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May 2017 1

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Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

9. CE Board May 2017 14. CE Board May 2017

What is the max. speed at which an
automobile can round a curve of 24 m. radius It takes a force of 130 Newtons to stretch a
of a level road if the coefficient of friction spring 50 cm. Find the work done in stretching
the spring 20 cm beyond its natural
MAY 2017 between the tires and the road is 0.30?
(unstretched) length.
10. CE Board May 2017
15. CE Board May 2017
Which one of the following is a better buy: a
1. CE Board May 2017 5. CE Board May 2017 large pizza with 16-inch diameter for $15 or a Every year, an engineering consultant pays a
medium pizza with an 8-inch diameter for bonus of P300 to his most industrious
Find the area of a trapezoid if the bases have This should always be shown on site plans for $7.50? What is the cost per square inch of the assistant, and P75 each for the rest of his
lengths 7.3 and 2.7 and the altitude has length orientation purposes. Displaying it prominently better buy pizza? staff. After how many years would his outlay
3.8. is the standard practice. a) Medium pizza; $0.07/sq.in be exactly P600 if all but two of his staff had
a) vicinity map
b) Large pizza; $0.07/sq.in. merited the P300 bonus, but none of them
b) scale
c) Medium pizza; $0.15/sq.in more than twice?
2. CE Board May 2017 c) North directions
d) Legends and symbols d) Large pizza; $0.15/sq.in.
16. CE Board May 2017
An earth satellite has an apogee of 2450 miles
and a perigee of 410 miles. Assuming that the 11. CE Board May 2017
A savings bank offers long-term savings
earth’s radius is 400 miles, what is the value of 6. CE Board May 2017 P180,000 was spent on the project that yields certificate at 7½% per year, compounded
the eccentricity of ellipse, which form with the annual benefit of P60,000 for a period of 8 continuously. If a 10-year certificate costs
center of the earth at one focus and whose A 100 kg body initially at rest is acted upon by years without any salvage value. Determine P1000, what will be its value at maturity?
apogee and perigee satisfy the condition a constant force of 80 N for 5 sec. after which the benefit cost ratio considering the cost of
above? an opposite force of 54 N is applied. In what money to be 7%.
additional time in seconds will the body come
12. CE Board May 2017 17. CE Board May 2017
to rest?
3. CE Board May 2017
Find the horizontal asymptote of the curve
7. CE Board May 2017 In November 1994, Intel announced that a
A father and his son can dig a well if the father “subtle flaw” in its Pentium chip would affect 1 2x 4
works 6 hours and his son works 12 hours or y= 4 .
Five points are located in or on the perimeter in 9 billion division problems. Suppose a x - 3x 2 - 1
they can do it if the father works 9 hours and computer perform 20 million divisions (a not
of an equilateral triangle with 9-inch sides. If d
the son works 8 hours. How long will it take for reasonable number) in the course of a
is the distance between the closest pair of
the father to dig the well alone? particular program. What is the probability of
points, what is the maximum possible value of 18. CE Board May 2017
d? no error? Of at one error?
A ship leaves port and travels 36 miles due
4. CE Board May 2017 13. CE Board May 2017
west. It then changes course and sails 24
8. CE Board May 2017 The surface area of a cylindrical aluminum can miles on a bearing of S 33˚W. How far is it
A descending grade of 4.2% intersects an from port at this point?
ascending of 3% grade at station 12 + 125 at is a measure of how much aluminum the can
A trainee in a computer company takes 0.9 requires. If the can has radius r and height h,
elevation 14.2 m. These two grades are to be
times as long to assemble each computer as its surface area A and its volume V are given
connected by a 260 m. vertical parabolic
he took to assemble the preceding computer. by the equations: A = 2πr2 + 2πrh and 19. CE Board May 2017
curve. A reinforced concrete culvert pipe with
If it took him 30 minutes to assemble the first V = πr2h. The volume V of a 12 oz cola can is
overall diameter of 105 cm is to be
computer, find how long it takes him to 355 cm3. A cola can is approximately What is the least number of links that must be
constructed with its top 30 cm below the
assemble the fifth computer. cylindrical. Express its surface area A as disengaged from a 23-link chain so that any
subgrade. What will be the invert elevation?
function of its radius r where r is measured in number of links from 1 to 23 can be obtained
centimeters. by taking one or more of the pieces?
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

20. CE Board May 2017 28. CE Board May 2017

25. CE Board May 2017 33. CE Board May 2017
Find the area of the given cross-section if the Find the value of x + y in the equation
The following data were taken on five cars (x +yi)(1 – 2i) = 7 – 4i.
width of roadway is 12 m. A machine has a probability of producing a
transversing a 2.4-kilometer highway.
defective equal to 0.05 every time it produces
Left Center Right a product. If three of its products are selected
Car Time (minutes 29. CE Board May 2017 randomly and independently during a shift,
9.8 0 11.2 A 1.3 what is the probability that a quality engineer
3.2 2.8 4.21 B 1.1 Find two angles such that the angles are will find no defective in the three?
C 1.4 supplementary and the larger is twice the
21. CE Board May 2017 D 1.0 smaller.
F 1.2
34. CE Board May 2017
A rotating vessel coming to rest makes 300
revolutions in the first minutes and in each Determine the space mean speed. 30. CE Board May 2017 Given the following cross-section notes for a
minute thereafter makes 2/5 as many road grading work:
revolutions as the preceding minutes. Find If a force of 86 pounds is required to push a
how many revolutions the wheel makes before safe up a ramp that is inclined 10˚, then what -3.2 1.2 1.2 2.8
it comes to rest. 26. CE Board May 2017 is the weight of the safe? + + +
x1 0 3.5 x2
22. CE Board May 2017 A spring stretches 0.150 m. when a 0.300 kg The road bed is 9 m wide and the side slope
mass is hung from it. The spring is then 31. CE Board May 2017 for cut is 1:1 and for fill is 1.5:1. Determine the
The wave length of a depth water wave during stretched an additional 0.100 m. from this area of cut of the section.
the typhoon at the port of Cagayan de Oro is equilibrium point and released. Determine the The repair costs for some handheld equipment
310 m. The depth of still water is located 0.90 spring stiffness. in the office of NAIA is estimated to be P120
m below the centerline of the rotation of the
for the first year, increasing by P30 per year in 35. CE Board May 2017
wave. If the steepness of the wave is 0.16,
subsequent years. Determine the amount that
determine the vertical distance of the wave 27. CE Board May 2017
the office will need to deposit into a bank A geosynchronus satellite is one that stays the
through from the bottom of the ocean if its
account, paying 4% interest, to provide for the same point on the quarter of the earth.
depth of still water is 40 m. above the bottom To make a peg adjustment, the following notes
repair costs for the next five years? Determine the height above the earth’s
of the ocean. were taken.
Present worth factor (P/A, 4%, 5) = 4.4518 surface such a satellite must orbit.
Sinking fund factor (A/F, 4%, 5) = 0.1846 G = 6.67 x 10-11 N.m2/kg2, mass of earth,
23. CE Board May 2017 Wye level Wye level
Capital recovery factor (A/P, 4%, 5) = 0.2246
at 1 at 2 ME = 5.98 x 1024 kg.
Uniform gradient series factor
If a radioactive element has a half-life of 3 Rod reading
0.632 1.867 (P/G, 4%, 5) = 8.55
hours, then x grams of the element dwindles at P
to x/2 grams after 3 hours. If a nuclear reactor Rod reading
2.543 3.432
36. CE Board May 2017
has 400 grams of that radioactive element, at Q
find the amount of radioactive material after 12 32. CE Board May 2017 It is known that the probability that a bulb will
hours. Point 1 is on the line PQ and midway between last beyond 100 hours is 0.7 and the
P and Q. The length of a summit vertical curve is 200 m. probability that it will last beyond 150 hours is
24. CE Board May 2017 Point 2 is on the same line as P and Q but not Tangent grades for the vertical curves are 0.28. Given that a bulb lasts beyond 100
between them.0 +3% and -2%. Compute the radius of the hours, determine the probability that it will last
A company vice president has to visit four of Point 2 is 30 m and from P and 230 m. from Q. summit curve. beyond 150 hours.
the twelve subsidiaries that the company With the wye level at point 1, what is the rod
owns. How many sets of four companies are reading at Q for a level sight?
there from which the vice president can pick
one set to visit?
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

37. CE Board May 2017 43. CE Board May 2017 47. CE Board May 2017 52. CE Board May 2017
The distance from A to B taken at elevation Two parallel sides of a rectangle are being One leg of a right triangle is 20 inches and the A ball dropped from a height of 10 feet. It
1200 m above sea level is 6,750 m. Determine lengthened at the rate of 2 in/sec, while the hypotenuse is 10 inches longer than the other rebounds one-half the distance on each
the sea-level distance. Assume that the other two sides are shortened in such a way leg. Find the length of the hypotenuse. bounce. What is the total distance it travels?
average radius of earth is 6400 km. that the figure remains rectangle with a
constant area A = 50 in2. What is the rate of
change of the perimeter P when the length of 48. CE Board May 2017 53. CE Board May 2017
38. CE Board May 2017 an increasing side is at 5 in?
In a common carnival game, a player tosses a They are normally parabolas centered about
A man pulls a rope attached to a sled with a penny from a distance of about 5 feet onto the the point of intersection of the vertical tangents
force of 100 lb. The rope makes an angle of
44. CE Board May 2017 surface of a table ruled in 1-inch squares. If they join.
27˚ with the ground. Find the force which the The number of defective welds in a length of the penny (3/4 inch in diameter) falls entirely a) Grade
man must exert so that the effective force pipe is 0 through 6 with the following inside a square, the player receives 5 b Elevation
tending to move the sled along the ground is probabilities. centavos but does not get his penny back; c) Vertical Tangent
100 lb. otherwise he loses his penny. If the penny d) Vertical Curve
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 lands on the table, what is his chance to win?
P(X) .6 .3 .05 .02 .01 .01 .01
39. CE Board May 2017 49. CE Board May 2017 54. CE Board May 2017
Find the expected value of the number of
What is the angle between zero-based defective welds. A man has deposited P50,000 in a retirement
Assume that any distance of 100 ft. can be
income plan with a local bank. The bank pays
vectors: V1 = ( ) (
3 , 1 and V2 = 2 3 , 2 ) 9% per year, compounded annually on such
taped with an error of ±0.02 ft. if certain
techniques are employed. Determine the error
45. CE Board May 2017 deposits. What is the maximum amount that
in taping 5000 ft. using these skills.
the man can withdraw at the end of each year
Compute the present worth index if a certain and still have fund, which lasts for 12 years?
40. CE Board May 2017 investment of the Phil. Rock Corporation. 55. CE Board May 2017
Investment = P30,000 Present Worth Factor: (P/A, 9%, 12) = 0.3555
Determine the time of oscillation of a Annual net savings = P12,600 Sinking Fund Factor: (A/F, 9%, 12) = 0.0497 Compute the thickness of a rigid pavement
pendulum having a length of 12 m. long in Useful life: n = 9 years Capital Recovery Factor: (A/P, 9%, 12) = 0.13965 with a wheel load capacity of 54 kN, if the
minutes. MARR = 12% Gredient Uniform Series: (A/G, 9%, 12) = 4.491 allowable tensile stress of concrete is 1.6
Present Worth Factor: (P/A, 12%, 9) = 5.3283 MPa. Neglect the effects of dowels.
Compound Amount Factor: (F/A, 12%, 9) = 14.776 50. CE Board May 2017
41. CE Board May 2017 Capital Recovery Factor: (A/P, 12%, 9) = 0.1877
Uniform Gredient Present Worth Factor: A mine cable weighing 60 N/m is unwound 57. CE Board May 2017
The centrifuge rotor is accelerated from rest to (P/G, 12%, 9) = 8.226 from a cylindrical drum. If the lower end of the
cable is initially 15 m below the drum, how Two angles whose sum is 360˚.
20,000 rpm in 5.0 minutes. What is its average
much work is done by gravity as an additional a) Conjugate angle
angular acceleration?
100 m are unwound? b) Compliment angle
46. CE Board May 2017 c) Supplement angle
51. CE Board May 2017 d) Reflection angle
42. CE Board May 2017 The cost C producing x number of scientific
calculators is given by C = 4.50x + 3000 and
P is a point on BC of the triangle ABC such The angle of intersection of a circular curve is
revenue R from selling them is given by
that AB = AC = BP. If PA = PC, find the value 45˚ 30’ and its radius is 198.17 m. PC is at
R = 16.50x. Find the number of calculators
of the angle ABC. Sta. 0 + 700. Compute the right angle offset
that must be sold to break even.
from Sta. 0 + 736.58 on the curve to tangent
through PC.
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations
56. CE Board May 2017 64. CE Board May 2017 67. CE Board May 2017
Assuming the sun rises at 6:00 A.M., sets at
59. CE Board May 2017
With wireless internet (WiFi) gaining The moon’s nearly circular orbit around Earth
6:00 P.M. and moves at a uniform rate, how
Sports utility vehicle (SUV) sales in the United popularity, the number of public wireless has a radius of about 384,000 km and a period
can a lost boy scout determine the sout by
States have increased since 1995. The internet access points (in thousands) is T of 27.3 days. Determine the acceleration of
means of a clock on a cloudless day?
function f(x) = - 0.005x2 + 0.377x + 1.71 can projected to grow from 2003 to 2008 according the moon toward the Earth.
a) Align the hour hand with the sun’s be used to approximate the number of SUV to the equation – 66x + 2y = 84, where x is the
azimuth, and south will be midway sales during years 1995-2004, where z is the number of years after 2003. Find the slope
between the hour hand and 3. number of years after 1195 and f(x) is the SUV and y-intercept of the line equation.
b) Align the hour hand with the sun’s sales (in millions). Approximate the number of 68. CE Board May 2017
azimuth, and south will be midway SUVs sold in 2003. Round answers to the 6
between the hour hand and 6. nearest tenth of a million. 65. CE Board May 2017 An inverted conical container has a diameter
c) Align the hour hand with the sun’s of 42 in. and a depth of 15 in. If water is
azimuth, and south will be midway flowing out of the vertex of the container at a
Bottled water and medical supplies are to be
between the hour hand and 9. 60. CE Board May 2017 rate of 35π in3/sec., how fast is the depth of
shipped to victims of an earthquake by plane.
the water dropping when the height is 5
d) Align the hour hand with the sun’s Each container of bottled water will serve 10
azimuth, and south will be midway Find the area of a parallelogram if the area is people and each medical kit will aid 6 people.
between the hour hand and 12. is represented by x2 – 4, the length of a side If x represents the number of bottles of water
by x + 4 and the length of the altitude to the to be shipped and y represents the number of
side by x – 3. medical kits, write the objective function that 69. CE Board May 2017
models the number of people that can be
58. CE Board May 2017 helped. The price of a dress is reduced by 40%. When
61. CE Board May 2017 the dress still does not sell, it is reduced by
Given the geometric relationships, which of 40% of the reduce price. If the price of the
these statements are true? 66. CE Board May 2017 dress after both reductions is P72, what is the
You and a friend spot a loose P20 bill
I. At the PC (point of curvature) and PT original price?
simultaneously and agree on auction in which
(point of tangency), the radius and The following are the step-by-step procedures
you write your bids and compare them. High
tangents are perpendicular. for calculating azimuths clockwise. 70. CE Board May 2017
bidder gets the P20 and pays you the other
II. The angles between the tangent and the I. Plan and prepare
amount of the higher bid. The bidders split the
long chords originating at the PC (point II. Perform the calculation AB and CD are two buildings of height H and h
P20. How much do you bid?
of curvature) or PT (point of tangency) is III. Repeat the calculation respectively. The angle of elevation of A from
equal to one half of I (angle of PI). IV. Check the calculation C and D are θ and 45˚, respectively. Find the
III. The curvature at the center of the circle V. Calculate the azimuths clockwise height H.
that subtends the arc between the PC 62. CE Board May 2017
(point of curvature) and the PT (point of VI. Calculate azimuths counter-
tangency) is called the central angle, its In a certain network, there are 4 nodes and 4 71. CE Board May 2017
clockwise traverse
value is te same as the I angle. regions. How many arcs are there in the
network? Which of these procedures are true? In the design of a supermarket, there are to be
a) All of the above several ramps connecting different parts of the
a) I, II, IV, V and VI only
b) II and III only 6 store. Customers will have to push grocery
b) I, II, III and IV only carts up the ramps. An engineer has done a
c) II only 63. CE Board May 2017
d) I and III only c) All of the above survey and found that almost no one
d) II, IV and VI only complains if the force is no more than 50 N.
Eight eligible bachelors and seven beautiful With slope θ = 5˚, what force must a person
models happen randomly to have purchased exerts, assuming a 30 kg grocery cart (full of
single seats in the same 15-seat row of a
groceries)? Assume friction (wheels against
theater. On the average, how many pairs of
ground, wheel on the axle and so on), can be
adjacent seats are ticketed for marriageable
accounted for by a coefficient, µk = 0.10.
Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations

72. CE Board May 2017

Water is draining at the rate of 48π ft3/s from a
conical tank whose diameter at its base is 40
feet and whose height is 60 ft. At what rate in
ft/sec is the radius of the water in the tank
shrinking when the radius is 16 feet?

73. CE Board May 2017

The radius of a sphere is r when the time is t
seconds. Find the radius when the rate of
change of the surface area and the rate of
change of the radius are equal.

74. CE Board May 2017
There are four towns at the corners of a
square. Four motorists set out, each driving in
the next (clockwise) town, and each man but
the fourth going 8 km/hr faster than the car
ahead – thus the first car travels 24 km/hr
faster than the fourth. At the end of one hour
the first and third cars are 204 km and the
second and fourth 212 (beeline) km apart.
How fast is the first car traveling?

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