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IGNOU Assignment

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Course Code: MCSE-003

Course Title: Artificial Intelligence and knowledge Management

Assignment Number: MCA(V)-E003/Assignment/2018-19

Maximum Marks: 100 Weightage : 25%

Last Date of Submission : 15th October, 2018 (For July Session) 15th April, 2019 (For January Session

Note: This assignment has 20 questions of 80 marks (each question carries equal marks). Answer all
the questions. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance
explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide
for the format of presentation.

Question 1: State and justify the validity of following inference rules

(i) Chain rule

(ii) Simplification

Question 2: Transform the FOPL statement given below into equivalent conceptual graph.

∀ x (Has wings (x) Λ Layseggs (x) is_Bird (x))

Question 3: Determine whether each of the following sentences are satisfactory, contradictory or

(i) P Λ Q) V ~ (P Λ Q)
(ii) (P Q) ~ P

Question 4: Transform the following in to CNF (Any two)

(i) ~ (C D) V (C Λ D)
(ii) ~ (X Y) Z
(iii) P (~ CQ R))

Question 5: With the help of a suitable example, describe the “member” function of PROLOG. How
Searching of a data in a list, recursively.

Question 6: What is Turing Test? If the machine passes Turing Test, does it mean that the system is
intelligent? What are the associated problems with Turing Text? What are required
improvements/advances to overcome these problems?

Question 7: Transform the following conceptual graph in to FOPL statement [PERSON: Anita]
(AGENT) [DEINK] (OBJECT) [Food: MILK] (Instrument Glass)

Question 8: Describe ‘Means-ends Analysis’ as problem solving technique.

Question 9: Write a recursive program is LISP to find factorial of a number given by the user?

Question10: How a language for artificial intelligence differs from normal programming languages?
Give name of three languages frequently used as programming language for developing Expert

Question11: What do you mean by term “Agents” in Artificial Intelligence? Classify the various types
of agents.
Question12: Briefly describe the term “Truth Maintainance System – TMS”. Question13: Explain the
following logic concepts, if required use suitable examples (Any two):

(i) Modus Tollens

(ii) Satisfiable statement
(iii) Resolution principle in proposition logic

Question14: Give conceptual dependency representation of the sentence give below: “Mohan will
eat pizza from the plate with fork and knife”

Question15: Compare and contrast the following:

(i) Frames and scripts

(ii) Informed search and uniformed search
(iii) Abductive inference and Analogical inference
(iv) A* algorithm and AO* algorithm

Question16: Define following properties of propositional statement:

(i) Satisfiable
(ii) Contradiction
(iii) Valid
(iv) Equivalent
(v) Logical consequtence

Question17: What is meant by ‘Closed Word Assumption’? Where is it used in AI? Question18: Write
short notes on any two of the following:

(i) Expert systems

(ii) Non Deductive Inference rule
(iii) Methods to deal with Uncertainty in knowledge systems

Question19: Explain the difference between Forward and Backward Chaining. Under which situation
which mechanism is best to use, for a given set of problems?

Question20: Express the following knowledge as a semantic network structure with Interconnected
nodes and labeled arcs. “Ram is Vice President of ABC Company. He is married to Raj and has a male
child RamRaj. RamRaj Goes to school. Ram plays golf and owns a silver color German made car
Mercedez Benz”

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