Bank Erosion in A River
Bank Erosion in A River
Bank Erosion in A River
April 2017
Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
Published by the Murray–Darling Basin Authority GPO Box 1801, Canberra ACT 2601
MDBA publication no: 09/17 02 6279 0100
ISBN (online): 978-1-925599-21-3
© Murray–Darling Basin Authority 2017
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Title: Bank erosion along the Murray River between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
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Cover image: Bank erosion on a property between Corowa and Bundalong (photo by Ben Berry)
Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction and summary ............................................................................................................ 2
MDBA River Works Program ........................................................................................................ 4
Interaction of river regulation, boating and vessel wash ............................................................... 5
Monitoring methods...................................................................................................................... 6
Summary of results ...................................................................................................................... 7
River bank erosion results ........................................................................................................ 7
Impact on works due to high boatwash activities .................................................................... 10
A proposal to reduce further bank erosion .................................................................................. 13
Attachment A: Other photos of boating-related erosion along the reach ..................................... 14
Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
During the last 17 years, more than $25 million has been spent to implement physical bank
protection works and to monitor bank erosion along the Hume to Lake Mulwala reach (the reach).
In most areas, the use of log revetment and revegetation is favoured over rock beaching due to
the ecological benefits for habitat and because it allows the river to continue to gradually migrate
across the floodplain, which is what floodplain rivers do.
The use of motorised recreational craft on inland waters has increased significantly in the last 30
years. It is likely that this trend will continue. The River Murray is one of the most attractive sites
for water-skiing and wakeboarding due to its width, which allows vessels to pass safely in
opposite directions, and some protection from wind waves due to the presence of dense riparian
This report summarises some of the results of the bank erosion monitoring program between
2009 and 2016 and focuses on areas that are being impacted by high boating activity. Erosion
monitoring and other observations indicate that bank erosion is increasing and that it is
particularly apparent in areas where there is increased vessel wash due to wake enhancing
In some high boat use areas, log revetment bank protection works are also being undermined by
exposure to vessel wash and are failing. These works require repair at significant expense. For
example, in the region around Corowa NSW (a high boat use area), a total of $650,000 was
spent in 2015-16 to retrofit and repair log revetment works that had failed. In contrast, in areas
that are subject to lower rates of vessel wash (eg Parlour Reach upstream of Howlong), the river
works continue to perform as designed. The variable most likely responsible for the failure of the
log revetment works is vessel wash.
The MDBA has also received many representations from a range of stakeholders regarding the
impacts of powered boating within the project area, including bank erosion, environmental
degradation, safety issues and deterioration of recreational qualities for more passive river users.
While enjoyment of the river by the boating community is encouraged, it has become apparent
that a sound management strategy is a necessity for the majority of the high-use waters. Rivers
should be managed for safety, fairness, and with consideration for the environment, in order to
avoid a deterioration to both their environmental and recreational qualities and to ensure the river
can be enjoyed by everyone for generations to come.
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Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
In order to reduce the current impact of vessel wash on the river banks and ecology of the river,
and to ensure that all river users can continue to enjoy the River Murray, the MDBA and
AGHYWM suggest that the NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) consider a restriction on
wake-enhancing activities in some areas of the river system between south of Corowa to the
Ovens Junction.
Figure 1: An intact section of river bank with good cover of bank vegetation
Figure 2: Boat wash breaking on the bank of the River Murray, near Corowa
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Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
The recognition that flow regulation contributes to river bank erosion was one of the factors
leading to the formation of the Hume to Dartmouth review, commissioned in 1998 by the MDBA
(then the Murray-Darling Basin Commission). The review resulted in changes in river operations
and the formation of the AGHYWM. This group provides advice in regards to management along
the reach.
This review also triggered a major works program in the reach that focused on:
The total expenditure on river works in the Hume to Lake Mulwala reach during the last 17 years
has been $23.7 million. A further $1.3 million was spent on re-snagging and an additional $5
million for purchasing easements from landholders to ensure the MDBA could deliver water to
meet the requirements of downstream water users (Table 1).
Table 1: Total expenditure and extent of works undertaken since 1998 in the Hume Dam to Lake Mulwala
Project area.
River assets (as of Number of works Total length (km) Value (based on
1st July 2016) 2016 cost
Timber groyne 95 14.2 $5.4 million
Avulsion control 28 N/A $1.7 million
Rock revetment 231 24.4 $9 million
Log revetment 141 14.8 $4.5 million
Other Works 52 1.3 $287,000
Fencing 346 137.5 $1.65 million
Revegetation 378 127.5 $1.07 million
Signage 84 N/A $168,000
Access work 90 N/A $2.7 million (built cost
non indexed)
Re-snagging works 4450 N/A $1.3 million
Total - works 1350 $25 million (excl.
access works)
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Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
The program extends as far back as 1959, making it the longest running major river works
program of its kind. However, the program has evolved. Since 1998, the program changed from a
focus on rock beaching to a vision to manage the river in a manner that is consistent with its
laterally migrating, anabranching morphology.
Hard engineering techniques like rock beaching are not sympathetic to this vision. Instead,
preference is now given to a range of innovative erosion control techniques using timber and
revegetation. These include engineered log-jams, log revetment, pile fields (Figure 3), re-
snagging, and revegetation. When necessary, rock beaching is still used.
Figure 3: Pile fields are one type of river work technique implemented to reduce rates of erosion. These
structures were designed to be sympathetic to the natural behaviour of the river. They are ineffective at
addressing erosion caused by boat waves as these wave travel perpendicular to the bank.
These relatively stable summer and early autumn flows combined with the naturally low levels of
wind on the river due to the dense riparian vegetation, provide ideal conditions for powered
boating, particularly aquaplaning activities.
While there is a general understanding that vessel wash contributes to riverbank erosion, river
flow regulation and vessel wash interact in complex ways, often compounding and amplifying the
level of erosion along river banks.
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Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
The relatively stable water level also results in vessel wash impacting on a concentrated section
of the bank profile, rather than being spread across it. This tends to accelerate the formation of a
notch at the water level, which undermines the upper bank profile and leads to subsequent block
collapse. This increases the rate of retreat of the upper bank profile, leading to the development
of a pronounced elongated ledge (Figure 4). This is a common bank profile seen in high boat use
areas. In such cases, both river regulation and boating clearly play important roles, but their
effects are compounded through interaction.
While boat numbers have steadily increased in the last 30 years, it is likely that the millennium
drought (2002-2010) may have altered the behaviour of water-skiers and wake boarders,
resulting in more boating traffic on the River Murray. During the millennium drought the level of
water in many Victorian lakes was very low, while the level in the river was often relatively high
as water continued to be delivered for downstream users. This may have led people to shift from
the lakes to the river, a change that may not have been fully reversed following the end of the
Monitoring methods
As part of the River Works Program, a monitoring program was established to assess bank
condition, the extent of erosion overtime and to understand if the river works were performing as
designed. Although the monitoring program was not developed to assess the impacts of boating,
the data suggests that boating has made a significant contribution to bank erosion along the
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Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
The river bank condition assessment is undertaken (by boat) on an annual basis and includes:
• Mapping and prioritisation of each section of the bank according to the urgency for
erosion control works to be undertaken (high, moderate, low or stable)
• Photographs and an assessment of each work site to monitor performance and
• Partial and full channel width cross-sections to measure channel change.
Summary of results
River bank erosion results
The monitoring program divides the reach into 15 sub-reaches along the main stem of the River
Murray. The majority of erosion generally occurs in the mid and lower parts of the reach, from
just upstream of Corowa (Schmidt's reach) to the junction with the Ovens River (Ovens reach).
This can be seen from the 2012 monitoring when there was a full set of comparative data
(Figures 5 and 6). In 2012, several lower reaches had more than 14% of the river bank identified
as a priority for erosion works (Figure 6).
In recent years there has been a significant increase in erosion along the lower parts of the
reach. For example, sections of river banks in the Ovens reach have significantly deteriorated in
the past seven years (Figure 7). In 2009, there was about 4.2 km of erosion sites and only 280
metres of this was classified as high priority. By 2016 there was more than 10 km of erosion sites
with 4.5 km of this being high priority. This represents a doubling of all erosion sites and a
twenty-fold in increase in high priority erosion in this area. At present, 27% of the river banks
along the Ovens reach are now categorized as actively eroding.
Figure 5: Length of low, medium, high and total erosion in each sub-reach in 2012. Upper reaches are shown
on the left and lower reaches shown on the right.
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Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
Figure 6: Percent of total bank erosion in each sub-reach in 2012. Upper reaches are shown to the left and
lower reaches are shown to the right.
Figure 7: Length of low, medium, high and total erosion in the Ovens sub-reach from 2009 to 2016. Data in
2012 same as that presented in Figure 5.
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Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
The approximate costs to protect these sites with rock to make the river banks resilient to boat
wash is approximately $250 per lineal meter. To treat the 4.5 km of high priority erosion sites in
this reach with rock would cost $1,125,000.
The recent increase in erosion is not isolated to the Ovens reach. There has also been a
significant increase in high priority sites occurring in the Corowa Common reach between 2013-
2016 (Figure 8).
Figure 8: Length of low, medium, high and total erosion in the Corowa Commons sub-reach from 2013 to 2016.
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Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
Horizontal Pin monitoring has also been used to determine the direct impact of boating in some
areas. During 42 days of anecdotally high boating activity at the Hawke property (Corowa) in the
summer of 2014, 320 millimetres of bank retreat was recorded, averaging 7.6 millimetres per day
(Figure 9).
Figure 9: Horizontal pin monitoring at the Hawke property (Corowa) during summer 2014.
The technique initially comprised log revetment and machine placed Common Reed
(Phragmites spp.) rhizomes. This has become the preferred river bank protection work mitigation
technique. The technique is generally effective at addressing erosion caused by river regulation
and has an estimated design life of 30 years.
However, after only five years the log revetment had effectively failed and this is thought to be
due to undermining due to vessel wash (Figure 10-11). In 2016 another $670,000 was spent to
repair the damaged river bank protection works and to reinforce the river banks with rock
beaching to protect against boat wash (Figures 12-14).
There are works with a value of $2.5 million dollars in the proposed boating restriction zone that
are currently at risk of failure if boating trends continue.
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Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
Figure 10: Undermined log revetment leading to ongoing retreat of the upper bank.
Figure 11: Ball Park log revetment undermined from boat wash.
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Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
Figure 12: Retrofitted rock beaching behind the log revetment to protect against vessel wash. Note the
elongated sloping ledge - a common feature seen in areas that are subjected to high levels of vessel wash,
where the upper vertical face retreats much faster than the toe of the bank.
Figure 13: Ball Park log revetment being repaired and retro-fitted with rock beaching and backfilled.
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Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
Figure 14: Ball Park logs now repaired with the aim of being able to withstand the impact of vessel wash.
It is suggested that other vessels, including water skiing, fishing boats, personal water craft and
other powered vessels are allowed to continue to use the river where the current rules permit.
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Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
Figure 16: Bank erosion with a stand of Common Reed growing adjacent to bank.
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Bank erosion along the River Murray between Hume Dam and the Ovens Junction
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