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Twelve Spiritual Laws

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by Hermite Spiritual Corner on Tuesday, 10 July 2012 at 22:15 Every thought, word, action and choice has a vibration. While it may not seem like it, a lot of what is on Earth is only there in the ph ysical dimension because we all believe it is there. If we stopped believing in it, it would fade away and change. The astral dimension holds the thought templa tes through which mankind experiences and changes things on Earth. Here we find a bamboozling array of thoughts, expectations, beliefs and non-phys ical beings. When the thoughts gather enough energy, they become clearly discern ible thoughts forms in the astral plane, visible to a clairvoyant. Then they ten d to become actual physical realities. So long as we still believe the thought f orm, it will influence our physical existence. This is how one of the laws, the Law of Attraction, works. The Laws of the soul are not astral and, therefore, our belief in them is irrele vant. I have heard people say that they do not believe in Karma, and that may ve ry well be, but the Law of Karma believes in you! Through the delusional veils o f the astral world, the truth may be veiled from you, but sooner or later, all t hings come into balance through the Law of Karma and the other Laws of the soul dimension. Below is a list of some of the Laws that affect mankind on Earth. They have been known about and taught since the beginning of time. Understanding these Laws is like being given the keys to how the universe works. It allows us to speed up our inner work. It helps make sense of life and brings us peace. These Laws are powerful. We cannot change them, but living with consciousness of them, holding a desire to abide by them, will change us and help us to achieve Spiritual mastery. Law of Vibration: The law says that everything is energy and has an inherent quality. Low vibratio nal states, such as sham, blame, stress feel unpleasant and literally slow down the rate of vibration of our chakras. High vibrational states, such as love and peace feel wonderful.-- They cause our chakras to speed up. Every thought, word, action and choice has a vibration; we can become more conscious of the little t hings so as to keep our vibration tending towards the top end of that which is p ossible. Law of Attraction: Our vibration is a magnetic field that attracts people, circumstances and opport unities that match the vibration, which is held in our chakras. If we change our vibration, we change that which is attracted into our life. One way to do this is to change our belief system. Get rid of beliefs that we are not good enough. Install a belief that we are children of God. The well-known tools of Visualizat ion and Affirmations work because of this law. Law of Polarity: In the Divine dimension, there is only one unity, but in the Astral dimension, w hich is the arena in which we think, there are polarities. Happy-sad, fair-unfai r, peace-rage, and so on create fields of opposites that give us a vibrational l andscape in which we can have experiences, and learn to grow in love and self-ma stery. Law of Non-Attachment: When trying to manifest things though natural manifesting, using our mind, inten tion and vibration to draw things to us, we will be unable to attract anything t

hat we regard as determinative of our happiness. If we will not be happy until w e have a certain thing or experience, then it will not flow to us. If we are hap py anyway, we open the door to recieve whatever it is that we would like to mani fest. Law of Karma: Do unto others, as would have them do unto you. The Law of Karma is the Law of c ause and effect. The law of karma governs our souls, and carries over from one l ife to another. Any suffering, chronic ill health or serious accident that we ma y experience can be viewed as a negative karmic legacy. An insurance policy that helps us to manage our karma in small bites is the development of grace. The ne xt three laws explain how. Law of Flow: Whatever we want to receive, we ought first to give. If we want more money, then give money. If we want love, give love. If we want friendship, give friendship. If we want cars to let us in when the traffic is challenging, then be considera te of other drivers and so on. Whatever we give out will flow back to us. Tithin g, the practice of giving 10% of our income to spiritual of charitable causes, i s based on this law. It is also a way of expressing gratitude for what we alread y have. Law of Forgiveness: We can release a lot of negative karma from the past when we forgive those who h ave hurt us. When we hold onto grudges, we close off our own hearts from love. W e are the ones that suffer. Forgiveness is not the same as approval of poor beha viour. It merely serves as a tool by which we release the past and move on. It c lears the heart chakra and develops grace. Law of Compassion: This law asks that we release judgments. Judgment paralyses us in terms of polar ities and our ability to release the negative end of them. What we judge we get to keep. When we release our judgments, negative people, circumstances and probl ems seem to transform, or float out of our lives. Developing compassion is the r elease of condemnation (judgment) and the development of empathy for those who a re learning and growing. Law of Economy: The law of economy says that there is always enough, but that we ought not waste , hoard or fear that our needs will not be met. If we care for what we have with gratitude, then we will always be provided for. Gratitude, a factor in the law of flow, is also relevant here. As we give thanks for what we have, more is prov ided to us so that our Benevolent Divine parent always meets our needs. Law of Faith: Faith is like an unseen power in our universe that allows us to achieve the impo ssible. Divine grace floods in to help us when we have faith that it will. Often we are out of our comfort zone as faith is developing and we have to have patie nce and courage that all will be well. Law of Free Will: Each and every person is born with free will. Will is a power of our soul, which , if we do not use, someone else will. People are often reluctant to exercise wi ll because they think they might be criticized, or make mistakes, and thus they allow others to exert will over them.-- Addiction undermines free will, as does anything that removes our energy from the present moment. Thus, judgment, lack o f forgiveness and vengeance undermine our willpower if they keep us locked into past events that we never got over. Let it go and use your will to train your mi nd so that it can envisage a better future.

The Law of Correspondence: This law says that whatever is above will be found below. Whatever is within wil l be without as well. The astrological patterns formed by the positions of the p lanets have an effect upon us born here on Earth, and we mirror the qualities an d energies that the planets project. The Divine Universe, in all of its vastness , and all knowledge, can also be perceived within when we reach a sufficiently h igh vibration. This works because we are already divine, and are merely in the p rocess of realizing it.-- When we are living our lives, we sell our soul (incur ne gative karma that we will have to endure in the future) if we do so in a manner that is not in accordance with the Divine Law. The Law of Free Will allows us to do whatever we like, but the Law of Karma will teach us through direct experien ce, what it is like to be on the other side of any given situation, relationship , transaction, ir life stance. If we ignore Spiritual Law and do whatever we like in order to secure some world ly advantage, we will end up suffering. We might build a worldly advantage for a short time, but the karmic cost will be devastating. Putting a positive spin on things might fool your fellow man, but will not fool the legions of Angelic bei ngs and the Divine mind. You do not even fool your own soul. You cannot get away with anything in the uni verse because the Divine is omnipresent. God is inside you and hears every thoug ht, witnesses every action and understands your every motivation. Deliberate goo dness inevitably gives us something better than we could ever have attained by t aking some moral shortcut and instantly gratifying ourselves at someone else exp ense. Adherence to spiritual laws builds our yin energy, or our spiritual Shakti/Power . Application of these Laws in a compassionate and skillful way will eventually bring you a better Earthly life, and bring the realization that paradise is not to be found in the next life: it is here right now sitting under our noses. Happy Readings!

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