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Learners' Views About Using Case Study Teaching Method in An Undergraduate Level Analytical Chemistry Course

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Zehra Ozdilek Abstract. This study presents pre-service

science teachers views about implement-
ing a case study and which skills they
improved as a result of using the method.
Sixteen participants in a chemistry class
were the subjects in the 2013 summer
school term. In the teaching about the
properties of chromium, students watched
selected parts of the movie Erin Brockovich
Introduction in four sections. Each part of the movie was
followed with a question, and students
The case study method is a family of teaching strategies in which students
were then given about 15-20 minutes to
apply their knowledge to solve real-life problems (Gallego, Fortunato, Rossi,
find out the answer to the question by using
Korol, & Moretton, 2013). Although, case study methods have a long history
in business, law, and medical education, their use in science education is Internet-based resources in the classroom
relatively recent (Cameron,Trudel,Titah, & Lger, 2012). Case study methods environment. Qualitative data were col-
in science education were first used by James B. Conant of Harvard in 1949 lected by having participants respond
through scientific stories (Herreid, 2006). in writing to open-ended questions and
The cases created for discussion are derived from real-life practice and through semi-structured interviews. Over-
problems that require resolution through critical analysis of the situations, all, students reactions to the method were
including key qualities and the context in which ongoing decisions must be positive. The results showed that students
made. Through the case study process, multiple sources of data are provided found it to be an effective instructional
for analysis, allowing different interpretations. In case study instructional method, despite having some difficulties
methods, students are required to carefully review the case in advance of the
with the expectations of the method and
discussion session, to identify the essential issues and to research supplemen-
this method has provided many benefits for
tary knowledge as needed. The preparatory work is done independently or
pre-service teachers.
in study groups prior to the discussion session, which serves as the setting
in which students collaboratively apply learned principles and data analyses, Key words: case study teaching method,
and evaluate the usefulness of various strategies to achieve best resolution chemistry education, science education,
of the problems presented (Bowe, Voss, & Aretz, 2009). Discussions are fa- teacher education.
cilitated by the instructors in order to help students decide what issues are
most important to the analysis, how those come up within the problems,
and what conclusions can be made (Joroff & Moore, 1984).
The related academic literature indicates that implementing the case
study method has many benefits. Libby (1991) developed taxonomy of case Zehra Ozdilek
Uludag University, Turkey
study benefits in terms of cognitive benefits, skills development, and affective
benefits. Based on the taxonomy, provided by Ballantine and McCourt Larres
(2004), the cognitive benefits of the case study method include relating theory

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2014
ISSN 16483898
(P. 695-708)

to practice, integrating major concepts, improving judgment and problem solving skills, thinking conceptually
and critically, and so on. They also refer to skills development as improving library skills, data organization, verbal
communication, and written skills as a result of using case studies. The researcher identifies the affective benefits of
the case study method as increasing students interest in the use of case studies, including factors such as motiva-
tion, enhanced interest in the subject, concern for their own learning, and confidence building. Although affective
benefits do not essentially improve the students basic skills, they might contribute to an increase in their overall
case study experience. While literature cites several benefits of case study methods in fields other than science
education, to the researchers knowledge no one, if few any, has studied this method in science education. In an
effort to address the gap in science education literature, this study explored the impact of case study method on
pre-service teachers cognitive and skills development, and attitudes towards learning.
The following research questions guided this study:
Which benefits of case study method were expressed by pre-service science teachers?
What kind of challenges did the pre-service science teachers face during case study instruction?
How did the benefits which pre-service science teachers gained from case study implementation, af-
fected their studies later?
What are pre-service science teachers suggestions for the better implementation of case studies?
Next, a discussion of the literature on the strengths and challenges of teaching through the case study method
is presented.

Theoretical Background

Benefits of Case Studies

Many researchers have found that case studies provide students cognitive benefits with opportunities to gain
content knowledge (Camill, 2006; Chaplin, 2009; Casotti, Beneski & Knabb, 2013; Jalgaonkar, Sarkate, & Tripathi,
2012), understand the contexts in which knowledge is relevant (Camill, 2006), apply science to their daily lives (Ca-
mill, 2006; Joroff &Moore, 1984; Yadav, Shaver, & Meckl, 2010), enhance clinical reasoning/critical thinking (Chaplin,
2009; Delpier, 2006; Dochy, Segers, Van den Bossche, & Gijbels, 2003; Gallego et al., 2013; Harrison, 2012; Healy &
Mccutcheon, 2010; Iqbal & Rubab, 2012; Jones, 2003; Popil, 2011; Yadav, Lundeberg, DeSchryver, Dirkin, Schiller,
Maier, & Herreid, 2007; Yadav et al., 2010), improve analytical skills, decision making and independent thinking
(Cameron et al., 2012; Joroff & Moore, 1984), problem solving skills and discussion (Chaplin, 2009), relating theory
and practice (Yoon, Pedretti, Bencze, Hewitt, Perris, & Van Oostveen, 2006).
Some of the studies have focused on case studies affective benefits that enhance students attitudes and
interest (Ayyldz & Tarhan, 2012; Casotti et al., 2013; Jalgaonkar et al., 2012), self-confidence (Cameron et al., 2012),
facilitate self-learning (Harrison, 2012), motivation (Yalnkaya, Boz, & Erdur-Baker, 2012) and improve active in-
volvement in the learning process (Yadav et al., 2007; Yadav et al., 2010).
Although findings from Cameron et al. (2012) reveal that a discussion-based format helps to develop coop-
eration, synthesis, listening, presentation, and time management skills, these are not classified directly within the
skill development benefits identified by some researchers (Ballantine & McCourt Larres, 2004). Still, these effects
can be considered as being related to the skill-related benefits. Finally, the case method allows students many
benefits, specifically regarding how to learn by doing, which is believed to be one of the best ways to integrate
new knowledge.

Limitations of Case Study Method

However, while many beneficial outcomes are observed in student learning when using the case method,
there are also some limitations. Popil (2011) stated that although case studies are useful in presenting difficult
facts requiring problem solving, the method does not fit well in teaching concrete concepts. Moreover, developing
cases is difficult and time consuming, so that it requires instructors to have good reasoning and questioning skills
(Prince & Felder, 2007). Cameron et al. (2012) indicate that if the students do not pay serious attention to cases,
or feel that the cases lack realism, they may not participate in the case and may not prepare satisfactorily for the
class. As a result, students may not be well prepared for class discussion. Cassimjee (2007) found that the students,
who were engaged in case based learning, pointed out their concerns about the difficulty of working in a group

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2014
(P. 695-708)

and the amount of independent work involved. The other concern is that limited knowledge of the instructors
presentation of the case can impede the students participation in the class discussion. In addition, cases relating
to technological content are likely to lose their significance more rapidly than the other type of cases.

Studies on Perceptions of Learners on Case Study Method

It is also important to determine the perceptions of learners on using the case teaching methods in terms of
increasing the benefits discussed in previous section. This is especially important that there is a great deal of atten-
tion given in higher education in terms of participant-centered beliefs and practices (Pierce & Kalkman, 2003).
In fact, several studies have already reported on learners views on the case study instructional method.
However, most of the studies that have focused to learners views are conducted in the other fields such as medi-
cal education and business. For example, Cassimjee (2007) investigated the students perceptions about a case
based teaching and group work in a first year nursing program. The researcher reported that the students found a
case-based learning interesting in class and in the practical area. The participants mentioned that they improved
their communication skills and their preparation for class. They also thought that it facilitated open discussion,
increased interaction and the sharing of information among classmates. Another finding was that the participants
thought the group discussions made learning easier.
Scott (2007) addressed the introduction of the case method of teaching on student perceptions of teaching
effectiveness in a Tourism Strategic Planning Course taught at the third year undergraduate level. He found that
students considered a case study method contributed to their critical thinking and problem solving skills. Shieh,
Lyu and Cheng (2012) explored how the participants perceived the case based instructional approach teaching in
management. Their findings indicated that the students were overall satised with the instructional process of the
course. The students stated that they learned to be more logical in their approach in terms of solving the problems,
engaged in deeper thinking, were able to connect theory with practice, and stimulated their thinking skills.
The studies discussed below have specifically focused on learners perceptions of the case study based teaching
in science and teacher education settings. Yadav (2008) explored pre-service elementary teachers perceptions of
the influence of video cases on their learning. The researcher found that learners had a positive learning experience
from the video cases and thought that video cases were beneficial to them in terms of the impact the videos had
on their own ideas of literacy instruction and their ability to observe teaching, connecting theory and practice,
analyzing, discussion of ideas, and practice.
Murray-Nseula (2011) studied the impact of a case based teaching on students perception and performance
in an undergraduate genetics course. The researcher found that all of the students indicated a positive perception
of the course and they improved their grades compared to previous years. The student evaluations also showed
that the course increased students analytical, problem-solving and critical thinking skills. According to the findings
of the study, case studies can promote intellectual and practical skills, and integrative learning.
elik, evik and Halaman (2012) inquired about the perceptions of prospective Computer Education and
Instructional Technology teachers toward case-based learning in a teaching methods course. They found that
prospective teachers perceived cases gave them opportunities to think as real teachers and apply their theoretical
knowledge to practical situations, as well as improving their understanding and conceptions of teaching profes-
sion. The results of the study also revealed that prospective teachers found cases to be effective in improving their
problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Hernandez- Serrano and Jonassen (2003) stated that the most important advantage of this teaching method
is that the learners have to find the opportunity to cope with complex problems, similar to those they will come
across in their future professions. In this respect, the potential effects of the method fit well with the goals of
teacher education programs (Colburn and Tillotson, 1998). Although such methods are used in some graduate-
level courses in science education, limited research has examined whether or how these case-based teaching
methods are being used (Yadav et al. (2007). Thus, more research is needed as to what science faculty think are
the benefits of case-based instruction on student outcomes, or what challenges faculty face when implementing
cases in their own teaching, and the possible effects on the teacher education. The present study is an effort to
contribute to the pre-service teacher education programs through examining the benefits and challenges of case
study teaching methods on pre-service teachers perspectives. Implications for effective implementation of the
method are also discussed.

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2014
ISSN 16483898
(P. 695-708)

Methodology of Research

An exploratory study was undertaken to investigate the views of pre-service science teachers on the case study
teaching method, a thematic content analysis was conducted of responses to an open-ended survey and semi-
structure interviews. The study was conducted at the 5-weeks summer school term in 2013 in an undergraduate
level analytical chemistry class, which is a four-credit compulsory course for pre-service science teachers. Analytical
chemistry is the division of chemistry which includes qualitative (identification) and quantitative (how much) analysis
techniques in a mixture. Theoretical sessions cover an introduction into measurements in analytical chemistry, the
analysis of measurement errors, accuracy and sensitivity of the chemical analysis methods, gravimetric and volumetric
methods, the analysis of the chemical interactions in equilibrium systems, basic instrumental methods of chemical
analysis, spectrophotometer and atomic absorption, and basic separation techniques, such as chromatography.
Practical sessions include the calculations and practice with the experiments about the methods indicated above.
The course instruction consists of six 45-minute weekly lectures and six 45-minute laboratory application, totaling
12 class hours per week in the summer school term. During the first four weeks, all of the topics mentioned above
are presented to the students through lectures and labs according to the lesson plan. In the last week, the case study
was implemented to the participants.


Sixteen pre-service science teachers (eight females and eight males), who had failed at taking an undergraduate-
level analytical chemistry course for the first time and had to re-take the course for the second time in summer term,
were all enrolled in this study. The participants were sophomores and the average ages were 20.5 years (females)
and 21.28 years (males). The selection of students who had failed the course was not particularly aimed and was a
coincidence, thus convenient sampling.


This case study presents students with a real-life story describing a scientific study of hexavalent chromium using
and its effects on human health. The case was conducted using a mix of individual and interrupted methods. Herreid
(2005) described the Interrupted Case Format as the format in which the teacher works with a small group where the
instructor gives the students a problem faced by real researchers. Then, the students work in small groups for bout
15 minutes and after that time they report their thoughts on the approaches to solving the problems. Information
is given in sessions, followed by the questions after each segment. In the study, the students worked individually,
since, a very small number of students were enrolled in the course. All the students had individual computers and
Internet connection in the classroom.
In the instruction about the properties of chromium with a case study teaching method, the students watched
selected parts of the movie Erin Brockovich (DeVito et al., 2000) in four sections. Each part of the movie was followed
with a question, and the students were then given about 15-20 minutes to find the answer to the question by using
Internet-based resources in the classroom environment. At the end of the time provided for finding information, the
students discussed their answers with peers and the instructor. In brief, during the instruction the students took on
the role of Erin (the heroine of the movie) with respect to learning about the chemistry of chromium, and they tried
to solve problems similar to those she faced in the movie. At the end of the instruction, additional videos were shown
and the answers to the questions were discussed again by the instructor. The case study implementation as below:
- In the first session, the students attention was drawn to the Chromium by having them watch the first part
of the movie. They saw local people having problems related from chromium uptake in the movie. The movie was
stopped here and a series of questions were asked for the learners to think about. Then, they were asked to start to
investigate the properties of chromium by using Internet and computers in the classroom. At the end of the 15-20
minutes of research time, the students started to present their findings. After a short discussion the students watched
the related parts of the movie. So, the students learned that chromium could have two different oxidation states, Cr
(III) and Cr (VI) that have different toxicities, mobility and bioavailability.
- In the second session, they watched the other selected/related parts of the movie, about the heroine who
wonders how she can find out if there are any traces of chromium in tap water. Then, the students were asked to
explore and study the qualitative and quantitative analysis methods used with chromium compounds taking the

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2014
(P. 695-708)

position of the heroine in the movie. Finally, they discussed their findings.
- In the third session, the students investigated the effects of chromium compounds on human health. First,
they watched several illnesses experienced by the people who lived around the chromium processing company.
They were given questions that asked them to calculate the chromium amount in a waste-water sample. Then, they
were asked to conduct gravimetric, volumetric, and spectrophotometric analysis. They tried to decide whether the
amount of chromium, caused the observed prevalent illness within community in the movie. In addition they tried
to decide which analysis method was most reliable and which result they should take into account for making their
- In the last session, the students investigated which chemical techniques could be used to remove hexavalent
chromium from the waste water. After the discussion, the last part of the movie where the heroine finds that the
company did not take the necessary removal techniques, and where the law firm, which heroine works at, succeeds
at getting a multi-billion dollar corporation to reveal the truth was shown to the participant.

Data Collection

Qualitative data were collected by having participants respond in writing to two open-ended questions:
Which skills do you think specifically improved as a result of implementing the method?
What kind of challenges have you faced during the case study method?
Semi structure interviews were conducted with four of the participants 8 months after the implementation.
Two male students were chosen intentionally for the interviews. They were the only students who mentioned
some challenges and had negative comments on the open-ended questions about the case-based teaching. In
addition, two female participants with positive comments on the open-ended questions were randomly selected
for the interview to ensure equality of gender and opinion. All participants volunteered for the interviews. The
focus questions asked to students in the interview during the 15-30 minutes duration were:
1. Do you remember our last class in analytical chemistry course in the past summer term? Would you
please briefly explain the implementation we used?
2. What is your general opinion regarding the case study teaching method used in the course?
3. Please give a score according to 10-point grading scale to the items on the list to what extent you
have developed the skills through case study method?
Satisfactory enough

Good enough


Very good

Very bad


Case study implementation enabled me to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

understand the phenomena studied.

relate theory to practice.
develop my problem solving skills.
improve my judgment skills.
integrate major concepts of the course.
be more aware about multiple solutions.
have increased interest in the subject.
be actively involved in learning process.
be more motivated.
be more aware about self-learning.
develop my research skills.
develop my verbal communication skills.

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2014
ISSN 16483898
(P. 695-708)

4. Did you use the skills and knowledge you gained as a result of the case study implementation in your
other studies or practices later?
5. Do you plan to use the case study method in your instruction when you become a science teacher?
6. What are your suggestions for improving or better implementation of the case study method?

Data Analysis

A thematic content analysis method was used to determine learners views regarding which skills most de-
veloped as a result of using case method in instruction for the open-ended and interview questions. Participants
responses were read and relevant statements separated, that were thematically related to the categories being
used. A total of 60 relevant statements were coded with respect to the categories and sub-categories identified
by Ballantine and McCourt Larres (2004, p.180), as can be seen in the results section. The data were independently
coded by two raters using the identified categories to increase inter-coder reliability. The Cohen Kappa inter-rater
coefficient calculation showed that experts had an agreement rate of 0.92, which is accepted as good agreement.
The interview responses were evaluated for the third and fourth research questions.

Results of Research

Findings of Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended responses are organized according to categories, corresponding to the benefits of case stud-
ies that were mentioned earlier; cognitive, affective, and skills development. The categories, sub-categories, and
frequencies are also presented in Table 1. Challenges of the method were also evaluated within the findings.

1. Cognitive Benefits

All of the participants reported several important benefits with regard to this category. In addition, within the
category, 11 statements related to Enhance understanding of phenomena studied, 8 statements related to theory to
practice, 6 statements related to problem solving skills, 4 statements related to improve judgment skills, 3 statements
related to integrate major concepts of science, and 1 statement related to awareness of multiple solutions. The fol-
lowing comments are typical of the participants (acronym P) that fit into these categories respectively.

-Enhance understanding of phenomena studied: If we write the properties of chromium only on the blackboard we have
forgotten all the knowledge one week later. Case method supported the movie and videos have been very effective
on understanding the topic. I think I will remember the entire subject even after years of.(P 8).

-Relate Theory to Practice: We have implemented the several analytical chemistry topics such as qualitative and qualita-
tive analysis methods on the same real world problem. This was done so that we could find an opportunity to apply
the theoretical knowledge to a daily life situation (P 3).

The movie we watched in the course was adapted from real life. The movie ensures a correlation between course
knowledge and its practical application. Thus, we did not limit our knowledge with just a book (P 5).

-Problem Solving Skills: I believe I mostly developed my problem solving skills as we used several analysis methods
on determination of chromium element (P 1).

-Improve judgment skills: We discussed the benefits and harmful effects of hexavalent chromium. This has been effective
at developing my judgment skills regarding the question of whether should we use Cr (VI) or not?...(P 11).

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2014
(P. 695-708)

-Integrate major concepts of science: Applying various methods to determine the amount of chromium of a waste
water sample helped me to compare to reliability of the methods and judgment, finding the samples effects on the
environment and human health (P 9).

- Awareness of multiple solutions: I learned that Cr (VI) can be eliminated from waste water by using several different
techniques. This indicates that there would be several different solutions to the problems we face in life. I am aware
that deciding the best solution needs to consider many different factors at the same time..(P 14).

2. Affective Benefits

Eleven students mentioned that case study method lessons enhanced their interest in the subject, 9 of them
stated that they are involved in the learning process more actively compared the other methods, and 2 of the students
mentioned that their motivation has increased. In addition, 2 of them stated that they got more responsibility for
their own learning. Some of the learners responses can be seen below:

-Interest in subject: Teaching the lesson with case method was very interesting, attractive, and fun as well. It was a
different type lesson that I have not seen before. This increased my attention to the chemistry course. It was a very
creative idea to teach the topics by watching a movie. I liked that very much. Thank you. (P 3).

-Involvement in learning process: I like the instruction with case method. It was a well-designed lesson. It provides a
feeling as if we are in the laboratory even when we were not there and encouraged active participation to the les-
son.(P 13).

-Motivation: It was so different. It attracted my attention and increased my motivation. I liked solving problems as
the heroine of the movie.(P 6).

-More responsibility for own learning:..also to do research on the topic ensures me literature skills and judgment
skills. Thus I got more responsibility for my own learning (P 13).

3. Skill Development

Three of the students discussed the skill development benefits as follows:

-Research skills: It raises curiosity, interest, and motivation to do research by using case method. Students find the
knowledge by doing Internet searches themselves.Doing search caused me to both use research skills and apply
judgment skills in a limited time (P 10).

-Verbal communication skills: We both watched and discussed about the topic deeply. It increased the quality of our
discussion skills with our friends (P 2).

Table 1. Categories, sub-categories, and frequencies about the benefits of case studies.

Categories of Benefits F Sub-Categories f

Enhance understanding of phenomena

Relate theory to practice 8

Cognitive benefits to students 33 Problem solving skills 6

Improve judgment skills 4
Integrate major concepts of course 3
Awareness of multiple solutions 1

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2014
ISSN 16483898
(P. 695-708)

Categories of Benefits F Sub-Categories f

Interest in subject 11
Involvement in learning process 9
Affective benefits to students 24
Student motivation 2
More responsibility for own learning 2
Research skills 2
Skills development of students 3
Verbal communication skills 1

4. Challenges of the Method Faced by Learners

Three of them among 16 students expressed some challenges as well as indicated below. These limitations
were about the nature of videos presented in the study, finding the answers in a given period and time consum-
ing feature of the case study teaching method.

-..The lesson was good but watching videos was not interesting (P 5).

-Answering the questions after watching the parts of movie was a little bit harmful. I have learned that elaborat-
ing the chromium from waste water needs a very complex process. I do not think negatively about applying case
method for instruction. I just have been compelled to find answers in a limited time. Thats allOn the other hand
I have learned to do time management.(P 7).

-.I think positively about the method. My only concern is that we have wasted too much time(P 6).

Findings of Interviews

The interview data are organized into three categories: overall perceptions, permanence of the benefits they
gained through case based instruction, and suggestions for better implementation of the case study method.

1. Participants Overall Perceptions of Case Based Teaching

The first, the second and the fifth interview questions were evaluated for determining the overall thoughts
of students on a case based instruction. The results show, that all of the participants remember the lesson well
even 8 months after its implementation. This shows that the case study method helps with the retention of
information. They stated that they were satisfied with the method as they found it interesting. They stated that
they gained several benefits as similar their previous responses for open-ended questions. One of the partici-
pants said;
I have been wondering whether there are any other harmful elements in our tap water after the lesson.
I believe that it is definitely a teaching method that increases students curiosity (P 10).
Four of the participants stated, that they might use the method after they became a science teacher.
However, they mentioned that they would use the method when they could find appropriate cases in science
textbooks or when they gained necessary skills and knowledge for development of their own case studies. Some
illustrative comments speaking to this assertion are below:
Yes I would definitely think about using case studies in almost all of my lessons. I would specifically
use case studies that will require children to combine all of the knowledge that theyve gained in
each science unit. This is a wonderful approach. I would use it at the end of the unit so they can see
the relationships between theory and practice. I usually think deeply about how I may be able to find
interesting videos or stories on a specific science topic so I can use it with my students in the future. I
can use this method especially when teaching chemistry and biology units. I do not think about using
case studies in physics topics as I am not good at physics (P 3).

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2014
(P. 695-708)

Yes, I would like to use the method in my teaching, but I do not see myself having necessary knowledge
and skills to develop meaningful cases. If the case studies were provided in our textbook, then I would
definitely use the method (P 10).
I would if they were present in our textbooks. If not, I will try to develop my own cases. However I am
not sure if I have the knowledge and skills to develop good cases (P 7).
If I was trained on how to develop such cases, I would use it However, I am not sure if I will, because
I know that they are not used in our textbooks (P 5).

2. Participants Thoughts on Permanence of Their Skills

The third and the fourth interview questions were used to evaluate the impact of the case study method
on students performance skills. When they were asked to rate items in Table 2 on a scale ranging from 0 to 10,
the participants rated the effects of the method on their performance skills very high. P3 and P10 were com-
pletely positive and P5 and P7 had some challenges on case study implementation. As shown in Table 2 all of
the participants gave high scores on all items.

Table 2. Summary of learning outcomes related to performance skills.

Categories of Benefits Sub-Categories P3 P10 P5 P7

Enhance understanding of phenomena studied 10 10 10 9

Relate theory to practice 10 10 9 9

Problem solving skills 8 9 8 10

Cognitive benefits to students
Improve judgment skills 9 10 8 9

Integrate major concepts of course 10 10 8 10

Awareness of multiple solutions 10 10 9 9

Interest in subject 10 10 10 10

Involvement in learning process 10 10 8 8

Affective benefits to students
Student motivation 10 10 8 7

More responsibility for own learning 8 10 7 8

Research skills 10 10 8 8
Skills development of students
Verbal communication skills 10 10 8 8

When asked which skill on the listed they improved most, the participant 3 stated, that the mostly benefit
she gained taking attention to the course as she watched a movie in class for the first time and then she was
able to gain thinking skill, to connect theory and practice on her other subjects and studies. Participant 10
mentioned that she developed her research skill more than the other skills as she started doing research, just
she was curious herself not to request somebody else. Participant 5 said, he understands well the topic by using
the case method. Participant 7 mentioned that he gained the problem solving skill mostly, as he did the project
assignment relating the chromium after the implementation.
Students gave comments, indicated their willingness to continue to use some of the skills they gained
in class in their current/future practices. For example, the first comment shows that the participant uses her
knowledge, relating the theory and practice skill, the second participant uses his integrate major concepts of
science and research skill, the third participant uses her research skills.
Yes I have used the method for preparation a lesson on the Special Instructional Methods Course. As I
said before the method has been effective in helping me to connect theoretical knowledge and practi-

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2014
ISSN 16483898
(P. 695-708)

cal skill. I tried to present a lesson with a real life problem similar to the one you used in your methods
course. Of course mine is not very professional(P 3).
I have been doing more research on the properties and effects of chromium since the implementation.
Then, I presented my paper at the Special Issues in Chemistry course. I am not aware of the problem
(P 10).
I developed a project on determination of the effects of hexavalent chromium on plants for the science
laboratory course in the last fall semester. I found that waste-water with chromium was more hazardous
than the other types of waste waters (P 7).

3. Suggestions of Pre-Service Science Teachers for Teaching Science through Case Study Method

The pre-service teachers stated several important suggestions for the effective implementation of case
studies. The results indicated that students perceived that the teacher lost instructional time when teaching
through the case study method and offered several suggestions to address the issue. One of them preferred to do
practice experiments in the laboratory. Another one of them indicated her willingness to develop the cases.
I would like to practice the experiments in the laboratory myself in order to find answers to the ques-
tions as the heroine did in the story or the movie, instead of just watching the videos of experiments
being presented to us. I think this approach would make case studies more effective than the traditional
approach (P 3).
I will definitely use the case method when I become an in-service teacher in the future. However, we
do not have any class in my program that can teach us how to develop and implement cases. I would
like to take an elective course about the method offered by you. Specifically, I wonder, how can I adopt
this method to the elementary level? (P 10)
The implementation would have been more effective, if more research time, extended into few days,
was built in to the activity, instead of just trying to find the answers in a limited amount of time given
to us in the classroom environment (P 7).
We wasted too much time trying to find the answers of the questions. If you had answered the case
questions right after watching the videos, instead of us trying to find the answers, it would have been
less time consuming. We could have spent our time more wisely that way. We could have benefited
more from the activities if you had answered the questions (P 5).


In this study, the learners views about the use of a case study method lesson in class and how their skills
were affected as a result of using the method were investigated. The conclusions of this study will be discussed
around the research questions, (i) benefits of the method, (ii) challenges and limitations of the method, and (iii)
pre-service science teachers suggestions to make case study teaching method more effective.

(i)Benefits of the Method

Benefits of the method will be discussed in terms of the first and the third research questions. All of the
participants stated that they gained several benefits in terms of cognitive, affective and skills development as
a result of using this method.
The responses indicate that cognitive benefits were paid more attention than the others, since all of the
learners discussed the benefits they gained within the cognitive category. Much more attention is given to en-
hancing understanding of phenomena studied than to other benefits by learners, while relating theory to practice
was also considered to a high degree within the cognitive benefits. This result is consistent with the benefits of
case method instruction identified by other researchers, including gains in content knowledge (Camill, 2006;
Chaplin, 2009; Casotti, Beneski & Knabb, 2013; Jalgaonkar, Sarkate,& Tripathi, 2012), and students ability to
apply science to their daily lives (Camill, 2006; Joroff &Moore, 1984; Yadav, Shaver, & Meckl, 2010). Bowe et al.,

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2014
(P. 695-708)

(2009) suggest that case based teaching is a practical instructional method to encourage understanding and
practice of basic science concepts. Similarly, Cameron et al., (2012) stated, that although numerous pedagogi-
cal approaches have been used to understand the bridge between theory and practice, a case based teaching
method is one of the best ways to accomplish this goal. The other important finding of the study is that all of
the participants indicated in the interview, continued to use some of the skills that they had gained with the
method, such as relating theory and practice and research skills. One of the participants specifically stated, that
because of her early exposure to this method, she was able to make connections between theory and practice
in all subjects. This result is consistent with the findings of Yadavs (2008), who reported that video cases were
beneficial in helping pre-service teachers to connect theory and practice.
Regarding the affective benefits almost all of the students stated, that they enjoyed the lessons and that the
presentation was an interesting, not monotone, creative, different, and well-designed instructional approach.
They appreciated being placed in the role of the heroine as a way of learning the topic. The results showed that
the students not only were satisfied about learning with a case study method, but that they also found it an ef-
fective instructional method. This result parallels with Murray-Nsculas (2011) findings. elik, evik and Halaman
(2012) stated that pre-service teachers perceive case studies as an important motivating factor for their own
learning. This result also indicates that, as expressed Libby (1991), while affective benefits do not essentially
improve students cognitive skills, they are worthwhile with respect to improving students attitudes towards
learning. One of the interesting results is that, although, students previously failed the course and all of them
had taken the course for the second time, they felt positive about learning chemistry through the method. This
result is similar to the results reported in the study conducted by Shieh, Lyu and Cheng (2012) on students
satisfaction with the instructional process of the course. They also indicated that they are willing to use the
case method for their own teaching when they become in-service science teachers, if necessary instructional
resources could be found in their curriculum. This result is an indicator that the method influenced the students
learning experiences in a positive way and thus helped them to develop positive attitudes towards the method.
Moreover, even with limited exposure to the method, they felt that they could implement the skills they had
gained through case based instruction in their future professional lives.
It is obvious that the skills development category was a relatively low consideration for these pre-service
science teachers as 2 sub-categories were related to the research skills and only one of those was related to com-
munication skills. This is not surprising given the fact that they were exposed to and experienced the method
only for a short period of time. Of course, only one implementation is not enough for the students to develop
such skills. Cassimjee (2007) found that a case based teaching improved students skills on accessing academic
literature and helped them to feel free and comfortable in group discussions. It follows, that in order for students
to develop research, discussion, communication, and writing skills, they will need to be exposed to the case
study method for a sustained period of time.

(ii) Challenges and Limitations of the Method

The results showed that the main challenge with the implementation of the method was that the students
perceived it being time consuming. This concern was also reported by (Popil, 2011). I must note, however, this
concern was raised only by one participant. Even then, this concern must be addressed to ensure the best
subsequent implementations of the method. While case method is time consuming, it ensures many benefits
to the learners as mentioned in Casotti et al., (2013). Similarly, learners felt there were some difficulties, such as
finding true answers during the class sessions and that it was time consuming, they stated that the case study
method was worthwhile with respect to benefits of cognitive, affective, and skill development as sharing their
knowledge and experiences with each other, developing abilities to do research and apply problem solving skills,
and that it enhanced their content knowledge specific to the chemistry topic. However, the implementing of the
case method was not a simple intervention as Scott (2007) indicated. For instance, the integration of the case
method with a movie into the analytical chemistry class required a complete curriculum revision. Moreover, it
took a lot of time both to develop the case and implement it in my classroom. However, when considering the
advantages and benefits of the method in terms of teacher education, the method should be integrated into
methods courses so the students have a positive learning experience with content and develop pedagogical
skills to teach science through their teaching once employed in a school.

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2014
ISSN 16483898
(P. 695-708)

(iii) Suggestions of better Implementation of the Case Study Teaching Method

The suggestions of the participants were about implementation type of the method in the classroom. These
statements can be also considering as the suggestions for further research. One of the participants mentioned
that it would be better if they were given more time to find the answers to the questions raised in the movie.
The other said, they wasted too much time to find the answers in the classroom. They also found it challenging
to find the answers in a limited amount of time. These concerns suggest that the implementation of the method
should extend into a few days rather than being limited to a classroom period. Also one participant stated that
she would like to practice the experiments, such as determination of the chromium amount in a waste water
sample, in the laboratory instead of just solving mathematical problems. If the same study was to be implemented
with these concerns in mind, the students would have had a better experience with the case study.
The other suggestion had an important application for teacher education. The students are willing to take
an elective course on methods of case studies. Faculties could take this suggestion into account and start to
offer an elective course in which students could develop and implement case studies. Offering such a course
could have a positive impact and offer many benefits for teacher education programs (Colburn and Tillotson,
1998). In fact, some teacher education programs have offered such a course. Heitzmann (2008) stated that the
case study method should be a central component of teacher education programs. However, we caution that
the case study should not be used just to facilitate student learning of content. Pre-service teachers should be
taught about the implementation strategies as well as methods to develop well-written cases when they do not
have pre-designed resources. It is clear that pre-service teachers professional development in teaching through
the case studies would greatly benefit their student learning.


This study presents pre-service science teachers views about implementing a case study method lesson on
the properties of chromium compounds in an analytical chemistry course. This study showed that pre-service
science teachers improved their cognitive i.e., enhance content knowledge, bridging between the theory and
practice, problem solving; affective skills i.e., enhance their interests and motivation to the subject; and develop-
mental skills i.e., research and verbal communication as a result of using a case study teaching. It also presents
the learners views about the use of a case study method lesson in the class for better implementation. These
results demonstrate that, if the necessary suggestions are considered on the implementation of the method, it
would be more effective in terms of gaining the benefits of pre-service science teachers as a result of using the
case study teaching method in instruction.
Research indicated that, teachers need to have both scientific knowledge and scientific methods for effective
science instruction. Benefits of the case based teaching for pre-service teachers professional development have
been largely accepted in the literature. In teacher education, the case method instruction can be provided as
both a method that can be learned and used in professional settings, and also as a method for problem solving
with respect to specific classroom situations. That is, the cases used can be intended to model a way to teach
science, but they can also be developed to address professional situations that the pre-service teachers might
encounter. This could add a category of professional knowledge development to the potential benefits of a case
method teaching, but research would be needed to investigate the quality of this effect.

Acknowledgements: This paper was revised and extended after being presented at 34th ISfTE (International
Society for Teacher Education) Annual Conference, Antalya, Turkey, 22-25 April 2014.
The author would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Kara for helping and sharing me his analytical chemistry
laboratory for taking the experiment videos. I would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Edward C. Robeck and Assoc.
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aydeniz for critical reading of the manuscript.

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2014
(P. 695-708)


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Received: June 08, 2014 Accepted: August 30, 2014

Zehra zdilek PhD., Assistant Professor, Uludag University, Faculty of Education,

Department of Science Education, 16059, Bursa, Turkey.
E-mail: zozdilek@uludag.edu.tr

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