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Algebricity of Contact Anosov Actions With Smooth Invariant Bundles

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Algebricity of contact Anosov actions with

smooth invariant bundles

Uirá Norberto Matos de Almeida
ICMC - USP - São Carlos - uira.almeida@usp.br

Introduction Corolary
The classification of Anosov systems is an important and active area of research. After their in- Under the above conditions, suppose that the
troduction, by D. Anosov, it was conjectured that every Anosov system had an algebraic nature. action is faithful, then, the quasi-algebraic ac-
This conjecture has been proved false for Anosov flows, but remains an open problem for diffeo- tion (G, K , Γ, a) can be taken with G semisimple
morphisms and more general actions. Among the better known examples of Anosov flows, are the with rank greater then k. If, moreover, K is com-
contact ones, n 1992, Y. Benoist, P. Foulon and F. Labourie, showed that contact Anosov flows with pact, then the algebraic action (G, K , Γ, a) is in
smooth invarian bundles are algebraic. Inspired by this work, we proposed a definition of contact fact a weyl chamber action.
Anosov action, and show that contact Anosov flows with smooth invarian bundles have an algebraic
Idea of the Proof

Anosov actions Proposition One of the technical aspects of the previous

proof is to show that G is in fact reductive, more
An action φ : Rk × M → M is said to be Anosov, Let (G, K , Γ, a) be a Weyl chamber action, precisely, G = G0 × Rk . More over, G0 acts
if there exists an element v ∈ Rk ,a splitting where G has real rank k . Then there exists an transitively on the quotient G/K .
TM = E + ⊕ T φ ⊕ E − , which is invariant by generalized k -contact structure such that the in-
the induced diffeomorphism φv : M → M, and duced contact action is in fact a Contact Anosov Let ρ : π1 (M) → G be the holonomy represen-
positive constants C, λ > 0 such that for every Action, and coincides with the Weyl chamber tation and ΓG it’s image. The main idea behind
n∈N action. the proof of the first assertion of the corolary, it
k(φv )n|E + k ≤ Ce−λn to show that the image of Γ under the projection
−n −λn Idea of Proof G → G0 is in fact discreet.
k(φv )| − k ≤ Ce
Identify To conclude the second assertion, we first ob-
tained a decomposition
(Quasi)-Algebraic Ωp (G/K , R)G = Hom(Λp (g/k), R)K
A (quasi)-algebraic action is given by a quadru- ∗
g = g0 ⊕ S ⊕ U
Consider the roots λ1 , ... , λk ∈ a of g as left
ple (G, K , Γ, a) where invariant 1-forms on G/K , and consider a linear
I G is a Lie group with Lie algebra g g0 = k0 ⊕ z1e ⊕ z2e ⊕ zh
I K ⊂ G is a compact (closed) Lie subgroup Where
with Lie algebra k α = a1 λ1 + · · · + ak λk I k0 ⊕z1e is the subalgebra corresponding to the
I a ⊂ g is a Lie subalgebra contained in the subgroup K ∩ G0 .
normalizer Ng (K ) of K and such that a ∩ k = Show that for a generic choice of constants I Z (0 ) = z1e ⊕ z2e ⊕ zh
{0} a1 , ... , ak , the 2-form dα is non degenerate on I z1e ⊕ z2e is the subalgebra of elliptic elements
I Γ ⊂ G is an uniform lattice (discrete sub- the distribution generated by the weightspaces. in Z (g0 ) and zh the hyperbolic elements.
group) acting freely on G/K (and such that I The action is given by z2e ⊕ zh
Γ\G/K is compact) The idea of the proof is to show that z2e = 0. The
Under this conditions we have that a acts on compacity of k0 ⊕ z1e will imply that zh is in fact a
Γ\G/K by right translations. Let φ : Rk × M → M be a contact Anosov ac- Cartan subspace, and the proof follows.
tion with smooth invariant bundles, then is its
If G is semisimple and a is a Cartan subspace, smoothly conjugated to an quasi-algebraic ac-
then the algebraic action (G, K , Γ, a) is called a Final Remarks
tion (G, K , Γ, a)
Weyl chamber action. I The proposed geometric structure is a good
generalization of the usual contact structure.
Sketch of the Proof I There are no known quasi algebraic Anosov
Generalized Contact
The idea is to endow M with a complete actions which are not algebraic.
Let M be a manifold of dimension 2n + k a gen- (G, X ) structure which is compatible with the I There are algebraic Anosov actions with non
eralized k-contact structure on M is given by a underlining geometric structure. semisimple ambient group, but both the re-
splitting TM = I ⊕ E and 1-forms α1 , ... , αk ductive case and semisimple case support
\ Step 1: For a point p ∈ M, consider Lie alge- the generalized contact structure.
E= ker (αj )
bra g of (germs of) vector fields that integrates
I = ker (dλj ) ∀j to (local) diffeomorphisms which preserves the References
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E+ ⊕ E− = E is complete

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