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Learning Episode 3

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STUDY EPISODE CONCEPTS, PROCESSES Choose the AR sample Abstract that you submitted in Episode 2.

2 3 AND MODELS • Analyze the components vis-à-vis only one out of the 3 presented.
Model B – Nelson, 0. 2014
Name: Lakeisha C. Secusana Course, Yr. & Sec.: BSNED – TDHHL IV-J2 Title and Author of the Action Research:

Notice Learning Modalities: A Tool or a Hindrance to Learners’

Academic Performance in English
What concepts have been emphasized in the task and infographics? Give at CATHERINE A. COSTOY
least four.
1. practical as it involves making changes to practice. Key Components Entry from your Sample AR
This study explored the significant difference
2. theoretical as it is informed by theory and can generate new insights. OBSERVE between the face-to-face and blended learning
modality in terms of selected grade 6 learners'
3. concerned with change and improvement.
experiences and academic performance. An
4. transforming school practices by the practitioners themselves. exploratory sequential mixed methods research
design was utilized. In the first stage of the study,
the data was collected through an open-ended
Since the 3 models are all for action research, what are the common elements research interview protocol through google forms.
of the three? Then, their responses were downloaded and
extracted from the file for presentation,
They all share the elements of observe, reflect, plan, and act, as far as interpretation, and data analysis. Further
I can tell. The three models aim to provide a specific action plan and course of exploration was done in the second stage through
action to address a particular issue, but they all approach research differently. quantitative data collection and analysis,
particularly on the learners' academic
performance in English, using appropriate
statistical tools or instruments for intervention and
to specify variables that need to go into a follow-
up. Results showed that grade 6 learners
exhibited better academic performance in learning
their lessons in English through blended learning
modality than face-to-face learning modality.
Moreover, learners can perform well in their
English subject regardless of the type of learning
modality used in the class to facilitate the
teaching-learning process.
Ethical standards were maintained throughout the essential emerging themes explain how the
REFLECT study by careful attention to the following issues: learners face difficulties and solve and cope with
All participants were requested to sign an their challenges in English through a blended
informed consent form with their parent's learning modality. First, there is an accepted truth
permission to be part of the study. Second, they that they need help from parents, other family
can discontinue the interview when experiencing members, and teachers for difficult lessons and
psychological distress. Moreover, they would not joining synchronous classes. Then, they did self-
be given any monetary gains for their participation learning and reflection through practicing how to
in the study, as this was purely voluntary. Lastly, it navigate online platforms, research on their own,
protects the data's privacy, anonymity, and and watch video lessons online to understand the
confidentiality. All transcribed data through google lessons further. Lastly, learners overcome some
forms used for this study were deleted after this physical, emotional, and health issues in learning
study was finished. Pseudonyms were provided by taking some rest when tired, eating the right
for any subsequent publication of the research kind of food, and being happy to learn.
results. This is also in adherence to the Republic This research utilized an exploratory sequential
Act 10173- Data Privacy Act of 2012. PLAN mixed methods research design by Creswell &
Creswell (2019). According to them, an
Based on the data gathered and results obtained, exploratory sequential mixed methods research
the research had come up with the following design is the reverse sequence of the explanatory
results: As to the learners' experiences, sequential design. In this approach, the
difficulties, problems, and challenges encountered researcher begins with a qualitative research
in English through blended learning modality; phase and explores participants' views. The data
Learners' experiences in learning English through are then analyzed, and the information is used to
Blended learning modality are indeed not easy yet build an instrument that best fits the sample under
fun and exciting in the new normal. It is always study, to develop an intervention, or to specify
coupled with difficulties and enjoyment at the variables that need to go into a follow-up.
same time. Truly, learners experienced hard times Particular challenges to this design reside in
answering some challenging questions from the focusing on the relevant qualitative findings to use
module, technical difficulties due to internet and the sample selection for both phases of
problems, and unfamiliarity with online platforms research. Purposive sampling was used in
to use in learning, such as google meet and choosing the participants for this study. The
google classroom. However, there is excitement participants were purposely selected using the
in the learners meeting and seeing their following criteria: (1) they are grade 6 learners
classmates and teachers on the screen, enjoying enrolled in Biñan Elementary School, the School
interactive learning during synchronous classes, Year 2019- 2020 and 2020-2021 with Very
and having fun with games. How do the learners Satisfactory (85- 89) to Outstanding (90-100)
face the difficulties, solve the problems and cope grade in English 5 (2) enrolled in blended learning
with the challenges they encounter in English modality and with internet accessibility, (3)
through blended learning modality? Three willingness to participate in the study. There were
fourteen (14) participants included in the study. face-to-face learning modality. Moreover, learners
Prior to the implementation of the study, the can perform well in their English subject
researcher seeks permission from the School regardless of the type of learning modality used in
Principal and Public Schools District Supervisor the class to facilitate the teaching-learning
and consent from the participants and their process. However, the blended learning modality
parents or guardians. is the appropriate learning modality to be used by
the grade 6 learners to learn English lessons
In the first stage of the study, the data were during the first quarter with the current situation in
collected through an open-ended research our educational system. Based on the more
interview protocol through google forms and sent profound analysis of findings, the researcher has
individually to the participant's email addresses. formulated an action plan to capacitate learners'
Then, their responses were downloaded and independence in navigating online platforms and
extracted from the file for presentation, other online apps for blended learning modality
interpretation, and data analysis. A follow-up and the need for additional learning materials to
question, if any, would be done through the explain the topic or lessons in English further.
following but not limited to video calls and phone
calls. For the validation, research protocols were
presented to credible authorities such as an What have you understood about the concept of Action Research and how
expert in the field of education, mixed methods will these be utilized in your practice?
research, and statistics. To answer the statement It will allow me to consider what to improve, investigate what others are
of problems 1 and 2, van Manen's Highlighted doing in that area, and conduct controlled practice experiments. Action
Approach was utilized. research will improve participants' teaching and learning thanks to this practical
Furthermore, exploration was done through
quantitative data collection and analysis,
particularly on the learners' academic
performance in English, with the use of the
following statistical tools or instruments: Mean and
Standard Deviation- were used to get the mean
academic performance of Selected Grade 6
Learners of Biñan Elementary School SY 2020-
2021, and T-Test - were used in finding out if there
is a sign between the f academic performance of
grade 6 learners' first quarter grades in English
during the school year 2019-2020 and school year
It implies that grade 6 learners exhibited better
ACT academic performance in learning their lessons in
English through blended learning modality than
Reflect Write Action Research Prompts
As a future teacher, is conducting an Action Research worth doing? Observe
Yes. Remembering my classroom observations in FS 1, I noticed that there are
many questions that I raised in my mind. These include:
a. What part of the subject requires more study?
Action research is essentially a cycle of performance-improving action
and study. It assists in bridging the gap between theory and practice. It is an b. How can we persuade students to take part in a discussion?
organized process through which professional research assesses or resolves
an issue. c. How can we make it easier for students to participate in hands-on activities?

How can AR be useful for every classroom teacher? Reflect

Furthermore, I have discovered that conducting good action research Thinking deeply about those problems, perhaps something must have been
requires a person to be passionate, enthused, and committed to completing the done to solve the problem or answer the question, like:
entire process. It involves more than just gathering and evaluating data. It also a. By obtaining a fundamental understanding of the topic and important points.
entails using it to advance the understanding and application of the research's
results. b. By getting the students' opinion or views on the subject.
c. By experimenting, students may utilize what they have learned in class to
improve their experimenting abilities.
Now, that I am in FS 2, I plan to make a plan for my solution to problem
(choose from a, b, c) because we must never lose sight of how important it is
to develop the necessary skills to succeed in the 21st century. Some abilities
need hands-on practice just as much as they need. We cannot assume that
teaching them ideas will lead to their development.
My action will come later, given enough time in FS 2 or during my Teaching
In God's Grace, soon.
Check for Mastery Work on my Artifacts
Your artifacts will be a full blown completes Action Research.

Learning Modalities: A Tool or a Hindrance to Learners’

Academic Performance in English


__ Understanding of self as a teacher. Why? Teachers must understand their

identities before becoming teachers because it helps shape and grow their
professional careers. They must define themselves, explain why they want to
be teachers, and explain what they think they can do to improve student
achievement and grow as an individual. Teachers may only assume
responsibility for each student's higher accomplishment in joyful learning.

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