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ME Viva Questions

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88. Did you participate any techinical fest related to mechanical engineering?

answer your self

89. CAM means what? you heard about it?

computer-aided manufacturing....yes,i know

90. The unit eV is widely used in ......

Nuclear and atomic physics

91. Function of the distributor in petrol vehicles?

Spark timing

92. Throttle valve is used in steam engines to ......

93. What is Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical engineering is a branch of engineering in which we apply physics laws along with material
science to accelerate the human process.

94. If the helix angle of the drill is made less than .......degree, then the torque required to drive the drill at
a given feed will be more.


95. Gear lapping is an operation affter......

heat treatment

96. A drill considered as a cutting tool having zero rake, is known as ......

straight fluted drill

97. What are the types of bearing on the basis of friction?

Friction bearing and Anti Friction bearing

98. What type of cooling you will prefer for a 3-cylinder engine system?

liquid or water cooling system

99. Composition of bronze?

Copper and Zinc

100. What is the effect or reheater in the gas turbine?

The advantage of reheater is significantly increased thrust; the disadvantage is it has very high fuel
consumption and inefficiency.

51. Pressure at any location reaches pressure equal to the saturated vapour pressure of liquid ...........in
pipe begins


52. In a refrigeration cycle, the moisture content is to be removed before it enters into ........system


53. The reference fuels for knock rating of spark ignition engines would include.......

normal heptane and iso-octane

54. The thermal efficiency of a standard Otto cycle for a compression ratio of 5.5 will be.........


55. The operation of forcing additional air under pressure into the engine cylinder is known as.......


56. Euler's formula holds good only for......

long columns

57. The object of caulking in a riveted joint is to make the joint......

leak proof

58. Why you decide to become mechanical engineeer?

answer yourself

59. .......is used for tyre construction

60. How do motion detectors work?

to help with construction work

61. What is seasoning?

It is the process of removing moisture from wood.

Contact stress on two contact surfaces

62. Why entropy change for a reversible adiabatic process is zero?

Because there is no heat transfer in this process.

63. What are two essential conditions of perfect gas ?

It satisfies equation of state and its specific heats are constant.

64. How much resistance is offered to heat flow by drop wise condensation?


65. In a Rankine cycle if maximum steam pressure is increased keeping steam temperature and
condenser pressure same, what will happen to dryness fraction of steam after expansion ?

It will decrease.

6. Why rate of condensation is higher on a polished surface compared to rusty surface?

Polished surface promotes drop wise condensation and does not wet the surface.

67. ........is the names given to constant temperature


68. ........is the names given to constant pressure


69. ........is the names given to constant volume

70. ........is the names given to constant volume


71. Throttling and adiabatic processes are names given for......

constant enthalpy, and constant entropy processes

72. ........is the names given to constant volume


73. Explain Scavenging?

Scavenging is process of flushing out burnt gases from engine cylinder by introducing fresh air in the
cylinder before exhaust stroke ends.

74. What is your plan affter mechanical engineering?

say your self (hint: job oriented courses, masters, job etc.)

75. What seminar you presented for mechanical engineering?

say about seminar you have taken

76. What you mean by quantitative research?

Quantitative research involves gathering data that is absolute, such as numerical data, so that it can be
examined in as unbiased a manner as possible.

77. What is an accident ?

An accident is a unexpected and unforeseen event which may or may not injury to a person or a machine

78. What is a drawing?

It is a graphical representation of a real thing to define and specify the shape and size of a particular
object by means of lines.

79. Explain position of views in first angle projection?

In first angle projection the top view is positioned below the front view with the left side

80. How does Welding damage Eye sight?

An Electric welding arc produces Ultraviolet light and the UV light (Sun burn) will damage the retina.
Welding shields or Goggles with the proper shade (Automatic shading) of lens is the best protection for

79. Explain position of views in first angle projection?

In first angle projection the top view is positioned below the front view with the left side

80. How does Welding damage Eye sight?

An Electric welding arc produces Ultraviolet light and the UV light (Sun burn) will damage the retina.
Welding shields or Goggles with the proper shade (Automatic shading) of lens is the best protection for

81. Principle effect of humidity is.......


82. Antifriction bearings are thick lubricated bearing - True or False

False (it is ball & roller bearing)

83. What size of material required for making rolled threads - Pitch diameter or Root diameter or Major

Pitch diameter

84. In mechanics point of view projectile don’t have any particular shape - Agree or not?


85. What are the differences between Weight and Mass?

Mass is a measure of how much matter an object has. Mass is specified in Gram or Kilograms. Weight is
a measure of how strongly gravity pulls on that matter. Force is measured in Newton’s. F=m.g

86. Why do you have Truss Bridges?

Truss bridges carry load in tension and compression rather than bending (Self weight + The weight of
vehicles crossing it + Wind loads). A truss has the ability to dissipate a load through the truss work. The
beams are usually arranged in a repeated triangular pattern, since a triangle cannot be distorted by

87. Have you been involved in managing or leading a team or projects?

Tell Yourself

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