Modular Designs: (M, N) Residue Designs
Modular Designs: (M, N) Residue Designs
Modular Designs: (M, N) Residue Designs
Modular arithmetic can be used to create beautiful designs. We will now explore
three such designs: an m-pointed star, an (m, n) residue design, and quilt designs.
m-Pointed Stars
To construct an m-pointed star, mark m equally spaced points on a large circle,
label them with the least residues 0 through (m−1) modulo m. Choose a least
residue i modulo m, where (i,m) = 1. Join each point x with the point x+i modulo
Figure 5.1
Figure 5.2
Table 5.1
In this example, the circled number 7 in row 3 and column 4 is 3 +4 modulo 9.
Devise nine basic design elements to represent each of the numbers 0 through 8,
Figure 5.7 shows. (This design translation uses additive inverses and
Now replace each entry in the main body of Table 5.1 with the corresponding
design element. Figure 5.8 shows the resulting beautiful design. This basic design
can be used to generate new designs. For example, flip this design about its right-
edge and then flip the ensuing design about the bottom edge. The two flips
the fascinating design in Figure 5.9.
Instead of a square grid, we could use a rectangular grid, like the one in Figure
5.10. Use the design elements in Figure 5.11 to develop the basic design
formodulo 5. Make the two flips to produce the sensational design in Figure 5.12.
Figure 5.7 Design elements in mod 9.
Desain Modular
Aritmatika modular dapat digunakan untuk membuat desain yang indah. sekarang
kami akan mengeksplorasi
tiga desain tersebut: bintang berujung m, desain residu (m, n), dan desain quilt.
M bintang titik
Untuk membangun bintang berujung-m, tandai titik-titik yang diberi spasi m pada
lingkaran besar, dan
beri label dengan residu paling sedikit 0 hingga (m − 1) modulo m. Pilih residu
terkecil i modulo m, di mana (i, m) = 1. Gabungkan setiap titik x dengan titik x + i
modulo m.
Gambar 5.1
Gambar 5.2
Desain Selimut
Kita dapat menggunakan tabel penjumlahan dan perkalian untuk menghasilkan
modulu residu paling sedikit
desain artistik dan menarik lainnya. Sebagai contoh, pilih m = 9. Buat tabel
tambahan untuk set residu paling sedikit 0 hingga 8 modulo 9, seperti yang
ditunjukkan Tabel 5.1.
Gambar 5.8
“Modular Design”
Written By :
NAMA : Elza Dwi Putri
NIM : 18029105
LECTURER : Defri Ahmad, S.Pd, M.Si.