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Anemia and Ischemia: How Low Can You Go?: Charles T. Quinn and Michael M. Dowling

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From www.bloodjournal.org by guest on August 11, 2018. For personal use only.

of intraplatelet outcomes? That is the most 5. Li W, Rusiniak ME, Chintala S, Gautam R, Novak EK, 7. Stalker TJ, Welsh JD, Brass LF. Shaping the platelet
Swank RT. Murine Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome genes: response to vascular injury. Curr Opin Hematol. 2014;21(5):
fundamental question raised by both papers. regulators of lysosome-related organelles. BioEssays. 2004; 410-417.
As acknowledged by the authors, at best, an 26(6):616-628.
8. Brass LF. Thrombin and platelet activation. Chest.
incomplete answer can be given. Platelets 6. Graham GJ, Ren Q , Dilks JR, Blair P, Whiteheart SW, 2003;124(3 Suppl):18S-25S.
Flaumenhaft R. Endobrevin/VAMP-8-dependent dense
possess a number of cell-surface receptors
granule release mediates thrombus formation in vivo.
that, when activated, trigger various Blood. 2009;114(5):1083-1090. © 2015 by The American Society of Hematology
intraplatelet signaling cascades.7,8 For
example, extracellular ADP interacts with l l l RED CELLS, IRON, & ERYTHROPOIESIS
P2Y1 and P2Y2 and related receptors at the
cell surface. In turn, these receptors interact Comment on Bernaudin et al, page 1653
with G proteins and, in this case, lead to
reduced intracellular cyclic AMP levels. At
lower cyclic AMP levels, thrombin action
Anemia and ischemia:
through the PAR1 receptor leads to increased
granule secretion. However, how such a how low can you go?
signaling cascade could affect the secretion
of multiple proteins from multiple granule Charles T. Quinn1 and Michael M. Dowling2 1
types is wholly unclear. We lack the
fundamental knowledge about how intraplatelet
signaling is sensed by any granule type. A In this issue of Blood, Bernaudin et al have identified the rate of acute anemic
further understanding of how platelet granule events (AAEs) and extracranial internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis as risk
secretion may be triggered could well come factors for silent cerebral infarcts (SCIs) in children with sickle cell anemia
from understanding the full chain of events (SCA).1 SCIs refer to permanent brain lesions, usually small, that do not produce
in the 16 loci that produce HPS or related obvious focal neurologic deficits. These smaller strokes are often not “silent”
bleeding disorders. and can cause neurocognitive impairment and poor academic performance, as
In closing, these 2 papers also provide well as portend overt stroke. SCIs occur as early as the first year of life, and their
a new perspective on how platelet-plug prevalence increases with age. About 40% of adolescents with SCA have SCIs.
formation can be so localized during normal What causes this most frequent form of neurologic injury in SCA? Overt stroke in
hemostasis. Autocrine signaling through SCA is often preceded by occlusive cerebral arteriopathy of the large intracranial
release of ADP at the site of vascular damage arteries, so SCIs could be caused by an arteriopathy of small vessels, but this
is a very localized event. The concentration has not been demonstrated. Vasoocclusion of small arteries and arterioles in the
of extraplatelet ADP will only be high in the brain has also been proposed but has not been confirmed in humans. Critical
immediate area, and only proximal platelets hypoperfusion events might also cause SCIs, given that SCIs are often found in
will be affected. Blood flow will ensure watershed regions of the brain ipsilateral to occlusive cerebral arteriopathy.
that any local event is pulsatile and rapidly
dilute downstream levels of ADP. In
presenting evidence that the dense granule I dentifying the risk factors for SCIs can
help reveal their cause. Recently, several
groups have identified a clear association
patients who had “acute SCI” or acute silent
cerebral ischemic events (ASCIEs) during
complications of SCA, 4 of which were AAEs.5
is the source autocrine signal, these authors
may have opened a novel perspective to between SCIs and degree of baseline anemia. A prospective study showed that ASCIEs
understanding hemostasis in a more general A US group showed that lower rates of occurred in nearly 20% of children with
sense. pain and acute chest syndrome, lower SCA hospitalized for AAEs, defined as a Hb
Conflict-of-interest disclosure: The author baseline hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, and level of ,5.5 g/dL and 30% or more lower
declares no competing financial interests. n intracranial arterial stenosis were risk factors than baseline.6 A multicenter study showed
for SCIs.2 A group in France found that lower that ASCIEs could also be detected
REFERENCES baseline Hb concentration was the only in asymptomatic, clinically well children
1. Meng R, Wu J, Harper DC, et al. Defective release independent predictor of SCIs.3 Most recently, undergoing screening magnetic resonance
of a granule and lysosome contents from platelets in an international study group identified lower imaging of the brain.7 Compared with the
mouse Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome models. Blood.
2015;125(10):1623-1632. baseline Hb concentration, higher baseline baseline rate of initial SCIs, the rate of
2. Sharda A, Kim SH, Jasuja R, et al. Defective PDI systolic blood pressure, and male sex as risk ASCIEs was 40-fold higher in children who
release from platelets and endothelial cells impairs factors.4 So, degree of baseline anemia does already had a “remote” SCI, whereas AAE
thrombus formation in Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome.
Blood. 2015;125(10):1633-1642. appear to be important in the genesis of SCIs, increased the incidence of ASCIEs 600-fold.6-8
3. Nurden AT, Freson K, Seligsohn U. Inherited but we also need to know when SCIs occur Some ASCIEs appear to be reversible and
platelet disorders. Haemophilia. 2012;18(Suppl 4): to understand their causes better. leave no detectable lesion, whereas others
Three reports have shown that SCIs are become permanent SCIs.
4. Marks MS, Heijnen HFG, Raposo G. Lysosome-
related organelles: unusual compartments become detectable during the acutely ischemic phase Bernaudin et al hypothesized that
mainstream. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2013;25(4):495-505. (see figure). The first was a case series of 7 common clinical complications associated

1516 BLOOD, 5 MARCH 2015 x VOLUME 125, NUMBER 10

From www.bloodjournal.org by guest on August 11, 2018. For personal use only.

cerebral ischemia.10 In addition to dilution

of sickle Hb, chronic transfusions might
prevent SCIs because chronic anemia is
decreased, and a higher baseline Hb
concentration can mitigate the severity of
AAEs. Given the association of AAEs with
cerebral ischemia, we may need to be more
liberal in our transfusion practices for acute
complications of SCA. Transfusion to correct
at least the acute component of anemia might
be neuroprotective during AAEs, especially
because some ASCIEs appear to be reversible.
Many patients with SCA tolerate mild to
moderate exacerbations of anemia reasonably
well, but this perception primarily is based on
cardiopulmonary signs and symptoms, which
is how we traditionally define “symptomatic
anemia.” But ASCIEs and SCIs are “silent”
Anemia and cerebral ischemia. Shown here is magnetic resonance imaging of the brain during (A) and 7 months after
by definition, so how low can you (safely) go?
(B) an acute anemic event in a patient with sickle cell anemia who had no focal neurologic signs corresponding to the
brain lesion. A focus of restricted diffusion on diffusion-weighted imaging (A) indicates this is an acutely ischemic lesion. The answer is not entirely clear, but waiting
(B) Typical, T2-hyperintense, permanent silent cerebral infarct corresponding to the focus of the acute ischemia for the appearance of “symptomatic anemia”
detected during the acute anemic event. The imaging was obtained for a screening clinical research study, not for
clinical suspicion of stroke. may be too late for the brain. n

with hypoperfusion and hypoxemia, such as cerebral oxygen extraction, and possibly 1. Bernaudin F, Verlhac S, Arnaud C, et al. Chronic and
AAEs and acute chest syndrome, as well as increased cerebral metabolic rate in SCA. acute anemia and extracranial internal carotid stenosis are
extracranial ICA stenosis, were associated ASCIEs that occur during the baseline state risk factors for silent cerebral infarcts in sickle cell anemia.
Blood. 2015;125(10):1653-1661.
with SCIs.1 Recall, the risk for overt stroke is probably reflect ongoing ischemic injury
2. Kwiatkowski JL, Zimmerman RA, Pollock AN, et al.
routinely assessed in SCA by ultrasonography resulting from chronic anemia and arterial Silent infarcts in young children with sickle cell disease.
of intracranial arteries. The study population stenosis. Such ASCIEs are often small and Br J Haematol. 2009;146(3):300-305.
was a contemporary (1992-2010) and potentially reversible, but some do progress to 3. Bernaudin F, Verlhac S, Arnaud C, et al. Impact of
early transcranial Doppler screening and intensive therapy
aggressively treated cohort of children with SCIs. AAEs amplify this pathology and on cerebral vasculopathy outcome in a newborn sickle cell
SCA followed longitudinally by magnetic dramatically increase the incidence of anemia cohort. Blood. 2011;117(4):1130-1140.
resonance imaging and angiography. None ASCIEs6 (the acute lesion) and SCIs (the 4. DeBaun MR, Sarnaik SA, Rodeghier MJ, et al.
had overt stroke. The study confirmed that remote lesion).1 Certainly other factors are Associated risk factors for silent cerebral infarcts in sickle
cell anemia: low baseline hemoglobin, sex, and relative
degree of baseline anemia, defined here as involved, such as sickling and vasoocclusion high systolic blood pressure. Blood. 2012;119(16):
a Hb concentration lower than 7g/dL before resulting from Hb desaturation. However, 3684-3690.
age 3 years, was a risk factor for SCIs. ASCIEs also occur in children with AAEs 5. Dowling MM, Quinn CT, Rogers ZR, Buchanan GR.
Acute silent cerebral infarction in children with sickle cell
Moreover, the yearly rate of AAEs experienced who do not have SCA, so sickle Hb is
anemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2010;54(3):461-464.
by the patient, or the frequency of acute not necessarily required for their formation.6
6. Dowling MM, Quinn CT, Plumb P, et al. Acute silent
exacerbations of chronic anemia, and isolated Moreover, similar brain lesions occur in very cerebral ischemia and infarction during acute anemia in
extracranial ICA stenosis were identified as well-transfused patients with thalassemia,9 so children with and without sickle cell disease. Blood. 2012;
novel risk factors for SCIs, but not rate of perhaps platelet activation and prothrombotic
7. Quinn CT, McKinstry RC, Dowling MM, et al. Acute
pain or acute chest syndrome. potential play additional roles that may be silent cerebral ischemic events in children with sickle cell
The degree of chronic anemia and more important in thalassemia than SCA. anemia. JAMA Neurol. 2013;70(1):58-65.
the occurrence and frequency of AAEs, How does the clear association of SCIs 8. Pegelow CH, Macklin EA, Moser FG, et al.
therefore, are important risk factors for with acute and chronic anemia inform the Longitudinal changes in brain magnetic resonance imaging
findings in children with sickle cell disease. Blood. 2002;
SCIs. Also, considering their association care of patients with SCA? Although there 99(8):3014-3018.
with arterial stenosis, SCIs are likely the are no randomized trials to show that 9. Musallam KM, Taher AT, Karimi M, Rachmilewitz
consequence of impaired oxygen delivery hydroxyurea decreases the incidence of SCIs, EA. Cerebral infarction in b-thalassemia intermedia:
breaking the silence. Thromb Res. 2012;130(5):695-702.
to the brain resulting from the combined widespread use of this prophylactic therapy
10. DeBaun MR, Gordon M, McKinstry RC, et al.
limitation of blood flow (stenosis) and to decrease the degree of chronic anemia Controlled trial of transfusions for silent cerebral infarcts
oxygen-carrying capacity (anemia). This is reasonable (among other benefits). For in sickle cell anemia. N Engl J Med. 2014;371(8):699-710.
is compounded by the impairment of patients who already have SCIs, chronic
cerebrovascular autoregulation, near-maximal transfusion therapy decreases recurrent © 2015 by The American Society of Hematology

BLOOD, 5 MARCH 2015 x VOLUME 125, NUMBER 10 1517

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2015 125: 1516-1517


Anemia and ischemia: how low can you go?

Charles T. Quinn and Michael M. Dowling

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