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Converting A File To PDF/A Compliant Version

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Converting a file to PDF/A compliant version

PDF/A -document format

PDF/A is an ISO-standardized version of the Portable Document Format (PDF) specialized for
the digital preservation of electronic documents. The extension in the file name is pdf. PDF/A
differs from "normal" PDF in that features ill-suited for long-term archiving are omitted. PDF/A
embeds all fonts used in the document within the PDF file, so that the user of your file will not
have to have the same fonts that you used to create the file installed on their computer in order
to read it. Recommended versions are PDF/A-1a, -1b, -2a or -2b.
PDF/A conversion - how to convert files to the PDF/A -format using different tools
Microsoft Word (Office) and PDF-Xchange pro/Editor are installed on all Windows workstations
managed by Aalto IT.

1. MICROSOFT WORD 2010/2013:

File → Save As → Save as type: PDF (*.pdf) → Options: ISO 19005-1 compliant (PDF/A)
File → Export as PDF → Choose: PDF/A-1a

A LaTeX thesis template and class file developed at the School of Electrical Engineering
that directly produces a PDF/A file is available at
The template, that supports text in Finnish, Swedish and English, is self-documentary. The
names of the schools at Aalto University are supported as well.
If you can't generate PDF/A directly, you can first produce a "normal" PDF file and convert
it to PDF/A -format by using PDF-XChange program.

Adobe PDF Presets → Select PDF size. Open PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro → Export →
PDF/A. You can also use PDF-XChange.
Print → PDF-XChange Printer → Properties → General → Choose: PDF/A-1a

Converting a PDF file to PDF/A with PDF-Xchange Editor

PDF-XchangeEditor is installed on the Windows workstations managed by Aalto IT.
Open PDF file → Save as → Save as type: PDF/A document → Settings → Choose

If you are not able unable to convert your PDF file to PDF/A-1a, try PDF/A-2a or PDF/A-2b
instead of PDF/A-1.
Troubleshooting tips
• When adding images to your publication, first save your image in the png- or jpg- (or also
"normal" pdf in LaTeX) format using some image editing application. Then use the Insert
image -function in the word processing program:
Microsoft Word: Insert-menu > Picture > Choose file
LibreOffice: Insert > Image > From file > Choose file
• Do not use copy-paste or drag-and-drop -functions for inserting images.
• Do not use images with a transparent background or other transparent elements.
• Try PDF/A-2a or PDF/A-2b instead of PDF/A-1. The use of transparency is forbidden in
PDF/A-1. That restriction was removed in PDF/A-2.

PDF/A validation
Go to the site https://www.pdf-online.com/osa/validate.aspx
Select file to validate
If your pdf is in right format, result should look like this (pdfa-1b is also ok file type)

If you have a problem with converting or validating file, contact:

IT Service Desk: servicedesk@aalto.fi

External links
Kansallinen digitaalinen kirjasto -hanke: Säilytys- ja siirtokelpoiset tiedostomuodot
Petersen-Jessen, Jari, 2009, PDF-tiedostomuodon hyödyntäminen eduskunnassa
PDF/A in a Nutshell 2.0

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