Youth Message
Youth Message
Youth Message
The book of Jeremiah contain the prophesies of a man called by God in his youth. A
heartbroken prophet with a heartbreaking message for his generation. His was called
into ministry during the time of King Josiah the last godly king of Judah.
In one of Judah’s darkest hour, God raised up a youth name Jeremiah. Against all
persecution and hardships, Jeremiah stood his ground and boldly proclaimed a
message from God to a stiff neck generation.
During his long ministry he warned God’s people that catastrophe would fall on the
nation because of their idolatry and sin. He lived to see this prophecy come true with the
fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, the destruction of the city and the
Temple, and the exile to Babylon of Judah’s king and many of the people. He also
foretold the eventual return of the people from exile and the restoration of the nation.
I believed that in this dark hour, God is raising up His Jeremiahs, young man and young
woman called by God who will attempt mighty works for Him.
In Jeremiah Chapter one, Jeremiah received a call from God. God told Jeremiah that
even before his was formed in his mother womb God already knew him and had called
him to be a prophet to the nations.
Jeremiah being very young was overwhelmed by the task that God has given to him.
Jeremiah exclaimed No way God! I dont know how to speak! I am just a youth!
Are you running away from what God is calling you to do because you are just a youth? I
have good news for you! God is speaking to you right now, this moment , this second
"Do not say that I am just a youth!"
As God has given Jeremiah a divine purpose for his time and generation, I believed that
God has given this generation of youths His divine purpose.
I see each and every youth that came into the fold as one with a divine purpose in life.
There will be some of them who will become like Jeremiah and Isaiah, some of you will
become like Daniel with the ability to influence the secular affairs of the nations.
As God has given Jeremiah a divine purpose God has called each and everyone of you
youths seated here this evening!
A. Parents must see this divine purpose in your child and groom them up in the fear of
the Lord.
- The sons of Eli had a great destiny before them. Unfortunately Eli did not discipline his
sons and allowed them to erred in their ways. He allowed them to continue sinning.
- Let us remember Eli was a good man. He loves God. He served as a faithful High
priest unto the Lord. But he lacked the courage to discipline them. And he was judged
for the sins of his sons. Groomed your child into their destinies by spending time with
them, correcting them. Parents today groom their children in piano, in basketball, in
tennis, in arts, except to be one destined for Gods purpose. How tragic it is!
1Samuel 3:
12 "In that day I will carry out against Eli all that I have spoken concerning his house,
from beginning to end.
13 "For I have told him that I am about to judge his house forever for the iniquity which
he knew, because his sons brought a curse on themselves and he did not rebuke them.
B. Young people do you see yourself as one with a divine purpose given by God?
- God uses young people and you do not need to look down upon yourselves.
- David was used by God to slay Goliath when his was a youth.
- King Josiah was eight years old when he became King. At an age of 16 when he was
still a youth, he seek the God of his father David and at an age of 22 he began to purge
the land of Idolatry, bring revival to the land of Judah once again.
- The year was 1949. A Scottish Isle named Hebrides was in a time of darkness.
Coldness have crept into the church, and the land was in a state of Moral decay, 7
young deacons in their youths, made a covenant to pray in the barns every night till
revival will come. Most will associate this revival with Duncan Campbell, but it was seven
nameless, faceless youths who prayed heaven glory down.
- Young men and young women do not despise your youth, do not say I am just a youth,
because You have a divine purpose given by God!
You see there are two types of responses to God’s call. Isaiah just heard a heavenly
discussion going on. He never even heard God mentioning his name in the discussion,
but he threw up his hands and say God I volunteer! Send me!! I am something like
Isaiah. Me me me…send me please.
Jeremiah was different. Me? No not me, the task is too impossible send someone else!!!
God is saying whats your problem Jeremiah? The whole of heaven is backing you up
2King 6:
15 Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and gone out, behold, an
army with horses and chariots was circling the city. And his servant said to him, "Alas,
my master! What shall we do?"
16 So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are
with them."
17 Then Elisha prayed and said, "O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." And
the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of
horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
- If he prompts you to share the gospel to your friend, he will empower you for the task.
- So often after preaching and as I recall the things I spoke about, I wondered hey where
did that statement come from. I realized that those are words given by the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:
Some of you will become evangelist for God and He will empowers you.
Some of you will go forth to the nations and He will empowers you.
Do not let anyone despise your youth. God has given you a divine purpose; divine
backing and a divine empowerment.