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Manchia et al.

Int J Bipolar Disord (2017) 5:28

DOI 10.1186/s40345-017-0097-1

RESEARCH Open Access

Clinical correlates of age at onset

distribution in bipolar disorder: a comparison
between diagnostic subgroups
Mirko Manchia1,2*  , Giuseppe Maina3, Bernardo Carpiniello1, Federica Pinna1, Luca Steardo4,
Virginia D’Ambrosio3, Virginio Salvi3, Martin Alda5, Alfonso Tortorella4 and Umberto Albert6

Background:  Admixture analysis of age at onset (AAO) has helped delineating the clinical profile of early onset (EO)
bipolar disorder (BD). However, there is scarce evidence comparing the distributional properties of AAO as well as the
clinical features of EO BD type 1 (BD1) with EO BD type 2 (BD2). To this end, we studied 515 BD patients (224 BD1, 279
BD2, and 12 BD not otherwise specified [NOS]) diagnosed according to DSM-IV-TR criteria.
Methods:  AAO was defined as the first reliably diagnosed hypo/manic or depressive episode according to diagnos-
tic criteria. We used normal distribution mixture analysis to identify subgroups of patients according to AAO. Models
were chosen according to the Schwarz’s Bayesian information criteria (BIC). Clinical correlates of EO were analysed
using univariate tests and multivariate logistic regression models.
Results:  A two normal components model best fitted the observed distribution of AAO in BD1 (BIC = −1599.3), BD2
(BIC = −2158.4), and in the whole sample (BIC = −3854.9). A higher number of EO BD2 patients had a depression-
(hypo)mania-free interval (DMI) course, while a higher rate of (hypo)mania-depression-free interval (MDI) course was
found in EO BD1. EO BD2 had also a higher rate of comorbidity with alcohol dependence compared to EO BD1. The
latter finding was confirmed by multivariate logistic regression analysis.
Conclusions:  In conclusion, both BD1 and BD2 had bimodal AAO distributions, but EO subgroups had a diagnostic-
specific clinical delineation.
Keywords:  Mood disorders, Diagnostic subtypes, Early onset, Retrospective study, Admixture analysis

Background BD patients sharing specific clinical characteristics such

Bipolar disorder (BD) is a heritable psychiatric illness as patterns of treatment response (Alda et al. 2005), mood
characterised by cyclic mood episodes of opposite polar- incongruent psychosis (Goes et  al. 2007), or early illness
ity alternating with intervals of well-being (Goodwin and onset (Jamain et  al. 2014). Indeed, the extensive analysis
Jamison 2007). As in other psychiatric complex genetic of age at onset (AAO) BD subgroups through admixture
diseases, the relatively high clinical heterogeneity of BD analysis has shown clinical (Bellivier et al. 2001; Lin et al.
might have hindered the identification of molecular and 2005; Manchia et  al. 2008; Tozzi et  al. 2011; Ortiz et  al.
clinical determinants of risk as well as of predictors of 2011) and genetic (Etain et al. 2006; Severino et al. 2009;
treatment outcome (Alda 2004). The magnitude of clinical Etain et al. 2010; Belmonte et al. 2011) characteristics spe-
heterogeneity might be reduced by studying subgroups of cific, particularly, to early onset (EO) BD.
As the vast majority of studies investigated BD type
1 (BD1) samples, it remains to be established, however,
*Correspondence: mirkomanchia@unica.it; Mirko.Manchia@dal.ca whether this clinical delineation of EO is present also in
Section of Psychiatry, Department of Medical Science and Public Health, BD type 2 (BD2) patients. Furthermore, the distributional
University of Cagliari, Via Liguria, 13, 09127 Cagliari, Italy
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s) 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
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Manchia et al. Int J Bipolar Disord (2017) 5:28 Page 2 of 9

properties of AAO have never been investigated in sam- their relatives. Age at interview was defined as the age
ples exclusively composed of BD2 patients. at which subjects were first assessed by a clinician at
each research centre.
Methods In the early phase of the study, inter-rater reliability
Aims of the diagnosis of Axis I disorders with the SCID-I was
The primary aim of the present study was to test whether ascertained. The inter-rater reliability was found to be
BD1 and BD2 differed in terms of AAO distributions. good: Cohen kappa coefficient was 0.89 for the presence
The secondary objective was to test whether EO had clin- of any current or lifetime Axis I disorder.
ical characteristics specific for each diagnostic subgroup.
To this end, we (i) studied the AAO distribution of each Data analysis
diagnostic subgroup with mixture modelling; (ii) com- We used Gaussian distribution mixture analysis to test
pared the AAO distributions identified in BD1 and BD2; whether we could identify subgroups of patients accord-
(iii) analyzed the pattern of associations of a set of demo- ing to the AAO. We investigated a range of number of
graphic and clinical variables with EO in each diagnostic AAO groups (1–9). The choice of the mixture model
subgroup; and (iv) compared the clinical association pat- that best fit the distribution of AAO was made accord-
terns between EO BD1 and EO BD2. ing to the Schwarz’s Bayesian information criteria (BIC).
Specifically, the analysis performed with the “Mclust”
Patient population and assessment instruments (Fraley and Raftery 1999; Fraley et  al. 2014) package
Our sample consisted of 515 unrelated patients with implemented in R (R Development Core Team 2008)
BD. Two hundred and twenty-four were diagnosed with indicates the best model as the one with the highest
BD1, while 279 had a diagnosis of BD2, and 12 had a BIC among the fitted models (Fraley and Raftery 2007).
diagnosis BD not otherwise specified (NOS). All sub- This package estimates parameters of the model using
jects were of Italian ancestry. Patients were recruited an expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm. Cut-off
at the Anxiety and Mood Disorders Unit, University points were derived using the Gaussian cumulative distri-
of Turin, Italy and at the Department of Psychiatry, bution function of estimated AAO mixture function and
University of Naples SUN, Napoli, Italy. Certified psy- calculating each data point’s probability of belonging to
chiatrists with at least 4  years of postgraduate clini- each class. Specifically, once the mixture model param-
cal experience performed the clinical assessment of eters were estimated, we calculated the posterior prob-
patients. All potential interviewers met prior to study ability of any data point. The resulting probabilities were
beginning and underwent a common extensive training then compared in order to establish which class the data
prior to conducting the assessments. They were trained point belonged to. Gaussian mixture analysis (both num-
in the use of a common semi-structured interview that ber of components and parameters estimates) was also
was used to collect (a) socio-demographic data (age, replicated and confirmed with the “Mixtools” R package
gender, marital status, years of education, and occupa- (Benaglia et  al. 2009). We used Kolmogorov–Smirnov
tional status); (b) diagnosis (current and lifetime), which (K–S) test to determine whether the Gaussian cumulative
were performed according to the Diagnostic and Statis- distribution function of estimated AAO mixture identi-
tical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-IV-Text Revi- fied in BD1 patients was significantly different from the
sion (TR) criteria (American Psychiatric Association one identified in BD2 patients. Further, we used K–S to
2000) using the structured clinical interview for DSM- test for differences in the AAO Gaussian cumulative dis-
IV-TR Axis I disorders (SCID-I/P) (First et al. 2002); (c) tribution function of estimated AAO mixture between
clinical data including AAO. In addition, a systematic participating research centres. We tested the associa-
review of patients’ medical records helped clinicians to tion of continuous and categorical clinical variables with
establish AAO and corroborate data concerning clini- AAO subgroups using univariate analysis (t test or χ2
cal characteristics of the disorder emerging from direct test as appropriate). The independent variables tested
interview. Age at onset was defined as the first reliably included sex, age at interview, diagnosis, illness duration,
diagnosed hypo/manic or depressive episode meeting presence of family history of any DSM-IV-TR psychiatric
the diagnostic criteria. External corroboration for AAO disorder, presence of family history of BD and any DSM-
was obtained, whenever possible, by directly interview- IV-TR mood disorders, number of manic/hypomanic,
ing, with patient’s consent, a first-degree family mem- depressive and mixed episodes, type of clinical course
ber or other significant individuals. For the purposes of cycle [i.e. (hypo)mania-depression-free interval (MDI),
the present study, we included only subjects for whom depression-(hypo)mania-free interval (DMI), irregu-
it was possible to establish AAO with complete agree- lar cycling, continuous cycling, rapid cycling], presence
ment between the information provided by patients and of lifetime suicidal behaviour, lifetime comorbidity with
Manchia et al. Int J Bipolar Disord (2017) 5:28 Page 3 of 9

substance (other than alcohol) dependence, and lifetime Table 1 Age at  onset distributions identified by  Gauss-
comorbidity with drug and/or alcohol dependence. Sta- ian mixture analysis in bipolar disorder type 1 and type 2
tistical significance was set at α = 0.05. Only clinical vari- and in the whole sample
ables presenting a statistical significant association with Mixture BIC Model compo- Mean SD Proportion
an AAO subgroup (p  <  0.05) of each diagnostic sample model nents (%)
(BD1 and BD2) were entered into a backward stepwise Bipolar disorder type 1 sample (n = 224)
multivariate binary logistic model to account for possible  M1 −1637.7 1st component 26.7 9.1 100.0
intercorrelations. All statistical analyses, except for mix-  M2 −1599.4 1st component 22.6 4.8 66.9
ture modelling, were performed with STATA/SE 12.0. 2nd component 35.1 10.1 33.1
 M3 −1611.0 1st component 18.7 3.0 27.1
Results 2nd component 25.6 4.4 45.7
Age at onset distribution: Gaussian mixture analysis
3rd component 36.6 10.1 27.2
The BD1 sample (99 males and 125 females) had a mean
 M4 −1624.0 1st component 17.9 2.6 23.1
age at interview (±SD) of 47.2 years (±13.0) and a mean
2nd component 23.8 3.1 28.2
AAO of 26.7  years (±9.2). A two normal components
3rd component 28.8 5.9 33.4
model best fitted the observed distribution of AAO
4th component 40.9 9.9 15.3 
(BIC  =  −1599.3) (Fig.  1). Models with three and four
Bipolar disorder type 2 sample (n = 279)
components did not improve the fit (Table 1).
 M1 −2218.4 1st component 30.6 12.6 100.0
The EO component had a mean AAO of 22.6  years
 M2 −2158.4 1st component 20.9 4.1 44.0
(±4.8), while the late onset (LO) component had a mean
2nd component 38.2 11.8 56.0
AAO of 35.1  years (±10.1) comprising 67% and 33% of
 M3 −2163.2 1st component 19.3 3.3 33.1
the population proportion, respectively. The cut-off point,
2nd component 28.4 6.1 33.7
derived by the Gaussian cumulative distribution function
3rd component 44.0 11.0 33.2
of the latter estimated AAO function, was at 32 years for
 M4 −2177.7 1st component 17.6 2.5 22.8
BD1 (EO group <32 years; LO group ≥32 years) with 169
2nd component 23.0 2.8 24.7
patients in the EO group and 55 in the LO group.
3rd component 32.2 4.4 22.7
The BD2 sample (114 males and 165 females) had a
4th component 45.6 10.3 29.8
mean age at interview of 50.6 years (±14.8) and a mean
Total bipolar disorder sample (n = 515)
AAO of 30.6 years (±12.7). The observed distribution of
 M1 −3986.7 1st component 29.0 11.5 100.0
AAO was also best fitted by a two normal components
 M2 −3854.9 1st component 21.9 4.6 55.0
model (BIC = −2158.4) (Fig. 2).
2nd component 37.6 11.5 45.0
No improvement of the fit was observed with three and
 M3 −3856.0 1st component 19.2 3.2 28.9
four components models (Table 1). The BD2 sample had
2nd component 26.5 5.6 40.6
an EO component with mean AAO of 20.9 years (±4.1)
3rd component 41.5 11.2 30.6
and a LO component with mean AAO of 38.2  years
 M4 −3868.3 1st component 17.8 2.6 22.8
2nd component 23.3 3.1 28.0
3rd component 31.1 5.1 24.0
4th component 43.4 10.9 25.2
Best fitting mixture models are typed in italics
M model, BIC Bayesian information criteria, SD standard deviation

(±11.8) with population proportions of 44% and 56%,

respectively. The cut-off point, derived by the Gauss-
ian cumulative distribution function of this estimated
AAO function, was at 28 years (EO group <28 years; LO
group ≥28 years). The EO group comprised 142 patients,
while the LO group included 137 patients.
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test showed that the Gauss-
Fig. 1  Age at onset distribution in bipolar disorder type 1 patients ian cumulative distribution functions of estimated AAO
(N = 224). Gaussian probability density function was derived by the mixture of BD1 and BD2 differed significantly (D = 0.18,
estimated age at onset mixture function in bipolar disorder type 1 p < 0.00001) (Fig. 3). Conversely, there was no significant
patients difference between the Gaussian cumulative distributions
Manchia et al. Int J Bipolar Disord (2017) 5:28 Page 4 of 9

Fig. 2  Age at onset distribution in bipolar disorder type 2 patients Fig. 4  Age at onset distribution in the whole sample of bipolar
(N = 279). Gaussian probability density function was derived by the disorder patients (N = 515). Gaussian probability density function was
estimated age at onset mixture function in bipolar disorder type 2 derived by the estimated age at onset mixture function in the whole
patients sample of bipolar disorder patients

than EO BD1. Early onset BD1 had a lower age at inter-

view and a longer duration of illness than LO BD1.
Early onset BD2 had a higher rate of comorbidity with
alcohol dependence, as well as a higher rate of family his-
tory of BD in EO BD2 compared to LO BD2 (Table  2).
Further, they also had a lower age at interview and longer
illness duration than LO BD2.
We then performed a multivariate logistic regres-
sion in BD2 confirming that family history of BD [odds
ratio (OR)  =  1.97, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04–
3.73, p  =  0.04], comorbidity with alcohol dependence
(OR = 3.2, 95% CI 1.21–8.54, p = 0.02), and illness dura-
tion (OR  =  1.03, 95% CI 1.008–1.048, p  =  0.006) were
associated with EO. As age at interview was used to cal-
Fig. 3  Kolmogorov–Smirnov test between theoretical age at onset in
culate illness duration, and consequently significantly
bipolar disorder type 1 and type 2 patients. Probability density func-
tions of the two estimated age at onset mixture function. BD1 bipolar correlated with it (r = −0.97), it was not included in the
disorder type 1, BD2 bipolar disorder type 2 logistic regression model. Multivariate analysis was not
performed in BD1 since no clinical variable was signifi-
cantly associated with AAO subgroup in univariate test.

of estimated AAO mixture of the two participating Clinical correlates of early onset: comparison
research centres (D  =  0.05, p  =  0.57). Finally, Gaussian between bipolar disorder type 1 and type 2 diagnostic
mixture analysis confirmed a best fitting model of two nor- subgroups
mal components (detailed in Table 1) in the whole sample The mean AAO was significantly lower in BD1 compared
of 515 BD patients (216 males and 299 females), which to BD2 (26.7 ± 9.2 vs. 30.6 ± 12.7; t = −3.8; p < 0.0001).
included 12 subjects with BD NOS (Fig.  4). The cut-off The results of the univariate analysis are shown in
point, derived by the Gaussian cumulative distribution Table  3. Early onset BD1 patients were older than EO
function of this estimated AAO function, was at 30 years. BD2. Conversely, EO BD2 had a higher rate of comor-
bidity with alcohol dependence. In addition, a higher
Clinical correlates of early onset: patterns of association number of EO BD2 presented with a DMI course, while
in bipolar disorder type 1 and type 2 diagnostic subgroups a higher rate of MDI course was found in EO BD1. The
As shown in Table 2, a trend association (p = 0.05) was multivariate binary logistic regression confirmed the
identified for the presence of family history of any DSM- association of comorbidity with alcohol dependence with
IV-TR mood disorder, with LO BD1 having a higher rate EO BD2 (OR = 0.4, 95% CI 0.18–0.90, p = 0.02).
Manchia et al. Int J Bipolar Disord (2017) 5:28 Page 5 of 9

Table 2  Comparison of clinical correlates between early and late onset bipolar disorder type 1 and type 2 patients
Clinical variable Bipolar disorder type 1 (N = 224) χ2 or t P
Early onset (N = 169) Late onset (N = 55)

Female (%) 73 (43.2) 26 (47.3) 0.3 0.6

Age at interview, mean (SD) 45.3 (13.5) 53.1 (8.8) 4.0 <0.0001
Presence of family history of any psychiatric disorder (%)a 99 (58.9) 37 (67.3) 1.2 0.3
Presence of family history of mood disorder (%)b 85 (52.5) 34 (68.0) 3.7 0.05
Presence of family history of bipolar disorder (%)c 31 (18.5) 13 (23.6) 0.7 0.4
Number of manic/hypomanic episodes, mean (SD)d 4.4 (5.1) 3.6 (3.2) −1.1 0.3
Number of depressive episodes, mean (SD)e 5.5 (4.7) 4.8 (4.4) −0.9 0.3
Number of mixed episodes, mean (SD)f 0.6 (1.6) 0.8 (1.3) 0.8 0.4
Illness duration, mean (SD) 22.5 (12.8) 13.5 (8.6) −4.9 <0.0001
Lifetime comorbidity with substance dependence (%) 15 (8.9) 4 (7.3) 0.1 0.7
Lifetime comorbidity with alcohol dependence (%) 10 (5.9) 1 (1.8) 1.5 0.2
Presence of suicidal behaviour (%) 47 (28) 11 (20) 1.4 0.2
Type of clinical course cycle
 MDI (%) 75 (44.4) 22 (40.0) 3.7 0.45
 DMI (%) 20 (11.8) 11 (20.0)
 Irregular cycling (%) 65 (38.5) 21 (38.2)
 Continuous cycling (%) 5 (3.0) 1 (1.8)
 Rapid cycling (%) 4 (2.4) 0 (0.0)
Clinical variable Bipolar disorder type 2 (N = 279) χ2 or t p
Early onset (N = 142) Late onset (N = 137)

Female (%) 85 (59.9) 80 (58.4) 0.06 0.8

Age at interview, mean (SD) 42.8 (14.4) 58.7 (10.1) 10.6 <0.0001
Presence of family history of any psychiatric disorder (%) 93 (65.5) 87 (63.5) 0.1 0.7
Presence of family history of mood disorder (%)b 84 (60.0) 79 (58.5) 0.06 0.8
Presence of family history of bipolar disorder (%) 36 (25.4) 19 (13.9) 5.8 0.02
Number of manic/hypomanic episodes, mean (SD)d 4.3 (4.2) 3.7 (4.3) −1.1 0.3
Number of depressive episodes, mean (SD)e 6.0 (5.6) 5.4 (5.3) −1.0 0.3
Illness duration, mean (SD)g 22.0 (13.7) 17.8 (11.2) −2.8 0.005
Lifetime comorbidity with substance dependence (%) 8 (5.6) 6 (4.4) 0.2 0.6
Lifetime comorbidity with alcohol dependence (%) 19 (13.4) 6 (4.4) 6.9 0.01
Presence of suicidal behaviour (%) 45 (31.7) 29 (21.2) 3.9 0.06
Type of clinical course cycle
 MDI (%) 51 (35.9) 45 (32.8) 3.9 0.4
 DMI (%) 31 (21.8) 35 (25.5)
 Irregular cycling (%) 58 (40.8) 52 (38.0)
 Continuous cycling (%) 2 (1.4) 2 (1.5)
 Rapid cycling (%) 0 (0.0) 3 (2.2)

Significant values are typed in italics

MDI (hypo)mania-depression-free interval, DMI depression-(hypo)mania-free interval, SD Standard Deviation, p p value
   BD1: missing data for 1 patient
   BD1: missing data for 12 patients, BD2: missing data for 4 patients
   BD1: missing data for 1 patient
   BD1: missing data for 1 patient, BD2: missing data for 4 patients
   BD1: missing data for 1 patient, BD2: missing data for 4 patients
   BD1: missing data for 1 patient, BD2: missing data for 3 patients
   BD2: missing data for 2 patients
Manchia et al. Int J Bipolar Disord (2017) 5:28 Page 6 of 9

Table 3  Comparison of clinical correlates between early onset bipolar disorder type 1 and type 2 patients
Clinical variable Early onset diagnostic subgroup χ2 or t P
Bipolar disorder type 1 (N = 169) Bipolar disorder type 2 (N = 142)

Female (%) 96 (56.8) 85 (59.9) 0.3 0.6

Age at interview, mean (SD) 45.3 (13.5) 42.8 (14.4) 1.5 0.01
Presence of family history of any psychiatric disorder (%) 99 (58.9) 93 (65.5) 1.4 0.2
Presence of family history of mood disorder (%) 85 (52.5) 84 (60.0) 1.7 0.2
Presence of family history of bipolar disorder (%) 31 (18.5) 36 (25.4) 2.2 0.1
Number of manic/hypomanic episodes, mean (SD) 4.4 (5.1) 4.3 (4.2) 0.2 0.8
Number of depressive episodes, mean (SD) 5.5 (4.7) 6.0 (5.6) −0.8 0.4
Illness duration, mean (SD) 22.5 (12.8) 21.9 (13.7) 0.4 0.7
Lifetime comorbidity with substance dependence (%) 15 (8.9) 8 (5.6) 1.2 0.3
Lifetime comorbidity with alcohol dependence (%) 10 (5.9) 19 (13.4) 5.1 0.02
Presence of suicidal behaviour (%) 47 (28.0) 45 (31.7) 0.5 0.5
Type of clinical course cycle
 MDI (%) 75 (44.4) 51 (35.9) 10.4 0.035
 DMI (%) 20 (11.8) 31 (21.8)
 Irregular cycling (%) 65 (38.5) 58 (40.8)
 Continuous cycling (%) 5 (3.0) 2 (1.4)
 Rapid cycling (%) 4 (2.4) 0 (0.0)
Significant values are typed in italics
MDI (hypo)mania-depression-free interval, DMI depression-(hypo)mania-free interval, SD Standard Deviation, p p value

Discussion best cut-off(s) before investigating clinical correlates and

The present study highlighted that a two normal compo- genetic differences between subgroups based on AAO.
nent model in BD1 as well as in BD2 diagnostic subgroup In fact, thresholds between subgroups found in differ-
best described the distribution of AAO. This finding was ent studies differed [e.g. thresholds between the inter-
not reflected, however, in similar distributional proper- mediate and late AAO subgroups differed from 25 in one
ties of AAO, as well as in comparable pattern of associa- study (Tozzi et al. 2011) to 40 years in another (Hamshere
tion with clinical variables between the two diagnostic et  al. 2009)] as well as percentages of patients in each
subgroups. In fact, our study found that EO BD2 patients AAO subgroups [e.g. percentages of patients attributed
had a higher rate of alcohol dependence compared to to the early onset subgroup varied between 21.4% (Bel-
both LO BD2 and EO BD1. Further, EO BD2 patients had livier et  al. 2001) and 79.7% (Lin et  al. 2006)]. Discrep-
more frequently a DMI type of clinical course, while the ancies in the identified AAO distributions, cut-off points,
MDI type was more frequently associated with EO BD1. and proportions of patients in each AAO subgroups
Finally, EO BD2 showed a higher familial load for BD may depend on diverse assessment methods, recall bias,
compared to LO BD. study design (Montlahuc et  al. 2016), and differences in
The bimodal AAO distribution found in both BD characteristics of samples studied, including geographic
diagnostic subgroups and in the whole sample of 515 location (Post et al. 2008; Bellivier et al. 2014) and birth
patients is consistent with some studies (Ortiz et al. 2011; cohort (Bauer et al. 2015; Golmard et al. 2015). Concern-
Kennedy et  al. 2005; Javaid et  al. 2011). Conversely, the ing study design, Montlahuc et al. (2016) tested whether
majority of studies on mixture analysis of AAO showed cross‐sectional designs (which cause right truncation),
a trimodal distribution in samples comprising mainly unreliable diagnosis for individuals younger than 10 years
BD1 patients (Bellivier et  al. 2001, 2003; Lin et  al. 2006; old (which causes left truncation), and the selection cri-
Severino et  al. 2009; Hamshere et  al. 2009; Tozzi et  al. terion used for admixture analysis impacted the number
2011; Bellivier et  al. 2014; Golmard et  al. 2015). Of of identified AAO subgroups. Importantly, a combination
note, a recent study showed that bimodal and trimodal of left and right truncation, which is common in previ-
distribution fit equally well the AAO of BD (Grigoroiu- ously published studies of AAO admixture analysis,
Serbanescu et  al. 2014). Further research is needed to appeared to significantly influence the number of AAO
determine which distribution (bi- or tri-modal) better subgroups detected (Montlahuc et al. 2016). Geographi-
describes AAO in BD and which is (or which are) the cal location appears also to impact on AAO admixture
Manchia et al. Int J Bipolar Disord (2017) 5:28 Page 7 of 9

analysis findings. Bellivier et  al. (2014) found significant 2013). On the contrary, EO BD2 showed a higher famil-
differences in the theoretical AAO functions between ial load for BD (p  =  0.02) compared to LO BD. Finally,
USA and European BD samples, mainly led by the higher although not statistically significant, EO BD2 showed
proportion of patients in the EO subgroup and the lower higher rates of family history for BD as well as for mood
mean AAO in the USA sample. Finally, birth cohort effect disorders, compared to EO BD1. Similarly, Baek et  al.
might also influence the estimation of AAO subgroups (2011) found higher rates of major depression, but not
parameters. In this regard, Golmard et  al. (2015) found of BD, in BD2 patients compared to BD1, although their
that the proportion of EO cases increased substantially sample was not stratified according to AAO. Further,
among BD cases born after 1960 compared to those born another recent study showed that both BD1 and BD2
before the same year. presented a similar familial load for mood disorders
Several other findings deserve a comment. In our (Dell’Osso et al. 2016)
sample, BD type 1 patients had an earlier mean AAO There is compelling evidence that EO BD patients
(26.7 years) than BD2 patients (30.6 years), in agreement appear also to be more frequently associated with rapid
with existing data showing that BD1 first manifest their cycling, drug abuse, higher rates of obsessive–compulsive
symptoms at an earlier age (Merikangas et  al. 2011). In disorder, and possibly for psychotic features, and panic
keeping, admixture analyses indicated a larger propor- disorder (Geoffroy et  al. 2013). Although our study did
tion of EO cases among BD1 patients (67%) compared not test for association most of these clinical correlates,
to BD2 patients (44%). As a consequence, the EO BD1 there were no statistically significant associations with
group had a later mean AAO (22.6  years), compared to EO for drug dependence. Of note, most of this evidence
EO BD2 patients (20.9 years), reflecting in a higher AAO is derived from BD1 samples as there is a lack of data
cut-off point (32 years for BD1 and 28 years for BD2). on the analysis of AAO in BD2, while only a few stud-
These distributional properties of AAO distinguishing ies investigated mixed samples with both BD1 and BD2
EO BD1 from EO BD2 resulted also in diverse patterns patients (Perlis et  al. 2004; Severino et  al. 2009; Tozzi
of clinical correlates of EO. Indeed, EO BD2 patients et al. 2011; Ortiz et al. 2011; Propper et al. 2015).
had a higher rate of alcohol dependence compared to Our results should be interpreted in the context of
both LO BD2 and EO BD1. Similarly, previous stud- some limitations. The retrospective assessment of AAO
ies investigating clinical correlates of AAO subgroups might have been subject to recall bias. However, data
found that EO BD patients have higher rates of alcohol were gathered through direct interview of the patients as
abuse (Javaid et al. 2011; Lin et al. 2006). However, these well as with systematic review of medical charts decreas-
studies either analysed only BD1 individuals (Lin et  al. ing the probability of a systematic bias in the assessment
2006) or did not specify the diagnostic stratification of AAO. An additional limitation is the lack of a system-
(Javaid et  al. 2011). Interestingly, a recent study from atic approach in collecting family history data, which
Propper et al. (2015) did not find differences in rates of might have influenced the assessment of familial load in
alcohol abuse among AAO subgroups in a sample with a our sample. Moreover, external corroboration for AAO
BD1:BD2 ratio of 2:1. was obtained, whenever possible, by directly interviewing
Early onset BD2 patients had more frequently a DMI a first-degree family member or other significant individ-
type of clinical course, while the MDI type was more fre- uals. Further, our samples of BD1 and BD2 patients might
quently associated with EO BD1. Although not directly not have had an adequate statistical power to detect asso-
comparable with our study, the findings reported by Per- ciation signals of small to moderate magnitude. Finally,
lis et al. (2004) and Propper et al. (2015) in their samples our study did not consider birth cohort effect in our
relatively balanced in terms of BD1:BD2 ratio, indicated analysis.
that very EO and EO BD patients have more frequently
onset episodes of depressive polarity compared to later Conclusions
onset subgroups. In addition, our findings were consist- To our knowledge, this is the first study specifically aimed
ent with the work of Koukopoulos et  al. (2013), which at comparing clinical correlates of EO between BD1 and
found that patients with a DMI illness course are more BD2 patients’ populations using admixture analysis. Our
likely to be BD2, while MDI illness course is overrepre- work found that, beside diverse distributional proper-
sented in BD1 patients. ties of AAO, BD1 and BD2 EO subgroups differed also in
Differently from what reported in the literature, our their clinical characteristics. Of note, our study identified
study failed to confirm in the BD1 subgroup the well- a subgroup of EO BD2 with an AAO even earlier than in
established association of EO BD with a higher familial the EO BD1 subgroup, characterised by a higher genetic
load for BD and for mood disorders in general, as well as load (i.e. higher familial load for BD) and at greater risk
with higher rates of suicidal behaviour (Geoffroy et  al. of developing alcohol dependence. Should our findings
Manchia et al. Int J Bipolar Disord (2017) 5:28 Page 8 of 9

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 Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada. 6 Rita portive evidence for linkage at 3p14. Mol Psychiatry. 2006;11(7):685–94.
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