Confinement and Dynamics of Laser Produced Plasma Expanding Across A Transverse Magnetic Field
Confinement and Dynamics of Laser Produced Plasma Expanding Across A Transverse Magnetic Field
Confinement and Dynamics of Laser Produced Plasma Expanding Across A Transverse Magnetic Field
Fusion Division
Center for Energy Research
The dynamics and confinement of laser created plumes expanding across a transverse
magnetic field have been investigated. 1.06 µm, 8 ns pulses from a Nd:YAG laser were
used to create an aluminum plasma which was allowed to expand across a 0.64 T
magnetic field. Fast photography, emission spectroscopy and time of flight spectroscopy
are used as diagnostic tools. Changes in plume structure and dynamics, enhanced
emission and ionization and velocity enhancement are observed in the presence of the
magnetic field. Photographic studies show the plume is not fully stopped and diffuses
across the field. The temperature of the plume is found to increase due to Joule heating
and adiabatic compression. The time of flight studies show that all of the species are
slowed down significantly. A multiple peak temporal distribution is observed for neutral
I. Introduction
The use of a magnetic field with a laser created plume is especially intriguing, as the
magnetic field can be used to help better control the dynamic properties of these transient and
energetic plasmas. The collimation and stability properties of plasma flows across a magnetic
field is of particular relevance to the propagation of charged particle beams, bipolar flows
associated with young stellar objects, solar wind evolution, astrophysical jets, etc [1,2]. In the
field of inertial fusion, confinement of expanding target plasma using a magnetic field offers a
potential means to slow high-energy particles before they implant in surrounding structures. The
presence of a magnetic (B) field during the expansion of a laser produced plasma may initiate
several interesting physical phenomena [3-12] which includes conversion of the plasma thermal
energy into kinetic energy, plume confinement, ion acceleration, emission enhancement, plasma
instabilities etc.
plasma cloud with a magnetic field. It has been postulated [13] that a cloud of laser-produced
plasma will be stopped by a magnetic field B in a distance R~B-2/3. Ripin et. al. [3,14] studied
sub-Alfύenic plasma expansion in the limit of large ion Larmor radius and reported that the
magnetic confinement radius Rb followed the expected B-2/3 dependency within ±20% error at
intermediate magnetic field values. Before the plasma reached Rb, the leading edge developed
distinct flute structures or spikes that projected out from the main plasma body into the magnetic
field. Mostovych et al. [15] investigated collimation and instability in laser-produced barium
plasma in 0.5-1 T transverse magnetic fields and explained the narrowing of the plasma jet in
the plane perpendicular to the B field due to curvature of the polarization fields, and flute-like
striations in the plane of the B field due to hybrid-velocity shear instabilities occurring in the
boundary of the jet. Even though the magnetic pressure PB=B2/8π exceeded both the plasma ram
pressure Pr=nmV2/2 and the thermal pressure Pt=nkT, the jet’s tip velocity was not reduced.
Dimonte and Wiley [16] investigated magnetic profile and plasma structure during plasma
expansion in a magnetic field and found diamagnetic cavity and plasma radii scale with magnetic
confinement radius over a wide range of ion magnetization. They also observed plasma
instabilities that evolve from short to long wavelengths and affect the evolution of the magnetic
laser-created plasma interaction with a strong external magnetic field (~20 T). They observed an
elongated and uniform plasma column that was formed on the axis of the magnetic coils, but the
exact mechanism behind this process was not well understood. Investigations were made on the
possibility of soft-X-ray and X-ray laser in the magnetically confined plasma column and found
population inversion [18,19]. Neogi and Thareja [20,21] investigated laser-produced carbon
plasma in a non-uniform magnetic field using emission spectroscopy and fast photography.
They observed oscillations in the temporal history of the emitting species, which are attributed to
edge instability. They also observed oscillations in the plasma parameters. Peyser et al. [22]
noticed high energy plasma propagating through high magnetic field gives rise to plasma jets
arising due to an E×B drift. Their fast photographic studies showed that the magnetic field in the
edge region of the bulk plasma gives rise to velocity shear, and the plasma undergoes a dramatic
structuring instability. Recently, VanZeeland et. al. [7,23] studied the expansion of a laser-
produced plasma into an ambient magnetized plasma capable of supporting Alfύen waves. They
observed the plume traveled across the background magnetic field along with undergoing electric
Apart from its basic research importance, the effect of magnetic field on the expansion
dynamics of laser-produced plumes also has importance in applied research. The effectiveness
of debris reduction using magnetically guided pulsed laser deposition has been demonstrated
[24,25]. They used a magnetic field to steer the plasma around a curved arc to the deposition
substrate and a significant reduction in large particulates were observed. Kokai and co-workers
[26] reported enhanced growth of carbon clusters in presence of a magnetic field during laser
ablation of graphite plasma. They explained it as the enhancement of ion-neutral reactions due
to an increase of ionic species, resulting from collisional ionization of neutral species through a
In this paper, the emission features and expansion dynamics of laser ablated aluminum
plasma expanding across a transverse magnetic field have been investigated. The 1.06 µm
pulses from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser were used for creating the plume in a vacuum chamber.
steel core, to create a maximum field of 0.64 T over a volume 5 cm x 2.5 cm x 1.5 cm. The
diagnostic tools used are 2 ns-gated photography, time integrated emission spectroscopy, and
time of flight (TOF) emission spectroscopy. For the sake of comparison, plume dynamics in the
presence and absence of magnetic field are studied. Emission spectroscopic studies showed a
relative enhancement of emission from highly charged species and a considerable decline in
intensity from singly ionized and neutral species. The electron density and temperature
measurements showed an increase at the plume edges. Time of flight (TOF) investigations
showed ion acceleration at short distances for multiply charged ions. The ion and neutral species
flight range is greatly reduced by the magnetic field lines. The temporal profiles of neutral
species are much more affected by the field in comparison with ionic species profiles.
II. Experimental set up
Details of the experimental set up are given in a recent publication [27]. Briefly, 1.06 µm pulses
from a Q-switched Nd: YAG laser (8 ns pulse width) was used to create aluminum plasma in a
stainless steel vacuum chamber. The chamber was pumped using a high-speed turbo-molecular
pump and a base pressure ~10-8 Torr was achieved. The aluminum target in the form of a disk
was rotated about an axis parallel to the laser beam in order to reduce drilling. The laser beam
was attenuated by a combination of wave plate and cube beam splitter and focused onto the
target surface at normal incidence using an antireflection-coated plano-convex lens. The beam
The plume imaging was accomplished using an intensified charged coupled device
(ICCD, PI MAX, Model 512 RB) placed orthogonal to the plasma expansion direction. A Nikon
lens was used to image the plume region onto the camera to form a 2-dimensional image of the
plume intensity. The visible radiation from the plasma was recorded integrally in the wavelength
range 350-900 nm. A programmable timing generator was used to control the delay time
between the laser pulse and the imaging system with overall temporal resolution of 1 ns.
For spectroscopy studies, an optical system was used to image the plasma plume onto the
one-to-one correspondence with the sampled area of the plume and the image. One of the exit
ports of the spectrograph was coupled to an intensified CCD camera and the other exit port was
coupled to a photomultiplier tube (PMT). By translating the optical system along the direction of
target normal, spatial-temporal information of the plume emission could be detected as described
previously [27]. For time resolved studies of a particular species in the plume, the specific lines
are selected by tuning the grating and imaging onto the slit of the PMT. For recording the
temporal profiles, the output of the PMT was directly coupled to a 1-GHz Digital Phosphor
A magnetic trap was fabricated for performing plume expansion studies into a magnetic
field. Our modeling results showed that a magnetic circuit closed by magnetic steel could
provide a higher magnetic field in the gap as compared with an isolated pair of magnetized plates
[28]. The schematic of the magnetic trap used in the experiment is given in fig. 1. Two
neodymium magnets (5 cm × 2.5 cm × 1.5 cm) with a maximum field of 1.3 T were used for
making the magnetic trap. Magnetic flux measurements were made using a three-channel
Advanced Gauss/Tesla-Meter (F.W. Bell, Model 7030). The separation between the magnets
was kept at 1.5 cm. Fig. 2 shows the measured distribution of the transverse component of the
magnetic field as a function of distance along the plume expansion axis at different positions
along with width of the magnets. The maximum magnetic field is 0.64 T and is almost uniform
along the direction of the plume expansion. But the field strength is non-uniform in the radial
from the pole edges. This leads to uniform magnetic field along the plume expansion direction.
Ablation of aluminum in vacuum creates an intensely luminous plume that expands normal to the
target surface. The base operating pressure and the laser irradiance were kept at ~1 × 10-5 Torr
and 4 GW cm-2 respectively for all the measurements. When we insert a magnetic field the
(i) The plume expands freely in vacuum without a magnetic field. As it expands across a
magnetic field, the plume front decelerates in a direction normal to the target surface.
The plume doesn’t stop completely; instead, it diffuses slowly across the magnetic
field. The plume tries to expand along the direction of the magnetic field lines
(ii) The plume lifetime is found to increase in the presence of the magnetic field.
(iii) In the presence of the field, enhanced emission from Al++ ions is observed relative to
the field free case, while the emission from singly charged (Al+) and neutral species
(Al) considerably reduced. In the field free case, the emission intensity of all lines
drop off with distance and persist until 20-25 mm from the target surface. In the
presence of the field, the emission from all species declines very rapidly with distance
(iv) The plume temperature is found to be noticeably influenced by the field. The plume
becomes hotter with distance from the target surface. The density of the plume is
(v) A velocity enhancement is observed for multiply charged ion species at shorter
distances. TOF profiles of neutral and singly ionized species showed deceleration
while expanding across the magnetic field. In the presence of the magnetic field, the
temporal profiles of ionic species are broadened in time, while the single peak
A. Plume imaging
Fast photography using an ICCD provides two-dimensional snap shots of the three-dimensional
plume propagation. This technique provides details of the expansion dynamics of the plasma
[29,30]. Plasma emission begins on the target surface soon after the laser photons reach the
surface. Images of the time evolution of the expanding aluminum plasma with and without a
magnetic trap, taken after the onset of the plasma formation, are given in fig. 3. The duration of
the intensification (exposure time) is 2 ns and each image is obtained from a single laser pulse.
Timing jitter is less than 1 ns. All of the images given in the figures are normalized to the
maximum intensity in that image. It should be remembered that each image represents the
spectrally integrated plume in the region 350-900 nm that is due to emission from the excited
states of various species. They are not necessary representative of the total flux because a part of
It is well known that the plume expands freely at vacuum conditions [27]. Plasma
expansion into a vacuum environment is simply adiabatic and can be fully predicted by
theoretical models and numerical gas dynamic simulations [31]. The plume changed significantly
when ablation took place in the magnetic trap. When the plume expands across a magnetic field
a relatively sharp boundary is formed between the field and the plasma. Fig. 4 gives the position-
time (R-t) plot obtained from the imaging data. The symbols in the figure represent experimental
data points and the curves represent the best fit. Without magnetic filed the plume front behaves
linearly with time (the straight-line fit in the graph corresponds to R ∝ t). This indicates free
expansion of the plume into vacuum. The expansion velocities of the plasmas are measured from
the slopes of the displacement–time graph. The estimated expansion velocity of the plume in the
field free case is 6.6 × 106 cm/s. When we introduce the magnetic trap, the plume expansion
velocity is dropped to 4 × 106 cm/s in the initial times and propagate much slower at times > 150
ns. It is also interesting to note that the plume is not fully stopped by the magnetic field. It
indicates that the plume front penetrates into the magnetic field and propagates slowly. While
expanding in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field, the plume simultaneously
expands along the magnetic field. The radial expansion velocity is lower compared to the peak
expansion velocity along the axial direction (normal to the target surface).
The magnitude and the effect of the plasma-magnetic field interaction mainly depends on
the properties of the outer layer of the plume which effectively shields the interior of the plasma
from the magnetic field [6]. As the plume expands freely across a magnetic field, with time the
plasma pressure decreases and hence the resistance offered by magnetic field increases. When
the pressure of the plasma is greater than the magnetic pressure, the plasma is expected to
penetrate through the region occupied by the magnetic field. The plasma confinement and
stagnation take place when the magnetic and plasma pressure balance. The confinement should
increase the collision frequency of the charged species both by confining them to a smaller
volume and by increasing their oscillation frequency. Hence the constraint of the cross-field
expansion by the magnetic field results in thermalization and a high pressure in the confined
plasma[8]. But particles with velocity components directed only along the magnetic axis will be
unaffected by the magnetic field. There is nothing to prevent the plasma from flowing freely
along the field lines. So continued expansion in response to this pressure can occur only in the
direction of the magnetic field axis. In the present studies, the lateral expansion of the plume
(that is in the direction of the field lines) is more pronounced at later times compared to
Plasma collimation or focusing was observed by Mostovych et. al. [15], when the plume
expanded across a magnetic field. Compared to the present work, the magnetic pressure in
ref.[15] is much larger than thermal as well as ram pressure, ie. low β, and hence diamagnetic
currents are weak. They described narrowing of the plume across the field is due to curvature of
the polarization fields. According to them, the plume becomes polarized due to Lorentz force
that in turn creates an electric field which causes the entire plasma to Ex B drift across the
background magnetic field as described by Borovsky [32]. Payser et. al. [22] also reported
similar collimation of the plume with high plasma β. Recent experiments by VanZeeland et. al
[23] also is in agreement with the model described in [15]. In their work, the laser created plume
polarization and generating current structures in the background plasma. The background plasma
B. Emission Spectroscopy
A detailed spectroscopic study is useful for characterizing the plume. Our spectroscopic
studies show that most of the species emitted by laser produced aluminum plasma in the present
experimental conditions are excited neutral Al species along with Al+ and Al++. In the absence of
the magnetic field, spectral intensity falls gradually with distance and spectral details persist even
at 20 mm from the target. With B field, the spectral line emission showed somewhat different
tendency. Figs. 5a and 5b show the time integrated emission spectra recorded at 3 mm and 6 mm
with and without the magnetic field. The main lines evident in these spectra are Al+ (358.7 nm),
Al++ (360.16 nm, 361.2 nm), Al (394.4 nm and 396.1 nm). Comparison between the charts
indicates that a significant emission enhancement is observed for Al++ species while emission
intensity of Al+ and Al are considerably reduced when the plume expands across magnetic field,
all other conditions being unchanged. In the presence of the field, the intensities of all lines
regardless of their charge state drops much rapidly with space, especially after 5 mm from the
target surface, and become difficult or impossible to detect beyond about 10 mm.
Rai et . al[33] observed enhanced emission from the plume in the presence of magnetic
field and ascribed it to an increase in the rate of radiative recombination in the plasma. But we
rule out this mechanism as no line emission of Al+++ is detected even very close to the target
surface. Moreover, we haven’t observed intensity increase for Al+ or neutral Al species. Another
possibility is the formation of these highly charged species through electron-impact excitation in
the plume or a rise in the mean electron energy in the plasma. The excitation rate for electron
R = neN(σve) (1)
where ne is the electron density; N is the ion or neutral density; (σve) is the product of ionization
cross-section for the electron impact and velocity of the electrons, which is a function of
temperature [34]. Enhanced emission from the higher charged species indicates higher excitation
rate for electron impact as a result of increased (σve). This indicates increased electron energy or
electron temperature in the presence of the field. The rapid decline in the intensity and
deceleration of singly charged ions and neutrals may be caused by energy transfer in the plasma
that involves energy exchange via charge exchange and impact ionization.
For the study of plasma-magnetic field interaction a detailed knowledge of the plume
parameters are necessary. In order to determine the density and temperature of the plasma
spectroscopic methods are used [35]. The plasma electron temperature (Te) was measured at
various distances using relative intensities of the species having the same ionization. Boltzmann
plots of Al+ lines at 281.6 nm, 466.3 nm, 559.2 nm and 624 nm were made in order to calculate
electron temperature at different distances normal to the target surface. The self-absorption of the
Al+ transitions selected for temperature measurements were reported to be negligible [36].
Transition probabilities of these lines were taken from the literature [37]. The plasma electron
density was measured using Stark broadened profiles of Al+ lines. Line shape analyses were
repeated at different distances from the target surface, which provides a direct indication of the
spatial evolution of electron density, giving an insight into the basic ionization processes taking
place in pulsed laser ablation [38]. For the electron density measurements the broadening of the
281.6 nm Al+ line is selected. The impact parameter is obtained from Griem [37].
The spatial dependence of electron temperature and density of the plasma is given in figs.
6 and 7. For these studies time integrated intensities were used. The value of density and
temperature presented at different distances from the target should be regarded as indicative of
the average conditions occurring in the plume, rather than defining the conditions at a particular
stage of its evolution. In the absence of the magnetic field the temperature and density show a
decreasing behavior with distance. With increasing separation from the target surface, the
decreases from 9.7 ×1017 cm-3 at 1 mm to 5 × 1017 cm-3 at 12 mm. The variation of density as a
function of distance follows approximately a 1/z law at short distances, indicating that the initial
Fig. 7 shows the electron density values are not much affected by the presence of the
magnetic field. The plume temperature is also not much affected by the field at short distances.
The temperature drops rapidly with increasing distance from the target surface. The mechanism
by which the plasma cooled at short distances appeared to be adiabatic expansion. But the
presence of the field slowed the cooling process and the temperature is found to increase at
distances greater than 4 mm. Compared to the field free case, the increase in temperature at
greater distances indicates that gas dynamic effects are less important and the magnetic field has
a strong effect on the heating and confinement of the plasma. Please also note that the values
given in fig. 6 are the time averaged values of electron temperature. So the instantaneous
The increase in electron temperature relative to the field free case is caused by two
effects; (i) Resistive Ohmic/Joule heating and (ii) adiabatic compression of the plasma by the
model to describe the expansion of the ionized plume in a magnetic field. According to this
where, E and B are the electric and magnetic fields; V, the mass flow velocity; J, the electron
conduction current; σ0, the conductivity. As the plume expands across the magnetic field, heating
can occur due to the energy gained by the electrons from the plume kinetic energy (work is done
against the J × B term that acts to decelerate the flow). The J × B force acts to push the plasma
until the magnetic pressure is balanced by the plasma pressure. This will lead to Joule heating of
the electrons so that electrons can continue to excite higher charge states. So the magnetic field
promotes electron collisional ionization, which would result in the enhancement of the ion
increase in density and temperature at the edges of the plasma is expected [40]. But our time
integrated density measurements showed no increase in density in the presence of the magnetic
field. Since the plasma edges are expected to be much denser compared to the free expanding
interior, there should be a back flow toward the interior which may lead to homogenization of
Since time averaged measurements do not yield density information at earlier times, we
performed time resolved electron density measurements by setting the gate width of the
intensifier at 10 ns. Fig. 8 gives the time evolution of electron density recorded at 1 mm from the
target surface in the presence and absence of magnetic field. At shorter times (< 40 ns) the line to
continuum ratio is small and the density measurement is very sensitive to errors in setting the
true continuum level. For times ≥ 40 ns, the line to continuum ratios is within reasonable limits.
In this case, interference with the continuum measurement is not severe and the values of ne
shown in the figure should be reliable. Initially the plasma expands isothermally within the time
of the duration of the laser pulse. After the termination of the laser pulse, the plasma expands
adiabatically. During this expansion the thermal energy is converted into kinetic energy and the
plasma cools down rapidly. It can be seen from the figure that the electron density nearly
doubled with the presence of the field at initial times. At 40 ns the measured electron density is
7.2 × 1018 cm-3 compared to 3.7 × 1018 cm-3 with field free case. So the electron density at the
plume front position is higher when the plasma expands across the field and inside the plume its
value is more or less the same as the field free case because of the back flow.
In order to stop the plasma propagation across a magnetic field, the magnetic pressure
must be equal to the plasma pressure; if the magnetic pressure exceeds the plasma kinetic
pressure, the plasma will be compressed by the magnetic field. In the present experiments, as our
imaging studies showed the plume is not completely stopped by the magnetic field, but it is
significantly slowed down similar to plume expansion across a moderate ambient pressure [41].
It indicates that plasma species diffuse into the magnetic field. In order to get more details about
the plasma species kinetic behavior, TOF emission studies were made for different species in the
plasma with and without magnetic field and are given in the following section.
C. Time of Flight Studies
Time of Flight (TOF) studies of the plasma give vital information regarding the time taken by a
particular state of the constituent to evolve after the plasma is formed [42]. This technique gives
details on the velocity of the emitted particles and parameters that are of fundamental importance
in establishing the mechanisms responsible for the particle emission [43]. To study the influence
of magnetic field on different species in the plasma, TOF profiles are taken at different distances
from the target surface in the presence and absence of magnetic field. Time resolved studies
were made for Al (396.1 nm, 3s2 ( 1S)3p - 3s2 ( 1S)4s), Al+ (358.6 nm, 3s3d - 3s4f ) and Al++
Typical TOF profiles are given in figs. 9-11 with and without magnetic field. Without the
magnetic field, the emission from all species are found beyond 15 mm from the target surface,
while in the presence of the magnetic field the species spatial distribution is limited to 10-12 mm
above the target surface. The time delay of the temporal emission peak with respect to the laser
pulse is recorded as a function of distance and is used for studying plume expansion. This is
useful to determine the escape velocity of different species associated with cross-field plasma
decay. The distance-time plots drawn from the TOF profiles are given in figs. 12-14.
In the absence of the magnetic field the plume expands freely as indicated by the straight
line fit in the time-distance plots. The expansion velocities of the ionized species are found to
increase with degree of ionization, which is consistent with earlier observations [41,43]. The
maximum expansion velocities of Al++, Al+ and Al in the field free case are found to be at (5.3 ±
0.2) ×106 cm/s, (3.0 ± 0.1) × 106 cm/s and (2.0 ± 0.12) × 106 cm/s respectively. It is expected that
fast electrons and ions travel at the leading edge of the plume. After the laser action ceases, the
charge composition of the plasma is governed by 3-body recombination, which dominates over
radiative and/or dielectronic ones due to the rapid drop in electron temperature as the plasma
expands. The ions located at the front of the plasma acquire the largest energy during
hydrodynamic acceleration and the interaction time for recombination is very much reduced
When the magnetic field is introduced, several interesting phenomena were observed. (i).
Kinetic energies of all species are considerably reduced at distances greater than 4 mm. The
velocity distribution of the ionic species is only weakly affected at distances shorter than 4 mm.
This suggests that the field had very little effect on the early stages of the development of the
plume, because the pressure of the plasma greatly exceeds magnetic pressure. (ii). At short
distances, an increase in expansion velocity is observed for Al++ species relative to the field free
case. An expansion velocity of 6.7 × 106 cm/s is estimated for Al++ species at shorter distances
indicating ion acceleration. This is likely due to acceleration in the electric field generated by
strong electron confinement. (iii). Finally, the neutral Al TOF data showed a double-peak
magnetic field of 0.64 T, with mass = 27 amu, and with a velocity of 5 × 106 cm/s, the Larmor
radius for Al++ ions is ~1 cm and its value for Al+ ions is 1.3 cm (with a velocity of 3 × 106 cm/s)
which is of the order of the characteristic length of the plume. The estimated electron Larmor
radius is very small (<1 µm). A rough estimate of Alfύen velocity (va) is made by assuming
equal electron and ion temperatures shows va = 5 ×105 cm/s. Due to the highly transient non-
behavior is somewhat limited in validity. One of the key parameters for expansion into a
magnetic field is the plasma beta. The thermal beta (βt) of the plasma is given by
8π ne kTe
βt = (3)
Time evolution of estimated βt at 1 mm from the target surface is given in fig. 15. The expansion
of the plume will stop when the magnetic pressure is balanced by the plasma pressure or β
(plasma pressure/magnetic pressure) = 1. Even though the βt of the plume is ~ 1 at times >100
ns, our imaging studies showed that the plume is not completely stopped by the magnetic field
instead it is slowed down considerably. So the plasma bt is not the only factor governing the
nature of expansion. After the initial conversion of thermal energy into directed energy, the
4π ne mv 2
βd = (4)
The estimated values of βd are also given in fig.15. βd is seen to vary by over an order of
magnitude within the first 20 ns of spectral line emission. In the early phase of the plume
expansion, βd is on the order of a few thousands, indicating that we are in the regime of
diamagnetic expansion [22]. The laser produced plasma diamagnetic cavity (magnetic bubble)
expands until a total excluded magnetic energy becomes comparable to the total plasma energy.
By assuming plume expands spherically and considering it is expanding from a flat surface into
where El is the total plasma energy and B is the applied magnetic field [14,23]. With our
experimental parameters, the estimated bounce radius Rb = 0.7 cm. The average deceleration of
the plume is given by g = v2/2Rb and time to stagnation or bubble lifetime is given by tb = 2Rb/v,
where v is the velocity of the plume in a direction perpendicular to the target surface. The
estimated values of deceleration and stagnation time by taking plume velocity obtained from the
images are g = 2.5 × 1013 cm/s2 and tb = 220 ns. The values of Rb, g and tb are in good agreement
with R-t plots obtained from the plume images. From the R-t plot it is clear that the plume starts
to stagnate after 200 ns, and the effective length of the plume is ~ 0.8 cm and the value of g = 1 ×
1013 cm/s2. Please note that although the plume strongly decelerates as it approaches Rb, it does
not stop fully. This may be caused by incomplete exclusion of the field inside the plasma, E × B
motion of the plasma in the boundary layer and deviation of the spherical plume expansion
approximation [14]. The different parameters estimated for our plasma is given in Table 1.
The directed β is found to vary nearly three orders of magnitude during the plume
expansion across the magnetic field. Only after the plume has evolved 280 ns does βd approach
unity, indicating that the displaced magnetic field energy is approximately equal to the kinetic
energy of the expanding plasma. So at early times, the charged particles diffuse through the
region occupied by the magnetic field and exclude the field. The diffusion coefficient of the
charged particles perpendicular to a field is related to field strength through the relation [34]
D∝ (6)
B T 1/ 2
So an increase in temperature will reduce the diffusion across the magnetic field and eventually
the plume will slow down considerably. In the later phase of the plume expansion, or non-
diamagnetic limit, the plasma cools and the magnetic field is able to diffuse across the boundary
relatively fast compared to the time scale of the experiment. The magnetic diffusion time (td) is
essentially the time required to convert the energy of the magnetic field to Joule heat, which is
given by
4πσ Rb2
td = (7)
where σ is the plasma conductivity which can be obtained with Spitzer formula [44]. The
estimated magnetic diffusion time with present experimental parameters is 560 ns with Z =1.
The observed slowing down of neutrals and ions in the presence of the field is consistent
with an MHD model in which kinetic energy of the expansion is transformed into random
electron motion (heating). In the presence of the field, the Al++ species move with a reduced
velocity of 2.5 × 106 cm/s (at distances > 4 mm) while the velocity of Al+ species slows down to
1.4 × 106 cm/s. Compared to the field free case, the expansion velocities of neutral Al species
are significantly reduced. The measured velocity for the neutral species is 7.5 × 105 cm/s. A
delayed component of the Al species propagates with a velocity 4.5 ×105 cm/s. The velocity
measurement indicates that in the presence of the field the deceleration of the species is inversely
relative to the field free case indicating ion acceleration. Such an enhancement in ion energy in
the presence of the magnetic field was also observed by previous workers [20,45]. From
Maxwell’s equations and Ohm’s Law, a rapidly changing magnetic field will induce large
currents within the plume. These diamagnetic currents exclude the magnetic field from the
interior of the plume, and may interact with the steady state magnetic field through the J×B
force. This dynamic will simultaneously accelerate and decelerate different regions of the plume
depending on the direction of the diamagnetic currents [21]. Moreover, the electric field created
by the plasma electrons due to their reflection by the magnetic field can also accelerate the ions.
Simulation of laser produced plasma expansion across a magnetic field by Kacenjar et. al. [46]
also showed that the ions located at the plume front position can be accelerated by the radial
electric field. Our TOF results indeed show that Al++ ions have the highest expansion velocity
Surprisingly, in the presence of the magnetic filed, the kinetic distributions of the neutral
species are most affected compared to ionic species which is difficult to understand. The spectral
emission features of neutral Al species showed a twin peak distribution as the plume expands
across the field and the decay of the species is considerably increased with the field. Recently,
we reported the observation of a multiple peak temporal structure for neutral and singly ionized
Al species, as the plume expands into an ambient background gas [27] where gas phase
collisions transforms initial temporal distributions into a very different final distribution. In the
present experiments gas dynamic effects are negligible as the plume expands into vacuum. Neogi
and Thareja [20] also observed multiple peak structure for both neutral and ionic species during
the carbon plume expansion into a magnetic field and attributed it to edge instability. In their
experiments the plume expanded across a non-uniform magnetic field that may induce more J ×
B term. In the present experiments, the magnetic field is almost constant in the direction
perpendicular to the target surface. But the field is varying in the radial direction considerably as
shown in fig. 2. In principle the neutral species are not going to be affected by the field. But
collective effects in the plume as it expands across the field lead to enhanced collision, which
may cause slowing of the atomic species. The temporal spreading and decay of the species
increase with decreasing charge state and neutral species are much broader compared to other
ionic species (see figs. 9-11). The delayed peak in the neutral TOF profile is moving with a
velocity 4.5 x 105 cm/s and appears > 700 ns even at shorter distances which is higher than the
bubble lifetime. At present the origin of the delayed peak in the TOF profiles of neutral species is
not well understood. One scenario for the evolution of the delayed peak with neutral species is
the backflow of the particles towards target after the collapse of the bubble.
IV. Summary
The confinement and dynamics of laser produced plasma expansion across a magnetic field have
been investigated using fast photography and optical emission spectroscopy. The presence of a
magnetic field during the expansion of the plume leads to plasma deceleration and confinement,
enhanced emission intensity from doubly charged ions, ion acceleration, and electron
temperature and density increase. A magnetic field of 0.64 T produced plasmas with markedly
different geometrical features. Fast photography of the plasma luminosity was very helpful in
establishing the qualitative behavior of the plume with field-constrained expansion. It showed
the plume is not fully stopped and diffuses across the field. Images also illustrate the plasma
expands along the field lines, while its flow is restricted in the transverse direction.
Optical emission spectroscopic studies showed in the presence of the field enhanced
emission from multiply charged ions while the emission intensities from singly charged ions and
neutral species were considerably reduced. The relative rise in intensity of higher-lying levels is
mainly due to a rise in the mean electron energy in the plasma. This is supported by the fact that
the electron temperature is also found to increase in the presence of the field. The decrease in
intensity of neutral and singly ionized Al species relative to doubly ionized Al species also
suggests that the intensity of recombination radiation is strongly reduced by the field. The
magnetic confinement and compression of the plasma can transform plasma kinetic energy to
thermal energy via increased collision frequencies. Additionally the secondary current induced
by the plasma outer boundary will add energy to the plasma via Joule heating. Thus the increase
in temperature with increase in distance as plasma expands across a magnetic field is due to
Joule heating and adiabatic compression. The electron density is nearly doubled in the presence
of field at early times. A 30% increase in electron temperature is observed near stagnation
The thermal and directed β of the plasma is much greater than 1 at initial stages and the
plasma would distort the field by compressing it at the leading edge, leaving a field free region
within the plasma. At later times and greater distances, when thermal β ~ 1, a deceleration of the
plasma is seen accompanied by thermalization of the flow energy. Thus the magnetic field acts
as a retarding media, slowing the plume development. Similar to the density and velocity, the
thermal and directed b will also be a highly dynamic quantity and may vary considerably during
plume expansion.
In the presence of magnetic field a velocity enhancement is observed for doubly charged
ions caused by radial electric field. All of the plume species are slowed down rapidly especially
at distances greater than 4 mm which is consistent with MHD model. The temporal profiles of
ionic species are not much affected by the field while the profiles of neutral species are
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Table 1. Different parameters estimated in an Al laser plasma formed from 8-ns, 4 GW/cm2
Figure Captions
FIG. 1. Schematic of the magnetic trap used. The separation between the two ceramic magnets
FIG. 2. The magnetic field distribution between the two magnets separated by 1.5 cm measured
using a Gauss meter along the plume expansion direction at different axial points. All the
FIG. 3. Plume images recorded using 2 ns gated ICCD camera in the presence and absence of the
magnetic field. The times in the figure represent the time after the evolution of the plasma. For
FIG. 4. R-t plots obtained from plume images. Without magnetic field, the plume propagates
freely. In the presence of field, plume propagation is considerably slowed down and confined in
a direction perpendicular to the target surface. Plume expansion in the lateral direction is
FIG. 5. The emission spectra recorded at (a) 3 mm and (b) 6 mm from the target in the presence
FIG. 6. The variation of temperature with distance from the target surface in the presence and
absence of magnetic field. The solid line represents best-fit curve for without field case.
FIG. 7. Electron density as a function of distance. The solid line represents 1/z curve.
FIG. 9. TOF profiles of Al species at 396.1 nm (3s2 ( 1S)3p - 3s2 ( 1S)4s)) recorded at different
distances from the target surface. (a) without B and (b) with B.
FIG. 10. TOF profiles of Al+ species at 358.6 nm,( 3s3d - 3s4f ) in the absence (a) and presence
of B field (b).
FIG. 11. Temporal emission profiles of Al++ at 360.1 nm (3p-4d) recorded at different distances
FIG. 12. R-t plots for Al species obtained from the TOF distributions. With the presence of the
field, two kinetic peaks were observed for Al species. The faster and slower peaks are termed
FIG. 13. R-t plots for Al+ species in the presence and absence of magnetic field.
FIG. 14. R-t plot obtained from TOF profiles of Al++ species with and without magnetic field.
Figure 15. The time evolution of the thermal and directed β estimated at 1 mm from the target
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Figure 4
Figure 5 a & b
Figure 6.
Figure 7.
Figure 8.
Figure 9a & b.
Figure 10 a & b
Figure 11 a & b
Figure 12
Figure 13.
Figure 14.
Figure 15