Cindy 501 Final
Cindy 501 Final
Cindy 501 Final
By Cynthia Schneider
application of
this theorem, nth roots, and roots of unity, as well as related topics such as
Euler’s Formula:
e ix cos x isin x,
and Euler’s Identity ei 1 0 .
This research will provide a greater understanding of the deeper
mathematical concepts necessary to effectively teach the subject matter. In addition
the opportunity to explore lessons and activities that will facilitate
it will provide
students developing a greater appreciation for the significance and power of the
complex number system.
Table of Contents
Abstract.......…………………………………………………………………………...… i
Lesson 3 – Complex Numbers and the Complex Plane……………………….……..51
Introduction to Activity 3
Activity 3
Teacher Notes and Solutions
Reflections on Activity 3
Final Reflection……………………………………………………………..….……..115
Part One:
Chapter 1 – Some History
The set of complex or imaginary numbers that we work with today have the fingerprints of many
mathematical giants.
In 1545 Gerolamo Cardano, an Italian mathematician, published his work Ars Magnus
x 3 ax 2 bx c 0
While deriving the formula, Cardano came across the solution with the square root of a negative
Rafael Bombelli introduced a label for such numbers in his set of books l’Algebra
published in 1572 and 1579. While Cardano chose not to publish his work with complex
numbers, Bombelli found the casus irreducibilis had validity and introduced a notation, calling it
a “piu di meno,” for 1 and ―meno di meno” for 1 . He devised a table to explain his
meno di men via meno di meno fa meno (Bashmakovia & Smirnova, 2000).
Which means:
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1.
De Moivre (1667 – 1754) further extended the study of such numbers when he
numbers. His work is the subject of the mathematical portion of this paper, and his life is
Algebra. Employing a single axis with positive values to the right and negative values to the left,
Wallis constructed a circle with one end of the diameter AC at the origin and the other to the
right as a positive value. By then constructing similar right triangles within and about the circle
and tangent to the circle, he reasoned the geometric mean would hold true regardless of positive
AB x
That is for side lengths AB and PB or x AB PB regardless of the position relative
x PB
to the axis. While Wallis’ theories furthered the geometric image of complex numbers, they were
awkward and inconclusive (Nahin, 1998).
The Norwegian surveyor Caspar Wessel presented his visual interpretation of complex
numbers to the Royal Danish Academy of Science in 1797. Wessel described a complex number
a + bi, as point (a, b) on a plane consisting of a real axis and an imaginary axis (Nahin, 1998).
Sources attribute other brilliant men working in the field of mathematics, during the same
time period, with utilizing similar representations of complex numbers. Carl Fredrick Gauss
(1777 – 1855) relied upon a positional description of 1 , much like Wessel’s. According to
Paul J. Nahin, ―Gauss had been in possession of these concepts in 1796 and had used them to
dissertation, Gauss relied on this knowledge to prove that any polynomial with real coefficients
could be written as the product of linear or quadratic factors. Any such polynomial would then
have a solution contained in the set of complex numbers (Mazur, 207). This we now know as the
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Gauss is also attributed with the introduction of the term
complex number.
Leonhard Euler (1707 – 1783), a Swiss mathematician, refined the geometric definition
regular polygon in the plane. Euler also introduced the notation 1 i . He defined the
Isaac Newton once said, ―If I have seen further it is by standing on ye shoulders of
Giants‖ (Livio 101). While Newton’s word where likely a slight to his contemporary Robert
Hooke, it is certain that our understanding of complex numbers, or any other mathematical
Abraham De Moivre was born in Champagne France on May 26, 1667. He became interested in
mathematics at an early age and pursued mathematics intentionally in school and on his own. It
was De Moivre’s unfortunate luck to be born into a protestant family at a time when the ruling
monarchy was restricting religious freedom. He left France when he was 18, to live in London
where his luck would most decidedly change. He was eventually thrown into the company of
many brilliant mathematicians. Throughout his time in London he supported himself as a tutor.
Shortly after his arrival in London, De Moivre obtained a copy of Isaac Newton’s book
Principia. He studied Newton’s work intently even tearing out, and carrying pages of the book
so that he could study the work during spare moments. Tradition has it that De Moivre
eventually became such an expert on Newton’s work that Newton himself would refer questions
regarding Principia to de Moivre, saying, ―he knows more about it than I do‖ (Nahin 1998).
De Moivre met Edmond Halley in 1692. Halley took a paper written by De Moivre to the
Royal Society. Through this introduction De Moivre became part of the exclusive society where
men like Newton, Halley, Wallis and Cotes exchanged and clashed over ideas that were to
become the many of the founding precepts of mathematical theory today. He was elected to the
Royal Society in 1697. He was appointed to a commission in 1712 that would settle the battle
between Newton and Leibniz over the right to claim himself as the inventor of calculus. He of
De Moivre made many contributions to the field of mathematics, mainly in the areas of
or, a Method of Calculating the Probability of Events in Play. In 1725 De Moivre published a
published a formula in 1733 that approximated n factorial, n! cn n1/ 2en , where c is some
constant. Unfortunately De Moivre was not able to determine the value of c. Today the formula
De Moivre’s third publication in 1730 is the work that motivates this research,
Miscellanea Analytica. Here De Moivre tackles the important dilemma of the time, the
efforts of Roger Cotes. Essential to his work was a trigonometric representation of powers of
cos isinn cosn isinn. It is interesting to note that it was Euler and not De Moivre
tutoring. He was never able to attain an appointment to a chair at a university. In his latter years
he began to sleep more and more. It is reported that he predicted the day of his own death. After
observing his sleep time increased each day by an additional 15 minutes he calculated the
arithmetic progression until he would sleep forever. His calculations were correct. He died
Chapter 2 – Some Mathematics
The standard form of a complex number is a + bi where a is the real part of the number and b is
1 1.
that is when b = 0.
The set of complex numbers contains the set of all real numbers,
We apply the same properties to complex numbers as we do to real numbers. To be
considered equal, two complex numbers must be equal in both their real and their imaginary
components. That is to say, the numbers a bi c di are equal to one another if and only if
ac and b d .
Complex numbers have
the same additive identity as the real number system, namely
zero. The additive inverse of the complex number a + bi is abi abi thus
It is important to note that the sum or difference of two complex numbers can become a real
Because the complex numbers contain the set of real numbers, however, this fact does not
contradict the fact that the complex numbers are closed under both addition and multiplication.
These same properties hold for multiplication of complex numbers. Here we must rely on the
defined value i 1. Then for the complex numbers a + bi and c + di,
a b c d i a c
i d b ci d i i
a a ci b di b ci 2
a a ci b di b c1 d
a b ca di b di c
a b c a d b i d c
As the above
computation illustrates, we can also use the polynomial multiplication process
commonly called FOIL to multiply complex numbers. In order to find the quotient of complex
numbers we rely on the complex conjugate. The complex conjugate of a bi is the complex
number a bi, where the imaginary parts differ only by a sign and the product of the two is a
real number.
a bia bi aa bi bia bi
aa abi abi bbi 2
a 2 b 2 1
a2 b2
where the simplified value has no imaginary part in the denominator. Notice that, as a result, the
complex numbers are closed under division, as long as the divisor is nonzero.
We graph complex numbers on the coordinate system called the 'complex plane', where
the horizontal axis is the real axis and the vertical axis is the imaginary axis. On the complex
plane, every ordered pair or point (a, b) corresponds to a unique complex number a +bi.
The absolute value of a complex number is defined as the distance from the origin to the ordered
a bi a2 b2 .
If we construct a segment connecting any complex number on the plane with the origin,
then we will quickly observe that complex number operations share many similarities to
operations of vectors. The absolute value of a complex number is the same calculation as the
magnitude of a vector.
a bi a2 b2 v v12 v 22
When we add and subtract complex numbers graphically, it appears very much like vector
addition and subtraction.
While the multiplication of complex numbers does not match the process for any vector
operation, if we visualize the complex numbers as vectors, it is much easier to understand what is
occurring geometrically. On the graph below we see that the multiplication of complex numbers
magnitude equal to the product of the magnitudes of A and B. In addition, the angle formed by
the positive x-axis and C ac bd ad bc i is
equal to the sum of the angles formed by each
Operations with complex numbers can often become tedious and lengthy. Further discussion of
the multiplication and division of complex numbers necessitates the consideration of another
We can represent a complex number using trigonometry much like we represent vectors in
trigonometric form. We also call this representation the 'polar form' of complex numbers. Rather
than using a coordinate for the real part and the imaginary part, we use the absolute value of the
complex number and the directed angle from the positive x-axis or polar axis to the line segment
Then the parameters of the rectangular and polar form are related as follows:
2 2
r a b , and tan
so that z a bi rcos rsini..
Here r is called the modulus of the z and is called the argument. Unlike the rectangular
45 180 225 , or 225
Putting it all together, we have
5 5
z 2 2 cos225 isin225 or z 2 2cos isin .
4 4
We use trigonometric or polar form of imaginary numbers for several calculations
including multiplication and division of complex numbers, and for finding powers of complex
Given the complex numbers z1 r1cos1 isin1 and z2 r2 cos2 isin2 we find the
z1z2 r1r2 cos1 isin1cos2 isin2
r1r2 cos1 cos2 cos1isin2 isin1 cos2 i 2 sin1 sin2
r r cos cos 1sin sin isin cos cos sin
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
the formula for the cosine of the sum of two angles and the sine of the sum of two
Here we see
angles thus
z1z2 r1r2 cos1 2 isin1 2 .
We have a very easy calculation to find the product of two complex numbers. We simply
multiply the
modulii and add the arguments. This method is a much more efficient model of the
Given the same two complex numbers z1 r1cos1 isin1 and
Here we
see the formula for the cosine of the difference of two angles and the sine of the
z1 r1
cos1 2 isin1 2 .
z2 r2
Then for the quotient of two complex numbers we find the quotient of the modulii and the
difference of
the arguments.
In order to compute powers of complex numbers we must consider the process of repeated
z 2 rcos isinrcos isin r 2 cos2 isin2
z 3 r 2 cos2 isin2 rcos isin r 3cos 3 isin 3
As we continue to increase the power of z, we can see a pattern developing. This pattern is the
z n rcos isin r n cos n isinn.
r 22 22 8 2 2 , and tan 45 ,
Section 2.4 – The Proof of De Moivre's Theorem
To prove De Moivre’s Theorem, we use a simple proof by induction. Given a complex number,
z cos isin
Then given
rcos isin
r n cos n isinn
rcos isinrcos isin r n cos n isinn rcos isin
rcos isin
r n rcos ncos cos nisin isinncos sinnsin.
We then employ the use of the common trigonometric formulas for the sum of an angle for sine
and cosine,
sinx y sin x cos y cos x sin y and cosx y cos x cos y sin x sin y .
1 1
rn cosn isinn n .
r cos n isin n
Chapter 3 – Some Uses and Related Content
Potentially the greatest value of De Moivre’s work lies in the ability to find the n distinct roots of
we have p cos n isin n rcos isin.
So that implies that pn r and n , or p n r and .
Since both cosine and sine have a period of 2 , we have solutions to both sides of the equation
n , that is n 2k or with k 0, 1, 2, . . . , n 1.
If we let k = n then we repeat the solutions since and 2 are co-terminal
n n n
angles. Therefore for the positive integer n, we find n distinct nth roots of the complex number
w rcos isin by z r cos isin .
n n
Visually we see, on the complex plane, these solutions or nth roots lie on a circle of
radius n r , with n solutions evenly spaced at intervals.
Using this formula we can easily compute the third roots of 1. First we represent 1 as a
complex number, that is 1 = 1+0i. Then the modulus r 12 02 1, and the argument
tan1 0 , so we have 1 cos0 isin0.
0 2k 0 2k
Then for the third roots of 1 we have cos isin with k = 0, 1, and 2.
3 3
Then the roots are as follows,
cos0 isin0
2 2 1 3
cos isin i
3 3 2 2
4 4 1 3
cos isin i
3 3 2 2
For any set of nth roots of 1, the n distinct roots are called the nth roots of unity. These roots will
lie on the unit circle, as seen above, and complex solutions will occur as conjugate pairs.
Most any pre-calculus text will contain a chapter of sequences and series. As part of the unit of
sequences and series, students become familiar with arithmetic, geometric and power series. Two
familiar power series are those used to represent sine and cosine and the number e.
x3 x5 x7
sin x x ...
3! 5! 7!
x2 x4 x6
cos x 1 ...
21 4! 6!
x x2 x3 x4
e x 1 ...
1! 2! 3! 4!
Leonard Euler (1707 – 1783), a Swiss mathematician, derived a formula relating the three series.
Euler’s formula is e cos x isin x ,
i 2 x 2 i3x 3 i 4 x 4 i n1 x n1
1 ix ... ...
2! 3! 4! n 1!
x 2 ix 3 x 4 ix 5 x 6 ix 7
1 ix ...
2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7!
If we let x , then
e i cos isin 1 i0
ei 1 0 ,
an equation relating the five most important numerical constants in mathematics. This
encourages one to explore the question, ―How many mathematicians does it take to
screw in a light bulb?‖ The answer: ei which of course equals 1 (Weisstein).
Part Two:
School (OCHS) in Oregon City, Oregon. This class is a two-trimester class, Pre-Calculus A and
Pre-Calculus B, with a maximum of 35 students enrolled in each class. The student population
consisted of primarily juniors and seniors with just a few sophomores. At OCHS students are
required to earn a C or higher in Algebra 2 before they can take Pre-Calculus. Students are also
strongly encouraged to take a one-trimester Trigonometry class before taking Pre-Calculus B but
it is not required. As one of the two instructors teaching Pre-Calculus at OCHS, I taught 3
sections of Pre-Calculus A during fall trimester, and 3 sections of Pre-Calculus B during winter
roster changed from fall to winter with about 60% of the students I taught in the fall returning for
The student population of Pre-Calculus A and B comes with a wide variety of skill levels.
During the first few weeks of Pre-Calculus A students spend time reviewing topics from Algebra
2 including graphing equations by hand and with the calculator, solving equations graphically
and algebraically, and solving inequalities graphically and algebraically. It is not unusual to find
students who are unfamiliar or have great difficulty with point-slope form of a line, factoring to
solve, completing the square to solve, and the domain and range of functions. In Pre-Calculus B
we have students who have taken Trigonometry and can solve right triangles with confidence
while other students struggle to make sense of SOH CAH TOA. It can be challenging to find
meaningful lessons and activities that meet the needs of this diverse group of learners.
The following lessons are taken from the textbook PRECALCULUS WITH LIMITS A
GRAPHING APPROACH, Third Edition. Ron Larson, Robert P. Hostetler, Bruce H. Edwards.
The lessons were taught over the two-trimester time period but not as one continuous unit. There
is a curriculum map already in place at OCHS and within the math department there are strong
feelings towards maintaining the pacing calendar and section order developed by previous
For this research project Lesson 1, Complex Numbers, and Lesson 2, The Fundamental
Theorem of Algebra, were taught during Pre-Calculus A, during the sixth or seventh week of the
trimester. They were lessons from the second chapter of the textbook titled Polynomials and
Rational Functions. Lesson 3, The Complex Plane, was taught in Pre-Calculus B during the
seventh or eighth week of the winter trimester, and was an extension of the Complex Numbers
section from the second chapter of the textbook, and the section on De Moivre’s Theorem, with
This lesson followed a vector unit from chapter 6, Additional Topics in Trigonometry,
and preceded the lesson on De Moivre’s Theorem, also from chapter 6. Graphing complex
numbers was not part of the Pre-Calculus A curriculum. Therefore it was assumed that students
would have no prior knowledge of the complex plane or graphing complex numbers. It was also
a good opportunity to review complex numbers. Lesson 4, Polar Coordinates, from the tenth
chapter, Topics in Analytic Geometry, directly followed the Complex Plane lesson and provided
students with a more detailed rationale for De Moivre’s Theorem. Lesson 5 and 6, De Moivre’s
Theorem came from chapter 6, the same chapter as the unit on vectors.
It is important to note that students had several weeks worth of experience with
trigonometry by the time they were exposed to De Moivre’s Theorem. These students had been
practicing Radian and Degree Measure, Trigonometric Functions and the Unit Circle, Right-
Using and Verifying Trigonometric Identities, Solving Trigonometric Equations, and working
with several formulas such as the Sum and Difference, Multiple-Angle, and Product to Sum
formulas. They had also spent several days using the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines.
These were difficult topics for many of these students, more so for those that had not taken the
trigonometry by the time De Moivre’s Theorem was taught. This was the culminating
trigonometric topic covered in Pre-Calculus B. The next chapter was Conics and students were
Activity 1 Lesson Plan – Basic Operations of Complex Numbers
Subject: Mathematics
Content/Topic: This lesson is an introduction to the imaginary unit i, and it’s use in writing
complex numbers in standard form. Students will learn how to add, subtract, and multiply
complex numbers, and how to use complex conjugates to divide complex numbers.
Content Objectives: Students will be able to recognize and write complex numbers in standard
form. They will be able to perform basic operations of complex numbers, including the use of
complex conjugates.
Language Objectives: Students will be able to use the following terminology correctly:
imaginary unit i, complex numbers, complex conjugate.
Required materials:
SMART Board lesson including definitions and examples from PRECALCULUS WITH
Complex Number Operations worksheet #1
Time Allotment: Allow approximately 25 minutes for the lesson. The included assessment will
require 30 – 40 minutes depending upon student skill level.
Activity 1 SMART Board Slides - Operations of Complex Numbers
Slide 1
Slide 2
Learning Objectives:
1. You will be able to recognize and write complex numbers in
standard form.
Slide 3
Slide 4
Slide 5
Slide 6
Slide 7
Complex Conjugates:
For a + bi the complex conjugate is a - bi
(1 + i)(1 - i)
(2 + 3i)(2 - 3i)
Slide 8
Slide 9
Activity 1 - Complex Number Operations
Write the complex number is standard form.
3i 2 i 75
1.) 3 9 2.) 3.)
Perform the addition or subtraction and write the result in standard form.
4.) 4 i 7 2i 5.) 11 2i 3 6i
6.) 7
18 3 3i 2 7.) 13i 14 7i
3 7 5 1
8.) 22 5 8i 10i 9.) i i
4 5 6 6
Find the product of the number and its conjugate.
14.) 4 3i 15.) 3 i 2
Perform the division and write the result in standard form.
6 4
16.) 17.)
i 4 5i
8 7i 1
18.) 19.)
1 2i 4 5i2
2 3i5i 21.)
2 3i 2i 2 i
Activity 1 – Basic Operations of Complex Numbers (Teacher Version)
Activity 1 – Basic Operations of Complex Numbers (Student Work)
Reflection on Activity 1
Students were curious about the origins of complex numbers. I had several students ask
why another number system was necessary. A handful of students had already used complex
numbers and formed negative opinions regarding their use. I find that students seldom spend
time learning how the various sets of numbers, natural integer, rational, irrational, and real
numbers are related. Prior to pre-calculus there is little time spent teaching complex numbers let
alone that the set of complex numbers contains all other sets of numbers. For most students the
actual calculations were easy but the idea of another number system was more then they wanted
to think about.
Since this lesson was only introductory, it was process oriented and little time was spent
exploring the uses of complex numbers. Students found the process of adding and subtracting
very easy. I related this process to combining like terms in an algebraic expression. Once we
discussed the strategy for multiplying complex numbers using FOIL, this became an easy
calculation. Division was more difficult. About half the class comprehended the concept of a
conjugate and cleared complex numbers out of the denominator with ease after a few examples. I
used the phrase, ―You don’t want i’s on your bottom‖ to catch their attention and help them
remember to complete this process. It seemed to be effective. I usually relate this to not wanting
The last three problems of the activity worked well spawning several conversations
between students regarding the apparent patterns for computing powers of i. I was pleased with
this response. I love to see students discussing patterns in mathematics and I enjoy hearing the
Activity 2 Lesson Plan – The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Subject: Mathematics
Content Objectives: Students will be able to use the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (FTA) to
determine the number of zeros of a polynomial function, and then find these zeros or roots,
including complex solutions.
Language Objectives: Students will be able to use the following terminology correctly: FTA,
linear factorization, roots—zeros—solutions, irreducible.
Required materials:
SMART Board lesson including definitions and examples from PRECALCULUS WITH
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra worksheet #2
Time Allotment: Allow approximately 40 minutes for the lesson. The included assessment will
require 50 – 60 minutes to complete depending on student skill level.
Activity 2 SMART Board Slides – The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
Both of these theorems are referred to as existence theorems.
They don't tell you how to find the zeros or solutions.
For that you rely on:
Quadratic Formula
Rational Zero Test
Synthetic or Long Division
Slide 5
Slide 6
Slide 7
Slide 8
Slide 9
Slide 10
Activity 2 –The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
3.) ht t 3t 2t 3it 3i 4.) hm m 42 m 2 4im 2 4i
Find all the zeros of the function. Is there a relationship between the number of real zeros
and the number of x-intercepts of the graph? Explain.
5.) f x x 3 4 x 2 4x 16
Find all the zeros of the function and write the polynomial as a product of linear factors.
Use your graphing calculator to verify your results graphically.
6.) f x x 3 3x 2 15x 125 7.) hx x 4 6x 3 10x 2 6x 9
Find all the zeros of the function and write the polynomial as a product of linear factors.
Use your factorization to determine the x-intercepts of the graph of the function. Use your
graphing calculator to verify your results graphically.
8.) f x x 2 12x 34 9.) f x x 3 11x 150
Find a polynomial function with integer coefficients that has the given zeros. (There are
many correct answers.)
12.) 4, 3i, 3i
13.) 6, 5 2i, 5 2i
Write the polynomial (a) as the product of factors that are irreducible over the rationals,
(b) as the product of linear and quadratic factors that are irreducible over the reals, (c) in
completely factored form.
Use the given zero to find all the zeros of the function.
Function Zero
16.) f x 2x 4 x 3 7x 2 4 x 4 2i
17.) hx 3x 3 4 x 2 8x 8 1 i 3
Graphical Analysis: Use the zero or root feature of a graphing calculator to approximate the
zeros of the function accurate to three decimal places. Determine one of the exact zeros and
use synthetic division to verify your result. Find the exact values of the remaining zeros.
Activity 2 – The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (Teacher Version)
Activity 2 – The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (Student Work)
Reflection on Activity 2
The second SMART Board was useful since it provided students with a concepts map to
help them think through the various sets of numbers. I noticed that many students drew the ven
diagram and referred back to it later. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra seemed insignificant
to most students but they frequently made mention of the Linear Factorization Theorem when
talking to one another. They reminded each other that there were ―n solutions‖ to an equation
they were working with. When finding solutions of polynomials students were most likely to rely
on their calculators. This of course was the fastest way to find solutions but I had hoped some
complex conjugates. They then wondered why their neighbors were getting results with a higher
leading exponent, or they wondered what to do with the i left over when they multiplied terms
Most students found the terminology ―irreducible over the rationals‖ or ―irreducible over the
reals‖ very confusing. With continued practice the factoring, and writing linear factorizations
became easier. However for several students it was a formulaic process with specific clues at to
when to write irreducible over the rationals or reals without understanding why.
Problem number 15 was a good opportunity to review long division and it provided
students with an example of a polynomial that was factorable but had no rational solutions.
The last problem gave students a chance to examine how the position of a graph is altered by the
constant term and reinforced the concepts of zeros as solutions and set the stage for the graphical
Activity 3 Lesson Plan – Complex Numbers and the Complex Plane
Subject: Mathematics
Content/Topic: This lesson is an introduction to the complex plane. Students will learn how to
plot complex numbers given and real axis and an imaginary axis. They will also learn to find the
absolute value of a complex number.
Content Objectives: Students will be able to plot complex numbers on the complex plane and
find the absolute value of a complex number.
Language Objectives: Students will be able to understand and use the following terminology:
complex plane, real axis, imaginary axis, and absolute value of a complex number.
Required materials:
SMART Board lesson including definitions and examples from PRECALCULUS WITH
Graphing Complex Numbers worksheet #3
Time Allotment: Allow approximately 20 minutes for the lesson. The included assessment will
require 20 – 25 minutes to complete depending on student skill level.
Activity 3 SMART Board Slides – Complex Numbers and the Complex Plane
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
Slide 5
Slide 6
Activity 3 – Complex Numbers and the Complex Plane
Express each complex number as an ordered pair and then graph each number on the
complex plane.
1.) 3 4i 2.) 4 i
3.) 3 3i 4.) 4i
5.) 2 6.) 4 2i
Calculate the absolute value of each number and then graph each number on the complex
9.) 2 2i
10.) 2 2i
11.) 3 i 3 12.) 5 i 5
15.) 5 5i 5
18.) 6 i 3 2i
Activity 3 – Complex Numbers on the Complex Plane (Teacher’s Version)
Activity 3 – Complex Numbers on the Complex Plane (Student Work)
Reflection on Activity 3
Students found this lesson very easy and were expecting more difficult work. They
adapted quickly to graphing on the complex plane. Several students commented on the
similarities between finding the absolute value of a complex number and finding the magnitude
of a vector. The only portion of this activity that gave students trouble was with calculations
when a or b was a radical. Here I think it was how to graph a radical, and the look of a radical
Students needed prompting with the process for the last three questions. Once I suggested
using a process similar to adding vectors they all were able to complete these exercises.
When I teach this unit again I will change the directions for problems 1 – 6 to be more specific. I
was looking for an ordered pair to identify the location. Notice that the student work I have
included shows these ordered pairs with a value for the vertical coordinate that includes an i.
Activity 4 Lesson Plan – Polar Coordinates
Subject: Mathematics
Content Objectives: Students will be able to plot and find multiple representations of points in
the polar coordinate system. Students will be able to convert points from rectangular to polar
form and vice versa.
Language Objectives: Students will understand and be able to use the following terminology:
polar coordinate system, polar axis, pole,
Required materials:
SMART Board lesson including definitions and examples from PRECALCULUS WITH
Polar Coordinates worksheet #4
Polar Graph paper for students to take notes on
Time Allotment: Allow 30 – 35 minutes for the lesson, and 40 – 45 minutes for students to
complete the Polar Coordinates worksheet #4.
Activity 4 SMART Board Slides – Polar Coordinates
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
Slide 5
Slide 6
Slide 7
Slide 8
Slide 9
Slide 10
Activity 4 – Polar Coordinates
Find the corresponding rectangular coordinates for the given polar points.
1.) 4, 2.) 1,
2 4
Plot the point given in polar coordinates and fin three additional polar representations of
the point using 2 2 .
2 5
3.) 4, 4.) 5,
3 3
3 3 7
5.) , 6.) 3,
2 2 6
Plot the point given in polar coordinates and find the corresponding rectangular
coordinates for the point.
7.) 4, 8.) 18,
3 2
Plot the given rectangular coordinates and find two sets of polar coordinates for the point
for 0 2 .
9.) 7, 0 10.) 3, 4
Activity 4 – Polar Coordinates (Teacher Version)
Activity 4 – Polar Coordinates (Student Work)
Reflection on Activity 4
Students had only minor problems plotting any given polar coordinate. However, most
struggled with finding additional polar coordinates describing the same point. Note problem #4
in the student version of the activity. This student, like most, had trouble visualizing a rotation
from the positive pole in the counterclockwise direction to a co-terminal angle. Every student
had trouble finding the angle units away with a negative r-value. I found the best way to help
students think through this process was with a physical example. I would stand ―on the pole‖
with my arm extended and say ―I am pointing at the pole, or the positive x-axis‖. Then I would
rotate my body units clockwise. I would describe that I was now facing this direction
and then take 4 steps out to the location. I would then repeat this process rotating in the
counterclockwise direction . I would describe how I was facing opposite the location
desired and so would take 4 steps backwards, represented by a negative value. For some reason
this practice of physically moving to demonstrate the process seemed to help more students grasp
the process of finding additional representations. Maybe it was just funny to watch their teacher
Converting polar coordinates to rectangular was an easy process for students. Converting
rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates was more difficult. Students had trouble with
inverse tangent function value when the rectangular coordinates were in the 2nd and 3rd quadrant.
I asked students to make a quick sketch of the point in rectangular coordinates. Then we
discussed the inverse tangent function and its range. We would discuss the value of the inverse
tangent function and how it related to the actual point. It took working through both problems
before students began to see that they needed to add or subtract to find the correct angle. I will
lesson but rather an introduction to the concept. With practice about half of my students could
convert a basic equation from rectangular to polar. The reverse was much more difficult.
Activity 5 – Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number
Subject: Mathematics
Content/Topic: This lesson is designed to instruct students on how to re-write complex numbers
in polar form. Students will then learn to multiply and divide complex numbers in polar form.
Students will use De Moivre’s Theorem to find powers of complex numbers. Finally, students
find nth roots of real and complex numbers.
Content Objectives: Students will be able to write complex numbers in polar or trigonometric
form. Students will be able to multiply and divide complex numbers in polar or trigonometric
form. Students will be able to use De Moivre’s Theorem to find powers complex numbers and
nth roots of real and complex numbers.
Language Objectives: Students will understand and be able to use the following terminology:
trigonometric form of complex number, modulus, argument, De Moivre’s Theorem, nth roots,
and roots of unity.
Required materials:
SMART Board lesson including definitions and examples from PRECALCULUS WITH
Products and Quotients of Complex Numbers in Trig Form worksheet #5a
De Moivre’s Theorem and Nth Roots worksheet #5b
Time Allotment: Allow two class periods to complete this lesson. On the first day allow 25 – 35
minutes for the lesson and 40 – 45 minutes to complete the worksheet #5a. On the second day
allow 30 – 35 minutes for the lesson, and 40 – 45 minutes to complete worksheet #5b.
Activity 5a SMART Board Slides – Products and Quotients of Complex
Numbers in Trigonometric Form
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
Slide 5
Slide 6
Slide 7
Slide 8
Slide 9
Slide 10
Slide 11
Activity 5a - Products and Quotients of Complex Numbers in Trig Form
Represent the complex number graphically, and find the trigonometric form of the
3.) 5 5i 4.) 3 i
2 1 i 3 6.) 8i
7.) 7 4i
Represent the complex number graphically, and find the standard form of the number.
8.) 2cos120 isin120 9.) cos 330 isin 330
3 3 3 3
10.) 3.75cos isin 11.) 4cos isin
4 4 2 2
Perform the operation and leave the result in trigonometric form.
12.) 3cos isin 4cos isin
3 3 6 6
5 2
14.) cos140 isin140 cos60 isin60
3 3
7 7
cos isin
4 4 18cos54 isin54
18.) 19.)
cos isin 3cos102 isin102
9cos20 isin20
5cos 75 isin 75
You have in your notes the proof for multiplying complex numbers in trigonometric form.
Use a similar process to prove the following.
Given two complex numbers z1 r1cos1 isin1 and z2 r2 cos2 isin2 , z2 0 ,
z1 r1
Prove that
2 r2
cos1 2 isin1 2 .
Activity 5a - Products and Quotients of Complex Numbers in Trig Form
(Teacher Version)
Activity 5a - Products and Quotients of Complex Numbers in Trig Form
(Student Version)
Activity 5b SMART Board Slides – De Moivre’s Theorem and Nth Roots
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
Slide 5
Slide 6
Slide 7
Slide 8
Slide 9
Slide 10
Activity 5b – De Moivre’s Theorem and Nth Roots
Use De Moivre’s Theorem to find the indicated power of the complex number. Express the
result in standard form.
1.) 1 i3 2.) 1 i10
3.) 2 3 i 4.) 3 2i5
5 5
5cos20 isin20
5.) 6.) cos isin
4 4
Use the Complex Root Theorem to find the indicated roots of the complex number and
then represent each of the roots graphically. Express the roots in standard form.
4 4
9.) Fourth roots of 16cos isin
3 3
5 5
10.) Fifth roots of 32cos isin
6 6
Use the Complex Roots Theorem to find all the solutions of the equation and represent the
solutions graphically.
13.) x4 i 0
14.) x 5 243 0
15.) x 3 64i 0
Activity 5b – De Moivre’s Theorem and Nth Roots (Teacher Version)
Activity 5b - De Moivre’s Theorem and Nth Roots (Student Work)
Reflection on Activities 5a and 5b
Students had some difficulty with the process of re-writing complex numbers in trig
form, particularly with values in quadrants 2 – 4. Students were not confident with their
knowledge of the range of the inverse tangent function. They were reluctant to plot an imaginary
number and then use the location of that point to visualize an approximate angle of rotation from
the positive x-axis. When faced with an angle from the tangent inverse that seemed incorrect
students were confused and unsure whether to add 2 or in order to obtain the angle, which
terminates in the 2nd or 3rd quadrant. With repeated instructions to consider which quadrant the
Students had little trouble with the process of multiplying and dividing once a complex
number was converted to trig form. Students had little trouble with the process of De Moivre’s
Theorem. They enjoyed having a series of clearly defined steps to work through, rather than the
ambiguity of proving trigonometric identities. There was very little interest in the proof of this
The process of finding roots was almost as easy for students as powers. I expected
students to have more difficulty with finding nth roots of equations such as x 4 i 0 . Most
students were quick to find the first root with the formula for roots and then found multiples of
complex number in trig form if there was no imaginary part. For example if the equation to solve
was x 5 243 0 they had trouble visualizing the point on the complex plane.
Student learning would have improved greatly with an additional class period of lecture and
Final Reflection
While it was with some trepidation the curriculum for this class was re-ordered and
complex numbers and vectors. It was surprising to find that with practice, students were quite
regarding the need for another number system throughout the lessons, until they began to find
nth roots of equations. Here not every student came to see the purpose for complex numbers but
many did, and a handful even seemed to grasp the elegance of our number system where rules
stay true and values hold despite the addition of an imaginary unit.
along with graphing on the complex plane. However, it would be necessary to review these
concepts along with instruction on the absolute value of complex numbers prior to writing
complex numbers in polar or trig form. The textbook gives very little precedent for writing
complex numbers in polar form and the section on polar numbers comes four chapters later.
Students are likely to question what they are being taught. It was helpful to provide students with
a more thorough understanding of polar coordinates before turning to complex numbers in their
Finally, if there were one over-arching element to change for these lessons on complex
numbers, De Moivre’s Theorem, and nth roots, it would be to have more time for each lesson
and more time for student practice. Students felt pushed to perform without feeling confident in
their understanding. There was not time to introduce any of the history of complex numbers,
student learning. Student disbelief at the need for an additional number system was an ongoing
topic of conversation throughout these lessons. Perhaps insight would be gained through learning
even some of the history of the complex number system and the great mathematicians that
Bashmakova, I. & Smirova, G. (2000). The beginnings & evolution of algebra. (A.
Shenitzer). Washington DC: Mathematical Association of America.
Larson, R., Hostetler, R., & Edwards, B. (2001) Precalculus with limits a graphing
approach, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Mazur, B. (2003) Imagining numbers: (particularly the square root of minus fifteen), New York:
Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Merino, O. (2006). A short history of complex numbers [Abstract]. Retrieved October 12, 2010
from the World Wide Web:
Nahin, P. (1998) An imaginary tale: the story of 1 , New Jersey: Princeton University
Weisstein, E. Euler formula, MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource. Retrieved October 12, 2010
from the World Wide Web: http: // html