Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration
Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration
Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration
Reviewed by June Milligan
the Power of
Personal Vibration
for Healthy Beginnings Magazine
This book is not just about research and theory. There are doz-
ens of practical processes here, including a new kind of vibrational
n Michael Beckwith’s forward to this book he explains that problem solving to make your life easier, plus a way to transform
whether “electromagnetic, gravitational, or quantum… how you perceive problems and a creative way to notice potential
science is revealing what spiritual problems before they even occur.
giants of all times and traditions have Nine fully practical steps to the ac-
told us since the beginning of history: we celerated awareness the author calls
are luminous, energetic beings of creative transformation are given here, along with
intelligence, fully equipped to consciously the emotions and reactions most people
participate in the evolutionary impulse of feel while going through these processes.
the universe and therefore become fully Questions are posed, throughout the
self-realized.” explanation of the nine steps, which
The world’s scientific communities agree are extremely helpful in assisting you
that energy comprises all things and that en- to know where you are and what all of
ergy systems are conscious. Everything par- it means in everyday life. It is obvious
ticipates in this swirling, oscillating, vibrating that with the fast-moving changes in
conscious energy, including humans. Each our social, political and financial lives,
thought has a different vibrational frequency, we certainly need more awareness and
a different electromagnetic charge and each personal power.
of us has what Penney Peirce calls a “home
frequency.” Penny has created what Beck- Each chapter has at least one “Try
with calls an “energetic template” which of- This” section with exercises to make you
fers skillful means and practical applications think. The chapters end with an inspired
for our everyday life. She delves deeply into “Home Frequency Message” section that
what it means, practically and in an everyday often propels you into a deeper under-
way, to be an eternal spiritual being living in standing and experience.
a temporary physical body. This is one of those books that help to bridge the gap between
Her brilliant scales of everyday vibrations describe how science and spirituality. Frequency shows how to manage your
we influence our body and emotions through our thoughts energy “state” so you can stay on purpose and reap the benefits
throughout the day. She explains that we have both the capac- of this life now. Highly respected authors who give this book
ity and the responsibility to re-calibrate our “home frequency” an exceptionally positive rating are Jean Houston, author of
throughout the day so that we can be at our happiest and live Jump Time, Richard Bartlett, author of Matrix Energetics and Dr.
our highest purpose. Masaru Emoto, author of Hidden Messages in Water.
Penney understands that “most people are sensing a big change Penney Peirce is an internationally respected author and trainer,
brewing now, that the current chaos and volatility is shaking us up an intuitive empath, known for her common sense approach to
and pushing us to experience ourselves in an entirely new way – developing expanded human capabilities, heightened perception
less as solid physical bodies separated by empty space and more and spirituality. For the last 33 years she has trained and counseled
as energetically vibrational beings living interdependently with business and government leaders, scientists, psychologists and
other vibrational beings in a vibrational world.” those on a spiritual path. She is also the author of The Intuitive
Way, Dreams for Dummies, and The Present Moment.
People are discovering that this new way of looking at life is at the
heart of the newest techniques for knowing, doing and having. In other
For more info, contact June Milligan, specializing in helping people
words, your personal vibration, that frequency of energy that you hold learn how to let go of unproductive thinking.
moment by moment in your body, emotions and mind…is the most (775) 786-9111
important tool you have for creating and living a healthy ideal life.