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Petrus Ramus - Logic PDF

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Cornell University

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OF 13&.^
P. R A M V s Martyr

Newly trMtjlated,and in Jiuers fUeex nrre<^

Cled,after the mindeofthe AuthoTi -
•P £ T^ '-
M. RoU. Makylmenzum Scocum,Toeatu vki ho>
ncftifTuni, M- ^gidij Hamuni.

Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautrol-

lier dwelling iii the Blackefricres.

I 5 8 1.

Cornell University Library

BC61 .L31 1581a

3 1924 029 147 861


U:2 I )/.!
•XI -• (r>

;i i")i'-io?o? w
The liuely pithe of PJatoes vvitte
and Ariftodes ingenie,
The pleafaunt vaine of Cicero,
"^rrd of Quintilianc
The iudgementhighe , herethoii
mayft feerthcrfoififtbou be wife
No farther fceke but in tl|is bookc
thy felfe dpe ex^rcifc. j

-lt7:t".V.i'-ii .'.
r\{drio! .v .? .•'.
ijonii -aa I .

.;-^i'y:rl'j.'>M<I J'!:i»ijj..tJLiv,/L-»rt
.1 2 7 '

\5'A\¥.vV ., M<v'.'


V O D I N CTv^N I N T H 6 ,^ ^


Couotcy pf Glouccter ,^,.;.,^\


tiaunt avd nKrtinJlfiiQt*^ (mI^

thoMg^h they mere itmft ttiBo-
p«na)at for hu fnreM hne and /trdente kj^aI*
yfbichhe l^are to ver-ti(eMtdk»oT»led^<\ Jnuh
kene of all men had in mijl worthy rfivnA$im.
attd ^o«dly^memorie. loh called the ftrnJutnt^
ofGody tbhaugh he -ivas vponhj to he.fir«/if^
ef.aU vim for hia iuflke axd eefrntie, yet h»
was moji commended for hiefi>tgMUrf^kfit»
in time oftrtittlation andgrear ckL(mitie:iBttt^.

when Icmifidere with my felfeyoftr ikf(lu^klt\

dfjire and mofl JrrMent lone , not oneiyin^th^
fa&wmn^ofjQttr orvTtc (iudte but af^ ti^tfut^.

p^omoumge , tuidfitrtherinoe of otheri L^fomti

^roft fnrisnceMd incrcMt cei^ttmh^^Mi

...sy^^lfW .^-Jtr ,.

fiferwgf AgU^lion and airie^g f^uitie : lam
c <mpeliedto confijfe that there u none neither
« Ttongefi the profbane and ethnicke HHthourt,
netther ttmongeft the ecclefafticall and jptri-
tttaS Father/ ( of rvhat ejtate or ^ualttie (oe -
Hertheywere ) tfith the -which je mnynothe
compared ,yea or rather fnfirred. tor if A-
lexandcr tvere praifed that t» the middefl of

his triumphant viElories he did bettre abroade

fnmotu ivorke of Homer f «-
vpitb him Ilias the

taimng the battailes and defiruBton ofTroje:

Hotv mnch more areye to be commended that
1 tnthe mnddefi of your calamitie do both night
and day ffhere fieuer ye be , carie and reade
a more wort hy and prettom worke Alexan^ .'

der in profperitie t»oke pleafitre to reade Ho~

mere tteaihn?, ofmart tall /a tlesjto thende he
mioht gittde his armie according to the exnEie
Y rule therm declared: ye take pleafitre in ad-
read the holy Scripture andverde

tterfitie to

efG»d , to thende ye may qonetne your life ac~
cording to the vpill and commaundement of
God. where Alexander was there n^as pro- ,

phane Homere : vhereye are there ts the hely

Btbie . }Vhen Alexander did Jleepe Homere
vat his boulfler : when ye doe jleepe, the Bible
isjowptllorp : Alexander fir all hu riches is

^ _
pTMfeifir the nntinH*Hrea£»tg of one io«ks •

whatPiaU Ithenfaj ofyen that haue Injiolvcd

mo httie forte of jonr goois in bttjvw »/ m»^
Tftrthj worka . hk which is fet befire pmr
ejes thexdDiph ofa fit^nlur ptttiece being efe~
treametj mffliiled-m ctttvard thingej , <Andin
his boefy, through his great tonnentes atldaf-
ftiShouj h-afieafirth into mofij tHcotmetiiences
both of wardes and fentencet^ audjbewed hittf
felfe as a dejperate man in many thinget , ditd
as one that womld rejifte God. TV hawing na
/ejfe occafton to complaine being mojl vnimfi-

hf foiled ofyour goods troubled in miude and

confluence , threarned doyly by your enemiet

dae netwithjtanding conflantly refifle acknew'

ledging God to haue fecret mdgementes , /»
chaflife thofe TotherIj whome he lettcth and ,

to let the reprobate rttttne to defiruUio. Jhefe

and other your mofi fSrtgular verturs hftuing
con/ideredond experimented the good will and
minde rrhich you beare to the firtheraunce
and fetting firth ofall fciences , Icenldefinde
none more apte , or worthy vnder vhoft name
this golden treafurefheiild come abrode , then
his vfhofe vtrtue and good behauiour, might
geue (ime place andauthoritie to thefamr.For
although thereby ma«y more adorned with
A iij

twg fnh of juettM* 4t>td, fingtU^r f^tienci /
fmdi^mu all-. N«w therefire to concindk
(Sithtma, I kiiawf00t4i^ mifi ^/tettattd
pfiitf^ititibitUM ) i heftechej9H to recetHt^
tbi^mn finaUfrefm tn goodparteJianitw ra-r
th<xrej)i(£lf to fbemiide of the geite^thin ti
thog^e itfflfi , althoHghmajl,pretioM4 So 1 .

PtitHlMtte you to the proteilion ofGodabni^-.

'•yiSf^9^g.his heaifgftlfMAieftie, tha^jtmfjf
twfiaittlj perfeHtn m ye haue begcmte^ koth
it^otfr pirituaU 4^4 tmporall affairet , t»
fhifndi^ktUjfe Jiiifug Godfym this roorlde way
fit4ifff,tlfat hiOHeniyXJrowne ofglorie which
iHff SiftfiaMr Icfut Chrifi^ hath prepared to alt
r ^^ifiitht^ dee patietnly.vatchefir^huap' .

V.»tji ^fft^gf' to it4>pf»ewith the Fttfher

,A,\V fUM-theholyGhofibeiUi^ude^ , ,,.

\.-M^[yx-,^ko»oMr and praife world
C«i.\Vv« v .without ende,
•/jvwsi't^civ* • -.
it" A " '

•, J, j^u* , v» ~ Tfi^
•i\.:^'{.'^'.y. . r. ,,,'• ^
ftn^ t'oe fcttiitg tftiM bM^f, lUvahtitaUfnfint

^tkt (lam , thi vfe and fic/tttt , wth the detUrtuim of

Ant piita dxrnneni:! or ruUs apfxrtimim n the nutter ^
tucty urte : and L-fi a britfe ikcUratim oftht mtthode ten
firmi to it obfined m
all trtti and^ttratu

''E E 1 MG it i$ the dewtie of all Chri«

^(lians ( bcloued Reader ) to labour b^
^ all meanes, that they may proBtte and

^aidc their brethcten, and to hide at

ikecpe fecranothingjwhich they know
roaybring grcatc vtilicie to the comnion wealth. I
thought it my de^vtie ('hauing perce'ucd the great
commoditie which this booke bringcth to the Hea-
der of yvhac (late and qualitie fbcucc he be)tD make
thee and all others to whofc knowledge it (hall
come pertakers theroF. But lead thou thinkc that
thy labour andpainc (hould be lol\ in reading olf
the fanic » feeing fomany bookes going abrode vn-
dcr glorious names, hauing in dccde litle or no v ti-
litie, but wrapped all together vvitl^ innumerable

difhcultick: I fhal in few wordcs llicw ihee,the mat-

ter c6tai;)cd ih this booke, the mcchode and forme
of the fame, howeafic it is aboiic all others to be
apprehended, how thou Ihslt apphc it loallartes
and fcienccs, and ihoitly that no arte or fcicnce
may cither bctaughtor learned pcrf;illy\vi:hoiit
the knowledge of the fame.As'for the matter which
it containeth , thou flialt vndti ftand that there is
nothing appartaining to Dialcdicke ciihcr in Ari-
ftotlcs xvij bookes of Logike, in his eight bookes of
Phifickc,cr in his xiiij.bookcs of Phikjfophiejii Ci-
cero his bookes o£Oratoii-.:,urinQuiniilian(iDth£
which there is altnofl nothing that doih not ei-
ther appartaine to the inucntion of argumcntesor
difpofition of the fame , but thou fhalt finde it
fhoitly and after apcrfcftc meihode in this bookc
declared For thou (halt finde no ::rgumcnt which
is not either cferred to one of the nine argumttes

artificial! , or to the vnartificiall no forte of difpo-


- fition which doth not aspartame either to the

iudgemcntof the propofuion, Sillngifine or Me-
thod;. But thou wilt faye how is u pnlliblc that this
liclc bookc is able to containe ail that , which the

forenarned bookes (being fo many) doth entreated

In dccdc thou halt no litlc occafion tomarucll,but
(hilling more deepely confider:d the matter) I
bclceucthou IhallnotmarucU fo much. For in this
bookc there is three documcntcs or rules kccpc,
which in deede ought to be obferued in all artes
and fcicnces.The hrft is,that in fetting forth of an
arte we gather oncly togcathcr that which doth ap-
partaine to the Arte which we intreatc of, leauing
to all other A rtcs that which is proper to them, this
rule (which iijay be called the rule of luftice) thou
(halt Icehere well obferued. For here is all which
doth appartaine to Logike, and nothing neither of.
. Grammer, Rethorickc, I'hifickc , nor any other
Arte. 7 his is that documcntc which Apellcs many
yearcs ago did fignilic vnto vs,for wht as the Shoo-
maker reprehended the (liooe of Apellt s imagcA-
pellcs tooke it in good pane , becauft it did apptr-
taineto the Shoemakers arte -.but when pa(ringhr«
t boundcs he began to finde faulte wkh the clothes
i al OjApclles faid to him , T^hil Suior vltra crepidmn,
i which lignifieth that the ShoomakcrOioiild kcepe
bun with m the boundcs of his arte. And therefore
(bdouedRcaJcrVallihofcvhich ekher write or
teach either <iiuinity,Phi(icke,the law or any other
thing do violate and brcake this document , when
<hey degreifc irom their purpofe and do railc vpoR
other things nothing pai taming thereto- For how-
focuer they write or teach ( fo it be from their pur-
pore)it ii to be had of no eftimation.Is he not wor-
thy to be mocked of all me,ihat purpoleth to write
of Grammer.and in euery other chapter mingleth
fomthing of Logick«,and fonnthing of Rethoricke:
& contrary when he purpofe ih to write of Logicke
doth fpeake of Crammer and of Rethoricke i that
taketh a text to preach of falling and dilixiteth the
mod parte of hit howre of imaget or fwearing'
that promifet^ to fhcw me the caufes and fignes of
the done, pdi telleihme many tales pertaining to
thegowii? thatwhenhcisaflced of conrraflcs or
obligation s,aunfwereih of libertie or bondage? Or
if the Aftrologian being asked of the ecbps of the
ftinnejfhould aimfwere me tome thing concerning
the motion of the ftarres? And yet we fee the mou
part of our learned men both intheir teaching &
writing ( to the great hurte and domage of youth )
moft vnlhamfblly do vfe t^c fame which I would to
God were amended.The fecond document ( which
is obfetticd in this bookc ) is that all the
rulesand preceptes of thine arte be of neceflitie
true,which Andoile requireih in the fecond booke
of his Analiiikes,3nd in diuerfc chapters in hit for-
mer booke.Thou Aialt violate this document,whe-
focuer amongeft tliy prccepres in writing or tea-
ching thou (halt mingle any faire,ambigiotis,or vn«
cenaine thing as if
: m
teaching me my logicke,
which confiftetb in rules to inuciu argurocntet, Sc
r Codirponcand iiidge the fame, thou (liouldcft be-
gin to tell roe fomc trickes of poyfonablc fophiftry:
and when thou (houldcft teach mc the wotdeof
God uucly thpu gocft about to decciue me by tel-
ling mc mans iiiucntions:and if ttiou niouldeQ(be-
ing dcftitutc of good argumcts to prouc thy mater)
be lie fomc auncicnt writer to beguile the rude and
ignorant people, or forge fomc Authors to colour
thy knaucry which neucr vva5,or wrot at any time.I
doubt not(gcnile rcadcr)but thou hall readoffuch
fellowes : alwayes call thou vppon God chat it wd
plealc his hcauenly MaieAic to plant tbit our rule
in the breaftcs of tho Faftors of the Church , whQ
hauc the charge ad difpenfation of his holy wordc.
The thiiJe document which thou flialtnotc here-
in obfcruedJs,that thou increatc of thy rules whi(fh
be general! generally, and tbofc which be (peciall
rpcciall/,and at one time, without anyvaine repe-
titions which doth nothing but fill vptlK paper,

^or it is not futlicicnt that thou kecpe the rule of

vcritie and iuAicc , without thou obftruc alio this
documcntc of wi.'cdomc, to difpute of euery thing
according to iiis nature . Do notintrrat therefore
gcncraii matters particulerly , nor particuler mat-
ters generally, for in lb doingthou playell the So-
philkTspart,as Anllot. tcacheth in the lirllbookc
of his pol>crior$,and fhalt be compelled to vfc tau-
talogics Sc vaine repetitions which thouknowcft
to be mol^ pernicious to all artes and fcicncc&For
if I askc thee what is Logic'.<c?and tiiou anfwcreft,
that which tcacheth to inuciitargiimentcSjthou an
fwcreft^ruly but not wife lyjbccaule thou intreaieft
;igencrallthing ^particularly:! askc thee for the dc-
finttion of ihc whole thou gtueft mc the dc
finion of inucntion, which but a pon of die arte.

And cocrahe:if 1 a»ke chee what is inu(.'Mon,& thou

anfwereA an arte which teachcth todifptice well,
fiiicIythoiLanrwcreft not wifely,-for thou mtreatcft
a paniculcr thing generally:! a^ke of th:e,tlie defi-
nition definition of ihcof a part of the arte & thou
geueft mechc Whole arce.Nox v/ell thcfc three ru-
lesm reading of iliinc Authors;fcc,if<hcY iiicangle-^
chem fclues, with ihinges nothing appartaming to
their purpufe: if they trouble thee tvjth ambiguous
or deceipcfiiU fpeakings , and do jQot handk- cuery
thing afce r bis nature. Take the focnamcd bookes,
and with the rule of iuftice geue to cuery nrte his
o\vne,8( furely if my "iudgcmcnt doth not farre de-
cease me,thou muft giue fome thing to the irtcbf
G rammer fome thing to Rtthoticke, fonicthingto
the fouic Mathematicall artcijAfithmctickciGco-
Hietrie.AftroIogie and Mu(icke,romeihiiigairo(al-
ihaugh but lit!e)t6 Phincke,natural Philolbphie, 8c
diuinific.And yet all that is in thefe bookes (onely
the fbre-faid digrcfllons cxcepted)doih appcrtaine
cither tothcinucntion of Logicke,or ch tothc iud-
gcmcnt . Now gather togcaiher that which remai-
Beth,after eucry arte hath recciucd his owne,& fee
if there be any falfeyimbiguous or vnccruine thing
amugeft it,& if there be(as in decdethcrc is fome)
uke thy document of veriiie,& put 01:1 all fuch (b-
philUcall fpcakinges. And lad pcJciue if all thingcs
be handled according lo their lutnre, the gcnerail
generaUy^St the particulcr particularly, if not, take
of wirdo[n>& do according as the third do-
uiy, rule
cvmec ifacbcthtbce:abolifli ahauialogies & vaine
tcp^tttionsjjcfo thus »uch bcingdonc,Uiou thah

comprehendethereftintoa litis rome. Andttiut
much cuccrningchc matter incrcatcd m thi!> booke
The tormc and tncthodc which IS kept in chit aitc,
commaundcth that the thing which is abfoluceljr
inoft clcare.bc placed & fccop.dly that wbich
firft .

is next dcai c,Sc fo forth with the reft..^ nd thcrfore

it continually procedeth from thegcnerall to the

fpcciall and finguler-The definition as moft gene •

rail is firft placed,nextfollowcth the dinifion, firft
into the partes , aud next into the formes an^
kindes.Huery part and forme is defined in his owne
placc,and mnde manifcft by examples of auncicnt
Auihors,andbrt the members arc limited and ioi*
ned togcathfrwith fhort tranfitionsforihe recrea-
tioofthc Reader. 1 his is that only perfcft method
which I'lato& Ariftotle did know obicri'cd by ma-
ny noble writers both Hiftoriographcrs,Orator$,&
Poctes SnowbH: ( being fuppreiicd by ignorance
nianyyearcs) raifedas itwcrefrom death by ihe
molt learned & Mnrtvr to God,Pf»r«i K<»»h<, who
hath not only proucd withrtrongargumentei, but
invcrydecde fttbttorc our eyes that this perfeft
mcihodc may be a ccommodatc to all arces & fcien-
ces. What fhall wc lay the of ihofe.that in teaching
& writing ( to the great hurt of the memorie),doth
put asitwcrc the tailcformofl.hauingno regard
how cuerie thing it placed, but euen as it chaun-
fcth to comt into their Mouihe,fo lerteth it go,Did
:ucr Plato or Ariftotlc fo > no in deedc. Bui that
thou maicftaliilc the better perceiue the viilicie
of this arte,3nd how farre thee vfe of it doth cxced*
I Will fbortely (hew thee how thou fhalt accommo-

datethe fame toall artcsand fciences, feitingbe-

fore thine eyes one or two for an example . And
what arte focuer (hou purpofcft to incrcace of,

thou muft come garnilhcd with thele thrcc,{u(ticc,

Vcri(ie,& Wircdonnc,as before is faide : and then if
thoubca diuine this mcihode willahthecthatin
place ofche definition , ihou fct fotth fliortly the
Itimme of the text, which th«u haft taken in hande
to inccrprcic:ncxt to part thy text into a few heads
ihitthc audKor may the better retaine thy fayingu
Thirdly m
intreatc of euery head in his owne place
wish the tenj>lac>t4 of inucniion (hewing them the
caufei, thcffcctes^thc adioints & circuni(lances:co
bring in thy coinpanfons witli the reft of anificiall
places and laft to make th) matter plaine & mam-

feft with fiimilicr examples & authorities out of the

word of God: to fet before the auditor ( as eucrjr
headc ftiall giuc thee occafion) thchoitiblcand
Iharpe pimiftungof dirobcdience,8( the ioyfiilpro*
mifes appanayning lo the obedi^t godly .Yfthoa
be a Phmnon & tnlluig to teach ( as for cxamfJc)
ofafcuer, ihisnicthode wilkththec tolTtewfirft
the definitiofijthat is, what a feuct is next ih; diui<
fton,decIaring what ibrt of feuer it is, whether the
quarune quondian,hethckc,or wha(other:thirdiy>
to come to the places of inuention^&lhew Grftthff
caufes of the feuer euery one in ordcrjthe efficiet,
as may be hotte meates, the laatteras melancohe,-
choIcr,or fbmc rotten humor,and lo forth wi:htlitf
fbnnale caufcs and finall. The feconde place is th^
•SedX , fhew thin what the feuer is able to brine
fonhjwheihcr drath or no.The third place wifheth
thee to tell the dibicft of the ftfaer,whether it be
the vaines,ariiers,or eltc where-The fourth to (hew
the (ignes and tokens which appeare to protends
life or death: aod to be (hone thou (halt
paffc ;ha-

tough thereft of the accificJall vl>c*i. jmd d*tha0
which is required ineucryofihem: AjitlbilcoiaB
totheconiiiining;of thy fayingjs by ex;<mplcs, ail/
thoriries,&(a4 Hippocrates & Galeii haoc done)by
hifioriestn. long experience. A fccr thii method Ht-f

raclirusthc I'blofophec examined the .phi&ion*

which came en heak himj&bccauTe they urerc i^
norant& could not aunfwere (o his inCcrrogaiiou
he fent them away, & would recotuc noiic of chdilf
Medicen!>:for (&idhe ) tf ye can not (liewe methe
caules of my ltckne.<,inuch brflc arc ye ablctauke
tbecaiilc away. So the bwyer IhaU plead his cMfc,
inprouing or dilprouing after as his matterflialie
<]uire,wiLh tbefe tenpUces of Iituentibn,8( difpone
eueiy^ (h:ng otderly intohis propolicK>t>S| fyilogiT*
ibct^ method. So fnall the Orator de:laune :the!
Xlathemaciciaa. iVtforthbivdemottilmcionsj ani
ibbe (horibotbia tihMkig» teaching^iSc inlr.-irnin|y
4viuniayenalway«skE£'pc ihetv.rliu'ct^Uen do>-
Comcntes in tmrcsDirig -iliyitnlxtcr ,< ta4 ihitjnoft
iagenioas & artiociali mcthndii»ibiMM£tf!GBSiMti
& di^oiition of the fam^. After tut; t/niH o!t SaiutiA

^ihe ibrfaidc materiaii docuiheHtkAMfi Hauaal\t

intcbode thou haft tbisiiiilcboolfC'ftiAiHkuMhea
which being w«li pcrurc>I is able lit biting monluik
iHtothec ( fpcaki.- after experience) ^tttaUthtt

tanct ycarcs lludy •ni'iaco 4c AriitoUe«ti they'tfc.

(hale «ipprtlKndnfihisb9<4<c, the factliiMaod-.clH)
£ncs ofihebrLJu is rifit a Itlc ifo b« (oiM|«nndtii^
for here tliou hrii nothing tol£ai;rfc(«u4y(tiho4>
(halt learne all ; hi.t ^.l)- tcii places of indBUtoqti
with the ililp<.!"ri»iii of the p:oportiyn,lilli»g)iniCifi8i
Bcthddeiiticr) i'I.<:ccfi.iU.':iui;>aAw£Uoi^6;»o£l

^ii. .-1
dil^lsftim W mt4e lb ckar« 8c matufdhnhh eiaat^
p^s ch*fw out of the moft auncicni Authors,
Thnatawftby thy felt' (if thou haueany quickncs
of ff>kit)th«ti mtizH attaineiA the fpaccof (wom&-
tbcs the p«rfc£i knowledge of the, ramcHere I wiU
fpeake iKKhifig of the enuioiHyfhai ihinkctji it ttati
4ecem tOMtnic any kbcrallane in the vu%ar toiHi
gueibu{w0uUs hau^allihingefiicepc clblbcitheit
is the Hel>rcwe/}reckr,or Latine idngues. 1 knov»i
what great hurt hath come to th(iCliurcKofCo4/
by.thiB ilefcofeiif ttiis miCiheUaUs opinion : y^tl;
«MNiI<l 4fiK them OBC tbiag>th«t thou maieft lumw
their 4cceipi(i41 pokciei^nd .(hat their laying bathj
UtbttmiMiimitK.), taiaha ijini£liikasinibfe>'
Htbaing 9t, vulgar tDitgue atin.Cimt other AtaS^
tinn0tftir»iiA«i&«it> anA Biato.Crcek.efailofiin
Hipocf4«9s«(^ GilcnKxrcfkc. fMvkmi^
icauethc Cickc taBgiie^>eicau(ei(ivta«fheirnadi<»
lasgVMettoreekeroweHcbrcv ocLatine'UidCi^
ceio|whoiiYa*aLauniftbof«|ew:i(his PhiloIbpbtCi
tf j^ftR<flw.in the Grcekc togueyoe wasbe e«|tent
vfithUpiwKlier tongue?an4 lurcly as he tcilificihi
1^ («KiibvJ»Uthc perfica knieHwledg9f>thegt4lE«
taagwh yet ibe %«pc luxhipc therirt wbitbiwe bail^
«»tat at tbi» dbye.Sba) we cben thinkf ibe£i||Mk'
9rj$cot[i<h tongue^t.oot fit to wrkje any i*f Vt.<MM{
^9i in deediBut peraductur; thou rttU lay thaubcc
V^|ia(;Sco^b wocdsfof tp declare and cspi«jlfe,i^
diinges contained into libcrall anes,truth it iKnet-
chef was there latine words to cxpreffe al things
imtien in the Hebrew and Greke tongues:But did
Cicero for this caufe write no philofophie in Latin
cbou wilinet fay fojlcft 1 uke tne witb« manifcft If
What then did Cicero? hclaborethin thcLatine
tongue, as AriAotle before him did in the Greefce,
and thou enuious felow ought to do in thy mother
tongue whatfoeuer iibc, lo write he ampbficdhi*
naciue tongue , thinking nothame to borrow from
the Hebrucians &Grcecians fuch words a> his mo-
ther tongue was indigent of. What, (hall v^e thinkc
{hamcto borrow eirhcr of the Latine or Graske,
more then the learned Cicero dtd^or fin^fome fit
words in our own tongue able coexpreife our mea-
ning as Atiftotle did^lhall we 1 (av be motevnkinde
to our natiue togue & couotrie ttien were thefe m£
totheirs^But thou wilt fay,nur tongue is barbarous
and theirs is eloquent t I aunfwere thee as Ana-
charfis did to the Athenicnfcs , who called hit Sci*
thtan tongue barbarous , yea faytbhe^Aitocharfis
is barbarous amongeft the Athcnicnles,and lb arc
the Athenienfct amongeA the Scithians , by the
which aunlWcre he figMtieth that cucry mans ton*
guc is eloquent enough for himielfe , and that o>
ihers in refpe^ of ic is had as barbarous,
'Thou feeU (good Reader) whatagroundethey
haue to defend their opinions, & bow they labour
only'to roote out all good knowledge & reitue, &
planie meere ignorance amongcft tfit comOion
people J<4ow for to conclude it Ihalbe thy dude i^

receiue this my licle paynes in good parte , and to

call vpon God th3C the vfc thereof may tend to the
glorie of his holy name & profit of our breatherne.

Of the dcfinitien and diuiJtoHS of

I Slalcctichc otbenoiTe callcli

logiche, is an amuubicb
3it 10 biupocD tnto ttto

Varte9:3!nuenttfijanti (uDge*
anuenaon is the firtt parte of Dialcctf ckc,
loljicb teacbccb to inaente argumcntes.
fln arsamcnte is tbat ludicb iis Qatttrallii
bctue to p;oue o^ Difp^oue anpt^tng , fucd
as be Gngle reafons feparatip ano bp tbent*
fellies conQoereD^
9nar0untenteis cttbet arttfictall o;luitb>
out arte.
flrtiaciall is tliat , totitcl) of it felfe Declare,
ano is citbcr 6rft, o; |)at& tije beginning
^be&ra tstbatb)b(el) Ijatjitbe beginning
of it felfc} ano is eiti^er Gmple o) compared
/ 35
lolutelp 10 toitfiDcrcD : ano i0cu|)ccagrea<
lie 0) tifrfgreable.
Sl^C'tble IS tbat 3 tobtcb ac;TretI)ta!iO tlie

tbtngtljat it pjoitctb: ano liagrtablc ab<

fo{i:tIp,D^ after a ccctaine fafljion.

Sbfolutlp^as tbe caufe ano t^c tSecu

CAP. I r.

Of the caufe effcicnt.

•T' 0? caufe is tijat bp luljofc fo?cc t^e
* ttungts: anotbcrfo^e tljtuGcd place of
tnucntton ts tbe fountamc of all fcicncce:
fo; tl;at matter ts Unouien ^erfcccfp jW'oofe
caufe is Dn(eraanr!CD:g)otbat not isUbcHC
goot] rcafon, tbc pact DQtljfap:
Happy is the man wi-.houtcn doiibte,
Oftliini»eswhomaythccaufcs well hndcoute.
%\-it caufe is eitijcr et&ncncant) maccctaii,
^^c efficient is a caufe from tljc U)l)tcb tlic

tI)inQ: batU fcis being. £Df tlje to'jicb t\-

tbotiff!) ttjattljcrebe notrt:efo;i:iC3, pet a

^reat abounoance uie Siicc bp fame ccrtaine
9no fii a tbe tlnng; tbac cngcncye t 'j c? neff n«'
ott^ \% called tjie ef^cient cjufc 2:5 JDtiiee,
. in
O F p. R A MV i-. J9

in Wdrtt bootxt of t])c rcmetip fo; Ictte,cal<

Iccb ^lout'DfuIiicIfe tbe cfficicnc ratife of
loae.tubtd} Irtno; taken aiuaploueceafctli:
fojtbusbe tbercfapci):
When curnblc thou (Ink appcarc therefore.
By my Tciencc thy health fortoaitatne.
Ccuc eare.this is my coiinfaiU euermorc.
From llouih and idlcnclfc chou do abftaine.
For thcfc to filthy luft thy minde prouoketh.
And do maintainc that , whicli they hauc once
Thefe be the caufes with foodc that noarillicth.
This cuill which now is plcafant in thy thought.

^fje fatUec alfo , anti tbe motim toliicl; en--

genD^ctb , 9 tbCittirtTca mbitb Wins Dp^ore
caurreeffictemes. Sis DtDo.intbC4l)oohe
of ^nctoos beiriQ fo^clp cffcntieD teitb SIC'
nca^, am
feektng: a c sufe of [fie crucIcte,oe'
n<c(b him tobcQenuso) Sncbtfes fonne,
anD fainetb other parcutcfi to bint.
O fojfe JEnct thy felfe why doft thou faine.
Of Venus faire the Goddcsfonnc tobe:
Or that Anchife which dardamhightby name.
Thy siithor wasby waye of parentic,
For drcadfiillCaucafus did thccbcgcr.
On terrible and ragged rockcs in filde:
And raging Tygresnorifties was fct,
To gcuc the fuckc of vddcr rude and wilde.
&0 Homttlutf mas butluec of Home , ant
after l)im , latnge?, Conrull]} , Cmpcrourft
05 i;
ano ^uto^s taierc cbe bpboloerjs of it : tuliic^
all are calico t&\x(ti effictente?*
C y^ p. III.
SCconnIp tbc catire efficient ii tii^it fa*
Itcatte 0^ iopncD toici) fome otberg,of t^e
luljicb foine be p^tncipall anD cbtcfc Doers*
otlicrs belpers 9 ferucrsi to tde p;incipall.
Qin ci:ainplc of tbe caufc fclitane luc baus
intbe p. of Cnciooe:
Here, here, am 1 (" o Rutilleus ) in me
Your fwordc« bare,thruft in with pithic hande.
The fraudc i? mine, 1 am the caufe onelie
The impotente iKiching durd cake on hande.
^be folitarp caufe isttt) otbersi Diuerfe botb
p?tncipall£0 atiD aciuHantes in tbe Ojatton
tobict) Cicero b};iotc fo; S^atcuis parcel'
For often time ( piyeth the Orator)
fome vfcth to extenuate martiaU verities iy
'tt'ordes,nnd full them arrayf-cm the Captcine
and j>rt/Jcij)all doers ^ and communicate them
to Souldiers, that theyfhnuld not he roper to
theGouernour cftheKarre: ^yind certainly
in warre , the firtitudc of the Sculdicrs , the
oportuniiie of places , the aide of the

nauies,(f-proutfion of^iFfuatles helpcth much:

tind firtune lawfilly doth afcribc to her [rife
ihe qretitefi pHrtc fo that yrhaifocuer upro-
O F p. RAMV S. M
fherouflie done , that almofi all Jhe efleemes
her owne. But ofthisglorie ( o Ctpir) vhich
theu haft not long agoe obtained thou haft no
ftllow: fir all hnvmuch fSeuer it be ( which
verelj is moft greate ) all I faje it thine , fir

neither the Centnrion^he Captaiw, the bonds

of men , nor yet the troupes , may pluc^e any
thiKg ofthis away fiom thee : yea that more is,

fortune that mfflreffe of all thiuges effereth

not herfelfi in the ficietie of this glorie. Shee
geueth thee place , and cenfijjeth this glorie
•whoij to be thine owne.
^l)t tnffrnmcts airo are namb^tn aniongcS
tdc caufetf aotnDantes . 15p tbifl arpmcnt
Epicure p;ouctb tbac tbe luo^Io ttact ne>

Ctccro teaifiet() in
tier nt8t!C , ait
booke of tbenatttre of bonnes.
6rS W
frith what eyesofminde (fayeth hejmight
your Plato beholde that compojition of(ogre,it
a workf , by the which he maketh the worlde
to be made of God: what labouring ; what
tooBes-.what barres:whatfcajfoulds:who were
feruantes of fi great a werkf •'

^iisbngoolp epicure bneU) not t^at^oa

baa able to mahe tbe uo^lD iDitbont anp tn^
firnment, o^^ttjcr caures eitbec materiall
.T5 ii]
>» TH F L O f> I K E

C^T. 1 1 1 1.

'T^rjpirM? t|)CcaufcEffi:ici.: luo^ifef tl) bp it

^lie cffictfiu bp u fclfe is iljflt, tobicb toov
bet!) b^ lits olDnc (trcngt(].ruf I) as b]* nattite
o\ comircll DO iBOjUc. 35 foj cj;atnplc tbc
natural! 'jJOjlitnj of t!)C tunDc b is fci fc^tb
Then f.iirus rofcwiihNortheaft raging blaft,"

\ Vponthc(ca,a!! tofTingfioinihc gii^iiiidei

And Nothiiswuha crucllncn^c tight fjU,
Of V.'h) lilirig windc did bliftcr vp and dov.nc.
And Atfricus mtli ruftlins tcmpcft rullir,
Fourili of die Sowtlujihi.- loating fta to mouc.
S« thit the fioniiic w.iti.;i from dcjpc oui buflu,
3 And railed wji th.; fjndic baiikciabouc.

\ %\iz confcfTicn of Cictto taiitaioetli an t%-

I ample or ccuiirj;!c:fi0)

The WArre lacing t- kf» ^'p y}'^ andafmofi

ended ( 6 ^^xfar) i>f nejlrength ofhaude , bnt
I of mine ownc xmdi and mil I come vnto theft
fcarreJ, vhich vere raifc d aguinfl theei

I Bp iKCtociu tijc caufe U)o;il<etb , ttbicb b?

4 fomc c]crerna!I poiucc uso^Ketb , as in t\)oft

t()!ttgcs)])Ij(cb are Done bpncccITitie, o;bp

i fbUUllC.
V^ ncct (Tuie , biljen t^e efficient ii compel*
O F p. R A M V S. , ij

let)to 03 , ^ucU a one is t!je cjrcufation of

if I wohU feeke ( f-^ycth the Orator) a
proper OfiJirne name of this our prow, there
appear es a fat all calamitie to be Juddenly fal-
ten , rvhich hath preuented vnawarcs the
mirtdfs ofmen : So that no man ought to mar-
uctlthat the counfells of mortal men are oner-!
come hj the fatall neceffitie ofthe Coddes.
JTottKue 10 3 caufc bp acctoent, tuben be«
flDc^ (beinteiue of tbe tDOjKetjfomedtlier
tbing ciiauncetb : ad,
By chaunce ( fayeth Cicero in his 5 . beokf

of the natttre ofGoddes ) lapn rvas healed hy

his entmie, ivho withflroke offworde opened
his rotten impofiftme , Tvhich the Phifitions
coulde not htalt.
^manscft tberefo^fe of cdtilcs, fsns^aunrc
0; Incite of fo^tislu is itanibjieD : as.S^aioe,
intbc 3.bookcof fo^otufullnuaers cirru-

fetb Ijim fcLfe lantcnccx!^ fecKe
x.\i?,t be ijot!;

bp cOau:ic2 fomc of Ccfare fccretcs a?. :

Why did 1 fee or yet bcholde with eye,

What was the caufe. I did by fight ol+endc.
And vnto me vnwife and foolilhc whyc.
Was cuerthefaultcby any mancr kcndc^
Although by chaunce that Acleon did lee.
The nade L-iine vpon the hcarric bent.
36 iiti
Yet for all this flie did make him a praye:
To his owncdogges which him in pecces renr.
Whcrcforclfee.ihathappe or negligence,
Among the Goddes, no mcrcie hath at all:
But who (o doth by fortune oi by chaunce,
Offendcthe Godf" Sithey ilial in trouble fall.
Oerertretbcbea(u.nsofyaTDon, as Cicero
fo} Lt(|;attu£t.
Tardon titid firgeHtfather he hath erred,
he hath dene ami (fe : he thought not to do jo;
ifeuer he fhn/i doe fitch a thing a^aine ? &c.
tyind a little after , he ftyeth , 1 naue trredt
I haue done rafje/y /repent me of my doing:

I fUe to thy clemencie I afke pardon, I praye


thee that thou wilt fir^ette me.

Wat tpo]iauce of tbe raufe raifeib ibe op<*
nton Af fortune. JT o; tubcn an^ tbing tbati'
tctb (icGtie t^e (jope^cntcnQonof tbcDoer,
<t ii comntonlp calico fortune. 31)0 iWi*
fo^e tuifclp it 10 faioe ofSuudiaU.
There is no God abfentc:
But 'brtune we thee fct on hie.
And eeke a Goddcs vauntc,
CAP. r.

Of the matertall caufe.

TOe matter
is a catife

Ijatlj [jid betns :

tl^e bi^fcl)

Z^uioe in ibe
OF p. RAM VS. ly

tUe cctnpoGttoB of t^e dunned bo\ure , bp

t\)tmmtial\cm{ti as, soloe. carbuncle
aaRc,)iuo]|ie,ano Gluir.
The piincdie Pallace uf (he firic Sunnc
Which PiUor hawte, rurmou.ucd farre the fide:
With glidering goUcjand eke with precious ftone,
In forme of naaK,afcending vp on hie.
VVhofc roppe aboue was laid in fync order.
VVuh 1 uorie fmoche in colour why te to fee.
Th e d'.ible doores were made of fylucr pure:
Catling their bcamcs vpon the doore entrie.
Cf/3r ;« thf frjl booke ofciutll re arret com-
maHmUth his [guldiers to huilde Shitpes of
fuch a muttfr as they had learned before in
Brjtaine^To witte, that they p>ould make the
keele and hot tome offame fig ht & Hsger mat -
ter, andthereji of the bodieofthe Shippet
vith twigges coueredivith /ether.
! Oftheformallcaufe.
TprcfSctcntanD niatrriall avSthtin^
cirponnDeD, noiu folotoetb tbe fo^mall
anD fpnall.
€bc fojntall caure \i tbat bf tde tnbfcl t6e
tbinsbatlibtttnameano being. 9niitbrTe<
fjjeeuerp tWz itibiSinguicbeofroniano*
^be fojmc alfo is fngcnojcu toscatfter,
luitb tbe (bins it Telfetas, a rcafonaiHe Tcule
te tbe fo^me of man fo^ bp it man is manj

ano from all otljcr tbinges.

10 oiatnsutfbcti

^bc (Seometrtc.lI 6surcs batte tbeir foitnr,

feme bang; triatiglca ano fomc quati^an>

gle0.S)o bad] raiurall tbingcsi: as tbe tira'

itcn, tb£ Esrtl), trtes , fifljc ano fucb etljcrg.

^otbat (utrj> tbingtstobe rriictintieti au

tbe natnre ofit is , if U3C map atiainc to tbe
ftnolulefigctberctifjafltn actifictnll tbingts
ismo^ecaQetobc founor. Cefarinbtsji
bookr, feitccb fo^tlj tbe fo^me of tbe )aaHs6
7 l^e walies of FrauHce eje almofl hutldei
after this firme:The heamcs ofonpcece direEl
fn/oȣittedf y cKery one being ei^ua/Iy diflant
from another tan fit on their two enaes in tBe
earth, hard l^onnd rrithin , and couered with
great cottntermurc . 7 he place betwixt the

heames are fluffed vp before with great flfi-

ties: Thefe being fo placed andfet togeather,
there is added to /)uer abotiethefanu a^tther
rank^ , fo that the famejpace and dijlance is
alwayes k^pt^hat none oft he heames do touch
another, but ech h*xme heingdifiantfrom the

other by an c<i:tallf^ace yufafliojnedtogea-'

OF P. RAM V S. ir
ther trUh flanct , fet vi l>etwixt beami tmi
be.vnc.Andfa con[ecjuer,tl), the -Hnorkf is toy-
tied tcgttxthcr zmiUtht height vft he walles

he A:cempiijhTda»dfi!lcdvp, And this worke

is both welfoMoredyhj reAjon of hit forme <tnd

varieti:: hunting here a hettme and there a

rank^of\f}onesoHe.iftir another y obfirxing
their rankes in afiraight line : And alfo it is

much coKHenieHt for the profit and the de-

fence of titles, Becanfeboth the fi one doth
ks'pe it ftife frtmdtmnger of burning y and
tikewife t he fiufe and matterfrom rujhing or
b:xtt»g djwne : IVhichfor the mnflpart being
madefafi fcrtiefoot es inward vnth continnttU
rankft ofbeames, m.ty neither bt broksn thf-
roMghjnor beaten afunder.

fl)a Uiis matter ootb QirsillDercride tbe

fojme oh&e bauen.

There is Mth iti ihis long place folitare,

Aalfle extending out two poinccs riuht farre.
Miking a rode.whete bankes on euery fide,
Fiuro the decpe Tea th: waters do dcutde.
And turiie m mancr of a goulfc right decpe.
On either (idc be hillcs and banker fo ftcepc
Moll huge and high eke from the fea do rife.
Two tcaicfull rocks , which fccmc to touch ch€
Vndci whofe toppes,the wattrs in ihcir place.
Came without fturt c , 'doihc fcemc to hoUc
their peace.
Faftby agroue andwoodcarctobc fcne.
With fcarefijll shade & shaking Icaues grene.
Right oucragainft[his front thou maieft percciue.
On hanging rocks,a darkc den or a caue.
Within the which are fpringing waters Iwcetr,"
With featcs of ftone.a howfc for Nyttiphes laoft
Within this hauen,when weary c Shippes do landc.
They hauc no needc of cable nor of band.
Nor croked ancors pytchcd to make faft.
For they be fure from all tempcft uout blaft.

CAP. rir.

"T l)t finall caufe is tbac fo) tl^e Inb^cfe t^

*• maoco^Bone.'Sljeeniic, ofna^
tiling: IS

tnrall twinges ii man,ant) of man (600. Qi.h

fa euerp arte batb tbe Gnall caure:as( , ^be
rntie of 6ranimet \i to fpeahe congroudir,
Bflictljojicke, cloqticntlp, anu of logithe
toDifputeU)cUanQo;DerIie, 3luno. i.of€'
nnDosi,p?omirctl) to Seolus tbe faitx Jirlpm
pbe fiioyetan fo; folaceano pjocteattonof
Nymphes I hauc of body fiyte and bright,
Fouretene,wherof she that diopeian hight
Moft beawtifia D,T will m
wedlockc giuc,
To thee itole that she with thee may hue.

or p. RAMVS. If
For thy reward the whole courfe of htraoc.
Indoting ihcc wiili gift of parentage.
3!n tbc Defence of Ltsariue , Cirero bC'
fietb bis ar turato; ^ubcro , luid) tbe Rnall
caafe of tbc tpatrce rapfco agaiiiQ Ccfar,
fucelp (faitb bO ^^ topneo battall &s^ini
Cerar ib armes.
ft-'hat dtdthy na^fd/rrorde (o Tutero) in
the Phisrfilik^ armiehrhcfe fidesprarced the
pninte therof?rrhfch was the fence andfealing
of thy r>'eapaHS?n'hat minde,fyes hands} , what
feruencie offpirite?vrkat diddcft than cotset or
defirefrvhnt diddrfi thou rripjef

CAT. nil.
Of the cffea.
'y bt effect is tljat toljicl) rifctlj of tbe cflufe
dno tbecfo^e tbe moulng of tbings tbac
are engSo^eD/o^rupceD.o; bp anp otbec ma-
ncr of toap moueti:anD tbe tbins alfo tbat bp
tbe moning rpfetb is ccIlcD tbe cffect,as fo;

(rample,CbMl} m ^^^ 1 1 .Cbapter of^att

tbeuie p^ourtb bimfclfe bptbis place, to
be tbe true S^efGas p^ompfeo: betns afhet)
pfJIobn TSaptides mrciples , 9c(e(boube
tbatQ)0ulDe come, o;(balItue loohefo^a^
Botber? SlnD3!cru9 aunftDCtinsfaitieboto
Co andpjevp Tohn what t hinges ye haue harde
and feene:The blynde recnue theirJi^ht the :

haltgo.the leapersare ctenfed:the deafhetire.

the deadare rajfed'jp: and the foare receiue
the Gojptll : and blejfed U he that p^all not be
cffendedinme, tlje faplRgCS anO tt)0^kftf Of,
mrnarc coniainEOUiiCtr tMs place aetbe
tDtrcmcnti faptngflanD pbtocsanD 9rf>
Qotles U)o;ikc0, rounfails alfo ano DFlibcrS'
tions alttjousO tbcp nrtier tatteeffftt.
derate airo anD upce b \\xt tlietc e 6fcct,«8
Oo^are intije Grn boche of did CptQks,
rettrtfo To^tl) tbe effect of n^cnkenncire : as,
what thing it not through dronkcnnefTe commit*
For hid lecrcts he maiccih come to light:
Hope moflvnfurCiAillfurc is madeby it,

And naked men conftrayncd for to fight.

Ftom pcniiuc mind: s,aU care it taketh away;.
Science and artcs Aill often doth he teach:
Full cuppes of wine,;t fomc time do not ihey.
Make ignorant be eloquent in fpeach? ^
Theftrcngth of \vinc,doih it not eke make free.
The poore man from all care and heumct:
Forgttt^g all his former poiiertic,
Vnmuidefull of his dolorous dilitcflc?

Ofthe fubieEl.

N SDtt) fotloUietl^ (tjc arpnient tD^cb

oot^ agree aftet a tectame fafbion : ad

tfic&ttbtect andtbe Qoiopnt. ^e ftad'
ittt is tijat Ui^ici) Ijatb anp tbing adtopnco
i>mo it , iii\}C Toale is tbe fubicct of hnotai<
are anocD to t(;c Touie , bcfltics iljc ffibQance

of t\)C fame . ^bc buDpe ig tl;c fubtect of

ljcaltb,Qckcnc8s(lccngtiyn5rmittc, bcaU)'
tie,t)(fc;ntittc,8nD futb o:btrs . 9 man, i^
tbc rubiccccfrtt^css,poucrttr, (honours, in<
fdniif,cIotljC?,anD of Otg tralnc. S place til
t^e fpace in tbe ivljtcb tl)r (bmg plarcD , is
rontaincu ; &9 cU p^ilofopbcrs Dec actti*
lu:cto tijcic Diuine fubSanrrs (altbcusb
DotDc of all magnttiiDOa p!arc:i£5o 0)t (Se.
omccrinand tintotbcic fi2;nresOemnetrt<
callc9;5ti;c botl; ^Iztc, snxi tbe Diffcrcucctf
of places, '^be natural! pbilafopbcrsalfa
mo^e accuratfp in tbebeaacn, Gtnplecle«
Rirntes, ano compounoe tbtngcs , Dctb ac
ItnoisIcDp a place: ZELltUl) is notbing elfe,
buttbc fubiecc oftbetbtngcotKaincn in it:
^belanneof Canaanfa rubircOte! p^ap*
fcD in tl)e 12. of ji^umcrie bp tbcaDiopntetf
o; (binges aDtopne t onro if.

So Moyfes fent them tojpie out the laxie

nfCartAan » andfaidt vnto thuKgec zp thit
! ,

tr^ye toTvardetJ^e foHti)e, andgoevfinta the
moHntaines j aniconfidertheUnae, whattt
u,nndt1je people that dwell therein : whether'
thejhejirong or weake, either ewe or many.f
iAlfi what the lande it that they dtvell it,
whether it be food or bad : and what Cittes
there be that they dwell i»,whether they dwell
intcntes, or walled townes : And what the

lande whether it befatte or leane, whether


there be Trees therein or not, and be of good

courage, and bring cf the finite of the lande.
And after fortye dayes they returned agatne
and toftlde Aioyfcs, fayin^^, we came in to the
Lmde whither thou h^tjlfent vs , andfurely it
faweth with my/l^ and hgnye and here is :

V cfthefruite ofit, neu:rth:i:j[e the people are

j \
flronge that drretlin the lande , and the cities
j' are Wiitlfd,imd ex cct ding great : Andmore-

citer Tfc fz-.rt the fonnss of tyinacke there:


The AmcLkytes dwell in the fowth countries


and the Habit es and the lebttfites , and the
l ]
Amorites dwell in the mount nines . and the
Cananites dwell by thefea, and by the coflet

of Iordan.
il)cr e Canaan is tijc fiibicf t: ^\t people

li t|)cgoo9ncj3 a:ii: banned (bercof is t^eM>

i icintetf
OF p. RAM VS. J3

terRtr< fo) tbe ttbtcti tc 10 either piaiTeo o)


Of the itdioitaes.
'Y'lt>e AOieint »
tb^tmbtcb batb a fabieci
* to tbeiBbicbtttflAtiioineD: a«, bertuc
and bice ate calleti tbe abtointe^ of tbe boop
0; TouU} anD to be (bo^te alltbinsetf tbat
bo cbaunce to tbe rabiectj bcfiDe tbe eOintrej
is calleD tbe aoioint : as, time, qualitie ,ei<
tbet proper : as laugbing; to men: barking
to Dosges : 0^ ccmmon as in : tbe eitample
foHoiuins. Ctccro tn tbe £>2ation fo;l&or>
roiu0 Comooas.
Doth H6t hU very head/mdouer browe al~
together jhaiteH and firaped
fi cleane ,fi£mfie
thAt he ismMhciow and (auoureth of knane-
tie ? doe they not vtter and cry e that he is a
craftiefixe ? 1)9th he not appeare from the
toppe of his head to thejole ofh isfeet e ( ifthe
proportion and figure ofthe body tvithont any
fpeakffig or vttered rvordes may brtng a conie-
ilure) that there is nothing it him but craft e,
deeeipte , and lying : who therefire hath his
head & oner browe alwayesfcrapen and [ha-'

lUHfteaJlfime fioitld hauethe occafontofaje


that he Ltd an heart ofan honefl ma.^0 DOt^
^miall in big 2.bookc,mocfxe ^oilua;.
Thy hearc is red, thy mouth is blacke with all,
Thyfcctcarcfhonc.onc eye thou haft to fee:
Zoile, if ihou be good , we may fay all.
There is no htlc fade committe by thcf-
ClotOcs a!ro,anD tijtnges partAtnins to our
irafne are nutnb^cn «mon(!;e(I tt)e aDiointrs:
a0,Ditio, paRiins to i\)t ()Utuin(r>i0 fct (o)t\j
inagntSchIp bp Ijer aiiointea , tn t^e fott)}th

In the rr.eane time while that Aurora bright.

Left the tnaine fea afccnding vpon height:
And Pha-bus rifing brought the light oFdayi:,
The choofcn lufty youth in beft aiaye
Wentc out the ftrctes towards the i>ortc or gate,
Hauing their nettes with mcfhcs wide and greate;
And hunting ftaues with Iron heads Iharp &broade
7 he marciali hcrfcmeD,next after rtilliing roodc:
With Spaniall doggcs,which hunte by petfeft fent.
Great mult.fjdc abb were there prefent:
Them which of Cartlmge greateft Princes beenr,
Abiding all the comming ot the Quccnc.
Which as yet in chamber did abide,
Thou diouldft haiie fene eke ftanding there bcfidc:
A Princely horfc moft goodly to bcholde,
Richely arrayed in purple and fine golde.
Ofcourage fierce, a beaft 'rn fight moft fitte:
With frothing teeth byting his bridle bitse.
And laft fclfc comes out.
of all the Qiiecne her
Accompanied with fouldiets in great route:
With pii rple doke btfet about with gardes,
- Hauing

OF p. RAM VS. 3f
Haiiine a queauer, well fiimifhed with dartcs:
Behinde vpoii her (houlders ckc did hange.
Her pbcted heares like bright goldc glylVering
Her purple clothes moft comely to beholde,
Were knite and tyed with dafpes of (hining goMe<

of MjferiHg xrgHmentes.
Tl^e asrMble argumente being erpoint*
neo y nota folloinetb tbe Difagreable,
1u[)tc|i fitlTrmet^ from t^e matter. Cdear*
Sunietttcs Diragreable are eqnaine knoinen
amons tbemrelues, ann Birp^ouetb eanal*
lieone anotber : pet \ff tbetr oiflemion,
tbep Da mo^e clzaclie appearc^bep be pac*
teointt oifferingarsumentes, anDgapne*
^beBiGTerittS argamenteci \izKixt\i , ti be

btra{i;teable bp fome faQ)icn cnelp : ano are

fcnobienbptbefe notes : not tbi8» bnttbat:
akbongb , : ag , Cicero
fo? ipompep.
Thtj didnot hring home the viSlorie , i$tt
the fignes and tokens ofthe viEiory.^VXi ©tti*
be 2.of lone : Vlyffes was mtfatre, hut he mas
eloquent. Slfo lilitgitt.iyflthough'Priafmu
vat almojl dead , jet he did not abfiaine t
Lifcrttife Terence in Cunucbua: Although
J he mofl worthy of this ccntttmclie , yet thou
0trt vnrporthy to do it vnto mc. CtfCtO

foj lisaciua , OtlUfl thou it a mifchcnotu

mEle Tubero ? IVh'j Tfirely at yet it vp/u cal'

led by no man fo fame ut deedc calledit an er-


ror, ethers fiare : fame naming it more hard, '

either hope, dc/tre, hatredor ohftinacie, thofe

that call a moft hard, name it rapines : a mif-
cheHoiuatie,n) man asyet but thou.

Of gaynefettes ,oreppopta,
GQIl^nefettcfl arc argumentcs ftltuapetf

Dtfngrcpng, fo tb>it tfccy map not be at«

tributeo to one parte of a tt)tng; after one rr«
fpcrtc anD at one time : as , Socrates can

not be ivljtte ano blacbe on one parte: fatbec

ano fcr.nc of one : flche ano &)|)Ole at one
lime : pet I}C map be lobtte on a parte j ano
blithe on an otl;cr , father of one man , anD
fonne of another : Uolc tbis Dape , ann flcKe
to mo^oiu : ^tm tbcrcfo^e bpon tbe affirma*
tfon of tbe one , follotsetb tlje negation of
tbeotber. QnDcontratieb)tre alfo. (6apnC'
fettes ore partcD into Difparatcss ariO con-
trarp argumcntcg.

%t)( olfparates ate saincfcttegs of t!}e teljic^


tl;? one is opponeD ta manp : as , grecnr,
av(I)ecoIoitt,reaD, are niiDiie colours be<
mix'x U}l)i(e ano blacke, of tbe tubirl) eucrp
one is a oifparatc ar(;;untcn(e botb toicb tbe
cttremities, ano among tl)emrelucs airo.
&o Itbcralitic, a man , a (i ce , a (lone , ano
otijec tbinges innumerablcberanfe tbat one
of tbefe can not be fain to be tbe otbec t aa,
Qtitgill i.of^neioos.
O F'trgmc what JhonldlcMll thee ,fir thy
vifaq^e and voice declareth that thou art no
mortallwomoHyTrKlythoH art a Goddes.
C AT>. X 111.
Of Reiatiues.
C^ntrarp arguments are gapnerettcSjOf
tbe ittbict) tbe one is onip opponcD to tbe
otbec : ann be parteo into afBrmatiues 9 ne^
gatiues.^ep are callen afHrmatiues inbcn
tbep botb afBnne:as tbe rclattues ano repu=
gningr argnment.^be reiatiues are contra.
rie afGrmatiues , of tbe tnbicb tbc one batf)
(is being of tbe mufuall faciette (F afFecttoa
tuttb tbe otbet , fo; tbe uibicb c aufr tbcp are
calico Kelatiues : as , be is a fatber tubicb
batb a fonne, ano be is a fonnc wbicb batb a
fatber:fo^ bp tbis mutuall relation tbcp are
inD ceafe to be botb at once. ^9 rbat tobo'
C iij
tbe otbec &lio , &^ cpdicieU a^ama ^o=

Thy f:;ther wlien Solibian,

Thy maidcr thou doll call:
' ' Thy felfc then do'.Uliougraunccccrtame,
ScruauiKC cobcwichall.

athanafiuspjouer'.i tbe ctctmtp oftOefonne

of ©CO t!;'.13 : .38 , Jt is not poffihle that a fa-
ther may be hcf.n the (onae ( mciWrn^ of the
reh%tion:)BMt the father hath hen JAtherfrom
the bejinmnf (^s,illmen dograHut ) er^'o the
^f.nc hath ben from the begirniingJ^Xffi QuilI*
ttl(dnin(}t6 5.bookec!)e io.ctapccc,rapc(!)
tbnsS, If it be hcncfi to the Rhodians tofet cnt
the cuJioTfte , it is honefi alp fir Hermacnen
tohyertt: ^ztz (^ fs: fojti; j onD (bp«)are
ttlaiixzi, ^titx tbc fame nianereCiccro III
%it bOOhe cJc Oratorc fapctb : Is there any
daunger ( fayeth he ) hftpmtjhouldthmke tt
filthy, toteachc others a gloriotn a;id excel-
lent arte, the which to leante ttm mojl honefi,
ii)crirCteacijc)ano(leanK) arercUtiucs.
%.\itU airo clje aDuocate ano dune tbe icO :

fo; ana tbe lefTe free anti bonne bigge ano

: :

Iit(c: tbeb^Seano tbe guctt: tbe bufbauD

anD (be luifc, lultb furl; otbcr^.



OF P. R A M V S. 19
Of rffHgnmg Mrgwnentcs.
yltie rrpusning argnmentes are contrarp
^ afGrmattucs ,ta)bicti anuing; ibem fclueti
00 reungne couttnnaUp : aa , Ceneioos 1 1
There is na health i» warre therefsre we

a/ke the fcMce. S>o boccc anD coloe , tsbtte

ano bUrhr,bmue ano brce , repuguettr.
JUiKctaife Ctcerc in l^aras. againSt^ C<
piCUrianS. They hdcU this ofinionflowtly and
dsligentlj do definJe , that pleaflire isfi/icitie,
vhich appearet to me to he the voice of bruit e
heafles ,andnot ofmen ,fir thou when God or
theea foule of aUt hinges mofi excellent and
, (o thou contemptuoufy cttfiefl avraje

and abafefithy felfe that no difference thou

efieemejl h :twixt thee and a bruit c beajf.
i)txt Cicero opponecU beaQciS anD inciua^,
pleafurets beaded feltcitfe , tbcrero^e it 13
not mans, S^altberticanQfermtuDe: as :n
^ibuUas 2. booKf.
Hard feiuitude I fee to mc prepared
In time to come my mithcflc for to be;
Fare well therefore thou which halt mc dccored,
Frcedomeandekcpatemall libcrtie.

Ofdevjingargmnentti. ,

C iii'j
CDntrarte ncg.m'tics , nre tuljcii tde one
afSnmtl) anD t&e otlKc Dcnictlj tbc
fame. SnD are parteD inco oenpins ano m-
pjiutus arffumenteu.
Denpinj argumemea are confrarte ncp*
tlacSjOftbe lubttb tbe cne Drnietl) furrp
lulKTe:!'3,31ua,nat tuQ: a bc>i(f,noc a braS:
blooD, not blooo : as Ciccto in tbe Defence
Thoufhaltfirq^cHe nothn-T, yes fome thirty,

not all . Grace fiAll haue no place , yes trhen

office and duty rccjmrcth , He not moited rrtth
mercie, yes m diffo/uin^ of fcueritie , yet there
is fame praife of hurnttnitie. Iflamlto my pur'
pofe , ycixftirely , vrithout a better get the v\-
^Ifo S^acrt'all in W Gc(! booke,
Wc know Fabclla thou art faire,
A maidc aJfo, true thou, arc: \'o

And richc wiih who may wichftand }


But when thou doft to much prepare.

Thy fclfe with praifcs to vp bare :

Then neithtrart thou richc, nor fane,

NorVirgine I dare take in hand.

JLtftetuire Cicero in tbe firS booKe of ]i\i

tZTufcuIane q^ieaiona eoinpelletb tbe Cp'^*
curianbp tbis argumente to gratnttc tbae
tbeocao areinnomtferie: ttibicb'tuinstbe
Cpiflirian lltkn\ltt\i.N^oive(/a^th he) I had
r.nher thou jhanldefi feare. Cerberiu the
dogge wifh three heades porterer of hell, then
th^t thou fijouldejl fi vnAduffedly jpeake
thefe wordes . Atticu4 . fVh/it is the mat-
ter} Marcus. Thefame which thou denyffi to
be^hoH admittefl to be . fVhere is the Sharp-
ties of thy vnderfianding ? For when thoufaj-

efithat the dead be in miferie , that thing

which ts mt^thoH admittefl to ^f.9nB aftfC S
loan; Dirputatio,Sttttus fait^jATfTf 7^<w»r
that they are in no mifery which are deadjie-
caufethat hyflrength ef argument thou hajl
obtained that thofe which be not at al, are no-
wtfeinmtferie. ^Ijlfl fcllotu (faitb ^crenCC
in bis CcmtttbOromctime affirmetb ^ Tome
Ofdepnuing argumentes.
D^p^inins arguments ate contrarp ne-
gattneis: oftbetobicbtbeoneDrmetb
bpon tbac rnbiect onclpatn t^e tobicb tde a<
naturaUp contap«
tljec tDb(cb «fftrmet|) » is

iieo. 9nD tbe aSirmactue » calkD (be bi*

bite, (be oenping argument, tbep^iuatton.
ifi>o moutns ano qntetnelTc : ^ob^ietie ano

pjonbennelTe : vi Sj^artiall in W 9* booiu»

41 THE L O G K E I

There Um folurman that wouUe do ft,

Er^o thou art dror.k^.

'ig>o CO be bltnbe ano t3 fee:1Ric& 9 yoo^c:

as £^arttail ixi ^ts S.boohe.

Tf poore thou be , than jhalntlwajes he

poore t^Emilhtn, for nothing is nor» gtHenibMt
to the rkh.^\\S)\<i fo?t bc life .inDoentb : as
Cicero fa? 'S^'X'i.ottyou reutn^er ofthis mas
death, tfhofe life ifyou thought tt might be re-
floredye woulde not.
^0 fpcahe alfo nno to IjolDr peace:a2 tbe
firft fo? Catiline : ^t^hy doejl thou waitefor
the authoritie ofthefpcakers whofe mmder,,

tho» perceaurfi by holding their peace.

COittparcb argiimcn:eg arc tbofe b^Oicb
are rsmpsrea amongeS tijcni feluctt,
tm arc cquBlIp kso\s;en,aU(jot:2b t^Z on be
romrctmes iiiojc inanifeS anb cicare tbcn
^be comyarifon ii (tt^c; in qttanthu o;
€}uantitie ftttfjat tu^crcbp tl^e i^insetf
cttmpareo arc hnovoen boui murU o; ^oH) \U

O F p. R A M V S. 43
SLttD (lanhtit in tii'm of ;quall c; bttrqiaU

Ctjep b» tijaall tobicl) be of one qant-.titie,

^Ijc eqaall argiimen: t^,ifl!)cn an rijuall
UOecIarcD bp«nr quail: tuljO{'efisnc!i>iinD
notes be.cqaall,aIiKc,t;K Umc t^drciV^zll
a«,arniac|^ as, 8Qi;anp fti, netibct mr>t no;
lefle : Sbere is a gre it atsomiDancc ci fuc&
comparifons in tlje foolp ^aipcure, az i^z
ina9 patce of etc parables lai^sc^ Ci;?illb'
fecb:dsin£^attbctu. ii.
T^f k.i»/dome ofheanfH is iik^ anrMy.e of
mufterdi^adif^'OmU ll. «yfi;ilrpilUaufe
thyfetidt to multi^Ucy^.: the fibres ofhe^ttun.
^f)i3 argurrieat is oiucrflp ifeo bp c(;e
Gikm}fXM{\xi\i.aii Cucroto^ &!)tla:
Neither m.iy 1 ^erciine TpJ}eref<,re tljoie
art moued .tgMn'1 Mg : ifbecanfe I defende
l:;m ivhcmthoa accitfcfl: why am I not mou^i
lvithth:eal(othat aroiftsl hm vhome I de-
fcf. U : ifthiii fayc I (tccttfe mine encmie : I
awtftvereHlil^, { defe^de t»y fi:cnde.'^j t!)C
5. of^ufCUl . frlj.;-!.is they gramt no. litis

firength tohe in vice, to lifie a mifcrable life:

mujlit not be alfo iir^untcd,the f.xm: jirctifth

to be in vcrtut to lint gpilly ? Ihk aljo I
pfitje thee tell mc Xcnophons vrife
( faith
y1jpajia)ifthy neighl>onr h/tdgclJe mere prf-
cioiu then thou haj}, whether hadefi thou ra-
ther haue hers then thine ownefhersfiyth jhe,
Cr* ifjhe had clothes er the refi of the orname-
tes oftvomen, ofgreater ejlimationthenthou
haft, hadejl thou rather haue hers ijea (ajth
pie:Go to then ifJhe had a better husband thett
thou, hadf ft thou rather haue her husband
alfi ? here Pie was ajhamedto aunfwere.Then
z^pafia be^an to/peal^ toXenophon, I pray
thee faith file , ifthj neighbour had abetter
horfe then thou, whether htidefl thou rather
haue hit or thine ? his faith he:andifhc had*
better grounde then thine,hade[i thou rather
haue his ? his , to -wit the beji:and tf he had
a better wife then thou haddejl thou rather
haue his alfi ? here Xenophon helde his peace
CAT. XVI 1 1,
Ofthe more,

'Tf)t^\iZ bnequall tuljic^be of a Dtuerfe

^^e bneqaall be «it!)cr moje oj lelTc:
ttljatismo^c, toijofc quamitie tj;rfctret|):

to^ofc notc8 ate,not onlpjbut «lfo:3! bao r««

iW iW tben tljat : feeing tlji«,niucb moje
OF P. RAMV S. 41'

ti. Cede 24. BeholdethiU'Ihaue mtk-

bowreifor my felfe oiiely, hut alfofor all them
that feeks wife dome, i^h\n\t9^. I had ra-
ther be a doore keeper in the houfe ofmy God,
then to dwell in the Tabernacles of wick^dnes.
But Godfetteth out hii loue^that he
Hoill. 5 .
hath to vs, /eeing,that while we were yet ftn-
ners,Chrift dyedfor vs:much more then nowe
(feeing we are iufii^edin his bloode) fhallwe
be faued from wrath through him . Tor if
when we were enemies we were reconciledto
God by the death ofhisfonne: (J^'fuch more^
feeing we are reconciled , we ftja/be preferued
bj his Itfe. Not ontlyfSybut we al(oioy; in God
by the meanes of our horde lefiu Chriflyby
whome we haue receaued reconciliniion. 3nO
CtCCtofo^Spilo : Notonelyheyeeldedh'mt
felfe to the people, but alp to the Senate net'
thtr to the Senatf onely, but alfo to theflrong
garrifon ofpuldiers.yea not to thefe enely^but
to his power ($• authoritie to whom the Senat
hathgeuen cure ofthe whole common wealth,
ufthe whole youth ofltahe , and of the whoU
munition ofthe people %omaine,

Of the lejfe
*fi THE I. or, IKE
*-r'i;>rdi faiDcto be Iifletobtclj nn otOft
cod) crc?cDc tpQuamifie ttoljcfcnotrs
be t!)ffc:noc itis oncipjbut not tbatrtbts be«
foje :lj?.c:33Ciccrofo? Canlitjc. 2 7%*rr

WAS no Wtin mt onlf in ^^m;Jnn in no corner

eflw.ly oucrtcycdrpith dt-ht ivhcm he had not
ajfociate to the increMle Itage ofthat mifche
uons cntcrpr-ife.CxtXV ill^Ddippica.p. All
men rvhat fbeucr age they be, which in this ci-
tiehaue the l^nov ledge ofthelarves, ifthey
yptre (rathcredtojeather tn orteplace.arenot
to he compared irith Seruiui Sulpttifu. vDuiO
in tU£ rnncDU fo; Iciic.

Secint; thebody for to oring out of ihra'l.

Both fword.; and ficr gladly thou wilt endure:
Thy foiil'.fortorLlieiic, notliingthoii ought at all.
For to rcfult Iceint; it is more pure.

Of the fmilttttd<i.

OF p. RAM VS 47
ffcd te tntoyom Scribes and Tharifies , je
hypocrites f forye Are like vnte vhjtnadtsim-
tts which appeare ieA$u^/outvP4rd,tmt are
nes, fi
are ye dip : fir outward je appeare
rifhteoms vnto men : hut withinyeare aUfiill
efhypocrtJieandimtjMitie. f&tn.l. Further-
more Godfrjdejet vs make man in o$ir orme
image according to our lik^neffe . jp'jilHp. 2.
Lft thefime mjnde be tnyou that was euen m
Chnft lept , who bein^ m the forme ofGod,
thought it no robberie to be ecjuall with God^

but hemadehim felfe of no reputation, and

tooke on him the forme ofaferuaunt, and was
made Itks "vnto man^andwasfounde in his ap-
parel ax a »Mw.9nD \.^y\,l^.Both his mouth
andflioulders were like a God. 3nO CuetO
inp.l^^thp. ^.Although Seruisu Sulpitius
might leaut no monument more cleare, then
his /bnne.which is the very piHureandfljape
t of his comiitions,vertue,conjki»cieypietie, and
engeifie . f[:OcfimiIuudct0 either feprratco
e; lopneu togcittjer . ^be Gmilitnue UpA-
tatcD ts luben tbc 4.0^ Hngle tcxmte sre fc
paratcti aiiD ctlliagmrncu.se in S^attb.^j.
Jeru/alem,feru/alcm, which killefl the H^ro-
phets^andffonefi them yihich are[cm to thee.
horn often tvottlde I htiue gathered thj chit-
dren togtathet/u the hengathereth her chtc-
^Ms vnder her tvjnges, but thou voulAeJt
wf.atiQ airsfll in €gIog. 5.
What thing that fleepe and reft on gnfle.
To weari: ii>cn appearc:
The fame to me of thy fvrecte verfe
The melodic fo deare.
)t>cre, 9ii tbe^en to \fit ^icktns To <$ott
i<i to cbe 3fraelite0!anh as flepe to tbetuea*
r(e,ro bccie ts to (be bearer 2nii againe Ci>
retOaD frairent I . *As the heftgonemours
cfShippes often tiMes maje not euercome the
ftrength And rage ofthe tempefi : So the moji
wife man maj rut alwajes vanijkifh the itina-
^on and violence offortune. Wit iopnCO fi«
miItt::De 10 mben ast^e terme batb it
felfe to (be feconoe, fo tbe TeconD to tbe
tbtrDe:a8 Cicero 3 . JLigar. Terceaueje not
that the magiftrate hath the power to •mer-».
fee andprefcrihe good andprojuaile thinget
Mfone the magistrate , the mugiflrateu »^
tone the people.

Of the dtfimilitude,

rr be bnl|>ke tnbore qnaltcic be M<
* ntt(tlH2.^tttt 6.L<n-JGoJcf/fr4ee
thti^ it m God itke thee. 9nb tti(rc(b)e lb(
CtiMHclu flntiSencstoretl) t([<f arsumiBV*
"There it nothmg^G^dy therefireCtdcmt
no wi/e he knovenjrj anj itiutge or (tgne made
bj men. %)it aat^) Of tbe boeiti ot Singetf
2. tbe 1 8. cbaptee. l[)antnsDrcIareotbe
8tte4tt(dttie«,tbe mbicb crekpib tD90if
•jlttDtDilb^ Uf^^lSWixlietrt^edinthe
Lord Cod 0/ I/rMei , fi tbtct iifter him y »M
mane fikf him smong idl tbe Kinges if btdtt^
metthor wdt there 4iny fiwh hefire'JimK. ^ilf
an z.l^b^IUpic. l^atb igrcatc coinp»
nie of oifllmiUciiMC Jpeakias of Owta b«
SrawMf tabicb flKOniag ba« obtafneD ^
QrOtibMr. O. mifer*ble hmlda^es (fi^itb
^ iifterf)vtrethej'tfith holden: Ol&ttni

VM^womidethtj hatu hemfir hitfim^t

mid mi 4 rtfirtingplMefit fit hie Infteti vtkit
exeeUent thinges were (pokat hefir* mitim
that m^inerpliiictf whst thinges there rmten I
Thtliimmfthofeofle Ronuune : Themonu-
Wlt^oflttttfiii^oetf » idlnumer nf-mfeiomt
s4io liilgi 9m ntm fence than hafi dweKM
m^kiigpi f mk ^ ms^M right thertt}^tkr


hwfe ringeth with the clamottr ofdmnk^dif
the (lore eMerfkiveth mth wme , the i»aitet he
mmfieichildren ofgoodinclt»a$i»m with theft
thdt were [it fir adHAnt^^e , Mnd iKihorit *^
mvi^eji mens vines wttedreelling.

A >
Of t>fjpri»ges.

w: batte bct^erto ticpooniieii (be fitll
arguKictUcs: JUnro do fdlom tbofe
bobtcb bflue tbctr bestnntng of f (lrtt,iD^(tb
})carctb tbtm fcluts ta tbe tbins tbac ibcF
]i}»ue 0) Dirp^oue , as tbe fitff tobcncc ibef
are ojtuen. ^utb be offp^nges : tbe ctmis*
iogir,i)tStibtitt0n^ia DcfinUion.
a)ffp;tnge0 «re argomentrs tubttt no bt>
pa 8like,bu( enbe btucrQp : a0l«ft,iafttre,
lp:3ooD,soobne0,(!:ooDlp man, mmilimcf^

mSlfiM»3iu(titt 10 flebc out of tbt Idealme^

tbertfo;e tbere ii no man iutt tebitbia tb<
Healmr< lp;operciu? Kb, 2
Sence freedoms to no loucr doch remaine.
No Bi>n is fie (;,that dotbto loue giuc mindc. '
i^ere freboin 10 tbe caufe tobp (bou art fttt*
Cicero gf.booke of tbe nature of (SH>obei»
tob^Ji b( fpea^etb of S^wnpitun tb' t^^antei
' ,

OFF. RAM VS. it'

. )^»w (fajetb he)he cb/trgeth that otBihegah'

dm rai/n fhaitli be tiifeH tut tfthe Ttmpfei
m the which(Mfter the fuJhiiK eft he GrecUtnij'
it VMS writeH •fgooi Ccddei he vomU
vfe their gaoJmet.TheGoiUes are gtoei^berm'
fire their go^Aus is ttbevfei. ^txt\it H^'
fpatcdj front tbe effene to tbe canfe airo./7<f-
ii0maHj win may ht net he then manhi
<v.:' \
C AT. XX^l L
Ofthe NttoHm or aimehgie'.^
*T^|?« CiimtAv^tU tftt tnterp?ttarf«aj of
attoitrc: JTo^tbojors arc notttinj en^
imt tfoteff oTmatterff Cpifieo : asSfaac,

UMsfo caliCD bccanfe

n i^r pfmdU of <$oo rtiaoe to
W motbcc lauQ^rQ'
iter. Sno in'
ttie a J. of (Sntedsr , ts e^fterwardk
ftprft ,
cKm his Wither OHtyOnihis hande helde Ejuit
bj the heele therefire his name rvas called Ia~

efhtBat «r ttjajfutn onerthrewer or deceiner,

£h(»tbtrefo;cQ;ranbtth(i[ttDifcbeceineti b;
Jacob ^ fa^btbusia zy.of (ScncGht,-
ti^athe tut inftlj called lacob ,fir he hathde'
eeiited nt^ n»w two times : He toeke mjlnrthl^
r^ht stndloe not» he hath taken mj hleffingi
!r' '


CtOO. 1. tAtidIke called his name Mojfeii

bicMiifefiidepiej'A-rtv him out efthe water:
Wit Ijpeb^etDea bfe to geue tdeic Tonnetf
and tbctc naugljccM names bibicti mtslic
euec pnt tbcm in retmmb;«unce of (omc
potntcof rtlision, ano bnoine tti^en tbcp
come to pecfetti'on , tbat tbrp tuere of tbe
tbofen people, ano tberefo^e Babucbaone-
rec I .of £)ameII,(ommaunDetb tbeciiiefeof

tbe Cunucbttf to geue otbec names to Da<

null , 9nama , S^^f aell, ano 9f aria, lubicb
tuere cbofen (o Qanoe fn tbe Etnges palace,
ano teatbe tbe learning ano tongue of tbe
^aloeantf. ^be(D}(cian«ititDb(ie tbe fame,
fo;fome mete calleo ^trootbeus , tbat Ui to
rape, an bonour of (Dob : fomc |9bilQtbcu0,

U)bicb is a loucr of 0ob : fomc Dcmoftbe-

iU0,tbe Srenjb of tbe pe jple : ano tbetefo^e
(fome Tape; tbat Seftbines bis nio^tall en=
ncmte (boufoe bane fapDc tbus : (bouIbeS
tboa be cAlIeo DemoQbenes ? no not To,
hui m\}tvl>emeuorusy tbat isabeuotD^ec
of tbe peoi^Ie . ^o ooe loe in tbe ^cotuibe
tongue C to Surre the pcutb to tbe imitation
of ibrm toborcnnme tbep beare) call foroe
9b;iab8m,otbers jlfaac o) 3acob, ano (bine
^ufanni 3nb ajg^aine
after tbe il)eb;:n)cs :

^tmobic » ano Cb^tdofo; after

otber fonie
(be fQ}tcm^Z\iii argumente i9 copiouflp

O F p. R AMV y, Jj

bfet amonsett t!ie Ctttnicke nnthoji : atf

Cicero 4. tUttt. O trimme Srvipping-cs ? fir

to what flace eUdeft thou euer come, to the
which thorn diiefi not t>rin^ with thee this
daje ? To what houfe , to what citit ,jea and
fljortlj to what Church? which thou Mdejl
not leaue fpotled?cUanefwipfed behinde thee?
Therefire theft thj doinges maje well he cal-
led fwippinget , not (0 much fir thy name (al-
though thou be namedVerres, which mayfig-
mfie afwtpper ) as fir thy maners and nature.
Cicero 2. l^tlilip. Bambalio was father to
thy wifi , a man ofno ejiimation , and aboueall
thinget contempned : who fir his fiuttingand
Jfamering of his tongue and dnlnes of ^irite,
had thisJurname Bambalio, fir a rebttcke and
a taunte.'Z,\it ptiiQcfons
alfo DO gcnc names
tot^cirbecbe!3:tofoniefcomtbe caure: a«
Htrundi»aria , from t^f tmtentO? : Filipen-
dula , from tbe fo^mc : Co other fome, from
tbe cfTecte ano tto^fting : as Selfe whole, ano
fucb Itltc:rcom the ftibiecte ano pl^ce: asi pa-

rietaria, anO featrifilie. Jfrom \\fi, aOiojnCC

no Qtia!itte ^ Safiinking Afarubium ,deade
nettle : from t})t BmiUtuDe
\at)ic\) tbep tiaue

taiih other thinUCd: si Moufe eare, fixe

taile, dogges tongue: SnD fo fo^td) ftomtfte
D Hi
^ '

redoft^e places of tnutnttcn.^debfet^nt
of t!)ts place is, ta p^oue o^ tttfpjioue, pjatfe
OiiDifp^aireanptbtnsbptbe €hmologieof
it : m in tbc to;nuc rjciiniplee , t!)ou mapcS

C-^T. XX nil.
Of the dtjlrilititiort.

Yet b)l)ic<j
tbtrcrfiniitict!) oftSc^rguniciitrt
^auc tt)cir beijinning of otbers.
^^c DlQribution aiio He Qnition:bot'g (|)c one
anDt^cotbcc Cotb crcip)ocarc:intbct)iffn'
buiian, tlie ):]!ioIe toitti tbe partes : in tbc O'

tbcr tbe DeSnitton,nn3 t^c tbins tbnt U bi fi<

i neb. DtHlribution is a btuiQon of tbe tubole

; into I)ttf partes . "Sbe lobolc is that tcbtrb
fiotb contafne fome partes tiMtbtn it. Cfce
parte is tl}at U)l)ifb is roiatncb of tbe b)bok:
^n9 &i lit beuioine; cf tbe tobole into bttf

partem, is callcbbtartbi'tion: S>a tbe col-

lecting of tbc partes to.tbctoboie, iscalleo
inbnrtton. ^be bt(lribtuionrirctbofargu>
inentes , lubicb botb ajpee biitb the bibotc,
among tbemfelucsootb bifagree. 9no

tbercfoje bob) mucb tbc lobole ivitb tbe

partes agreetb^anb (be partem among tbent<

OF p. RA MV S. fr
Moii Oifagreetb : To inucd is tde DiSribu<


X ^z fira To^te of DiSrtbutton ii of tliore

tbat agrectb abfolutelp, totuitte, tbe
caufe ano tbe effcccc . €^£ diartbuttcn \i
taken from tbe caufe , tubrn vbc p^rcrfi are
canfes of cbc Uiljolr. ^o (Bramuier ii par*
ten Ccimologie anD ^pntajcr. 1Rct|)0<

rickc i into €locntion anO Action : DtAlec*

ttche,into Jliiuention and Siuoo^cmfiu. Jr o;e

of tbefc partes cbe attes Dd coQSc: ^o Uit*

gtK Dcuioerb dtis (S)co;s<cftes into fotuer
parted : atf.

Hcarc firft 1 will defcriue what is the caufc,

Do(h make the come lb pleimifull to rife
Vnder what ligne and moneth of ih? funnc.
Thou (halt bcgin,totill thy fil4c and gioundc:
Eke at what time thou ma/ vqto the clmes.
Settothevines,andfo(hortly,after this.
What care thou ought to haue of thy oxen.
And of thy cattell the foodc and husbanding;
And laft of all how greate experience.
The (pahngbecs haue into their fcience.
CtCCrO foj ^WtM.Ivy%derJimd(ho>tcrMe
Iudges)that their vras three partes of the ae-

nifatien, one in rebuking and hlamtig of his
Itji : an other in contencion and flrtfi efdivni-
itf : The third to confifle in the cnmination of
vnUvfitllfiite fir offices. Catullua DOtb Ufc
t^ts acgunicttte bottj from tlje partett to tbe
luboIe,anD from ttie )tl}oIc to t^e partr0:ait,

Fairc Quintia to many doth appearc

Whitc,lone,ancl ftreight,flic doih alio to me;
Vet will I not for this fayc llic is fane.
Seeing III her that, thcicis no bcwtic:
Nor yet jnto her body large and biggc,
A whit of grace or any plcafjuntnes.
FaireLesbia in bcwtic doth cxcccdc,
And from the reft hath llolen all plcafant grace.

Of the dtjlrihution from the ejfccl.

*T^I?pe tiiilribution from tbe cfff cte ii >aA)tn

^ t^e partes are effettes, as in tbc fintUi'
tune of Cato , itibcrin Ijc (I)eii)rtb tbcm to
baue errcD tbat ra|)t>e , ol&c men Dpo riO>
tbinS. Thofe (fayeth he ) that ajfrmeth olde
men conftitute ouerfeers ofthe common wealth
to do nothinor, fayeth as much as tf they fhauld

fay the Gouernour of the fjtppe doth nothing,

when fame of the (^'Uryners clymethe the
mafi others ronrte the hatches vp anddowne,

feme d»e makf the fontfe rmptie the Gottir-
tunr in the hynder pnrte of the jhippe guidcth
the ruiUer andflerne. %)tn t^e DlttrtOUtion
nftbe genrrall argument into cbe fpcciall
not^ mcK . ^be scncraU \^t\it lu&elc , of

one elTence mttlj big parteist^be fpeciall o;

iit«De ii a parte of tl)C gencrall.as tAmmal,
aluiingtbingitf tbetobole, bibofe eflence
0) Definition , (to luit, a co^po^II fubttanre
bauins lifeano fences) Dotb alike appac*
caine to men ano beallcs,tubicb are tbe fpe*
cialld comainro as partes bnocctbeffene*
rail ammai, , &0 ts S^an tbe generall to
finglemen , ano a lion to Gngle iiona :ant
asaine finale men are tbe fpecialls of man,
anoGnsIeliong.oftbeiion. t£(je general!
argument is citljcr cbiefe generallo; fubal>
ternall . ^be fpeciaK argament is citbec
fubaltemall o; mod HjeeialL^be cbief^ ge*
ncrallistbat Uibirfjbatb notbtngaboneit
mc;ie gcnctalbas incur oiuiConfet fo^tb iri

argument is rbiefe ge>

tbe firS cbapcer,ibe
nerall of srgumenceg arttgciaU, ano of tbe
tnartifidalhCbemoQ fpeciall tubicb niigl]t
not be DcutDeninta ocbec inferiours raM
tbe matter ano tbe fo;me. ^be fubalternAll
mbitb map be tS^e general in tefpect of onej
ano fpeciall in tcrpcct of another ai tht
tauk coiitaduD bnoertlje flrtifinaUargU'
nient,ag a Cpcctall , ann roas scncrall to tUe
matter nno foiine uibtcl) it did tontatne bn*
net it fclfe . 'k\}e srncrall atiD tbe fprciall
arc notes anDflo;ncg of tlK caufes anDtlje
eS'ecces . /Fo^ die gcntraU roiuainetl) t^e
caafc lubicb Dctl; cqualip appartaine to liii

fpcciails anD Agatne tbe fpcciall contah


nctb tbe c^i'ct of tliCir gencrall.^bie is t|)c

tbc icaron luliccfo^c tlic bntuerfall rjcccllctb
in Dtgntttf , bp rcalon it cocainetb tbe caufr,
ap,ouiD in bts £I9?;anio).ocuiDctb tbe gcnc--
rull,ro ii3u,a Ipuing tbing into bta fpctialg,

as Qatrei (to tbe uibtcb be giur tb a life, as

tbe l)3biIofcpbcrs ooe)fo\ule0, bca(les,&(b>
ano men:ai;.

That no kindc,pIacc,or region fliouWe be, ^ ,


Ofliiiing thingcs left voidc or clfe emptic;

The God"; doc make their habitation,
Among the ibrreSjinto the high Region, '

The fcahc dih alfo,by lotte an J keuill,

The P.ouddes ckarc obtained therein to dwell:
The cai th rccciucii the bcaftts fierce and wildc,
l;ur\ rr the- lyi!in5thing,\vhKli doth thcfc alcxccl,
In h'.lyn'--(T.-,r.r,d c'k- no-c capable:
M.utcis Jiutnc :n .aindc for to coaccaue.
O F p. R A M V S. ry
Was not prcfentjche rcR in guide to luue.

Cberrfo^e atlafttoaec nianbo;ine, 9c»

d)<>,Cfccro,tn bis firfl boofce of bis 2DfBce0
Druioetb bec(a?, into fower fprciall kniDe^;
CHifcoome, ^iutticCi f ojtituBf , «nD llCtnu
PfrauncC . exr/7/ thin^ft (faycth hf)th/tt are
hs/tijl, dot k rife of one ofthffc fewer partefy
either it co;jpf}eth in the ferfcEl l^Kowledge of
the truth and Cfaic^nejfe ofvrtt, cr in the de-
findwg ofthefocietie and fellovffhippe of man,
hygeuntg to euerie man his right , andfulfil-
ling of thiigei fromjfed: Or in the noble cou-
rage andfhength ofa valiant andmi^htjjpi-
rite.Or la/} in obferuing agoodmaner and or
der in all thinges^either done erptjed, in the
Tvhich modefiie and temperancie confifieth.
<&Oinetimc \at aro;(ie o; rcafan rrom tbe
gcnerall to tbe TpcciaK as , t^^llmen maje

marrie tvho haue not the gifte of Chaflitie,

ergo , TrieTies and^Mimflers maje marrie.
SnD contnrie frotn tbe rpcciall to tbc S'^
a« , ^Abraham rfoiiufli-
ncrall in a parte :
fed hjfaiththerefore man mays be mftifiedbj

CAP. xxrii.
Of the dtflributionfrom the SubieU.
N^\xi follouieil] tbe Didribucion oftbofe
(bat after a ccrtaine fafbtonootb agtec:
as oftbe ^ubfccc ano c()c amopnt . ^be Di<
Srtbution is Taioe to be oifyz fubtcct, tobcn
tU partes arc &!ibiectC9:8s. ^be tuielue
^rpbce of 3!rracU bad tbe lanb of Canaan,
lubirb mas a fubicct parteD ainonse tbem,
vntothc %Hhemtes the pUine ef :jAIcdebs,
(frc. vnto the Gtiddes, luKjer aud Gjliad, (^c.
vnto (jManaffes the kifdgdome ofOg,0-c.vn-
to ludu tfMgeuentherpt/demeJfe ofZi»,(^c.
vnto Ephramsfromlertcotothe jvi/deruejfe.
(^c.vnto Benutmin from Iordan vp thefide of
lerico ost the mrth part, C^c. vnto Simeon n>4i
etHenBeerfljeha ShebattndLMaladnhy <£•€*

vnto Zaimt'jnfrom Sarideajiwardvnto Chi

fiat!}, C^c . vnto Iffachur iKXeelnh ChefttlUth
andShunen, r^c. vnto tyfJfHr. NephtjUi,a»d
^an lurrie one his porcion:as it defcribedthe
I J.I ^.i6.i2umd 19. Chapiters oflejiia.^i'-
f Cro 5. CufcuI.7A<'»"* he thre firtt efgoodeiy
Coodespartatning to the hodte-goQdetpitrtM-
doth attaine the heauenly goodespartaining to
the/oule , is rather to i>e natntdmoft b/ejfedj
then ir/effed.

OF P. R A M V S. it

CAT. XX nil.
ofthe difirihHtion taken from
the adtointe

'-r'l{>e Didribucion from t^c adtointe i%t

mljen (i>e partes ano membcrii of tbc
DiltCtbUtiOtt ate aDiopnteS : {is Ofmenfame
heyfhole,fimeficke,fomerich,fonufoore. ^0
OirgtUi.ofbifl (Se0;st(kC0, patttti^tbe
uio^lDe after t^e aDtoj'tites into fiue pat*
te0. lubereoftbe m'DDktiSparctjtnsOciue,
cbf tuioejccieiimics colDejanotlje reQteni>

dirties there be which part the firmament.

In number fiue,whercof is one aiucntei
With the hotte beamc ot glilicringirunne and ixx%
About the which an other dcch ap^icarc
On eueiy fide with frofeu ycc conge!;: J
And ftormes blackcxke thofc there doth dcuidc
Two othcr,which doth holde the middc region
Graunted xa peniiuc men for habitauon.
By gift of Cod.

Cefat tbe 6rff booke of jf rencb iunrtc^.

^aUU ( now called Fraunce ) is fanedmo
three partes, rvherofthe people called Belgi^d»
holde ont-.'tyfijuitam an other p.trte,a»d Cf/-
tithe third part.
Of the definition.
Tl)zu^n\mn ii Bn£);at:o \o\iiOi bot^
clcatdp Declare lubat tl}C i()tn£^ tB.'^be
Dcfinttnn iij cither perfect ano ralfcD p;a--
pttlp 6«Biution,oj unpftfcct ano calleo bcf*
trtptton . €IK perfect cefinttton 10 a Cefini<
tton lubicb conndctb of tlje fole e&afee tW
acconip!ia;fD tlerubflance oftbctOingOtS^
ncD.&uclj aa be tbe gcneraU argwment ann
t\)t fpeciaU 0; fo^mc. ^0 man ie DcfinrD a
rf afonaWe Iputtis tfeing : Ocrc
f lip Ipntng
tbtiis ) tobicb is tbe gciicralf ar2i!tnctit,toe
l)nDerQanDc,3 co^po^all fubSance partaker
of life anD fe nrc^tottcb is tbc matter of man
anD parte of tbc fo;iine:bnto tbe tubicb) if pe
luiJI put to (rcafonable) pc fljall conipjcfcb
tlj£U)bolcfo?mccfmaii: &otbat (bcpcr=
feet OcGniticnts iictbinscife but a collcc
tion of tbc caufcB lui;tcb Doe ccnattutf anft
pcrrojiuc tbc fiibftaiici' ano nature of tbe
:fucbasbc tbe Definition ef
tiling DtniicD
artca. CJrair.mcranCrtiubifb tcarbctft
eI?jjucn:1p:DtaIfcticke,nii 3rttu!:icb tea^
cbrtb to D'.fpt;;r 'aicll;ercmct^ic \ to Spca^
OF p. RAM VS <j
Of the description,

"TOetefcriptton (s aficfiitiiion tsbfrl) tie>

'- IBnetb tbe tbtng npt onrip Utftb tbe nu>
fc8 , bat luic^ ottjrr argumencrs alfo : a,
a Man is a. renfind'olc thmg ntortall, andaptc

to lettrne : ^itt tuicO t|)t caufc are JOpIItO

lioti) tbe coninian ano p^optr aoiopnt. ^!);s
ccmpen:)(0U2 ano (Ijo^te b^iefites is not ar
luaps to be founoe tn ibis fo;; of argimift,
but DcQretb fomrtime to ^atie a ino^e c)r>

ceiUttt ano magntSca!! e^ipltcaclomss (SIo^

riCjis DtfcnbcD bp Ctrcro tn I)<b ojation fo?
SPllo^.'/- ofallthtretrdrds of V(rttte,tfthere
were n refpeil to he had of rerrards, I iadge
glorieto be themojl greMfyVphich oncljdoth
cofort (hePiertnes oftijij Itfe with the memo-
rieofrhepofieritieto cowe^rfhichdoth make
VS -ahen we he nbfcnt to he .2/ trefent, and
when we he dead doth ma^S '^'^ to lute. And
likervife fame is that, hy whafe occafion and
menm, mcnfeeme to afr.en^e ttr.d monnt vf t»
the heattens ahoue. ^0 fame 10 UefCTlbeO (jf
Anonc through all the Cities great,
of Attii. lie fame i> gone:
The blafiiig fame a mifchief I'uche,
ak A^ifcci thcie isnor.e.

By raouingmore , (he brcadcs, andas.
She ronncs, her might doth ryfc:
By lowc for feare flic lurketh firft ,

Thenftraight alofte in Skycs,

With ptyde on prounde (he gocth,and percbetb
The clowocs with heade on hight:
Dame carche her mother brooded furtlic
(Men faye) that childc in fpight:
Againft the Gods, when Gyances hrft.
Of Serpentcs fected lyne
Hye heaueus to vnder mine
Then for dirdaync,(for on them fclucs v

Their owne worke loue did fling)

Their Sifter crauled furthe bothe fwy^e^
Of fcete and wight of wing
A Monfter gaftly greate for eucry
Plume herCarcasbeares:
Lyke nomber leering eyes (Tie hathe, .

Lyke nombcr barkening caret,

Lyke nomber tongues and aiouthes (he wagges, .

A M'ondrous thing to fpeake:

At mydnyght furthe iVie flyes ar>d dothc
Vndcrlludc hcrfoundc fqueke.
All night ihe w.fltes, nor flomber (ivete,
IJothe takc,not nciier llepes:
By.dayes on howfcs toppcs flic fyttqs.
OrgatesofTowncs Ihckecpcs:
On watching toiircs (lie c!ymes,and (he
Great cipici makes agaft.
Both truth 3ud faKhod forth the telle*
And lyes abrodc doth call.

OF p. RAMVS. #r
(eatttK in iMntrall t()tnsc8 : SDf "^otooef,
monmafnef, anDcotunes in geogrxpbicxU
ano |>ilto;iciII.


Ofiliuine tejhmome : Thefirjfforte ofthe

vnartificiaU argnmente,

X^e artificial! arsumcnte bcin^ e]cponn<

BCD follotoetb canfcquentlp tbe bnartifi*
ttall. fTbe atsnmme ttnacrifictall o; ttitb'
tat arte \% an argumente tobicb p^ouetb o;
Birp^ouet^ not of b'S otune nature , bat bp
(be (frcngb lubicb it batb of fome argument
artificial! . 9n9 tbrrcfo;e t»ben tbe mattec
\i Beepelie ronQoereD b^tb but a litle
, it

ffrengtb to p^cue o; tifpjonc. 3!n ciuill ami

trmpo^all affaires, tbe autbo^itie of tbc Dif<
putcr genetb no litlc crenite tbrrebnio if be
be toifc, iiertuotid,aw> baue tbe benenolence
of tbc antitouM : all tbefe bp one name map
be (aileo a teOimonie ^eOimonie ttf
. VL\fi
paneo into a Dininc » bnmaine SniongeS .

tiuine ano fptrituail teaimonies ace num<

b;eo not onelp tbe iSDjacIes of tbe (8oDtie0i
W. alfo tbe aunftueres of p^opbetcs atiD De«
ainours: as Cicero tbetbiro fo; Catiline.
Andtt omute (ptjeth the Orator) the light-
C6 the'logike
KW^ ttrches which dtd apfeare hy night mth^
Occuient , the zehcment and p Arching heAf4
of the heauens : as thrawes oflightninges^4
fier breaky:g out ofthe iloMoes , earth(jH(ikes,
artdmeiny other fich tenrpefies,rphtch (living
(othM the Geddet with
Confull) did appear e,
a loude voice feamed to finge thofe thingei
yhichhcnow prefent . anoa luU after, ^l
which time when out of all He-
JCapec^t/Zr the
truria the Sauthfayers being gathered toge~
ther,comludedthatgr;atcflAughter and bur-
ning didapproche^the c^flrttUion of the lawet,
both cittillanddomefiicall war res, and the vt -
ter ruine of the whcU towne andnnpire.with-
cut the tr/miorttillGoddes by aUmeanes appea-
fedhadbj their diniiJe power ,chaungedaln}cji
the very fat Allneceffine. ^ibUllU0. "^

If that in holy Church the oracles.

Doth tell the tiiithjon my name tell hcrth'js,
Appollo Delius doth fure to the ptomife,
An happy mariagc therefore if thou be wjfe,
: •

Kcepc well thy felfc, fcckc not the companies <

Of other men, for that is not Godly.

• '

C^P- XX XI I. ^ Vimi#

Ofhimtaineteftmome. ^
,», , j
^uiitatne t^eyt^etgene^
r^e teQtmonie Gtnerallj (^e latoe,
o; rail Qnsular. aj»


OV'P. ramVs/ «t
tfia famous fjptnges. 'Cfyitc in fm eicample
Bf ttie Iatt]C,botb ur^itcn anB untv^tetn in tbt
S>)»tim of Cicero fo? ^ilo : ais , There isk
htH'e ( hotmrable Ittdgfs) not writ en , httt *.'^
)nrMllj fpreifge vp which v>e haue not lear-
ned, ready nor rece/tnedofothtrt , tut tnk^i
riteMted and dranen f-omnettireitfetfe, the
•tphiih t»4iftdi»e,T¥0 4re not ttiik*klcJkHt mudei

*«/ infirnCled tj tther, but txH^ hj ndtttt^t

To VHtte That ifonr [ifi fhottld fJdl into' An

mUwfh^ or colpirAcieiiMto ihepdvfer and H^^*

font, either tfrobbers, or ofvter enemies, thdt
9>eJfjonLd by aBhoaefl ntennes, dt liner onrfel-
tiesfrom all dann^er. SInfi a litfe after, fftiii
would a theefr taken in the night ti
i B. table s
be killed by tmj meanes , and a theefr taken itt
fhedaje(if he by weapon defrnded himfelfr)
tfi be killed alfo Tfithont dtiiiger:rvho ii he that
thinks ''" ^I'tnh^ter to be pnmjhed.horvfoeuer
it be committed, feeing he may perceaue, that
the very laves themftlues-.do offer to vsfime^
time the fworde tokiflnten. ^JlOUrrbCS OrC
numbjcD ainonseft famous fenicncts : as
Ltkedrawethto like. CljC fipingCB alfOOf
lUtremf n : as , Know thyfelfr. Mediocritie it

befl ofallthinges.%\^tXZ IS ail CjCatttpIC of Jfat

finjjular tjftimonir. Ciccco i.adFratr<«^


tAniftirely thmt pritice of iHgenieandkniw*
ledge TltuoJjMdthu cptnUn that the cwnmem
TPeAlthesfhottld then be mofi htiffie mtd klef-
fid, Tvhen that either learned md
began tegoueme them:Or th/u thofe wht h4d
the care ouer them.Jhould giue themfeUus f
veifedcme and knowledge » ^0 €\i'f.H bini«
fdfctbc Slpoaie0,anD eatngeliScsoocttii'
firme tbrir Bocttincbp ibe iattie of S^opfcKt
Cbtl^bificians , bp tbc ancboMcie of ^iif
pocratttf, Diolco^iDM, (DaUn, uiDdicb
otbertf ! , bp iplato anii a>
tbe l^bifopbcrs
riSotle : tbe JtatuperSjbp Saaiaiantano tbc
$^atbcmatician0 , bp Audioes, i&o ubcn
tbere tifetb anp queSton o; controuetQe of
liinoc0 0} Haugbter ano fucb otber mattctf
bie bfe to p^oDucr tbcic oUisationg , anB
binDc tbcm Uiitb ibeit coRfeOTion ano ctbf,
me bfltie an erampU ef SDbiigacion , of CU
(CrOjill^.lpbinpptthe. 7>4 Ifhaltbebolde
to hmde my fajth to you ( beloued Indges)
andto the people Remaine, which if nothing
compelled me I tvould not take in hande but
would very much fiare (ma mofl dangerom
matter ) the fame and ftlpicion ofrafhenet. I
promi/e, Ivndertake , I binde mj felfe ( hono-
rable ludget ( that Cafar pjatbc at all timet

OF p. RAMVS. (9
jkeh a Citiztn Mtheu this daje , midfiieh 4
tme JOM »ught to vhjhe and dejire him to be.
Wit m«pe comp^ciienoc tm»cr ten name of
oMtgarfoof , ga|fec gruen fo) tde fumte of
VKf Iking 1 af , Qirgtll ; . of Cgfoset. 3
(ecomen baains no actffictall arsumcate to
pjooe cbat be cndD finge better ^en \M fel* -
Iatti,ii>as9etbtbat be mai lapeoottne an
I^Ffer fo; a gage. Vbe eonfelTton it eftber
bolomatte) o) fojceD. QoIuntatie.tDbentae
to grauntf anp tbing of one otttu bifll. jTo}*
c(D,tDbeRbptO)nieiite« tteare compelleD
to graunt tbac b4>tcb otbertoape* toe toottio
not , aim it p^operlp caHeo a qfueftion. ^f'
loes enemte bfttb fucb An argumf te agataff
bim a but it te modteo of Cicero Go too / :

frajeyou (ftjeth Qeere) whut wAstJae^ne-

ftion,or t^er whatfiiflnon }ho t,hoe ? where it
Jittfbie}i*here it C4/ai?hdth Cloditu vnreught
treafin againfi MUo i he hath vrought : then
tteertaine Gibbet for him. He hath tvrought
none , then there it 4 hope of hit libertie.
iC>eteto airp mape be referreo tbe fojte of ai>
gumente tobicb toe tife , toben toe do offer to
p^oue our fapinged bp erperience : as Cicc-
CerO 4. of (Herron. // there any hodie that
would, hauegeuen to Volcatitu ( although he
C iij

cqimieth afhimfil^') the. tfmh Jiarte ef^\

tleMjer f Let mm come nrcvanifie : there una.-^
m^n thfit imlLrtctdUf hm,Vtitbi» hu hoHff,'i

bgrifTf yJJ^^ ^ette joh
fvjiwitUfljff^y Tykieh ixdtcetU jir ttgfntJ<m^
^ fttmfv^ le^r-

«i j'lwastfip?aa(cc)fdtDt!i,alaJ,"
(I'l (Nowbyttjeftarrcsilwqerc; j

-) . Syal],fl|f,Cp(i(i:s,3u4iifd|vcr«]>c, •

Rerft3yn)Tig yet pr.c where.


'Viiftined fjyth.if triiiH oii grou'ndis

Sl'< Or-vndti>gf"urlder.i«yeU«
iigainftaoywJl(&Q«<:tnc)fc«anthy j
£!Q^^Ha^o,^$ did 1 flyc. i

-' ' '' -
%\ vtv'.'.f .
, .

* " ' < „'. "v.. ». » . *' '?*<

^. .VI* -•^•" \- -ii •
*»'•• .
.4^-,". ., •

.r ' " ' rJ v> "' f."
: '/"Us?'m' ! Ti


JXeioSJjCiM& i^flX. XenX ^a?Uf

l'^** "Containing the difpofiiibn. '

*U A -
. . I ':

«i a^the definition and deKiJion of the

, r1
:. dijpafitianandfropofition, .•»

€\iw intre«(cD <r t^e fo^'

met booke t^e firft p^rte of

Dialectf cite , ittdtfU t0 fnuen*
tton : ii^otcc follotuctfi con^
frqucntlp Uje oc()cr pane,
lu^icb tee Dtii.name3iuDscnicnt ano nirpo-
Rtion . DifpoStion is a parte of Dfalrc
ttche , U)^icGieac|;etb to btfpone anb iriace
o^Dctlp t^e arsumenteiS mucntetr , to tbc
tmt\»t tnape utDge teell aao rigbtip i fo;
ifiristiSe of ettcrp tMnr^ acco^Ding; to tbc
feiflRiitdonU^ccof. 9nott)crcfo;ietbtsi)nrte
•f iUgtcbeis cpcbec calieo lasgrment 0^
fttTpoQcion bnoct one fisntficatibn. Difpo*
fittonitfpacteaintotiieliSr^opoQiKin (ut^c
katft calieD CnunciMion) o> ^plostfmc aim
^f^ftc. IpjopoOtion » aotTpqettonint^e
€ (itj
ttdicb mie argumente ii Tpoken fo; an a-
iber. Zht pitopoGtton bad) ttso pareM , tbe
fits in calicD tbe anteccDcnt , tbe fecontic
tbe conftquenti Of tbe inlucbtbr qaahtiif
of pjopoCtions Doe rife, ^nnfirfttbeaffir-
matton anbtbcnesatton. ^be p^opoScian
affirmatine, tabibcn tbe conrrquemaffir-
ntetbbpon tbe anteccDent: a , a man 10
mo^tall. ^be p^opoCtton is ncgatiue,iDben
tbe todfequente oenieti) upon tbe antece-
bent t &s, S|3an is not mo^tall : ano bere ti-
Tetb tbe contraotctton of proportions, tvben
one confequent notb bo(b affirms ano Be-
nt e upon one antcceoen:. -. 1

c .4 p. I J.

of the true fropofition andfalfe , contingent,

Mecejfane , an J impoJfibU, and of tbe
three docnmentes of artes.

TXs)t p^opoQtion ii eitber true 0^ falfr.

3lti8 true tuben t!)e cofrquent is ttnelp
hiineo ivttb tbe antcceC)ent,o? traclp repata<
teo from tbe fame: as bere tc is trulp ioineot
allmen are Gnners ano bere trucl;* Tepara*

teo no man is iuff. €be p^opoOtion is raU


IcD conttngentjtuben tbe confcquent be trn>

Ip faift of tbe anteccDent, fo tbat romeiimc it
OF P. R A M V S. 7j
map be faiff :ad fortune belpeci; \jatttit men*
fa^ graumtng it to be true to naft , tt nup
be (aire to mo^olue : &o tbat tbe uericte of
tl)i«fo;t of poGtionstet onelp cercatne in
tt)(nsc9 p^efent o; pa(t , ann not in tbtngrtc
to come. Wit p^opoitiion (0 neccffarie \0\3i
tbe ronfeijuent map at all times trnelp be
faioe of tbe anteceDent:as, all men are mo;<
talL 9nD contraricttiifc,tbe p)opofitcon im<
pelTible , is tobcn tbe confcquent map at no
time be faioe of tbe anteteoent : as , 9 matt
is a bo^e . Wit neceffarie is eitbec of one
binDe,o) ofaDiuerfekinoe. 'CbeneceCTatte
of one kinoe isbiben tbe partes are (oeD
fentiall among tbcm felues.as )uben tbe se<
ntrallis fatDeoftbefprcialhas, 9 man is
a liuing tbtnfl[,o) tbe Diffcrecc of tbe fo;ime,
as,a man is rcifonablc, 0; tbe aDtoincte of
bis p;toper fubiecte,aSv9 man map laugiie.
9nii (bis fo^te of p^opoCcion is fometime
reciprocate , tuben tbe canfeqaent , tiot one*
Ip map be faioe aliuape of tbe anteceoenr,
anftofaU tbtngcs contafnet tm^ertbe an^
teceoent, but of it feife alfo , fo tbat tlie an>
teceoent contrarietnife map be fane of tbe
confcquem , on tbe famemaiicnas S^an ftf
a (eafonable Ipuing tb^ng,ntmtbet is equaU
0) bnrquaK . ^^c p;cpa&tion of Dfuetfe
ItinDe, iaui^fnt^epartca are not roelTeiH
mlUii,Qi man is blacfu o^ lubiicQlnC btid
\m ^auc tb^ecgcncrailDotumentcfl to be
obferueo in all artcs ano rctencefl^ ^(je firS
10 tbat ail tbe p^cceptcs ano rnlttf (Ijoulo be
gencrall ano of nccdTitie truet nntt i^is is

calicoa oocanunc of btritte . Clje feconiw
tbat (uetce arte be contatncb touMn ^t
olune bounDcs , ano \mtb|ioIDe noising apt \i

partaining to ottjetflctcs , ano ie natticb s

Document of tuaitr. €\)t tUtro , t^at cm rp
tbins betaug^bt acco^ofn^.to \)i»natan,
iii^nttM tbings,g(n(raIIp»no par>

itcular^particuUrlp: anb i\ii$ is caflcD « 0(u


c^P. in.
Of the frnfle profofition,
•nrllJe p?opoCtion iis eitOct fimple oj com=
pounoe. ^^eGmpIetuitb tbetuOi'cb «
Gmple raping 10 oetlarco : ano tbctcfo^eit
tm:mm\i a Ompk ronfcqucnt : bbicb if

it ooe aSirmr,maketb tbe lubole to afftrme,

ano contrantuife.irit oenietli, tljc lubole oe^

iii(t^;a9,£ttt; burnctij,fiec is Uottc,fvr 10 not

liia(ec.ll7m,bucnet() ,t)ottc, anb toatet , tre
tbe Omple conrEqucntesi : bpoii tlje ^u-
mation o; negation of ti)( XiAiic^ DepenBetb
tbe afiirmanon o; negation of ((le jDOoIe»
9nO titii is tt^e ftrS Dtrpofltion of tbingis iii«

u;ntco, iBlient&e ratife is iopncD Utitij tbe

tfFcrtP, as in tbc 8rS eicample . S)} tbe ftib^
itctt \oiil} tU nmointc as in t^z rrcono: C);
(be cifasr£able,tutt^ tt)e btrnsrcable, ae; in
t^e tbtro£.36;ct tbc lubict) manner aU fo^iai

of arsumcntcs map be p^onounceD (ejcccpt

fdU eomparirons auD Dittcibutiong ){t;e4>*
Qrcabic by- «Qicn;ins , aa»U)C pifagcfiiiibfc
bpcenpinj. ,. v,
Cube fimple p^opoStfon ti titbcrpnc*
tall e? TpccMU. Geoeraiit, ^cn it fpeaketti
senerailp.^n) ])f re tbe one pan of (be eon<
tcaoirtion is not altjapes true,anD tbe otbec
fdlfe. jTo^intbiugetf contingent tliep map
bebotbfaIfe:ad, 9ihmnareIearneo; Ma
man ii learneo . 9nD in ibingcf( alfo tu^icd
be not contingent : as , 9tl Ipuijig (bingetf
arereafonable. j^alpuingtbing igrjiafO'
nablc.^be p^opoCttcn i£i rpecia(l,U)4cNit
rpeakct^ fpeciallp ana of a parte. QintJim
tbe one; pa:te of (be concraQiction u( tciw,
anott^c oibccfalfe. €befpc(ulf Uifi^&t

imrfhiftt , o^pjopcr : 3InDefini(e taiien (t
fft»knl9 of no cecratne tb<ng:a«, SDome rtiS
toiearncB, tnborestnerall contraotctioti iK
Jf^omanislearnro. ^^opertsbentbecon*
p^opn name : it,
rcqurnt ii faiDt of fotne
jFdbrHa iifap^e, uHiofe contraotctfon if,
jf atxiU i){ noc fapjr.

c^T. nil.
Of the fre^o^t'tom eompounJef

'T'l^e p^opoRcton compotinD it tuben moc

* fapinseii tbtnoneareiopmt>roseatbcr
bp fomr coniunct(on.9nii tbctfo^e bpon t()C
afftrmatton o) ncgatton of tlje ronfunction,
Df penOecb tbe afTtmationoftbe loNIe pio*
podtton : ano bete t^e one parte of (be con'
tramction ii true,anD tbe otber 10 falfe.^be
compounoe pjiopoQtion ii eitber congrega*
itiie 0^ fesresattue:€be p^opoQtton ii con:
gtcsactuc,tDben ibe coniunction gatberetb.
ana 10 eitbec copalattue 0^ ronneictue . €o*
pulattue ) iDben tbe contunctton ii copnfa<
ttae,a«.^otb Eurtu ano Af-icHf ruQ)t fojtfi
Qnbofe negation ano conttaotctton^iis, not
botb £itrtu anD ey^ctu ruQjt fo^tb • 9nO
bete it to be notcD , tbat tbe becitie of tbe


- OF P. RAMVS. 77
P)0poOtfon copulatftte DepenDetbbpontbc
betitte ofbotb partg:fo) if one pan be falfe,
ibc in^olei if Moe n be falfe , m fjn tbis eic*

«inpIe.9ot( man anD betft are reafonabie

tbtroholt p]topoluioo isfalfe, becaafit tbe
latpart isfaife. O^tetomapbe refetret
tbe pjopoOttim containing tbe refation of
qnalitietf} in t&e mdic^ tbe relation SanDctb
in place ofttie coniunctioniaii*
Such thing as fleepe,aiRl reft on grafle
To wearie men appeare:
The lame to me of thy fwetc veiie
The melodie fo deare
90 tbouffb be tooulDe fap 0eepe is Avef e
(0 toeacp men/o it tbp berreio me. GTlbore
negation 10,
Not that which fleepcand reft on gralle.
To wearie men appeare:
The lame to me of thy fweic reiie.
The melodie fo deare.

Oftheprofojttion conmxitt^

'Vpt p^opo6t(on ii conueriue, mbofe cob*

inncttonisconn?|Eine:a«t,pftbou bane
f'itbrj tbou muff baue c^aritic : ^'Mt ne-
Satton i^ , not aldjoagbetbou bane faitbs
it folottetb tbat ibott mud b>ue cbaritte.
CittXO it fratrf . Neither if a fropofitio*

he true or falfe h'j and hj it feUoweth that


CMHfes are immutahle . %\it afficmation Q*

Snifietl) cbat if tlir atneccticnc be, tU cfinfr*
qncnt muS be aKo. Cbc negation o; contr«<
ticttonGpiQed;, t^acaltljousb (Ueamerc
Mntbc. tlieconfrqluent mnSnotbe tbcre*
fb^r. nntiercbp luc muQ bnncrffaiiDe ^ tbae
bibcnrocucc tb(s fo^te of p^opofuton is crur,
it ntuft be nccrnacie alfa. ^be iicctfTitie 10
fcnobicn bp tbc ncrcHarie conncjcton of tde
partca, ^ not bp tl;r bcrm'c of ttc fame: foj
botbfbe pared map be falfr,aniii tfje conncK-
ion nectiTarie, as tibts: if a man be an bo^fe,
be bat!) foUicr ffctf,t3 a necclTarp ccnncriS.
ISut ifcbe connexion be contingent ,anD on*
Ip fo;i bis pitcbabilitie fuppofeD to be> tlicre
artfetl) no ntciflarie iuDgenunr, but onel^
optmomag, Ctrcnreinancjia . ifthoudae
that ( Tamphile ) this is the lafl daye t hat e-
uerthoujhaltfeeme . 'STtie p^opoOUOn rOn«
taimng!tbe relation of time ts bitbrrtore'
ferrcD.-ae.tDbtn 3!titlire is ii^AintatncD, t^cn
QiaU peace be in tbe Kcatmr'

CAP. vr,

OF p. RA MV S. 79
'Tl^p;topoCtionr(gresa(tae ii y lubofe
conitinctionDocbe fegrrsatc : anD tbec
fo^ufpeaiutbtoalp of oifasreabU argn*
\Mtut6 . it is parteb into Dircerntns p^opft*
gMonsap9 twiotirins. CDbe Dtrccrning i«,
comtinction eotbe Dtfcerne. Ciceta

illCufc. 5. Although that hj thefence »fthe

bodie , thty he Indged^et thej are to be refer
rt4t*ihejpirite:\»[io{e negation anD COB-
trafttCtio ie , N'ot althoughe that hy thefence
tfthe bodie they be iudgedjhey Are therefore
ttbereferredto the fftriteJ^\:^\A fottC of P)0
psiition id true, tui^n bacb tbepacteeis
true 9 Dir»rncD alfo , £)tbErU)tre it 10 falfe

of the tropejition Vfncymrig.

TOc pjopoGcion bnfof ning,

Htion , Valjorr
ii a p;opo<
fictb bniopncatt, eitbcr it 10 nigdt o;i oapc:
all Ipuing tbtiigciJ, are eitbcr man 0; beal!:
Utbofe negations are , 3it ia not eitber Dap
oj m!j!n:ajniutn{j tljingeaare not citbec
man 0^ bcaft: l^cre tbc negation Dctlaretb,
tbatcbe onepafieo; tbe otberis not ttue
ofnecefTitie . ^0? if tbe DiGimctionbeabf»=
Iurelpttne,ft ii aironecelTattr^aDO tWpw
tfflopponeb fmmeDUtlponetootbet. pc(
«lcbong^tbetrue DiCunctton be neceOarte
airo,it ii not rrqutreo tbat tbe partes rep«<
rjtco benett(racie:as, ^biis »« neccITacie
biliunrtion : 9 man itf either fooD ojt noe
goon: anti pet tliid ( 9 man is goon ) it tut
nccf (Tarie : Jf^o^ tbis , ^ a man (6 not ffooo)
ISuttbe necelTuteof tbeDtQunction bepeni
De(bt>pon tbenecctTarte oppoQtfonanDbir.
iunctton of tbe partes , anDnocortbeicne>
cctTdrp bertiie.'Sbe DtOunctien is romt(me<
luitl) a conDitton, as if one Q)OuIoe aflie,

iDbf tbcc ii CIcon, o^ Socrates come f be«

taufe it luas fo p^omtfcD tbat tbeone (bouto
onclp romr.«[nQtbcfefo;tetf tbe DiQunction
beconcnsctitjtttd not abfolutclp true, but
onclp opiii jbic , fucb as orcenttmes toe bfe
in commen fpcaktugns, 2)uto in Leanoeri

Either happie courage fhall faue me,

Or death of careful life the ende Ihalbc.

cJT. nil.
Ofthe Sillo^fme.
A<^iIlog(rme is a Dirpofttfontbctsbicfr
;t)e qucttton bcinD^Difponet) luitb tbe
O F p. R A M V y. 8|

tttttt (s nf cefTarilp ttifcrcD in tbe ronrltifio:

#0) iU\)e p^opofltid be DoabtfiiII,tt 10 ntaoe
a qucftion 9nD to p;iouc tbe quedion , we

t«ke«nar(cument,4 Difpone ittuttl) tbe que-

ttton . ^bc ^tllogtrme Ijatb tiuo partecit
one tuMcb soetlj before , another tbac fol'
anD map be ralleo , tbc anteccncnt
Ifltoetb ,
anD tt)C ronfrquent . €be anceccDent tubicU
p;touetb o^Hirp^ouetb t^e quediOtanD batb'
ttuo partes : tbe p^opofitton ann atTuitip'
tiS, otbcruiife calleo tbe ^aio; anD tbe ^U
l)o^ flL\tt pilopoGtton is tbe firO parte of tbt
antefeDent,intbetDbicb tbe lubole queaion
0) tbe confeqnent oftbe queRion is btrponeD
tDttb tbe argument. Cbe alTuniption te tbe
s.patte of tbe atitereoent, tubtcb te aQuinrD
bnoer tbe pitopofition . '^be confrqiirnt ia
tbe Ia(t parte oftbe ^iIIostfmPjtDbicb con*
tafnetb tbe pntcs oftbe qucQun , ano rom
tluoetb tbe , ano tbrrcfo^e tt is cdllcD

tbe ^oncluGon : if an^^of tbofe partes be

abirnt, it is eaileo a mutilet ^illogifme , 0;
Emjmetna ) if aiip ibiiiff be iiiojc tlicn tbofe

tbKepdrte:;, tt is calleo a ^^^oQIIogdnie.

j^oitietime alfo tbe ojioer is confounDcb}
cbftefo^e if anp ttotibte (bait rife tb^ougb
•11; of tbefe tbtngeisiii \9 gooD to put to tba(
tD^icbtd abfent, anDpulI abisptdattubicb
abounoecb , aiiD lad to yut cuerp tbing m
})isi otune place.

c AP. I X.
of the firfl fimtf.
A Sjillogifmc ie tvMt
fimple o? ccm«
•'^ pcunoc.S)impIe toljcn tljc partes of tl;e
qucltton are DifponeD tuitl; clje Krgttmcntc,
fotljattljc coufcqucnt hi intU pjopitition
anD tbe anteccticiu in tl;c afruupciciu ^(je
^illogifnu ii affitmaut , luljcn tOe p^opo*
(ttton anD alTumption afHinietlj SiiD tte^ .-

gam, ^'^cn richer ibe one o; t^e otljcr is ne'

gant. 6encrnn , \»!jcn tbcp are botl; gene
rail: g>pcctall, ttitentljctc tsbtit otiege>
ncrall :i{D;ioper, lub'si tbcpare botb p?o«
per. €()e Cinplc ^tllogirme is enbcr tnutu
lateo^ Uibole. ^^utilacc, lubcn tbe condti*
(ton is b^otigbt in after en p^opoQcion o; oil

Ergo Socrates. "' ''

Socraresisa man, ,• ^

Ergo he IS a (inner. "• '-

t^e argwmtnte oncl? gcctij before, o]ifoU
O F p. R A MV S. 8j

ioluctb onelp. €be QrQ fo^tet^cn aitkii

htnue fst ) tobcn tbe arpmenc going before
in tbe p^opoQcion rcinetime affirmatfoelp
aoo rometime negattutlp , ann in tlje airuin-'
ptinn onelp affirniatiuelp inreretb a Tpe-
ct«n concIuQon : a? , in t\t cjcantplc^ {eiU
Affirmant ^etKrall, ai,
Conftancic is a vertuc:
But Conftancie is Confidence:
Therfore fomc Confidence is vertue.

Nea^ant ^enerall, oi, »

Foolifhhardnenc is no vertue:
But foolidihardnefle is Confidence:
Some Confidence therfore is no vertue^
Affirmant fpcciall, as,

A wifeman is to be praifcd:
But fome wifeman is a poore man:
Therfore fomc poore man is to be praifeJ.
Negant fpeciallj m,
A foole is not alwayes happy:
But fome foole is fortunate:
Therfore (bme fortunate is not alwayes happy,

iy^ffrmant proper, as,

Socrates is a Philofopher:
But Socrates is a man:
. Therfore fome man is a Philofopher.
Negant proper, as.
Thcrfiies is no Philofopher:


ButTherfitcs is a man,
Some man therefore ii no Philofopher,
!|Sut l)fre , in ronmion rpeaking to tht mot
luc mape imQt the nio^e ea0p, iuctofe » Dtf'
Some Confidence is a vertue, as Conftanck:
Some a not, as fooliilihotdyncfle.

Of the fecond firme»
nr5)e ftronu fojmc is, tobcn tbe arffumcnt
tietng; conreqnent af&rmaiiuelp in tbe
p^opoGtton o; adumption , in (be pjiopoQ^
tion Drfiniielp : tbe concIuRon is b}Ougbt ta
liKe to (be anterroent : ad,
Cenerall. I

The troubled m3n,reafoneth not well.

The wifcman reafonetb well:
The wifeman thcitfore is not troubled.
5ln6 CiCtrO in ^^Ufcul. Asthceyt (ftjeth
he ) hein(T troubled, ts not able to ftthfie his
officeverte well: and the rejl ofthe partes, yc*
the vrhole bodieheinij mouedoutef hu (ood
Jbteys not able tojierfimh' hu off.re: euefothe
jbtrtte beinq^ troubled is not veil dtfpofed to r-
XecMte his dervtie welandvrtftly^andthe deW'
tte ofthejpirite it, to vfe rcafon ; bxt the vipe
O F p. R A M V S. 8j

I hu Q/irite its a/vayes fi ettjpofed that it

maje mofl ffrfiElly vfe rcafiu^ And therefire

ke it Hemer troMbled.
Ccnernll z.J'as.
MomJI thmgcsarci ' npounde.
The ijpirue or (iiulc is not compounde:

The loulc therefore is not morialL

9tt Cicero ^ufcul. i .pjouetb ttie immojta'
litu of tbe rouU b)i t')i8 S»ilIogtrine.
Inthek^»Tvledge (fityeth he) ofmansfoule
wew$0yenot doubt e ( nitheut we he moji dull
md ignorant iMnattirallthinges. ) But there
it nothing ndnuxt with the joule, nothing com-
fdUe or made ofelementetynothing compoMnde
er double : IVhich , if u be fS ,ptrely it maje
meuher be put afinder nor deuided, nor tome,
nor pluckt infeecet. For death i^ nothing els
iutthe departing, /ifarating and deut/iou of
tbofe partes, whteh before death were eoupleU
together by (itioe copulation,

SpedaU V. at.
The CHuyous is not valiant,
MaMmiut is valiant:
Maximius therefore is not enuyous.
%% flDuioe in CIrgia 7 .oot^ condnhe,
UI will and Ipitc (iill flouthfiill vices be,
And neuer do:h co gentle manets lende.
And as the lurking viper full lowly.

jA Dothe alw.iyc crccpc out throunh the lowclf
But ( Maximc) thy ri)iritc is valiant

And doLfiabouc thy linage rcchel winne,

But yet although ;hy name be great I grant
Itdothnowayexccll thy fwiftc engeinne.
Thcrfoie kt others oucrthrow the innocent.
And kt thcmwiflie that all men fliould them
Eke let thcinbearc their dartes about the point.
Well died with byting vcnim ihining clcarc:
But ( M A \ M E ) thy houfs and farailic,

I s well jccuftomed all proftrat: for to amende.

Among the which pray the haretefully.


To number me, and fo I make an cnde.

Speciall 2. as,
A daunfer b Riotous:
Iviurcna is not Riotous:
Murena thcrfore is no daunfer.
221(;icO Cicero foji £j3urcna, (latO UnC«
rUta fojniC a^mojl in (ober man ivithout he
he madde doth le.ipc cither ivhen he is tilone,

or yet among n moderate andhoncji companie:

^r immoderate daur.png tithe compaTnicn Cr
filloiver of v.ordsruit e Ltnkrtin^.pleafaunt and
deleElabl; places, c*id^,iortlj ofalldclitcs , and
plcafant phantaftes. Ritt thou captiottjly tul^fl
I hat which mojl ncndct h he the extreme of «il
vtce and yet vn.tvares Icaueji thofe thtnges,

^nuhoHt the vhich that vice is not to hefiand,

OF p. RAMVS. «r
fir thoH fliewefl no filthy bank^ttmg , na i»opm
fortunate loue > no fiapitt^ : no hue of bodys:
neither ^ extraordinnrie expences
feeing thoje thin^et be not to he fiunde , rvh/it
. eyifhd

m>tje theft vordes, vo/itptttouffiejfe orfenfua-

iitie fignifie and thofe thtnges which be vices ?
^eUeueJl thou tofinde the vmber andfjude of
riotoufnejfe m th.tt in the which thou canfi not
frtJe riotou/hejfe itfelfe.
Troper 1 . /tf,

Agefilaus not painted of Apclles!

Alexander is painted of Apclles;
Alexander therfore is not AgeHlaus.
Troper z. m, •

Czfaropprcircth his natitie countrey:

Tullius opprefieth not his natiuc councrey:
Xullius chetforc is not Cxfar.

Of tltefeconde kinde of SiUogifme.

* ^ fortes of t(je firft kinoe of tUc Cmpic

^illogirmc: jT^otu foUoiuecU tbe rcrono. C(>e
Gmple ^tllosifmc of tbe TeconD kmoe is,
iBlien t()e argument Dtfiitttclf going befo^/E

in tbe p;opoCcton, aiiD foUoU}tnga£f(riiia<

tiuelp in t^e afTamption , (be condarin it.

ffjougbt (n Itke to (be antecedent,

JT iiij
A^mant geKtraS,
Tb.1twhich is iuA,is profitable.
But chat which IS hone(l,isiuft,
Theretorc that which is hondl it prafitable:
SBbicb Cicero 2. ^Dfftr. concluDctft tbuif.

The Thilofophers of greatefl attthoritie ,yes

very jbarflj and honeflly hane hy coguatioH
ii^ti»^ueathe/e three, which he confUfed. Fof
Tvhtiipeuer is iufl , that al/h they efteeme to be
yrofitahle : and that vrhich is honejl, the fame
fobe tuft: Ofthe tthich it is concluded , that
Tvhatfocuer thing u hcnejl, thefame to be pro-
Nea^ant generaU.
That thing which is voide of all CounfcU , cannot
be gouerned by Counlcll-
Butloucisvoidc otallCounfclI;
Louc ihctfoi c cannot be goiicrncd by any Counfcll.
iSls Terence fapetl; in bta Cunut^e almoS
tonoer t^t fame fo J me.
Affirmant jpeciail.
Thefe Confiills which for their verttte arecho-
fen,0Hght ddigitly to definde the como wealth;
Cicero u chofen Confiitlfir hu vertHe : ^tcero
jherefi^e ought diligently to definde thecoma
pun wealth . &0 ti)t SD^ato; 2. Glgrar. con-
tlutietl) bts otane Diligence ano care: For
fecjng all Co»filit ought le hame a great e care

cammon wealth:
ttnd Jiligencf in kffpi»l of the
Thofe ought mejl chieflyfo to Je, who notfiom
their yemth , htt in open place are chofen con-
fulls. CMy preeUcejfors made no furetie to
the people ^^maineforme: Theyheleeuedrnf
Jilfe It i* jottr dutie to afke of me that thinj

vhich mine ojfice reejuireth and to callmine


owne felfe to indgement For as when I (uei


for this office yttone ofmypredirefforscommen-.

dedme vnto joHtEui (o tf I ojfndin any thtug.
there is no P^ffte t hat may deltuer me fro yon:
wherefore, tfGodprolang my dayes( although
I am the miW rcho is able to defende the fame
from their mtfcheMous drfithtUe conspiracies')
this I promtfe vntoyou Quirites, thatyehaue
geuen the charg ofjour common wealth vnto
a vigilant man, nofearefullfellow: Toadi-
ligentmda,aHdno Coward orfeintharted,
Negant JpeciaB.
Heihac deceiiicth a Jouiiig maide is not to be
Dcmophon is a deceiuer of a louing maide , m
Pemophon therefore is noc to be praifcd.

IpbtUis tbtis inferred) in C)uiBe»

For to deceaue'a maide of tender agr,
Which irufleih in thce,it is no vaflalage,
Nor craftie glocicFor bcrfimplicidc,
Had rather haue the conftant louc of thee.
I Phillis both a louer an J a niaidc,
/vni by thy wordci^talfc Demophon)dcccaued:
God graunt therfoic which dwells in heaucus luc>
For thy deceit.thit thou rewarded bc>
a.^:J.rrnM:t proper.
Oftauius was Cifari hcire;
J anuhtrcforc Cr lars hcire.
JVe^it;rt proper.
An:onius is not C£fars fonnc:

Tl'.oii arr Antonius:

Thou art not therefore Carrarsfonne.

Of the compounde SUlogtfmet

A g)pcttecbaue tntrtaceBof tbcHmpIe

fetUojifme: J!5oU) follotoctlj t^e com«
pounoc : '^(jc compounDC fi>iUogifme is,
iDhpn tlje t^e one parte of
tofjole qiicflion ts(

i!jcp:opon:ion affirmant auD compountiCj

argmncnt tljc ot^ct parte. 3put ibe
a!iD isjc
arsumciu is foitKtimc confcqucm to tlje
anteKDEtuof tbequcftion, ano fomctime
it istlie otber uibole parte of t!jc p?opofi«
: aiiD tijcii it liS onelp aCfumeD
tion in tbc af;

fumption. ^Ijc compounoe fillogifme ii

fitberiopncDo? Difiopneo. '2;ljC fiilcgifme

iCDnco is a compounoe ftUogirine , toboft


o F p. ra;m>s. 91
jp?3poStf tni ts f opncD vuit!) t!jis roniunctton,
if, ansjfucl) oihtts , anots of ttuo fortes:
^!]e RrS Nffirmct^ tbc antrccDcnc,anD rott'
dnocti) tbe f anfcqitcnt , ais Cicero concIu<
If thercbc Godsjthere is a diuination:
But there are Gods.
Ergo there is a diuination.
Ciccr. J.OfflC, i'wrf^ if n^^.ture prefcrihe
that manpiould wtf} the coryimoiiiiit andfttr-
theraunce ofman ivhtttfoener he befor that

he is man^ofruccffici: it is required ace or (Ung

to the felfe fame nature , that the ztilitic and
profitte of all be commcn-.lVhich ifit befo, we
are contained alt vnder one laife of nature:
tyfndifthis be al(o , truelj vpe are forbidden
bj the lame ofnatnrejthat onefheulde mifhfe
another. But thefirji is true, therefore the lafl
is true, ^tiz often tinted tijc fame \% not af*
rttmcD, but fomctbing greater, i. Cacal«
If thy parents fjoulde fcare thee C^hate thety
fo that thou coulJfl iy no meanes appeafethCy
Ihelfste that thou voouldefl get theefame tvay
eut of their fight . Nowe thy natiue coutitrte
which is the mother ofvs all, both hateth and
feareth thee, andhiovrcth that thou thinkeft
fiothiMT but her dcjiruElton and ruine : Shalt

fJMH neitherfare her artHrritie^neither JJja/t

thoufollave her Indg^emeitt , neitherPialt thou
he ajfratedofhef mtghtie puiver ? '^I)£ fame
fo^te of contluatns ts^wben c^c pj^opoGtton
concainetb a rclitton oftttne^^ as ^enone
conciuDetb b(Citro;i offoelifbnefTc.
When Paris may without Oenonebe,
Then Xanthu^ Ihall runbjckwarde vp the vale:
TurncXanihus,tumc,run fluddes backwardly.
For Pans doth wiihoutOcnonc dwell.
^bf recono ro;te of trpnet ^JIogiTme pul<
letb atnap tbc courtqiunt ^ tbat ttmap puU
atnptbcaiurreDent alio.
Ifarnanwere immorull,he would be a (implefub-
ftance,without compoficion of elemcntcs:
6u( he is neiicr wuhouc the mixture of elcmentes.
He IS ncucr chcrefore immorcal*
9lr][dnDcccl)c great afhmgonrof bistoire
mm bp ttliat meanes a man migbt be ®od:
If ( faide the wifeman ) he fliall doc thofe thinges
which a man i^ not able to doe.
£Dnbe tubtrb aniQiere Ji make tbtsGilegrC
Jf aman wouldc be God,he muft doe that which is
impoflible for man to do:
But the confequent cannot be:
Nor yet the antecedent therefore

Of the difioinedfillo^fme.
•T'lt)f Difiornff fillogifmt is a rompounne
Ollogtfme, ipljofe p^opeQcion ij3 otQop-
, :

O F P, R A M V S. 9j

npl>:3nti ie of tujo fo^tte'Mlie firff taknh s.

UMf tbe one^anD roncIuDett) tbe otber:a0.
It is either ni^h t or day:
Ci'rCrO foi CfUCntia But when thischoife
rtoi offered to him that
either heJhoHldtuil'
Ij and godly accufe^or die cruelUe andvtmor-

thelj:he chofeth rather to accnfe hovefoeuer

he might , then to haue dyed after thatforte:
4S be wouldftiy
Either he mud accufe or die
He will not die:
He will accule therefore.
^6c feconD fo^t of Diaaineo CfloffffmcM-
kett)one in tlje p^opoatton fo; t\it mod
«ffirman(,ano pudnb atoap tfje cell:a0.
It is either night or day:
It is day:
It is not night therefore.

9no fomctime tUe p^opoafionnejjanfjafuc

i\tii fo^me.
It isnot both night and Jaye:
But It IS dayc:
It IS not night therefore.

CAT. Xllll.
Of the methode.
np Oe inctfjeD is a DtfpoOcion bp t()e tobfcfi
* among uianp piopcfitiongof oncfojte,
ano bp tljctr Dirpcftttou knotaitn, tliat ttiins
mljiclj abrolutclpmoadtareisfirftpla'

te0,anD fccottDip tbat uifjtci) is ncjcc : ano

t^erefo^c tt conttntiailp p^cceoccb from tbe
mott gencrall to tbe (prrtall and fingulcr.
33pti)i)3 mctboociDcp^occfDcfrcm (bean>
tcccDent nto^c cbfolutclp !\notucn to p^oue
tbe confcqucnc , lubicb is not fo itianifcCIp
knotoen:anD tbts tu tbc onip niet|]OD, uiOic^
CAP. xr,
oft!]! illujlrtttion ofthemcthode by
exitmples ofartcs.

Tll)2cbicrectaniplfs oftbcmctbcoearc
founa m nrtcs 3 faencca : m tijc mbict)
altOoujij ti)£ ru!cc be all gcncrall, pet tbcp
asitismojc general! is firUplacco. ^be
mod gcncrall tbcrcfojc fljalbc fitff placcDj
tbcnneict tljali fcHou; tfccfe iDljicb Ic utimc
Dtatlp cotaincD UiiDct ibc gcncraI,currpone
o^bcrlp bntctbrmoftrpccialliDbicb fljalbe
laffDifponco. ^bc Definition tbcrcfojc a^
mQtt gencreU, n)*{bc fit ft pI-^ccD ; ntjct fol=

OF p. RAMVS 9i
\o\Dtt\itU difhtbutton, tuOiclj if t( be nia<
nifoloe, anoof D(uetrero;tcsC|)aIbe 6rQot<
uiDeD intobiittntesrali partc!!,ncjct intojjitt
f9imti atiDkinDcg.dno etierp part ? foime
12)albe placcD anD ccfctibcD in cde fame oy-
Decano place mbfci) bebaDinbis DitiiQon.
3It Oalbe cjcpeotcnt airo i(t^e p^oltjct Dctla^
ration pan tbeni farre a TonOEr, to geatljec
t&em bp a Q)0}t ttanfitton , fo; t^at Doclj re*
create and rcfrcQ) t\tt auDito; . But tdat
ti)t matter map bemo;e eafilpbnDcr-

HaiiDcK U)e mutt bfc fomc familtnt rjcamplc

3if pou U)iII afhc (Ijauing all t!jc bennitions,
biuiGoud, &r>D tula of (Sranimer to^ttteit

tn otucrfc edibles, ano n:i]ct out of all oiscc)

iD^t part of btalccttchc tcacl^ctl; tl)e te Dif=:

pone o^Dcrlp t^efe rules fo renfouni)Cb,Gr(l

iboti [;a(tno nccticof tljepKiregofinnentt-
on, feetns tl;cp be all reacie fcuno out s mi-
thtt l)nit tOou neeos of ibe fira DifpoQtion
of p;opo(itton0,reein;^ tbep areoifponeo ad
reaDp:ncttl;er of tl;e fccoo DtfpoGcion,tul)ic()
is t&c tuoscment cf tlje GUo^ifitie,fec:ns at
tbinscs tubtcb nni^bt fall into cor.trouerlie
Doibrrmntnc. 'Sljc iLog;itt<in tbcrefojcbp
tl)Clls^t of t|jt^ artifinail mctljooe , fljaU
take a part out of ronrurcD marfe tht

t)efintnon(fo;t nioQ grncralOano pKice

if tf^

<t ftcft of ad : !3g grdmmcc » an art lubtc^

teadictb to Tpeake lucK ano cosntflp.^ben

fb^ll be fteKe outoftberaio nialTctbeDiui-
fion of grammtr,ai)D fl;aU Difpone tl)e fame
in cl)e fecono pIare:(Sranimcr ts parteD into
Voo partes , (JScimotogte , ano Ontar. 9nD
tberra tf r ijf fl^allfinoc out cIk Definition of
Ccpinolop,ie, to [t;e lubicb (jc (ball g;iue tlje
tbtro placr.^ben be (ball reekc out tbe par*

ics of tbc ^tpmologie , anb fittt tbe nieS
crnerall as Icttcrs:neirt (illab^ ano luo^De^.

Jl)duing tbe partes , bcn^iuft fcc(<c tbe fo?-


niestasiBojoesbauiiig number, f tottbouc
number. 3 Diaflbe (bailkntt anbiopne

tntjofeutrtf Decl.iri>tioU)itl) tbebcginntnij
of tbr nejt.Sno fo bailing Deftuen , cruioeo
9 hntt tpgeatbtr tbe partes of tbc €tpmo-
f logie, be djM make cuer j> tbtnn; mojc ma-
nifcfl ano p! ?iae luiib moti fit ano fpcciall
Cfamples. 9nD after tbe fame ojbcr br (ball
*. intreate tbe fincijc . ^bto is a gencrall me-
} t\iODi obftrueD in all artc£!.

O F p. RA M V S. 517

C AP. X ri. •••>'Ja,54..-

Ofthe iSnffratioK of the methode by exam'

ftes , of Poctes , Orators , and

fjy <!f BO not onl|) bfc tljfs mctljoiie <n %\t

* *
in tljcf jtyounDinj of all tliengrg tofeic^ bie
icouls yisineip fet fojitl;. Siiti djerefit^ tbe
poeceif , o^ato^s ano all fo;ic of tu^iter^ tiotv
oftAsnes tbeppRr^fe cotcac() tOere anDt<
tiM(4 altoapca foltoui tbis o^ircr of nircN<
DC,a1c|BtQb \\vt 09 >u>t CBcrp tDliere inQSe
f t^rcin; (Strg.tn bis ^co^s^I^cs parteo bitf

tuaseer a0UKt)aueXa{>i> into fotntr y<)rtei}:$

in ^e licit boofte ()fe hitreaceil; of common
aiifrsencr«Utijinse0,3i( of ^ffrolosie , ana
t^vSCttcnstno^rD in ti)e«per,antt of co^nrtf
atiMb«rrmaneTfns,«Dbicb is tde firff parte
of ^f OM)iltc$t^nibe»feA a title tranQciim:
IN (&e bcfinning of tbe rccotm booke i t'^C^

ThhiTtuchis (jxArof ftan-cs antf husbanding:

NowwtUlthecBacthebegiBtofing. . •

J9flrt fee w?itctt) gencraflj) of tret « , tbni'

I1^ert«illf of titnea : t^t ftconu traftfittun^
i«l)«t lit t^t itilra pttte , tut moie im^t*

fMtmiltoitiiOHt '^ (oncluSonof t^ tj^fnr^

boobe,of o);cn,l)o;re,Q)eepe ano Doofsrs.*
£kc dice great Pales the Goddcs ofpaftute:
And chec Apollo of Hiecpethc gouernoiir.
At Amphjfuswiihpraifes Iwilffingi
SlnDlaatbe tbirti trSaciS of tbe fotujiO part
ia pnt in tl;e bes<nntng oUfa foUi^ci) booitc:

Now by and by with foAge I will you Ihewe.

Thuplandilh giftes uf hoiiy made of dcwc.
I^ere tljttefo^c be niape ftc t(jac tJie ipoet
^atb QuDtcD to place t\)t mod pnerall in
tbe fitQ plarc aito t^e nrict gtntrall in tbe

int00(ff,ani> tbe ntofl Tpcriall la(t of all.

tjoti) £)niDe in bis iiUtt firS propone tbe
fomme of bts U]o;I<e,aat) (bo^tlp after parte
tbefamc : 9 laft bauing occiarco tbc parted,
knittctb tbcin tcgeatbertuitb Q)OH tranS*
trone : tbc C>)ato?0 alio in tbcre ]^fotmt«t
narrattonctf , ronfirtnationefl > ano peiro;a«
tionce labour to obfertte tbis o^tiertobicb
tbcp call tbe metbotie artificial! 9 naiurall.
I^cre Cicero firll proponetb tbe matter anh
Mft parte: h it. Thou haft hme thitpwertette
jeares ejHefler (f»Jfth he) Cn.PapyHfu hemg

cifiih&IaccHfe thee »fall t hinges which then

h^Jl done from that daj to thii day : there Jhall
net be one hoverjiund vctde of thy theft, mam
/uiofu doM^, erne/tie, tmdmtfchtefi. I^(ie iH

'^ — ™— '"^:i I

OF P. RAM VS. 99 '^

t)e fomme: note foUotaietb tbe generaH ptv

tition. %/fU thtjtAres ( fitjith he ) Are jpevt
Mtherim ihf 0ffice «f the f/te/litre : in the Am'
tdffiuU nude in AfiA t in the of the pre-

tm't pertamHg to the townt : or in the ojfice of

tbefrctmre. Among the Sicilietis. ^nd there-
fire into theft fiwer partes my whole Mccuft-
tiSJbAlieparted.Z)ft\}t ra\iic\) fottcr partes,
anD cbeIea(tmembccD( nicrp parte |e in>
cuerpon tn bisotme
treatett) afterivaiDe,
ojDcranD place. 3nii tntbe tdirD o^attoti
knttletd together tbe firS tb^ee partes teicU
tranOtiones. Now
(fij/eth he)feeinp 1 hatte

Jhrwen of tjuejiure and firfi dtgnitie

hit office
tohtf*& oftheft And mfhieuotu doing , I prAy
JOMgette eare to the rejl. tCljcn after Ue bat»
QyrtBen (be faultea of tt;c ^nib/ilTaDe, foI<
lotnctb tbetranQtion to tbe offtcecf tbe p^e>
ttttC. But now let vs come (fayethhe) to thAt

worthy freturie And to thofi fault es, which ke^

moremAmfifl to thofe thAt be herefrefentjht
t» me Although I hAue fludted And prepared
myfelJrtodeclAre the fame. ^btS ttanfitiott
ii moit imperfect latbtno; ano rptIogc.3nD
laShttbe beginning of tljefotDcrtb elation
\n maketb fucb a tranftcion to tl)e fotoertb
pane, tobicll t3 of tlje p?ft«ric amonjj tH

&ici\itni. Thcrt 'i- ?ipt(»y thinner ( hpnorA"
bk Ihiqcs ) vhich oj Ktcfffitif I mufi preter-
mu, to thende 1 ntAyefpCiikf a luU tf theje
thittges lowmittedte M:y charge. For I h4$te

t<*ks'^z'P""^- tht cAufi oj :'ikilM,theit citarge

hath p;i!ka ras to t'a bnfnes . LlUtUS ^0
im tlje b£giiiiHii5 f ciiip.:;!)EiiDc(b *t foitiJne
of fcucnttc pearii;-,dn& tijcrafur ociufteD t!)e

c A r. xrn.
-n. Ofthe cruftie andfecrete methide.
'\yA mctOocc tljen in Dtticrst (mintij*
1 ttmis ofone hiuDf.betng; ^couieii ritijcc
Ov tOetr ouitic DifponUon , c;i t[)C Dii'pcQttoii

of tl;c^il(0{)'irme(]>4lbc obCerucD botDofccn

foeticr tJjc ""'itccf is rlrar'jj to be uimitttan--
li£D : 15ii: a;»)Cn U);tf) ockctation o) fonie O'
tbcr motion ti)p fljtcfc purpofc ts to Dcrcaue
t^c aiiaitoj , t^ni tboti njall put fomc tljinof

aiuapttiljidj Dotbapp.riCJine to tbp matter,

act Definitiou0,&[uifieii3 anD tranf(ttons:anD
fet in tbeic placcis tljing;c3 appertaining; no^
tbing to die matter : as t)ig;rc[rion8 from \\)t
purpofe, anD (ong: tarping Upon tl;c matter:

N,^ but moff
cljitfip fee tfeat in tbe

tnuercc cbp cper, cino

place fonie <iut>
, . ccoentes


€eMUfg after tbtirconfcqticnttf. anufure*

iptl)i3in3je tmpcrffccfojmcof mctljooe in
rcfpectef tljetjcirt rule obferueti in tl)eo=

i\)^. ii notoiifr niuttlafc up rcafon af t(je

taUinj^toap or 'omt aUht matter : t

rCoitoeilj Dp tlje ckiiij to ot tljinss
ctfraojD!narp;bti: ij.vjing foim oe^
grcc9icft{)coi5cr i;!iiertco,is
gooD fifijioa ano


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