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FS2 Episode 2 1

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This is a three- unit course which is the continuation

of Field Study 1. It is school based and allows a pre-service
student to participate and assist in a limited actual-
teaching learning activities that relate to assessment of
learning, preparation of instructional materials,
preparation of the bulletin boards, and other routines in
the classroom. A portfolio which will contain sample lesson
or learning plans and demonstration teaching at least one
content area will be required. An action COURSE LEARNING
research shall be encouraged to start in this OUTCOMES
1.course and conclude during the internship.Create a safe and
secure learning environment that contributes to the physical,
socio- emotional and cognitive development of learners;
2. Demonstrate ways of addressing learner’s diversity in terms of
gender, needs, interests, cultural background and difficult
3. Reflect on how a teacher manifests his/her personal and
professional competencies;
4. Participate in the teaching- learning process and use
instructional materials, including ICT to promote quality,
relevant and sustainable educative process;
5. Apply the various classroom management
6. Apply concepts, theories and principles in curriculum
development in an actual classroom setting;
7. Demonstrate assessment and reporting practices done in the
classroom; and
8. Write an initial action research plan with the purpose of
improving teaching practice.

Learning Episode 1. The Teacher We Remember

Learning Episode 2. Embedding Action Research for Reflective Teaching
Learning Episode 3. Understanding Action Research Concepts, Processes, and Models
Learning Episode 4. Matching Problematic Learning Situation with
Probable Action
Learning Episode 5. Preparing the Learning Environment: An Overview
Learning Episode 6. Enhancing a Face-to-Face Learning Environment
Learning Episode 7. Making an Online or Virtual Learning Environment
Safe and Conducive
Learning Episode 8. Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and
Procedures in a Face-to-Face/ Remote Learning
Learning Episode 9. Creating My Classroom/ Remote Learning
Management Plan
Learning Episode 10. Writing My Learning/ Lesson Plan
Learning Episode 11. Delivering My Lessons
Learning Episode 12. Selecting Non- Digital or Conventional Resources and Instructional
Learning Episode 13. Utilizing Applications (Apps) for Teaching and
Learning Episode 14. Utilizing Learning Management System
Learning Episode 15. Utilizing Web Conferencing Apps for Synchronous
Learning Episode 16. Assessment for Learning, Assessment as Learning, and Assessment of
Learning Episode 17. Using Traditional and Authentic Types of
Assessment for Formative and Summative Purposes
Learning Episode 18. Grading and Reporting
Learning Episode 19. Writing and Initial Action Research Plan
This episode focuses on doing action research as one of the
roles of the teacher. Every teacher should take interest to know
how students learn, wants to make innovations in the
curriculum and desires to improve teaching practice. In order
to achieve these, a teacher has to do action research on the
everyday practical problems. These problematic situations and
observed discrepancies emerge between what is intended and
wat actually occurs in the classroom.

TASK 1. Interview your Resource Teacher on what is the most

common problem she/ he experienced during the his/ her classes
during face to face classes and online classes.

Research relevant information about the problem including related

literatures about the problem encountered.

Develop a research plan based on the information and related

literatures. State your research design, research subjects, data
gathering procedures, data analysis/ statistical tools.

Place your answer in a separate paper.

Most common problem that my resource teacher has observed and

experienced during the class on both face to face classes and online classes is how
the students are struggling in reading. Teachers have observed that a lot of students
in San Vicente National High School struggles to read even basic English. However,
despite that, the teachers lend some helping hand, allotting hours for remedial for
selected students.

Related Literature

A useful and a basic knowledge that every person must have. Reading is one
of the things that a person must learn throughout their life, it is an essential tool that a
person can have to survive life. According to Oberholzer (2005), reading is a basic
skill for success in school and in life. However, despite the teachers doing their very
best to teach the students, students on the other hand still struggles.

There is a study entitled Predominant factors contributing to low reading abilities

of pupils at Elsie Lund Basic School in the Tamale Metropolis, Ghana created by
Mohammed and Amposah (2018) discusses how students are having difficulties in
reading because of inadequate confidence, poor motivation, lack of pre-reader books
in both at school and home and low on phonemic awareness. Students language
affects their performance in any subject Botha et.al (2008), because every subject
requires students to read, and students who are having difficulties on reading, their
performance tend to lowers as they are having a hard time understanding what they
lesson that they have been tackled. As stated by Cain and Oakhill (2011) reading
influences the students vocabulary however, when students doesn’t read fluently or
regularly, their vocabulary also become affected. The study of Mohammed and
Amposah (2018) only proves that reading affects the students in almost anything.

Research Design

In this study, the researcher will use qualitative design which is also a
diagnostic research design.The researches will delve deeper to the problems, create
some solutions or develop a strategy in order to solve the problem.

Research Subject

The participants in this study are the Grade 10 students from Saint David,
Saint Dominic and Saint Daria of San Vicente National High School.

Data Gathering Procedures

The data of this study will be obtained from the interviews of the teachers and
selected 30 students in any subject that they have, 10 students each per classroom.
In addition, interviewees must sign a letter to make sure that all data gathered will
be kept privately. To ensure security of the interviewees the researcher will only do
one-on-one interview. The questions will be open-ended to also ensure that the
interviewees can answer it based on what they really want to say and their
observations to the learners, they will have the freedom to speak anything. On the
other hand, the selected students will also undergo a one-on-one interview on their
experiences in learning and their difficulties.

Data Analysis

In this study, the researchers will use diagnostic analysis wherein the
researchers will investigate and look for a pattern, or themes that are in the data.
Research in Teaching
ACTION RESEARCH is the process that allows teachers to
study their own classrooms, schools, and educational setting in order to understand them better
and to improve their quality and effectiveness. The processes of observation, reflection, and inquiry
lead to action that makes a difference in teaching and learning. It bridges doing (practice) and
learning (study) and reflection (inquiry).

Four Stages of Action Research

Planning Acting Developing Reflecting
Stage Stage Stage Stage
Research in
Integrating Action Research Organization into
the Stages of Action Research

Process of Action
You must have experienced in your past subjects, doing some activities or
accomplishing tasks similar to an action research. These are activities that required you to
do Reflection and Make Action or the other way around. Schon (1987) distinguishes
Reflection in Action or Reflection on Actions as two different things.

Perhaps your mentor teacher has already done an Action Research. Now is the
opportunity for you to participate and assist in ways that you are capable of doing.

Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles by Teachers in the Field

1. Make a library or online search of the different Completed Action Research Titles conducted
by teachers.
2. Enter the list in the matrix similar to the one below.
3. Submit your list of five Titles of Completed Action Research Studies to your mentor as

List of Completed Author/ Authors

Action Research

Example: Parrello, S., Lorio, I., Carillo, F., & Moreno, C. (2019).
Teaching in the Suburbs: Teaching in the suburbs: Participatory action research
Participatory Action against education wastage. Frontiers in Psychology.
Research Doi:
Against Educational https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.201
Wastage 9.02308

An Action Research Aksoy, M., & Ceylan, T. (2021). An Action Research on

on Improving
Improving Classroom Communication and Interaction in
Communication and Social Studies Teaching.
Interaction in Social Doi:
Studies Teaching https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9943194
The Effect of the Teacher’s Barberos, M., Gozalo, A., Padayogdog E. (2023)
The Effect of the Teacher’s Teaching Style on
Teaching Style on Students’
Students’ Motivation.
Motivation. https://steinhardt.nyu.edu/departments/teaching-

Classroom Inquiry, Hong, C., Lawrence, S., (2011) Classroom

Reflection, and Data- Inquiry, Reflection, and Data-Driven Decision
Driven Decision Making

Improving Speaking Sutjiati, R., Ningsih, T. W. R., & Budiwaty, S.

Competence In (2016, November). Study on Action
English Language Research: Improving Speaking
through Roles In A Competence in English Language Through
Drama Roles in A Drama.

Classroom-Based, Merlter, C., Hartley, A. (2017) "Classroom-

Teacher-Led Action Based, Teacher-Led Action Research as a
Research as a Process for Enhancing Teaching and Learning,"
Process for Journal of Educational Leadership in Action: Vol.
Enhancing Teaching 4 : Iss. 2 , Article 3.
and Learning
Inventory of Sample Action Research Conducted by Teachers
Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research
Titles, lets find out what you have noticed by answering the following
Questions My Answers

1. What have you noticed about the In my own opinion yes. The
action research titles? Do the compilation of research that I have
action research titles imply chosen recently shows problems that
problems to be solved? are needed to be solved.
2. If yes, identify the problems from
the title you have given.
Answer in the space provided.
The problems that are in the research
that I have given are:
1. How to improve communication
and interaction in the class?
2. What are the effects of the
teaching style of the teachers in the
students motivation?
3. Decision making for the
4. How to improve speaking
competence in English?
5. How to enhance teaching and

What interpretation about action In my own opinion, action research is a

research can make out of your answer type of research that finds the problem
in Question no. 1? and create a solution and act it. It aims
to find problems especially in a
classroom setting, it is important to do
this in order to make the problem in the
class be seen and after doing action
research, the teachers on the other
hand can create a way to find a
solution to solve the problem.
Write the title and your interpretation of
the study from the title1.

Title of the Action Research

An Action Research on Improving
Classroom Communication and
Interaction in Social Studies Teaching

From the title, I think, the study

analyzes ways on how to improve the
classroom communication and
interaction in Social Studies Teaching.
In my own opinion this is one of the
problems in a classroom, a teacher
sometimes have a problems on
communicating with the students
especially when talking to diverse
students. I think that the researcher
who have conducted this study wants
to interact and communicate with
his/her students well because as what I
always know, a teacher who is good at
communicating is also a teacher who is
good at their job.

4. What do you think did the author/s I think the author/s do a deep
do with the identified problem as observation on the things that need
presented in their titles? improvements both for the teacher and
for the students in the class. Because
of the constant changes in our world,
students also changes every year, new
and new strategies must also do in
order to be an effective teacher that’s
why, action research is good. Teacher
really do an effort in their job just to
identify the problem, create a solution
and give an instruction well.
Action research seems easy and familiar. Since teaching seems
to be full of problematic situations and that the teacher has
responsibility of finding the solution for everyday problems in school,
hence teachers should do action research. This is an exciting part of
being a teacher, problem solver!
Let us continue to examine and analyze what you have noticed and
interpreted in the previous activity.

Key Questions My Answers

Choose from the options given. You make check more than one
1. From what source do you Choices:
think, did the authors ____ Copied from research books
identify the problems of ✔ From daily observation of their teaching practice
their action research?
✔ From difficulties they observed of their learners
✔ From their own personal experience
____ From the told experiences of their co-teachers

2. What do you think is Choices:

the teacher’s ✔ To find solution to the problematic situation
intention in conducting ____ To comply with the requirement of the principal
the action research?
✔ To improve teaching practice
____ To try out something, if it works
____ To prove oneself as better than the others

3. What benefit do you get Choices:

as a student in FS2 in ✔ Prepare me for my future job
understanding and doing an ____ Get good grades in the course
Action Research?
✔ Learn and practice being an action researcher
✔ Improve my teaching practice
✔ Exposure to the realities in the teaching profession
✔ Become a better teacher everyday

4. In what ways, can you Choices:

assist your mentor in ✔ By co- researching with my mentor
his/her Action Research
Activity? ✔ By assisting in the design of the intervention
✔ By assisting in the implementation of the
Action Research
____ By watching what is being done
Based on the readings you made and the previous activities
that you have done.

1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?

I learned that action research is important in the field of teaching. Just like what
I always hear, learning is continuous, a teacher despite having tons of seminar,
achievement or its rank, they still do things to learn. Learn what are needed to
improve and done to give the students what they deserve.

2. As a future teacher, what are your realizations in the importance of doing an action

As a future educator I realized that action research is

important, it helps us to undercover what are the problems
that we need to focus and solve. There are also instances
that doing an action plan help us to identify what are the
things we need to improve and sometimes we can even
discover more problems when doing it.

1.OBSERVE From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?

I have observed and noticed that Action Research begins with a problem or a
problematic situation. Write an example of a problematic situation that you have
observed and noticed

I think, the problematic situation that I have observed and noticed is how the
students are struggling in reading. Although it is a common problem in any school thus,
it saddens me to observe that more and more students are having a hard time in
reading every year.

2. REFLECT What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?

I realized that for every teaching learning problem, there is a solution. Write a probable
solution to the problematic situation above

One of the solution that I think is the best is to push the student more to read,
make a great time for remedial or create a an activity that is entertaining especially that
students loves to learn while having fun.
3. PLAN What strategies, activities, innovations can I employ to improve the
situation or solve the problem?

As a future action researcher I can plan for an appropriate intervention like

giving the students motivation every day, allotting hour every lesson for warm up,
entertainments, great activities that are also connected to the lesson but also makes
the students motivate and their energy and confidence boost more. I would like to
use different kinds of strategies just to give the students the best and give them what
they need.

4. ACT
If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?

If will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be

Reading Difficulties: Struggles of Comprehension in Grade 10

Direction: Read the questions and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Every future teacher should do an action research because
A. it is a requirement for teachers in the field
B. it will improve the teaching practice
C. it will add points to teachers’ performance
D. it is part of the teachers’ standard
2. Spotting a problematic situation in teaching and learning will
A. spark an idea of doing teacher action research
B. give more confusion to the teacher
C. create complexity in every teaching
D. add burden to teachers’ daily routine
3. Which of the following statements motivates a teacher to do action research?
A. any problems that occurs in my class will soon pass
B. For every teaching- learning problem, there is always a solution
C. Leave the problematic situation for other teachers to solve
D. There are more important classroom routines than finding solutions
4. “Every teacher, should be an action researcher.” This statement is
A. applicable only for teachers in big schools
B. not doable and very idealistic
C. the call for teachers in the current times
D. appropriate for honor graduates
5. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. Action research problem is created by the teacher
B. Noticing helps a teacher spot a problematic situation
C. Much of the teaching time should be spent in action research
D. Action research is an optional teacher activity
Choose from the five Action Research Titles and write here its Abstract.

An Action Research on Improving Classroom Communication and

Interaction in Social Studies Teaching

This study aims to reveal how communication and interaction in the

classroom can be improved with the help of communicative approach education that
is provided for social studies teachers. The participants of this study were five social
studies teachers that are working at secondary schools and their 7 th grade students,
N=110. The data collections tools that are adopted in this research were audio
recordings, documents, semi structured interview forms, video and stimulated recall
interview forms. The data that will be obtained from the recordings of the lessons
were analyzed using communicative approach and the data obtained from the
document will be analyzed using content analysis method. The results of the study
show that social studies curriculum contains items that needs both dialogical and
authoritative discourses. It is also observed that the teacher’s impression of the
lesson carried out by adopting the communicative approach model was positive. As
a result, the communicative approach model is seen as applicable in social studies
course. The trainings by the teachers create awareness of how to use communicative
approach model and provided benefits in diversifying the discourse

CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully completed Learning Episode 2.

You may now proceed to Learning Episode 3.

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