2018-2019 Eng 10 Syllabus
2018-2019 Eng 10 Syllabus
2018-2019 Eng 10 Syllabus
1st Block UNAVAILABLE 2nd Block Mrs. Bailey MacRae after 8:30 in 202
3rd Block UNAVAILABLE 4th Block Ms. Lopez after 9:59 in 211
5th Block UNAVAILABLE 6th Block Ms. Thompson after 11:45 in 201
Required Materials:
As a student in the course you are required to bring the following class materials to every class
session for the entire 2017-2018 school year:
● A professional @gmail.com email address (ex. ● College-ruled loose leaf paper
First.lastname@gmail.com; ● Blue/black ink pens
FirstnameLI@gmail.com-- Non example: ● Highlighters
greatwizard2k18@gmail.com) *Teachers will provide 3 ring binders for
o Your email should use your full legal students to organize work.
name to make you easily recognizable
*Note: Binders will be kept in the classroom over the course of the school year for safekeeping, but you
always have access to your notes!
During the year we will assign supplemental reading material with assignments.
Essential Questions:
1. What are my goals?
2. How do my skills and talents help to define me?
3. How do I relate to my family, my community, and society?
4. How can I make an impact?
5. How can I use literature to support my goals?
All assignments will be graded in accordance with the RPS grading scale:
RPS Grading Scale:
A (90-100) Outstanding Achievement
B (80-89) Commendable Achievement
C (70-79) Acceptable (Average)
D (60-69) Minimum Achievement
F (59- BELOW) Unsatisfactory Progress
Late Work:
Absent Work Policy: You are responsible for your work in this class. If you are absent, check with the make
up work boxes at the back of the class. We are not responsible for reminding you about turning in work you
missed while you were absent. To be eligible for fuIl credit, work must be turned in within one week upon return
to school. Any work turned in after that will be subject to the late work policy. All makeup work must be turned
in no later than 1 week prior to the end of the marking period.
Furthermore, if a student is absent or misses class for any reason, a tutoring session or appointment with the
teacher is required to turn in work. These sessions may be completed by appointment after school, or during
the teacher’s planning period with notice! It is no longer acceptable to come get the assignment, fill it
out, and turn it in late without speaking to the teacher. I f a student does not follow this procedure, then the
work may not be accepted; additionally, the work may be considered plagiarism. Also, students may be asked
to complete an alternate assignment at the teacher’s discretion.
Papers | Projects | Tests | Quizzes: We will offer a reasonable amount of time for the completion of
assignments and projects. If a student fails to meet the assigned deadline (barring extenuating
circumstances), the student will lose 10 points per class meeting. After 5 class periods, the
assignment/project will receive no higher than a 60.
Class Work: Students will earn up to an 85 for a late daily assignment. Assignments over a week late
will be given an automatic 60.
Participation: In order to make our year the most successful, participation will be a graded
component of our classroom. Each day, students will begin with a participation grade of 100. At the
teacher’s discretion, the maximum number of extra points over 100 may fluctuate during the year to
benefit the student. Participation will be graded both positively and negatively. For example,
contributing positively and appropriately to class discussion may yield additional positive points, while
conversely, speaking out of turn, bullying, or disrupting the classroom will yield negative points, not to
surpass 0.
1. Above ALL you must respect yourselves, the teacher, and each other.
a. If you are unwilling to listen to others, to be courteous in class, to pay attention, or if you
are participating in tomfoolery or other things covered in the school handbook, you will
be subject to the appropriate school discipline procedures.
2. According to the student code of conduct, cellular phones and other electronic communication
devices are prohibited from use during the school day. If we see a student’s phone -
regardless of whether or not he or she is using it - we will confiscate it for that class period. If
this becomes a habitual problem we will collect the phone at the beginning of every class and
make a call home.
3. We are all responsible for everything we think, everything we do, and everything we say.
*Hall passes will be far and few between, and are reserved for emergencies and special
Students: ________________________________________________________________________
Class: ___________________________________________________________________________
Caveat: As instructors of this course, we reserve the right to make amendments to this syllabus at any time.
“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
I have read the following course syllabus and am fully aware of the expectations that Mrs. Bailey
MacRae or Ms. Thompson have set for this 10th Grade English class.