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PH List

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What is the

pH of food?
Sprouts 6.7 Spinach 5.5 - 6.8 Sauerkraut 3.4 - 3.6

Cooked 6.6 - 7.2 Kimbombó 5.5 - 6.4 Pickles 3.2 - 3.5

Dried 6.5 - 6.8 Leeks 5.5 - 6.0 Rhubarb 3.1 - 3.4

Crescent bean 6.5 Kidney beans 5.4 - 6

Kale 6.4 - 6.8 Horseradish 5.35

Frozen 6.4 - 6.7 Red onions 5.3 - 5.8

Cooked lentils 6.3 - 6.8 Parsnip 5.3

Cooked mushrooms 6.2 Chives 5.2 - 6.1

Stems 6.1 Cabbage 5.2 - 6.0

Potatoes 6.1 Turnip 5.2 - 5.5

Corn 6.0 - 7.5 Canned asparagus 5.2 - 5.3

Brussels sprouts 6.0 - 6.3 Canned carrots 5.18- 5.22

Ground corn (cooked) 6.0 Pepper 5.15

Peas 5.8 - 7.0 Cucumbers 5.1 - 5.7

Red radishes 5.8 - 6.5 Beets 4.9 - 5.6

Cooked zucchini 5.8 - 6.1 Carrots 4.9 - 5.2

Lettuce 5.8 - 6.0 Canned beets 4.9

Beans 5.7 - 6.2 Pumpkins 4.8 - 5.2

Celery 5.7 - 6.0 Bell pepper 4.6 - 4.9

Parsley 5.7 - 6.0 String beans 4.6

Canned artichokes 5.7 - 6 Eggplants 4.5 - 5.3

Cooked rutabaga 5.7 - 5.8 Whole tomatoes 4.2 - 4.9

Tubers 5.7 Asparagus 4-6

Artichokes 5.6 Sorrel 3.7

Cauliflower 5.6 Green olives 3.6 - 3.8

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Honeydew melon 6.3 - 6.7 Grenades 3.0

Dates fruit 6.3 - 6.6 Marmalade 3.0

Cantalupos 6.17 - 7.13 Plums 2.8 - 4.6

Persians 6.0 - 6.3 Canned juice 2.3

Cassaba 5.5 - 6.0 Lemons 2.2 - 2.4

Khakis 5.4 - 5.8 Lime 1.8 - 2.0

Watermelon 5.2 - 5.8

Papaya 5.2 - 5.7

Canned peaches 4.9

Figs 4.6

Bananas 4.5 - 5.2

Bottled peaches 4.2

Mandarins 4.0

Mango 3.9 - 4.6

Nectarines 3.9

Canned fruits 3.74

Dried fruit 3.6 - 4.0

Apple Winesap 3.47

Peaches 3.4 - 3.6

Pineapples 3.3 - 5.2

Apricot 3.3 - 4.0

Prunes 3.1 - 5.4

Oranges 3.1 - 4.1

Quince (cooked) 3.1 - 3.3

Grapefruit 3.0 - 3.3

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Unripened meat 7.0 Crabs 7.0

Canned 6.6 Freshwater fish 6.9 - 7.3

Chicken 6.5 – 6.7 Prawns 6.8 - 7.0

Beef 6.0 Fresh fish 6.6 - 6.8

Ham 5.9 – 6.1 Clams 6.5

Tongue 5.9 Herring 6.1 - 6.4

Matured meat 5.8 Salmon 6.1 - 6.3

Roast turkey 5.7 – 6.8 Sturgeon 5.5 - 6.0

Lamb 5.4 – 6.7 Whitefish 5.5

Pork 5.3 – 6.9 Tuna 5.2 - 6.1

Ground beef 5.1 – 6.2 Oysters 4.8 - 6.3

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Camembert 7.44 Frozen eggs 8.5 - 9.5

Cream 6.5 Whole eggs 7.1 - 7.9

Milk 6.3 - 8.5 White eggs 7.0 - 9.0

Butter 6.1 - 6.4 Hard-boiled eggs 6.5 - 7.5

Cheddar 5.9 Egg yolk 6.4

Roquefort 5.5 - 5.9

Edam 5.4

Swiss Gruyer 5.1 - 6.6

Cottage 5.0

Cream cheese 4.88

Buttermilk 4.5

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Blueberries 3.7 Cake 7.3 - 7.6

Grapes 3.4 - 4.5 Chocolate 7.2 - 7.6

Blackberries 3.2 – 4.5 Cookies 7.1 - 7.3

Cherries 3.2 - 4.1 Crackers cookies 7.0 - 8.5

Raspberries 3.2 - 3.7 Ground 6.6 - 7.1

Frozen berries 3.1 - 3.35 Flour 6.0 - 6.3

Strawberries 3.0 - 3.5 Bread 5.3 - 5.8

Redcurrant 2.9 Angel food (wafers) 5.2 - 5.6

Currants 2.8 - 3.1 Chocolate lightning 4.4 - 4.5

Compote 2.4 Thousand sheet cake

4.4 - 4.5
Juice 2.3 - 2.5

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Cocoa 6.3

Caviar (doméstico) 5.4

Azúcar 5.0 - 6.0

Melazas 5.0 - 5.5

Jarabe de maíz 5.0

Mayonesa 4.2 - 4.5

Almidón de maíz 4.0 - 7.0

Miel 3.9

Pasas 3.8 - 4.0

Mermeladas/ Jaleas 3.1 - 3.5

Levadura 3.0 - 3.5

Sidra 2.9 - 3.3

Gaseosa de jengibre 2.0 - 4.0

Vinagre 2.0 - 3.4

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+34 937 830 720




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