Isca Revision PDF
Isca Revision PDF
Isca Revision PDF
Enterprise Governance IT Governance GEIT IT steering Committee. Key metrics for Evaluation
of benefit from IT, IT cost,
Dimensions Benefit Benefits Key Function Transparency, Risk
Corporate/ Conformance 1. Increased :- 1. It ensures that IT 1. Ensure long-Run and Short
Governance. Value through enterprise related decision are Run plan are in tune with % of it enabled
Business/ Performance it, made in line with enterprise’s objective investment where: -
Governance. User satisfaction with It enterprise’s objective Benefit realization is
services and strategy 2. Ensure availability of viable monitored through full
Key management practices 2. Improved:- Agility in 2. It ensures it related communication between IT economic life cycle.
(required for aligning IT supporting business needs, process are overseen & its User
strategy with Enterprises) effectively and Claimed benefits are
Transparency and transparently 3. Review and approve major met or exceeded.
Understand Enterprise’s understanding of IT IT deployment project (in all
direction contribution, 3. It ensures that stage) % of It enabled services:-
Assess the current governance Where expected benefit
environment, capabilities, Compliances with requirement for board 4. Review the status of IS plan realized
performance relevant law and members are made. and budget and overall
Define the target It regulation Policies, performance With Approved operational
capabilities. 4. It Provide a consistent cost and expected benefits
Conduct a gap analysis Management and approach integrated 5. Review and approve
Define strategic plan and mitigation of IT related and aligned with standards, Policies & % of Investment business
road map Business needs enterprise governance Procedures cases
Communicate it strategy approach. 6. Facilitate implementation of Satisfaction survey of key
and direction. 3. More utilization of IT 5. It confirms IT security within enterprises stake holders
resources compliances with legal 7. Facilitate and resolve
4. Better cost performance. regulatory conflicts in deployment of it.
Page -2
As per COSO COBIT 5 Key principal for COBIT 5 Categories of Risk management Key management
(internal control Governance and Enablers Strategies practices for
implementing Risk
interrelated components) management of IT
i. Principles, policies and management
Tolerate and
Control environment 1. Meeting stake holders Framework Accepted Risk.
needs ii. Process Collect Data
Risk assessment Terminate/eliminate
2. Covering enterprises End iii. Organisational structure Analyse data
Control activities risk
to End iv. Culture, ethics and Maintain a risk profile
Information and Transfer and Share
3. Applying Single behaviours Articulate risk
communication Risk
integrated framework v. Information Define a risk
Monitoring Treat/mitigate risk
4. Enabling holistic vi. Service, infrastructure management portfolio
Turn back
approach and application Respond to risk
5. Separating governance vii. Skilled and
from management. competencies
COBIT-5 Key management COBIT-5 Key management practice for Assessing and Areas to be reviewed by Internal auditor for Review
practices provided For evaluating the system of internal control. of Governance, Risk and compliances.
ensuring IT compliances
1. Monitor internal control 1. Scope
Identify external 2. Review business process control effectiveness 2. Governance
compliances requirement 3. Perform control self- assessments 3. Evaluate enterprise ethics
Optimize response to 4. Identify and report control deficiencies 4. Risk management
external requirements 5. Ensure that assurance providers are independent and 5. Interpretation
Confirm external qualified 6. Risk management process
compliances 6. Plan assurance initiatives 7. Evaluate risk exposures
Obtain assurance of external 7. Scope assurance initiatives 8. Evaluate fraud and fraud risk
compliances 8. Execute assurance initiatives 9. Address adequacy risk management process.
Role of IT in enterprises Level of Managerial activities Components in COBIT
1. Not merely for data processing but more for
strategic and competitive advantage Strategic planning Framework
2. Not only automate but also transform the Management control
way business process performed Operational Control Process Description
3. Not only impacts the way internal control
implemented but also provide better and Categories/Classification of IT Control Objectives
innovative strategic services.
strategic planning
4. Aligned business strategy and ensure value Management Guidelines
5. Extensive organization restructuring/ Enterprise strategic plan
Maturity & Models
business process Re-engineering IS strategic plan
IS requirement plan
IS application and facilities plan
Risk management in COBIT-5 Areas of review of assessing and Terminology and short notes:-
managing risk ASSET
Risk Assessment o Risk management ownership and VULNERABILITY
accountability THREAT
Risk identification o Different kind of IT Risk (technology, EXPOSURE
Risk Analysis security, continuity, regularity, etc.) LIKELIHOOD
Risk prioritization o Define and communicate risk tolerance ATTACK
profile RISK
Risk Mitigation Control o Root cause analysis and risk mitigation COUNTERMEASURE
Risk Reduction o Quantitative and qualitative risk MATRICS OF RISK MANAGEMENT
Risk planning measurement
Risk monitoring o Risk assessment methodology
o Risk action plan and timely assessment
CHAPTER 2 (Information system Concept) Page-1
Classification of system Types of information system
Operation level system :- Knowledge level system
On the basis of
Element :- Abstract, Physical TPS (1)OAS (2) Knowledge management system
Component:- Input, Benefits:- It Is the process of capturing,
Interactive Behaviour:- Open, Closed Processing, Storage, Output Improve communication developing, sharing & effectively using
Reduce the cycle time organizational information. It is multi-
Degree of Human :-Manual Feature/Characteristics:- Reduce cost of Communicatn disciplined approach.
Intervention Automated @ Large volume of Data Ensure the accuracy of info. It retrieve, stores knowledge and
@ Automation of Basic Smooth flow of communicatn improve collaboration. It mines
Working/Output :- Deterministic operation Make activities effective and repositories for hidden knowledge
Probabilistic @ benefits are easily efficient & simple
Characteristics of computer based measurable Name of computer base office Types of knowledge
@ source of input for other Automation system Explicit Tacit
information system
system >Easily available >Resides in a few
Work for predetermined objectives Text processing system
across the often in just one
Not of sub system and interdependent Electronic document
Key activity of TPS organization person.
If on fails all fails management system
@ Capturing data and >It can be > Which have not
Interact to each other to achieve goal Electronic message
organising into files & formalized easily been captured by
Individual system have lower priority communication system
database Teleconferencing and video
than the goal of entire system
@ processing file database conferencing system
using application software
Component of information system Implication of IS in Business Attributes of information
@ Generating information in
People (user) Helps in efficient decision
the form of report
Computer (hardware and Software) @ Processing queries from making Availability, Purpose/Objective, Rate
Data various quarters of Able to survive in competitive Mode and format, Current/Updated
Network organisation. environment Frequency, Completeness/Adequacy
Right decision on right time Reliability, validity, Quality,
Knowledge gained from IS can Transparency,
be utilized in unusual situation Value of information
Integrated to formulate strategy