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Welcome To 6 Grade English!: Major Expectations

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6th Grade Language Arts Mrs.

St. Dominic Catholic School
Email: jconnally@stdominicmobile.org

Welcome to 6th grade English! You have become part of an exciting and challenging class that will test your
abilities. This class will be interesting, time consuming, and even entertaining at times! I believe that students learn more
when they are actively involved in the class. Do not hesitate to come to me at any time for help and advice. I am here to
help you be successful! I am available to discuss your schoolwork before and after school, and during my planning
periods. I am looking forward to a wonderful year!
BOOKS: Write Source Textbook 6; Write Source Skillsbook 6; Websters Thesaurus; Dictionary
GRADING: Grading will be based on the accumulation of points. Grades are posted on PlusPortals regularly.
Participation 10%; Classwork/Homework 20%; Quizzes/Journals 30%; Tests/Projects/Essays 40%
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: Behavior reports are generated weekly on ClassDojo.com and emailed to parents. Information
will be sent home so that both parents and students can create an account to track performance.

ASSIGNMENTS: Weekly assignments are posted on Plusportals by Sunday night and discussed each Monday. If
changes are necessary, they will be posted online as well. I will send reminders for major projects through Remind 101.
TECH STATEMENT: Some assignments will require home Internet access. Please be responsible and plan ahead. We
have a computer in our classroom and the computer lab is available as well. If you dont have access to a computer or
internet, please speak with me in advance. If you would like to bring a tablet, I-pad, or laptop to class, you must have a
MCD permission slip on file, and please make sure your equipment is properly charged beforehand. Cell phones are not
ESSAYS: Short journals and/or paragraphs will be assigned weekly. We will work on one major essay type
each quarter (250 words plus) which will be typed. Students will be required to publish a creative short
story at the end of the year.
Websters thesaurus
USB flash drive (may be shared with other classes) - To save typed essays.
Black/blue pens, 1 red pen, mechanical pencils
Highlighters (yellow, orange, pink and blue), washable markers
1 3-ring binder *White with clear plastic; wide-ruled paper, and at least 4 dividers

MAKEUP WORK- Will not be accepted after one week! (Unless the student is absent for an extended period of
If you miss a day, check online. Check the absentee files when you return for missing worksheets.
If you see that you will be absent for more than two days, please email the homeroom teacher for assignments.
When youre absent, you will need to see me for missed tests or quizzes. Your name will be posted on the Absent
Test board. Make these up in a timely fashion.
PowerPoint notes can be made available to students who were absent.
*The handbook states that the length of time to make up a test or classwork for an EXCUSED absence will be equal to
the number of days missed, unless extenuating circumstances exist. (For example: 2 days missed = 2 days to make up.)
HOMEWORK Late homework will not be accepted! A zero will be given.
It should be turned into the homework baskets at the front of the room. Dont forget your name!
Forgetting your homework on a regular basis will affect your grade, and result in parent contact.
You may have to serve a detention with Mrs. Peuschel in order to complete missing assignments.
Students are given one Homework Pass per quarter that will allow them to turn the homework in late
the next day only. Students may earn more during the year for good behavior.



Follow teachers requests.
Treat others with the utmost respect and courtesy.
Be reverent during all prayer.
Students will enter and leave room in an orderly fashion.
Do not talk while others are talking. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.
When the bell rings you should already be seated working on the warm-up assignment posted on the board.
Permission to go the restroom will be granted ONLY in the case of an emergency.
Bring pencil, paper, books, and assignments to class.
Students are not allowed to disturb another class to get supplies.
Assignments without names are displayed on the No Name? board until claimed. -10 pts for missing name.
Homework must be turned in the day it is due. (Unless you use a pass.)

#4. The bell doesnt dismiss the class; I do.
#5. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
#6. Tests and assignments CANNOT be done in red ink.
#7. Remember that studying is considered homework.
#8. Do not throw ANYTHING in my room- including paper.
#9. Be involved in the class. Participate and seek help from teacher if needed. Resources are available.
#10. Visitors are guests. You should remain quiet and respectful while they are with us.
Serious behaviors that will not be tolerated: Cheating, profanity, stealing, violence, bullying, and defiance.
Cheating may consist of: Talking while tests are still being taken, allowing another student to look at your test,
having notes out during a test, or copying another students work.
If you are caught cheating on a test or quiz, your test/quiz will be confiscated, you will receive a zero, and the rules in the
handbook also apply.


First- Verbal; Second- Name written on board; Last- Check placed beside name. (Stay after class to sign demerit.)
Category I Demerits can be given for each of the following: Excessive talking; Repeated Tardiness; Disruptive behavior.
Category II Demerits and a detention will be served for each of the following: Repeated class disruption; Cell phone use;
Throwing Items; Cheating; and Disrespect.

Rewards for Good Behavior: Students are assigned 3 omits and 5 bonus points per quarter to use on
quizzes or tests of their choosing. They may accumulate until the end of the year. Students also receive 1
homework skip pass for their birthday each year.
Students will receive points based on positive behavior, good grades, and extra effort on ClassDojo.com. Points
accumulate until the end of the semester and are then reset. You can keep track of your points by creating an
account. Your points are reset at the end of each quarter. Here are your goals:
10 pts- Candy
50 pts- +10 bonus points
Story Day Outside- 300 class
20 pts- Spin the wheel
60 pts- +5 Extra Omits
30 pts- No Homework Pass
65 pts- Drop your lowest
Sweet Treat Day- 800 class
35 pts- +5 bonus points
quiz grade
40 pts- Skip online
70 pts- Computer Day
Class Movie- 1000 class points.
activities for this list.

Rewards for Good Grades: Students who make good grades and/or show
effort will given extra bonus points for each 100 Test grade that he/she makes
the quarter. The student with the highest average each quarter will be given
option of skipping the poetry test the following quarter. The most improved
student each quarter will be given the option of dropping the lowest test grade.


My Pledge to Students
I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise.
I will respect you and work with you to solve problems.
I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work.
I will work with you to meet learning goals.
I will offer extra help and alternative assessments if you need them.
I will be here every day ready to work.
I will do my best to make sure you succeed.
Student Pledge
I will be prompt and be ready to learn when class begins.
I will be prepared for class, productive, and will complete assignments on time.
I will be a polite and positive participant in class.
I will ask for help if needed.
I will be a role model for others and represent SDCS in a positive manner.
I will remember that being a student at SDCS requires a high level of self-discipline and
I will do my best to succeed.

Please sign and return to Mrs. Connally

I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for Mrs. Connallys English class and agree to follow
Students Name Printed:


Students Signature:


Parents, please take the time to read through the syllabus and the course outline and sign below stating that you
are aware of the expectations of your student, and please provide an email address that I can send behavior
reports to so that you can closely monitor your childs progress.
Parents Signature:


Email Address:


Thank you! Lets have a fantastic year!


Im looking forward to this years classes and seeing students grow as individuals. Ive included an outline below of the
Language Arts curriculum, so you can be aware of what will be expected of your child as they enter junior high school.
Because of the amount of content in our curriculum, your student will need to be organized and dedicated.
The grammar class is designed to challenge their abilities and build on the foundations already begun in elementary
school. This English course will prepare them for more advanced junior high English studies. Students are expected to be
able to master the skills presented and apply them in writing. This course will cover grammar, vocabulary, poetry, and

GRAMMAR: Grammar concepts will begin with the basics and gradually build to sentence/paragraph
structure. Diagramming sentences will also be a learning tool this year. Mastering grammar requires extensive
practice; therefore, students will have grammar homework almost every night. Grammar quizzes may be given
at any time. Students receive 1 homework pass per quarter, which allows them to turn in homework one day
late, but this does not exclude them from completing it. If they dont turn it in the following day, it will not be
accepted. Grammar tests will be given at the end of each unit (on average, 1-2 per month). If your child has a
special circumstance, please dont hesitate to let me know. Additional homework passes, bonus points and
incentives may be earned for extra effort displayed in class.
VOCABULARY: Each unit will consist of 20 words that will be introduced. Students will be given 2 weeks to
learn the material. We will use spellingcity.com for practice exercises and tests. Students are required to do a
minimum of 4 online activities every two weeks. They may do more for extra credit.
Students will memorize 1 poem of my choosing each quarter. A poetry packet will be sent home during
the first week of school with a schedule, and we will practice during the year together. This will not only
help students lay a foundation for future studies, but will enrich their personal lives as well.
Students can choose to either take a written or an oral test on each selection.
COMPOSITION: Throughout the year, students will write basic compositions both in class and for homework
such as: summaries, paragraphs, outlines, descriptions, book reports, letters, journal entries, and essays.
In-class writing workshops will be held. Students will be expected to proof their work for errors before
submitting a rough draft. Writing, once completed, will also be edited by another classmate.
Major essays will be worth the same weight as a test grade. All essays must be typed, follow MLA
format, and be turned in electronically. All essays will be checked for plagiarism.
Late essays will be deducted 10 points per day, unless a serious excusable situation applies.
Samples and expectations will be provided and ample time will be given to complete each assignment.
At the beginning of each class, each student is required to answer a daily writing prompt. These will be
kept in their notebook, typed on their own time, and turned in on the last school day of the month.
Students will be given a Writing Challenge at the beginning of each month. This assignment will be
more creative and allow the students to express themselves.
Students will also publish a creative story at the end of the year.

DISCIPLINE AND BEHAVIOR: Each parent will be asked to provide an email address to which I will send
behavior reports weekly from Classdojo.com. Positive and negative aspects will be documented so that you can
speak with your child about behavior and create strategies for change if necessary. Negative aspects which may
be noted include but are not limited to: being unprepared (homework, supplies, tests), being disrespectful and
being disruptive. The more serious infractions will result in a demerit. If you would like to speak with me about
your childs performance or behavior, please feel free to contact me at any time at
jconnally@stdominicmobile.org or through the school office.

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