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Field Study 2 - Modules 4

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College of Teacher Education

Modules in Field Study 2

(Participation and Teaching Assistantship)
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Bachelor of Elementary
Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
Fourth Year

Module Title: Module 4

Topics: Learning Teaching Through Classroom Based Action Research
1. Introduction to Action Research
2. Preparation of Action Research
3. Searching Problems for Classroom - Based Action Research
4. Drafting Classroom-Based Action Research Proposal
5. Writing a Classroom-Based Action Research Proposal
6. Finalizing an Action Research

Module Introduction:
Field Study 2 is an endeavor to be experienced by the teacher interns in their
experiential learning that they have started in Field Study 1. Its program provides for
outcome-based experiential tasks that prospect teachers go through increasing
opportunities for experience from simple observation until assistantship will happen. The
Field Study Program draws its rationale from the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers (PPST). This module focuses on the learning teaching through participating. The
expected outcomes will be attained through a set of experiential tasks and reflection triggers
that prospect you as teacher intern. It has on going to have hand-on tasks and activities to
be undertaken.
Reflection triggers serve as jump-off point and provide structure for you to
process the learning experience starting from simple to complex tasks. They further
motivate you as student intern to exert more effort in making full use of the field-learning
experience through assistantship.
In this module, there are lesson presentations divided into three that each
presentation has tasks to be accomplished until the end of this module. This is a good start
in your part as teacher intern as you travel for your experiential learning in relation to
participation inside and outside the classroom activities. In your assistantship you have
observed there are problems in teaching-learning need to be recorded and made action out
of it through research based on the standards of teaching-learning process.

Module Outcomes: The learners are expected to;

1. Recognized on introduction to action research
2. Prepared an action research
3. Searched and identified a problem in the classroom for action research to
be undertaken.
4. Drafted a classroom-based action research proposal
5. Written a classroom-based action research proposal
6. Finalized an action research.
Lesson Presentation 1:

1. Introduction to Action Research

2. Preparation of Action Research

Lesson Outcomes: The learners are expected to have;

1. Recognized on introduction to action research

2. Prepared an action research.
ACTIVATE: (Module 4 Task 1- A)

A. List down 5 common problems the teacher/s encountered among learners inside the

B. State your reason/s why you consider them as classroom problems.

C. Do you think the teacher’s problems need solutions? If yes,give your reasons, if not , what
will happen if her/his problems are not solved?

ACQUIRE: Read and study the text below.

In your observations, you must have encountered problems in the teaching -

learning process. In all of these, it has been emphasized that you have a role in assisting
your Cooperating Teacher by participating in the different learning experiences. One of
your roles as a teacher intern is to help your CT do a careful study on how the classroom
problems will be avoided,minimized or solved. Doing a careful study and analysis of
classroom problems will ultimately help improve learning outcomes. To be able to do this,
you are expected to observe keenly the major problems in the classroom,so you could do
something, or intervene within your capacity to address them.

Prepares FS Students for PPST: Your Intended Learning Outcome

Domain: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Develop a working knowledge about

classroom=based action research as a tool to
Strand: Content knowledge and its
solve or mitigate teaching-learning
applications within and across curriculum

Your Experiential Tasks Your Reflection Triggers

1. Exposure

Read an example of classroom - based action


2. Participation

Analyze the sample classroom-based action

Why is there a need to do classroom-based
action research?
3. Identification

4. Develop an awareness and understanding

of the different processes involved in
implementing a classroom-based action What are the processes involved in the
research conduct of classroom-based action research?
5. Internalization

Identify the different processes involved in

implementing a classroom-based action

6. Dissemination

Share and discuss the processes and the

important concepts of classroom-based
action research.

Many authors or experts define classroom-based action research as;

1. Action research is a form of self-reflective inquiry undertaken by participants in social and

educational situations in order to improve existing practices ( Kemmis as cited by
Hopkins,1986;Nunez & Navarro,2015).

2. Gay ( 1966 defines action research as the process of solving practical problems through
the application of the scientific method ( in Nunez & Navarro ,2015)

3. Action research is a systematic study to improve educational practices by groups of

practitioners by means of their own practical actions and reflections or consequences of
their actions) Nunez & Navarro,2015)

Some Concepts common among the Definitions

1. It is systematic study; form of inquiry.

2. It is conducted in educational settings like classrooms or schools.

3. It aims to solve problems in education.

4. It aims to improve practices in education.

5. Applies reflection in analyzing the results.

Important points or requirements about each stage.

1. Diagnosing ( Identifying/defining the classroom problem

A. Determining what the problem is all about

B. Background and the rationale for doing that study

C. Setting the research questions to be answered

D. Setting the conceptual framework of the action research

2. Action planning ( considering alternative courses of action)

A. Looking for possible factors related to the problem

B. Establishing alternative actions to solve the problem

3. Taking action (selecting a course of action)

A. Deciding the “best” or most appropriate action to solve the problem

B. Advancing expectations as to the effect of the selected action

C. Implementing the action and gathering data during implementation

4. Evaluating ( studying the consequences of an action)

1. Analyzing the data and looking at the effects of the action

2. Analyzing if the data support the expectations advanced earlier or not

5. Specifying learning ( identifying general findings)

1. Reflecting on how the findings will improve education

2. Reflecting on the contributions of the action research in improving education

Read the text below as an example of a classroom-based action research material. Read
through it.

Melinda is a student intern assigned to assist the Cooperating Teacher ( CT) in a grade
5 elementary science remedial class. Before this assignment,she has done classroom
observations,and she noticed that in many of the classes there was consistent occurrence of
high level noise.

In the present assignment,Melinda noticed the same thing. Almost always,noise was
created by any of the following: learners talking in their seats and not listening to the
teacher;doing other things apart from the assigned task;talking while going around the
room;creating unnecessary noise and movements like tapping their desks/tables,and the
like. She w wondered what could be the possible reason why the learners are so noisy. She
was more concerned that the end of a session, the learners almost always could not
complete or finish the assigned tasks.

So Melinda talked to her CT about her concern.she was advised to go to the library or
search the internet to get ideas on how to best deal with a situation of a similar nature. She
found from her readings that these behaviors might be attributed to the following:

1. Time and hour of the day the remedial session is conducted,

2. Lack of understanding of the learning materials,

3. Difficulty in reading the material

4. Low motivation and interest,

5. Low expectations of oneself,

6. Simply not serious about the remedial session, and

7. Lack of guidelines for the conduct of the sessions

From the above possible causes, which among these would “best” explain the
occurrence of the problem, high level noise of the seven possible causes, she chose No. 7,
lack of guidelines in the conduct of the sessions, because this is what she can
validate.Previously, she observed that there was lack of order or structure in the way the
remedial lessons were conducted. She believed that if an action like setting guidelines and
monitoring the remedial lessons were implemented, the level of noise could be put to a

From her readings, she was able to deduce that with proper guidelines and
monitoring of the activities, the learners will be kept busy and feel motivated to focus on
completing their assigned tasks. With this action, Melinda believes that there will be better
chances for students’ learning outcomes to eventually improve.

After deciding and studying what specific course of action to take, her first step was to
inquire from her C if there are existing guidelines in the conduct of the remedial sessions.
She found that there are no existing or specific guidelines for this remedial class. So Melinda
with the help of the CT and other student interns,developed the guidelines and the
monitoring scheme for the conduct of the remedial classes. After developing the
guidelines,she brainstormed with her co-student interns to improve the materials,prior to
final submission and approval to the CT.

After approval of the material from her CT, she sought permission to implement the
action for six sessions,among 12 learners. For each remedial session, the following process
were observed.

1. Melinda read to the learners the guidelines before the start of the remedial lesson proper.

2. While remedial session was going on,Melinda walked around and provided guidance to
each learner.

3. Melinda helped each student who had difficulty with the task.
4. Melinda made sure that by the end of the session, she would have monitored what each
learner was doing.

While the action was being implemented,Melinda requested a co-intern to note

down the number of times, the learners exhibited the following behaviors ,which she
believed contributed to the high level noise occurring during remedial lessons: walking and
talking around the room;tapping desks with pencils/pens;doing things other than the
assigned tasks; talking to seatmate and the like. The observer was asked to use an
observation sheet,which Melinda developed.

The following table shows the frequencies ( f) of “noise” behaviors by the learners
across sessions.

“ Noise”behavior RS1 RS2 RS3 RS4 RS5 RS6

1. Talking and walking around the room 8 8 6 5 4 2

2. Tapping tables/desks with pencils/pens 5 4 4 2 1 0

3. Talking to seatmate 8 7 7 6 4 3

4. Doing things other than assigned tasks. 7 5 6 6 3 2

5. Creating unnecessary noise 5 6 6 5 2 1

* RS = Remedial Session

Melinda studied the data and she came up with the following findings and analysis:

A. There is a decreasing trend in the talking and walking around the classroom noise
behaviors from Remedial Session 1 to 6. A decrease in the occurrence of the other noise
behaviors was also noted. It maybe because,with close monitoring, the learners were kept
busy with the tasks and did not have the time and opportunity to make noise.

B. The learners were able to complete their assigned task at the end of the session. It used
to be that they were not able to do so within the time given them. Besides, with monitoring
and guidance on difficult tasks, perhaps the pupils understood better what they were
working on, and consequently became motivated to finish their tasks.

C. Both Melinda and the observer also noted a decrease in the level of nose during the
conduct of remedial lessons. This is due to the decrease in the number of distracting
behaviors of the learners from day 1 to day 6.

After analyzing these observations or data, Melinda concluded that the action and
the implementation of the use of guidelines and monitoring learners in the remedial
sessions had a positive effect. The immediate effect is the decrease of noise level in the
classroom. This is so because the action( monitoring and using guidelines) led to the
decrease of incidence of “noise” behaviors of the learners which is creating unnecessary
noise during remedial lessons.

As expected by Melinda,monitoring learners” activities in remedial sessions had a

positive effect on learners” behavior. Melinda expects that the effects of monitoring will
eventually lead to improve learning outcomes,as for example,finishing the assigned tasks at
the end of the session.

APPLY: ( Module 4 Task 1- B)

After reading the example of a classroom-based action research material in your
module, answer the following questions.

1. What exactly is the classroom problem that Melinda wanted to help address or solve?


2. What processes helped Melinda to think of the possible causes why a problem exists?


3. What processes helped Melinda to think of the possible causes why a problem exists?


4. What are the results of the implementation of the action?


5. What are the conclusions deduced from the classroom-based action research?


ASSESS: ( Module 4 Task 1 - C)

Answer the following questions.

Why is there a need to do classroom-based action research?


What are the processes involved in the conduct of classroom-based action research?


Lesson Presentation 2:
1. Searching Problems for Classroom - Based Action Research
2. Drafting Classroom-Based Action Research Proposal

Lesson Outcomes: The learners are expected to have;

1. Searched and identified a problem in the classroom for action research

to be undertaken.
2. Drafted a classroom-based action research proposal

ACTIVATE: (Module 4 Task 2 - A)

Go over the learning experiences your CT has and review your observation notes based on
your Cooperating Teacher classroom problems and difficulty.

A. List of classroom problems met by your CT and your observations from video classes.

1. _____________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________

B. Select one situation which you think you would be able to identify as a classroom
problem based on your observation from different video classes. Describe the circumstances
regarding the problem.

ACQUIRE:Read and study the text below.

In learning experience introduces you to the field of classroom - based action

research as a process that helps in the solution of classroom problems. Specifically, it aims to
make you understand the basic concepts about action research, and later, the processes
that you must undergo to carry out a classroom-bases action research.

In learning experiences, you had the opportunity to participate and assist your
Cooperating Teacher in carrying out classroom activities. Out of those experiences,you might
have developed an awareness of classroom problems which bear learners’ performance and
outcomes.Learning experiences help you understand how to detect the presence of
classroom problems, and to make decisions om the best or mist appropriate action to solve
the problem. In essence, it introduces you to the processes and characteristic of a more
systematic and careful study of classroom problems.

Prepares FS 2 Students for PPST: Your Intended Learning Outcome:

Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Identify problems in the classroom,and

determine the “best” or the most
Strand 2: Research-based knowledge and
appropriate action that will help solve the
principles of teaching and learning
Strand 5: Strategies for developing critical
and creative thinking as well as higher-order
thinking skills

Domain 2: Learning Environment

Strand 3: Management of classroom

structure and activities

Your Experiential Tasks Your Reflection Triggers

1. Exposure

Review the previous learning experiences

and classroom observation notes.

2. Participation
How do I determine the existence of a
Getting the feel of the existence of a classroom problem?
classroom problem

3. Identification

Identify a classroom problem

How do I determine the best action to solve
4. Internalization a classroom problem?

Determine the best action to solve the


5. Dissemination

Share with co-student interns and

cooperating teacher on the problems
identified and corresponding action/s to
solve them

One way of identifying or defining a classroom problem is to conduct a gap analysis.

As the word”gap” suggests, it is an area characterized by an absence of “something” that
needs to be filled up or a weakness that needs to be strengthened. The gap analysis will help
you identify the more important problems that need solutions. In a gap analysis, you should
be able to have answers to the following questions:

1. What are the expectations in terms of standards or required learning outcomes set by the
school,or even by the education system?

2. What are the actual or existing conditions regarding that standard or expected learning
3. How big is the difference between actual/existing conditions and standards or

Once you are able to establish the extent of the gap or determine how big the
difference is between actual conditions and expectations,you can now have a feel or an idea
of what the problem is.

Below is an example of a Gap Analysis in matrix form.

What is required What are Comparison Action to close or

/Standards/Expected actual/existing between narrow down the
Learning Outcomes conditions actual/existing gap between
conditions & actual/existing
standards/required conditions &
or gaps standards/what is

1. Learners must Among the grade 7 The required There is need for
exhibit 75% mastery learners, test results mastery level of teachers to
of the basic science reveal that the basic science accompany teaching
knowledge for grade learners achieved knowledge of the the science lessons
7. 40% of the 75% grade 7 learners is or science
required mastery of below what is experiences with
basic science expected of them in appropriate visuals &
knowledge. this grade. other assistive
Evaluating the learning materials.
difference,it may Hence, the action
mean that there is a would be to search,
problem that needs prepare & use
to be addressed, appropriate learning
which is non- materials in teaching
comprehension of science lessons,for
the learning the concretization of
materials in the science concepts for
subject. better
comprehension &
performance. It is
expected that this
action will improve
or increase the
Grade 7 learners’
mastery of science

There are other ways to determine the presence of a classroom problem. One can
do observations of behaviors that indicate there are problems. Following are some examples
of such indicators.

A. A majority of the learners give wrong responses to the questions of the teacher.

B. Learners do not actively engage in classroom activities.

C. Learners are loud and rowdy inside the classroom.

D. Many learners can not read and comprehend the material read.

E. Most of the learners do not exhibit mathematical skills.

F. Learners do not pay attention to the teacher.

G. The learners score the lowest in the national examinations.

The above indicators show that there is an underlying classroom problem. It is

possible that at one point problems occur simultaneously. As a student teacher whose role is
to help and support your Cooperating Teacher in implementing action research, you may
give assistance by prioritizing what problem/s to solve and in determining what action would
lead to the solution of that problem.

Making a decision on what problem/s to pursue first depends on certain conditions;

A. Is the need to solve the problem urgent?

B. What are the important reasons why that problem should be solved?

C. Is it a priority that the problem should be solved?

APPLY: ( Module 4 Task 2 - B)

Together with your Cooperating Teacher ,discuss and list down situations considered
as classroom problems which could be solved by applying an action. You may refer to the list
of problems that you have written earlier. Discuss,identify,and share what actions to take to
solve the problem/s.
List of Classroom Problems Possible Actions to solve the Problems

ASSESS: (Module 4 Task 2 - C )

Search on the internet a sample of Action-based research, then make a draft of your own
action research based on the problem/s chosen from the list that you would like to solve
together with your CT.


Lesson Presentation 3:

1. Writing a Classroom-Based Action Research Proposal

2. Finalizing an Action Research

Lesson Outcomes: The learners are expected to have;

1. Written a classroom-based action research proposal

2. Finalized an action research.

ACTIVATE: ( Module 4 Task 3 - A)

Search from the internet three (3) examples of classroom-based action research.
Determine the important things that are contained in each action research. Come up with
the parts of a completed action research based on the written report.
Parts of the Written Report of a Completed Classroom-based Action Research

ACQUIRE:Read and study the text below.

After you have gone through the process of searching for problems and determining
the appropriate action to solve them, it is now time for you to write a proposal on action
research. A proposal has to be written up before implementing an action research. An action
research proposal is in itself a plan detailing out the processes to implement it. The research
proposal is sometimes called the research plan. This is important to ensure efficiency and
orderliness in carrying out a classroom-based action research.
Prepares FS 2 students for PPST: Your Intended Learning Outcomes:

Domain 5: Assessment & Reporting

Strand 5: Use of assessment data to enhance

teaching & learning practices and programs
Apply the mechanics of writing a proposal
Domain 7: Personal growth and professional for classroom-based action research.

Strand 3: Professional links with colleagues

Strand 4: Professional reflection and learning

to improve practice
Your Experiential Tasks Your Reflection Trigger
1. Exposure

Familiarize oneself with examples of

completed classroom-based action research

2. Participation

Determine the characteristics and parts of a

completed classroom-based action research What processes should I observe to write an
action research proposal?
3. Identification

Identify what important content material

comprises an action research proposal

4. Internalization

Writing an example of an action research

5. Dissemination

Share and present an action research

You have read some examples of completed classroom-based action research. The
write-ups pf the action researches you have read represent researches that have been done
or completed. On the other hand, an action proposal represents a plan for activities to do,
and is therefore prospective. Basically, the contents of a completed action research report
and an action research proposal are very much the same. The former is a completed
endeavor, and the output includes both a description of the processes that were
implemented as well as the results and findings arising out of these processes. Hence,in
writing the completed research report, the past tense is used. In writing the action research
proposal, the future tense is used.

The following are the parts of an action research proposal following the flow of conceptual
framework of action research presented in previous topic.

1. Diagnosing ( Identifying/Defining a Problem)

1.1 Introduction: Present the context of the classroom problem as well as your intentions to
help address or solve that problem.

Write or mention the following information in this part:

A. Circumstances that made you decide to work on this problem.

B. Previous or existing information which was your motivation to help solve the problem.
For example, do you have information on the consistently low mathematics scores of
students/pupils in your school? And further,do you want to implement an action which you
believe will improve mathematics performance?
C. What the literature says about mathematics performance and its causes. What previous
researches reveal about mathematics performance of pupils/students in the
school,district,division,or even in the country?
D. One’s analysis of the probable causes of the problem ( low performance) and
determining the most probable cause among the many.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

First, state the problem as to what it is all about,and what you would want to do to
provide a solution. Second, state the questions that you want answered They are called
research questions. The research questions are easier to answer,than a broad statement of
the problem.

2. Action Planning (Considering alternative courses of action)

After searching the literature about the problem you have selected for study, you may
have a list of possible actions or strategies to consider implementing which should lead to
the solution of the problem. The question is: Which of these alternative courses of action
will give the “ best” positive effect? Or which of these alternative courses of action will lead
to improvement of learning?

3. Action Planning ( Considering alternative courses of action )

After searching the literature about the problem you have selected for study, you may
have a list of possible actions or strategies to consider implementing which should lead to
the solution of the problem. The question is: which of these alternative courses of action will
give the “best” positive effect? Or which of these alternative courses of action will lead to
improvement of learning?

Action hypothesis means your expectations of what the results of your action will be.
You do not have to wait until your action research is completed,to know the results. Putting
together what you have learned in your study of the principles of education and pedagogy,
as well as theories of learning will enable you to make educated “ predictions” or “ guesses”
about the impact or effects of the action you are going to implement. Do you expect that
your action will effect a positive change? Will the action help solve the problem you
identified? Will there be differences before and after implementation of the action? Will the
action,if applied in the teaching-learning process contribute to improvement of learning,and
subsequently to the improvement of learning outcomes?

A. Conceptual Framework

Come up with a framework using review of literature and earlier researches, principle of
education and pedagogy and theories of learning to explain why you chose a particular
action to help solve the classroom problem. This can be integrated in your Introduction.

B. Hypothesis

Advance your expectations regarding the effects of your action. If at the outset, what do
you expect the action or the strategy to affect or impact on the classroom problem being

4. Taking Action ( Selecting a course of action)

A. Implementing the action or the strategy selected to solve the problem; describe the
action/strategy and how long you are going to implement it and to whom.
B. Data Collection Method

Describe the processes you will use to collect your data.

What data will you collect for your variables? How are you going to collect your data? Are
your data quantitative or qualitative? What tool will you use for gathering the data you need
to analyze? Are you going to use a data- gathering tool which is already existing? Or are you
going to develop the tool yourself? Taking off from the same example on poor mathematics
performance, are you going to collect your data by administering a mathematics test that
you have developed? Or are you going to use or adapt an existing test of mathematics?

5. Evaluating ( Studying the consequences of the action)

A. Data Analysis

Describe the ways by which you are going to analyze your data or results. If you have
quantitative data, what descriptive statistics will you you use? If you have qualitative data,
what classifications will you use to establish the themes revealed by the data?
Writing the research proposal stops at the plan for analysis of data. In the absence of
data at this point,one cannot plan for how the conclusions will be written. Nor one cannot
plan for any further actions to be taken, just in case, the results do not come about as

APPLY: ( Module 4 Task 3 - B)

No. Part of the Action-Research Corresponding Step or Process

Results/Findings Analyzed the data,usually the change caused by
the action or the effect of the action.
Statement of the problem Defined or stated what the problem is all about.
Introduction Presented the context or background of the
problem & the need to conduct the action
Conceptual Framework Developed a holistic view of the problem
supported by principles of education and
pedagogy,or if possible,theories of learning.
Methodology Presented the tools or tests for gathering data;
how the data was gathered,and identified the
participants of the action research.
Conclusions Presented how the results of the action research
will help local practice, or education in general.

ASSESS: (Module 4 Task 3 - C )

Write an example of action research proposal by providing statements on the part of the
outline below. You are going to base it on the list your prepared in the previous tasks. Use
future form of the verb for your action research proposal.

1. Statement of Purpose

This action research aims to


It hopes to answer the following questions:

1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________

11. Conceptual Framework

111. Hypothesis ( Expected effect of the action)


1V. Description of the Action/Solution


V.General Methodology

A. Participants/respondents

The participants will be


B. Data - Gathering Tools


C. Procedures & Data Gathering

D. Analysis


E. Post Analysis
Determine if the hypothesis ( expectation) has been confirmed or not, on the basis of the
analysis of data. The implications of the findings to education and the improvement of
education practice will also be advanced.


Adriana Publishing Co., Inc.,Dalisay G. Brawner,EdD, & et al: Field Study 2 “ Participation and
Teaching Assistantship “, 2019

CHED CMO # 74,75 series of 2017

Project of the TEC, DepEd & CHED; “Experiential Learning Courses Handbook:, 2009

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