Efectiveness Strengthening
Efectiveness Strengthening
Efectiveness Strengthening
Journal of
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Dementia Question: Does physical exercise training improve physical function and quality of life in people with
Exercise cognitive impairment and dementia? Which training protocols improve physical function and quality of
Mild cognitive impairment life? How do cognitive impairment and other patient characteristics influence the outcomes of exercise
Physical fitness
training? Design: Systematic review with meta-analysis of randomised trials. Participants: People with
Quality of life
mild cognitive impairment or dementia as the primary diagnosis. Intervention: Physical exercise.
Outcome measures: Strength, flexibility, gait, balance, mobility, walking endurance, dual-task ability,
activities of daily living, quality of life, and falls. Results: Forty-three clinical trials (n = 3988) were
included. According to the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation
(GRADE) system, the meta-analyses revealed strong evidence in support of using supervised exercise
training to improve the results of 30-second sit-to-stand test (MD 2.1 repetitions, 95% CI 0.3 to 3.9), step
length (MD 5 cm, 95% CI 2 to 8), Berg Balance Scale (MD 3.6 points, 95% CI 0.3 to 7.0), functional reach
(3.9 cm, 95% CI 2.2 to 5.5), Timed Up and Go test (–1 second, 95% CI –2 to 0), walking speed (0.13 m/s, 95%
CI 0.03 to 0.24), and 6-minute walk test (50 m, 95% CI 18 to 81) in individuals with mild cognitive
impairment or dementia. Weak evidence supported the use of exercise in improving flexibility and
Barthel Index performance. Weak evidence suggested that non-specific exercise did not improve
dual-tasking ability or activity level. Strong evidence indicated that exercise did not improve quality of
life in this population. The effect of exercise on falls remained inconclusive. Poorer physical function was
a determinant of better response to exercise training, but cognitive performance did not have an impact.
Conclusion: People with various levels of cognitive impairment can benefit from supervised
multi-modal exercise for about 60 minutes a day, 2 to 3 days a week to improve physical function.
[Lam FMH , Huang MZ, Liao LR, Chung RCK, Kwok TCY, Pang MYC (2018) Physical exercise improves
strength, balance, mobility, and endurance in people with cognitive impairment and dementia: a
systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy XX: XX–XX]
© 2017 Australian Physiotherapy Association. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
1836-9553/© 2017 Australian Physiotherapy Association. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.
Please cite this article in press as: Lam FMH, et al. Physical exercise improves strength, balance, mobility, and endurance in people with
cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review. J Physiother. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2017.12.001
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JPHYS-391; No. of Pages 12
published in the last few years, and it is thus timely to conduct a review were based on the information obtained from the PEDro
systematic review on this topic to address the knowledge gaps website, where studies are rated in duplicate by trained raters.
identified above.
Therefore, the research questions for this systematic review Participants
were: To describe the participants in each trial, the following
information was extracted from the published report: sample
1. Does physical exercise training improve physical function and size, mean age, gender ratio, location of participants (community,
quality of life in people with cognitive impairment and institution), diagnosis, and cognitive impairment test scores
dementia? (eg, Mini Mental State Examination).
2. Which training protocols improve physical function and quality
of life? Intervention
3. How do cognitive impairment and other patient characteristics The details extracted from each included study about the
influence the outcomes of exercise training? exercise intervention were: frequency, intensity, duration and type
of physical exercise.
for outcomes where meta-analysis was possible, I2 50%
Box 1. Inclusion criteria. in the primary meta-analysis and the meta-analysis that
involved only trials with high methodological quality
Design for outcomes where meta-analysis was not possible,
Randomised trial mixed results were reported
English language
Participants the participants, intervention, comparator intervention,
People with a primary diagnosis of mild cognitive outcome measure or study design did not match between
impairment or dementia the included studies and the eligibility criteria for this
Physical exercise Imprecision
insufficient studies for meta-analysis
Outcome measures the number of subjects included in the primary meta-
Measures of physical function analysis was less than that required by a conventional
Measures of quality of life sample size calculation for a single trial
the 95% CI spanned zero
Exercise versus no intervention/placebo Publication bias
Exercise plus other intervention versus other intervention p < 0.1 on the two-tailed Egger’s regression asymmetry
only test
Please cite this article in press as: Lam FMH, et al. Physical exercise improves strength, balance, mobility, and endurance in people with
cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review. J Physiother. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2017.12.001
G Model
JPHYS-391; No. of Pages 12
Research 3
indicated the presence of publication bias. The mean difference Characteristics of included trials
provided a summary measure of the effect of exercise. Sensitivity
analyses were conducted based on different patient subgroups, The methodological quality of the included studies is sum-
outcome mono-dimensionality, and methodological quality, if marised in Table 1. A more detailed version of this table is available
three or more trials remained eligible for the additional analyses. in Appendix 2 on the eAddenda. The characteristics of their study
The level of evidence for each outcome measure was then populations are summarised in Table 2. The physical exercise
calculated according to the Grades of Recommendation, Assess- protocols assessed in the included studies are summarised in
ment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system.26 The rating Table 3. More details about the study populations, the intervention
for each level of evidence started with ‘high quality’, as only protocols, and the outcome measures are available in Appendix
randomised, controlled trials were included in this review. It was 3 on the eAddenda.
downgraded by one level for each of the criteria shown in Box 2.
The quality of evidence was downgraded by two levels if less than Quality
half of the trials included in the primary meta-analysis had a PEDro The quality of evidence assessed according to the GRADE is
score of 4. For outcomes for which meta-analysis was not provided in Table 4. The results were organised according to the
possible, the same criteria were adopted with reference to the total three levels of functioning described in the International
number of trials reviewed for that particular outcome. Evidence Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF), namely:
quality was upgraded by one level if the effect size was large. After body functions and structures, activities, and participation.81
considering the balance of desirable and undesirable aspects of the Outcomes that were reported by less than three trials are listed in
available evidence, a strong or weak recommendation would be Appendix 4 on the eAddenda.
given according to existing evidence.26
total of 3988 subjects (Figure 1). Three papers were excluded from fair (4 to 5) 11 (26)
poor (0 to 3) 2 (5)
some of the meta-analyses, as the required information was
missing despite efforts to contact the original authors.36,48,58 Percentages do not sum to 100, due to the effects of rounding.
Please cite this article in press as: Lam FMH, et al. Physical exercise improves strength, balance, mobility, and endurance in people with
cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review. J Physiother. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2017.12.001
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JPHYS-391; No. of Pages 12
Table 2
Characteristics of the participants in the included trials (n = 43).
Sample size
50 18 (42)
>50 25 (58)
Cognitive impairment level
mild cognitive impairment (mean MMSE > 24) 11 (26)
mild dementia (mean MMSE 20 to 24) 11 (26)
moderate dementia (mean MMSE 10 to 20) 16 (37)
severe dementia (mean MMSE < 10) 5 (12)
Setting of the trial
residential care units 20 (47)
community 19 (44)
hospital respite care 1 (2)
mixed 3 (7)
Percentages may not sum to 100, due to the effects of rounding. MMSE = Mini Mental State Examination.
ing35 (45 to 90 minutes per session, 2 to 7 sessions per week for 4 to training with a resistance exercise component (30 to 120 minutes
12 months) were compared to usual care,50 health promotion,30 or per session, 2 to 4 sessions per week, for 9 weeks to
low-intensity stretching and balance exercise.35 All three trials 4 months).41,49,50,71 The intensity of the resistance training was
reported no significant change in BMI after physical exercise not specified. The training effect appeared to diminish starting at
relative to the control intervention.30,35,50 9 weeks and 3 months after training.42,71
Upper limb strength was reported in four trials.39–42,49 Three
of these trials assessed handgrip strength and one used the
Strength (moderate-quality evidence) arm-curl test. The one trial that incorporated resistance training
Meta-analysis of four trials (278 participants) showed a reported results in favour of the exercise group.49 The other three
significant effect of exercise on improving 30-second sit-to-stand trials, which all lacked specific upper limb resistance training,
performance by 2.1 repetitions (95% CI 0.3 to 3.9).48,49,71,77 See reported no significant effects.39–42
Figure 2, or for a more detailed forest plot see Figure 3 on the
eAddenda. The result remained significant in sensitivity analyses
that included only those trials that involved participants in Flexibility (very-low-quality evidence)
institutionalised settings (three trials, 258 participants). The Flexibility was assessed in three trials.49,58,62 All trials
heterogeneity across trials was high in both the primary and incorporated multimodal exercise with a flexibility training
sensitivity analysis, with I2 values of 82% and 88%, respectively. component (2 to 3 sessions per week, 16 weeks to 12 months),
Together with four other trials that assessed other types of sit-to- and reported significant improvements in the intervention group.
stand performance (eg, five times sit-to-stand test),41,50,52,55 all Of these, two reported that the improvements in the intervention
trials that reported significant training effects adopted multimodal group were significantly greater than no-intervention controls
Table 3
Characteristics of the physical exercise protocols used in the included trials (n = 43).
Mode of exercise a
aerobic exercise 11 (23)
walking exercise 3 (6)
dual-task walking 2 (4)
multimodal 21 (45)
ADL/functional training 2 (4)
strengthening exercise 2 (4)
others 6 (13)
Duration of session (min)
<30 3 (7)
30 to 40 10 (23)
45 to 60 15 (35)
75 to 150 5 (12)
variable (15 to 60) 6 (14)
unclear 4 (9)
Frequency (sessions/week)
1 to 2 17 (39)
3 to 4 15 (34)
5 to 7 8 (18)
variable or unclear 4 (9)
Duration c
single session 1 (2)
8 to 15 weeks 16 (36)
16 to 24 weeks 18 (40)
12 months 9 (20)
unclear 1 (2)
Percentages may not sum to 100, due to the effects of rounding. ADL = activities of daily living.
n = 47. Four of the trials had two exercise groups in addition to the control group: Nagamatsu36 had aerobic and strengthening groups; Roach70 had walking and
multimodal groups; Tappen65 had walking and dual-task walking groups; and Bosser71 had aerobic and multimodal groups.
n = 44. Apart from the control group, Christofoletti54 had two exercise groups, which had different numbers of exercise sessions per week: 3 and 5.
n = 45. Two trials used interim evaluation: in the 12-month trial by Uemura,30 a 6-month interim evaluation was reported by Doi,28 Makizako40 and Suzuki.31 Similarly, in
the 12-month trial by Lam,32 a 6-month interim evaluation was also reported.33
Please cite this article in press as: Lam FMH, et al. Physical exercise improves strength, balance, mobility, and endurance in people with
cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review. J Physiother. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2017.12.001
G Model
JPHYS-391; No. of Pages 12
Research 5
Table 4
Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) quality of evidence.
as assessed by the chair sit-and-reach test49,58 and back scratch plot see Figure 9 on the eAddenda. Similar results were obtained in
test.49 Between-group analysis was not conducted in one of these sensitivity analyses that included only those trials with: high
trials.62 methodological quality (four trials, 199 participants), participants
with mild cognitive impairment and mild-grade dementia
Step length (high-quality evidence) participants (five trials, 219 participants), or community settings
Meta-analysis of five trials (296 participants) revealed a (five trials, 197 participants). The heterogeneity across trials in all
significant effect of exercise on improving step length by 5 cm analyses was minimal with I2 ranging from 0 to 1%.
(95% CI 2 to 8).28,41,56,64 See Figure 4, or for a more detailed forest Together with other trials that used clinical balance assessment
plot see Figure 5 on the eAddenda. The heterogeneity across trials scales as outcomes (eg, Tinetti balance assessments), it was found
was low (I2 = 29%). Sensitivity analyses that included only trials that various types of exercise interventions were effective in
with high methodological quality (four trials, 265 participants), or improving balance, including multimodal exercise, Tai Chi,
individuals with mild cognitive impairment and mild-grade resistance and functional training, and walking (20 to 120 minutes
dementia (three trials, 183 participants) remained significant per session, at least 2 sessions per week, for a total of 9 weeks to
and the I2 was reduced to 0%. Those trials that reported positive 12 months).32,33,41,45,48–52,54,58,59,71,77,78 Four trials with follow-up
outcomes adopted multimodal exercise with walking, aerobic assessments suggested that the training effect was found to
training, or functional training components, or specific aerobic diminish at 9 weeks,71 3 months,41,42 or 6 months,45,76 although the
training (60 to 120 minutes per session, 2 to 3 sessions per week for outcomes remained significantly better than controls in three of
15 weeks to 6 months).28,41,56,64 One of the three trials performed the trials.41,42,45,76
long-term follow-up assessments and reported that the improve-
ment was diminished and returned to baseline values 9 months Mobility (moderate-quality evidence)
after the intervention.41,42 Meta-analysis (11 trials, 606 participants) showed that exercise
significantly reduced the time required to complete the Timed Up
Effect of exercise on activity and Go (TUG) test by 1 second (95% CI –2 to 0).41,47,50–55,71,75,79
See Figure 10, or for a more detailed forest plot see Figure 11
Balance (high-quality evidence)
The primary analysis of the effect of exercise on the Berg
Balance Scale (six trials, 722 participants) revealed that exercise MD (95% Cl)
Study Random
significantly improved scores by 3.6 points (95% CI 0.3 to
7.0).33,45,54,59,77,78 See Figure 6, or for a more detailed forest plot Arcoverde 2014
see Figure 7 on the eAddenda. Publication bias was noted for this
Bossers 2015
meta-analysis. A sensitivity analysis that included only trials with
high methodological quality (four trials, 673 participants) marked- Santana-Sosa 2008
ly reduced the heterogeneity across trials, with I2 value dropping
Telenius 2015
from 91 to 17%. There was no publication bias in this analysis but
the mean improvement found was reduced to 1.5 points (95% CI Pooled
0.1 to 3.0). Another sensitivity analysis that included only studies
Institutionalised only
involving participants with moderate-grade dementia and living in
institutions (four trials, 376 participants) also yielded significant
results in favour of the exercise group, but the I2 value was high –4 –2 0 2 4 6
The primary analysis of the effect of exercise on the functional Favours control (repetitions) Favours excercise
reach test (six trials, 242 participants) showed that exercise Figure 2. Weighted mean difference (95% CI) in 30-second sit-to-stand test
significantly improved the reaching distance by 3.9 cm (95% CI performance (number of repetitions) due to exercise, pooling data from four studies
2.2 to 5.5).45,48,50,52,55,79 See Figure 8, or for a more detailed forest (278 participants).
Please cite this article in press as: Lam FMH, et al. Physical exercise improves strength, balance, mobility, and endurance in people with
cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review. J Physiother. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2017.12.001
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JPHYS-391; No. of Pages 12
MD (95% Cl)
Study Random
Christofoletti 2008
Lam 2012
Miu 2008
Telenius 2015
Toots 2016
Yoon 2013
–10 –5 0 5 10
Figure 6. Weighted mean difference (95% CI) in Berg Balance Scale performance (0 to 56) due to exercise, pooling data from six studies (722 participants).
Please cite this article in press as: Lam FMH, et al. Physical exercise improves strength, balance, mobility, and endurance in people with
cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review. J Physiother. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2017.12.001
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JPHYS-391; No. of Pages 12
Research 7
Doi 2013
Lü 2015
Hauer 2012
Miu 2008
Kemoun 2010
Netz 2007
Rolland 2007
Suttanon 2013
Suttanon 2013
Vreugdenhil 2012
Telenius 2015
High methodological quality only High methodological quality only
MCI and mild grade dementia only MCI and mild grade dementia only
Community setting only Moderate to severe grade dementia only
Miu 2008
Suttanon 2013
Roach 2011
Varela 2011
Tappen 2000
Vreugdenhil 2012
Uemura 2012
Venturelli 2011
High methodological quality only
MCI and mild grade dementia only
High methodological quality only
Moderate grade dementia only
Moderate to severe grade dementia only
Community setting only Community setting only
Institutionalised only Institutionalised only
Aerobic exercise only Aerobic and walking exercise only
Please cite this article in press as: Lam FMH, et al. Physical exercise improves strength, balance, mobility, and endurance in people with
cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review. J Physiother. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2017.12.001
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JPHYS-391; No. of Pages 12
MD (95% Cl) controls, while the incidence of fractures or hospitalisation did not
Study Random
differ between groups.
Santana-Sosa 2008
did not result in higher activity level than controls,27,39,46,52 except
for one of the outcome variables (ie, total steps per week) reported In almost all of the reviewed trials, the exercise training was
by Lautenschlager and colleagues.27 One trial reported a signifi- conducted under the supervision of either the caregiver (four
cantly greater improvement in the exercise group immediately trials)46,50,52,61 or professional staff (eg, research staff, certified
after training, but the effect was not maintained at 3 or exercise instructors, therapists) (33 trials).28–45,47–49,51,53–60,62–79
9 months.41,42 The only exception was the trial by Lautenschlager and collea-
gues,27 in which the participants with mild cognitive impairment
were taught the exercises and advised to do them independently at
Quality of life (moderate-quality evidence)
home. Of the four trials in which the caregiver provided
Eight trials measured quality of life.27,37,39,45,46,52,53,76 All six
supervision, three involved participants with mild-grade demen-
trials that used multimodal exercise as the experimental interven-
tia46,50,52 and one involved moderate-grade dementia.61 The
tion (at least two 40 to 60 minute sessions/week for 12 weeks to
remaining trials did not provide information on supervision of
6 months) reported no significant results.27,45,46,52,53,76 In the other
the exercise.44,56,59,62,80
two trials,37,39 a walking program was adopted; one of these trials
Nineteen trials explicitly reported if any adverse effects
reported improvement in satisfaction in daily life.39 While the trial
that reported no significant improvement adopted moderate-
Among these, 10 trials reported that no adverse event occur-
intensity walking exercise (60 minutes/day, 2 days/week, 1 year),37
red.29,37,41,42,46,48,49,61,63,64,74,76,77,79 Four trials reported few ad-
the trial that reported significant improvement in quality of life
verse events in the exercise group (ie, foot pain,27 falls,31,33,60,72
administered a 90-minute walking program once a week for
hospitalisation31) that were considered unlikely to be related to the
3 months. In the latter program, the participants were also
intervention by the original authors.27,33 Five trials reported
encouraged to walk daily and organise walking events with other
adverse events that may be related to exercise.36,52,53,66,78 These
group members.39
adverse events included a higher number of hospitalisations per
patient,66 falls,36,66 shortness of breath,36 erythema,53 and pain or
Falls (low-quality evidence) discomfort, which eased as time progressed or by slight
Four trials examined the effect of exercise on falls.42,51,52,60,72,73 modification of the exercise.52 One trial reported that one of the
Meta-analysis (three trials, 191 participants) showed that exercise participants fell ill one day after an exercise session and later
did not reduce the number of fallers compared to controls (OR 0.98, passed away with a diagnosis of circulatory failure and general
95% CI 0.49 to 1.95).42,51,52 See Figure 18, or for a more detailed atherosclerosis.78
forest plot see Figure 19 on the eAddenda. The heterogeneity across
trials was low in this analysis (I2 = 26%). For other fall-related
outcomes, three trials reported that the exercise group did not
differ from the controls in cumulative falls, fall rate, fall risk score
This systematic review summarised the evidence on the effects
and time to first fall.42,51,52 Pitkälä and colleagues60 reported that
of exercise on physical functioning and quality of life in individuals
12 months of multimodal exercise resulted in a significant lower
with mild cognitive impairment and dementia. The large number
number of falls per year when compared with no-intervention
of trials involved in this review made sensitivity analyses possible,
OR (95% Cl) which was missing in previous reviews.13–18,22,82–84 Sensitivity
Study Random analysis allowed the effects of exercise on patient subgroups to be
determined, and the potential factors that may affect training
Kovács 2013 outcomes to be identified.
Overall, very few adverse events were reported with exercise.
Suttanon 2013
Hence, according to the quality and direction of the evidence, there
Zieschang 2013 was strong evidence to support the use of exercise in improving
strength, step length, balance, TUG, walking speed, and endurance
Pooled in people with mild cognitive impairment, or mild-to-moderate-
grade dementia. On the other hand, the evidence for supporting
0.2 0.5 1 2 5 the use of exercise in improving flexibility and ADL was weak.
There was weak evidence against the use of non-specific exercise
Favours excercise Favours control
in improving BMI, dual-tasking ability and activity level, and strong
Figure 18. Odds ratio (95% CI) of number of fallers in the exercise versus control evidence against the use of non-specific exercise in improving
groups, pooling data from three studies (191 participants). quality of life. The review provided no recommendations on the
Please cite this article in press as: Lam FMH, et al. Physical exercise improves strength, balance, mobility, and endurance in people with
cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review. J Physiother. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2017.12.001
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JPHYS-391; No. of Pages 12
Research 9
effect of exercise on falls, as most trials collected fall data during 60 minutes;48,55,76,77 significant: 75 to 120 minutes).41,42,49 This
the intervention period.51,52,60 This data collection method is prone suggests that the strength training component cannot be too short
to inaccuracy, as the effect of exercise may not appear in the initial in a multimodal training program if benefits on muscle strength
periods of intervention. The meta-analysis also may not have had are desired. For walking endurance, trials that reported negative
sufficient power to detect a significant between-group difference findings also tended to adopt a shorter training duration per
in fall rate, given the limited sample size. The results of this review session (10 to 30 minutes).67,69,70 A longer exercise duration in each
can be generalised to people with mild cognitive impairment or session (30 minutes of aerobic training) is required to induce a
mild-to-moderate-grade dementia. positive training effect.
Specificity of training appears to be an important factor in With a large number of trials included in our review, it was
obtaining beneficial effects on impairment-level outcomes (eg, possible to conduct sensitivity analyses for people with different
strength, flexibility) and certain activity-level outcomes (ie, levels of cognitive impairment. Indeed, sensitivity analyses that
walking endurance). For example, among all trials that reported involved only people with mild cognitive impairment or mild-
favourable results on lower limb strength and walking endurance, grade dementia did not show superior benefits of exercise in
100% and 71% included specific training for the respective improving step length and functional reach when compared with
outcomes. Indeed, the sensitivity analysis showed that specific the primary analysis. On the contrary, when compared with the
aerobic training led to the greatest improvement in the 6-minute primary analyses, the moderate dementia group tended to have a
walk distance. On the other hand, for lower limb strength, two48,55 slightly better improvement in BBS and the moderate-to-severe
out of five trials46,48,52,55,76,77 that did not identify a treatment dementia group had a better improvement in 6-minute walk
benefit did not incorporate training that specifically targeted lower distance. When compared with the mild cognitive impairment and
limb muscle strength. For endurance, all trials that did not identify mild-grade dementia group, the moderate dementia group also
a treatment benefit did not include an aerobic training component showed more improvement in TUG, while the moderate-to-severe
in their training program.67,69,70 All trials that measured flexibility dementia group showed slightly more improvement in walking
also included flexibility exercise as part of the overall training, and speed. It should be noted that the response in the moderate-to-
reported positive results.49,58,62 For more complex activity-level severe-grade dementia subgroup also tended to be more
outcomes such as balance, the specificity of training seemed to be heterogeneous (eg, TUG, walking speed, 6-minute walk test). This
less important. Sixty-four per cent of the trials that reported finding challenges the previous finding that better cognitive ability
favourable results on balance outcomes incorporated specific is associated with greater improvement in TUG performance
balance training. However, two trials45,48 that adopted aerobic within a group of patients with mild cognitive impairment.86
exercise, and one trial that incorporated aerobic and resistance However, it should be noted that this comparison involved a much
exercise71 also reported positive effects on balance. On the other greater between-group difference in baseline cognitive ability (ie,
hand, although Tai Chi33 and cycling exercise59 were reported to mild cognitive impairment and mild-grade dementia versus
induce significant effects on balance, the improvement was very moderate-to-severe-grade dementia) rather than comparing
small and markedly less than the minimal clinically important individuals within the same diagnostic category (eg, within mild
change.85 cognitive impairment only). As the cognitive decline was found to
For even higher levels of function like ADL, various forms of be associated with poorer physical function, the group with
exercise other than specific ADL training were found to be more advanced cognitive impairment may indeed have a larger
beneficial, including aerobic walking training,61 cycling exer- potential for improvement in physical function with exercise
cise,75,80,59 multimodal training without a specific ADL training training. For example, a previous trial revealed that the effect of
component,18,46,49,50,66 handball training,29and dance and move- exercise on fall reduction is more potent in people with advanced
ment therapy.44 This could be because ADL ability can be dementia due to their inherent high fall rate.73
influenced by many impairment variables. Taken together, these results suggest that people with
Based on the overall evidence, it can be deduced that moderate-grade cognitive impairment are still likely to respond
regular multimodal exercise with a combination of resistance, positively to exercise training. The response to exercise training
aerobic, balance, flexibility and functional training for around among people with severe-grade cognitive impairment remains
60 minutes a day, 2 to 3 days a week is effective in improving largely uncertain, as only five trials66–70 were conducted in this
various aspects of physical functioning (lower limb strength, patient subgroup and only one was included in the meta-analysis
mobility, balance, walking endurance). Considering that specific of walking speed66 and 6-minute walk test distance,70 respectively.
training is more important for impairment level outcomes, a Participants’ physical ability at baseline also appears to
comprehensive assessment of physical functioning is required influence training outcome. For TUG, the sensitivity analysis
to determine the specific areas of deficit, so that the appropriate involving those trials that included only community-dwelling
type of exercise (flexibility, aerobic, resistance) can be individuals yielded non-significant results. This could be because
incorporated into the overall program to address the impair- community-dwelling participants tended to have better baseline
ments identified. The training program duration varied (ie, mobility level (mean TUG: 10 to 18 seconds) and thus have less
8 weeks to 15 months), but the overall evidence indicated that room for improvement,50,52,53,55 when compared with most of
positive training effects on physical function can be obtained in the other trials included in the primary meta-analysis (mean
9 to 16 weeks. Based on the few trials that included follow-up TUG: 15 to 33 seconds).41,47,51,54,71,75 Perttila et al72 also suggested
assessment, the improvements in strength, step length and that while the worsening of ADL performance was attenuated in
balance diminished from 9 weeks to 9 months after the both the prefrail and frail subgroups of people with dementia upon
intervention. Continuous exercise programs may be required to exercise training, a significant effect was achieved at the sixth
maintain the treatment effect. month of training for the advanced frailty group but only at the
With respect to the frequency, intensity and duration of twelfth month for the prefrail group. The fall reduction effect
training, no clear differences in these parameters were identified was also greater in the advanced frailty group (incidence rate
between the trials that yielded larger effect sizes and those with ratio: advanced frailty: 0.43; prefrail: 0.63). This suggested that
smaller effect sizes for all outcomes, except lower limb strength cognitively impaired individuals who have deteriorated physical
and walking endurance. For strength, one trial suggested that performance could potentially benefit more from exercise training.
30 minutes of specific strength training of 12 repetition-maximum Exercise attendance appeared to be generally acceptable
could lead to significant strength improvement.71 However, across trials. Two trials reported an attendance rate <70%.65,66
among the trials that incorporated multimodal exercise, those Upon examining the training protocols and the participants’
that reported no significant results tended to use a shorter characteristics, no obvious relationship could be found between
total training duration per session (non-significant: 30 to the training protocols used and attendance rates. However, in the
Please cite this article in press as: Lam FMH, et al. Physical exercise improves strength, balance, mobility, and endurance in people with
cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review. J Physiother. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2017.12.001
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JPHYS-391; No. of Pages 12
two trials that reported exceptionally low attendance, the way that the different dementia grades were classified (Table 2).
cognitive ability of the participants was also the poorest (mean Finally, only trials reported in English were included in this
MMSE = 8.8 and 11.1, respectively).65,66 However, two other trials review.
that involved participants with relatively low cognitive ability Despite the large number of trials that have been conducted,
(mean MMSE = 13) reported good attendance.55,61 Therefore, no determinants of successful training outcomes are still unclear for
consistent trend could be identified regarding the relationship many of the outcome measures. More effort could be put into
between cognitive ability and exercise attendance. Taken together, identifying key factors (ie, training type, and parameters) that
the difference in attendance rate could possibly be due to complex determine the favourable treatment outcomes. Good quality trials
interaction of factors such as the exercise training protocol are needed to study the effects on exercise on falls and dual-tasking
adopted, cognitive ability, level of physical functioning and ability, which are important concerns in individuals with cognitive
involvement of the family/caregiver. impairments. Mediators or strategies that are required to translate
Unfortunately, other aspects of adherence (eg, intensity level, the improvement in body functions/structures-level outcomes
training duration) were seldom reported in the included trials. into improvement in activity/participation-level outcomes should
Therefore, the influence of patient or intervention-related factors be identified. Long-term effects of exercise training also await
on patients’ adherence to the prescribed protocol could not be further investigations. More economical ways of providing exercise
deduced. The influence of exercise adherence to treatment training (eg, through educating the caregiver) should be further
outcomes also remains uncertain. investigated. More research on people with severe dementia
It is recommended that exercise training be supervised by should be conducted.
professional staff. For those with mild cognitive impairment or In conclusion, this review demonstrated that physical exercise
mild dementia, the training may be supervised by a properly training is a feasible intervention for people with mild cognitive
trained caregiver.46,50,52,61 Less than half of the trials included in impairment and dementia, and that the benefits far outweigh the
this review included information regarding adverse effects. Only risks. Strong evidence was found to support the use of physical
five out of 14 trials reported adverse effects that were related to exercise in improving strength, step length, balance, mobility, and
exercise.36,52,53,66,78 Most adverse events reported were mild and walking endurance. There was weak evidence supporting the use
subsided quickly.36,52 A higher hospitalisation rate in the exercise of exercise for improving flexibility and ADL, and against the use of
group was reported by Rolland et al66 but it remains unclear if non-specific exercise for improving dual-tasking ability and
the between-group difference in hospitalisation rate was already increasing activity levels. The evidence against the use of
present prior to commencement of the exercise intervention. The non-specific exercise alone for improving quality of life was
single death event reported by one trial was not directly related to strong. Taken together, supervised multimodal exercise for about
exercise training.78 In summary, no evidence suggests that exercise 60 minutes a day and 2 to 3 days a week was beneficial in
poses an substantial risk to individuals with mild cognitive improving physical functioning in individuals with mild cognitive
impairment or dementia. impairment or mild-to-moderate-grade dementia. The effect of
Research in people with severe dementia is scarce. The results exercise in severe-grade dementia was less certain, due to paucity
of this review are therefore better generalised to people with mild of research.
cognitive impairment, and mild or moderate dementia. Details on
the training protocol, such as the specific exercises performed,
training intensity and progression rules, and the time devoted to
different types of exercise in a multimodal program are crucial What is already known on this topic: Exercise training
pieces of information, but were seldom reported. Delineating the improves cognitive and physical function in healthy older
factors that are important determinants of successful training adults, and is feasible and beneficial for people with cognitive
outcomes is therefore difficult. Detailed information on adherence impairment. Patients with dementia are less likely to partici-
pate in regular physical exercise when compared with their
to exercise training (ie, degree of deviation between the actual
counterparts with normal cognition.
exercise conducted by the participants and the prescribed exercise
What this study adds: Strong evidence now indicates that
protocol) was also rarely reported in the included trials. Long-term exercise for people with mild cognitive impairment or mild to
follow-up trials were few and so the carry-over effects of exercise moderate dementia improves sit to stand, step length, balance,
were not well evaluated. mobility and walking endurance. People across these levels of
This review had some limitations. We used the mean baseline cognitive impairment are more likely to achieve these benefits
cognitive outcome scores to classify the selected trials into with supervised multi-modal exercise for about 60 minutes a
different patient sub-groups. There may be potential inaccuracy day, 2 to 3 days a week.
with this approach, as heterogeneity of the sample within the
same trial was not considered. Most trials used multimodal
exercise as the experimental intervention, and so it was difficult Footnotes: a Review Manager 5.3, The Nordic Cochrane Centre,
to single out the effect of a particular exercise type. We did not The Cochrane Collaboration, Copenhagen, Denmark; b Compre-
perform any economic analysis and hence could not comment on hensive Meta-analysis version 3, Biostatc, Inc., Englewood, NJ, USA.
the cost-effectiveness of the exercise programs studied. We did eAddenda: Figures 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19 and Appendices
not separate the trials that tended to examine ‘efficacy’ (training 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.
performed in a highly controlled environment) from those that 2017.12.001
tended to examine ‘effectiveness’ (training performed under real- Ethics approval: Not required.
world conditions) on the continuum from efficacy to effective- Competing interests: The authors declare that there is no
ness. To assist readers in judging whether the findings of the conflict of interest.
present review apply to ‘real-world’ conditions in their respective Source of support: Freddy MH Lam and MZ Huang were granted
contexts, other relevant information of the trials (key subject a full-time research scholarship by the Hong Kong Polytechnic
characteristics, attendance, adverse effects, and supervision level) University (RTSF). LR Liao received support from the Research
was provided. Many trials did not contain adequate details Grant Council. Marco YC Pang was provided with a research grant
necessary for meta-analysis. Meta-analysis could not be per- by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (G-YJ41).
formed for several outcomes, due to the small number of trials. Acknowledgements: Nil.
Publication bias was present in a small number of analyses. A Provenance: Not invited. Peer reviewed.
definite conclusion could not be made on the effect of exercise in Correspondence: Marco YC Pang, Department of Rehabilitation
severe-grade dementia because there is less research in this Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. Email:
subgroup of the dementia population. This may also be due to the Marco.Pang@polyu.edu.hk
Please cite this article in press as: Lam FMH, et al. Physical exercise improves strength, balance, mobility, and endurance in people with
cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review. J Physiother. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2017.12.001
G Model
JPHYS-391; No. of Pages 12
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Please cite this article in press as: Lam FMH, et al. Physical exercise improves strength, balance, mobility, and endurance in people with
cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review. J Physiother. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2017.12.001