
3 BS 5400: Part 2 (1978) Appendix C Vibration Serviceability Requirements for Foot and Cycle Track
4 GORDON, C. G., The Control of Vibration in Buildings, BBN Laboratories, 1988.
5 GORDON, C. G., Generic Vibration Criteria for Vibration-Sensitive Equipment, SPIE Conference, 1999.
6 WILLFORD, M., YOUNG, P. & FIELD, C., The Prediction of Footfall Induced Vibration, Part 1.
Structures and Buildings, Volume 160 -2007, ICE, 2007.
7 WILLFORD, M., YOUNG, P. & FIELD, C., The Prediction of Footfall Induced Vibration, Part 2 .
Structures and Buildings, Volume 160 -2007, ICE, 2007.
8 BS 6472: 1992 Guide to the evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings (1Hz to 80 Hz).
9 Acoustics, Design Considerations, Health Technical Memorandum 2045, NHS Estates, London,
HMSO, 1996.
10 KERR, S. C., Human Induced Loading on Staircases, PhD. Thesis, University of London, 1998.
11 CLOUGH, R. W. & PENZIEN, J., Dynamics of Structures, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1993.
12 TIMOSHENKO, S. P. & WOINOWSKY-KRIEGER, S., Theory of Plates and Shells, 2nd edition,
McGraw-Hill International Book Company, 1981.
13 ROARK, T. J. & YOUNG, W. C., Formulae for Stress and Strain, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill Kogakusha,
14 2003 ASHRAE Handbook – HVAC Applications : Chapter 47 Sound and Vibration Control. Publisher
15 EWINS, D. J., Modal Testing, 2nd edition, Research Studies Press Ltd, 2000.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St61 61 06/12/2006 16:30:38

Damping Damping is a general term used to describe the dissipation of energy in a vibrating system.
It is described in section 4 of Appendix A. In this guide damping is quantified numerically
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as the fraction of critical damping, ζ. Critical damping is the minimum amount of damping
that will prevent oscillatory behaviour in a system. In practice most floors and bridges
have between 1% and 5% of critical damping (0.01 < ζ < 0.05).

Damping is also occasionally quantified in the following ways, and in these cases the
damping as a fraction of critical is calculated as shown below:

Loss factor, ge ζ=

~ δ
Logarithmic decrement of damping, δ ζ =

Dynamic load factor The harmonic force imposed by a pedestrian on the structure on which he or she is walking,
running or jumping, normalised by the weight of the individual.

DLF = (harmonic force)/(weight of individual)

Effective impulse See section 4.3.1.

Fourier analysis A full mathematical discussion of Fourier analysis can be found elsewhere12. The essential
concept is that any periodic, repeating wave form of frequency f can be broken down into
harmonic components having frequencies of f, 2f, 3f etc., where each harmonic has a par-
ticular phase and magnitude. The first harmonic is sometimes referred to as the funda-

The benefit of this decomposition is that the response of a dynamic system to the original
periodic load can be calculated by summing the responses to the individual harmonics.

Fundamental frequency The natural frequency of the first mode of a structure, which will also be the lowest
natural frequency.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St62 62 06/12/2006 16:30:39


Harmonic, harmonic force, Harmonic, in this context, refers to a waveform that is sinusoidal, and having a constant
harmonic load frequency and amplitude. So a harmonic force is a sinusoidal force of particular amplitude
and frequency. In this guide the first, second, third or fourth harmonics of footfall forces are
used to calculate the response. These harmonics are the first four harmonic components of
a footfall force time history as found by Fourier analysis. The frequencies of these first four
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harmonics are fw, 2 fw, 3 fw and 4 fw, where fw is the walking frequency. The amplitudes
proposed for design purposes are given in Table 4.3.

Modal analysis The process of establishing the modal properties of a structure, either by test or analysis.
Modal properties include modal frequency, modal mass, mode shapes and modal damping.

Modal damping The damping that is associated with a particular mode. Sometimes some modes will have
more damping than others, but in the context of footfall induced vibration it is common
to assume that all modes have the same damping.

Modal mass Each mode of a structure has a modal mass associated with it. For the jth mode, the modal
mass is defined formally as:

mj = 2

where i is each of N points on the structure, having mass mi at which the mode shape μ j, i

in the jth mode is known. Clearly, the total mass of the structure, M = ∑m

Conceptually, the modal mass can be thought of as the mass of an equivalent single
degree of freedom system such as that of Figure G2 which represents the jth mode.

Mode, or natural mode Refers generally to a ‘preferred’ vibration pattern for a structure. Each mode has a fre-
quency, mode shape, modal mass and modal damping associated with it. A more rigorous
mathematical definition can be found elsewhere11.

Mode shape The spatial distribution of displacement of a structure associated with each mode. Note
that this is not a displacement in the true sense, i.e. it does not have units; rather, it des-
cribes the amplitude of one point relative to another. The normalisation of mode shape
values is effectively arbitrary (though it must be consistent with the normalisation of the
modal mass). In this guide, mode shapes are normalised such that the maximum displace-
ment on the mode has a value of 1.0.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St63 63 06/12/2006 16:30:39

Natural frequency A frequency at which a system naturally vibrates. In this guide frequency is expressed in
Hertz (Hz) which is the number of vibration cycles that occur in 1 second (see section 3.1).

For a system with a single degree of freedom such as that shown in Figure G2,
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fn = 1
2π √ k

where k is the spring stiffness and m is the mass. Systems with more degrees of freedom
will have more natural modes and each of these will have its own natural (or modal)
frequency associated with it.

Resonance If a dynamic system is excited at a frequency close to one of its natural frequencies, then the
eventual amplitude of response will be significantly greater than that due to the same exci-
tation at a much lower, or much higher, frequency. This phenomenon is known as resonance.

For a single degree of freedom system such as that of Figure G2, the response amplitude
as a function of the ratio of the excitation and natural frequencies of a system with 3% of
critical damping is shown in Figure G1. The response amplitude is plotted as a fraction of
the response that would occur if the same load were applied statically (with zero frequency).
This amplitude is often referred to as the dynamic amplification factor (or DAF) and has a
magnitude of 1 at full resonance. See section 4.2.2 for further details.

Figure G1
SDOF System with 3% of critical damping

Dynamic Amplification Factor




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Ratio f/fn

Dynamic amplification factor for a single degree of freedom system with 3% of critical
damping. Resonance occurs when the ratio of excitation frequency to natural frequency,
ff , is close to 1.0.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St64 64 06/12/2006 16:30:40


Response factor (R) See section 3.2.2.

Root mean square (RMS) See section 3.1.

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Single degree of freedom A mechanical system consisting of a mass, free to move in one degree of freedom only,
(SDOF) system where the displacement in that direction is resisted by a linear spring and a viscous damper.

Figure G2
A single degree of freedom system comprising
a mass, m, spring of stiffness, k, and a damper
with a damping rate of c.

Vibration dose value (VDV) See section 3.2.3.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St65 65 06/12/2006 16:30:40

Appendix A. Evaluating modal properties of
a structure
The methods described in sections 4.2 and 4.3 of this guide to predict the footfall induced
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vibration of structures require a full set of modal properties of the structure as their basis.
For resonant response of structures with a fundamental mode below approximately 10Hz,
it is required to find all modes of the structure below 15Hz (section 4.2). To calculate the
impulsive response of a structure all modes with a frequency less than twice the funda-
mental frequency are needed (section 4.3). The modal mass, mode shape, frequency and
modal damping of each of these modes are required.

A simplified method is described in section 4.4 for floors which are, or can be approximated
to, uniform rectangular floor bays with no internal columns. For these floors it is required
to evaluate the modal properties of the first mode only.

This Appendix describes methods for evaluating the modal properties of structures. In
general, finite element (FE) analysis, which is now readily accessible in standard structural
engineering software packages, may be used. For very simple regular structures (such as
beams or simply supported rectangular floor plates) analytical solutions exist, and these
can be used instead of FE analysis.

Methods that predict the properties of the fundamental mode only (such as the well

f = 18
, see below)
are useful for verifying FE analysis; however, they cannot always be used with the methods
described in this guide as they provide no information about the properties of higher
modes, which may contribute significantly to footfall induced vibration.

This Appendix is in four sections. The first gives typical material properties for structural
dynamic calculation. The second gives equations that can be used to calculate modal
properties for simple structures and to estimate the fundamental mode of more complex
structures. The third section includes best practice modelling guidelines for FE analysis to
evaluate modal properties. The fourth discusses modal damping – which cannot be
‘calculated’ in the same way as mode shape or frequency – and which must instead be
estimated from measurements made on comparable structures.

It is important to appreciate that a mode shape has no absolute scale – it defines the
relative motions of points on the structure in that mode, but not the absolute level of
vibration of the mode. Therefore mode shape and modal mass may be scaled (normalised)
in different ways. In this guide, modal properties are scaled such that the largest value of
displacement in the mode anywhere on the structure is unity (1.0).


Footfall Induced Vibration of St66 66 06/12/2006 16:30:40

Appendix A

A1 Material properties for The stiffness of steel sections and reinforcement for dynamic analysis is no different to
dynamic analysis that for static analysis:

E = 210GPa
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Concrete is somewhat stiffer at small strains and for very short-term loading associated
with dynamic response than is assumed for static design. For un-cracked lightweight con-
crete, use a dynamic Young’s modulus of 22GPa. For un-cracked normal weight concrete,
use a dynamic Young’s modulus of 38GPa.

If it is thought that the concrete might be significantly cracked, then the reduced stiffness
can be taken into account by modifying the modulus accordingly.

A2 Modal properties by Two types of ‘hand calculation’ are useful when deriving modal properties for the calcu-
hand calculation lation of footfall response.

The first is a calculation that will calculate all relevant modes of a structure and can be
used in place of finite element analysis. This is possible for simply supported beams and
rectangular floor plates. The second calculates only the properties of the fundamental
mode and is useful for verifying the results of FE analysis. Each is discussed in turn below.

A2.1 Modal properties of Equations A.1 to A.3 predict exactly the properties of the jth mode of a simply supported
uniform beams flexural beam:

wj j 2 π 2 EI
Natural frequency (Hz) fj = = (A.1)
2π 2π mL4

Modal mass ˆ =
m (A.2)
j 2

Mode shape

µj = sin ( )
j πy


where E is the Young’s modulus, I is the second moment of area of the section, L is the
length, m is the mass per unit length and y is the distance along the beam.

The jth mode consists of j half sine waves as illustrated in Figure A1 for j = 1 and 2. The
modal mass of all modes is equal to half the total mass.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St67 67 06/12/2006 16:30:40

Figure A1
Equations to calculate modal properties of a
simply supported beam.
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Standard equations also exist for beams with other end conditions. The natural
frequencies of the first three modes can be found from Equation A.4 using appropriate
values of Ki from Table A1.

fi =
2 π EI

Table A1 End conditions K1 K2 K3

Values of K, for beams with different end
conditions. Fixed - fixed 22.4 61.7 121
Fixed – pinned 15.4 50.0 104
Fixed – free (cantilever) 3.52 22.0 61.7
Pinned – pinned 9.87 39.5 88.8

A2.2 Modal properties of The modal properties for uniform rectangular plates simply supported along four edges
uniform rectangular simply are given below. In some floor structures (e.g. ribbed concrete, composite steel-concrete)
there is a ‘stiff’ span direction (y-direction, length L) and a more flexible transverse
supported plates direction (x-direction, width W) such that the plate may have different flexural stiffnesses
in orthogonal directions.

Full derivations of these formulae can be found elsewhere12, 13. A floor bay, and what are
typically the first three modes, are illustrated in Figure A2.

For a mode having j half sine waves in the transverse (x-direction) and k half sine waves in
the span (y-direction):

Natural frequency fj,k = π 2

(L )
2 (L )
j 4 Dx + 2Hj2 k2 W2 + k4 Dy W4

Modal mass ˆ =
m (A.6)
j, k 4

Mode shape
μj,k = sin
L ( ) ( )
jπx jπy

where m is mass per unit area.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St68 68 06/12/2006 16:30:41

Appendix A

Figure A2
Sketch of floor showing notation and first
three modes.
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Section B-B Section A-A

Mode 1
Modal Displ.

0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
0 5 10
Mode 2
Modal Displ.

0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
0 5 10
Mode 3
Modal Displ.

0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
0 5 10


Footfall Induced Vibration of St69 69 06/12/2006 16:30:56

In practice, modes with k > 1 have a very high frequency and are not of concern. The mode
shapes corresponding to k = 1 and j = 1, 2 and 3 are shown in Figure A2. All modes have a
modal mass equal to a quarter of the total mass of the bay.

Dx , Dy and H are flexural stiffnesses per metre width in the x and y directions and the
Licensed copy from CIS: leedsm, LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY, 27/10/2015, Uncontrolled Copy.

torsional stiffness parameter respectively, and can be calculated as follows.

For flat slabs of thickness t, where v is the Poisson’s ratio of the material:

Et 3
Dx = Dy = H = (A.8)
12(1 – v 2)

For ribbed slabs or steel composite floors with equidistantly spaced ribs or beams, as
shown in figure A3.

D = (A.9)
x sx

Dy = (A.10)

Et 3 Cy Cx
H = + + (A.11)
12(1 – v 2) sy sx

where Ix and Iy are the second moments of area of the beam and slab units spanning in
the x and y directions and sx and sy are their spacings. Cx and Cy are the torsional rigidity of
each rib or beam in the y and x directions respectively. For steel I-beams, the torsional
rigidities, C, are negligible. For ribbed concrete floors with rectangular ribs of longer
dimension, d, and shorter dimension, b, and shear modulus G:

[ 31 – 0.21 db (1 – 12db )]
C = Gdb3 (A.12)

In calculating these properties appropriate dynamic values for the Young’s modulus of
steel and concrete should be taken, and in the case of concrete sections, allowance
should be made for the cracked stiffness under service loading (see section A1).


Footfall Induced Vibration of St70 70 06/12/2006 16:30:56

Appendix A

A2.3 Approximations to the An accurate assessment of the response of some structures to footfall is not always
possible using the properties for the first mode only. However, approximations for the
fundamental mode
natural frequency and modal mass of the first mode can be very useful for preliminary
assessment or when verifying the results of finite element analyses.
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One of the commonly used methods for estimating the fundamental frequency is known
as the self-weight method. If the maximum gravity deflection of a single bay structure
(under self-weight plus service super-imposed load) is δ, then the fundamental frequency
(Hz) can be estimated using:

f= (A.13)

where δ is the maximum deflection in mm. This equation works reasonably well for most
single-span beam or floor plates. In multi-span structures, the gravity load should be
applied in opposite directions on alternate spans.

The modal mass of regular structures can be estimated from the total mass. For simply
supported beams the modal mass is half of the total mass. For a simply supported floor
bay, the modal mass is one-quarter of the total mass.

A3 Predicting modal Finite element models of floor and bridge structures are now often produced at the design
stage. As most finite element programs include natural modes solvers (sometimes referred
properties by FE analysis
to as eigen-value solvers), it is practicable to use these to calculate the modal properties
of the structure. The additional accuracy and flexibility afforded by FE analysis will often
justify the effort associated with building and analysing a model.

The advantages of using FE models rather than hand calculations to derive modal
properties include:
n FE methods will be at least as accurate as hand calculations. For very simple, regular
structures the accuracy is comparable. For anything that is even slightly irregular an FE
model will be more accurate. Hand calculations are unlikely to reliably predict the
properties of higher modes of complex structures.
n The effects of two-way systems of beams, the rotational stiffness of columns, the effect
of partition walls, stairwells, etc. can all be included easily in FE models. Their effects
can be very difficult to quantify in any other way.
n If an FE model is used, then the predicted response of the floor can be contoured in a
way that quickly and easily highlights the most critical areas. These plots can also be
very useful for space planning in laboratories etc.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St71 71 06/12/2006 16:30:56

Some general guidelines and modelling techniques for FE analysis to derive modal
properties of structures are summarised below:
1. It is best to model slabs as 2D elements (plates or shells).

2. Down-stand concrete ribs or steel beams may be modelled explicitly with their
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individual section properties offset from the slab centreline. In this case the 2D shell
elements should have in-plane (membrane) stiffness as well as bending stiffness, and
ensure that the model edges (beams and shells) are not restrained against lateral move-
ment (i.e. pinned) on all sides, since this can lead to unrealistic additional stiffness.

3. Alternatively, model ribs or beams coincident (non-offset) with the shells, but
include their ‘composite’ (i.e. beam plus flange) I values minus the I of the slab itself.

4. Different programs have different shell element formulations and it is always advis-
able to check the effect of mesh density by attempting to simulate standard analytical
results. In general, use a mesh density of at least eight elements across a bay span, and
about three-to-four elements between secondary beams in a floor bay. In general
there should be at least four elements for each half sine wave of the highest frequency
mode shape. If unsure that the mesh is fine enough subdivide the mesh by two and
re-run. Compare the natural frequencies and modal masses of the two models for
the highest mode required in the response solution. If these are similar, then it is not
necessary to refine the mesh further.

5. A realistic allowance for non-structural mass, due to services, fit-out finishes etc., should
be included. It is normally possible to add non-structural mass to an element, and
some programs also allow static load cases to be converted to additional mass. If
neither of these options is available, then the density of the material representing the
slab must be modified. In general, only include additional mass that is likely to be
there in practice. Over-estimating the mass can be non-conservative for footfall
response. Often 10% of the design live load is included in dynamic analysis, but again,
only include this if it is actually likely to be there. It is good practice to check that the
total mass of the structure calculated by the program is what is expected.

6. Beam connections: for strength or serviceability design structural engineers often

assume pinned end connections. For the very small strains associated with footfall
induced vibration, it has been found from tests that connections will normally act as
if they are fixed rather than pinned, and so should be modelled without releases.

7. Composite floors can be modelled in several ways. It is normally easiest to model the
slab explicitly with 2D elements and the beams with offset beam elements. Ensure that
the beam mesh is compatible with and tied into the 2D element mesh. The properties
of the slab should be modified to allow for any trapezoidal metal decking. Some soft-
ware allows the user to specify different axial and bending thicknesses (or stiffnesses)
for 2D elements. If this is not possible it is normally best to ensure that the axial
stiffness is correct, i.e. that the cross-sectional area of the 2D element is equivalent


Footfall Induced Vibration of St72 72 06/12/2006 16:30:57

Appendix A

to the cross-sectional area of the slab. The slab should be modelled at its neutral axis
and the beams offset below the shells by half the beam depth (for symmetric beams)
plus the height of the slab neutral axis above the top of the steel beam. If there is no
facility to offset beams in the software then rigid elements can be used.
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8. It has been found by measurement that the additional stiffness and restraint due to a
facade can often be well approximated by vertically restraining the slab at its edges.
The same applies at concrete core walls.

9. Columns have a rotational stiffness that can increase the frequencies of the floor.
Include the columns above and below to ensure that the model incorporates this

10. Symmetric or anti-symmetric boundary conditions may be used to reduce the model
size of structures with axes of symmetry. However, care must be taken to ensure that
all modes, derived with all possible combinations of boundary conditions, are found.
Note also that the modal masses must be modified to incorporate the symmetric
portion of the model that will not be included in the FE results. Run-time is not usually
an issue these days with models typical of the size necessary to analyse complete
floors, and dealing with complete models removes one level of complexity.

A4 Estimating modal All real structures, when caused to vibrate by some external action, will not go on vibrating
damping continuously but will vibrate at an amplitude that progressively decays towards zero once
the action has ended. This decay is a result of energy dissipation and occurs at a rate that
is dependent on the damping in the structure.

Some materials have more ‘inherent’ damping than others, but the intrinsic damping of
construction materials such as steel and concrete is relatively low. In real structures, the
damping that results from friction and slip at connections, partitions, etc., is more signi-
ficant than the damping inherent in the construction materials themselves, and for this
reason it is difficult to calculate expected damping levels on a case-by-case basis. In practice
the engineer must rely on measurements made on comparable structures and use these
to estimate appropriate levels for a proposed structure.

It should be noted that it can be difficult to measure damping reliably, particularly on

structures with many closely spaced modes (see also Appendix B). Also, damping tends to
vary with amplitude (it is normally higher at larger amplitudes) and so measurements
should be performed at the amplitudes at which the structure is likely to vibrate in service.
For concrete structures the extent of cracking can also be significant. Given these difficul-
ties there is a shortage of good measured data for a full range of structures. Table A2
suggests values that are based on the best available data.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St73 73 06/12/2006 16:30:57

Table A2 Structural type Damping, % of
Suggested damping values for different
critical, ζm
Welded steel bridges with little or no services, fixtures or fittings 0.3% to 0.5%
Bolted steel, composite and pre-stressed concrete bridges with little or no 0.5% to 1.0%
services, fixtures or fittings
Reinforced concrete bridges 0.7% to 1.2%
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Bare steel composite or post tensioned concrete floors with little or no fit out 0.8% to 1.5%
Bare reinforced concrete floors 1% to 2%
Completed steel composite or post tensioned concrete floors with low fit out 1.5% to 2.5%
Completed steel composite or post tensioned concrete floors with typical fit out 2% to 3%
Completed reinforced concrete floors with typical fit out 2.2% to 3.5%
Completed steel composite, post tensioned or reinforced concrete floors with 3% to 4.5%
extensive fit out and full height partitions


Footfall Induced Vibration of St74 74 06/12/2006 16:30:57

Appendix B

Appendix B. Procedures for measuring floor

Validation of a prediction method or the verification of the in-service performance of a
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structure requires that footfall induced response be measured on real structures and
presented in a way that is compatible with performance criteria.

This Appendix describes how this might be done, and how the validation data presented
in Appendix C was calculated.

B1 General: equipment and Two types of test are required to fully quantify the dynamic performance of a floor or a
test procedure bridge under footfall loading. The first (modal tests) calculates the modal properties of the
structure, the second (walk-by tests) measures the response as a person walks on the floor.

Very extensive theory15 and sophisticated software and hardware is available that can
calculate modal properties of complex structures to a high degree of accuracy. Such test
procedures are preferred if the resource is available but it is also possible to confirm natural
frequencies and estimate modal damping values from a series of heel drops recorded using
a single accelerometer and a data-logger. (A heel drop is an impulse applied to a
structure by a person who stands on their toes and drops onto their heels.)

Walk-by tests require only an accelerometer, a data-logger and a metronome.

In all cases acceleration (or velocity) time histories should be recorded during tests; this
provides maximum flexibility when post-processing the results. Responses recorded as
narrow band spectra or in one-third or whole octave bands do not include sufficient infor-
mation to fully characterise the dynamic performance of the structure.

Test procedures and post-processing techniques for modal and walk-by tests are described

B2 Modal test procedure Full-scale modal testing of structures is well-established in the automotive, aerospace and
and post processing marine industries. It is an extensive subject about which many books have been written15.
Only recently have such techniques been used to test civil structures. A discussion of these
techniques methods is beyond the scope of this guide.

Significant information about the dynamic properties of structures can be derived from
much simpler heel drop tests though, particularly if an approximate understanding of the
likely mode shapes is available prior to the tests.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St75 75 06/12/2006 16:30:57

Consider the bridge of worked example 1. It is expected that the first three modes of the
structure will be as shown in Figure 5.3. The first two of these will be excited by heel drops
at mid-span, and to a lesser extent heel drops at quarter span. The third will not respond
at mid-span but will respond to a heel drop at the quarter point.
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Time histories and spectra of heel drops at mid-span and quarter-span are shown in
Figures B1 and B2. From the spectra it is possible to confirm that the frequencies of modes
1, 2 and 3 are 4.65Hz, 6.56Hz and 14.66Hz respectively.

Figure B1
Heel drop responses at mid-span and quarter

Figure B2
Heel drop spectra at mid-span and Heel Drop Spectra
quarter span. Mid−span

Acceleration [m/s²]


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Frequency [Hz]

It is possible to calculate the damping of the modes from the decay response after the heel
drop using the logarithmic decrement technique. However it should be noted that if there
is any more than one mode that is responding to the impulse (as is the case for both heel
drops above), then the damping calculated from the first stage of the decay will be incorrect
and a significant overestimate of the actual damping. Reliable estimates of the damping
from heel drops using the logarithmic decrement technique are only possible with careful
filtering or averaging of measured traces.

If many closely spaced modes are responding simultaniously then it may not be possible
to calculate any reliable estimates of the damping using the logarithmic decrement. In
this case the more sophisticated methods mentioned above must be used.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St76 76 06/12/2006 16:30:58

Appendix B

B3 Walk-by test procedure Walk-by tests are straightforward to perform. Having calculated the modal frequencies
and post-processing from heel drop tests, the critical walking frequencies likely to induce resonance can be
calculated. Then, using a metronome to control pacing frequency, a person walks on the
techniques structure while an accelerometer records the response at the desired location.
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A typical recorded time history (again for the bridge of example 1) is shown in Figure B3.
It is clearly seen that the response builds up over time, as is characteristic of resonance.

Figure B3 Walkpast Time History

Walk past time history for the bridge of 0.08
example 1.



Acceleration [m/s ]




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time [secs]

For this particular test one mode dominates the response and so the response factor can
be estimated by hand calculation as shown below:

aˆ ≈ 0.07ms/s2 aRMS ≈ = 0.05m/s2

The dominant frequency of response is between 4Hz and 8Hz, where ar =1 = 0.005m/s2 so
R = 10.

However, a more general method is required for tests in which the structure is responding
in several modes.

The post-processing technique required will depend on the nature of the criteria to which
the response will be compared. This will normally take one of two forms, either a ‘total
response factor’ or an RMS velocity measured in one-third octave bands (which is how
performance criteria for sensitive equipment are normally specified). The two methods
are very similar, it is only the filtering of the data that differs between them.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St77 77 06/12/2006 16:30:58

B3.1 Calculation of a ‘total 1. The measured time history is passed through a band pass weighting filter which is
response factor’ from effectively the inverse of the base curve for R = 1, i.e. the amplitude of vibration
between 4Hz and 8Hz is unaffected, that above 8Hz is reduced by 6dB per octave,
measured data that below 4Hz by 3dB per octave.
2. A rolling RMS of the filtered signal is calculated with an averaging period of 1 second.
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3. The maximum value of this RMS signal corresponds to the maximum response factor
during the test. This response factor is found by dividing the RMS acceleration by

The filtered signal and the rolling RMS for the signal of Figure B3 are shown in Figure B4.
The filtered signal looks little different to the original in this case because the majority of
the response is between 4Hz and 8Hz where the attenuation of the filter is zero. The maxi-
mum response factor is calculated as 0.04/0.005 = 8, where 0.04m/s2 is the maximum
recorded RMS in the filtered signal and 0.005m/s2 is the base line weighted acceleration
response for R = 1.

Figure B4
Filtered and RMS acceleration. 0.08



Acceleration (m/s2)



−0.06 Filtered Acceleration

Rolling RMS Acceleratio n

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

B3.2 Calculation of RMS 1. The measured velocity time history is passed though a series of one-third octave
velocity in one-third octave band pass filters.
2. A rolling RMS of each of the filtered signals is calculated with an averaging period of
bands 1 second.
3. The maximum RMS response in each of the one-third octaves can be compared to
the performance criterion for that one-third octave.

Alternatively measured accelerations can be processed in the same way and the calculated
RMS accelerations in each one-third octave band converted to RMS velocities by dividing
by the angular centre frequency of that band.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St78 78 06/12/2006 16:30:59

Appendix C

Appendix C. Validation
Included below are the results of measurements made on the structures of the three worked
examples of Chapter 5. It should be noted that the methods described in this guide have
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been extensively validated over the last 5 to 10 years and these tests constitute only a
small subset of all the validation tests performed. They are included here primarily to give
an indication of the level of accuracy that can be expected of the predictions.

It is intended to demonstrate the validity of the prediction technique, rather than the
methods for calculating modal properties described in Appendix A and so for examples 1
and 2 the measured frequencies are used as the basis of the predictions. This makes little
difference to the magnitudes of the predicted responses but ensures that the peaks in
measured and predicted response such as those in Figure C1 line up, facilitating comparison
of the two.

C1 Worked example 1 Predicted and measured responses at mid-span are shown in Figure C1. The prediction
incorporates the weight of the walker (900N) and the measured responses are the maxi-
mum that occur as the walker walks from one side of the span to the other.

Figure C1 Predicted
Predicted vs. vs. measured
Predicted and measured responses for worked 10
example 1. Predicted


Response factor

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
Walking frequency
Walking (Hz) (Hz)

C2 Worked example 2 The post-tensioned concrete floor described in Chapter 5 was tested when bare and with-
out fit-out, as shown in Figure 5.6. The test procedure consisted of repeatedly walking the
length of the 10m span as indicated in Figure C2. The floor response was monitored at
locations 1 and 2, also shown in Figure C2. Predictions are based on the measured modal
properties shown in Table 5.4. The point of excitation is taken to be the point that responds
most in all three modes. This point is at the edge of the floor, as shown in Figure C2.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St79 79 06/12/2006 16:30:59

Appendix C

Figure C2
Model showing walking route and
measurement locations.
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Excitation point
Walking route

Predicted and measured responses at the two locations are shown in Figures C3 and C4
Figure C3 PositionPosition
1 - Predicted vs. measured
vs. measured
Predicted and measured response for position 1. 10 Predicted

Response factor



1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
Walking frequency (Hz)
Walking frequency, Hz

Figure C4 Position 2-predicted vs. measured

Position 2 - Predicted vs. measured
Predicted and measured response for position 2. Predicted


Response factor

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
Walking frequency, Hz
Walking frequency (Hz)


Footfall Induced Vibration of St80 80 06/12/2006 16:31:00

The correlation at both locations is generally good. These tests indicate well the sensitivity
of response to exact pacing frequency. As it is unlikely that the walker will have maintained
exactly the specified rate for the duration of the test, exact correlation between test and
measurement should not be expected.
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A comparison of peak measured response against peak predicted response is perhaps more
reasonable as it is likely that the walker will have taken at least a few consecutive steps at
the critical frequency during the test.

C3 Worked example 3 The floor of example 3 is a ribbed concrete floor for an American laboratory. Accelerometers
were located at A and B, as shown in Figure C5 and acceleration was measured as a person
walked at the specified pacing frequency along the route shown.

Figure C5
Measurement locations and walking route for
tests on floor of example 3 (see Figure 5.14 for


Footfall Induced Vibration of St81 81 06/12/2006 16:31:01

Appendix C

Measured peak and RMS velocities are compared against predictions below.
Figure C6a
Predicted and measured response at location B. Location B

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1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Walking speed [Hz]

Predicted Peak Predicted RMS Predicted Test RMS Test

Figure C6b
Predicted and measured response at location A. Location A






1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Walking speed [Hz]

Predicted Peak Predicted RMS Predicted Test RMS Test

It can be seen that RMS responses correlate well with prediction, as do the peak velocities
at location B. At location A measured peak velocities are only about 60% of the predicted.
In general, measured peak responses show considerable variability and the dynamic
performance of a high-frequency floor is almost always based on RMS responses.


Footfall Induced Vibration of St82 82 06/12/2006 16:31:02

CI/Sfb A cement and concrete industry publication


A Design Guide for Footfall Induced Vibration of Structures

A Design Guide for Footfall
Induced Vibration of Structures
A Design Guide for Footfall Induced Vibration of Structures A tool for designers to engineer the footfall vibration
characteristics of buildings or bridges

M R Willford CEng MIMechE

Whilst footfall induced vibrations on buildings or bridges Michael Willford and Peter Young have over 30 years combined
P Young CEng MIMechE
is not normally significant in terms of structural integrity, experience in the area of structural dynamics. The methods
footfall vibration can be a critical serviceability condition. presented in this guide have been developed by them over the last
This publication presents a new method for evaluating 10 years and have been used extensively within Arup for the past 5
the vibration due to a single pedestrian walking on a flat years.
surface, such as a floor slab or bridge deck. The method was

M R Willford CEng MIMechE and P Young CEng MIMechE

developed by Arup, and has been calibrated and refined with
verification measurements taken on completed structures
over a period of ten years.

This publication provides an informative description of the factors

effecting footfall induced vibration and guides the engineer through
the process of designing for vibration. It includes flowcharts for
calculation procedures and a useful glossary. It also includes worked
examples on a concrete footbridge, a low frequency multispan post
tensioned concrete floor and a high frequency ribbed slab.

Published December 2006
ISBN 1-904482-29-5
Price Group Q
© The Concrete Centre

Riverside House, 4 Meadows Business Park,

Station Approach, Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey, GU17 9AB
Tel: +44 (0)700 4 500 500

Footfall Induced Vibration cover1 1 08/12/2006 15:42:26

Licensed copy from CIS: leedsm, LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY, 27/10/2015, Uncontrolled Copy.

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