Three Moadim or Four?: Rabbi Azarya Berzon
Three Moadim or Four?: Rabbi Azarya Berzon
Three Moadim or Four?: Rabbi Azarya Berzon
The fundamental mitzvah that is shared by the three moadim is the mitzvah of simcha. In contrast, the
essential mitzvah of the three weeks and Tisha Be’av is mourning. We mourn the destruction of the Beit
HaMikdash and grieve over the long and bitter Galut. These two mitzvot, simcha and aveilut, are two
fundamentally adverse halachik fulfillments and are mutually exclusive. (See Moed Katan 14b).
While this distinction is clear in the halachik realm, it is far from clear in the experiential. Here we find a
measure of overlap and the boundary between the two mitzvot becomes blurred. Granted, when the
Mikdash stood, the festivals were days of pure joy. Simcha reached its apex on Yom Kippur, for example,
when the Kohen Gadol completed his Avoda in the Kodesh HaKodashim, or on Sukkot at the time of the
Simchat Beit HaShoeiva, or on all the moadim at the time of aliya l’regel and the bringing of the korbanot.
In the post-churban age, the tfilat Mussaf serves as a substitute for aliya l’regel and the offering of the
sacrifices. However, even a superficial study of the Mussaf service reveals that in the historical period
following the destruction, the mitzvah of simcha becomes a complex matter. The joyous recitation of the
avodat hayom in the Mussaf of Yom Kippur culminating with the piyut (in the Ashkenazic rite) מראה כהן
recited in ecstatic delight, is paradoxically followed by a long chain of heart wrenching kinot expressing
the grief over the loss of the avodah. A similar phenomenon occurs on the moadim when the Mussaf
opens with the jubilant declaration אתה בחרתנו מכל העמים, but continues with the dismal proclamation:
We have been forced into exile and cannot fulfill the mitzvah ואין אנו יכולים לעלות.נתרחקנו מעל אדמתנו
of Aliya LaRegel to visit Your chosen House, the great בבית.ולהראות ולהשתחות לפניך בבית בחירתך
Mikdash, due to the force of the enemies who have destroyed it. מפני היד.הגדול והקדוש שנקרא שמך עליו
.שנשתלחה במקדשך
It would seem that at a certain point in the Mussaf prayer, the reality of churban dawns upon us. The Mikdash
is gone, and in its absence we are lacking the most essential component of the moed, namely the encounter
with HaShem in His Bayit. As Rav Tzadok HaKohen Milublin points out, the very meaning of the word
moed indicates the rendezvous between the people of Israel and the Shechina in the Beit HaMikdash:
The word moed derives from the verse “where I will meet והענין דמועד מלשון אשר אועד לכם שמה )שמות
you” referring to the Beit HaMikdash where the Shechina שבבית המקדש היתה השראת השכינה,(מב:כט
resides. פרי צדיק במדבר לראש חודש מנחם אב
Pri Tzadik Bamidbar
Acknowledgement of galut and churban generates the mitzvah of teshuva; hence, the short version of
viduy recited in the Mussaf for all three moadim: מפני חטאינו גלינו מארצנו
The experience of churban and aveilut on the moadim is reflected in a somewhat unusual minhag:
I have heard about an Ashkenazic group in Yerushalayim 'שמעתי מכת האשכנזים שבירושלים ת"ו שבג
that visit the Kotel on the three Regalim and pray the רגלים הולכין לכותל המערבי להתפלל שם תפלת
Mussaf service reciting “we have been exiled due to our sins” מוסף ומפני חטאינו וכו' ומרבים בבכיה ודאגה
and they wail and weep out of a sense of profound anxiety. .גדולה
Beit Mordechai 1:28 שו"ת בית מרדכי חלק א סימן כח
If the moadim include an expression of aveilut, what about the flip side? Is there any experience of simcha
on Tisha Be’av? Our intuitive answer would be no. The mitzvat hayom is to reflect upon galut and
churban, through the intellectual study and the emotional experience of our dismal distance from
Shechina. Simcha is simply not appropriate.
Or is it?
There is a rare human quality that is depicted in the words of Chazal as one which requires gigantic
heroism and was attained by but a few of our great sages throughout our history. I am referring to the
ability to reveal the good inherent in the bad, to exhibit a lofty optimism in the face of tragedy and
despair. This faculty plays a unique role in the context of churban. As the Midrash comments:
Why is it “the song of Asaf” and not “the לא הוה קרא צריך למימר אלא בכי לאסף נהי לאסף קינה
lamentation of Asaf”? Because Hashem chose to let אלא משל למלך שעשה בית, ומה אומר מזמור לאסף,לאסף
out his anger on wood and stones rather than upon ,חופה לבנו וסיידה וכיידה וציירה ויצא בנו לתרבות רעה
the people of Israel. It is comparable to a King who מיד עלה המלך לחופה וקרע את הוילאות ושיבר את הקנים
constructed a majestic marriage hall in honor of the , אמרו לו,ונטל פדגוג שלו איבוב של קנים והיה מזמר
wedding of his son only to discover that his son went אמר להם מזמר,המלך הפך חופתו של בנו ואת יושב ומזמר
כך אמרו,אני שהפך חופתו של בנו ולא שפך חמתו על בנו
off the path following the ways of evil. Instead of
אמר, הקב"ה החריב היכל ומקדש ואתה יושב ומזמר,לאסף
discharging his anger directly on his son, he להם מזמר אני ששפך הקב"ה חמתו על העצים ועל האבנים
destroyed the marriage hall and his anger subsided. .ולא שפך חמתו על ישראל
Eicha Rabbah 4 3
איכה רבה פרשה ד
Amongst Chazal, it is Rebbi Akiva who epitomizes optimism and solace in spite of tragedy and churban.
With his unique insight he understands desolation as a forecast of rebuilding.
The sages were once walking on the Har ראו, כיון שהגיעו להר הבית... פעם אחת היו עולין לירושלים
HaBayit and they witnessed a fox running out . התחילו הן בוכין ור"ע מצחק,שועל שיצא מבית קדשי הקדשים
of the Kodesh HaKodashim. They began to ? מפני מה אתם בוכים: מפני מה אתה מצחק? אמר להם:אמרו לו
weep, exclaiming “this is the place concerning והזר הקרב יומת ועכשיו שועלים הלכו: מקום שכתוב בו,אמרו לו
which the Torah warns ‘and the stranger that (' )ישעיהו ח: דכתיב, לכך אני מצחק:בו ולא נבכה? אמר להן
comes near shall be put to death’ and now we ,ואעידה לי עדים נאמנים את אוריה הכהן ואת זכריה בן יברכיהו
וכי מה ענין אוריה אצל זכריה? אוריה במקדש ראשון וזכריה
see foxes roaming there!” But Rebbi Akiva
תלה הכתוב נבואתו של זכריה בנבואתו של,במקדש שני! אלא
smiled and exclaimed “now that I see that the )מיכה ג'( לכן בגללכם ציון שדה תחרש: באוריה כתיב,אוריה
prophecy of Uriah regarding the Churban has )זכריה ח'( עוד ישבו זקנים וזקנות ברחובות: בזכריה כתיב,'וגו
come to pass, I am guaranteed that the עד שלא נתקיימה נבואתו של אוריה – הייתי מתיירא,ירושלם
prophecy of Zecharya regarding redemption עכשיו שנתקיימה נבואתו של,שלא תתקיים נבואתו של זכריה
It is for this reason that we find leniencies in the observance of aveilut in the afternoon of Tisha Be’av coinciding with the
moment the enemy set torch to the Mikdash.
will come to pass!” The sages responded, בלשון הזה אמרו.אוריה – בידוע שנבואתו של זכריה מתקיימת
“Akiva you have consoled us.” . ניחמתנו, ניחמתנו! עקיבא, עקיבא:לו
Makkot 24b :מכות כד
Tisha Be’av is the day on which we reflect upon the greatness of Klal Yisrael. This motif finds expression
in the kinot of HaKalir for Tisha Be’av. We shall mention two kinot as examples:
Alas! How thou hast put thyself to pains, so that thy .4איכה טרחת בטרחך לטרוף ביד טמאים טלאיך
lambs be torn by the hands of the unclean.
In this line, the imagery of Klal Yisrael is that of a flock of lambs. Rav Soloveitchik z”l suggested that
word טלאיךis chosen by the paytan to suggest the mitzvah of Ma’aser Beheima. Ten lambs are counted
one-by-one, the first nine are יוצאים לחוליןuntil the last is pronounced Kodesh: עשירי קודש. This mitzvah
expresses the very essence of our people. Although the tenth is completely Kodesh, the other nine are not
excluded from Kedusha. On the contrary, all ten are precious and make up the Chosen People. Whereas
the tenth is totally sanctified and brought on the alter as a korban, each of the other nine is גורם את
;הקדושהwithout each one there can be no קדושת מעשר. This symbolizes the essence of the Jewish nation.
Each Jew contributes his particular dimension to the Kedusha that makes up the entity of K’nesset Yisrael.
Without each individual member of the Klal the unique sanctity of our People cannot exist.
What has become of the utterance “ ”כהwhen Avraham drew Yitzchok "נלכה,אי כה גש כשה לעולה לרצותך
near as a lamb for a burnt-offering, in order to do thy will and gratified עד כה" פתו בעדותיך
thee when he declared “I and the lad will go yonder”?
The Rav asked what does HaKalir mean to express by integrating " "נלכה עד כהinto this kinah? The
other quotes of the word כהfrom Tanach throughout this kinah express the special relationship He has
with His People; Shechina reveals itself through the word כהand the paytan is asking where has the כה
disappeared. The previous verse in this kinah opens with the כהof the brit bein Habetarim כה יהיה לנצח.
But the כהof " "נלכה עד כהseems an insignificant detail in the story of the Akeida. Avraham tell his lads,
Yishmael and Eliezer, to wait behind. Why does this כהplay such an important role that it deserves being
incorporated into this kinah?
And Avraham said to his young men stay here with ויאמר אברהם אל נעריו שבו לכם פה עם החמור ואני
the ass, and I and the lad will go yonder and prostrate :והנער נלכה עד כה ונשתחוה ונשובה אליכם
ourselves and return to you. ה:בראשית כב
When Avraham Avinu received the order to bring Yitzchok as a Korban Olah, in the depth of his soul he
didn’t fully believe that HaShem would let this happen. Surely HaShem would have mercy and come up
with an alternative plan. At the last minute He would spare Yitzchok’s life. At what instant did Avraham
realize that this was it, that he would have to follow through with the Akeida and sacrifice Yitzchok? At
what moment did Avraham’s commitment to the Akeida become absolute, 100%? Is that moment noted
in the Torah? Definitely! It is the moment that Avraham commanded Yishmael and Eliezer, to stay
behind. Avraham understood that Jewish destiny is unique and cannot be comprehended by members of
the other nations. “The two of you must remain behind, for if you go beyond this point and witness the
Akeida you will surely consider me a lunatic. What is about to transpire is a private experience between
myself and my son Yitzchok. Only members of the special covenant can possibly understand the
A similar use of the word טלאיךcan be found is the piyut for Rosh HaShana: מלך אמיץ כח רב עלילה וכו' טלאיך תכתיר לנוסס
.)מחזור ויטרי סימן תנו מעריב לליל שני של ראש השנה( בעידי
meaning of what was about to transpire, what appears to the spectator to be an irrational encounter
between man and God.” With this declaration the Jewish nation was formed!
The motif of the above-mentioned verse in the kinah is very the theme of the following Shachrit prayer:
Look down from the Heavens and see how we are despised and הבט משמים וראה היינו לעג וקלס בגוים נחשבנו
humiliated by our enemies, how we suffer and die for the sake כשה לטבח יובל להרוג לאבד למכה ולחרפה
of Your Name, we have not forgotten You, please do not forget ובכל זאת שמך הגדול לא שכחנו נא אל אל
us. .תשכחינו
Although the period of the three weeks culminating in Tisha Be’av marks a period of סילוק שכינה,
nevertheless, and quite paradoxically, this interval of time lends itself to coming close to Shechina. Once
again let us reflect upon the words of Rav Tzadok HaKohen Milublin (delivered on the occasion of Rosh
Chodesh Av):
Her pursuers have all overtaken her in the ועיקר מה שמצינו בראש חודש דאיקרי מועד נלמד רק מחודש אב
midst of her distress (Eicha 1:3). The Rebby, וכמו שאמרו )פסחים ע"ז א( דראש חודש איקרי מועד כדאביי
Rav Ber interpreted the word “pursuers” in this עלי ט"ו( קרא,'וכו' תמוז דהאי שתא מלויי מליוה דכתיב )איכה א
verse (allegorically) as referring to those who י"ג( והשבתי כל,' והוא דבחודש זה כתיב )הושע ב.'מועד וגו
seek out God. These are individuals who crave שכח ו'( שחת מועדו,'משושה חגה חודשה ושבתה וכתיב )איכה ב
to know and recognize “He who declared and ובחודש זה הרגישו חכמים דבראש חודש יש.ה' בציון מועד ושבת
על דרך מה שאומרים מהרבי ר' בער.גם כן קדושה ואיקרי מועד
the world was created”. During the period of
ג'( כל רודפיה השיגוה בין המצרים,'זצלה"ה על הפסוק )שם א
bein HaMetzarim (the three weeks between 17 היינו כל רודפי ה' שרודף אחר השגת ה' יתברך לדעת ולהכיר את
Tammuz and 9 Av) it is relatively easy to מי שאמר והיה העולם בנקל להשיגו בימים אלו שנקראים בין
achieve this goal. This can be understood by המצרים ואמר משל על זה דכשהמלך בביתו קשה לבוא לחדרו
way of an allegory. When the King is located in ולכן רק בחודש זה.אבל כשהוא בדרך נקל יותר לבוא אליו
his palace he is hardly approachable. When he הרגישו החכמים יותר קדושת החודש שהוא מצד ישראל דאיקרי
is on the road he is more easily accessible. ראש חודש מועד וממנו למדו לכל ראש חודש
Pri Tzadik Bamidbar פרי צדיק במדבר לראש חודש מנחם אב
The difference between the three festive Moadim and the Moed of Tisha Be’av is one of direction.
Whereas on a Regel we begin with simcha and end with בכייה, on the Moed of Tisha Be’av, we begin with
sorrow which leads to joy. Inherent in the very act of mourning for the loss of the Beit HaShem is longing
for the Mikdash and re-experiencing its Holiness which leads the mourner to a state of inner joy.
On this day of Tisha Be’av, we declare the greatness of Knesset Yisrael and the special eternal love of
HaShem for His Nation. On this day which commemorates סילוק שכינהwe make the following
pronouncement: the situation of Galut is temporary. This is reflected in the kina ציון צפירת פאר:
Nor was any bill of divorce ever delivered into your hand. לא בא בידך שטר ספר טרודיך
Oh, Tziyon! No bill of divorce was ever delivered by HaShem into your hand. The people of Israel need
not fear that the galut is a permanent break in the relationship between Knesset Yisrael and HaKaB”hu.
Though we have been sent into exile, contrary to the expressed opinion of our enemies and detractors,
no shtar gerushin was ever written, and HaShem will surely redeem us and end the exile at the appointed
time. Partners in marriage can have feuds from time to time, yet no bill of divorce is delivered.
On Tisha Be’av we reminisce and re-experience the intimate relationship between Shechina and Knesset
Yisrael. Through the experience of mourning and remembering what was – by reliving dreams of the past
– we encounter HaShem and feel close to Him. It is through the very act of mourning that we achieve a
state of joy. This paradoxical concurrence of aveilut and simcha represents the very structure of the
mitzvat hayom. Our experience on this day can be compared to that of a child who in his sleep dreams
that his departed parent has come to visit him. The child senses the presence of his parent; it is a vivid
encounter; parent and child talk, discuss, and laugh together. Abruptly the child is shaken and awakens
from his dream only to return to the melancholic reality of the loss of his parent. But for those fleeting
moments of rendezvous, the child experiences true joy and bliss.
This “taste” of simcha intrinsic to the Tisha Be’av experience resonates in Halacha:
We do not recite Tachnun or Slichot on Tisha ,אין אומרים תחנון ולא סליחות בט"ב משום דכתיב ]איכה א
Be’av because it is called a Moed, nor do we fall on אין אומרים... טו[ קרא עלי מועד ואין נופלין על פניהם
our arms (nefilat apayim). For this reason we do תחנון במנחה בערב ט"ב משום דאקרי מועד וכן אין אומרים
not recite Tachnun on the mincha prior to Tisha צדקתך צדק במנחה שבת ערב ט"ב וגם בת"ב עצמו כן
Be’av. This is symbolic of our confidence that והעניין הוא לסימן כי אנו מובטחים בהשי"ת שעוד יתהפכו
HaShem will convert Tisha Be’av into a holiday. .הימים האלה למועדים ושמחה וימים טובים
ערוך השולחן שם סימן תקנב סעיף יד
Aruch Hashulchan 552:14
As we have indicated, the complete fulfillment of aveilut over the destruction of Yerushalayim entails the
simcha of remembering the Yerushalayim of old. One who attains that bit of simcha within the bitterness
will surely realize the complete simcha when the rebuilt Yerushalayim will be a reality.
This is true for the individual. As far as the Klal is concerned, we have an additional Divine promise:
“The fast of the fourth month and of the fifth and of the seventh כה אמר ה' צבאות צום הרביעי וצום החמישי
and of the tenth will become times of joy and gladness, and וצום השביעי וצום העשירי יהיה לבית יהודה
cheerful feasts for the house of Yehuda; therefore love the truth לששון ולשמחה ולמעדים טובים והאמת
and peace” (Zecharya 8:19). In the future HaShem will convert עתיד הקב"ה.( יט,והשלום אהבו )זכריה ח
Tisha Be’av into a day of simcha. להפוך תשעה באב לשמחה
Midrash Zuta Eicha 1 פרשה א,מדרש זוטא איכה