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Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Meningiomas

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MagnetiC Resonance
Imaging of Meningiomas

Robert D. Zimmerman 1 Twenty-eight patients with 32 meningiomas were studied on a 0.5-T superconductive
Cynthia A. Fleming magnetic resonance (MR) imager. This common, benign treatable tumor was more
Leslie A. Saint-Louis clearly seen on computed tomography (CT) than MRI in 53% of cases. This is a result
of poor contrast between the tumor and the adjacent brain on all spin-echo and inversion-
Benjamin C. P. Lee
recovery pulse sequences. Those sequences that provide the greatest anatomic detail
John J. Manning were best for identifying this low-contrast lesion. Inversion-recovery scans in particular
Michael D. F. Deck demonstrated the tumor as a discrete hypo intense mass (relative to nearby white matter)
with excellent visualization of the dural base and white matter buckling indicative of
extracerebral mass effect. Other characteristic features include: (1) a hypointense rim
because of the venous capsule (66%); (2) mottling due to hypervascularity; (3) a well
defined edema collar that demarcates the tumor from adjacent brain; and (4) hyperos-
tosis with thickening of the calvaria and obliteration of its normal landmarks. MRI did
not demonstrate tumor calcification but did demonstrate vascular encasement, displace-
ment, and occlusion better than CT and as well as digital venous angiography.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has proven to be an extraordinarily sensitive

imaging method for central nervous system pathology, often exceeding computed
tomography (CT) in demonstrating lesions [1-7]. Reports of MRI in meningiomas
have, however, been scant and anecdotal [2, 3, 5, 6, 8]. We report our experience
of MRI in 28 patients with 32 meningiomas. In this common, benign, and generally
treatable lesion [9, 10], CT is more sensitive than MRI. The causes of this
phenomenon will be discussed and specific MRI features of meningiomas pre-

Subjects and Methods

Twenty-eight patients were studied on a 0.5-T superconductive MR imager. All patients
were studied with 8- to 13-mm-thick slices obtained by single slice, three-dimensional
anisotropic, or two-dimensional Fourier transformation multi slice single-echo technique. The
images were routinely obtained in the axial plane and , where indicated , in sagittal and/or
coronal planes. Several pulse sequences were used in each patient (average of three
sequences per patient) including spin echo (SE) with an echo delay time (TE) of 30-120 msec
Received September 19, 1984; accepted after and a repetition time (TR) of 150-2500 msec. Inversion recovery (IR) scans were performed
revision November 23,1984. with an inversion time (TI) of 450 msec and a repetition time (TR) of 1500 msec in 19 cases .
Presented at the annual meeting of the American Each patient had a contrast-enhanced CT scan before MRI ; therefore, the location and
Society of Neuroradiology, Boston, June 1984. probable nature of the lesions were known before the MRI study. There were 18 female and
1 All authors: Department of Radiology, Division 10 male patients aged 20-74 years (mean , 67.75). Three patients had multiple meningiomas .
of Neuroradiology, New York Hospital-Cornell Seven patients with recurrent meningiomas were evaluated in this series. The lesions were
Medical Center, 525 E. 68th St., New York , NY distributed throughout the cranial cavity , with a preponderance of basal tumors: 10 were in
10021. Address reprint requests to R. D. Zimmer-
man. the middle fossa, eight were in the anterior fossa , three were in the posterior fossa , five were
in the convexity , and six were para sagittal. The sensitivities of MRI and CT were compared.
AJNR 6:149-157, March/April 1985
0195-6108/85/0602-0149 The relative contrast between the tumor and the adjacent cortex was determined with all
© American Roentgen Ray SOciety pulse sequences. Features that might confer diagnostic specificity were tabulated .
150 ZIMMERMAN ET AL. AJNR:6. March/April 1985

TABLE 1: Contrast Relative to Adjacent Cortex

Minimal Minimal
No. Hypointense Isointense Hyperintense
Hypointense Hyperintense

SE 30/500 32 4 8 20 0 0
SE 60/1000 8 0 1 7 0 0
SE 90/1500 27 2 1 13 8 3
SE 120/1500 10 0 0 6 3 1
IR 450/1500 19 0 3 14 2 0
Total 96 6 (6.4) 13(13.5) 60 (62 .6) 13 (13 .5) 4 (4.2)
Note.-Numbers in parentheses are percentages.

A B c
Fig. 1.-Subfrontal meningioma. typical appear-
ance. A. Contrast-enhanced CT scan. Typical ho-
mogeneously enhanced bilateral subfrontal tumor.
B. SE 30/500 scan. Tumor is isointense and is
identified only because of its effects. such as oblit-
eration of sulci and displacement of anterior third
ventricle (arrow). C. SE 90/1500 scan. Lesion is
minimally hyperintense and slightly mottled. Thin
halo of hyperintensity (correlating with edema iden-
tified on CT) surrounds and helps demarcate tumor.
D. Coronal SE 120/1500 scan. Tumor is poorly
defined. slightly hyperintense mass. Note lack of
detail (relative to C) due to low signal-to-noise ratio .
E. Coronal IR 450/1500 scan. Tumor is discrete
hYPointense mass (relative to nearby white matter)
with same intensity as adjacent cortex (arrows).
from which it is difficult to distinguish. Note excellent
visualization of flat inferior dural base of meningi-
oma and demonstration of bilateral displacement of
white matter and distortion of corticomedullary
junction (buckling). indicative of extraaxial mass
o E

Results equivalent sensitivity. Three lesions were not identified on

MRI despite prior knowledge of lesion location from CT. All
Contrast-enhanced CT showed the lesion more clearly than missed tumors were small, and none were deemed clinically
MRI for 17 meningiomas (53%). In no case was MRI superior significant.
to CT in lesion detection, characterization, or delineation of The low sensitivity of MRI in the diagnosis of meningioma
tumor extent. In 15 lesions (47%), MRI and CT were of about was the result of lack of contrast between the tumor and
AJNR:6, March/April 1985 MRI OF MENINGIOMAS 151

Fig. 2.-High convexity meningioma, typical features. CT scan (not shown) surrounding brain by discrete nodular hypointense rim and peripheral hyperin-
demonstrated densely calcified , enhancing high convexity or parasagittal me- tense edema collar. C, Coronal IR 450/ 1500 scan. Meningioma is seen as
ningioma. A, SE 30/500 scan . Slightly hypointense discrete mass. Note hy- inhomogeneous hypointense (relative to nearby white matter) mass. Adjacent
pointense rim at periphery of mass. Several nodular foci of hypointensity medial (large arrow) and lateral (small arrow) cortical gyri are displaced. Dural
(arrows) within rim . B, SE 90/ 1500 scan . Lesion has become minimally hyper- base of mass on high convexity and white matter buckling are better demon-
intense and shows inhomogeneity and mottling. It is well demarcated from strated on MRI than on CT.

Fig. 3.-Convexity meningioma, high contrast.

A, SE 30/500 scan . Discrete, markedly hYPointense
mass with dural base on convexity. B, SE 120/1500
scan . Lesion is discrete, hyperintense mass. This
pattern of hypointensity on T1-weighted images
and hyperintensity on T2-weighted images is un-
commonly seen «10%) in meningiomas.


adjacent cortex (table 1), which was observed with virtually giomas were hYPointense (figs. 2A and 3A) or isointense
all sequences used (figs . 1 and 2). Increasing the number of (64%) (fig . 1B). In six cases , the TE was kept at 30 msec
sequences did not improve the sensitivity. The tumors were while the TR was varied . With a short TR (150-300 msec),
either isointense with adjacent cortex (figs. 1Band 1C) or there was no change in intensity of the tumor relative to the
showed minimal hypo- (13.5%) (fig. 2A) or hyperintensity adjacent brain. When the TR was prolonged to 1500 msec
(13.5%) (figs. 1D and 2B). Obvious hypo- (6.5%) (fig. 3A) or (two cases), the tumor became relatively more intense. In one
hyperintensity (4.2%) (fig. 3B) was encountered much less case, it remained hypointense to the adjacent cortex; in the
often. Although contrast was low on all sequences, altering other, it became isointense with cortex . When the TE was
TE or TR did affect the relative intensity of the tumor. On increased , the relative intensity of the tumor also increased.
short TE (30 msec)-short TR (500 msec) scans, the men in- With a 60/1000 msec (TEfTR) scan, the lesions were isoin-
152 ZIMMERMAN ET AL. AJNR:6, March/April 1985

Fig. 4.-Suprasellar meningioma, typical small basal tumor. A, Coronal superiorly. C, SagittallR scan. Lesion is also poorly seen because it is isointense
contrast-enhanced CT scan. Typical suprasellar meningioma. e, Sagittal SE with adjacent CSF. Note elevation of optic chiasm (arrows ) that allows for
90/1500 scan. Poorly defined suprasellar lesion (arrow), which is hyperintense unequivocal diagnosis of suprasellar mass.
to CSF but isointense with both pituitary gland inferiorly and hypothalamus

Fig. 5.-Sphenoid wing meningioma, hypoin-

tense rim and mottling. A, SE 90/1500 scan. Isoin-
tense mass with nodular black rim (large arrow),
which is most prominent posteriorly. Note nodular
~nd contiguous curvilinear foci (small arrows) of
hypointensity within mass, which produces overall
mottling effect. Signal intenSity and configuration of
these hypointense foci suggest that they are intra-
tumoral vessels. e, Lateral common carotid angio-
gram confirms presence of large tumor vessels
(arrows) in this hypervascular meningioma. C, lat-
eral angiogram, venous phase. Tumor blush and
prominent venous capsule posteriorly and superi-
orly (arrows) correlating well with black rim on MRI.

SA 58

Fig. 6.-Falx tentorial meningioma, mottling and

edema. Sagittal SE 90/1500 scan. Marked tumor
mottling with large dark foci (black arrows) and
several bright foci (white arrows). Angiogram (not
shown) demonstrated extensive hypervascularity
with large intratumoral vessels and rapid arterial
venous shunting. Note edema collar, which helps
demarcate tumor from adjacent brain. CT (not
shown) demonstrated densely calcified meningi-
5C 6
AJNR:6, March/ April 1985 MRI OF MENINGIOMAS 153

Fig. 7.-Multiple parasagittal meningiomas, hy-

perostosis and vascular effects. A, Contrast-en-
hanced CT scan . Small bilateral posterior parasag-
ittal/convexity meningiomas. Small parafalcial me-
ningioma is noted anteriorly (arrow). Bone thicken-
ing is suspected , but hyperostosis was well seen
only when bone window settings were used. B, SE
30/500 scan . Tumors are very difficult to see be-
cause they are isointense with adjacent brain. Indi-
rect signs of mass effect include absence of sulci
and obliteration of posterior interhemispheric fis-
sure and falx. Note increased thickness of calvaria
and loss of definition of inner and outer table due
to diffuse increase in intensity of involved bone.
(Lateral to lesion on left, normal hypointense inner
and outer tables [cortical bone1 are seen around
more intense diploic space .) C, SE 90/1500 scan .
Lesions remain isointense. Right lesion is demar-
cated by black rim (small arrows) . More anterior
lesion is not visualized . Bone changes are less well
seen than on B. Note increased signal in superior
sagittal sinus (large arrow) due to slow flow. D,
Sagittal SE 90/1500 scan . Diffuse increased signal
in posterior aspect of superior sagittal sinus (black
arrows). Anteriorly, prominent hypointense foci
(white arrows) represent collateral venous channels
around involved superior sagittal sinus (confirmed
in angiography). Tumor invasion of superior sagittal
sinus was surgically confirmed.

c D

tense with cortex in seven of eight cases. When the TE was scans (figs. 1E, 2C, and 4C). This pulse sequence produces
prolonged to 90 msec and the TR to 1500 msec, the lesions maximal gray/white matter differentiation [2 , 12, 13], thus
were isointense with (48%) (figs. 1C, 4B, 5A, 6, and 7B) or providing the best anatomic detail for differentiating intra-
hyperintense to (41 %) (figs. 2B, 8B, and 9) the adjacent from extraaxial masses. On IR , the meningiomas were nearly
cortex. Two small, densely calcified meningiomas remained isointense with adjacent cortex (figs. 1E and 2C) and/or
hypointense on 90/1500 msec (TEfTR) scans. Prolongation cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (fig. 4C) and were markedly hypoin-
of the TE to 120 msec did not increase the contrast between tense to nearby white matter. Therefore , on IR , the large
the tumor and the adjacent brain (fig. 1D) (table 1), and the tumors appear as dark, discrete masses displacing brain
90-msec-TR scans were of superior quality due to a better substance (figs. 1E and 2C). With small lesions , the excellent
signal-to-noise ratio (cf. figs. 1C and 1D). Five studies were gray/white differentiation allowed for identification of subtle
done with longer TRs (2000-2500 msec), and there was no extraaxial mass effect (buckling) and more definitive tumor
significant change in contrast when compared with 1500- detection than was possible with SE technique (fig. 4B).
msec-TR scans. Several MRI features were helpful in delineating the tumor
Because of the lack of intrinsic contrast, tumor identification from the adjacent brain and specifically characterizing it as a
was dependent on demonstration of anatomic distortion . meningioma (table 2). A hYPointense rim was identified at the
Those imaging sequences that provided the greatest ana- tumor periphery on multiple pulse sequences in 19 out of 32
tomic detail were, therefore, the most diagnostically informa- lesions (figs. 2, 3, 5, and 6). The absence of signal from the
tive. SE scans with short TE (30 msec) and long TR (1500 rim on multiple sequences suggested a vascular origin, which
msec) were valuable, as they showed excellent anatomic was confirmed at angiography where a prominent venous
detail such as the interface between gray and white matter. capsule and/or displaced major artery (anterior or middle
Displacement or "buckling" of white matter (a highly charac- cerebral artery branch) was seen at the margin of the tumor
teristic CT feature of extraaxial masses [11]), was nicely (fig . 5). Nodular foci of hypointensity within or adjacent to the
demonstrated with this technique but was best seen on IR dark rim was a characteristic feature representing vessels
154 ZIMMERMAN ET AL. AJNR :6, March/April 19B5

Fig. B.-Left parasellar meningioma, arterial en-

casement. A, Contrast-enhanced CT scan . Para-
sellar meningioma. Enhanced (dense) carotid artery
cannot be seen within enhanced (dense) tumor. B,
SE 90/1500 scan. Tumor is poorly defined, mildly
hyperintense lesion. Within tumor, hypointense ca-
rotid artery is easily identified. Its proximal part is
narrower (arrow) in caliber than contralateral carotid
artery. Angiography confirmed encasement and
narrowing of this vessel. Proximal left posterior
cerebral artery is not visualized because of dis-
placement (confirmed on other scans).

Fig. 9.-Sphenoid wing meningioma, arterial en-

casement and diminished flow. SE 90/1500 scan .
Poorly defined, mildly hyperintense medial sphenoid
and suprasellar lesion. Right internal carotid artery
is encased and medially displaced (white arrow).
Middle cerebral artery is posteriorly displaced, and
its proximal segment has increased signal (black
arrows). Angiography revealed marked diminution
of flow in middle cerebral artery.

Fig. 10.-Subfrontal meningioma, arterial dis-

placement and vascular pedicle. Sagittal SE 30/500
scan . Isointense tumor identified because of bulk
posterior displacement of corpus callosum . Note
posterior superior displacement without encase-
ment of pericallosal artery (arrowheads) and supe-
rior displacement of frontal polar or gyrus rectus
branch (large arrows). Dilated ethmoidal perforating
branches of ophthalmic artery and vascular pedicle
of tumor are well demonstrated (small arrows).
9 10

seen in cross section (figs. 2A, 28, 5A, and 7C). We have not did not obscure the underlying tumor as it often does with
encountered this finding in over 40 supratentorial gliomas but parenchymal masses (figs. 1C, 28, and 6) [3, 5, 7]. The tumor
have identified a smooth black rim in two metastatic foci on was less intense than the adjacent edema, so the edema
long TE-Iong TR (90/1500) scans only. We have also identi- collar helped demarcate the tumor from the adjacent brain.
fied a smooth black rim adjacent to two other extraaxial 80ne changes were demonstrated on MRI in 11 of 16
tumors , a fifth-nerve neurinoma and a metastatic focus . patients with CT evidence of bony abnormalities. In one case,
A second characteristic feature was the inhomogeneity or bony involvement was demonstrated on MRI alone. Hyperos-
mottling of the tumor especially on long TE-Iong TR scans tosis produced obvious bone thickening (fig . 78), and the
(90/1500). The mottling ranged from fine stippling (figs. 1C, normal landmarks of the calvaria were obliterated. Normally
28, and 5A) to more coarse and irregular nodularity (fig. 6). the inner and outer tables of the skull were seen as linear
Mottling correlated best with angiographic and surgical evi- hypointensities (cortical bone) sandwiched around the more
dence of tumor hypervascularity, suggesting that the nodules intense diploic space. In meningiomas, the bone involvement
represented intratumoral vascular channels, with varying flow produced increased intensity of the cortex, which blended
rates accounting for the variable intensity of the nodules (figs. with the diplOic space to produce an amorphous appearance
5 and 6) [14 , 15]. The nodularity did not correlate with other of the affected bone (figs. 78 and 7C). An advantage of MRI
features , such as calcification or irregular enhancement on is that these findings were seen on the routine images used
CT. It was not seen in intraaxial lesions, such as gliomas or to identify brain anatomy and pathology, whereas on CT
metastases . special bone window settings had to be obtained to demon-
The presence and extent of edema was better visualized strate the presence and degree of osseous involvement.
with MRI (SE 90/1500) than with CT. In addition, the edema Aside from the lack of tumor contrast, the major limitation
AJNR :6, March/April 1985 MRI OF MENINGIOMAS 155

TABLE 2: MRI Findings in Meningioma as hypo intensity on T1-weighted images (short TE-short TR)
MRI MRI posi- MRI nega- MRI posi-
and marked hyperintensity on T2-weighted images (long TE-
Posi- tive/CT tive/ CT ti ve/CT long TR) . Meningiomas have the same general pattern of
tive positive positive negative
relative intensity but to a much smaller degree. On T1-
Black rim (n = 32) 19 weighted images (30 msec TE , 150-500 msec TR) , the
Mottling (n = 32) . . . . . . . . 14
Calcification (n = 15) 3
tumors were hypointense in 37 .5% of cases (figs. 2A and 3A)
Bone involvement . . . . . . . . . . 11 5 1 and isointense in 62.5% of cases (figs. 1B, 7B, and 10). Scans
Edema ...... .. .. ... . 15 0 7 with intermediate TE and TR (e.g. 60/1000) showed a com-
bination of T1 and T2 effects that tended to cancel each other
out, producing lesions that were isointense [7]. On T2-
weighted images (90-120 msec TE , 1500-2500 msec TR),
of MRI was the inability to identify tumor calcifications . Three tumors were isointense in 51 % (figs. 1C, 4B, 5A, 6, and 7B)
small, densely calcified meningiomas showed hypointensity and hyperintense in 40% of cases (figs. 2B, BB, and 9). The
on SE 90/1500 scans presumably because of an absence of lack of contrast on multiple scan sequences would suggest
signal from the calcified tumor. In the remaining 12 cases, that factors that affect intensity, such as proton density, T1 ,
including several largely densely calcified meningiomas, the and T2 , are similar in meningiomas and cortical brain . This
calcification was invisible on MRI (figs. 2 and 6). has been confirmed using in vivo [2,12] and in vitro [19 , 20]
MRI was superior to CT in the visualization of vascular measurements of meningioma tissue. Marked hypo- or hy-
effects of the tumor. On MRI the absence of signal from perintensity was encountered in 10% of images, and those
flowing blood [14 , 15] causes the vessels to appear black tumors with high contrast had it both on T1- (hypointense)
within the brighter tumor (fig. BB). On contrast-enhanced CT, and T2- (hyperintense) weighted images, suggesting that
on the other hand, both the vessels and tumor are dense and, these lesions may have a higher water content than the typical
therefore , indistinguishable (fig. BA). Improved visualization of meningioma [7 , 21] (fig . 3). If this finding is pathologically
vascular anatomy was particularly helpful in evaluating the confirmed , it might aid in preoperative planning by allowing
large number of basal tumors in this series (figs. Band 9). for prospective identification of those tumors that are softer
Arterial narrowing due to encasement (e.g., of the cavernous (more fluid).
carotid artery) was identified and differentiated from simple Improved contrast would increase sensitivity, and this might
displacement (fig . 10). In fact, MRI provided angiographic be obtained by several techniques . First, prolonging the TE
"roadmap" information equivalent to that obtained by digital should allow for detection of subtle T2 differences between
intravenous angiography and often eliminated the need for the tumor and the adjacent cortex . In our series, prolonging
this procedure. Increasing intravascular signal due to dimi- the TE from 90 to 120 msec, however, did not achieve
nution of flow (paradoxic effect) [14 , 15] was observed in increased sensitivity (table 1). The 120-msec-TE images were
three cases. In one patient, a sphenoid wing meningioma of poor quality due to low signal-to-noise ratio (cf. figs . 1C
produced encasement and narrowing of the carotid and mid- and 1D). Improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio can be
dle cerebral arteries (fig. 9); in two patients, increased signal achieved by increasing magnetic strength [6 , 22] , and it
within the superior sagittal sinus because of tumor invasion remains to be seen if meningiomas will be better demonstra-
and diminished flow was identified and confirmed both angio- ted on imagers that use high-field-strength magnets (1-2 T)
graphically and at surgery (fig . 7). The multiplanar capacities and long TE (greater than 100 msec). A more certain method
of MRI allowed for excellent visualization of collateral venous of improving contrast is the use of paramagnetic contrast
drainage around the involved superior sagittal sinus (fig. 7D). agents. Gadolinium-DPT A, for example, produces enhance-
Finally, the vascular pedicle of the tumor and the major feeding ment analogous to that seen with iodinated contrast agents
extracerebral arteries were identified in two patients (fig. 10). [21,23] . Since meningiomas show excellent enhancement on
CT [16-1B] , it is expected that they will enhance on MRI as
well. (Several instances of dramatic enhancement of menin-
giomas on MRI with gadolinium-DPTA have recently been
Meningiomas are the most common benign intracranial presented [21] .) The desirability of performing contrast-en-
neoplasms [9 , 10]. Therefore , identification of these treatable hanced MRI for identification of this common lesion , however,
tumors by an imaging method used (or proposed for use) [7] may have significant implications in defining the "routine" or
as a screening procedure is of paramount importance. CT is "screening " protocols for MR scanning .
both sensitive and specific in the diagnosis of meningioma Although the lack of contrast makes meningiomas less
[16-1B] . Sensitivity arises from the high contrast between the obvious than other lesions on MRI , most tumors may be
tumor and the adjacent brain on contrast-enhanced scans identified because of their effects (displacement and edema)
[1B] . MRI is less sensitive than CT in the diagnosis of menin- on adjacent brain. Diagnostic difficulties arise when the me-
gioma because there is a lack of contrast between the tumor ningiomas are small and have minimal mass effect and little
and the adjacent cortex (table 1). This is unusual, because or no edema, as is typical of basal lesions [1B] (figs. 4 and B).
most other intracranial tumors show better intrinsic contrast In these cases, careful attention is required to identify the
on MRI than on CT because of prolongation of both T1 and subtle anatomic distortion that is the key to correct diagnosis.
T2 [2 , 5-7]. These changes in relaxation times are manifested Those pulse sequences that produce the sharpest anatomic
156 ZIMMERMAN ET AL. AJNR :6, March/April 1985

detail are of greatest diagnostic value. Thus, SE sequences did not affect intensity [3, 7]. Hyperostosis was demonstrated
with a short TE (e.g., 30 msec) and long TR (1500-2500 with much greater success (fig. 7), even though cortical bone
msec) and in particular IR scans are most informative because has no signal and previous authors have expressed reserva-
of their superior gray/white matter differentiation [2,12,13]. tions about the ability of MRI to demonstrate bone changes
Displacement of the white matter away from the mass and [2]. Increased thickness of the calvaria was easily detected,
distortion and flattening of the corticomedullary junction and the involved cortex showed a moderate increase in signal.
(buckling) typical of extraaxial masses [11] is dramatically The contrast normally present between the hypointense inner
demonstrated with this technique (figs. 1E and 2C) and was and outer tables and the hyperintense diploic space was lost
especially helpful in demonftrating several small parasellar when the cortical bone became hyperintense, producing an
lesions (fig. 4). Although the meningiomas are isointense with amorphous appearance to the involved bone (fig. 7b). Of the
adjacent cortex and/or spinal fluid on IR scans, they are seen five cases of CT -confirmed hyperostosis of the sphenoid bone
as a discrete dark mass in marked contrast to nearby white missed on MRI, four might have been detected had scans in
matter. Using the multiplanar capacity of MRI, the dural base the coronal plane (perpendicular to the area of hyperostosis)
of the mass may be better demonstrated than on CT (figs. been obtained . In general, bone changes were best seen on
1E and 2C). T1-weighted images (cf. figs. 78 and 7C), and MRI has the
Identification of a dural base and white matter displacement advantage over CT in demonstrating bone changes on routine
and buckling allow for a specific diagnosis of meningioma on images (ct. figs. 7A and 78). On CT, special window width
MRI (as they do on CT) [17] , something that is often not and level adjustments are necessary to demonstrate the
possible with other lesions on MRI [2, 3, 5-8, 12]. Other extent of the bone involvement.
characteristic MRI features aid in specific diagnosis of menin- Finally, vascular effects were much better demonstrated
gioma and are analogous to specific CT features [16-18] . on MRI than on CT. Arterial encasement in particular at the
First, the lack of contrast, which so limits sensitivity, ironically base of the brain is well seen on MRI because of the low
increased specificity since most masses show greater hyper- signal seen in areas of rapid blood flow [14, 15]. Encasement
intensity on T2-weighted images [3, 5-8, 12, 21]. Two char- and narrowing of the carotid artery was seen in several
acteristic features, the peripheral black rim and mottling, parasellar meningiomas (figs. 88 and 9) using multi planar
appear to be related to vascular effects. The hYPointense rim scanning. Displacement without encasement could also be
was seen in two-thirds of our cases (figs. 2, 3, 5, and 6). easily identified (fig. 10). Identification of the vascular pedicle
Since it is present on multiple sequences (as opposed to the of the meningioma and its extracerebral blood supply was
black rim occasionally encountered only on T2-weighted im- also occasionally encountered (fig . 10). Increased signal with-
ages in cerebral metastases), the hYPointensity of the rim is in a vessel is indicative of slower flow (paradoxic effect) [14 ,
most likely a flow effect within the venous capsule (fig. 5) 15], and the identification of this phenomenon in a middle
and/or occasionally in larger adjacent arteries [14, 15]. The cerebral artery encased by a sphenoid wing meningioma (fig.
mottling is most apparent on T2-weighted images, and it 9) correlated well with angiographic evidence of marked dim-
correlated well with angiographically demonstrable tumor hy- inution of flow . In two patients with parasagittal meningiomas,
pervascularity (figs. 5 and 6). The mottling was caused by the increased signal in the superior sagittal sinus adjacent to the
presence of nodular and in some instances (fig. 5A) curvilinear lesion was indicative of angiographically and surgically con-
foci of both hypo- and hyperintensity that were highly sugges- firmed tumor invasion (figs. 7C and 70). Although the angio-
tive of small vessels seen tangentially and in cross section . graphic detail on MRI does not equal that of selective angiog-
The variation in intensity of these nodules may reflect variable raphy , it does provide information equal or superior to that
rates of flow in intratumoral vessels. Other possible causes obtained with digital intravenous angiography; thus , in those
of mottling, such as tissue inhomogeneity or calcification, patients undergOing MRI, digital venous angiography may
could not be documented by correlation with CT or pathologic often be eliminated. When MRI demonstrates involvement of
findings . This phenomenon has not been seen in hypervas- a venous sinus, digital venous angiography or arteriography
cular intraaxiallesions, such as gliomas, possibly because the may be performed to differentiate partial from complete sinus
hypervascular gliomas studied so far have been necrotic and, occlusion .
thus , homogeneously hyperintense due to increased fluidity.
The uncommon combination of a hypervascular solid intraax-
ial tumor might show nodularity. REFERENCES
Two classic pathologic findings of meningiomas, calcifica-
tion and hyperostosis [9 , 10], were demonstrated with drast- 1. Young IR, Hall AS, Pallis CA, Legg NJ, Bydder GM, Steiner RE.
ically different degrees of success. Calcification was poorly Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in multiple
sclerosis. Lancet 1981;2: 1063-1 066
detected . It was not seen in 12 of 15 tumors with obvious
2. Bydder GM , Steiner RE , Young IR, et al. Clinical NMR imaging
calcification on CT (figs. 2 and 6). Three small, densely
of the brain: 140 cases. AJNR 1982;3:459-480, AJR
calcified lesions were hypointense on T2-weighted images, 1982;139 :215-236
possibly reflecting the solidity of these tumors. In most of the 3. Brant-Zawadzki M, Davis PL, Crooks LE, et al. NMR demonstra-
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