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Chapter 5. Control Valve Selection: Cast Carbon Steel (ASTM A216 Grade WCC) - WCC Is The Most Pop

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Chapter 5.

Control Valve Selection

and unacceptable lead times. The ered good practice and is encouraged
specifications include foundry qualifi- in specifying materials, particularly for
cation, dedicated pattern equipment, pressure-containing parts. Additional
pattern alloy qualification, heat qualifi- engineering data on these and other
cation, and detailed controls on raw materials is included in Chapter 10.
material, visual inspection, weld re-
pairs, heat treatment, and non-de- Cast Carbon Steel (ASTM A216
structive testing. A listing of these ex- Grade WCC)—WCC is the most pop-
otic alloys appears in the ular steel material used for valve bod-
Designations for the High Nickel Al- ies in moderate services such as air,
loys Table. saturated or superheated steam,
non-corrosive liquids and gases. WCC
The following descriptions and tables is not used above 800_F (427_C) as
provide basic information on various the carbon rich phase might be con-
popular castable materials used for verted to graphite. It can be welded
control valve bodies. ASTM material without heat treatment unless nominal
designations are included. Use of thickness exceeds 1-1/4 inches (32
proper ASTM designations is consid- mm).
Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Standard Class
ASTM A216 Grade WCC Valves
(in accordance with ASME B16.34)
TEMPERATURE, _F 150 300 600 900 1500
−20 to 100 290 750 1,500 2,250 3,750
200 260 750 1,500 2,250 3,750
300 230 730 1,455 2,185 3,640
400 200 705 1,410 2,115 3,530
500 170 665 1,330 1,995 3,325
600 140 605 1,210 1,815 3,025
650 125 590 1,175 1,765 2,940
700 110 570 1,135 1,705 2,840
750 95 505 1,010 1,510 2,520
800 80 410 825 1,235 2,060
_C Bar
−29 to 38 20 52 103 155 259
93 18 52 103 155 259
149 16 50 100 151 251
204 14 49 97 146 243
260 12 46 92 138 229
316 10 42 83 125 209
343 9 41 81 122 203
371 8 39 78 118 196
399 7 35 70 104 174
427 6 28 57 85 142

Chapter 5. Control Valve Selection
Cast Chromium-Molybdenum Steel steam and boiler feedwater service.
(ASTM A217 Grade WC9)—This is The chromium and molybdenum pro-
the standard Cr-Mo grade. WC9 has vide erosion-corrosion and creep re-
replaced C5 as the standard because sistance, making it useful to 1100_F
of superior casting and welding prop- (593_C). WC9 requires preheating be-
erties. WC9 has successfully replaced fore welding and heat treatment after
C5 in most applications, especially in welding.

Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Standard Class

ASTM A217 Grade WC9 Valves
(in accordance with ASME B16.34)
_F 150 300 600 900 1500
−20 to 100 290 750 1,500 2,250 3,750
200 260 750 1,500 2,250 3,750
300 230 730 1,455 2,185 3,640
400 200 705 1,410 2,115 3,530
500 170 665 1,330 1,995 3,325
600 140 605 1,210 1,815 3,025
650 125 590 1,175 1,765 2,940
700 110 570 1,135 1,705 2,840
750 95 530 1,065 1,595 2,660
800 80 510 1,015 1,525 2,540
850 65 485 975 1,460 2,435
900 50 450 900 1,350 2,245
950 35 375 755 1,130 1,885
1000 20 260 520 780 1,305
1050 20(1) 175 350 525 875
1100 20(1) 110 220 330 550
_C Bar
−29 to 38 20 52 103 155 259
93 18 52 103 155 259
149 16 50 100 151 251
204 14 49 97 146 243
260 12 46 92 138 229
316 10 42 83 125 209
343 9 41 81 122 203
371 8 39 78 118 196
399 7 37 73 110 183
427 6 35 70 105 175
454 4 33 67 101 168
482 3 31 62 93 155
510 2 26 52 78 130
538 1 18 36 54 90
565 1(1) 12 24 36 60
593 1(1) 8 15 23 38
1. For welding end valves only. Flanged end ratings terminate at 1000_F.

Chapter 5. Control Valve Selection
Cast Chromium-Molybdenum Steel has successfully replaced C5 in many
(ASTM A217 Grade C5)—In the past applications, but C5 continues to be
C5 was commonly specified for ap- used in refinery applications where its
plications requiring chromium-molyb- higher chromium content provides
denum steels. However, this material better resistance to high-temperature
is somewhat difficult to cast and has a sulfidic corrosion.
tendency to crack when welded. WC9

Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Standard Class

ASTM A217 Grade C5 Valves
(in accordance with ASME B16.34)
_F 150 300 600 900 1500
−20 to 100 290 750 1,500 2,250 3,750
200 260 745 1,490 2,235 3,725
300 230 715 1,430 2,150 3,580
400 200 705 1,410 2,115 3,530
500 170 665 1,330 1,995 3,325
600 140 605 1,210 1,815 3,025
650 125 590 1,175 1,765 2,940
700 110 570 1,135 1,705 2,840
750 95 530 1,055 1,585 2,640
800 80 510 1,015 1,525 2,540
850 65 485 965 1,450 2,415
900 50 370 740 1,110 1,850
950 35 275 550 825 1,370
1000 20 200 400 595 995
1050 20(1) 145 290 430 720
1100 20(1) 100 200 300 495
_C Bar
−29 to 38 20 52 103 155 259
93 18 51 103 154 257
149 16 49 99 148 247
204 14 49 97 146 243
260 12 46 92 138 229
316 10 42 83 125 209
343 9 41 81 122 203
371 8 39 78 118 196
399 7 37 73 109 182
427 6 35 70 105 175
454 4 31 67 100 167
482 3 26 51 77 128
510 2 19 38 57 94
538 1 14 28 41 89
565 1(1) 10 20 30 50
593 1(1) 7 14 21 34
1. For welding end valves only. Flanged end ratings terminate at 1000_F.
Chapter 5. Control Valve Selection
Cast Type 304L Stainless Steel rial for nitric acid and certain other
(ASTM A351 Grade CF3)—This is a chemical service applications. Opti-
good material offering for chemical mum corrosion resistance is retained
service valves. 304L is the best mate- even in the as-welded condition.

Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Standard Class

ASTM A351 Grade CF3 Valves
(in accordance with ASME B16.34)
150 300 600 900 1500
_F Psig
−20 to 100 275 720 1,440 2,160 3,600
200 230 600 1,200 1,800 3,000
300 205 540 1,080 1,620 2,700
400 190 495 995 1,490 2,485
500 170 465 930 1,395 2,330
600 140 435 875 1,310 2,185
650 125 430 860 1,290 2,150
700 110 425 850 1,275 2,125
750 95 415 830 1,245 2,075
800 80 405 805 1,210 2,015
850 65 395 790 1,190 1,980
900 50 390 780 1,165 1,945
950 35 380 765 1,145 1,910
1000 20 320 640 965 1,605
1050 20(1) 310 615 925 1,545
1100 20(1) 255 515 770 1,285
1150 20(1) 200 400 595 995
1200 20(1) 155 310 465 770
1250 20(1) 115 225 340 565
1300 20(1) 85 170 255 430
1350 20(1) 60 125 185 310
1400 20(1) 50 95 145 240
1450 15(1) 35 70 105 170
1500 10(1) 25 55 80 135
_C Bar
−29 to 38 19 50 99 149 248
93 16 41 83 124 207
149 14 37 74 112 186
204 13 34 69 103 171
260 12 32 64 96 161
316 10 30 60 90 151
343 9 30 59 89 148
371 8 29 59 88 147
399 7 29 57 86 143
427 6 28 56 83 139
Chapter 5. Control Valve Selection

Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Standard Class

ASTM A351 Grade CF3 Valves
(in accordance with ASME B16.34) (continued)
150 300 600 900 1500
_C Bar
454 4 27 54 82 137
482 3 27 54 80 134
510 2 26 53 79 132
538 1 22 44 67 111
565 1(1) 21 42 64 107
593 1(1) 18 36 53 89
621 1(1) 14 28 41 69
649 1(1) 11 21 32 53
676 1(1) 8 16 23 39
704 1(1) 6 12 18 30
732 1(1) 4 9 13 21
760 1(1) 3 7 10 17
788 1(1) 2 5 70 12
815 1(1) 2 4 6 9
1. For welding end valves only. Flanged end ratings terminate at 1000_F.

Cast Type 316 Stainless Steel ting than is obtained with S31600.
(ASTM A351 Grade CF8M)—This is Like S31600, S31700 is completely
the industry standard stainless steel austenitic and non-magnetic. Because
body material. The addition of molyb- its strength is similar to that of
denum gives Type 316 greater resist- S31600, it has the same
ance to corrosion, pitting, creep and pressure-temperature allowances.
oxidizing fluids compared to 304. It CG8M is the casting version of
has the widest temperature range of S31700. It contains considerable
any standard material: −425_F amounts of ferrite (15 to 35%), and
(−254_C) to 1500_F (816_C). The therefore is partially to strongly mag-
rough castings are heat treated to pro- netic. In general, Type S31700 has
vide maximum corrosion resistance.
better corrosion resistance than
Cast Type 317 Stainless Steel S31600 in certain environments be-
(ASTM A479 Grade UNS cause of its higher molybdenum con-
S31700)—S31700 is essentially tent. It has excellent resistance to di-
S31600 with the nickel and molybde- gester liquor, dry chlorine dioxide and
num contents increased 1% each. many other pulp and paper environ-
This affords greater resistance to pit- ments.

Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Standard Class

ASTM A351 Grades CF8M and CG8M(1) Valves
(in accordance with ASME B16.34)
150 300 600 900 1500
_F Psig
−20 to 100 275 720 1,440 2,160 3,600
Chapter 5. Control Valve Selection

Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Standard Class

ASTM A351 Grades CF8M and CG8M(1) Valves
(in accordance with ASME B16.34) (continued)
150 300 600 900 1500
_F Psig
200 235 620 1,240 1,860 3,095
300 215 560 1,120 1,680 2,795
400 195 515 1,025 1,540 2,570
500 170 480 955 1,435 2,390
600 140 450 900 1,355 2,255
650 125 445 890 1,330 2,220
700 110 430 870 1,305 2,170
750 95 425 855 1,280 2,135
800 80 420 845 1,265 2,110
850 65 420 835 1,255 2,090
900 50 415 830 1,245 2,075
950 35 385 775 1,160 1,930
1000 20 350 700 1,050 1,750
1050 20(2) 345 685 1,030 1,720
1100 20(2) 305 610 915 1,525
1150 20(2) 235 475 710 1,185
1200 20(2) 185 370 555 925
1250 20(2) 145 295 440 735
1300 20(2) 115 235 350 585
1350 20(2) 95 190 290 480
1400 20(2) 75 150 225 380
1450 20(2) 60 115 175 290
1500 20(2) 40 85 125 205
_C Bar
−29 to 38 19 50 99 149 248
93 16 43 85 128 213
149 15 39 77 116 193
204 13 36 71 106 177
260 12 33 66 99 165
316 10 31 62 93 155
343 9 31 61 92 153
371 8 29 60 90 150
399 7 29 59 88 147
427 6 29 58 87 145
454 4 29 58 87 144
482 3 27 57 86 143
510 2 24 53 80 133
538 1 24 48 72 121
565 1(2) 21 47 71 119
Chapter 5. Control Valve Selection

Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Standard Class

ASTM A351 Grades CF8M and CG8M(1) Valves
(in accordance with ASME B16.34) (continued)
150 300 600 900 1500
_C Bar
593 1(2) 16 42 63 105
621 1(2) 13 33 49 82
649 1(2) 10 26 38 64
676 1(2) 8 20 30 51
704 1(2) 6 16 24 40
732 1(2) 4 13 20 33
760 1(2) 3 10 16 26
788 1(2) 2 8 12 20
815 1(2) 2 6 9 14
1. CG8M is limited to 1000_F (538_C)
2. For welding end valves only. Flanged end ratings terminate at 1000_F (538_C).

Cast Iron (ASTM A126)—Cast iron is steam, water, gas and non-corrosive
an inexpensive, non-ductile material fluids.
used for valve bodies controlling

Pressure-Temperature Ratings for ASTM A216 Cast Iron Valves

(in accordance with ASME/ANSI B16.1)
ASTM A 216 ASTM A 216
TEMPERATURE Class A Class B Class A Class B
1-12 1-12 14-24 1-12 1-12 14-24
_F Psig
−20 to 150 175 200 150 400 500 300
200 165 190 135 370 460 280
225 155 180 130 355 440 270
250 150 175 125 340 415 260
275 145 170 120 325 395 250
300 140 165 110 310 375 240
325 130 155 105 295 355 230
353 125 150 100 280 335 220
375 --- 145 --- 265 315 210
406 --- 140 --- 250 290 200
425 --- 130 --- --- 270 ---
450 --- 125 --- --- 250 ---
_C Bar
−29 to 66 12 14 10 28 34 21
93 11 13 9 26 32 19
107 11 12 9 24 30 19
121 10 12 9 23 29 18
Chapter 5. Control Valve Selection

Pressure-Temperature Ratings for ASTM A216 Cast Iron Valves

(in accordance with ASME/ANSI B16.1) (continued)
ASTM A 216 ASTM A 216
TEMPERATURE Class A Class B Class A Class B
1-12 1-12 14-24 1-12 1-12 14-24
_C Bar
135 10 12 8 22 27 17
149 10 11 8 21 26 17
163 9 11 7 20 24 16
178 9 10 7 19 23 15
191 --- 10 --- 18 22 14
207 --- 10 --- 17 20 14
218 --- 9 --- --- 19 ---
232 --- 9 --- --- 17 ---

Pressure-Temperature Ratings for ASTM B61 and B62 Cast Bronze Valves
(in accordance with ASME B16.24)
SERVICE Class 150 Class 300
C83600 C92200 C83600 C92200
_F _C psig bar psig bar psig bar psig bar
−20 to 150 -29 to 66 225 16 225 16 500 34 500 34
175 79 220 15 220 15 480 33 490 34
200 93 210 14 215 15 465 32 475 33
225 107 205 14 210 14 445 31 465 32
250 121 195 13 205 14 425 29 450 31
275 135 190 13 200 14 410 28 440 30
300 149 180 12 195 13 390 27 425 29
350 177 165 11 180 12 350 24 400 28
400 204 --- --- 170 12 --- --- 375 26
406 207 150 10 --- --- --- --- --- ---
450 232 135 (1) 9 160 11 280 (1) 19 350 24
500 260 --- --- 150 10 --- --- 325 22
550 288 --- --- 140 10 --- --- 300 21
1. Some codes (e.g., ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 1; ASME B31.1; ASME B31.5) limit the rating
temperature of the indicated material to 406_F.


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