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Silesian-Cracow Mississippi Valley-type zinc-lend deposits are confined to the Middle Triassic carbonate
rocks. They occur mainly within the .. ore-bearing dolomites" replacing limestones. The discowltinuity nnd
irregular shnpe of the orc bodies mnkcs it difficult to study the deposit structure when only the borehole
data are avilable. Ore nccumulation coefficient (kr) defined as the ratio of the cumulated ore thickness in
the borehole (despite of the number of ore intersections and their hipsometrie position) and the thickness
of the host ore-bearing dolomite was found to be a convenient tool for deposit modelling. Isarithmic maps
of kr values calculated for the mineralized sections defined by the selected cut-off grades make it possible
to delimil the mineralized zone and show its structure. The kr values for the cut-off grades of 0.1,0.2 and
0.4% of zinc allow to delimit the zone with the dispersed mineralization confining ore bodies (over 2% Zn)
and disclose tectonic control of the ore distribution.
The Silesian-Cracow Zn- Pb ores display a distinctly variated structure and fonn
of the ore bodies, similarly to the other stratiform MV-type deposits in the carbonate
rocks. Difficulties with the interpretation of the deposit structure at the preliminary
stage of the recognition - when only borehole data are avilable - lead to a presen-
tation of ore distribution in the geometric manner applying a method of polygons.
Tlus fact often results in false conclusions concerning the model of the deposit and
distribution of its reserves (R. Krajewski et a!., 1979).
190 Jaime Jarrin, Marck Niec
The orc intervals are pointed out in the borehole profiles. It is often difficult to
correlate the intervals in the adjacent boreholes due to a differentiation position of
the mineralized zones in relation to the lithological and stratigraphical section, and
lack of additional data for interpretation of the shape of depos it as well.
Two following assumptions can be accepted [or the interpretation of the deposit's
s tructure:
1 - main ore bodies in the Triassic sediments occurs in th e ore-bearing dolomites;
outside the ore-bearing dolomites (T. Galkiewiez, 1983) are bodies appear sporadi-
cally only;
2 - rich parts of the deposit (of Zn+Pb content above 5%) display a nest form
and are surrounded with the less mineralized rocks (1.5 - 5% of Zn+Pb); the minerali-
zation zones of Zn +Pb content of 1.5% occasionally have a fonn of the stratoidal
discontinuous bodies of a variated thickness (M. Nice et aI., 1976; R. Blajda, 1991 ).
The are accumulation coefficient proposed by N. W. Baryshev et al. (1937) and
applied to the desriptioll of the discontinuous deposits of a hardly interpretable
structure (W. W. Stefanowicz, 1972) is convenient for presentatioll of the ore min-
eralization intensity. TIus coefficient is defined as Ihe ratio of the dimensions of the
Applicnlion or the orc accumulation coefficient ... 191
ore bodies and of the zone of the orc occurrence. Those dimensions can be determined
byvolutnc, surface or linear values (e.g., thickness; W. W. Stefanowicz, 1972; M. Nice,
In case of the deposits recognized only due to the vertical boreholes the ore
accumulation coefficient is defined as the ratio betwecn the cumulated thickness of
the orc intervals registred in the section (l1li) and the thickness of the whole arc zone
(M). So:
The Rodaki - Rokitno Szlacheckie deposit lies bel ween Olkusz and Zawiercie
and belongs to Ihe Zuwiercie ore-bcaring region (T. Galkiewicz, 1983, Fig. 1).
Ore exploration done by means of the vertical boreholes in the worknct with
spacing of 250-500 na in tlus region has led to a discovery of Ihe zones of the zinc and
lead orcs occurring in the Middle Triassic (Muschelkalk), Upper Buntsandstein and
Middle Devonian (Givetian) rocks.
A part of the deposit. where mineralization occurs witltin the Devonian rocks, is
not satisfactionary recognized due to the small number of boreholes deep enough.
Studies on the deposit structure have been limited to the ore-bearing dolomites.
The ore mineralization in the Devonian rocks, although often very intensive, was not
an object of the studies due to the small amount of data.
The Triassic deposits in the area discussed lie discordantly on the folded Paleozoic
rocks. TIle top surface of Paleozoic basement has varied morphology. The Devonian
carbonate rocks fonn elevations which had been the islands in the Triassic sea through
a long period of time and were covered only by the Musehelkalk sediments.
The Triassic sediments display a typical sequence for the Silesian-Cracow region.
The Roelluan dolonlites of the average thickness of about 30-35 na reduced at the
boundaries of the Devonian "islands" lie on the discontinuous and thin sediments of
the Buntsandstein.
An intensive epigenetic dolomitization comprising nearly in total the G6rai:dze,
Terebratula and Karchowice beds and distinct top parts of the Gogolin Limestones is
192 Jaime Jarrin. Marek Niee
s N
. I ,S,\.
~'f''''::IIc:::JI~'OJJJ'~·li55Jq----:;I·~·c:::=J. 1"
Fig. 2. Section across Rodaki - Rokilno Szlacheckic ore deposit (for location see Fig. 9a)
1 - Devonian: 2 - Carboniferous; 3 - Buntsandstein; 4 - Roethim1 dolomites; 5 - Gogolin Limcstones;
6 - ore-bearing dolomites; 7 - Diplopora Dolomites; 8 - Keuper; 9 - Jurassic; 10 - Quaternary; 11 -
PrzckrOj przcz zloze Rodnki - Rokilno Szlachcckie (IokalizlIcja oa fig. 9a)
1 - dewan; 2 - brbon; 3 - pstry piaskowiecj 4 - doJomity rCIUj 5 - wapicnie gogolinslde; 6 - dolomity
kruszconosnc; 7 - dolomity diploporowe; 8 - knjperj 9 - jura; 10 - czwartorL\=d; 11 - otwory wiertniczc
the dominant feature of the deposits of the Lower and Middle Muschelkalk. The
thickness of the non-dolomitizec.l Gogolin Limestones remains, therefore, very vari-
ated - from the few to about 50 m.
The Diplopora Dolomites lie over the dolomilized series of the Middle Muschel-
kalk. In the tectonic grabens there have been preserved the clayish sediments of the
Keuper and locally of the Rhaetian-Liassic (Fig. 2).
The structural map of the top surface of the Roelhian dolomites gives an idea on
the tectonics of the area discussed. That surface was not modified by the epigenetic
dolomitization and its localization can be identified in the sections of the individual
Basing on the map mentioned it can be stated (J. Jarrin, M. Nice, in press) that
there occur numerous faults of directions of NWW- SEE and SSW-NNE which divide
the area studied into several blocks moved in different relation one to another (Fig.
3). The fault tlrrow ranges from some to about 115 m.
The tectonic graben of direction of NWW -SEE and of width of 1000-1500 In,
which divides the area studied into the elevated northern and the lowered southern
parts deserves the special attention. The top of Roethian lies in the axial zone of the
graben about 160-180 m and about 20-40 m lower than in the NE and SW wings,
Application of the ore accumulation coefficient... 193
10 20 40 50 00 70 00 1m)
lable faulls there. II should be mentioned here th ai the strike-slip faulls of Ihal
direction were documented in the other deposit areas (M. Szuwarzynski. 1983; M.
Szuwarzynski, S. Panek, 1983) and suggested in the Rodakow - Rokitno Szlacheckie
region by J. Bednarek (1978). The direclion mentioned abeve has been marked also
in the distribution of the orc bodies in the Olkusz region (M. Nice et aI., 1976; R.
Blajda, 1983).
The mineralization appears in different localization in the section of the orc-bear-
ing dolomites (Fig. 6). Melal content (Zn+Pb) varies from O.On% to some percenl.
Rare borehole net does not allow to delimit the mineralization zones which can be
Impregnation and fine-vein form s of the ore occurrence are predominant (1,
Konstantynowicz, 1978), more rare are the massive accumulations, while the min-
eralized breccia - totally exceptional.
The mineralized zones often occur dispersed in the section of the ore-bearing
dolomites and do not form any compact are body within the boundaries of the area
studied (Fig. 6).
• 1
r ti'
Fig. 5. Map of the thickness of ore-bearing dolomi tes
1 - boreholes; 2 - isothlckncss lines in In
Mapa miqiszosci dolomit6w kruszconoSoych
1 - otwory wiertnicz.e; 2 - izolinie miqiszosci w m
tion 10 O,e background of Ihe adjacent rocks and acts as the background for Ihe rich
parts. Several modal values corresponding to the subsequent mineralization stages
can be expected on the curves of metal content distribution in case of the multi-stage
mineralization, as it is in the Silesian- Cracow lead - zinc deposits (M. Sass-Gustlde-
wicz, 1975, 1985). Multi-modal empiric distribution curves of Zn and Pb content
support this assumption (A. Trembecki, J. G~gulski, 1969). The distribution curves of
both the metals are in general distinctly positively skew (R. Krajewski, 1957; M. Nice,
1977). As it has been proved by V. Janovici and A. Dumilriu (1967) such the curves
can be formed due to the superposition of two or more normal or lognormal distribu-
tions of sub-populations characterized by different parameters and variated quantity
of data.
Basing on those facts it has been. therefore, assumed by the present authors that
the analysis of the empiric curves of the distribution of Zn and Pb content should allow
to distinguish ti,e sub-populations and determine the limits for zinc and lead ore
concentrations. anomalies and geochemical background.
The ore-bearing dolomites represent the host rocks for ti,e mineralization. Their
fottnation has been explained due to the epigenetic dolomitization (K. Bogacz et al..
1975) prior to the appearancc of the orcs. The ore-bcaring dolomites form an aureole
around the ores.
196 Jaime Jarrin, Marek Niec
Boreh:lte profile
Zn coolenl!V.) Pb contenl (v.]
a Zn Pb
disl<rICe from !he reference surfoce
Cross section
Ih'I~ I"U
Application of the ore accumulation coefficient. .. 197
Cross section f
eo II
Fig. 6, Mooe of presentation of mineralized intersections for calculation of ore accumulation coefficient (a)
and selected section across the mineralized zone (b. c); for locntion see Fig. 93 '
Sposob obliczallia wSpOlczynnikn rudonosnoSci (a) i rozmieszczenie mineralizacji w dolomitach kruszco-
nosnych (b. c); loknlizncjn nn fig. 9a
The amount of ore accumulation within the ore-bearing dolomite was determined
by means of the linear ore-bearing-coefficient calculated individually for each borehole
using the equation [I). Aiming at detennination of tile localization both of the ore
bodies and of the aureole of dispersed mineralization, the kr values were calculated
assuming different limits for the anomalies in respect to the background. Those limits
were determined due to the analysis of the metal content distribution curves in the
ore-bearing dolomites.
i. 0,700
~ 0,600
.,~ ,lOCI
~ i
, 100 . 0
0 ~
,050 eo 0
~ 0
~ •u
J1, 0
(l010 -'
• ~
~ ·il
."" ",
OJ 0) 0.5 1.0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0],5 4.o-t.ln
Fig. 7. CUlllulateu fret]ucm:y diSlribution of Zn cont~nt wilhin ore-bearing tlolomitcs
Skumulowana krzyw<l rozkJndu znwnrtosci cynk"U w dolomitach kruszconosnych
Application of the ore accumulation coefficient... 199
- - -----
, 6,0
-.;:. 4,0
0,0 2/J 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0
hl . 480m )
'" 0,5
............ 1 _- 2
200 Jaime Jartin. Marek Niee
Fig. 8. Variograms of the ore accumulation coefficients calculated for selected cut-off grades
A - cut-off grade 0.1 % Zn: B - cut-off grade 0.2% Zn; C - cut-off grade 0.4% Zn: 1 - empirical data, 2
- spherical model, 3 - periodical model
Wariogramy uSrednione wsp6lczynnika rudonosnoSci
Bnema zawartoSi: Zn: A - 0,1 %; B - 0,2%; C - 0,4%: 1 - wariogr~m empiryczny. 2 - model s (eryczny.
3 - model okresowy
Application of the ore accumulation coefficient ... 201
presented by the last author quoted. It is possible that in the zone of the deposit
concentrations there exist several step values (about 1 %, 2% and possibly even more)
difficult to be determined since only relatively low number of data is available from
the mineralized zones in contrary to the total number of data, especially those from
the barren dolomites.
For lead - S. Przenioslo and J. Serafin-Radlicz (1978) have determined the
following values: 0.015% of Pb as the regional geochemical background, 0.25% for
the aureole and 1% of lead for the ore bodies. T. Smakowski (1990) reports those
values in the Olkusz region as 0.24 and 0.68% of Pb respectively. The reference values
do not distinctly differ from those characteristic for the Rodaki - Rokitno Szlachec-
kie deposit.
It is worth mentioning here that in many MV-type deposits the values of 1.5-2.5
have been assumed for the contouring of the ore bodies.
I ~., '. . .
B •
. .
.. . .
. . '.
. .
. '. .
' . • • 0.1
Application of the ore accwnulation coefficient... 203
may be described using the spherical model. The range of variogram for kn.O.2) and
kn.o.4) equals to 890 and 1070 m, respectively. Some periodicity of variation can be
observed, possibly due to the nested occurrence of the richer zones in both the cases.
Maps of ore accumulation coefficient have been prepared separately for krf...O.2) and
kn.o.4) (Fig. 9) with help of point kriging method. The isarithms of kr of 10 and 20%
have been distinguished there delimiting zones of the most intensive mineralization.
The maps discussed illustrate dispersion of the mineralization which forms the deposit
and the adjacent aureole. It is possible to notice that the zones displaying ore
accumulation coefficients above 10% lie parallelly to the main fault direction, i.e., to
NWW -SEE. TIlis fact points to a relation between ore accumulation intensity and the
faults mentioned, i.e., the tectonic control of mineralization.
The directional tendency in the distribution of mineralization is still more evident
on the maps of trends done for both coefficients (Fig. 10). Trend analysis with the use
of polynomials - from the first to the sixth degree. Only the second degree polynomial
was performed trend of the ore accumulation is statistically significant on the signi-
ficance level of 0.05. In case of kn.0.2) the forth degree polynomial allows to discover
some additional tendencies.
Coefficients of determination of the second degree trend surface for kr(0.2) and
kn.o.4) are equal to 25.2 and 21.2%, respectively. 20 to 25% of observed variation of
ore accumulation can be explained as not random onc.
Both the maps of the second degree trend (one of them being presented in Fig. 10)
show distinct similarity. Trend surface gradient is the lowest to the NWW-SEE
direction. The axis zone of this surface runs almost parallelly to the directions of the
faults limiting the Rodak6w - Rokitno Szlacheckie Graben. The analysis of trends
presents even more evidently than the maps of the ore accumulation coefficient the
general tendency of localization of the mineralized zones parallelly to the main faults
in the area studied.
The more strongly mineralized dolomites occur in the area discussed in distinct
.,patches", i.e., irregularly. The biggest area of their occurrence lies north of the graben
(Fig. II). It displays an irregular shape of the length of about 4 Ian and of the width
of 1 km. Other areas of occurrence are much smaller, some of them being restricted
only to the individual boreholes.
Images obtained on the maps kr(0.2) and kr(OA) are similar in the main mineraliza-
tion area north of the graben. The area delimited by the respective isaritluns of kr
values decreases with an increase in the cut-off grade of zinc. The southern boundary
of the mineralized area runs approximately paraIlelly to the fault limiting the graben
from the north (with the throw over 50 m) - Fig. 11. This fault possibly represents a
barrier for mineralization southwards. In the western part of the area studied the
intensively mineralized dolomites are limited by the NNE- SSW fault. It seems that
this fault could also act as the barrier for mineralization.
The richest parts of the deposit, considered as the economic ones, occur in the
small discontinuous zones (Fig. 11). The biggest zones are 400-600 In in length and
250-350 tn in width. They occur in the northern wing of the graben within the zones
delimited by isaritluns of k"o.4) = 10 and 20% . The thickness of the ore-bearing
dolomites is there below 45 m (Fig. 11).
As it is presented above, the richest, economically significant ore bodies are
surrounded by the wide aureole of the dispersed mineralization where zinc content
over 0.2% appears irregulary distributed within the ore-bearing dolomites. Small
thickness of the ore-bcarillg dolomites favours the occurrence of the ore bodies.
H. Gruszezyk alld A. Paulo (1976) poillted to the fact that the lead and zinc deposits
in the Ollmsz region occur in the transition zone bet ween the limestones and do-
lomites, the zone determined as the interfacial one. Relation between the ore distribu-
tion and the thickness of the ore-bearing dolomites in the Rodaki - Rokitno
Szlacheckie area support this thesis.
Apart from the direction of the arc-beating ZQlle and the economic ore bodies
paral1el to that of the [aulls, i.e., of NWW -SEE, there can be noticed another one
oblique to the first mentioned and running latitudinally (Fig. 11). Jt suggcsts that the
distribution of the mineralization could have been also dependant on the other
tectonic phenomena not evident in the cartographic image. The latitudinal run of the
distribution of the ore bodies in the Olkusz region was discovered by R. Blajda (1983).
Occasionally also the tendency of their arrangement in the longitudinal direction (M.
Niee et aI., 1976) may be observed there. In the area north of the graben the ore-bearing
dolomites spread into NNW, so there appears some obscured tectonic plan influenc-
ing the mineralization distribution, too. The interpretation of this plan is not simple.
That can be e.g., an assemblage of fissures feathering the faults of NWW -SEE
In the Trzebionka mine M. Szuwarzynski (1983) has stated a connection between
the occurrence of mineralization and the latitudinal strike-slip faults as well as those
close to the direction of NWW- SEE. The tectonics pattern is there similar to that in
Fig. 10. Ore accumulation coefficient trend surface map; cut·off grade 0.4% Zn; 2nd degree polynomial
1 - boreholes; 2 - trend surface isolincs; 3 - areas of positive deviations from the trend surface; 4 - main
faulL~ bordering Rodaki Graben; 5 - other faults
Mapa trendu wsp6lczynnika rudonosnosci przy brzeinej zawartosci cynku 0,4%; aproksymacja wielomianem
drugiego stopnia
1 - otwory wiertniczc; 2 - izolinie powierzchni trendu; 3 - pola odchylek dodatnich ad powicrzchni trendu;
4 - glowne uskoki ograniczaj'lce row RodakOw; 5 - ume uskoki
206 Jaime Jarrin, Marek Nice
,. •
82 .,
,. a, :m 'KXllm
.' , ,
Fig. 11. Interpretation of structure of Rodaki - Rokilno Szlachcckic ore deposit (based on ore accumulation
coefficient data)
1 - rauIL~; 2 - boreholes; 3 - ore-bearing dolomites over 45 m thick; 4 - kr nI 0.2% Zn cut-off grade over
0.1; 5 - kr at 0.4% Zn cut-off grade over 0.1; 6 - Devonian "islands"
Intcrprctacja budowy zloia w dolomitach kruszconoonych (Ila podsluwic danych wsp6lczynnika rudonosno-
1 - uskoki: 2 - otwory wicrtniczc; 3 - dolomity kruszconoSne 0 miqiszo.sci powyzej 45 m; 4 - rudonosnosc
powyi.ej 10% przy brzei.nej zawarlo$ci Zn 0,2%; 5 - rudonosnosc powyzej 10% pay brzeinej zawartosci
Zn 0,4%; 6 - "wyspy" dewonskic
the Rodaki - Rokitno Szlacheckie area, The present state of recognition of the
deposit discussed does not encourage to explain totally the relation between tectonic
and mineralization, Still that possibility should be concerned in the future exploration,
The presented cartographic image of the mineralized zone suggests that the are
bodies significant in size can be expected in the NE wing of the graben. The occurrence
of large ore bodies seems to be less probable in the other parts of the area studied.
The occurrence of the are bodies in the Devonian rocks represents a separate
problem not analysed till present. There exist not satisfactionary data to apply any
specific deposit model there (S, Kurek, 1988) since the showings of mineralization
occur in the separated boreholes being abundant but with no clear mode of occurrence.
Application of the orc accumulation cocflicicnt... 207
The data of the present paper presented above suggest a distinct dependance of
mineralization on the tectonics. Those suggestions should be also taken into account
when analysing the mineralization in the Devonian rocks.
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Interpretacja formy cial rudnyeh w zloiaeh Zn- Pb obszaru sl<jsko*krakowskiego na podstawie danyeh z
otwor6w wiertniezyeh napotyka trudnosci ze wzgl{:du na zmiemle ieh poioienie w profilu dolomitow
kruszconosnyeh goszczlleyeh minernlizacj~ , Do interprelacji formy zloia Rodaki - Rokitno Szlacheckie,
rozpoznanego otworami wierlniczymi w kategorii C2> zaslosowano liniowy wsp61czynnik rudonosnosci.
definiowany jako stosunek sumy dlugosci (miiJiszosci) odcink6w rudnyeh, stwicrdzanyeh w profilu dolomi*
tow kruszeonosnych w otworze, do miqiszosci tyeh dolomilOw w tym otworzc. Wsp6fczynniki rudonosnosci
obliczono przy przyj~eiu zawartosci brzeinyeh wyznaczajqeyeh odcinki "rudnc wynosZ1Jcyeh: 0,1,0,2 i 0,4%
Zn. Okrcsiajq one odpowicdnio granice: lokalnyeh anomaiii wok61ziowwyeh i strcf okolozloiowcj mincra1i*
zacji rozproszonej. Mapy izolinii wsp61czynnik6w rudnonosno.sci, sporL<jdzone metodq krigingu punktowe*
go, ujawniajll koncentracj~ slmpieii rudnych w strefie 0 kierunku NWW-SEE w skrzydle rowu tektonieznego
o tym kicruoku. Pozwalajq zatem oa wyznaezenie prawdopodoboego obszaru zlowwego kontrolowaocgo
przcz tektonikt;. Strcfa objyta oajintensywniejszq mineraHzaej<j wystppujc w obszarze, w kt6rym miqi.<;7..oSC
dolomit6w kruszeono.snyeh nie przekrncza 45 m.