Characterizing the Harmonic Attenuation Effect
of High-Pressure Sodium Lamps
A. Gil-de-Castro, A. Moreno-Munoz, Member, IEEE, J.J.G. de la Rosa, Member, IEEE
8 10 N=2
5th Harmonic Current in % of Fundamental
9 N=4
4 5
3 4
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Dimming (Power in W) 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Dimming (% load)
Fig. 3. Reduction in 3 harmonic current with power for tests 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Fig.5. Evolution of 5th harmonic current with load for tests 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Fig. 4 as well as showing a drop of current harmonic value
the more lamps are connected, the harmonic current value is With respect to 5th harmonic, tests 1 and 2 are below 3 and
higher at half load than at full load. This is more 4 tests. It should be noted that the 5th harmonic behavior is not
representative the lower the number of lamps, because in test the same that harmonics 3rd and 7th behavior, which have the
4 the difference between at half and full load is 26%, and in same as it is observed by comparing Fig. 4 and Fig. 6.
test 1 the difference is 71.7%. Another important result is the 4.5
higher the power the nearer current harmonic value. N=1
7th Harmonic Current in % of Fundamental
3.5 N=4
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Dimming (% load)
Fig. 6. Evolution of 7th harmonic current with load for tests 1, 2, 3 and 4.
In conclusion, we can see that it is produced a decrease on equation doesn’t fit in the case of CFL; consequently, they
the harmonic value as higher the number of lamps connected. propose the below index, which is obtained by employing 12
Because we have the value of the harmonic depending on the CFLs connected to different wire lengths.
power, we are going to study the attenuation effect on these Neqh = I hN / I h1 _ 0 (2)
After using both formulas and in the case of sodium lamps,
neither the first nor the second is consistent with our data.
Because of that, we decided to propose another equation that,
Nonlinear loads produce harmonic distortion according to based on field experiment could justify the results obtained. It
their individual harmonic current spectrum. Traditionally, is inspired on the IEC 61000-3-2 [21], where, for devices
large single-point harmonics-producing loads have been belonging to D class, the maximum permissible harmonic
treated as fixed harmonic current injectors. The same method current is rated with power, and harmonic value depends on
has been used to predict the harmonic levels in distribution the power of the system. We have mixed up the effects
systems caused by large numbers of distributed single-phase produced by dimming lamps in a wide range with the fact that
loads, where the typical harmonic current spectrum of one we have four combinations of lamps with different power.
load is scaled in proportion to total load power [15]. However, Thus, the equivalent lamp index proposed here is the
a large number of a variety of linear and non linear loads following:
connected at the low/medium voltage bus of a distribution
Neqh = I hPi /( Pi * I h _ 0 ) (3)
transformer, commonly known as the point of common
coupling (PCC), really form an aggregate load [22]. Net where I hPi is the measured total hth for Pi power of four
harmonic current produced by aggregate harmonic loads
lamps and I h _ 0 is the hth current harmonic produced by less
(AHL) is usually significantly smaller than the algebraic sum
of the harmonic currents produced by the individual nonlinear power. This index is essentially the ratio of the hth harmonic
load, mainly due to phase cancellation [22]. Therefore, THDI current produced by P power to the hth harmonic current
of the aggregate load (i.e, THDI at the PCC) is influenced by produced with less power considered weighted with the power
both the participation (fraction) of linear loads into the total in this moment.
demand of the aggregate load as well as composite harmonic x 10
current spectra of the AHL. Field measurements have 3rd current harmonic
5th current harmonic
indicated that THDI at the PCC of low-voltage buses typically 12 7th current harmonic
do not exceed 20% in comparison to THDI of an individual
nonlinear load, which ranges between 20%–120%. In this 10
Attenuation Factor
produced by aggregate harmonic loads is that they are random Fig.7. Attenuation effect of the HPS lamps for 3rd, 5th, and 7th harmonics.
with a changing average over time. Here we are in the This results in a family of Neqh curves, each representing
presence of the cancellation related with the same kind of the attenuation effect at a particular harmonic number. The
lamps (HPS), although with different power, but dimming three sample curves shown in Fig. 7 reveal the consistency of
with the same levels. In order to represent the attenuation our approximation. In addition, this figure indicates that a
effect of multiple identical loads, it is used in [14] the reduction of the harmonic current occurs when the supply
traditional index given as follows: voltage becomes more distorted. Harmonic 3rd has higher
AFh = I hN /( N × I h1 ) (1) value than the rest; the higher the power the lower the
This formula indicates that, in general, the attenuation due harmonic value for all the orders; and at the highest power of
to a shared system impedance is more pronounced for higher- the load, all of the harmonic values tend to the same one.
order harmonics, and tends to increase with N. Although the
attenuation factor increases in 13th and 15th harmonics, it is not VI. CONCLUSIONS
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