Amniotic Fluid PDF
Amniotic Fluid PDF
Amniotic Fluid PDF
❏ Placenta
❏ Similar to maternal plasma
❏ Small amount of sloughed fetal cells
❏ Biochemical substances
❏ Alpha-fetoprotein
❏ acetylcholinesterase
Chemical Composition
❏ Safe procedure
❏ Performed after 14th week of gestation
❏ Fluid for chromosome analysis (16 weeks of
❏ Tests for intrauterine growth retardation (end of 2nd
❏ Tests for fetal distress and maturity (3rd trimester)
❏ Transabdominal amniocentesis (most common)
❏ Produced by the fetal liver
❏ Increased levels in NTD
❏ Normal values are based on the week of gestational age
❏ Reported in multiples of median (MoM)
❏ A value 2x greater than the median value is abnormal
❏ High levels of AFP → measure amniotic acetylcholinesterase
Fetal Lung Maturity
❏ Primary component of surfactant
❏ Produced at a relatively low and constant rate until 35th week of gestation
❏ Produced at a constant rate at about 26 weeks’ gestation
L:S ratio -> <1.6 prior to 35th week of gestation
-> >2.0 to prevent alveolar collapse
❏ Falsely elevated: with blood or meconium
Phosphatidyl glycerol
❏ Semiquantitative measurement
Advantage of LBC:
1. Rapid turnaround time
2. Low reagent cost
3. Wide availability
4. Low degree of technical difficulty
5. Low volume of amniotic fluid required
6. Excellent clinical performance