Algebricity of Contact Anosov Actions With Smooth Invariant Bundles
Algebricity of Contact Anosov Actions With Smooth Invariant Bundles
Algebricity of Contact Anosov Actions With Smooth Invariant Bundles
Introduction Corolary
The classification of Anosov systems is an important and active area of research. After their in- Under the above conditions, suppose that the
troduction, by D. Anosov, it was conjectured that every Anosov system had an algebraic nature. action is faithful, then, the quasi-algebraic ac-
This conjecture has been proved false for Anosov flows, but remains an open problem for diffeo- tion (G, K , Γ, a) can be taken with G semisimple
morphisms and more general actions. Among the better known examples of Anosov flows, are the with rank greater then k. If, moreover, K is com-
contact ones, n 1992, Y. Benoist, P. Foulon and F. Labourie, showed that contact Anosov flows with pact, then the algebraic action (G, K , Γ, a) is in
smooth invarian bundles are algebraic. Inspired by this work, we proposed a definition of contact fact a weyl chamber action.
Anosov action, and show that contact Anosov flows with smooth invarian bundles have an algebraic
Idea of the Proof