The Nucleus
The building blocks of The atomic nucleus is made up of protons (charge +1) and
nuclei. neutrons (neutral). A light nucleus like helium (He)
consists of two protons and two neutrons. A typical
medium-sized nucleus is tin, with 50 protons and 69
neutrons. Uranium is a heavy nucleus with 92 protons.
One of the different uranium nuclei has 143 neutrons. This
nucleus is called 235U with 235 being the sum of the
The helium nucleus numbers of protons and neutrons.
has two protons and
two neutrons.
Binding Energy
What is Fusion?
In the 19th century the sun and other stars were assumed to be
powered by gravitational energy: matter falling into the sun would
release energy, as would contraction of the sun. However,
calculations showed that the lifetime of the sun would be only about
30 million years, much shorter than estimates of the age of the earth
(now estimated at 4.6 billion years!). Gravitational energy must be
ruled out!
The gas in our sun (hydrogen and helium nuclei) and in other stars is
hot enough to produce collisions where fusion can take place. In the
centre of the sun the temperature is about 15 million degrees
centigrade and it is even hotter in other stars.
What is Fission?
Fission, i.e. splitting of nuclei of heavy
isotopes like 235U (or 239Pu) generates
energy in a nuclear rector. A neutron
collision with a heavy nucleus results in
fission into two nuclei called fission
fragments and into several neutrons.
One of the most probable heavy fission
fragments of 235U-fission is 144Ba
(Barium). 144Ba is not stable, and
similarly to its lighter companion 89Kr
(Krypton), it beta-decays very fast,
through consecutive emissions of
electrons and anti-neutrinos to very, very
long-lived 144Nd (Neodymium).
Fission fragments have masses around 90
and 140; most of them are radioactive.
Decay of the fission fragments builds up
a chain of other radioactive isotopes
(fission products). As these processes
continue also after the chain reaction in
the reactor has stopped, some heat will
Here, we see a decay continue to be produced after a reactor
chain of89Kr (Krypton), shutdown.
which decays through
some beta-decays to
stable 89Y (Yttrium).
Plutonium Buildup
Plutonium isotopes, mainly 239Pu, are
produced in reactor fuel when 238U
absorbs a neutron and the resulting
nucleus goes through two beta-decays.
Part of the 239Pu is fissioned by neutrons
directly in the reactor core, the rest
remains in spent reactor fuel as toxic and
unpleasant waste. It must therefore, be
well isolated from the biosphere for a
very long time.
Pu can be used as a weapon material
and therefore, must be under a strict
control. Moreover, 239Pu can become a
fuel for new types of reactors, like
breeder reactors. It can even be reused in
the existing reactors. This is a way to use
the otherwise useless 238U for a long
lasting energy production.