Performance - Class A (AE Materials) Climb
Performance - Class A (AE Materials) Climb
Performance - Class A (AE Materials) Climb
➢ A jet aircraft’s maximum altitude on a transcontinental flight with full traffic load is limited by the altitude at
which low and high-speed buffet will occur
➢ Change-over / Cross-over is the altitude at which a specified IAS and Mach number represent the same TAS
value, ↑ IAS during a constant speed climb, change-over altitude ↓
➢ At the cross over altitude during a climb with a constant speed, a constant IAS / CAS is changed to a constant
MACH number
➢ Climb speed schedule: 280/0.74 = climb initially at constant IAS 280kts at constant Mach 0.74
➢ ↑ Altitude, ↓Thrust available, ↓ Excess thrust, ↓ Climb gradient
➢ Climbing at constant IAS and maximum climb thrust, density ↓ TAS needs to ↑, hence climb angle, climb
gradient and pitch altitude have to ↓ allowing the plane to accelerate to chase the target IAS/CAS
➢ Climbing at a constant IAS, as height increases, drag remains constant but the climb gradient ↓
➢ Altitude ↑ stall speed (IAS) constant, stall speed (TAS)↑ stall speed (MACH) ↑
➢ Approach climb requirement: Achieving minimum climb gradient in the event of a go-around with one
engine inoperative
➢ Climb gradient ↓ when: engine anti-icing on, wing anti-icing on, higher temperature, higher altitude
➢ Climbing with constant IAS, which operational speed limit is most likely to be reached? Maximum operating
Mach number
➢ Climbing at constant Mach number, TAS and IAS ↓, in order to maintain the lift value, AOA and CL have to
➢ ↑ altitude, lower the fuel flow, specific range (number of miles per unit of fuel) ↑
➢ Optimum altitude is the altitude which specific range is at maximum
➢ Optimum altitude ↑ with a decreasing headwind and decrease in mass
➢ When flying at optimum range altitude, over time the fuel consumption gradually ↓
➢ Fly considerably lower than the optimum altitude when at the lower altitude, either considerably less
headwind or considerably more tailwind can be expected
➢ Optimum altitude: ATC never allow you to fly at it continuously
➢ Optimum altitude and specific range ↑ during cruise because of the fuel consumption, mass ↓
➢ Aeroplane sometimes flies above or below the optimum altitude because optimum altitude increases
continuously during flight
➢ Below the optimum cruise altitude, the MACH number for long range cruise ↓ continuously with ↓ altitude
➢ (New stall speed / Old stall speed)2 = (New Mass / Old Mass)
➢ Stepped climb procedure is used on long range flight to ↑ range, remain as close to the optimum altitude or
to avoid severe turbulence
➢ Stepped climb: Executing a desired step climb at high altitude can be limited by buffet onset at g loads
larger than 1
➢ Performing a step climb based on economy can be limited by the 1.3g buffet onset requirements
➢ The speed range determined by the buffet onset boundary ↓ with a more forward CG (NOT with increased
➢ Aerodynamics determines the maximum flight altitude in the Buffet Onset Boundary graph
➢ Aerodynamic ceiling is the altitude at which the speeds for low speed buffet and for high seed buffet are the
➢ Maximum altitude is limited by certified maximum altitude, pressurization limited maximum altitude and
the cruise buffet boundary
➢ Buffet Onset Boundary graph indicates the values of the MACH number at which low speed and MACH
buffet occur at various masses and altitudes
➢ The danger associated with low speed and high-speed buffet limits the manoeuvring load factor at high
➢ Flying at an altitude where low and high buffet speeds are the same gives less manoeuvrability, as you will
be flying at aerodynamic limitation “coffin corner”
➢ As altitude increases, both the margins to the low speed and high-speed buffet ↓
➢ Cost index: A number denoting the ratio of the costs of crew and maintenance to the cost of fuel
➢ High cost index: Cost of fuel is low, hence don’t care about fuel consumption, pilots want to fly faster
➢ Long range cruise: Optimum long-range cruise altitude ↑ with lower mass and decreasing headwind
➢ Long range cruise: 1.37VMD = a specific range which is about 99% of maximum specific range and higher
cruise speed
➢ Long range cruise is slightly faster than the best range speed, this allows ↓sector time
➢ Below the optimum cruise altitude, the MACH number for long range cruise ↓ continuously with ↓ altitude
(long range cruise speed, constant IAS, density ↑, TAS ↓)
➢ Airplane normally flies with long range speed because of the lower cost
➢ Reason to fly at long range speed: efficient to fly slightly faster than with maximum range speed
➢ Maximum endurance speed is achieved in unaccelerated level flight with minimum fuel flow, it is always
lower than the speed for maximum specific range
➢ Fuel flow or consumption ∝ Mass
➢ Fuel flow or consumption ∝ temperature (with constant MACH, TAS↑ thrust↑)
➢ Fuel flow or consumption ∝ pressure ∝ density
➢ Fuel consumption in NAM/kg = range, the more forward the CG, the lower the range
➢ Specific Range (NAM/kg) = number of miles travel per 1 unit of fuel
➢ Maximum Range = Safe fuel available x Specific Range
➢ Maximum range speed = minimum specific fuel consumption
➢ With a lower mass, you will need lower thrust, even if specific fuel consumption remains constant, fuel flow
will ↓
➢ Minimum use of fuel = Max range cruise speed = 1.32 VMD
➢ Traffic load limit can be restricted by the desired range
➢ Speed ↑ thrust output ↑ as mass airflow ↑
➢ Altitude will NOT affect the shape of the drag vs IAS curve
Landing Distance
➢ Landing on a wet runway, the landing distance available maybe less than 15% greater than the dry landing
distance if the flight manual gives specific data for a wet runway
➢ If the airworthiness documents do not specify a correction for landing on a wet runway, the landing
distance must be ↑ by 15% (Landing length ÷ Jet / Prop factor x 1.15 = Landing distance available)
➢ Turbo-jet: Required to land within 60% of landing distance available
➢ Turbo-prop: Required to land within 70% of landing distance available
➢ Calculate the landing field length (landing distance available) for Turbojet + wet condition: assume 1km
landing distance, landing field length = 1/0.6 x 1.15 = 1.91 => 92%
➢ LDA = 3000m, expect wet runway, calculate the landing distance required for a jet: 3000 x 0.6 ÷ 1.15 =
➢ For a turboprop class A, a 2200m long runway is expected to be wet, it must be ensured that the landing
mass of the plane allows a full stop landing on a dry runway within: 2200/1.15 x 0.7 = 1339m
➢ For aircraft powered by turbo-prop engines landing at an alternate, the landing distance required will be
the same as that required at a destination aerodrome
Landing Mass
➢ Maximum quick turnaround mass: Maximum mass corresponding to the minimum time you need to wait
before commencing another take-off
➢ Landing climb limit mass is not affected by headwind/ tailwind because it refers to the maximum mass that
will enable the plane to achieve the minimum required climb gradient in case of a missed approach, climb
gradient is relative to the air and is not affected by wind which is relative to the ground
➢ The maximum mass for landing could be limited by the climb requirements with one engine inoperative in
the approach configuration
➢ The mass of aircraft is heavier than its quick turnaround mass, the pilot has to wait for a certain time until
the plane can commence the next takeoff and preferably avoid rapid exit taxiways, so that the brakes can
be cool down before the next takeoff
➢ Takeoff performance data is generally determined by the manufacturers by calculation, only a few values
are verified by flight tests
➢ Maximum crosswind for takeoff on a contaminated runway surface is 10kts
Abort takeoff
➢ In the event of engine failure below V1, first action to be taken by pilot is to reduce the engine thrust >>
Maximum manual brake >> Deploy speed brakes >> Thrust reverse
➢ Following an engine failure before V1, allowing a pilot reaction time of 2 second (recognition) an aircraft
must be capable to decelerate to a stop within the ASDA
➢ A pilot should decide to abort the take off (at the last resort) at V1 (not 2 seconds before V1)
Take-off Distances
➢ TORA = Take off Run Available
TODA = Takeoff Distance Available (TORA +
ASDA = Accelerate Stop Distance (TORA +
LDA = Landing Distance available (TORA –
Displaced threshold)
➢ Stopway: Area for abandoned take-off
Clearway: Area for plane to transit from lift-
off to the required screen height
➢ Advantage of balanced field length: Gives the
minimum required field length in the event of
engine failure, simplified the process of
➢ The balanced field concept provides only one single V1 value
➢ Balanced field length: One engine inoperative takeoff distance = rejected takeoff distance TODEF = ASD
➢ Regulations: Clearway < 50% TORA
➢ Take off run required with one engine inoperative is brake release point to midpoint between VLOF and 35ft
➢ Take off run required with all engines operating is 1.15% of the takeoff path
➢ Additional clearway, no stopway: Longer distance for the takeoff can therefore load more cargo, field-
length limited take-off mass ↑, with higher mass, V1↓ because no extra stopway and you need to stop
before end of the runway with heavier aircraft
➢ Additional stopway, no clearway: Longer distance for the takeoff can therefore load more cargo, field-
length limited take-off mass ↑, V1 ↑ because you have more space to stop and higher mass requires higher
speed for takeoff ***Assume this condition unless stated otherwise (no stopway) ***
➢ At the same mass if a higher V1 was used then TODR will ↓ (lift off faster with higher speed) and ASDR ↑
➢ Downslope: ↓Take off / Accelerate Stop distance, ↓V1 (downslope will ↑ the stopping segment), ↓VMBE
Maximum brake energy limited takeoff mass (downslope degrade stopping ability, brakes have to absorb
higher energy), ↑ Field Limited Take-off Mass ↓ Allowable Take-off Mass, BUT no impact on tyre speed
limited takeoff mass, VR and V2
➢ Upslope: VMBE allow ↑ in take-off mass
➢ ASD required must consider an aborted takeoff for both: engine failure and all engine cases
➢ V1 takeoff decision speed
➢ V1 ≥ VMCG, if V1 is found to be lower than
VMCG, takeoff is not permitted, if this
answer is not an option, V1 must be
increased to at least the value of VMCG
➢ V1 ≤ VR the speed at which rotation to the lift off angle of attack is initiated
➢ V1 ≤ VMBE Maximum brake energy speed
➢ VMCG ≤ VEF Critical engine failure < V1
➢ If not VMBE or VMCG limited, V1 would be limited by VR
➢ Maximum value of V1 if max tire speed and brake energy are not limiting = VR
➢ If lower V1 is selected: ↑Takeoff Roll and lift off occurs later, obstacle clearance ↓ climb performance
remains constant
➢ There is a single speed for V1 at the runway limited take-off mass for a balanced condition, the safety
margin with respect to the runway length is the greatest
➢ Wet V1 < Dry V1, lower V1 results in ↑ TODR and obstacle clearance is degraded
➢ V2 = takeoff safety/climb speed, speed at 35ft, speed which the aircraft is legally required to achieve on
reaching the screen height 35ft
➢ V2 speed ↓: Higher flap setting (V2 speed is a margin above the stall speed, flap ↓stall speed), ↓mass
➢ V2 should be greater than VMCA by 10% and may not be less than 1.08VSR reference stall speed for planes with
more than 3 engines and 1.13 VSR for planes for 2-3 engines
➢ ↑V2 speed will ↑ TODR (holding the aircraft on the ground until it reaches an increased VR so as to climb at
an increased V2) and the climb gradient
➢ V2MIN = Minimum takeoff safety speed, ↓when flap setting ↑ stall speed ↓ mass ↓ (these factors allow
takeoff at lower speed)
➢ V2MIN is limited by VMCA requirement with high thrust conditions (high pressure, low elevation, low
temperature, low mass, large flap setting)
➢ V2MIN is limited by VSR (reference stall speed) requirement with low thrust conditions
➢ VSR = reference stall speed and may not be less than 1-g stall speed
➢ Factors causing aircraft rotates earlier + at a faster rate: Stabilizer trim setting miscalculated, CG too aft
➢ VMCG is based on directional control being maintained by primary aerodynamic control ONLY, determined
without nose wheel steering and no crosswind
➢ Most important parameters of VMCG: Engine thrust and rudder deflection
➢ VMC ↓ with low thrust conditions (high temperature / density), less speed is required to balance the
asymmetric yaw
➢ VR ≥ 1.05 VMCA
➢ Straight flight cannot be maintained below VMCA, when the critical engine has failed
➢ Pilot decides to ↑ V2, need more distance to accelerate to V2, the 35ft screen height is located further
down along the runway
➢ VSTOP = Maximum abandonment speed = safely abandon the takeoff in the event of an engine failure or with
all engines operating
➢ Given a runway of restricted length, with oceanic views and high-pressure altitude, what, for a heavy
aircraft at a constant IAS, are the effects on performance? Long take-off, low climb angle but VMC (IAS) will
be reduced
➢ The takeoff runway performance requirements are
based on failure of critical engine or all engines
operating which ever gives the greater takeoff
➢ Climb gradient = (Thrust – Drag) / Weight x 100%
➢ Minimum gross gradient = Rate of climb / TAS (1m =
3.28ft) (NOT! Groundspeed!)
➢ Gross Flight Path (plotted using average performance) > Net Flight Path (plotted using diminished gross
➢ Gross gradient is decreased by a factor of 0.8% for twin engine plane
➢ A reduction in a screen height is allowed for wet runways to ↓weight penalties
➢ Engine failure take-off run = the horizontal distance
along the take-off path from the start of the take-off
to a point equidistant between the point at which
VLOF is reached and the point at which the plane is
35ft above the take off surface
➢ Takeoff Run Required = MAX [ 1 engine inop
distance, 1.15% x all engines distance ]
➢ Engines are pressure limited at low temperature and
temperature limited at higher temperature
➢ After the failure of the critical engine and stabilising
the engine failure transient, which parameter must
be maintainable? Straight flight
➢ If a turn is commenced during the take off flight path, the load factor ↑, to generate the same amount of
lift, Angle of Attack must be higher, induced drag ↑ and the climb gradient ↓
➢ ↑Mass: ↑V1 and V2MIN (higher mass requires higher speed for takeoff), ↑Take off distance
➢ ↑ Temperature: ↓ Field Length Limited Takeoff Mass, ↓ Climb Limited Take-Off Mass
➢ ↑ Flaps: ↓Takeoff distance required, ↑ Field Length Limited Takeoff Mass, ↓ Climb / Obstacle limited
Take-Off Mass, ↓V2, ↑performance limited Take-Off Mass
➢ Climb limited takeoff mass: ↑ when density ↑, lower flap setting, ↓
temperature. Headwind / tailwind will NOT affect climb limited takeoff
➢ If takeoff weight is higher than expected, TOD and ASD↑, calculated V2
being too slow, VLOF (speed at which the aircraft actually becomes
airborne) and VMU (minimum unstick speed) ↑
➢ V1, VR and V2 are calculated speed, pilots unlikely to notice anything if
these figures are inaccurate based on wrong takeoff weight
➢ Concerning landing gear, which factors would limit the
take-off mass: rate of rotation of the wheel at lift off and
brake energy (NOT! Tyre pressure)
➢ Mass limited by TODA = Field length limited TOM
➢ Obstacle limited take-off mass should be determined on
the basis of a 35ft obstacle clearance with respect to the
“net take-off flight path”, a takeoff in the direction of an
obstacle is also permitted in tailwind condition
➢ Wind has been omitted on the left side of the chart, this is
because the climb limit performances are taken relative to the
➢ Work backwards: 58500 – 550 = 57950kg