PH of Common Foods
PH of Common Foods
PH of Common Foods
Note: Variation exists between varieties, condition of growing and processing methods.
Common Ingredients
Butter 6.1-6.4 Corn starch 4.0-7.0 Corn syrup 5.0 Flour 6.0-6.3
Honey 3.9 Molasses 5.0-5.5 Sugar 5.0-6.0 Vinegar 2.0-3.4
Anon. 1962. pH values of food products. Food Eng. 34(3): 98-99.
Bridges, M. A., and Mattice, M.R. 1939. Over two thousand estimations of the pH of representative
foods, American J. Digestive Diseases, 9:440-449.
Warren L. Landry , et al. 1995. Examination of canned foods. FDA BAM, AOAC International.
Grahn M.A. 1984. Acidified and low acid foods from Southeast Asia. FDA-LIB