Max Charge Per Delay
Max Charge Per Delay
Max Charge Per Delay
Abstract: - The present paper mainly with deals the prediction of safe charge of explosive used per delay (Qmax)
using artificial neural network (ANN) incorporating peak particle velocity (PPV) and distance between blast
face to monitoring point (D). 120 blast vibration data sets were monitored at different vulnerable and strategic
locations in and around a major coal producing opencast coal mines in India. 100 blast vibrations records were
used for the training of the ANN model vis-à-vis to determine site constants of various conventional vibration
predictors. Rest 20 new randomly selected data sets were used to compare the ANN prediction results with
widely used conventional predictors. Results were compared based on coefficient of determination (R2)
between measured and predicted values of Qmax. It was found that coefficient of determination between
measured and predicted Qmax by ANN was 0.894, whereas it was ranging from 0.023 to 0.417 by different
conventional predictor equations.
Key-Words: - Safe explosive charge used per delay; peak particle velocity; distance between blast face to
monitoring point; conventional vibration predictors; artificial neural network
1 Introduction
The exploitation of economic minerals from earth As the ground vibration is the most important
crust is increasing day by day at a faster pace since environmental effect of blasting operation some
last decade to fulfill the increasing demand of regulations related to structural damages caused by
minerals. This has led to the substantial increase in ground vibration have been developed [6]. The
the consumption of explosive. When an explosive regulations are primarily based on the peak particle
detonates in a blast hole, a tremendous amount of velocity (PPV) resulted from blasting operations.
energy, in terms of pressure (up to 50 GPa) and To come out with proper amounts of Maximum
temperature (up to 5000 K), is released [1-3]. Charge per Delay which produces limited ground
Although, significant developments have taken vibration, several empirical conventional vibration
place in explosive technology, the explosive energy predictors are available proposed by different
utilization has not made much progress due to the researchers [7-10]. These conventional predictors
complexity of the various rock parameters. Only a are normally used for estimating PPV of ground
fraction of explosive energy (20-30%) is used in vibration by blasting. All the predictors estimate
the actual breakage and displacement of the rock the PPV mainly based on two parameters
mass, and the rest of the energy is spent in (maximum charge used per delay and distance
undesirable effects like ground vibrations, fly between blast face and monitoring point). For the
rocks, noises, back breaks, over breaks, etc. [4-5]. same excavation site, different predictors give
different values of safe PPV vis-à-vis safe charge
per delay. There is no uniformity in the predicted
result by different predictors [11-12]. It seems that [14]. Moreover, it has been proven that a feed-
there is a great need to evaluate the efficiency and forward ANN with an arbitrary number of
credibility of various empirical conventional processing units is a universal function
predictors to calculate maximum charge per delay. approximator [15].
Progress has been made in recent years in ability to 3.1 Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural
predict the Qmax, but the state of the art is deficient Network
in many ways. On the basis of detailed Feed forward neural networks are being widely
investigation, a viable approach for the prediction used for solving various ticklish problems, such as
is necessary, and an Artificial Intelligence (AI) pattern recognition, function approximation,
comes in handy to fulfill this approach. In the dynamic modeling, data mining, time series
present paper, an attempt has been made to predict forecasting, etc. Feed forward networks have one or
the safe charge of explosive per delay using more hidden layers of sigmoid neurons followed by
artificial neural network (ANN) by incorporating an output layer of linear neurons. Multiple layers of
peak particle velocity (PPV) and distance from neurons with nonlinear transfer functions allow the
blast face to monitoring point (D). Prediction network to learn nonlinear and linear relationships
capability of ANN is also compared by various between the input and the output vectors [16]. In
available conventional predictors based on light of Kolmogorov’s theorem, multilayer feed
coefficient of determination. forward network can be viewed as exact
representation of input-output mapping. Further
modification over Kolmogorov’s theorem is made
2 Site description by [17] to obtain the exact representation equation.
The study was conducted at Jayant opencast mine To overcome the difficulty of exact mapping,
of Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL), which is a approximate representation is obtained. Multilayer
subsidiary company of Coal India Limited. It is feed forward found its mathematical form here. A
located at Singrauli, Distt. Sidhi (M.P.), India. The multilayer feed forward network when learns by
area of NCL lies geographically between latitudes back propagation, in which error propagates back is
of 24o 0’ to 24o 12’ and longitudes 82o 30’ to 82o called feed forward back propagation (FFBP).
45’ and belongs to Gondwana super group. The dip Kolmogorov’s theorem however, fails to provide
of the strata is gentle and varying from 20 to 50. The not only number of layers but also number of
coalfield can be divided into two sub basins, viz. neurons necessary in each hidden layer.
Moher sub-basin (312 sq. km.) and Singrauli Main
basin (1890 sq. km.). The field is divided into 11
major mining blocks namely Kakri, Bina, Marrack, 3.2 Learning of Feed Forward Back
Khadia, Dhudhichua, Jayant, Nighahi, Amlohri, Propagation Network
Moher, Gorbi and Jhingurdah. The overburden in Training of the network is basically a process of
this area is mostly medium to coarse-grained arriving at an optimum weight space of the
sandstones, carbonaceous shales and shaly network. The descent down the error surface is
sandstones. Nonel and MS connectors are used for made using the following rule:
initiation. The inter-hole delay was 17-25 ms,
whereas, inter-row delay was 2-4 times the inter- ∂E
hole delay. ∆wη = η ( )
3 The Philosophy of Artificial Neural η is the learning rate parameter.
wη is the weight of the connection between
Network the ith neuron of the input layer and the jth
The technique of artificial neural networks (ANNs)
neuron of the hidden layer.
is an effective alternative methodology. The
artificial intelligence information-processing The update of weight for the (n+1)th pattern is given
structures are still very primitive compared to
biological ones [13]. There is a wide scope to solve
wη (n+1) = wη (a) + ∆ wη (n)
problems by the ANNs particularly to approximate
nonlinear behavior without a prior knowledge of
Similar logic applies to the connection between the
interrelations among the elements within a system
hidden and the output layer.
The error E is the mean squared error and is maintain statistical consistency. Datasets for
determined by the following relation: validation were extracted at regular intervals from
E = Σ [Ok (n) – Ok’ (n)]2 the sorted database and the remaining datasets were
(3) used for the training and testing of ANN model vis-
à-vis to determine site constant of various
Where, conventional vibration predictors. The range of
Ok (n) is the output determined by the distance of monitoring point from blasting face and
network for the nth pattern and Ok’ (n) is the PPV is 35 – 640 m and 1.97 – 82.0 mm/s
corresponding output given in the training respectively, whereas range of explosive charge
data set. used per delay (Qmax) is 25 – 606.25 kg.
4 Data Set
One of the most important stages in the ANN
technique is data collection. In the present study,
120 blast vibration records were monitored at
different vulnerable and strategic locations in and Fig. 1 Suggested ANN for the case study
around the mines as per ISRM [18] standards.
Among which, 100 blast vibration data sets were
chosen for the training of the network and rest 20
6 Testing and Validation of ANN
data sets were used for the testing of the ANN Model
network. The data was divided into training and To test and validate the ANN model, a data sets
validation datasets using sorting method to were chosen, which was not used while training the
PPV = K.Da.Qmaxb
CMRI Predictor 165.6 - 0.644 Qmax = D2(v+0.644/165.6)2 0.738
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Qmax. Here, coeffeicnt of determination is
ranging between 0.023 to 0.417, which is
highest for the Ambraseys – Hendron
predictor, whereas minimum for the Bureau of
Indian Standard predictor. Though, while
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