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India: Soil Types,

Problems &
Dr. Supriya
Assistant Professor (Guest)
Department of Geography
Patna University, Patna

ALLPPT.com _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts

Classification of Soils
Major Soil Groups of India
 1. Alluvial Soils
 2. Black Soils
 3. Red Soil
 4. Laterite soil:
 5.Desert soil:
 6. Mountain soil
 7. Alkaline and Saline Soils
 8. Peaty Soils
Problems of Indian soils
Effect of soil erosion
Soil Conservation
 Methods of Soil Conservation
Model questions
Soil is the uppermost part of the Earth’s crust. It is formed due to the weathering
of rock under the influence of climate, vegetation, relief and parent rock.
India is a country of vast dimensions with varied conditions of geology, relief, cli
mate and vegetation. Therefore, India has a large variety of soil groups, distinctly d
ifferent from one another. Different criteria have been applied to classify Indian s
oils:-geology, relief, fertility, chemical composition and physical structure, etc. The
formation of the soil in a particular climate is so perfect that each climate type and
its own soil
Soil ingredients: Soil being an important natural resources has many factors affec
ting its formation and they are:
a) The parent rocks or material whose brake down gives regolith.
b) Topography particularly the slope aspects i.e., whether it is steep, gentle or un
dulating as this will determine whether the soil is going to be thick or thin, whether
prone to erosion etc
c) Climate being one of the most important factor acts through moisture, tempera
ture andwindconditions
d) The type of vegetation found in the particular region has over-whelming respo
nsibility for the coloration and the structure of the soil.
Classification of soil
Any classification based on any one of the aforesaid criteria has its own inherent dr
awback. Even the most competent pedologist would find it difficult to present an acc
urate, complete, comprehensive and generalised account of the Indian soils.
During the ‘British rule in India, a vast body of fascinating accounts had emerged in
district gazetteers and official reports. These accounts were generally directed toward
s the assessment of differential soil fertility and land revenue collection, but did not a
ttempt classification of soil types in the country.
In 1957, The National Atlas Organisation (Kolkata) published a soil map of India in
which Indian soils were classified into 6 major groups and 11 broad types.
Geologically, Indian soils can broadly be divided into two main types: (a) Soils of pe
ninsular India and (b) Soils of extra-peninsular India.
The soils of Peninsular India are those which have been formed by the deompositio
n of rocks in situ, i.e. directly from the underlying rocks. They are transported and re
deposited to a limited extent and are known as sedentary soils.
On the other hand, the soils of the Extra-Peninsula are formed due to the depositio
nal work of rivers and wind. They are mainly found in the river valleys and deltas. Th
ey are very deep and constitute some of the most fertile tracts of the country. They ar
e often referred to as transported or azonal soils.
Classification of soil….
The Irrigation Atlas of India (1972) and
Spate’s India, Pakistan and Ceylon (1976)
utilised the 7th approximation soil classifi
cation developed by the U.S. Department
of Agriculture (USDA).

The 7th approximation defines soil class

es strictly in terms of their morphology an
d composition as produced by a set of nat
ural and human forces. The classificatio
n is determined by quantifiable criteria. I
nceptisols, Vertisols, Alfisols, Oxisols, Hi
stosols, Ultisols, Podsols,mollisols, Entiso
ls, Aridosols And Spodosols.
Major Soil Groups of India
The Indian Council of Agricultural Re
search (ICAR) set up an All India Soil
Survey Committee in 1963 which divide
d the Indian soils into eight major grou
ps, Later on ICAR divided in India in fo
llowing Groups:
(1) Alluvial soils,
(2) Black soils,
(3) Red soils,
(4) Laterite and Lateritic soils,
(5) Forest and Mountain soils,
(6) Arid and Desert soils,
(7) Saline and Alkaline soils and
(8) Peaty and Marshy soils
This is a very logical classification of
Indian soils and has gained wide
1. Alluvial Soils

Alluvial soils are by far the largest and the most important soil group of Ind
ia. Covering about 15 lakh sq km or about 45.6 per cent of the total land ar
ea of the country. These soils contribute the largest share of our agricultu
ral wealth and support the bulk of India’s population.
Being one of the most important and fertile soils of India they support grow
th of wide variety of crops such as Rice, wheat, sugarcane, cotton, jute, potato
and vegetables, but they are deficient in nitrogen, phosphorous and Humus.
Alluvium are finer particles of rock materials carried in suspension and late
r deposited by the river in its bed and bank. The soils which is composed of al
luvium is called alluvial soil.
Most of the alluvial soils are derived from the sediments deposited by rivers
as in the Indo-Gangetic plain although some alluvial soils in the coastal areas
have been formed by the sea waves. Thus the parent material of these soils is
all of transported origin.
The flood plains of Satluj-Ganga and Bhrahmaputra from Punjab to Assam, the
valleys and plains of river Narmada, Tapti, Mahanadi, Godhavari, Krishna and Cauv
ery covering about 23.40% of the total soil cover in India.
Occurrence & Types of Alluvial Soil

The widest occurrence of the alluvial soils is in the Great Indo-Gangetic

Plain starting from Punjab in the west to West Bengal and Assam in the east.
They also occur in deltas of the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna and
the Cauvery, where they are called Deltaic alluvium.
Along the coast they are known as Coastal alluvium. Some alluvial soils
are found in the Narmada and Tapi valleys. Northern parts of Gujarat also
have some cover of alluvial soils.
Geologically, the alluvium of the Great plain of India is divided into
newer or younger Khadar and older bhangar soils.
The Khadar soils are found in the low areas of valley bottom which are
flooded almost every year. They are pale brown, sandy clays and loams
, more dry and leached, less calcareous and carbonaceous i.e. They
are less kankary.
The Bhangar, on the other hand, is found on the higher reaches about 30
metres above the flood level. It is of a more clayey composition, generally
dark coloured. A few metres below the surface of the bhangar are beds of
lime nodules known as kankar
Along the Shiwalik foothills, there are alluvial fans having coarse, often
pebbly soils. This zone is called bhabar. To the south of the bhabar is a
long narrow strip of swampy lowland with silty soils. It covers an area
of 56,600 sq km and is called tarai.
The tarai soils are rich in nitrogen and organic matter but are
deficient in phosphate. These soils are generally covered by tall grasses and
forests but are suitable for a number of crops such as wheat, rice, sugarcane,
jute and soyabean under reclaimed conditions.
2. Black Soils
The Black soil are so called because of their black colouration and derived from t
he Basalt rock under semi-arid conditions. It is also known as ‘Regur’ (from the Tel
ugu word Reguda) or black cotton soil as it is best suited for cotton cultivation.
In India black soil are largely found over Deccan trap region of the states of
Maharshtra, Madhya Pradesh, parts of Andhra Pradesh, Northern part of Karnataka,
Gujarat, parts of Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan.
Several theories have been put forward regarding the origin of this group of soils
but most pedologists believe that these soils have been formed due to the solidificatin
of lava spread over large areas during volcanic activity in the Deccan Plateau, in Trias
sic Period.
Most of the black soils are derived from two types of parental rocks, the Deccan and
the Rajmahal trap, and ferruginous gneisses and schists occurring in Tamil Nadu.
The former are sufficiently deep while the later are generally shallow.
Krebs holds that the regur is essentially a mature soil which has been produced by
relief and climate, rather than by a particular type of rock. According to him, this soil
occurs where the annual rainfall is between 50 to 80 cm and the number of rainy
days range from 30 to 50. The occurrence of this soil in the west deccan where the
rainfall is about 100 cm and the number of rainy days more than 50, is considered by
him to be an exception.
2. Black Soils…..
In some parts of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, the origin of black cotton soils is ascribed to ol
d lagoons in which the rivers deposited the materials brought down from the interior of Pe
ninsula covered with lava.
Geographically, black soils are spread over 5.46 lakh sq km (i.e. 16.6 per cent of the total
geographical area of the country) encompassed between 15°N to 25°N latitudes and 72°E t
o 82°E longitudes. This is the region of high temperature and low rainfall. It is, therefore, a
soil group of the dry and hot regions of the Peninsula. These soils are mainly found in Mah
arashtra, Madhya Pradesh, parts of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.
The black colour of these soils has been attributed by some scientists to the presence of a
small proportion of titaniferous magnetite or even to iron and black constituents of the par
ent rock. The black colour of this soil may even be derived from crystalline schists and basi
c gneisses such as in Tamil Nadu and parts of Andhra Pradesh. Various tints of the black c
olour such as deep black, medium black, shallow black or even a mixture of red and black
may be found in this group of soils.
The black soil is very retentive of moisture. It swells greatly and becomes sticky when wet
in rainy season. Under such conditions, it is almost impossible to work on such soil becaus
e the plough gets stuck in the mud.
However, in the hot dry season, the moisture evaporates, the soil shrinks and is seamed
with broad and deep cracks, often 10 to 15 cm wide and upto a metre deep. This permits ox
ygenation of the soil to sufficient depths and the soil has extraordinary fertility.
2. Black Soils…..
Remarkably “self-ploughed” by loosened particles fallen from the ground into the cr
acks, the soil “swallows” itself and retains soil moisture. This soil has been used for gr
owing a variety of crops for centuries without adding fertilizers and manures, or even
fallowing with little or no evidence of exhaustion.
A typical black soil is highly argillaceous with a large clay factor, 62 per cent or more
, without gravel or coarse sand. It also contains 10 per cent of alumina, 9-10 per cent
of iron oxide and 6-8 percent of lime and magnesium carbonates. Potash is variable (l
ess than 0.5 per cent) and phosphates, nitrogen and humus are low. The structure is c
loddish but occasionally friable.
In all regur soils in general, and in those derived from ferromagnesian schists in par
ticular, there is a layer rich in kankar nodules formed by segregation of calcium carbo
nate at lower depths. As a general rule, black soils of uplands are of low fertility but th
ey are darker, deeper and richer in the valleys.
Because of their high fertility and retentivity of moisture, the black soils are widely
used for producing several important crops. Some of the major crops grown on the bl
ack soils are cotton, wheat, jowar, linseed, Virginia tobacco, castor, sunflower and mil
lets. Rice and sugarcane are equally important where irrigation facilities are available.
Large varieties of vegetables and fruits are also successfully grown on the black soils.
3. Red Soil

Rich in Iron Suitable for wheat and rice

These are generally reddish to brownish in color obtained from weathering of granit
es, gneisses, and crystalline rocks and grade from poor, thin and light colored soils o
n the uplands to that of fertile deep dark color soils of plains and valley.
Red soils in India occupying 29.08% of the total soil cover of India extending extens
ively over parts of Tamil Nadu, Southern Karnataka , South-East Maharashtra, parts
of Madhya Pradesh, Goa, Kerala, Orissa, Bihar, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Eastern
Parts of Rajasthan, Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya and Nagaland.
These soils are ideal for cultivation of Ragi, Ground-nuts, millets, Tobacco and potat
o. They are rich in Iron, containing small amount of Humus as they about retain mois
ture and are slightly acidic with poor quantity of phosphorous, nitrogen and organic c
ontents. Though they can be used for variety of crop cultivation provided the fields ar
e having good irrigation facilities.
Red to yellow in color due to coatings of ferric oxides on the soil particles. Texture o
f these soils is highly variable from loam to clayey loam texture. They are poor in nitr
ogen, phosphorous and humus there by soil depth varies from shallow to very deep in
4. Laterite soil

Laterite is a formation that is only found in tropical countries like India with alterna
tive wet and dry climatic conditions. The heavy rainfall conditions and high temperat
ure makes the soil rich in oxides of Iron and Aluminum depleting in completely from
Silica. The remnants of such oxides are known as laterites which are characterized by
compact to vesicular structure occupying 4.30% of India’s soil cover.
They are mainly found on the summits of Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats along w
ith Vindhyas and Satpura’s found in States of Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, M
aharashtra, Orissa, Assam and Tamil Nadu.
Since they are very poor in calcium and magnesium and are well drained and porou
s. They are useful for both rice cultivation as well as plantation crops like cashew, rub
ber, tea and coffee.
They are acidic in elevated areas and poor in retaining moisture but essentially heav
y loam to clayey on the plains.
5.Desert soil
The arid and the desert soil are found in semi
-arid and arid condtional regions of India,
namely the western Rajasthan, the Southern Har
yana, and South-West Punjab. These are area lyi
ng between Indus river and the aravali-hill coveri
ng an area of about 29 million Hectares i.e., 1.
42 lakh Sq Km.
These soils contain soluble salts whose concentr
ation is just below the toxic level as they are poor
in nitrogen, Humus, and quite rich in phosphates
and nitrates, there by not suitable for many crops
except for few that to grown with the help of
They are find sandy to loamy, pale brown to yell
owish brown in color. Structure less to
sub-angular blocky in structure, poor in nutrient
and water holding capacity there by moisture is
deficient making the pH of the soil, vary from 7.2
-9.2under generally high in salt content but not i
n toxic amounts.
6. Mountain soil

Soils which are found all along the slopes of mountains and hills are termed as
mountain soils.
They are found from decomposition of organic matter from the forest. The characte
ristics of these soils differ from region to region depending on climates, vegetation
and topography which contribute to the development of soil profile.
They are dark brown in color with clayey silt to loamy texture and slightly acidic to
moderate acidic in nature as they are rich in humus.
Being the most fertile soil they are useful for the growth of plantation crops such as
tea, coffee, spices and tropical fruits.
In India they are largely seen in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, W
estern Ghats in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu covering a total area of 2.85 lakh S
q Km.
7. Alkaline and Saline Soils

These soils are seen in Saline, arid and Semi-arid parts of Rajasthan, Punjab,
Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat and Maharashtra.
These soils are infertile, and uncultivable generally grading in texture from sandy
to loamy sand with deficiency in nitrogen and highly pervious there by having low
water retain capacity.
They are estimated to occupy 7 million hectares in India of which 50% is in Indo-
Gangetic alluvial plain 30% amo0ng black cotton soils and the rest 20% in arid
and coastal regions of India.
Saline and alkaline soils: Moderate to strongly acidic in nature with high organic
matter but deficient in phosphorous.
8. Peaty Soils

These types of soils occur in hot humid conditions as a result of large amount of org
anic matter getting accumulated, essentially they are black, heavy and highly acidic w
ith large amount of soluble salts. These types of soils are mainly found in Orissa, the s
under-bans in West Bengal, parts of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Kottayam, Alleppey,
districts of Kerala.

They are dark almost black in color with abundant organic matter. Fine in texture w
ith moderate accumulation of ferrous and aluminum sulphates resulting in pH below
3.5 or 4 there by strongly acidic. This is due to decomposition of organic matter under
anaerobic conditions.
Problems of Indian soils
Table: Types of Degraded Land
Categories of Degraded land Area in
million h Degradation of the soil is the most p
ectare roblematic problem of the India soil. Her
Gullied lands 2.05 e, degradation refers to variety of factor
Land with/ Without scrub 19.40
s which leads to loss in the quality of the
soil which includes lateritisation,
Water logged and marshy lands 1.66
alkalization and Salinization of the
Land affected with salinity & alkalinity 2.05 soil along with soil erosion i.e., loss of
Shifting cultivation area 3.51 top soil.
Under utilised/ degraded forest 14.06 The process of Soil degradation is the r
esult of natural forces and human
Degraded pastures and grazing lands 2.60
Degraded land under plantation crops 0.58 The torrential rains, flowing rive
Sand (Inland/coastal) 5.00 rs, glaciers, wind etc are the natural a
Mining/ Industrial wasteland 0.12 gents for soil erosion leading to the soil b
ecoming useless for cultivation.
Barren rock / strong waste sheet rock ar 6.42
ea They main causes of soil erosion are de
Steep sloping area 0.77
forestation, over-grazing, shifting
cultivation, faulty methods of culti
Snow covered glaciated area 5.58
vation, rivers and removal of top
Total degraded land 63.84 soil for industrial purposes.
Effect of soil erosion

According to one estimate about 180 Million hectare ( 60 % of total area of the coun
try) is adversely affected through the soil erosion
The adverse effect of soil erosion in India agriculture where in 45.7 million hectares
of land is facing this effect.
This renders vast area of cultivable land useless as their fertility is reduced due to er
osion by rivers causing rapid run-off change in the course of rivers and floods, with ra
pid decrease in quantity of ground water perculation.
They problem of soil erosion is common on the steeper slopes with heavy rainfall in
states such as Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram and the Western Ghats
It also occurs in parts of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka , Tamil Nadu, a
nd Andhra Pradesh.
The government of India has taken measures to prevent soil erosion via setting a ce
ntral soil conservation board to study and solve the problems.
Soil Conservation
The protection of soil from erosion and deterioration along with its management is
called soil conservation.
All such measures can be divided into 2 types:
1) Biological measure and
2) Mechanical measures
1) Biological measures:Contour farming, mulching, dense growing crops, strip
cropping, afforestation and reforestation along with control grazing are some of the
biological measures.
Contour farming involves practice of forming across the slopes in the hills reduci
ng surface run-off thus conserving soil and moisture thus increasing crop-yield. Mulc
hing on the other hand is spreading of materials like straw leaves, paddy husk, grass,
over the soil surface to prevent erosion and evaporation.
Dense growing crops involves method of providing cover for cultivated crops by
growing legumes.
Strip cropping is cultivation of crop in alternate strips which is very effective in c
ontrolling run-off and thus erosion.
Afforestation and reforestation is a method of planting a new forest in areas w
here previously trees did not exist or where destroyed. Both help in checking soil eros
ion all along the hill slopes in and around the water bodies and base lands.
Control grazing is a method by where in proper control on excessive grazing is m
aintained to prevent soil erosion.
Soil Conservation
2) Mechanical Measures: It includes basin listing,sub-soil contour bundng, channel tre
nching, bench terracing and gully control.
Basin listing consist of making small interrupted basins along contours which helps in col
lecting and retaining rain water.
Sub soil is another method in which hard impermeable sub soil is broken in order to allow m
ore rain water thus improving the physical condition of the soil.
Contour bunding consists of building narrow embankments at regular intervals across the
slopes to prevent rapid flow of water.
Channel trenching is a method in which series of deep pits are dug across the slopes at suit
able distances. Bench terracing involves a series of platforms which run across the contour th
us retaining water and controlling soil erosion.
Gully control on the other hand is a method use to prevent erosion by using gully plugs such
as boulders, sand bags, and plant hedges as materials to control soil erosion.

Soil management:
The method of improving soil fertility and productive capacity of the soil termed as soil manag
There are several measures such as judicially use of manure and fertilizers, rotation of crops, c
ultivation of leguminous crops for certain periods of time.
However the more essential step for soil management involves educating and motivating farm
ers regarding the importance, suitability of soil for a particular crops and its conservation
Methods of Soil Conservation
Model questions
Q1. Examine the classifications of soil in India & discuss major soil
groups of India. ( long type)
Q2. What is soil degradation? Discuss the causes and impact of soil
degradation and soil conservation methods in India?
Q3. Represent the Major Soil Groups on the given Map of India:
Q4.Write short notes on them:
a. Black Cotton soil
b. Soil Degradation & Soil Erosion in In
c. Methods of soil conservation
d. Multi cropping & Intercropping
e. Aforestation & Deforestations
f. Strip cropping & Counter Ploughing
 India: A Regional Geography: R.L. Singh;
 India: A Comprehensive Geography: D. R. Khullar;
 Geography of India: Majid Hussain;
 Advance Geography of India, S. C. Bansal;
 India: A General geography : A. Ahmad
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/soils_of_India#

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