Narrative Report Ojt
Narrative Report Ojt
Narrative Report Ojt
In our first day together with the other trainees, we were oriented by the HR
manager about the rules and regulations inside the plant. The safety officer also
explained how important safety is. He taught us the basic principles of safety and also
reminded us to always wear our personal protective equipment outside the field office.
In the afternoon, the three shift engineers explained the flow of the plant starting to
weighing of the copra, then going to the oil mill to extract the oil and refining the oil in
the refinery.
In the engineering field and projects, I learned welding and metal cutting using
LPG and oxygen. We also observed the workers doing welding under water. It was really
amazing how they handle the work under water. I learned a lot about water treatment
when they assigned me in the boiler. In the morning, we observe the worker how they
treat the water they use in the boiler. They used salt to remove the minerals in water
that causes scales in the pipes. They use coconut shell as their fuel in the boiler to
produce steam to be use in the plant.
The oil mill is where the copra is ground into smaller pieces in the hammer mill
and flaker and then was cooked in the cooker. After the cooker, the oil was extracted
from the copra through the expeller then to be refined in the refinery.
In my last week, I was assigned in the electrical and auxiliary. We rewire some
motors with the other trainee. We also check the parameters in the control rooms in
the power plant.
Plant Supervisor