The Opinions of Primary Mathematics Student-Teachers On Problem-Based Learning Method
The Opinions of Primary Mathematics Student-Teachers On Problem-Based Learning Method
The Opinions of Primary Mathematics Student-Teachers On Problem-Based Learning Method
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 116 (2014) 1826 – 1831
The purpose of this study is to determine how Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach, which is one of the learning approaches
where real life like problems are used in order to provide opportunities to learners so as to reach the objectives which was
covered in educational programmes and to use critical thinking and problem solving skills effectively, was perceived by student
primary mathematics teachers. With this mind, 42 pre-service elementary mathematics teachers who took the elective “Problem-
Based Learning in Mathematics Teaching” course participated to the study. The data were collected via “reflections about
problem-based learning” form prepared by the researchers. Pre-service teachers were asked to answer four diverse questions in
the form. The data were analyzed descriptively under four different headings. The results of the study and the implications will
be shared.
© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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the responsibility of Prof.
of Academic Dr.Education
World Servet Bayram
and Research Center.
Keywords: Problem Based Learning, opinions of pre-service mathematics teachers
1. Introduction
Problem-based learning (PBL) method which we are accustomed to its basic futures has been used in medical
education for the first time in 1996 by Barrows and gradually applied to educational studies of other scientific fields.
These studies which started with the leadership of Barrows are perceived as effective methods for bringing up
qualified individuals for the needs of today’s societies.
PBL is not a new concept. Plato and Socrates used PBL forms and on the contrary of teacher centered education
in many of today’s school, asked their students to think, to collect information for themselves, and to discuss this
information at class by running after new information. The historical foundations of PBL became visible with John
Dewey who used methods such as interrogative education and apprenticeship (Sünbül, 2011).
According to Barrows (1996), the features of PBL are the following: (1) Learning is learner-centered. (2)
Learning takes place in small learner groups. (3) Teachers are facilitators and guides. (4) Problems organize
students’ focus and apply learning. (5) Problems are means for improving problem solving skills. (6) New
information is acquired by individual learning.
Constructive learning theory asks learners to be active participants during the learning process and to construct
new information according to their meanings. Also in PBL’s approach, since active learning includes elements such
as the necessity of learning to be based on experience and living, being responsible from learning process and
working with a group, it overlaps with constructive learning theory. It was expressed by many researchers that PBL
approach was one of the good examples of constructive learning environment and basically it was a constructive
learning method (Savery & Duffy, 1995; Ronis, 2001; Saban, 2004; Yaman, 2003). Choosing constructive learning
theory as the baseline makes also learning by doing and living more effective. Besides, since constructive learning
approach is based on how the students learn instead of what they learn, PBL is an important process for realizing
learning in environments where learners are responsible from learning.
In PBL methods teaching starts with a problem. With the problem given within the context of a scenario, a
connection with the learner’s world is established. Problems are only organized on subjects not on disciplines. Small
groups are created for effective, related and complete learning. Students are given full authority for shaping problem
and to manage solution from start to finish. Constant explanations and information are provided for students about
their performances and solutions (Yenilmez & İşgüden, 2007).
In PBL, students study in groups and the teacher has the role of a facilitator, a guide and a director in learning
action. This approach helps students; (1) to make sense of information, (2) to improve effective problem solving
skill, (3) to acquire lifelong learning and individual learning skills, (4) to improve fruitful collaboration, (5) to
improve intrinsic motivation in learning and to be productive individuals (Hmelo-Silver, 2004):
The purpose of this study is to determine the opinions of student primary mathematics teachers regarding
problem based learning. According to this purpose the answers of the following questions were searched:
1. What do they think about PBL method?
2. What do they think about writing problem scenarios in PBL method?
3. What do they think about the probable effects of problem scenarios in PBL method on learners?
4. What do they think about the practicability of PBL method to everyday teaching?
2. Method
This is a descriptive study, as the purpose of this study is to determine students’ opinions on PBL method.
The study group of this study consisted of 42 senior students who have PBL courses in teaching mathematics in
Kocaeli University, Educational Faculty, and Teaching Primary Mathematics Department in 2011-2012 academic
The data was collected with a data collection form which was composed of open-ended questions and prepared
by the researchers. Student teachers were given 20 minutes to fill in this data form. The data was interpreted after it
was analyzed descriptively.
Table 2: The Opinions of Student Teachers for the Second Research Problem
The data obtained from student teachers were grouped under 6 categories. Student teachers’ comments regarding
these categories are as in the following:
A. Arzu Arı and Yasemin Katrancı / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 116 (2014) 1826 – 1831 1829
12 student teachers who stated their opinions for ‘Writing Characteristics’ category talked about the
characteristics that a scenario should have by emphasizing the requirements of scenario writing in PBL method. For
‘Generated scenarios should consist of problems that students may encounter in their daily lives. Problem
scenarios must be clear and understandable.’
‘First of all, the names of people and places etc. used for getting attention should be attractive. They should
not be long in order not to be boring. There should be excerpts from daily life. It should be suitable to students’
levels. It should be neither difficult nor easy.’
14 student teachers who stated their opinions for ‘Difficulty of Writing’ category focused on the point that it
was exhausting for teachers by referring the difficulty of writing scenarios. Some of these opinions are as in the
‘Writing a scenario is really a difficult process but we teachers make our own updates and improvements
by producing this kind of scenarios’
‘…It is extremely difficult and painful job…’
6 student teachers who stated their opinions for ‘Realism’ category focused on the necessity of writing realistic
scenarios for getting students’ attention by referring the necessity of compatibility of scenarios with the real world.
As follows;
‘..There should be excerpts from daily life…’
‘As it is inside the human life, it combines lessons with the life...’
‘There should be complicated problems related with real life’
3 student teachers who stated their opinions for ‘Attractiveness’ category reported that scenarios should be
written so as to attract students’ attention. These opinions are as in the following;
‘.. The important thing is to try to write on subjects which attracts students’ attention’
5 student teachers who stated their opinions for ‘Time’ category accepted writing an effective and true scenario
as time consuming by referring the importance of method for students and teachers. For instance;
‘Writing scenarios is quite time consuming but it is useful in terms of having permanent information in
some subjects’
‘Creating problem scenarios takes much time but a good scenario provides permanent learning’
For the category of ‘Boringness’, 2 student teachers stated another difficulty of writing scenarios for teachers by
making comments.
The opinions of student teachers for the question which is the third research problem ‘What do they think about
the probable effects of problem scenarios in PBL method on learners?’ are as in the following:
Table3: The Opinions of Student Teachers for the Third Research Problem
Table 4: The Opinions of Student Teachers for the Fourth Research Problem
Barrows, H.S. (1996). Problem-based learning in medicine and beyond: a brief overview. New directıons for teachıng and learning. 68. Jossy-
Bass Publishers.
Hmelo-Silver, C. E. (2004). Problem based learning; what and how do students learn?. Educational Psychology Review. 16 (39), 235-263.
Ronis, D. (2001). Problem-Based Learning for Math and Science: Integrating Inquiry and the internet. Illinois: Skylight.
Saban, A. (2000). Teaching and Learning Process. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım
Savery, J. R. & Duffy, T. M. (1995). Problem-based learning: an instructional model and its constructivist framework. Educational Technology,
35, 31-38.
Sünbül, A.M. (2011). Teaching methods and principles. Eğitim Publications: Ankara
Yaman, S. (2003). The effect of problem-based learning on learning products in science education. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis. Gazi Ün.
Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
Yenilmez, K. & İşgüden, E. (2007). Teachers’ opinions on problem-based mathematics teaching. İnönü University, Journal of Education Faculty.
7 (13), 119–131.